
--- Log opened Mon Apr 14 00:00:39 2014
archels`paperbot: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0899022060070076800:00
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archels`norepinetree: me and another fellow are building a safer, open-source tDCS kit00:06
kanzuresafer than what00:06
archels`every single DIY kit on the web00:07
archels`but thebrainstimulator.net in particular00:07
cpopellwonder how far out we are from home tcus00:07
kanzure"how far" what does that even mean00:08
kanzurejust build it00:08
norepinetreelike, how long until00:08
kanzureuntil you stop waiting00:08
kanzureyeah let's just sit around like a bunch of jackasses and demand that someone makes transcranial ultrasound equipment for us00:09
kanzurethat'll fucking work00:09
cpopellI hardly demanded it00:09
kanzureit was more of an implied demand00:09
kanzure"how long until" is basically "when is someone going to do it for me"00:09
kanzurethere are some schematics in there somewhere00:10
cpopellNot really. I'm curious when it will hits hobbyists like tcds is now00:10
cpopellI speculate this about plenty of things, as much as that frustrates you.00:10
kanzurebecause you could just as well be speculating about any other thing you haven't built yet, like homebrewed semiconductors00:11
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yottabitkanzure: yeah, still getting paid00:17
yottabitit's pretty nice, working from home most days00:18
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kanzure20:52 < [\\\]> jgarzik, how large is the new bootstrap.dat?00:23
kanzure20:52 < jgarzik> 17G00:23
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kanzurepedantry: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/401500:29
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chris_99paperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11416-008-0086-001:38
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juulpaperbot: http://glycob.oxfordjournals.org/content/4/6/837.long01:53
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chris_99does anyone know of an application i can throw pdfs into per chance, and tag with bibtex04:29
chris_99that's open source04:29
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mosasaurchris_99: Maybe calibre? It can at least output a catalog in BiBTex format. http://manual.calibre-ebook.com/gui.html04:40
chris_99i'll have a look04:41
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mosasaurI've been trying to interest people in something I call "Cage Theory" for some time now, but with little success so far. In fact I had kind of given up on it, here's one example of a comment I didn't even bother to post: https://www.privatepaste.com/d87b3a4a8305:07
mosasaurBut then I read this: http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/04/11/going-loopy/ which kind of gave me new hope for this theory, so there I go.05:08
mosasaurEven though I think the slatestarcodex post is too specific (focusing on disorders) and doesn't go into reasons for why things would be like this even for Artificial intelligences.05:10
mosasaurBy the way: Hi all ;-)05:11
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kanzureeudoxia: extropians@gnu.ai.mit.edu was a pay-to-subscribe list09:31
eudoxiakanzure: is that why you were asking for backups yesterday?09:33
kanzuresomeone was asking me for backups09:34
kanzureso i've been uploading the content i raided from max more's house:09:34
eudoxiawas it someone trying to find satoshi09:34
eudoxiai mean, once you've exhausted the crypto ML, why not go for tangentially-related ones09:34
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kanzurewei dai posted to extropians at least a few times09:35
kanzure"The original focus was Libertarians. Do you expect freebies from hardcore Libertarians?"09:36
eudoxia|Eugene Leitl wrote:09:38
eudoxia|> I've never seen a definite answer to a recurring pet idea of mine: to09:38
eudoxia|> (transiently) stellify Jupiter by means of a nuke detonated in its09:38
eudoxia|> metallic (or at least somewhere deep enough where hydrogen is09:38
eudoxia> sufficiently dense) hydrogen layer.09:38
eudoxiai guess eleitl used to be a lot less apocalyptic and more optimistic in the past09:38
