
--- Log opened Mon Apr 21 00:00:46 2014
fennthere's no rational reason to want to lose weight, it's just a proxy for self image and social confidence00:00
fenn(yes i am aware of the link between obesity and metabolic syndrome)00:01
QuantumGso, you're saying that attempting to achieve greater "social confidence" is irrational? How do you figure?00:03
-!- ZombieAdifex is now known as Adifex00:03
fennpossible interventions to treat social anxiety: magnesium supplementation, GABAergic drugs, improved body image (weight loss), role playing, etc.00:04
QuantumGI think the fat kid who loses weight so the girls will give him the time of day is being quite rational.00:04
fennsocial confidence and body type are correlated in american culture, but it doesn't necessarily have to be this way00:05
fenni do think social confidence is important for humans00:05
QuantumGit doesn't matter if you think it has to be this way, it is this way00:06
fennthere are other cultures with other preferred body types: maasai, polynesian00:06
QuantumGaccepting reality and focusing on the things you can change over the things you cant is what we typically call rational behavior00:07
QuantumGit's a shame that defeatist and rational are so similar sometimes00:07
fennthere are also socially successful, happy, confident, obese americans00:07
fennmaybe the nuance isn't quite getting across and i should just give up00:08
QuantumGsure, and there's also thin social pariahs00:08
fenni'm really frustrated that "reality" is seen as "things that hurt" or "things you can't change"00:09
QuantumGI'm not saying that getting thin will make you happy.. you seemed to be saying that00:09
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QuantumGI don't really give a shit why people want to be thin.00:09
QuantumGI do give a shit that 99% of the people I talk to about it are honestly surprised that I think measuring your weight is an essential part of achieving that goal.00:10
QuantumGI'd give the same advice to someone who wanted to be a hotdog eating champion: measure how fast you can eat hotdogs, son.00:11
fenni read "an engineer's guide to weight loss" (i think?) and it was basically what you are saying. keep track of variables, do what works, don't do what doesn't work.00:11
fennbut knowing what I do about biology, I think there is more to it than just not eating, and suffering, and spending lots of willpower on your stupid diet.00:12
QuantumGyeah, unfortunately that booklet is way too long.. it becomes a treatise on statistical methods pretty quickly.00:12
fennnah he was only measuring a few things, like calories and body mass and number of servings or something00:13
fennit's surprising there's no magic weight loss pill00:15
fenni don't really understand why there isn't either: 1) a pill that causes your fat cells to explode and empty into the bloodstream, or 2) amplify the satiety signal00:16
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QuantumGI can think of a few that would do the job.. so long as "magic" doesn't include "painless" or does include "conscious" :)00:16
fenneh? anesthesia?00:17
QuantumGyeah, people in comas lose weight like crazy. Just make sure you've got someone to rotate you.00:17
fenni didn't know that00:17
fennis it because they are on a controlled diet?00:18
QuantumGwell, they IV feed them and they can't complain00:18
fennor do they burn a lot of calories?00:18
QuantumGcontrolled "diet", yeah00:18
QuantumGkinda surprised it isn't a celebrity fad yet00:19
fennsorta like heroin detox00:19
QuantumGmust be that damn "there's no safe coma" crowd00:20
fennbuncha whiners00:20
fennbeing back phen-phen!00:20
fennmy goal for 2014: to elevate the nation's cAMP levels00:21
ebowdenHow would you do that? :D00:22
fenndump truckloads of stimulants in the water supply00:22
ebowdenMass distribution of a cocaine?00:23
fennthat works too00:23
fenncocaine has poor pharmacokinetics though00:23
ebowdenSorry, posted before your reply.00:23
ebowdenYeah, it has to be snorted.00:23
fennyou know those 5-hour energy things? it's just caffeine and b vitamins and cherry flavor00:24
fenncaffeine works by raising cAMP and inhibiting the adenosine (sleepiness) receptor00:24
ebowdenWhy not add experimental drugs?00:24
fennoh, like "bath salts"?00:24
QuantumGwhat state are you in ebowden?00:25
ebowdenI live in Tasmania, Australia.00:25
QuantumGoh, I'm so sorry00:25
fennthey are mostly cathinones, which are similar to amphetamines, and also have fast pharmacokinetics which makes them more addictive and also less useful from the standpoint of productivity/weight loss00:25
ebowdenWhat for?00:25
ebowdenFor me living in inbred land? :D00:26
QuantumGapples or something00:26
QuantumGbeing that close to NZ?00:26
ebowdenIt was called 'the apple isle' a while ago.00:26
ebowdenWhat's wrong with NZ?00:27
QuantumGnothing.. 'cept it's full of New Zealanders.. kinda like France.00:29
QuantumGbut, ya know, French people00:29
ebowdenSo, QuantumG, what do you think of selling potent nootropics at exam time? :d00:30
fennhere's one i haven't heard of yet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolipram00:30
QuantumGI support commerce.00:31
cpopellebowden: 'potent' like what?00:32
QuantumGAlways charge more when there's high demand.. there's nothing worse than a supply shortage.00:32
ebowdenNo official human testing yet. :D00:32
QuantumGof course, learning drugs always remind me of Arnold Rimmer.00:32
ebowdenI love that part.00:33
fennthere are so many nootropics already, taking untested ones is hardly justified00:34
QuantumGHave you ever had an exam that you walked out of thinking "well, that's a zero" but when you got it back you got like 85%?00:34
QuantumG(I have.)00:35
ebowdenAh, yes.00:36
ebowdenOh, fenn, group of people are testing ISRIB on themselves soon, over at longecity.00:38
* fenn rolls his eyes00:40
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fenndo they also drink out of water bottles, run on treadmills, and line their room with crumpled newspaper and cedar chips?00:41
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ebowdenHonestly, I really want to see what happens.00:42
fenneven if ISRIB actually works and improves learning rate by 1000%, what if it also increases your risk of developing PTSD by 1000%?00:42
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ebowdenNot an issue if you want to make MONEH.00:43
fenni'm sorry, what?00:43
ebowdenKidding, it is.00:43
fennthere are far easier ways to make money unethically00:43
ebowdenPesky lawsuits and angry parents.00:43
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ebowdenBut yes, mainly, I'm just curious. It's among the most potent enhancement of LTP we've seen yet, from what I've heard.00:46
ebowdenI'd like to see them run randomised, controlled, double blind trials.00:46
ebowdenNot that's at all realistic.00:47
fenni'd like to see some erowid subjective reports00:47
AshleyWafflewhat is isrib00:47
ebowdenIf they're going to pump themselves with experimental drugs, it would be nice to see them get good data out of it.00:48
cpopell ebowden : have you played with Lion's Mane?00:48
ebowdenAshleyWaffle: Integrated Stress Response Inhibitor, increased score on measures of LTP by 300%.00:49
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ebowdencpopell: No, sorry.00:49
fennISRIB, (an acronym for Integrated Stress Response inhibitor), is an experimental drug which reverses the effects of eIF2α phosphorylation .. eIF2α phosphorylation is known to be involved in memory formation, ... enhancement of spatial and fear-associated learning in standard water maze and conditioned environment tests00:49
AshleyWaffleebowden: sorry, whats LTP?00:49
ebowdenLong Term Potentiation.00:49
AshleyWaffleso aka ptsd drug lol00:50
cpopellebowden: it promotes NGF00:50
AshleyWafflesounds like youd get 100 phobias00:50
AshleyWafflehow does testing look so far00:50
AshleyWaffleany weird side effects?00:50
