
--- Log opened Tue Apr 22 00:00:47 2014
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chris_99paperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10708-013-9516-802:36
chris_99merci paperbot02:36
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heathkanzure, bkero, jrayhawk, ParahSailin: do you all use vagrant?08:10
eudoxiafwiw i use it :x08:11
heatheudoxia: link?08:11
eudoxiayou mean to a git repo that uses it?08:11
heathoh, no, i misread that as "i use :x"08:12
eudoxiaoh haha08:13
kanzureyes i use vagrant sometimes08:14
heathWhat I don't have a grasp on is switching from one project to the next with vagrant. I think you want to create a new vm per project, but I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate08:16
eudoxiaone project = one vagrant vm08:17
eudoxiaor more than one08:17
kanzuremight as well use lxc08:19
heathi just got through using vagrant for an app, but now i have a new project to work on and i'm not wanting to go through the manual installation process..08:19
kanzurei use one packer template/defintion per project08:19
heathyeah, multiple vms sounds like a terrible idea08:19
kanzureand then i build a vagrant box if i need to, or a docker container, or an ec2 image, or whatever08:19
kanzurethis way i don't need to store 10000 vagrant boxes on my hdd08:20
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kanzuredo monks have specific locations on their heads that they hit regularly, or is it just general forehead/wood bashing08:43
mosasauronly when they seem to doze off08:44
kanzure"80% of Technical Information is Found Only in Patents" http://www.patinformatics.com/blog/revisiting-an-old-standard-80-of-technical-information-is-found-only-in-patents/08:47
kanzure"The origins of this particular statistic date back to the late ‘70s, and for the most part patent practitioners have taken this as a given since the. If this is the case, has anyone actually looked at this question recently and determined if it is still true? In order to revisit this statistic I studied the patented substances indexed by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). The patenting of chemical substances represents a reasonable ...08:47
kanzure... percentage of the technologies covered by the world’s patenting authorities, and thus represents a good collection to study to determine how often technologies mentioned in patents are never mentioned elsewhere."08:47
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jrayhawki don't even know what vagrant does09:10
jrayhawki use qemu and lxc and vservers a lot09:11
jrayhawki should probably learn to use openvz since they have cooler stuff than the vserver project does09:11
jrayhawki have previously used virtualbox but i was generally fairly unimpressed with it and i am not clear on what purpose vagrant serves with regards to it09:13
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kanzurejrayhawk: vagrant supports a number of other backends other than virtualbox09:34
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jrayhawkwell, i suppose it would be easy to make something less terrible than libvirt09:38
jrayhawki am not super clear on why anyone uses libvirt either09:38
kanzurevagrant is often used for distributing .box files with a vm inside09:39
kanzuresince nobody knows how to use chroots etc09:39
chris_99i was trying to use libvirt until i found it doesn't support kvm's -snapshot mode09:39
jrayhawklibvirt seems like a "14 competing standards? ridiculous! we need to develop one universal standard that covers everyone's use cases." sort of boondoggle09:42
kanzurejrayhawk: http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/why-vagrant/index.html http://vagrantbox.es/09:43
jrayhawkthis is the sort of situation that makes me want to start up a troll project09:52
kanzurewhat would it look like?09:53
jrayhawk"gosh, there are so many version control systems and they're so hard for developers; let's make version control meta-tool that makes a unified and universal workflow for developers"09:53
kanzureyou can call it version nexus09:54
mosasaurSome database formats have been commoditized to plugin status, some people tried it with GUI frameworks too.09:56
ThomasEgijrayhawk, http://xkcd.com/927/ as you desired09:56
kanzurei don't think he actually desired that09:57
kanzureplus, it's a very old/common saying09:57