kanzurehe's best thought of as a large fluffy cat09:39
eudoxiait's funny, there are mentions of synaptic imaging being around the corner and a "Near Earth Asteroid prospector" thing09:44
eudoxia20 years ago was just like today but with bulkier computers!09:44
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eudoxiathe mosasaur was such a badass dinosaur10:10
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FourFireeudoxia, yeah I find it strangely sad11:00
FourFirelike there was this large group of amazing people, and sometime between then an now they left earth, forever11:00
kanzurewell, by "amazing" you mean, they sent emails11:01
kanzurekeep it in perspective11:01
FourFireor they all died mysteriously, and now people like me go looking around in old archives11:01
FourFireyeah, well, had amazing thoughts11:01
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FourFiredidn't really do much with them, as far as i can see11:01
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eudoxiayeah, that's a shame11:02
eudoxiaat least alcor happened, that's something11:03
kanzurelet's not promote email worship11:03
kanzureby comparison the number of projects that have passed through this channel is overwhelmingly crippling compared to a pile of emails11:03
kanzurecould be better11:05
eudoxiakanzure: alcor?11:06
kanzureno i mean the non-email uh, phone call one sec11:07
kanzureaww it was a spamcall11:07
kanzurehow disappointing11:08
kanzureno i mean hplusroadmap project stuff could be better11:08
kanzurelike, more of them11:08
kanzure"superscience" huh there's a word11:09
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eudoxiawhy more when there's basically no-one working on eg skdb, nanoengineer11:10
kanzurebecause skdb is a bad implementation11:11
kanzurenanoengineer is also poorly implemented and on top of that is not actually helpful even if it was well-implemented11:11
eudoxiai agree with the NE thing11:11
kanzureskdb has a lot of monolithic design in it11:11
eudoxiawhat do you mean skdb is a bad implementation though?11:11
eudoxiaor, rather, what would you redo better?11:12
kanzurethe design is a result of a poor understanding of the nature of hardware and bootstrapping-manufacturing11:12
kanzureif i had a better understanding of bootstrapping-manufacturing crossed with package management then i would be able to make a less monolithic design and split it into separate aspects11:13
kanzurehowever, i don't11:13
kanzurebootfacturing heh11:14
eudoxiaso you're saying it wouldn't be useful in the real world because it's built on a wrong understanding of manufacturing?11:14
kanzurereally the problem of moving matter and energy around to get reliable tools is a constraint optimization problem11:14
kanzurebecause you can make cnc machines from parts you order from whatever supplier but also from scrap metal you find and then proceed to forge with11:15
kanzurei'm saying it's not useful at the moment because the design is wrong11:15
kanzurethis specification is not enough to make useful hardware packages:11:16
eudoxiait is a little abstract11:16
kanzureabstraction isn't itself bad11:17
kanzurebut say you have a thousand defined packages11:17
kanzurenow what11:17
eudoxiai don't understand though why you were trying to do 3d part fitting11:18
kanzurebecause you could find packages that satisfy the same constraints even if they are something "else"11:18
eudoxiabecause skdb felt to me like a fairly abstract dependency manager, but then that feature constrains its operation to 3d lego-like stuff11:18
kanzurehardware is applied to other materials and matter11:18
kanzureso there's always a physical interfacing11:19
kanzuremaybe you don't have a foobar but you have a foobaz laying around that satisfies the requirements11:19
eudoxiabut describing some interfaces in formal terms could easily get too complex11:19
kanzuresuppose that there's no interface/port coordination in the package specification11:20
kanzureso you have a thousand packages for various bits of hardware11:20
kanzurenow what11:20
eudoxiai don't mean "remove interfaces"11:20
kanzureno, it'sfine11:20
kanzurei'm more interested in the other conversation11:20
kanzurewhat is the actual incentive to make packages or have packages at all?11:21