ebowdenIt also assists in the reversal of fear conditioning, AshleyWaffle.00:50
fenncpopell: having tried lion's mane, let me caution you, having new brain cells means you develop new interests and new personality factors00:51
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ebowdenFenn, what else does it do?00:51
AshleyWaffleso how does testing look so far00:51
fennwhat, like that isn't enough?00:51
cpopellfenn: I'd really need a double blind on Lion's Mane00:51
cpopellnew interests and new personality factors are also consequences of living00:51
AshleyWaffleso isrib is the first "real" nootropic?00:52
AshleyWaffleie super effective00:52
ebowdenWell, I'd like to see what else this neurogenesis does.00:52
AshleyWafflelike NZT00:52
ebowdenNot like NZT.00:52
AshleyWaffle300% sounds big00:52
AshleyWaffle3x faster learning?00:52
ebowdenSort of, yes.00:52
* fenn sighs00:52
AshleyWafflethats OP, sounds good to me00:52
ebowdenIt's not going to automatically make you smart.00:53
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cpopellfear and spatial learning, it seems.00:53
AshleyWafflehmm spatial00:53
AshleyWafflecpopell: do first person shooters count00:53
cpopellwho knows00:53
fenncpopell: also it takes a couple weeks before anything happens00:53
AshleyWafflewell are they spatial00:53
cpopellI'm not on anything in particular right now00:53
ebowdenAshleyWaffle: By sort of, I mean, we don't know for sure if it will have the same effect on humans.00:54
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AshleyWafflehavent people been tinkering around on longecity?00:54
fenncpopell: are you happy with who you are as a person? yes -> don't take lion's mane; no -> do take lion's mane00:54
fennis all i'm trying to say00:54
cpopellfenn: Again, the problem is I need to see more data, heh00:54
cpopellfenn: I didn't see reports on erowid00:54
fennme either00:55
fenni found it at the farmer's market00:55
ebowdenYeah, people are having trouble getting it to pass the GI tract.00:55
fennthen i read about BDNF on wikipedia00:55
ebowdenFenn, we must identify ALL THE CHEMICAlS.00:59
ebowden(In lions mane.)00:59
ebowdenJust read a bit about them.01:00
fennhm. i might have experienced this. "sensory nerves induced by NGF may contribute to development of itch, and that NGF produced at the affected site may provide abnormal skin sensitivity"01:00
ebowden(By ALL THE CHEMICALS, I mean all the active compounds.)01:00
fenn"itch" is the wrong word01:01
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fennit's more like the feeling you get while a papercut is happening, or when someone scratches their fingers on a chalkboard, or using a number 2 pencil on rough paper without enough sleep01:03
fenni was reading all about "sensory processing disorder"01:03
fenni cut back on b vitamins and it went away (may or may not be a cause and effect relationship)01:04
fenni wasn't taking enough b vitamins to cause peripheral neuropathy01:05
ebowdenCould it be a synergy?01:05
fenngrowing nerves reacted to low doses the way sessile nerves react to high doses? sure01:06
ebowdenWelp, it would be interesting to see how it goes in use as a treatment for cognitive deficits.01:13
fenngod i hate forums01:14
fennwhy isn't there a longecity wiki01:14
fennso much useless bullshit to sift thruogh01:14
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ebowdenSo, fenn, what do think of combining a variety of drugs that provide neurological benefits by different mechanisms?01:50
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jrayhawkfenn, QuantumG: http://www.omgwallhack.org/home/jrayhawk/hidden/weight/01:58
ebowdenOh, hey jrayhawk.01:59
jrayhawkweight loss is terrible; friends don't let friends do weight loss.02:00
jrayhawkcargo cultism02:00
ebowdenjrayhawk, what do you think of combining drugs that provide neurological benefits by different methods?02:01
ebowdenjrayhawk, what do you think of combining drugs that provide neurological benefits by different mechanisms?02:02
jrayhawkxmj: it's an area of poor study; we know of one legume antinutrient that's heat-stable and causes intestinal permeability: peanut agglutinin, and it's suspected that there will be more lectins, saponins, and globulins with problematic immunogenic activity based on the variable responses reported in non-immunogenic diet communities, but it's hard to nail it down for sure since there's also a lot of variance in response to FODMAPs.02:05
jrayhawkthey are, at the very least, not particularly optimal.02:06
jrayhawkhttp://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2013/11/beans-lentils-and-paleo-diet.html http://chriskresser.com/are-legumes-paleo have thoughts on the matter02:09
jrayhawkthe anthropological record indicates regular use of them by some healthy hunter-gatherer societies, but not, like, the majority of calories as with e.g. pacific islanders and tubers.02:11
jrayhawkebowden: i am not big on drugs in general02:16
ebowdenWell, if it helps, they all come from a variety of plants.02:17
ebowdenSome of them from fungi.02:17
ebowdenYou could probably make a good meal from them.02:19
jrayhawkfenn, QuantumG: specifically, while i find it a mostly fair generalization to say that people with fat-heavy body composition are unhealthy, removing weight from an unhealthy person just makes for a weak unhealthy person.02:24
jrayhawkBy contrast, I fall into the medical an research definition of overweight: http://www.omgwallhack.org/home/jrayhawk/img/self/poiseanddignity.jpg02:25
jrayhawkthis should perhaps tell you something about weight measurement as a paradigm for much of anything.02:25
AshleyWafflefenn: http://i.imgur.com/K7eqCHf.jpg02:27
AshleyWaffledont click that02:27
AshleyWaffleexcept do dont02:27
jrayhawkthat is quite the contribution02:27
AshleyWafflebest nootropic 12/1002:27
cpopellI dunno what my bmi is02:28
cpopellI know what my bf% is, that's more important02:28
jrayhawki regret knowing what my BMI is02:28
cpopellmeh. I'm a powerlifter.02:29
jrayhawkmy new years resolution was to gain ten pounds02:31
jrayhawkthis would be more meaningful if i had actually known my weight at the time i made that resolution02:32
jrayhawki guess i can sorta estimate based on the relative difficulty of pistol squats vs weighted squats02:33
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ebowdenAnyone here at the moment with any knowledge or expertise regarding neuropharmacology?02:51
ebowdenWould you have any?02:54
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xmjjrayhawk: i didn't even know beans (kidney or green ones) technically counted as legumes.03:08
xmji always thought they were among the good side :-o03:08
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ebowdenOh, jrayhawk, what do you think of genetically modifying food to be more nutritious?03:14
xmj"messing with nature is bad mkay"03:14
xmjI know. Uninformed troll statements always make for good laughs.03:15
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ebowdenDid we ever get any anti-GMOers in here?03:15
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xmjIt's funny how all Anti-GMOers I ever met were socialist pricks03:16
xmjwho never understood that GMO food is cheaper than the bio crap they fed themselves, or wilfully ignored it.03:17
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ebowdenIt's funny, greenpeace basically uses Africa as it's playground.03:18
ebowdenThey convinced the government that GMO corn was poisonous, despite all the evidence to the contrary, from research done by ACTUAL scientists.03:19
ebowdenLong story short, during a famine, they rejected a load of GMO corn, and a bunch of kids died.03:19
ebowden"Thank you for saving us from the GMO corn Greenpeace!"03:20
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ebowdenIs there anyone here?05:55
eudoxiahello hello05:57
ebowdenOh, hello.05:57
ebowdenWe talked about something earlier.05:58