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jrayhawkthe comical thing is a PC disk image or a filesystem snapshot is something that is well understood and can be managed with a wide variety of tools, both standard and specialized10:02
jrayhawkinstead we get a box file10:02
jrayhawkbecause "simplicity???"10:02
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kanzurejrayhawk: getting everyone on a team on the same page in terms of development VMs or environments has been one of my number one problems i keep running into10:14
kanzurejrayhawk: the easiest thing for me to do would be to deploy remote boxes on ec2 or whatever, but the problem is that you immediately give up all of the advantages of local development10:14
kanzureand then there's a herd of people that keep insisting on osx10:14
kanzureand sometimes even windows ("because that's what my laptop runs, duh")10:15
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bkeroheath: no. I use lxc.10:37
bkerovirtualbox is awful10:37
chris_99theres always kvm ;)10:38
kanzurevagrant does lxc things though10:38
kanzureand kvm things10:38
bkerovagrant doesn't do reparenting of processes like lxc does10:38
bkeroor running the guest off the same filesystem10:38
bkeroor have real networking10:38
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bkeroYeah, those sorts of things have existed for a while. afaict none of them are actually complete or on parity with virtualbox.10:39
kanzurewell it's not like anyone recommends virtualbox10:39
@ParahSailinis the virtualbox ko still considered taint due to shitty programmering?10:40
FourFireSo, what's the opinion in here of "AI-Box" ?10:42
kanzurenot interesting10:43
kanzuresuppose there is an ai on earth10:43
kanzuredoes it really matter if it was originally in a box or not?10:43
@ParahSailinwould you let the basilisk out of the ai box?10:44
kanzureeven if i don't, that doesn't mean that everyone else wont10:45
kanzureand it also doesn't mean that an ai wont show up that wasn't constrained to such a "box" originally10:45
chris_99i'm curious about the transcripts for that ai box thing10:49
eudoxiai'm curious about the transcripts when eliezer did it10:49
chris_99i'm betting it involves some kind of blackmail10:52
eudoxiai assumed they were just conspiring10:53
eudoxiato help eliezer's image during the cult-buildind satge10:54
chris_99oh heh10:54
cpopelleudoxia: it's been done between pairs of people who aren't Eliezer11:01
cpopellI generally think LW-ers are among the worst people to play the AI-box game as guardians11:02
cpopellthey're already predisposed to wanting FAI11:02
eudoxia'will you give me a pony?'11:02
cpopellnot quite11:02
chris_99cpopell, are there transcripts of those11:03
cpopellchris_99: you'll have to ask around for them11:03
eudoxiathere are public ones i think11:04
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chris_99http://lesswrong.com/lw/9ld/ai_box_log/ seems er, dubious11:07
eudoxiathat's the one11:08
kanzureinteresting points about an ETF http://www.thisismadness.eu/bitcoin/5-reasons-why-a-bitcoin-etf-is-a-bad-idea/11:09
chris_99oh i misread the outcome sorry11:09
xentraceudoxia: are you saying the cult-building stage is over? why?11:14
eudoxiaxentrac: hm, maybe just critical, early cult building11:15
FourFirechris_99, well we might find out about that, later11:18
FourFireeudoxia, I'm not sure that it's part of "cult building"11:19
chris_99what reason would there be for not publishing the transcripts11:19
FourFirechris_99, there are transcripts of some people who are not EY doing AI-Box, but the ones I've seen aren't all that interesting11:20
chris_99nah i'm talking about the original ones11:20
FourFirechris_99, lose your strategy "I would never fall for that!" when it's tailored to your specific opponent11:20
FourFireor, maybe, yeah it is tied to blackmail, and neither party wants it to get out11:21
FourFireothers have claimed that the logs themselves can be used as blackmail, since emotional or character weaknesses can be exposed during the intense 2 hour (or longer) period11:21
FourFirepeople might say... morally reprehensible things, if money is at stake11:22
FourFirethe is a few reasons, if you think about it for a bit, actually.11:23
eudoxia'intense 2 hour period' god it's a thought experiment not a war11:23
eudoxiathis is what eliezer wants you to believeeeeee11:23
xentracif we take the extreme perspective11:23
xentracan UFAI would find the transcripts useful for exiting the box11:24