kanzurepeople make software packages so that they can install their software on their computers in a way that doesn't involve them manually repeating everything11:21
kanzureand in a way that is standardized for all pieces of software on their computer11:21
kanzurebut the incentive for hardware packaging doesn't seem to be there11:21
eudoxiawell, even without completely formal and automated interfaces, software packaging could still be used to produce human-readable instruction manuals11:22
kanzuredunno if instruction manuals are compelling, especially since nobody has been able to demonstrate that11:23
kanzureplus, there's a lot of knowledge in manufacturing that is trapped in human brains that only gets out in long-form text11:23
kanzurei.e., you can't wait for all that knowledge to be built into the abstractions itself11:23
kanzureso unfortunately i predict that only manually-written documentation will work11:24
eudoxiathat makes sense11:28
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kanzurethere's a bunch of products from dassault for flexcells and factories11:37
kanzurethat do automatic assembly things11:37
kanzurebut it requires a bunch of engineering effort that i don't see incentives for others to perform11:37
kanzureunless they are being paid11:38
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kanzureeudoxia: so "you get to sit around writing lots of documentation, or programming lots of documentation", there's not much compelling the interest of a user13:54
eudoxiakanzure: certainly not to the *writer* of packages, and of course the *reader* has no incentive to use it over regular manuals13:55
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kanzurewell that leaves basically nothing14:09
eudoxiai suppose14:11
kanzurethe benefit is something like "for people like transhumanists that need to take advantage of a pile of lots of technology that they probably couldn't realistically figure out on their own with their available time"14:19
kanzurebut that's only a very highly/weirdly altruistic motivation14:19
eudoxiai would have said extremely niche14:19
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kanzureblah stop leaving14:49
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kanzurephased array speaker system http://people.ece.cornell.edu/land/courses/ece4760/FinalProjects/s2012/tcj26_ecs227/tcj26_ecs227/index.html16:16
kanzure"For our ECE 4760 final project, we designed and built an array of 12 independently-controllable speakers to implement an acoustic phased-array system. The system samples a standard audio input signal at approximately 44.1 kHz, and then outputs this signal to each of 12 speakers, each with a variable delay. The idea behind a phased-array is that by changing how the speakers are driven the angle of the maximum intensity of the output wave can ...16:16
kanzure... be shifted."16:16
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xentracwhat are the limits on phased-array beamforming gain?16:28
xentracI'd think that if you have a phased array of 10 points, the best you can do is about 20dBi, no?16:28
kanzuresuperkuh: ping, i think you might know these things16:29
xentracsince the best you can do is to have the peaks from all 10 speakers arrive at a point at the same time, so the peak will be 10× higher than the peak from any one speaker, or 100 times the power, or 20dB16:29
kanzureisn't there a loss over distance16:29
xentracnot relevant16:29
kanzureor atmosphere16:29
xentraceventually, but we can ignore that for now16:30
xentracI guess that's actually only 10dBi since the 10 peaks arriving at random times still give you 10dB higher than if you just had one speaker turned on16:30
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FourFireok, thatæs interesting: what's it for?17:31
kanzureyou're asking what sound shaping is for?17:33
kanzurepretty difficult to do that by flapping your hands17:34
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xentracFourFire: imagine a speakerphone that other people in the same room can only barely hear, without echo17:49
FourFireso, it's *directed* sound17:50
xentracimagine it tracks the position of your head and focuses the sound on your ear, and filters the microphone inputs so that sound that comes from your mouth has 20dB or 30dB gain over other room sounds17:50