ebowdenWhat was it?05:58
eudoxiathe weather05:58
ebowdenDamn, you don't remember either.05:59
eudoxianot it really was the weather05:59
eudoxiai asked you if it was cold in tasmania05:59
ebowdenAh, right.05:59
eudoxiayou said it was an inbred island but the temperature was fine06:00
ebowdenThere are places where a variety of shops all seem to have the same surname, and everyone looks related.06:00
ebowdenSome places in Tasmania are truly like Deliverance.06:01
ebowdenNo, it's and Island state of Australia.06:01
ebowdenNo, it's an island state of Australia.06:02
ebowdenSo, eudoxia, GoatStimulator, what are you guys interested in?06:02
eudoxiai have a friend who lives in adelaide and hates it too06:02
eudoxia"how did this hole accumulate one million people"06:02
GoatStimulatorim using kerbel space program atm06:03
xmjhacking, mostly.06:03
ebowdenWell, Adelaide is well known around Australia as being a hole.06:03
eudoxiawell i'm into whining about extropians and how we need a hands-on, realistic approach to transhumanism while idling on Freenode06:03
ebowdenWhere I live in Tasmania is actually REALLY nice.06:03
ebowdenForgive my asking, but what are extropians?06:04
eudoxiahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extropianism http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Cultural/Philosophy/princip.html06:06
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xmjall hail singularity.06:09
mosasaurextropy is a wordplay on entropy this is somewhere in the sl4 mailing list06:10
chris_99"The term 'extropy', as an antonym to 'entropy' was used in a 1967 academic volume discussing cryogenics[2] and in a 1978 academic volume of cybernetics."06:11
eudoxiai'm still waitin for the society of PRNG developers against extropianism06:12
mosasaurchris_99: Yeah I read that now too :-) But I think it's not quite an antonym.06:12
chris_99how can it be an antonym though06:12
chris_99considering there is low and high entropy etc06:12
eudoxiathe antonym is negentropy06:12
chris_99can you even have negative entropy06:14
eudoxiarelative to something i guess06:14
* xmj invokes multiple-universes-interpretation06:15
xmjof course you can!06:15
FourFireeudoxia, I've been to Adelaide, can't disagree06:16
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FourFireeudoxia, lel, try hanging around the redditsphere for a bit06:16
FourFirethat will exasperate you on "being realistic and hands on"06:17
chris_99"Extropy is not a rigorously defined technical term in philosophy or science; in a metaphorical sense, it simply expresses the opposite of entropy."06:17
chris_99sounds a bit wishy-washy06:17
eudoxiaFourFire: i think it seems rather nice. a little flat but at least it's probably better than this hole06:17
FourFireeudoxia, and your hole is?06:18
eudoxiaFourFire: montevideo, pooruguay06:18
FourFireI live in a bit of a hole myself, trying to escape has proven... demotivational06:18
eudoxiachris_99: "it's not about who's going to let me become a cyborg, it's about who's going to stop me" - the gospel according to Rand06:19
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FourFireeudoxia, fair enough06:19
FourFireeudoxia, A: time, and incompetence06:19
mosasaur"EXTROPY — A measure of intelligence, information, energy, vitality,06:20
mosasaurexperience, diversity, opportunity, and growth."06:20
mosasaur"EXTROPIANISM — The philosophy that seeks to increase extropy. "06:20
FourFireof course, your definition of cyborg has a lot to do with it, if you count having magnets implanted in your finger tips, so that you get (techno)magical "I can fuck up a hard drive just by touching it" powers, then it's pretty attainable06:20
FourFirebut, if you want to say, be able to generate and turn off magnetic fields at will, and be able to excahgne information wirelessly with computers, and other altered humans, then there's more work to be done06:21
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FourFire(and greater EM field of view, robotic replacement parts etc.)06:22
ebowdenOh, hey FourFire.06:23
FourFireebowden, did we discuss something last week, I can't recall...06:24
mosasaurebowden, may I ask, why are you here?06:25
FourFireoh yeah06:25
FourFireyou know that the Emotiv-Insight, crowdfunded brain signal headgear is coming out very soon06:26
FourFireit's consumer hardware, but I reckon it has potential for biofeedback applications06:26
ebowdenmonosaur, yes, and I am here because I was told this place is good for those with an interest in biotech.06:26
mosasaurthanks ebowden, that seems to be a major axis here yes06:28
FourFirethere was a more, hacker friendly headgear which was mentioned in this channel months ago, but I forget what it was called06:28
eudoxiaFourFire: OpenEEG?06:28
FourFireebowden, there is also #bioinformatics but those are more scientists06:29
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ebowdenMore FOR scientists?06:29
ebowdenOr, just with more scientists?06:30
FourFirenah, the people in there are mostly people working06:30
ebowdenBecause I, being not particularly qualified, don't want to be a bother to actual scientist trying to get shit done?06:30
FourFireI hang around there quite a bit, mostly just getting ready to blagh on about my simulation... when I get it working, that is06:30
FourFireyeah, (wait until I've explained it before you laugh)06:31
ebowdenThis will be good.06:31
* ebowden rubs hands together06:31
FourFireI want to setup an evolutionary algorithm to select specific genes which produce RNA sequences which are synthesized into specific proteins which perform functions06:32
FourFirethe evolutionary algorithm selects the DNA, based on the performance of the proteins which it produces06:32
FourFireSimulated evolution06:32
FourFireone protein at a time06:32
FourFireof course, that sort of thing requires buttonnes of computing power, but once I get my proof of concept working, and if it produces results, then I'm sure someone will be interested06:33
FourFireand If it works, there are so many applications06:34
ebowdenSo, what is novel about it?06:34
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FourFirethe part where evolution is being put to a directed use, or the part where it's never been done before?06:34
FourFire(or the part where we don't need to evolve a whole organism at once?06:35
ebowdenHey, why not both?06:35
FourFirebasically that whole concept as a thing06:35
FourFireall the pieces have been used for different things, but as far as i can tell, they've never been put together like that before06:35
ebowdenSo, this is meant to produce a useful protein?06:36
FourFireit could also be used to produce synthetic, or artificial genes06:37
FourFirethings that don't exist in nature06:37
FourFireimagine, you have an accident, something happens so that you can't breathe any more, or you lose a lot of blood, or you have CO poisoning, whatever: the point is that you stop getting oxygen to your cells06:38
FourFirenow, you fortunately have an artificaly sequence of genes which has prepaired you for this sort of event06:38
FourFireinside every cell of your body you now have an additional organelle06:39
FourFireit contains oxygen bonded in a compact way with a ladder of carbon molecules06:39
FourFirenow, when your cells stop getting more oxygen06:39
ebowdenIt releases it's precious oxygen.06:40
FourFirethe acidity increase triggers a protein to crawl downa the ladder06:40
FourFirereleasing the stored 0206:40
FourFireand it slowly seeps out of the organelle into the rest of the cell06:40
FourFire(all happening in all your cells at once)06:40
ebowdenSo, how would you get a carbon ladder that stores O2 in such a tiny space?06:40
FourFireso this gives, you, say 10 minutes more being alive time, to fix whatever happened to you06:40
ebowdenBut, does such a structure exist?06:41