FourFireeudoxia, I'm unsure whether two people pitting their minds up against eachother should be shoved aside so easily11:24
chris_99eudoxia, heh, two hours on a computer! this is madness!11:24
kanzurewhat's the purpose of the ai box experiment?11:24
kanzureor the thought experiment, rather11:25
xentrackanzure: to persuade people that FAI is necessary11:25
xentrac"friendly AI"11:25
kanzurewow, really?11:25
FourFirethough, eudoxia having said that, I would be interested in doing the AI-Box experiment with EY as the AI11:25
kanzurei would have guessed another reason entirely11:25
xentracwhat's your reason?11:25
kanzurewell, i don't have one, which is why i asked11:25
xentracchris_99: an Eliezer term meaning "AGI whose interests are aligned with those of humanity"11:25
kanzurebut it would not have been "because it demonstrates that ai will kill you"11:25
FourFireof course, I'm poor, so I'd never be able to afford his time, and there are much much better things to spend both time and money on11:26
kanzure"it's just a text stream, it's not going to convert me into computronium"11:26
xentrackanzure: it seems to me that one of the major objections to FAI is that it's unnecessary because we can keep UFAIs safely boxed up; just as you said: "it's just a text stream, it's not going to convert me into computronium"11:27
FourFirekanzure, the problem with that statement is, that as far as I know, at least three people, with monetary stakes, have had their minds changed during the experiment11:27
kanzurelike, aren't there much simpler ways to argue that ai will kill you, other than "ai box experiment"?11:27
xentracand the purpose of the experiment is to persuade people that in fact a text stream is sufficient to, effectively, convert you into computronium11:27
kanzureFourFire: what do you mean? they suddenly decide that ai wont kill them, because it's text?11:27
FourFirethe thought experiment was proposed in order to determine whether humans can be hacked by humans11:27
FourFireand if they can, then it can be assumed that they certainly can be hacked by an AGI11:28
kanzureof course humans can be hacked by humans. we can even get "hacked" by metal rods being shot through your skull.11:28
xentracmmmm, metal rods :)11:28
FourFireregardless of whether it was a F or uF AI11:28
@ParahSailinthe basilisk is actually a FAI11:28
kanzurei still don't see why the thought experiment is necessary11:28
caternthe AI box stuff is just an argument against people who think we can prevent AI being dangerous by just sticking it in a box11:29
FourFirehacked... by a text stream in an IRC window11:29
xentracParahSailin: haha11:29
kanzureirc can fuck you up11:29
kanzurei used to be a young school girl11:29
kanzurelook at me now11:29
xentracyou're all wrinkly11:29
FourFireI can't see you11:29
caternthere are people who think that all you need to do for FAI is box the AI, so the purpose of AI box experiment stuff is to counter them11:30
kanzureanyway, the box experiment seems to have some other problems with it too11:30
kanzuresuppose that you really did have an ai in a box11:30
kanzurewhy is it that only one person accesses the box?11:30
kanzurewell anyway, it's stupid11:31
kanzureone side of the argument is saying "it's an unstoppable bullet by definition" and the other side is going "i don't accept your definition, so therefore it is stoppable"11:31
cpopelliirc Tuxedage has made 2 grand off of it.11:31
cpopellas the AI.11:31
FourFirekanzure, no, the people decided to let their opponent "out of the box" after having resolved to, and bet money on, not let them out11:31
cpopellconvincing gatekeepers to let people out11:31
cpopell*let him out11:32
eudoxiaugh how do people even11:32
FourFirethese are people who lost money, so it's unlikely that they were just doing it for lols11:32
kanzureand, even if you do have an ai in a box, what happens to all the other ai on the planet or in the galaxy11:32
cpopelleudoxia: like I said, I don't think people who do LW are great gatekeepers11:32
eudoxiahow do we know money actually changed hands though?11:33
eudoxiafederal reserve notes don't have a blockchain11:33
cpopelleudoxia: I don't think they care -that much- about falsifying this11:33
eudoxiahm yeah i should drop the tinfoil for a while11:33
FourFireif they're covering up, they were still convinced to cover up11:34
FourFirethere's an amount of reputation at stake here as well11:34