xentracbecause phased array microphones work the same way as phased array speakers17:50
FourFireah I see the source speakers in the array don't even need to be audible, but the point of focus is17:50
FourFirethat is useful17:51
xentracwell, with only 12 speakers, the gain is only 10dB17:51
xentracbut if you had 1000 speakers, you could do 30dB, I think17:51
FourFire10 is 300% though right?17:51
xentracno, 1000%17:52
xentracand if you had a million speakers, like a plasma monitor has a million lamps, you could do 60dB, I think17:52
xentracwhich would be enough under many circumstances to make a sound that was inaudible from nearby, but audible far away, and is quite difficult to achieve with simple parabolic reflectors17:53
xentracconsider also that you could use a system like that to map out your environment with sonar.17:54
xentracif you had a million microphones instead of a million speakers, you could make a picture of your environment by sound sources: bright lights where a sound source is found or reflected, and without losing the ability to finely analyze the spectrum of each pixel17:55
xentracthis is basically how the Allen Telescope Array works, but in radio rather than audio17:55
xentraclooking at the sky17:55
xentracnow, a million microphones at 44.1ksps/16bps is 700 gigabits per second, so this is probably not a device someone will build for a few years yet17:57
xentracbut it's a more advanced form of the anti-submarine warfare systems that have been deployed for decades17:58
cpopellxentrac: this is how I specced out the detection system for next-gen LCIWS18:04
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cpopell14 TB/s video feed18:06
cpopellfor anti-seaskimming laser CWIS18:06
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cpopelllaser close in weapon system18:12
xentracso you want to use phased-array detection... of lasers?  I'm not totally sure18:14
cpopellah, I was thinking more the parallels in huge quantities of data18:14
cpopellphased-array optical stuff might be going on blimps some time soon18:14
entelechiosyeah those advertisement systems which target only certain people which were being researched were pretty funny18:16
entelechiosdirectional sound18:16
entelechiossounds like a recipe for mental illness18:16
xentracyeah, I think those were supposed to work by another method18:17
xentracultrasound (which is easy to make directional) being converted into audible sound by nonlinear acoustics inside your ear canal18:17
entelechioshmm ultrasonic neuromodulation18:18
entelechiosi wonder what kind of advances are being made in that right now behind the DARPA curtain18:18
cpopellentelechios: look at their FY2015 budget request18:18
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entelechiosthese guys used to have a super soldier helmet prototype right on their site18:18
entelechiosits disappeared18:19
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entelechiosgood call cpopell18:19
cpopellI'll have a scraped and structured version in 4-5 months.18:19
entelechiosso you work in defence research, or were you speccing out something you're not really connected to?18:19
cpopellentelechios: I used to work in defense research, but mostly I'm interested in the dynamics of tech growth and forecasting and figuring out ways to know where things are going ahead of time18:20
entelechiosany thoughts on advances in photonic computing18:21
cpopellaccording to http://www.itrs.net/Links/2012ITRS/2012Chapters/MtM%20WG%20entirereport_final.pdf, I'd suggest looking at Strategic Research Agenda of the Photonics 21 platform, and Photonik 2020 Research Agenda18:22
cpopelltl;dr I haven't closely examined it yet.18:22
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xentrachmm, what time is the lunar eclipse?18:25
entelechiosdepends on where you are18:26
entelechiosi'm in costa rica but have been told conflicting information18:27
entelechioskinda cloudy here...18:27
xentracI'm in Buenos Aires18:27
xentracbut I'm pretty sure it happens simultaneously worldwide :)18:27
entelechiosi think you're out of the zone18:27
xentracor very nearly simultaneously18:27
entelechiosso for me about 10-11pm18:28