FourFireI've designed it in my head, but what I need is that protein which builds it, and then later gets activated and releases the O206:41
FourFireyes, it exists in theretical chemistry, I can draw it for you if you like06:42
FourFireit's a form of poly HexaOxelene06:42
ebowdenOh, they've made it?06:42
FourFireor "x(COOCOO)"06:42
FourFireit's like a pile of hexagons where four of the corners are oxygen atoms, and the other two, at opposites are carbon06:43
FourFireand the carbon atoms link to the layer above, and the layer below06:43
FourFirethe point is, that a protein which could build such a ladder and then, (or perhaps a separate protein) doesn't exist06:44
ebowdenHas it been synthesised, and would it be possible to biosynthesise?06:44
ebowdenYeah, you need to get that protein.06:45
FourFirenow my method, could produce the gene sequence which would synthesize that protein06:45
FourFireno, I need to get the Gene for the protein06:45
FourFirehaving the protein doesn't help much if I can't build it06:45
ebowdenOk, why not just find a protein that does it, and make a gene sequence that will make the protein?06:45
FourFirenow, that example is just one of many06:45
FourFirewe have a problem, (survive for longer with no oxygen getting to your cells)06:46
FourFireand a multitude of possible resolutions06:46
FourFireebowden, that's an awefully big "just"06:47
ebowdenYes, it is.06:47
ebowdenBut why not start with the protein?06:47
FourFireyou could06:48
FourFirebut then you'd need to reverse engineer it, and decode it into genetic code, or figure out some other way to produce it and regulate it's production, and all sorts of other things06:48
FourFirecould take a collab of several teams of biochemists and bioengineers and other people with important sciencey titles a Long Time06:49
FourFireand then, all that effort, not much of it could be reused06:50
FourFireI mean you'd have the target protein, and the dna for it, great! but then you'd have to do the whole thing all over again if you wanted something which ate cholesterol in the blood stream, for example06:50
FourFireor, something which could filter heavy metals from the bloodstream before they enter cells06:51
ebowdenSo, how is your method coming along?06:53
FourFireor something which detects specific hormone-like compounds, and collects them for disposal, or specialized garbage collector metabolism06:53
ebowdenIs it attracting interest?06:53
FourFirewell, like I said, I haven't gotten the proof of concept working yet, and I won't be advertising it beyond say, discussing it in IRC channels before I know it works06:54
FourFireI might be enthusiastic about the possibilities, but I'm not going to waste other people's time for something which doesn't work.06:54
ebowdenSounds quite sensible.06:56
FourFirehttp://www.openbci.com was that other biofeedback headset i was thinking of06:59
FourFirethough it's more of a devboard, with accessories, which they sell06:59
FourFireand a 3D printable mount for the board and sensors07:00
ebowdenAh, ok.07:00
FourFiremuch more hacker, than consumer07:00
ebowdenBy the way, did you get the paper I linked?07:00
FourFireno, which one?07:02
ebowdenOh, right.07:03
ebowdenSifting through for it now.07:03
cluckjgetting rid of CO2 is just as important as providing O2 :P07:03
FourFireclukj of course07:05
FourFirebut you Need CO2 for metabolism, anaerobic is so inefficient07:05
FourFireI mean, O207:05
ebowdenAh, here FourFire07:06
FourFireah yes I have it up actually07:06
FourFireI did not read past the first three or so paragraphs yet07:06
ebowdenAh, ok.07:07
cluckjCO2 will turn you into a bag of acid pretty quickly07:07
ebowdenOh, this is also neat:07:08
FourFirecluckj, bag of acid is preferrable to dying right away, it's just an example of a temporary solution to a problem which would increase survivability of things like heart attack/stroke/drowning etc.07:09
FourFirecluckj, but I'm reasonably sure that there's some smart way to store up CO2 as well, that's another thing a seperate protein could maybe do07:10
cluckjthat's what I'm trying to say07:10
FourFireyeah, that's it07:10
cluckjyou need a lot of proteins to do different things if you even want to mess with one part of cellular metabolism07:10
ebowdenOh, I think they found one in eggshells that does it quite well.07:11
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FourFiremaybe instead of one additional organelle, you have two: one which slowly leaks O2, one which slowly sucks up CO207:11
FourFireeggshells are porous07:11
cluckjwhy not just cut O2 out of respiration altogether07:14
FourFirecluckj, have you had a look at The Krebs Cycle ?07:14
FourFireit's a crazy multipurpose system and requires at least some basic knowledge of chemistry elements and bonds, but it's basically an energy converter system of chemical reactions07:15
ebowdenOh, hellp cluckj.07:15
FourFireit's thing like that which lead people to think that "evolution" has been "designed" to do some specific thing, or that it's straining for some goal07:16
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FourFirewhereas that's pretty much wrong07:16
cluckjthe krebs cycle doesn't exist on its own07:16
FourFireof course07:16
FourFireit's just a tiny part of the whole interconnected system07:16
cluckjand iirc it's anaerobic :P07:16
FourFireit can be, but it's like <20th as efficient then07:17
cluckjhi ebowden07:17
FourFirein terms of how much ATP is produced per oxygen07:17
FourFireor, rather, how many energetic phosphor compounds are added per Gluclose07:18
ebowdenAh, you had me a wee bit worried there for a moment.07:18
FourFireit uses much more glucose, and produces fewer energetic phosphor compounds... which is why we die when we run out of oxygen07:19
ebowdenBut it's part of aerobic respiration.07:19
ebowdenOh, cluckj, what do you like to do?07:19
FourFireI ... appreciate how it can basically have any input07:20
FourFireFats, proteins, or sugars07:20
FourFireif it had a designer, or a group of designers, I'd calla them utterly brilliant07:20
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FourFirebut, I reckon that there is room for improvement07:21
cluckjebowden, argue about biochemistry on irc apparently :\07:21
FourFirelow hanging fruit which can be made with directed purpose07:21
FourFirelots of hard work, of course, but it's possible07:21
ebowdencluckj, what else?07:21
@kanzurenew rule: acronyms are banned07:21
ebowdenEven KREBS cycle?07:22
cluckjkrebs isn't an acronym07:22
FourFirein my previous example, I'd argue that there is little fitness advantage, and thus little opportunity for something to survive blood loss to the extent of pressure loss07:22
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ebowdenOh right.07:22
cluckjkrebs was a dude, dude07:22
cluckjI mean iirc krebs was a dude07:23
FourFirekrebs is the name of the dude which discovered it, but are you disallowing ATP kanzure ?07:23
ebowdenIt is an abbreviation, though.07:23
cluckjor btw iirc krebs was a dude07:23
FourFirekrebs cycle is fully googleable07:23
cluckjebowden, I'm an anthropologist who studies07:23
cluckj'amateur' scientists07:23
ebowdenKanzure, are you going to make everyone type out the whole Adenosine Triphosphate and Adenosine Diphosphate every time?07:24
ebowdencluckj, Really?07:25
@kanzurethe anti-genetically-modified-foodies are useful because monsanto is evil for other reasons (intellectual property crap)07:25
cluckjebowden, yes07:25
ebowdenWell, I'd think your impression might not be quite so grand, based off just this.07:27
@kanzureunfortunately i can't recommend getting excited about emotiv products, emotiv epoc was pretty low quality and electroencephalography is more disappointing than everyone thinks07:27
cluckjI'd be a pretty terrible scientist if I based my opinion off of one source of data :P07:29
ebowdenYes, you would. You would be a horrible scientist.07:29
ebowdenHowever, I am not certain this is exactly a 'one-off'.07:30
