
--- Log opened Wed Apr 16 00:00:41 2014
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AdifexWhat is this, sheena?01:06
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sheenabc's new 'not enough gp' solution01:10
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* xmj looks around08:58
kanzurebeen a while08:58
xmjheh, right08:58
xmjweren't you the one with the copy of the entire google plus db?08:59
ParahSailini dont think he has that many hard drives08:59
xmjer, play08:59
xmjParahSailin: invited me here as i was asking him for a channel with cool folks, but less dickheads than #lesswrong.09:01
kanzuresounds reasonable09:01
kanzurealthough i'd hate to end up being known as lesswrong209:02
xmjyeah that's not a cool reputation to have.09:02
QfwfqWhat's wrong with #lesswrong? I would like to make it better, but I'm not sure how best to.09:02
xmjnothing per se. i find the attitude of most people self-selcting for rationality quite ... annoying.09:03
QfwfqSo kick all of the horses who won't self-identify. Got it.09:03
kanzureit might be beneficial to have a mental model other than "everyone is a pony"09:03
eudoxiaall that stuff about eternal authoritarian happiness is a little creepy sometimes09:04
kanzurexmj: i built hplusroadmap based on the idea that many of transhumanist technologies are actually practical to build and use09:05
xmjlaunching singularity, eh?09:05
kanzurenot necessarily09:05
kanzurei make no claims about that09:05
kanzureit's a bummer that i don't lie through my teeth?09:06
xmjHi everyone, I'm xmj, an I'm a masochist Unix neckbeard.09:06
* xmj chuckles09:06
eudoxiaxmj: so what transhumanist technologies are you most interested in09:07
xmjexocortices, mate. if i could hook up my brain directly into the web (or even upload / fork my self) that'd be awesome.09:08
kanzureso what does direct mean09:09
kanzuredo microelectrode arrays count?09:09
xmjas long as i don't have to move muscles to get there09:10
xmjwhat about you guys?09:13
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xmjinteresting, got any good python code around?09:15
kardanI like your social clause about being responsible for the outcome of technology to some extent.09:15
kanzurekardan: go fuck yourself and die09:15
kanzurekardan: if i didn't like you before why would you continue to think a presence in here is okay09:16
kardanwhen will you stop that undergraduate behaviour?09:16
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ09:17
xmjkardan: nothing undergraduate about insulting people09:17
kardanmaybe you earned some tolerance09:17
xmjtheo de raadt and linus torvalds do it all the time.09:17
@kanzurewhat part of asking someone to die is an insult09:17
kardanit's so silly09:17
@kanzureyes and you're very polluting09:18
kardanI try not to09:18
@kanzurelast time we talked, you claimed i was killing people because i didn't like you enough09:18
xmjso the proactionary principle is just Ayn Rand restated.09:18
xmji like that09:18
@kanzurexmj: it's not ayn rand related, it's stolen from max more09:18
@kanzurexmj: or, it's not intentionally ayn rand related09:18
kardanayn rand is ok if it WOULD be rational09:19
-!- kardan was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [kardan]09:19
xmj"It's not about who is going to let me, it's about who is going to stop me"09:19
xmj^ Rand09:19
xmjsame logic09:19
xmjdon't ask for permission, do09:19
@kanzurei would say that is orthogonal logic09:19
@kanzureit's more like "if everyone is waiting for someone else to do it, then it wont happen"09:20
@kanzureand the proactionary principle is specifically a response to the precautionary principle that committees often employ09:20
-!- kardan [~kardan@kite.riseup.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:20
@kanzureand these committees are often stuff like, uh, bioethics boards or something09:20
kardan.. but maybe you don't get the difference09:20
@kanzurewhere they think that because you have a home biology lab, you're going to kill the human race09:20
@kanzure<-- purportedly a "bioterrorist"09:20
@kanzurekardan: pls stay gone09:20
-!- fireprfHydra [~fireprfHy@ool-4356bfd0.dyn.optonline.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:22
chris_99when you can sequence pneumonic plague at home, then maybe we should be a bit more worried?09:23
@kanzurejust because you can't presently sequence it doesn't mean i haven't09:23
chris_99and have you?09:23
@kanzurethat's for me to know and you to complain about09:24
@kanzureif your threat model can be destroyed by "people knowing the sequence to various plagues" then i suggest having a better threat model09:25
@kanzurethere's already many natural viruses and bacteria that are very devastating, even without human intervention09:25
@kanzureand it turns out thta the response to natural viruses and plagues etc is exactly the same as the response to human-created plagues09:25
chris_99no i know it's easy to get hold of the sequence09:25
@kanzureyou're not going to filter your air any less just because it was man made or not09:26
