
--- Log opened Thu Mar 13 00:00:30 2014
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eudoxiaalan grimes is just paranoid some posthuman is gonna try to forcefully upload him06:03
eudoxiahe's been ranting about this for 15 years06:03
eudoxiabut i didn't know he'd written a paper about it06:04
kanzurearchels: don't drop him a line, wtf06:05
kanzurearchels: AlonzoTG was hard enough to get out of here the first time, don't invite him back06:05
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kyknospaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2285627807:35
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eudoxiapaperbot http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/11575801_19.pdf07:36
paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='link.springer.com.sci-hub.org', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: //content/pdf/10.1007/11575801_19.pdf (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 628, in send)07:37
eudoxiapaperbot http://apps.isiknowledge.com.libproxy.unm.edu/full_record.do?product=WOS&colname=WOS&search_mode=RelatedRecords&qid=1024&SID=1BFE94Ekeg2KHDJkJJ8&page=2&doc=1307:38
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kanzurelibproxy.unm.edu wont work07:38
kanzurethrough paperbot07:39
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kyknospaperbot http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2285627807:41
eudoxiawhat a shame07:41
eudoxiawell i'll just roll my own duplicate detector07:42
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kanzurejrayhawk: what's wrong with apt-get on gnusha? :\ i was trying to get xsltproc but i'm encountering errors with "apt-get update" related to public keys.08:33
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cluckjpaperbot http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/cr068123a08:56
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eudoxia>Plotting the cumulative probability gives 50% chance for WBE (if it ever arrives) before 2059, with the 25% percentile in 2047 and the 75% percentile in 2074. WBE before 2030 looks very unlikely and only 10% likely before 2040.09:08
kanzuredepends on what your definition of "whole" is09:10
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jrayhawkkanzure: you'll need to apt-get install debian-archive-keyring every once in a while09:41
kanzurethank you09:41
kanzure"The following extra packages will be installed: libc6"09:42
jrayhawkI think you're on a 32-bit userspace and it's probable I installed libc6-i686 instead at some point.09:42
kanzureshould i avoid installing libc6?09:43
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jrayhawkin theory it should be Provided by libc6-i686, but it's not a big deal either way.09:49
kanzurehmm now it wants to restart basically everything :|09:51
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Nerioreplaced this today10:06
Nerioits install date was 190910:06
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kanzurehow is sshd restarted without impacting existing connections?10:19
jrayhawkI'd always assumed it was cleverly passing file descriptors around, but I've never really looked into it.10:22
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ZhwaziI thought it forked a new process to handle each incoming connection11:42
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ParahSailinZhwazi: hm confirmed11:45
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kyknospaperbot www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09593330.2011.610827?journalCode=tent20#.UyIIQU1IwZk12:35
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streetyDoes anyone understand how http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/healbe-gobe-the-only-way-to-automatically-measure-calorie-intake can measure glucose? The blood pressure claim is also dubious but it's the glucose I really don't follow15:29
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chris_99haven't looked at it, but there a lots of cheap glucose meters you can buy, but iirc you need to take a small blood sample15:32
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streetyyeah a glucose reading from a drop of blood is no issue. The claim is measuring glucose through the skin by impedance15:36
streetyyou can also get continuous measurements using a sensor inserted under the skin. I'm just not sure about the accuracy of a system that doesn't have that level of access15:38
cluckjI'd say it's bogus15:40
cluckjthe amount of glucose in cells doesn't have much to do with how much you eat or expend calories15:40
cluckjin normal bodies the level of glucose stays about the same all the time15:41
cluckjthere's some research into non-intrusive (i.e. doesn't break the skin) glucose monitoring, and it relies on some pretty weird science that has nothing to do with impedance15:42
streetyYeah, the calorie intake part is nonsense. At best it might tell you when you have eaten and the glycemic load of those meals. I was more interested in the measurement of glucose. I think I have previously seen some of that research. Utilizing the rotation of polarized light if I remember correctly15:47
cluckjI think that at best it might tell you when you've eaten...not how much or anything useful15:49
streetyThere seems to be an increasing number of these devices making increasingly dubious claims15:49
cluckjthe polarized light thing kind of works15:51
cluckjI was looking at their info and you have to 'prepare' the sensor site by scraping a bunch of skin off15:51
cluckjthen it works pretty well under extremely controlled conditions for a little while15:52
streetyare there other techniques you know about? That's really the only one I've come across15:53
kanzurei wonder if anyone has rigged up something for saliva expression15:54
kanzurehrm "Gene silencing in mosquito salivary glands by RNAi"15:54
kanzureno.. "Transformation of an oral bacterium via chromosomal integration of free DNA in the presence of human saliva"15:55
kanzurenot quite "Robust salivary glandā€specific transgene expression in Anopheles stephensi mosquito"15:55
kanzurewrong gland "GFP expression in the mammary gland for imaging of mammary tumor cells in transgenic mice"15:55
kanzurewelp i'm confused. i thought there would be some biomarker from the bloodstream that gets dumped into saliva output.15:56
cluckjthere's the transdermal GOx stuff that's pretty common (I have one inside me right now), the IR stuff, there's experiments with immunofluorescent dyes, the creepy 'pull glucose through your skin' watch15:58
kanzurethat oral bacterium one is pretty cool: "These findings are discussed in relation to the potential for acquisition of DNA sequences, including genetically modified DNA, by gut and oral bacteria."15:58
cluckjsaliva, eye juice15:58