entelechiossounds like it's going to be going for a while too damn18:28
entelechiosguess im going out tonight18:28
xentracthat map makes it look like it'll be visible at moonset18:29
xentracwhich is basically sunrise18:29
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entelechiossays here different time starting at EDT18:30
entelechioslike much later18:30
entelechiosi am confused still but eh whatever18:30
QuantumGwhat'd I miss?18:30
entelechiosnothing yet, a lunar eclipse tonight if you're in the zone18:30
entelechiosbtw thanks for the links cpopell18:31
QuantumGheh, I meant in the last 3 years of not being on this channel.18:32
entelechiosuhhh hmmm whats notable... that laurie love guy going to jail was pretty wtf18:33
entelechioshe was indicted cause of shit he said in here18:33
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QuantumGyeah, I was bitching to kanzure about his irc logs around the time that happened.18:34
* entelechios waves to the googleable future18:34
QuantumGspeak of the devil, how's it goin' kanzure.18:34
kanzurei'm sorry for running you out18:35
QuantumGya did? I don't even remember it.18:37
xentracentelechios: nsh is in jail now?18:38
kanzureirony police finally caught him18:39
kanzure(i don't actually know. he was around a day ago or so.)18:39
xentracyeah, his client was in here earlier today18:41
entelechiosoh cool it does seem hes not locked up then18:43
kanzureyeah, wrong country etc18:43
entelechioslol @ the "i have the assburgers plz dont send me to jail" defense though18:45
entelechiosgary mckinnon did that too18:45
entelechiosif my lawyer told me to try and pull that off, i'd fire him18:45
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cpopellentelechios: if you find a consistent metric you want to track for photonics (which I sorta doubt), might be worth seeing if it has a consistent doubling time18:58
kanzurecpopell: the only consistent way to predict the future is to invent it18:58
kanzurecpopell: reality is highly constrained by what is technically possible18:58
entelechioscpopell: nah not really lol18:59
entelechiosi just know things are going to become even more interesting when those become commonplace19:00
xentrac21:56 < kanzure> cpopell: reality is highly constrained by what is technically possible19:01
xentracthat's what I thought before I went to Burning Man19:01
cpopellkanzure: doubling times are often consistent19:01
xentrachttp://prog21.dadgum.com/191.html talks a bit about how little video games are constrained by what is technically possible19:02
QuantumG.. and more tightly constrained by how people are allowed to find funding.19:02
xentracAll of these designs could have been discovered thirty years ago, but they weren't. Think about that; someone could have come up with Jetpack Joyride's objective system in 1984, but they didn't. Ten years later, they still hadn't."19:02
xentracQuantumG: well, or more generally, what the social relations around technical possibilities happen to be at the moment19:03
entelechiospossibility is a mental construct constrained to imagination, probability is another story19:03
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kanzurexentrac: burning man isn't magic, just not made up of idiots19:27
kanzurexentrac: i'm primarily trying to make sure cpopell doesn't turn into ray kurzweil19:29
kanzureray did some equipment about 400 years ago and is now living off of his portfolios19:29
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entelechiosno, now he's living on stringing people along on thinking he's going to live forever19:41
entelechioswhen secretly he's on his last few years of life, and to have that go out would mess with plans19:41
kanzurenow add more conspiracy theory19:45
entelechiosnah i got a cryptocurrency prediction proposition betting pool in the works with his death in there19:46
entelechiosgive me about a month before its released19:46
kanzureisn't that just a poorly implemented assasination market19:46
kanzurei think you mean yes19:46
entelechiosi think i mean jokes19:46
entelechiosbut this has been done before by like19:47
entelechiosa corporation19:47
entelechioson obama19:47
entelechiosproposition bets are super funny stuff19:47