cpopelleudoxia: you can always just ask Tuxedage11:34
FourFirekanzure, it's not a thought experiment for determining whether we can stop AI by keeping it in a box.11:35
FourFireIt's a thought experiment to test whether humans can be hacked11:36
kanzureyou don't need ai to determine whether or not humans can be hacked11:36
caterni think it's actually neither of those11:36
chris_99what do you think it is catern11:36
FourFireand, the context for why humans are being hacked, is a super intelligent AI, being boxed11:36
caternbecause it's obviously true to anyone with sense that you can't stop AI by keeping it in a box, and it's obviously true that humans can be hacked,11:36
caternbut some people are dense and don't know this11:37
caternso the AI box stuff is just stating the obvious for their benefit11:37
FourFirethe experiment is to provide data, which might convince such stubborn people11:37
caternyeah, and that11:37
FourFire(or prove them right all along)11:37
kanzurewell that's really boring11:37
caternit's not aimed at you11:38
cpopellalternately it's a decent way to figure out who's susceptible to being talked out of things like that11:38
archelslooks professional11:45
kanzure"you can get all these stickers! because science."11:45
kanzureit will be interesting to see if they meet their funding goal11:46
kanzurebecause they didn't donate to themselves11:46
kanzuree.g. usually kickstarter projects have a 10-30% completion rate in the first hour because they just give themselves their own money11:46
kanzure(which did not happen)11:47
kanzurenothing like some propaganda though https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/910/103/be54723725f6f3cd8cf05e4639ae98ec_large.jpg?139815689211:47
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archelsyeah, cute11:48
eudoxia"let me be" lol11:48
justanotheruserInteresting. So I could just make a kick starter, fund myself completely and then I would have a little hype behind me11:49
justanotheruserI assume funding yourself is against the ToS?11:49
archelseudoxia: tamagotchi 2.011:49
@ParahSailinwhat is this open worm stuff anyway, is it somehow attempting to simulate every cell of worm?11:49
kanzurejustanotheruser: nope, as far as i know they are happy to take a % of your money11:49
kanzurejustanotheruser: but most of the time people only fund 10-20% of their project on their own, to make it look like there's momentum11:50
kanzurejustanotheruser: (this helps users not feel like idiots when donating)11:50
justanotheruserkanzure: I see...11:50
archelsParahSailin: not every cell, but every neuron and muscle at least. the rest is point-and-stick mechanics, afaik11:50
kanzurethey have been around for a while11:51
kanzuretoo bad they keep doing those google hangouts :(11:51
kanzurewhat happened to their irc channel. did they just decide irc was too old school for them?11:51
archelsParahSailin: not sure what the 'let me be' adds, there11:52
kanzure11:27 < petertodd> amiller: reminds me of a much simplier idea I had: have OpenPGP WoT edges be based on what you believed the cost would be for an adversary to fool you into signing the wrong key11:52
@ParahSailindid i whups somewhere11:52
kanzurenope, it wasn't you11:53
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justanotheruserkanzure: you following amiller in -wizards? Its pretty interesting11:59
xentrachttp://www.amazon.com/1000m-Dyneema-Strong-Braided-Fishing/dp/B009665S24/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1398193369&sr=8-3&keywords=dyneema occurred to me reading Tim Bray's blog post about a fallen tree12:07
xentrachttps://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2014/04/17/Postmodern-Repairs a tree fell on his house and smashed part of it12:07
caternjustanotheruser: -wizards?12:08
justanotherusercatern: #bitcoin-wizards12:08
caternah, should have guessed12:09
FourFirelooking back at the logs of one time I ran AI-Box, as the gatekeeper12:09
FourFirethe poor AI was getting trolled pretty hard12:09
xentracit seems like you could quite reasonably string a Dyneema net over your roof to protect it from falling tree branches12:10
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delinquentmeParahSailin, kanzure is reselling ecm a decent idea?  Or am I just enamored w the slight macabre and the thought that it would be a good financial vessle into working into human applications12:16