chris_99i'm just thinking maybe when sequencers are more commonly available etc., then maybe terrorists etc. would make use of them.  I don't think theres anything that you could realistically do to stop that from happening09:26
@kanzureum, bad actors can make use of them even if they are uncommonly available09:27
@kanzurethat's the stupidest statement i've heard you make, ever09:27
chris_99true, i think naturally the likelihood of someone using them naturally increases though, if they're more easily available.09:28
xmjits the same logic obama uses do forbid drugs and guns.09:28
xmjit's really working well.09:28
@kanzureobama forbids guns?09:28
chris_99news to me09:28
xmjtries to..09:28
@kanzurefood should also be forbidden because it could be eaten by bad actors09:28
@kanzureit is "dual use"09:28
xmjworse, it can make you fat.09:29
@kanzurethe worst terrorism09:29
xmjwhile we're at it.. bad actors breathe.09:29
caternobama banned burgers, too https://warosu.org/data/lit/img/0031/52/1353091591577.jpg09:29
@kanzurejust because we hope that viruses don't happen isn't a good reason to not have good security models09:30
@kanzureindependent of whether or not a virus comes from a bad actor or from nature, you're still just as vulnerable to the same attacks09:30
@kanzurethe focus should not be on trying to pretend that nobody knows how to make dna sequencers and dna synthesizers09:31
@kanzurebut rather on equipment and tools to make you less vulnerable to chemical and biological warfare09:31
@kanzurewhether "artificial" or "natural"09:31
chris_99mm true09:32
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eudoxia02:34 < kanzure-> one of my monitors is always showing who is accessing my site.09:39
eudoxia"oppresively colossal"09:39
chris_99can anyone recommend any cheapo trinocular microscopes per chance?09:45
chris_99..or at least one you can shove a camera on09:45
mosasaurQfwfq: I'm really sorry about #lesswrong, but what can one do against eternal september?09:45
eudoxiaare you really sure the problem is eternal september?09:46
mosasaureudoxia: It's an euphemism for young people who engage in signaling contests09:47
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cluckjdamn I go afk and all this fun happens09:52
@kanzurei don't think young people are the problem10:01
cluckjit's just all people?10:02
eudoxiais it bronies?10:02
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chris_99is it possible to mutate the DNA viruses easily, so vaccines don't work?10:03
chris_99*of viruses10:03
@kanzurechris_99: take a look at directed evolution10:03
@kanzureeudoxia: the pony fixation doesn't seem to help10:03
@kanzurecluckj: sure i'd much more readily say all people before i'd say young people10:04
@kanzurecluckj: in my head i'm, like, 1210:04
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@kanzurecluckj: i have recovered some historical logs from #extropy #sl4 #immortal etc10:05
cluckjanything interesting?10:06
@kanzurecluckj: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/irclogs/10:06
@kanzurebunch of the oldfolks were on that irc server- max more, natasha vita-more, eliezer yudkowsky, hal finney, michael anissimov, etc10:06
@kanzuresome of the same trolls that inflict this channel too (AlonzoTG)10:07
@kanzurebut now i have to wonder why they have never bothered visiting here10:07
@kanzurethey didn't seem like the irc types (except eliezer, who i knew was in #sl4)10:08
cluckjtoo busy with the irl trolling, I supppose10:08
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eudoxia< MichaelA> Heck, Newt Gingrich (former speaker of the house) told us to stay tuned for nano in 15 years or less, I believe10:10
eudoxiaah, youth and innocence10:10
* xmj reads backlog10:11
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chris_99what's the maximum no. of base pairs a sequencer can roughly do?  i just read something that say it's ~1 mil, is that roughly right10:17
@kanzureshort fragments, then you use software to assemble the full sequence10:17
@kanzureshort fragments have traditionally been <500bp each, sometimes 20bp10:18
chris_99is that called ligation, i forget? where you join them10:18
@kanzureligation is where you join two fragments of dna10:19
@kanzureinto a physical molecule10:19
chris_99ok, so could someone theoretically at least synthesis the plague, which seems to be 4.6 mil. base pairs, or is that too difficult at the moment10:19
@kanzurethey could synthesize it if they try pretty hard10:20
@kanzurebut then there's the additional problem of getting it into an appropriate virus capsid10:20
@kanzurewhich plague is this? are all plagues bacterial?10:20
cluckjwhy would you even want to do that10:20
cluckjplague bacteria are endemic10:21
chris_99i wouldn't want to do that, i was just wondering if it's possible10:21
@kanzureoh okay, well for bacteria obviously the virus capsid comment doesn't apply, but you do need a cellular chasis that takes the genomic data10:21
cluckjcraig venter printed out an entire genome, so sure it's possible if you have millions of dollars and dozens of scientists, and a well-equipped lab10:22
@kanzurehis work wasn't just about printing a genome10:22