entelechiosInitially Ireland's largest bookmaker refused to pull down the odds.  The bookmaker rejected calls to withdraw the controversial offer, claiming it was a nonsense to suggest that their stance could actually encourage anyone to go out and try to kill Mr Obama.19:51
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* dingo giggles20:35
dingoits good to have pokecrystal up front you know20:35
dingokeeps the spy agencies guessing20:35
dingoamazing how your code commits are so regularly done20:36
dingoi don't commit so aggresively as you20:36
dingoyours are like dipped clearly during sleep (3am-8am) lunch, dinner, and midnight20:36
dingoi've got a pretty clear dip at the 6pm hour too... though i'm not sure how correct that is, most of my public commits were in EST5EDT, now i live in PST, dunno20:37
dingoworking with kanzure must be like working with a carmack20:39
dingoa young carmack, anyway, hehe, somebody works at oculous and it ain't kanzure20:39
dingobut his typing speed & productivity is something to strive for20:40
kanzuredingo: http://www.quantumg.net/carmack_takes_bishop.php20:40
kanzurecarmack sent me hate mail20:40
dingoi recall20:40
dingonice title though20:40
kanzurefor some reason these sites often list me as "top 1% asm"20:41
kanzurewhich is worth approximately.. nothing.20:42
dingoi have to agree with him at some level, regarding OSS20:42
dingoopenbsd has a "shutup and hack" motto, they don't go around blah-blah-blahing like gnome projects etc. do20:42
kanzureoh sure, he's not really too wrong20:42
dingoi interviewed somebody who felt short on a lot of things, but did claim to write some kind of checksum serial # thing @ vmware, so i he ranted about the bitwiser ops, so i said "what is... any number, .. say... 3,000 xor 3,000" anad he aanswered "I don't know, i'd have to look it up" :-)20:44
dingoN xor N == 020:44
dingoso he ranted, rather20:44
dingoi don't get to chose programmers to interview, they just happen, but its strange working in irc/mailing list/github and seeing such great competency vs. what i talk to on phone/meet in the interview room20:45
kanzurethat company is going to generate a new type of folklore20:45
kanzurei hear you're back to live editing production20:45
kanzureby hear i mean i am pretending in my head20:46
dingoi've seen a lot worse, anyway.. sometimes i say very clearly, this person should not work here, and some weeks later -- look, they just started ;-)20:46
dingonaaw something came directly from the top not to allow such anymore20:46
kanzurei probably wouldn't pass your interview btw20:46
dingonaw of course you'd do fine20:46
dingojust having github acct. does a lot for you vs. the others20:47
dingoi evaluate folk by the 'extra' effort and interests20:47
dingoif i asked you what new languages you'd like to learn and why, you'd probobly talk my ear off20:47
dingoi get answers like "Scala", "Why?" "i know nothing about it... but people talk about it a lot in the office ..."20:48
kanzure"lisp, so that i may redeem my immortal soul"20:48
dingohey man, learn hy :-) then you can re-use your python20:48
kanzurei definitely want a javascript/python replacement that isn't stupid20:48
dingohttp://www.1984.ws:8888 == https://gist.github.com/signalpillar/910776120:48
dingoits lisp + python == hy20:49
kanzuredoes it just translate to python, or is it an actual interpreter?20:49
kanzurei absolutely hate python's package management (well, lack of)20:49
kanzurenpm/commonjs/harmony-stuff is looking great but then you have to use js20:49
dingosee 16:30 for 5-minute lighting talk, http://julien.danjou.info/blog/2013/lisp-python-hy20:50
kanzurerequire() is pretty nice overall20:50
dingoit works with pdb and everything20:50
kanzureif it fixes packaging and has clojure-style docstrings, i could be convinced20:50
kanzurewell, not just packaging but also importing. importlib ain't enough.20:51
kanzureor it's wrong. i'm not sure which.20:52
dingoin 2002 it was mind blowing for me20:52
dingotoday kindof a pita20:52
kanzurerequire() gives you nice things like http://browserify.org/20:52
dingodunno if you've chatted with devzero lately20:56
dingoseems to be some push internally to make me become his position here20:56
dingosome kind of leader of newbs20:56
kanzureany engineering going on?20:57