delinquentmelike from what I can tell its a pretty straight forward operation ... and all I need is a HPLC12:16
@ParahSailinif it keeps you busy, im all for it12:17
chris_99Electronic countermeasure?12:17
delinquentmeParahSailin, per yesterday Ive been looking at decellularizaing simple organs for research purposes and selling freeze dried ecm powder12:17
delinquentmeExtracellular matrix :D12:17
@ParahSailinwhats that rodent cell line that secretes good ecm12:18
@ParahSailinehs sarcoma12:19
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delinquentmeso if I run this pulverized + suspended ecm gel through a HPLC ... the source animal shouldn't matter right?12:33
delinquentmeAnd I have no idea how to setup the HPLC to select out the ECM material12:34
kanzureParahSailin: why is it even called high-performance anyway12:34
kanzurethe super duper plasma chromatography mcahine (SDPC)12:35
@ParahSailinhewlett packard was first to market the machine12:35
kanzurei'm going with superduper from now on12:35
@ParahSailinhigh performance was a backronym12:35
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@ParahSailinnot sure what you're trying to say12:38
@ParahSailinthat you've mastered search engines for yourself now and dont need to ask so many easily googled questions here?12:39
delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1548283112:40
cpopellkanzure: you were discussing technical debt the other day, right?12:41
delinquentmeParahSailin, one day we're gonna hug it out12:41
kanzurecpopell: what of it12:41
delinquentmea few trustfalls later and we'll be skipping through the fields12:41
cpopelloh, just came across a 2013 talk by Steve McConnell on technical debt12:41
cpopellor, his slides at least12:41
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AshleyWaffleHey everyone, I'm starting the first episode of my libertarian transhumanist podcast today in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Please contact me if you are interested in joining in.12:54
cpopellLink a script.12:55
cpopellor, topic list.12:55
cpopellI'm skeptical.12:55
@ParahSailinyou believe in free will?12:57
cpopellwho are you addressing?12:57
justanotheruserI'm starting the first episode of my statist primoanarchist podcast today what a coincidence12:57
cybermani though podcasts would have been one of those things that would have died a long time ago13:00
cpopellinstead they've only grown!13:00
cybermanwhats the roi these days13:00
cybermanprolyl why i got out13:01
justanotheruserThat was a made up number13:01
cybermantoo much like a job i wasnt getting paid for13:02
cpopellcyberman: generally you have to be an expert in a given field already, or a celebrity, and you increase your branding.13:02
cybermanend up plugging sponsors13:02
cybermanand selling adspace13:03
cpopellmostly ads, from what I've seen13:03
cpopelland merch13:03
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AshleyWafflejust using google hangouts instead13:06
AshleyWafflejust for first episode13:07
AshleyWaffleI will be on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no1pxcvK8hw13:10
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kanzurehttp://www.securityfocus.com/bid/63676/discuss ""Attackers can exploit this issue to bypass Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) protection mechanisms of applications. This may aid in further attacks that may lead to arbitrary code execution."13:25
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kanzure"The frequency and scale of cyber-attacks against commercial and government interests has increased dramatically. Massive troves of classified government documents have become public through the actions of a few. Yet we have not seen significant growth in the illegal sharing of peer-reviewed academic articles. Should we truly expect that biomedical publishing is somehow at less risk than other content-generating industries? What of the larger ...13:28
kanzure... threat—a “Biblioleaks” event—a database breach and public leak of the substantial archives of biomedical literature?"13:28
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jmir.org/2014/4/e112/13:28
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delinquentmeAshleyWaffle, so peter thiel is calling in?13:39
AshleyWafflewait what!?13:40
AshleyWaffleI don't know about that but there's a good chance Adam Kokesh is13:40
delinquentmethats what the bio on the page says?13:40
delinquentmethats cool13:40