@kanzureabbreviations are also mostly banned07:31
cluckjon whose end?07:31
@kanzureebowden: yes, i am going to force them to type out "adenosine triphosphate"07:31
ebowdenYeah, I thought so.07:31
cluckjlaughing out loud07:31
cluckjoh god that's awful07:31
@kanzurei will also threaten, blackmail and extort them into compliance07:32
ebowdenWhat's awful cluckj?07:32
cluckjtyping out "lol"07:32
ebowdenKanzure, is this some preachy exercise in trying to make people understand, and think more about that they are talking about?07:33
cluckjebowden, I've been working on this project a long time and I07:33
cluckjm fairly non-judgmental07:34
@kanzureno, it's just rage07:34
cluckjand I hate my keyboard, my ' is right next to my enter key07:34
chris_99cluckj, what's the project07:34
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ebowdenKanzure, I had hoped so.07:35
FourFire"yeah I agree that Monsanto is evil, now just stfu and accept that some natural things are bad, and some artificial things are good"07:35
cluckjstudying how non-institutional scientists ("amateurs") build labs, do science, etc.07:35
FourFireI feel aggravated when "Nature!" hippies venn diagram with deathists07:36
chris_99aha cool, cluckj, writing a book or something07:36
FourFireunfortunately, this person is my father07:36
cluckjdissertation, then a book07:36
ebowdenchris_99: The project is a study of amateur scientists, that will culminate in him presenting to the world what a complete incompetent shambles we are, if you must know.07:36
chris_99cluckj, is this masters/phd/..?07:37
cluckjebowden don't spoil my thesis statement!07:37
cluckjchris_99, PhD07:37
chris_99cool, what kind of PhD is it for if you don't mind me asking07:37
cluckjscience and technology studies07:37
@kanzureaka stalker studies07:38
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure07:38
kanzurei was warned07:39
ebowdenKanzure, are you just angry that he's going to tell everyone what a bunch of numpties amateur scientists are?07:39
kanzurewhat are you commenting on? i don't understand.07:39
cluckjhah, warned about what and by whom?07:39
kanzure07:38 <@kanzure> aka stalker studies07:39
kanzurei said "aka"07:39
kanzurei was warned by myself07:39
ebowdencluckj's thesis07:39
FourFireI wonder if qntm.org/ra is updated07:40
kanzurei have never read his thesis07:40
kanzurei don't know (or really care) if i qualify as an amateur scientist07:40
ebowdenHe is writing one now, to smear us.07:40
kanzurequalifying under that label doesn't bestow me any particular benefits07:40
cluckj^-- yep07:41
kanzurei really don't think he's going to be smearing anyone07:41
kanzurebut if he does, who fucking cares07:41
cluckjalso yes07:41
ebowdenI know, I'm joking kanzure.07:41
kanzurejust give him a sugar cube and he'll fucken die07:41
kanzurewell it's true07:41
cluckjkanzure knows my kryptonite!07:41
kanzureactually i wonder if it is true or not07:42
kanzuremaybe a really big sugar cube07:42
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cluckjyou'd have to keep me away from my insulin pump for a while07:42
kanzurethat's too inconvenient07:42
ebowdenWhat about dry rice?07:42
FourFireand I now have a fear of asteroid mining companies07:42
ebowdenFourFire, why?07:43
FourFiresorry http://qntm.org/asteroids07:43
ebowdenAh, ok.07:43
FourFire"The basic rule is you multiply by 15. A 3,000-tonne rock carries the same impact energy as 45-kilotonne nuclear bomb. At minimum. "07:43
cluckjI'd have to say that writing nasty stuff about 'amateur' scientists would make me an extremely ungrateful bastard07:43
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FourFirecluckj, name your closest example07:45
cluckjclosest example to what?07:45
kanzurewhat would electricity be an example of?07:45
kanzureyou guys are incomprehensible and evil07:45
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xmjFourFire: are you afraid astromining companies will turn into Free Luna Republic a la Heinlein, and throw rocks at Earth?07:46
FourFireThe inventor of 60Hz AC transmission was, arguably, an amateur scientist07:46
FourFirewell, wait, no they got a degree in electrical engineering07:46
FourFirescratch that07:46
cluckjI don't like the label 'amateur scientist' because it's a misnomer07:46
FourFirexmj, I have not read any heinlein, please don't spoil07:46
FourFireand now I get the reference07:46
FourFirethat meme makes sense now...07:47
kanzure"amateur non-amateur"07:47
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ebowdenMemo to all: In order to placate Kanzure, should we ever talk about spider silk, the spinneret must be referred to as the 'silk-but'. We must also make easy explanations of our ideas, using brightly coloured blocks.07:47
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xmjFourFire: too late07:47
cluckjthe amateur/professional distinction is counterproductive as far as what I'm trying to talk about goes07:48
ebowdenWe know you won't be mean to us cluckj.07:48
FourFirexmj, well "Green mars" has the martians lobbing deimos at earth07:48
xmji haven't read that one. damn you, and we're even07:48
FourFirestill worth the read07:49
cluckjebowden, I do have plenty of other folks to be mean to07:49
kanzurewhat? it's not conceivable that he knows others? wtf07:50
chris_99has anyone read Elephants on Acid: and Other Bizarre Experiments and the sequel? i thought it was interesting anyhow07:50
ebowdenKanzure: I'm just mining for a story here.07:50
xmjFourFire: i've read enough Heinlein to let him rest in pieces; i've read a few of his were I could predict the plot well enough to turn to other authors.07:51
kanzureebowden: just ask for it then, damn07:51
ebowdenSo, cluckj, what others have you got to be meant to?07:51
xmjebowden: sometimes it comes handy to have imaginary friends.07:51
kanzurethis is worse than herding cats07:52
cluckjthere are some jerks who have done bad research on the same people that I'm working with07:52
ebowdencluckj, what was this?07:53
cluckjoh just things like pressuring them into 4-hour interviews without notice, not explaining informed consent correctly, a ton of journalists with bad ethics07:54
ebowdenSo, it was more 'research' than research.07:55
kanzurewhat does that even mean07:55
kanzurei think i hate you07:56
cluckjtoken research or interviews?07:56
cluckjthere was some of that07:56
kanzurewhy is this guy so bad at sentences?07:56
kanzureour other australian seems okay07:56
cluckjthere was also a researcher that didn't know who I was that tried to guilt me into doing an interview with them while I was doing fieldwork07:57
cluckjI was not nice to them07:57
FourFireso kanzure you didn't answer me, are you banning ATP ?07:58
cluckjmy point is that even if I wanted to be a jerk and say mean things, there are plenty of others that would deserve it07:58
kanzure07:31 <@kanzure> ebowden: yes, i am going to force them to type out "adenosine triphosphate"07:58
xmjbanning ATP..huh what07:58
kanzureAA, you know07:58
eudoxiakanzure no07:59
eudoxiayou have become eliezer07:59
eudoxiasoon you'll take down the logs too D:07:59
FourFireI doubt you could blackmail me, but you're free to try ;)07:59
kanzureFourFire: you are easy to blackmail, i'll just publish #lesswrong logs in your name07:59
FourFireI'm also unsure what exactly you'd try to extort from me either07:59
ebowdenOh, just got back kanzure. My sentences were bad to you because I was talking to someone who I knew would get it easily, and would not need me to a pantomime and explain things to him with lego.08:01
ebowdenSorry, didn't meant to be mean, I just really wanted to use the lego line.08:02
kanzureyou are not very good at being mean08:02
ebowdenI know, wasn't trying.08:03
ebowdenJust wanted to use the one about lego.08:03
xmjAny engineer can convey important points with Lego08:04
ebowdenIf I wanted to be mean, I would go find the comments section on some new age homeopathy video, and start bringing my horrible reality buzzkill juices to the party.08:04