dingoi tried to express the "real devloper life cycle" means they'll just burn me out21:01
dingothe same way they've burned him out21:01
dingothey seemed kindof bummed that i'm not gullible enough to take it on21:01
dingo"Oh boy! I'd be happy to be slave-driven! Yay!"21:01
dingoi fear the next time hey threatens to quit, they will say "go ahead", and he will, and they'll make me take his place, but i'll quit, too.21:01
dingonobody wants to work in mediocracy21:01
dingoit'll downard spiral from there21:01
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dingoslowly implementing lin's 4-mo old vision, yes21:01
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dingothere is push to complete the "new architecture" by july from business21:01
kanzurehah mediocracy21:01
kanzurewell, at least you know your plan21:02
dingoat least it isn't a cat-photo sharing site21:02
kanzureyep, it's a special variant: enterprise cat-photo sharing21:02
kanzuremulti-tenant cat pic sharing21:03
dingocat-picture entitlements21:03
kanzurei was a little surprised that my salesforce demo fell on deaf ears21:03
kanzuremaybe it was the wrong crowd21:03
dingoyeah that was a little off wasn't it21:04
dingoi tell you the bigwig here, whatever his name is, the one with the austrailian accent or whatever, i saw his eyes light up, he seemed geniunly impressed21:04
dingohe didn't make such a reaction as the others21:04
kanzurewell i figured if i was going to leave, and that was the most enterprise place i've worked, why not crank it up to 100%? :)21:04
kanzureoh well.21:05
dingoi think the lower wigs pushed against having you win the constent because you too blatently(?) appealed to the gimmick it is -- to appease the higher ups, no idea really21:05
kanzureof course it's a gimmick21:05
kanzureit was called gimmick day21:05
dingooh we began one worse -- end of sprint, we all demo our work in <5 minutes time21:05
dingotalk about dog and pony show21:05
dingojust began that last friday21:06
kanzureoh wow21:06
kanzurejust run the tests.21:06
dingonot too interested in the valuating my stock options as i once was. its a time game now, we'll see how long it plays out21:07
kanzureif i was to do anything in that market,21:07
kanzurei think it would be something about load balancing21:08
kanzureput the load balancer on each node in the cluster21:08
kanzurethen you have distributed fault tolerance and load handling21:08
kanzurealso some company can definitely have a competitive advantage with libcloud/jclouds if anyone bothered21:17
dingoi'm pretty sure i'll open the newspaper and see we were beat to the competition any day now21:18
dingoi wish it were the alan kay days21:19
dingoyou could spend 5 years and lots of money on good research21:19
kanzurei don't think research is the bottleneck. just engineering..21:20
kanzureand not the warm body style21:20
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kanzureirc logs from #extropy 2002-2003 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/extropy.log22:33
kanzure2002-06-14 15:04:08 < AlonzoTG> An Eliezer-triggered singularity would probably be worse for me than one triggered by some other researcher.22:34
kanzurepretty funny to see the same trolls were around back then22:34
kanzurethe same schizophrenic trolls, even22:34
kanzurealso #sl4 logs http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/sl4.log22:39
justanotheruserIs what an eliezer triggered singularity? The wiki for eliezer leaves me not understanding the relation22:39
kanzurehuh? it's referring to the person in the channel, eliezer yudkowsky22:41
justanotheruser"Known for: 'Friendly AI', Harry Potter fan fiction"22:43
kanzureyeah, he's disappointing22:43
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kanzurehaha hkhenson was in #evol-psych back then22:46
justanotheruserSeems like he's doing some interesting work Yudkowsky's most recent work is on decision theory for problems of self-modification and Newcomblike problems22:46
kanzure#transinst #immortal #wta  #vbc #22:50
cpopelloh man, this is a 23 year old AlonzoTG22:51
justanotheruserkanzure: are you implying you don't like him because he's a futurist?22:51