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xentrac15:53 < cpopell> Link a script.13:59
xentrac15:53 < cpopell> or, topic list.13:59
xentrac15:53 < cpopell> I'm skeptical.13:59
xentrac15:55 <@ParahSailin> you believe in free will?13:59
xentracof course I believe in the free list13:59
xentracI mean, malloc works, right?13:59
xentracoh wait13:59
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andytoshihey guys, this has been bugging me, what if you uploaded a consciousness and then applied program obfuscation http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/451 to it, so that it'd be functionally identical but the source becomes opaque, wolud it still be conscious? the obfuscation in that paper works by representing the conscious circuit as a series of branching 5x5 matrices, then basically evaluating each matrix in a14:29
andytoshirandom basis and evaluating the output in the composition of all basis changes14:29
kanzureone solution to consciousness is to consider maybe it doesn't exist14:29
kanzuresuppose that you have a whole brain emulation that works14:29
andytoshiso it seems like the person could not be conscious because he doesn't have the priviledged view into his own working (since he doesn't know the random bases)14:30
kanzurelet's also say that it's accurate and it works correctly14:30
kanzurebut it does not possess consciousness (as a definition of the scenario)- is this to bad?14:30
kanzure*is this so bad?14:30
andytoshibut the I/O behaviour means that he'll still talk about being conscious and stuff. so isn't this a chalmers zombie?14:30
andytoshikanzure: the problem i have is that a philosophical zombie seems like an incoherent idea to me14:30
kanzureand of course by emulation i refer to the type discussed here: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/brain-emulation-roadmap-report.pdf14:30
kanzureandytoshi: elaborate?14:31
kanzurepaperbot: http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/45114:31
andytoshithe link i posted was free :)14:31
kanzureat this point it's often easier to use paperbot than check14:31
andytoshione sec, i'll find an article by eli yudkowskey on philosophical zombies, i don't have much to say beyond that..14:31
QuantumGwait, someone actually discussing transhumanism on ##hplusroadmap?14:32
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andytoshiok, it's super long, sorry14:32
kanzureandytoshi: just to be clear upfront, i don't think i'm conscious14:32
jrayhawki am sure they'll be banned soon enough14:32
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kanzureor rather, i don't think i have consciousness. (i am certainly in the medically-defined conscious state, of course. responsive, aware, communicative.)14:33
andytoshikanzure: well, i think i'm conscious, it sure seems to me that there's a 'view' i have of the world that others don't14:33
kanzureand are you claiming that this view does or does not correspond to emulatable state in your head-matter?14:33
QuantumGyou don't think you have a poorly defined term?14:33
andytoshii'm claiming it does14:33
jrayhawkif you're not self-aware of how self-aware you are, then...14:34
andytoshidoes correspond to an emulatable state*14:34
jrayhawkor, rather, if you're not self-aware that you're self-aware, then... greetings mister epimedes14:34
QuantumGthere was that "recent" mathematical definition of consciousness.. that is basically useless14:34
kanzureso you're asking if a brain emulation is still a brain emulation, even if it's not identical to the original source data/matter?14:34
andytoshii think consciousness is real, it's a purely physical phenomenon (otherwise i couldn't be talking about it on the physical IRC could i?), and running by brain in a sim is sufficient to acheive that consciousness14:35
andytoshiworse than that, i'm ok with "not identical"14:35
andytoshiin this case it's "obfuscated so that you cannot see any subset of the code, only the input/output behaviour of the whole thing"14:35
kanzurethen i don't know what you're asking anymore14:35
andytoshion p18 on that eprint.iacr.org paper, the security assumption for obfuscation is described, it is that if you fix any subset of your inputs, at attacker can't tell which subset except by inferring it from the circuit's output14:38
andytoshiso if your input is a conscious circuit, which you are inputting to a universal circuit…14:39