kanzurethere's one for saliva?15:58
cluckjI think so15:59
kanzureproblem solved?15:59
cluckjit probably sucks because people have to like...eat15:59
kanzurei could imagine a snap-on tooth cap that you could bust out of your mouth15:59
kanzureor just use a poorly fitted retainer15:59
streetythanks cluckj16:06
cluckjno problem16:06
cluckjall those glucose monitoring systems need calibration with a blood sample a few times per day to keep them accurate16:07
cluckjthat's why the impedance once seems like such snake oil :)16:07
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streetypaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00441-014-1810-317:46
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streetyAwesome. I really shouldn't need paperbot, but it is so incredibly convenient17:53
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kanzurestreety: don't you have access anyway? :)17:55
streetyyeah, even from home access should be trivial. I'm using the wrong link for the proxy or some other issue and paperbot is right here seducing me with it's beautiful interface17:57
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kanzure"do one thing well" (5% of the time)18:10
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kanzurehuh my wikipedia user id is 9588318:17
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streetyis that significant?18:25
kanzureto be honest i'm no tsure18:25
kanzure*not sure18:25
Adifexhow do you find that out, kanzure?18:25
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Export User:Xyz18:26
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kanzurecluckj: do you know chris kelty?20:56
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cluckjyeah, we met a couple times21:40
cluckjhe was on my friends' dissertation committee21:40
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kanzurecluckj: just want the inside scoop on him21:51
kanzurecluckj: i've run into him often but in weird ways21:51
kanzurei used to know him because of transhumanism reasons but then he got into diybio21:52
kanzurei don't recall disagreeing with him about anything ever, which is unusual21:53
cluckjI don't know what happened to him and diy bio stuff...I haven't seen/heard anything out of him21:53
cluckjhe's a good anthropologist :)21:53
cluckjI think he put out an article about the biohacker conference he put together21:58
kanzurei bcc'd you on an email i just sent to him22:01
cluckjis that a new article of his?22:02
kanzureturns out it is an older one.. 200522:03
cluckjoh wow22:03
cluckjbefore his book22:03
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cluckjhe seems like a good dude, my friend liked working with him22:05
cluckjand his book is excellent22:06
kanzureagreed, but sometimes i wonder if he just wrote it to pander to me22:07
kanzureusing quotes from eugen leitl? come on, i have to be like the only person on earth that likes eleitl.22:08
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cluckjI tried working through his idea of recursive publics with regard to diy bio but the stuff isn't there, yet22:10
cluckjI've seen some things happening at genspace that might fit if given some time22:10
kanzurerecursive publics is closer to kk's idea of genetic information of civilization in libraries22:10
kanzureand something about replicating libraries of tools or something22:11
kanzurethat stuff.22:11
cluckjit's also about replicating the social and political contents of the spaces that created them22:12
kanzurenobody infected me i'm pretty sure my knowledge is entirely the result of brain damage and reading too many emails22:13
kanzure(okay maybe not true.. hard to say.)22:13
cluckjyou do enough F/OSS stuff to be at least a carrier for it :P22:14
kanzureeh nevermind, i don't have a good comment on "replicating the social content"22:14
cluckjwell, it's like when someone uses a f/oss tool they're enrolled in its upkeep22:15
kanzureif programmer culture was the zombie plague then i would expect to see very different growth curves22:15
cluckjand participate in the community, even if its submitting crash reports or something22:16
kanzuredo you know the history of how visa came to be?22:16
cluckjthe credit card?22:16
kanzurebitcoin matches a lot of those organizational ideals in that article22:17
kanzureand has a much stronger growth rate than the hypothetical programmer zombie plague (it's an actual zombie plague)22:17
cluckjso that's why you're dumping your cryptocurrency? :P22:18
kanzurealigning incentives22:19
kanzureif you guys all die i'm fucking doomed (at least more than i might already be)22:20
cluckjtrying to be patient zero, or at least typhoid mary22:20
kanzure"was forcibly isolated twice by public health authorities and died after a total of nearly three decades in isolation."22:21
kanzurewtf is this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoid_Mary22:21
cluckjokay bad metaphor22:22
cluckja little aberrant22:22
kanzurealso i've been using this in production for some backends for various applications i'm writing,22:24
kanzureit turns out that this is a somewhat not totally broken way of managing a cluster of services22:24
kanzureand is essentially infection22:24
cluckjlooks viral22:25
cluckjbut that's what I mean by typhoid mary22:27
cluckjthe more people have btc, the more will be 'invested' in it22:27
cluckj(which is what really matters for a currency)22:27
cluckjit's not?22:32
kanzureit is weird to me that everyone has very stringent definitions of currency22:32
kanzureno, it's just weird that, years ago, economicists were telling me "yeah, basically everything is shit"22:33
kanzureand now i see a reversal "nope; we suddenly have a collective understanding of economics, and bitcoin does not qualify for anything under economics at all, nope"22:33
cluckjthat's a goofy notion22:33
kanzures/everything/everything in economics22:33
kanzurewhether or not it is a currency does not physically stop me from transferring it from my account to someone else.. so i guess i don't care.22:34
cluckjif people are willing to trade this set of numbers with no intrinsic value for some good and services...it's kind of a currency22:34
cluckjerr goods22:34
cluckjbut I am no economist22:34
kanzurebitcoinonomist.. something like that.22:35
kanzure16:36 <+sbp> call d the distance from Karpeles to your code22:45
kanzure16:36 <+sbp> d**e is the success of your code, where e is the base of the natural logarithm22:45
kanzurehis code was terrible22:48
cluckjwasn't mt gox for trading magic cards to start with?22:49
kanzureonly in name, there's a convoluted history of source code22:50
kanzureby "history" i mean hearsay because there was never any version control22:50
kanzureor testing22:50
kanzureor employees22:50
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