ebowdenAh yes, lego is awesome.08:05
chris_99maybe homeopathy does work though ;)08:05
chris_99via the placebo effect08:05
FourFirekanzure, but logs published are banned from the channel08:05
FourFireif you defect in such a way, it can end badly for you08:05
eudoxiaFourFire: under your name08:06
eudoxiaFourFire: possibly signed with your private key because kanzure has root everywhere after all08:06
ebowden*And yes,08:06
cluckjebowden, I sometimes understand easily08:06
FourFireI think enough people in that channel know how incompetent I am, that I was unable to actually log an event which I as supposed to log, so it's realistic to presume that I don't even have logs08:06
cluckjbut I also ask really obtuse questions as a hazard of the job08:07
FourFirehowever, if you post logs in your own name, of me... well08:07
FourFiredefectors must be punished08:07
FourFire(but please, do tell)08:07
kanzurei said your name, wtf08:07
FourFireWhat The Fuck*08:07
ebowdenOh, cluckj, do you know much about biology?08:08
cluckjI have a BS in biochemistry08:08
cluckjand taught biology to undergrads for a year08:08
ebowdenOh, that's neat.08:09
kanzurethat sounds close to no :)08:09
ebowdenIt's more than me, for sure.08:09
cluckjI guess it was three semesters08:10
cluckjis that closer to yes kanzure?08:10
cluckjat least a maybe?08:10
kanzuredon't care, i think ebowden's inquisitions are dumb.08:10
kanzurei am not a licensed biologist, does that mean that i don't know biology? fuck you08:11
cluckjI shouldn't have listed credentials :P08:12
ebowdenKanzure, I'm only looking for someone who knows enough to answer some of the questions I might have.08:12
cluckjI probably do not know enough right now to answer your biology questions08:13
cluckjI might have, before I drank the social science kool aid08:13
kanzurejrayhawk: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/features/article/bitcoin-boss-karpeles-easily-led-not-dishonest-says-mother08:14
kanzureebowden: stop wasting people's time and just ask the questions upfront08:14
kanzureebowden: there's this general irc policy of "don't ask to ask"08:14
ebowdenAh, ok.08:14
ebowdenSo, what do you guys think of 'combining' a variety of drugs that give neurological benefits by different mechanisms?08:16
kanzurei don't know what you mean by "combining"08:16
ebowdenTaking them together.08:17
eudoxiataking them simultaneousl - yeah08:17
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kanzuredidn't you say you read the longecity forums?08:17
kanzurei'm having trouble understanding why you would ask that question08:17
kanzuregiven that you read longecity.org stuff08:17
ebowdenNot too often, but I do sometimes.08:17
ebowdenAgain, I've read about three threads.08:18
kanzuremany of their users take multiple drugs simultaneously.08:18
ebowdenMainly hoping someone here would know of some potentiating synergy that had been clinically studied, or whatever you call it.08:20
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cluckjlunchtime, bbl08:24
ebowdenBasically, has anyone heard of an example of a clinical trial here two neuroactive drugs that work by different mechanisms, which, having significant benefit on their own, had a much heightened benefit when used together.08:24
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ebowdenOk cluckj.08:24
ebowdenSpecifically, benefit involving heightened neurogenesis, myleination, etc.08:27
kanzurenow you wait until someone answers08:28
ebowdenOk, thanks kanzure.08:28
justanotheruserIs it a bad idea to ignore nih.govs robots.text?08:36
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kanzureyes, because they offer most of their data by ftp08:39
kanzureprobably all08:39
kanzureprobably ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov or something08:40
justanotheruserOK thanks08:42
justanotheruserYou havin a chuckle ParahSailin?08:42
@ParahSailinwhat you looking for from ncbi08:43
justanotheruserI want to make a directed graph of chemical reactions. For example, H2 and O2 would point to h2o08:45
@ParahSailinoh yeah, not gonna find that08:45
justanotheruserIt seems like ncbi isn't a very full synthesis db08:45
kanzurelookup for a thing called an "organic reaction database"08:46
kanzureand then you have reaction mechanisms which are really just graph grammars for rewriting the graphs of compounds through the addition of chemicals08:47
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justanotheruserWould it be useful for an ametuer chemist to have a website describing the tools, chemicals and procedures necessary to create a chemical along with a graphical explanation of the reaction?08:48
justanotheruserThe next step would be to scrape online chemical stores and see if a chemical or tool is easily available. Then you see if you can make a chemical based on what is easily available08:49
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justanotheruserOh wow, synarchive is pretty scrapable08:51
justanotheruserIs there an inorganic equivalent?08:52
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kanzureoh yeah, reaxys09:25
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jrayhawkahaha that mother thing is great10:33
kanzure"The first Anne heard of the blowout at Mt. Gox was when a local reporter telephoned her. “I didn't even know Mark was the boss,” she recalled. “I had to look it up on Wikipedia.”"10:34
jrayhawkevery sentence that comes out of her mouth just makes her look that much more reliable10:35
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eudoxia>PHP doctor10:38
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jrayhawk"< ebowden> Oh, jrayhawk, what do you think of genetically modifying food to be more nutritious?" our understanding of nutrition is too primitive for that to be genuinely safe, and the resources are never allocated for such egalitarian purposes anyway. We've had interesting successes and failures throughout our thousands of years of genetic crop alteration; I find it entirely reasonable that people want to draw an (admittedly ...10:42
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jrayhawk... arbitrary) line in the sand declaring a higher standard of proof of safety is needed for further alteration, especially given how crass the applications of the latest techniques have been.10:42
kanzurei wonder if anyone can successfully redirect all the anti-genetically-modified-organism hatred towards anti-IP stuff10:43
kanzureerm, anti-intellectual-property10:44
jrayhawkthat does seem to be a thing that's accidently happening w.r.t. Monsanto's glysophate soybean legal machinations.10:47
cluckjyou might be able to convince some people on the anti-IP stuff, but there's a lot of anti-GMO sentiment that isn't for the same reasons10:47
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kanzurei haven't seen any good non-legal-related anti-GMO arguments10:48
cluckj"playing god" is a pretty effective argument for a lot of people10:49
jrayhawkhttp://consumerist.com/2014/04/08/congratulations-to-comcast-your-2014-worst-company-in-america/ i am pretty sure this public sentiment is mostly a product of the seed-saving fights10:49
kanzurei have seen general anxiety about "meddling with nature", but no specific claims, like "if you use a novel protein, you will cause a plague because [evidence]"10:49
kanzure"playing god" is an ethical argument, not an argument based on evidence10:49
jrayhawkthe bigger concern is increased use of glysophate and similarly dangerous pesticides and herbicides10:49
cluckjif someone thinks GMOs are bad because it's "playing god," an evidentary or logical argument probably isn't going to convince them of anything10:50
jrayhawkthough, TBH, I can't bring myself to care much about people who think soy and wheat are acceptable human food10:50