andytoshi…then you shouldn't be able to distinguish the conscious circuit with one where you've replaced any subset of its code with an obviously non-conscious functionally identical code14:40
QuantumGI'm pretty sure I could design an algorithm to predict the distance of the nearest bong from an in-use keyboard from its output.14:40
kanzureif it's functionally identical then what difference does conscious and non-conscious confer14:41
andytoshinone, except to the conscious person itself, which has an 'inside view' which does not appear in its output14:41
kanzuremany systems (other than people) have internal state14:42
andytoshisure, and obfuscation makes this state inaccessible (that is, indistinguishable from random) except where it appears in the program's output14:43
andytoshiso it seems to me that this is a construction of a p-zombie, it'll talk about consciousness just like a normal person but there's nothing but noise happening inside14:45
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kanzureactual noise would, to me, suggest that all output would be noise or random, but clearly you could have zombies or non-human systems that are not producing random output but instead text without having a completely-noisy internal system14:46
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andytoshiwell, in e.g. shamir secret sharing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir%27s_Secret_Sharing you can encrypt some data with a secret, and the encrypted data can be anything since the secret can be anything. then you split the secret up among N parties, and if M of them combine their pieces they can reconstruct the secret14:50
andytoshibut even with (M-1) people participating the secret can still be anything, no information is gained14:51
andytoshiso the secret is completely unknown and the encrypted text will be 'noise' in the sense that you can't distinguish it from random, until a critical mass of participants get togethr14:52
paskyand what does that have to do with consciousness?14:53
andytoshipasky: because you can use the construction in http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/451 to turn a consciousness into noise, throw away the secret data, and it'll still appear to all outside observers to be conscious because it'll act exactly the same way14:54
paskybut why would I do that?14:54
paskymaybe I should've read more backlog than up to 23:4514:54
andytoshiit's a thought experiment, you do it to learn about the nature of consciousness14:54
paskyI guess that's the point I'm missing, what does this have to do with the nature of consciousness14:55
paskyI can do this with an ELF binary14:55
paskywill that tell me something about the nature of the ELF binary?14:55
andytoshipasky: sure, and if you do it to an ELF binary which, say, decrypts some data by using a secret key, the obfuscated ELF binary will still decrypt the data but you won't be able to get the key from it in any way14:56
andytoshiso you haven't changed its functional behaviour at all but you have changed the way that it achieves that behaviour, to a way that you can't break apart or partially evaluate14:56
kanzureand your point about consciousness is then something about andytoshi_neurons.exe..?14:57
nmz787_ikanzure: any preference for XML to python dict lib? I like the sound of https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict   and maybe    http://www.picklingtools.com/html/xmldoc.html14:57
andytoshiif that program had an inner view of its workings, that inner view is destroyed by the obfuscation, but it will -still talk- about having an inner view14:57
kanzurenmz787_i: probably lxml14:57
QuantumGI don't think it is14:58
paskyandytoshi: will it?14:58
kanzureinner view meaning, access to ram whil erunning?14:58
paskyandytoshi: let's say it's implemented in a language that supports introspectoin14:58
andytoshikanzure: inner view meaning, whatever it is that people refer to by qualia14:58
pasky(I think all programs using introspection are self-aware to a degree ;)14:58
paskyandytoshi: if it's still performing the expected function, I think the view via introspection should still be the same, right?14:59
paskyor I'm not following your argument14:59
nmz787_ikanzure: i feel like the output of that is quite ugly compare to the two libs i sent14:59
andytoshipasky: if you can access the program's introspection by giving it appropriate input, it'll still give exactly the same output14:59