kanzurei don't like eliezer because of a number of reasons, but the primary one is that i just don't agree with his big scary ai idea. i agree that intelligent agents can do terrible things, but i don't agree it's necessarily an interesting observation.22:52
kanzure25 MB immortality institute logs from #immortal http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/immortal.log22:53
ParahSailinactually he just hate ponies22:53
kanzure2002-06-24 01:51:42 < Michael> Michael (darkvegeta@ACC2D4D7.ipt.aol.com) has joined #immortal22:55
dingoi was pretty obnoxious in 2002 also22:55
dingooh aoil.com22:55
kanzurei keep forgetting that michael anissimov was calling himself darkvegeta26@aol.com22:55
kanzurein my eyes darkvegeta26 almost completely redeems him22:55
dingothats pretty disreputable22:55
cpopellI was going to ask, heh22:55
cpopellif it was Vassar or Anissimov22:56
dingoin 2002 i think you could still ping the pattern +++ATH0 and knock an aol'r offline22:56
kanzurevassar ain't street smart like that22:56
kanzureever since i learned that nick i keep thinking of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJI9sA5RJWs22:57
cpopellthis heaven guy looks like a fun troll22:57
kanzure2002-06-24 13:08:36 < AlonzoTG> Eliezer doesn't want to be immortal; he wants to be uploaded.22:58
kanzure2002-06-24 13:08:38 < AlonzoTG> !!!22:58
kanzurei like how !!! took him an entire two seconds22:58
kanzurethat's how serious he was22:58
kanzure2002-06-24 13:21:35 < nrv8> "I think my efforts could spell the difference between life and death for most of humanity,"22:58
kanzureoh man22:58
cpopell2002-08-31 18:36:15 < heaven> IM HEAVEN GENIUS OF NEW MEXICO22:59
kanzure2002-06-26 15:09:07 < AlonzoTG> I used to pick on eliezer's ego.23:03
kanzure2002-06-26 15:09:18 < AlonzoTG> he banned me beacuse I didn't have anything interesting to say.23:03
kanzure2002-06-26 15:09:36 < AlonzoTG> and I was in full-panic mode about being uploaded.23:03
kanzureyou know, at least he's consistent23:03
kanzurehe's presently banned from this channel for the exact same reasons23:04
kanzure2002-06-26 15:54:11 < Eliezer> Eliezer says, "Not unless the Singularity actually happens in the next 10 years."23:04
cpopell2002-09-28 11:30:12 < Eliezer> there is some Japanese TV, unlike American TV, that is not absolute abject trash23:05
kanzureanime geek23:05
cpopellhuh, Hal Finney23:07
kanzurewhich log are you reading?23:07
kanzure2002-06-28 12:58:38 < nrv8> but at this point i see everything that isnt singularity related as a waste of time23:07
kanzure2002-06-28 12:58:48 < Eliezer> Eliezer says, "And so it is.  :D."23:07
kanzuredamn look at how expertly he does cult building23:07
kanzurei'm so ashamed23:07
kanzureof my lack of skillz23:07
cpopellirc #lesswrong is more cult of gwern than cult of Eliezer23:08
kanzuresure, it could be worse23:08
kanzure2002-06-29 17:53:13 < Eliezer> Eliezer hands Michael_Away a badge reading 'Everything I need to know in life I learned by killing smart people and eating their brains.'23:12
-!- kyknos__ [~kyknos@] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:12
dingolunar eclipse started, bit hazy23:13
cpopelltoo many clouds out23:13
dingowhere i am, anyway23:13
cpopellhere :(23:13
ParahSailini can see the moon from my house23:13
dingoyou can tell its brighter behind the clouds, but the clouds kinda negate it23:13
dingolol @ ps23:13
* ParahSailin does what he can to keep the name apropos23:14
ParahSailinshes probably not going to run for prez again, so my joke name is quickly depreciating23:14
kanzurestart a rumor that she's been hanging out in a certain irc channel23:14
kanzurewith that kid that hacked the federal reserve23:14
kanzureand missile defense agency23:15
ParahSailinwho replaced all the gold in fort knox with bitdoge?23:15
cpopell2002-07-14 07:13:06 < Eliezer> I was predicting the stock-market bust since 1994 :)23:15
kanzurewelp time for a #sl4 markov chain bot23:19
kanzure2002-07-03 16:53:40 < Uthnapishtim> What time frame do you see for the emergence of human equivalent AI?23:22
kanzure2002-07-03 16:53:53 < Michael> 2007-201523:22
Viper168ParahSailin, there's always Hairllary Cliton23:30
-!- EnLilaSko [EnLilaSko@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:57
--- Log closed Tue Apr 15 00:00:40 2014

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