kanzurei could maybe accept something like, "increased herbicide/pesticide resistance will cause other farms across the world to stop being able to produce food, so therefore anything GMO is a scorched-earth policy"10:50
kanzurecluckj: yeah but i also don't care about them, so it evens out10:51
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cluckjthat doesn't mean they stop existing :P10:51
kanzurewell then how is the patent system not "playing god" in the same way10:52
cluckjowning property or knowledge isn't natural10:53
kanzurei suspect even some of their arguments can be redirected away from specifically the concerns of human-manipulated genetics10:53
kanzureand since they aren't complaining about the centuries of crossing plants etc, then they are just being moronic10:53
cluckjmy own personal concern about GMOs is the IP problem10:53
jrayhawkat least GMO disease-resistant squash seems to have been an okay idea10:54
cluckjthe people that can do GMOs really well are the same ones who want to fuck everyone for profit10:54
cluckjreally well in the scientific sense...10:55
cluckjdisease resistant like BT toxin producing?10:56
jrayhawkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cacao_swollen-shoot_virus the best coup for public GMO sentiment would be fixing this10:58
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cluckjor coffee tree diseases :)10:59
kanzureoh that's an interesting virus11:00
kanzureespecially since it has economic consequences11:00
jrayhawkcoffee rust, or swollen-shoot?11:01
kanzure"In Ghana, between 2006 and 2010, over 28 million trees were removed for being visibly infected or for being in contact with infected trees."11:01
kanzurecacao swollen-shoot virus11:01
cluckjI agree...instead of focusing on things people like, companies that can make GMOs are spending their time on things that are easily patentable and make them a bunch of money11:01
cluckjlike glyphosate resistant everything11:01
kanzurehehe "Farmers are also occasionally resistant to the idea of killing infected plants if they feel they can still get some harvest from them.[17]"11:01
kanzure"Today CSSV is responsible for 15% of total cocoa crop loss in the world." cool11:02
kanzureso i wonder if a virus assay would have some economic consequences11:02
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kanzurewith cocoa futures or something11:03
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kanzure"Over 200 million trees have already been claimed by this disease, which has prompted Ghana to launch the most ambitious and costly eradication effort of any country in the world against a viral plant disease."11:04
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FourFirekanzure, I have thought through a whole load of mental stuff which leads to the conclusion that attempting to play god is in fact desirable, or at least not something to be discouraged11:11
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kanzurewhy are you telling me. have i given any indication that i think the "playing god" argument is a good one?11:12
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FourFirenope, none at all, I'm just noting that arguments exist which contradict such people using their own logic11:13
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FourFireself consistent arguments, no less11:13
kanzurethis is a strange way to do service discovery https://github.com/flynn/strowger11:15
delinquentmekanzure, go find me horse breeders who want to buy ECM hydrogel11:16
kanzureask jrayhawk, i'm sure he'll love to tell you about his obsession with horses11:16
delinquentmejrayhawk, I like horses too!11:16
delinquentmemaybe not in the same way though11:16
kanzure(it's funny because jrayhawk hates horses)11:19
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kanzure.wa 422 galons / 6 inches11:27
yoleaux(422 gallons)/(6 inches): 10.48 m² (square meters); Unit conversions: 1.048×10⁻⁵ km² (square kilometers); 0.1048 a (ares); 0.01048 daa (decares); 4.047×10⁻⁶ mi² (square miles); 112.8 ft² (square feet); Comparisons as area: ~(0.5 to 1) × area of a typical American parking space (10 to 20 m²); ~3.9 × area of a typical office desk (2 to 4 m²); Comparisons as surface area: ~(0.022 ~1/46) × B2 stealth bomber wing  …11:27
yoleauxsurface area (~478 m²)11:27
kanzurehow did i typo gallons :(11:27
kanzureoh that's just surface area. hmm.11:27
chris_99gallons ick ;)11:28
kanzure.wa 422 gallons = 9 * x * pi11:29
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, no result!11:30
kanzurei thought it dumped straight into mathematica (essentially)?11:30
jrayhawkfucking horses11:31
kanzuresince he doesn't understand sarcasm you're welcome for the lifetime of his misunderstanding about your horse interests11:31
kanzureyour reputation is quickly growing into a horse-loving programming uh.. what was the other one.11:32
chris_99paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/jp711139511:32
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kanzurewhy don't we have someone in here obsessed with watches12:19
delinquentmekanzure, I am...  but I just dont spend cash on them12:19
chris_99kanzure, did you see that CSAC on kickstarter?12:21
kanzureno, but actually i was thinking more about mechanical watches12:22
kanzureatomic watches are okay things12:22
kanzureh dear "Due to the presence of a COM port, the Cesium 133 prototype is capable of displaying numerous functions beyond simple timekeeping when connected via RS-232 cable"12:23
kanzure*oh dear12:23
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xmjjrayhawk: now i have to flip my nutrition12:30
* xmj sighs12:30
kanzurei wonder if someone really thought they had to spell it out http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_zj1YpnAR-cA/SOsKbpbgVJI/AAAAAAAAABE/dIG2CYW7I9s/s1600-h/Squid37D.jpg12:33
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kanzure"One of the most frequent implementation questions that I am asked by entrepreneurs is how does Airbnb make ACH direct deposits into customers’ bank accounts. There seems to be a wave of transactional marketplaces being built and everyone wants this capability. Surprisingly, there were few, if any, plug-and-play providers of this service when I implemented our solution for Airbnb, though I do know multiple companies who are building ...12:59
kanzure... products around this now."12:59
kanzure"The do-it-yourself solution is quite straightforward though. Most commercial banks have an interface that can be activated by request that allows you to make ACH deposits. Like many startups in the Bay Area, we are a customer of Silicon Valley Bank, and, as a result, our original implementation used the SVBeConnect ACH Service. Each day our system would output a CSV file that contained batched deposit instructions (basically amount and ...12:59
kanzure... beneficiary account details). Each weekday someone in our office would upload the file to the bank, though this step can be automated using secure FTP."12:59
kanzure"Validation can be accomplished by issuing a “pre note” (a special type of transaction in which no money is transferred) or by making a micro deposit. If the account details are wrong, a notification is typically generated within 1-3 business days. Another manual step is collecting these error notifications each day and notifying the customer. Although it would be nice if an API or XML report existed for this, a manual, but streamlined ...13:00
kanzure... workflow is sufficient for our needs."13:00
kanzurehuh there's an "official" ACH site13:00
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kanzurejrayhawk: what was the name of bart's bootstrapping company?13:04
kanzuremaybe it wasn't bart13:04
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jrayhawkbart at least had a strong academic interest in bootstrapping13:36
jrayhawki don't recall a company ever being formed13:36
jrayhawkjblake would know more13:37