@kanzureonce you synthesize the dna you have to do something with it. it doesn't just spontaneously turn into a cell.10:22
eudoxiait's hard to grep for mentions of eugen in the logs because it keeps matching 'eugenics' :>10:23
chris_99kanzure, is it the shape of the capsid that would roughly allow the immune system to detect it? or is it something else10:23
cluckjeudoxia, I bet they talk a lot about that :P10:23
eudoxiahuh i didn't know AlonzoTG was a 9/11 truther10:27
cluckjlol how old are those logs10:27
eudoxia< AlonzoTG> I only watch Jon Stewart and Anime.10:28
eudoxia< AlonzoTG> Everything else is a waste.10:28
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cluckjoh dear10:29
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@kanzureParahSailin: what was the full set of problems with the gfp plant kickstarter project?10:55
ParahSailini thought it was a luciferase plant10:56
@kanzurei don't even remember10:56
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nmz787_i1problems or challenges?10:58
cluckjanyone heard any progress about their plants?11:00
ParahSailinthat kickstarter got canceled11:00
@kanzurenot challenges11:01
@kanzurei specifically mean the scammy parts11:01
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@kanzurehttp://lesswrong.com/lw/jgz/aalwa_ask_any_lesswronger_anything/ap84 "I do have some early role models. I recall wanting to be a real-life version of the fictional "Sandor Arbitration Intelligence at the Zoo" (from Vernor Vinge's novel A Fire Upon the Deep) who in the story is known for consistently writing the clearest and most insightful posts on the Net. And then there was Hal Finney who probably came closest to an actual real-life version ...11:06
@kanzure... of Sandor at the Zoo, and Tim May who besides inspiring me with his vision of cryptoanarchy was also a role model for doing early retirement from the tech industry and working on his own interests/causes."11:06
@kanzurewei dai joined the extropians mailing list or did his first post 1997-09-20 .. that's disappointing.11:08
@kanzureevidence http://extropians.weidai.com/extropians.3Q97/4116.html11:08
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@kanzurehal's review of the ending to "a fire upon the deep" http://extropians.weidai.com/extropians.2Q97/1336.html11:11
@kanzureewwww carl feynman worked at oracle11:13
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@kanzure$ tbl --help11:42
@kanzureSegmentation fault11:42
@kanzurei'm doomed11:42
dingo.pǝʍǝɹɔs ʎllɐǝɹ ǝɹ,noʎ ʍou ɥo11:42
@kanzurewell i can't read manpages anymore11:43
@kanzureso yes..11:43
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@kanzuredingo: any thoughts? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/tbl.log11:48
dingowell there is protected memory mapped W^X stuff11:49
dingoso if this is some kind of JIT or similar11:49
dingowhich tries to execute code from dynamic memory11:49
dingowhat is tbl anyway ... do i have that ...11:49
@kanzureman uses it apparently11:49
dingoahh troff11:49
dingoboy are you ever fuckered11:49
dingowell check your dmesg11:50
dingoif you're using grsec or similar there may be something there11:50
@kanzure[461783.573082] tbl[5536]: segfault at 7fd148551108 ip 00007fd1462178ff sp 00007fff1e1a5a30 error 4 in libc-2.17.so[7fd1461aa000+1a2000]11:51
@kanzure[461783.574826] groff[5541]: segfault at 7f6bc657e108 ip 00007f6bc42448ff sp 00007fff21897980 error 4 in libc-2.17.so[7f6bc41d7000+1a2000]11:51
dingoand there you have it, your libc is a bit borked.11:51
dingoif you updated recently, your libc, you may need a reboot11:52
@kanzureso i'm doomed11:52
dingoopenbsd calls these "flag days" -- where libc + kernel ABI changes, and all new binaries must be compiled11:52
dingoor maybe the rootkit you have planted by agents is malfunctioning :-)11:54
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@kanzurefixed: sudo apt-get install libc6:amd6412:14
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@kanzurehttp://norvig.com/experiment-design.html "warning signs in experimental design and interpretation"13:00
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@kanzureso this is where i'm supposed to buy cell towers? got it.13:21
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@kanzure13:48 <+nsh> all my life, especially the past 6 seconds of it which i predominantly remember, i have wished to be part of a homoerotic postage stamp collection13:50
eudoxiai don't think i've ever seen a postage stamp13:51
@kanzureno obsessive stamp collecting? pfft13:51
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nshnever seen a stamp??14:01
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jrayhawkeudoxia lives in some far-off moon-land14:36
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nmz787_imaybe he just has a different term for postage stamp?15:02
nmz787_ieudoxia: have you never used snail-mail?15:04
nmz787_iyou must be a bot, then15:04
eudoxiaheh, the closest thing to snail mail i used was fax some papers15:04
nmz787_ithat doesn't count15:05
nmz787_ithat's clearly 'e'15:05
eudoxiai went to a post office but ended up fedexing the documents15:05
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nmz787_isnuffeluffegus: thanks for reminding me of the SNL or MadTV skit featuring snuffeluffegus15:07
nmz787_ioh, actually it was Dave Chappelle15:07
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@kanzurei don't know what any of those words mean15:16
drazakkanzure: do you know who nicknameavailable is on reddit?15:19
drazakhe's into synbio apparently15:19
drazakhe wants schematics to make a 20ghz oscilloscope15:20
drazakgreat part? it'll cost 5x as much as just buying one, for no gain (the process is ridiculous, not something that can be done until other processes are worked out)15:20
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delinquentmekanzure, happen to know what are the consumables when operating a FIB?16:37
cpopell2Okay, that contract is done.16:37
@kanzuredelinquentme: ask nmz78716:41
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ParahSailinkanzure: i think new rule of no questions before doing a search first16:58
@kanzurebut then i'd be a hypocrite16:59
@kanzurei mean, more than i already am16:59
ParahSailinmaybe just a rule for delinguent17:00
@kanzurehave we confirmed whether or not he's tried stims yet?17:00
@kanzurei remember asking but i think he deflected17:01
cpopell2He certainly posts like it on FB.17:01
ParahSailinanyway, the consumable, which you might find on the wikipedia is a liquid metal that is not a terminator17:01
FourFire20Ghz ?!17:18
@kanzure"dynamic epistemic logic" http://www.idt.mdh.se/personal/gdc/work/OPEN-PROBLEMS/pdf/Dynamic2010.BOOK.89newBenthem.pdf17:19
@kanzurecluckj: that stuff might be interesting to you17:19
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@kanzurebower angular#1.2.6                   ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git", exit code of #12818:31
@kanzureseems to exist to me18:32
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@kanzure19:16 < kevlarman> Wild_Cat: if you want a real mindfuck, check out the exploit where they managed to extract rsa private key bits from a different vm on the same hardware by clearing out the cpu's cache and measuring the time it takes in order to figure out which addresses were accessed19:17
@kanzureis there a sun tzu of malware?19:20
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@kanzureany thoughts about epoll_wait issues in node? https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/issues/167#issuecomment-4067775920:46
xmjdid you see the excellent rant against node?20:47
@kanzureyou want me to watch an entire video? geeze20:48
xmjit's fun.20:48
xmjI don't usually like bears talking to each others20:48
xmjbut the content and style of this one is excellent.20:48
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ParahSailinwhat is fd520:56
@kanzurehow would i know?20:57
ParahSailinscroll up20:57
ParahSailinit was opened or bound somewhere20:58
@kanzurei don't think epoll_wait takes a file descriptor, so the 5 is probably something else20:58
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@kanzurethis problem is fairly recent21:00
@kanzurei'm pretty sure i didn't upgrade these packages21:00
@kanzuresame version of node etc21:00
ParahSailinmost certainly is a file descriptor21:01
@kanzurenode    30420 kanzure    6u  0000    0,9        0     2398 anon_inode21:06
@kanzureanything else i should look for?21:08
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@kanzurenode debug /usr/local/bin/gulp clean21:38
@kanzurecontinue -> bt -> "can't request backtrace now" well what's the point21:39
ParahSailinlook what epoll_ctl stuck onto that fd521:58
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@kanzureParahSailin: any hints how?22:07
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jrayhawkhuh, why doesn't your lsof have TID?22:10
jrayhawki guess that must be a version thing22:10
@kanzureis this possibly a libc, libm, libpthread, libstdc++, librt, libdl, ld problem?22:13
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@kanzurewhy is batman only a streetfighter? why not throw around his money to kill companies etc.22:24
xentrachttp://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/april/chemistry-award-prakash-040814.html is about programming microfluidics chips with punched paper tape and a mechanical control mechanism22:25
@kanzureyou may enjoy reading http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/22:26
xentracI had noticed it but not yet doven in22:27
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juulnanobiopsy: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn405097u22:35
@kanzurei think you mean paperbot22:37
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@kanzureremote: warning: inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files.22:53
@kanzureremote: warning: you may want to set your merge.renamelimit variable to at least 2388 and retry the command.22:53
@kanzureremote: From /srv/git/pokecrystal22:53
@kanzureremote:    f860c98..608fdac  master     -> origin/master22:53
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