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kanzurejrayhawk: it was about servers and build toolchains13:43
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jrayhawkoh, http://apters.com/13:47
jrayhawkNixOS is also of interest13:49
kanzurethere's this weird bootstrapping problem with getting development environments to the right people13:55
kanzureand then they need to be able to get the right environments to build the development environments.. (wtf)13:55
kanzureand then the development environments can build the production environments13:55
Lemminkainenvagrants all the way down13:56
kanzuredoes vagrant's .dmg install on osx without xcode and without the non-gui xcode bundle?13:57
kanzurebiggest problem so far has been team members (on whatever projects) using osx13:57
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Lemminkainenpeople would be trying to mount any of this without their osx set up for dev?13:57
kanzureand i think the only option is something like oracle virtualbox for using vagrant on osx13:58
kanzureunless you shell out for vmware fusion and that vagrant plugin13:58
jrayhawkgit annex seems like an okay way to distribute build environment stuff nowadays14:02
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xentracLemminkainen: it would be nice to be able to run my entire dev env in Linux without having to worry about proper suspend driver support for my hypothetical macbook14:25
cpopellI'm being lazy and just using c9 right now because my dev env is very limited14:27
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Lemminkainenaren't you on Windows, cpopell ?14:39
cpopellyeah, but c9 works in linux as well14:39
Lemminkainenyes, because it is browser-based14:40
Lemminkainenunless you're trying to get demonstrable quals in the M$ product space to make yourself more eligible for employment, there's no reason to not save yourself the heartbreak by switching to a linux14:41
Lemminkainenat least on a VM basis14:41
cpopellI also have no reason to switch to linux from doing it on the cloud right now.14:41
kanzure"no reason"14:41
kanzurethat's a funny one14:41
Lemminkainencloud9 is cute14:42
kanzureit's annoying14:42
Lemminkainenbut not cute like I want to fuck it14:42
Lemminkainencute like a retarded 3-legged dog humping someone's leg14:42
kanzurewhy is the 3-legged dog also retarded?14:42
Lemminkainenhe got hit on the head pretty hard when he lost his leg14:42
Lemminkainenhe's never been the same since14:42
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jrayhawk /window 414:44
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kanzure"DJ Taucher Presents - Adult Music On DI 050 (March 2014) Recorded Live from Schaeller Schaffhausen Part 2"15:06
kanzurewhat makes music adult?15:06
cpopell it's 18 years old?15:06
kanzuredoesn't sound like it? http://pub5.di.fm/di_progressive_aac?type=.flv15:07
kanzureew now it's gross15:08
nmz787_ifenn: do you still have contact with langton labs?15:08
kanzureyou never really escape langton15:08
nmz787_ime and 3 friends need a place to stay during makerfaire, we could grab a motel room but we'd like reduce costs if possible15:09
kanzurelangton juvenile subversion-correctional facility15:09
nmz787_ialso if anyone here is local to Portland OR area and knows Cadence Allegro and Python and wants a job, send your resume my way15:10
kanzureis that allegro the 2d framework15:11
nmz787_iumm, PCB layout15:11
nmz787_iwhich I guess is layers of 2D15:11
kanzurenah different thing15:11
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eudoxia"subversion-correctional facility" sounds like the name of a git bootcamp15:16
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kanzuresingularity 1987: the disco http://www.tampabay.com/resources/images/dti/rendered/2012/12/lat_disco1_120912_251011a_8col.jpg15:27
kanzureat least, that's what i think they were like15:27
kanzure"extropy" was originally a disco club in the 70s and uh, their mailing list was the only way they could survive15:27
kanzureneato https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/master/docs/recipes/fast-browserify-builds-with-watchify.md15:47
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kanzuredelinquentme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlQVP6Q9mnY16:31
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kanzureheath: ouch.. https://github.com/marcello3d/gulp-watchify/blob/master/examples/simple/gulpfile.js17:04
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delinquentmekanzure, its been too long since I've picked up new mejal17:33
delinquentmebut these guys... DESTROY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIL-vgHNOu017:33
delinquentmeand its a chick screamer17:33
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Lemminkainendelinquentme is a cartoon character, right?17:39
kanzuremore like the dog you take out back to shoot17:40
jrayhawkperhaps you are thinking of Felonious Gru from Despicable Me17:40
jrayhawkbut yes, regardless17:40
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kanzurecash-vs-equity compensation proposal https://medium.com/p/12ddebcc63ef18:27
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kanzurethere should be software pimped to erowid users for anti-over-dose stuff22:16
kanzureoh right, liability. hrm.22:16
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xmjkanzure: what's erowid?22:26
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@ParahSailindrugs are natures hugs22:28
kanzureerowid is an old cyberpunk magazine that advocated the use of violence in kazakhstan22:29
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kanzurefenn: how about pulling a technology tree out of patent citation graph data22:50
kanzurei feel bad for even thinking that22:51
Lemminkainenkanzure that bad thought will make cpopell very, very hard22:52
kanzurei regret everything22:52
kanzureis there any way to prevent him from seeing that22:52
Lemminkainenyou could kick him for a while22:53
kanzuretoo suspicious22:53
kanzurealso doesn't delete his backlog22:54
LemminkainenI regret my complicity in this22:56
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xentrackanzure: you should try it22:57
xentracthe tree, I mean, not the kicking22:57
kanzurebut the data is probably bogus anyway22:58
kanzurepatents aren't about technology, they are about citing as much barely-disqualifying-as-unrelated prior art as possible22:58
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xentracclearly most of the data is bogus23:00
xentracthe question is whether you can extract anything non-bogus from it23:00
xentracand you might be able to23:01
kanzurewhat would be a metric that would tell me it's not bad data?23:01
xentracmaybe you could produce a human-readable result and see if some randomly selected parts of it were correct23:03
cpopellI was corresponding with the people working on tech forecasting via patent citation graph data.23:06
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xentrachow does that work?23:07
cpopellhttp://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.3933.pdf this was an earlier paper on it23:08
xentracthat looks pretty awesome actually23:09
xentracit looks like it would work a lot better for mapping out past technological dependencies than for forecasting future development23:10
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cpopellapparently they've had some success23:10
xentracalthough admittedly I've only spent <3 minutes reading it while distractedly reading xoJane articles about miscarriages and losing virginity23:11
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xmjnot surprising, getting distracted while reading crap23:43
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QuantumG"developing technology" has a lot to do with funding and token efforts at patent filing is a good predictor of commercial funding I expect.23:46
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