kanzurenmz787_i: you can use python -mjson.tool to make json less ugly?14:59
QuantumGobfuscation is defined as changing a program so it is hard for someone trying to read the code to understand, *without* changing the function of the program. If "reflection" is a required function of the program, obfuscation can't change that, or it's not obfuscation.14:59
andytoshibut it'll be lying, just like a p-zombie is lying when it says that it's conscious14:59
andytoshiQuantumG: there is a definition of obfuscation in the paper i linked15:00
QuantumGI don't care about your paper15:00
andytoshiQuantumG: it means given two functionally identical circuits, a computationally bounded attacker cannot distinguish between their obfuscations15:00
QuantumGhaving worked on software obfuscation for decades, I think I know a little better than some paper you found on the internet15:01
paskyandytoshi: okay, in that case, I don't think it actually *matters*; the program thinks it's working in a particular way, everyone else thinks it's working in a particular way, it is *working*, so why care?15:01
paskymaybe I'm thinking by my guts instead of my brain, I don't care as long as I continue thinking15:02
andytoshiQuantumG: having actually worked on that paper, i think i know a little better than you what i'm talking about15:03
QuantumGthe whole p-zombie nonsense is supposed to make you question the external observation equivalence hypothesis.15:03
kanzureQuantumG: to be fair, i haven't seen anything about circuit analysis from you w.r.t obfuscation, but i have seen various reverse engineering things.15:03
QuantumGandytoshi: great, did you actually ask anyone who works on program obfuscation before you defined the word?15:04
kanzureQuantumG: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Candidate%20Indistinguishability%20Obfuscation%20and%20Functional%20Encryption%20for%20all%20circuits.pdf15:04
QuantumGcause, ya know, I can see where your definition is going but it misses some important concepts.15:04
paskyI'm afraid UNIX people never talked to plumbers about defining "pipelines" :(15:04
andytoshiQuantumG: please elaborate15:05
QuantumGanyway, if you want to talk about *your* definition of obfuscation, that's cool.. I just like to know your internal model so I can understand your outputs :)15:05
nmz787_iQuantumG:  they like to also call that minification15:05
nmz787_ithough i guess that might be less obfuscating than a purpose built obfucator15:05
andytoshiQuantumG: i'm curious if you think there's a stronger definition of obfuscation we could be using tho15:05
andytoshiwhich is not subject to impossibility results15:05
QuantumGyou have to define "equivalent programs"15:06
QuantumG(or circuits, no idea why you went with that terminology)15:06
nmz787_iit's all circuits!15:06
kanzurea program is just a graph15:06
kanzureexecutable graph thing15:06
kanzuredirected, probably15:06
nmz787_iyou could probably say a circuit is just a graph15:06
kanzureit is15:07
QuantumGit's all just lambda calculus man.. Church-Turing thesis.. where's that bong?15:07
nmz787_ieverything is everything15:07
nmz787_ithe weather here is crazy15:07
kanzurenow you're going too far15:07
andytoshiQuantumG: "equivalent" means identical input/output pairings, i.e. functionally equivalent15:07
nmz787_ibackdrop of dark clouds, sunshine in the foreground.... a few minutes ago I saw thunder and it was hailing15:08
kanzureit's very common to study electrical circuits as circuits and graphs, that's not "everything is everything"15:08
QuantumGright, so buried in your definition of equivalent is the answer to your p-zombie conundrum.15:08
kanzureQuantumG: did i show you https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal or https://github.com/iimarckus/pokered15:09
QuantumGit goes away as soon as you define your terms, which is why it doesn't happen for philosophers because they refuse to define consciousness so it can yield to rational argument.15:09
kanzureQuantumG: pokered.git contains source code that completely compiles into the original pokemon red game15:10
kanzure(as in, byte-equivalent)15:10
QuantumGI think I saw a youtube video you did in regards to it15:10
kanzureQuantumG: i also did a bunch of asm injection and hacking-by-gadgets https://github.com/kanzure/pokemon-reverse-engineering-tools/blob/vba-automation/pokemontools/vba/vba.py#L20615:10
kanzureQuantumG: like using known asm to string together malicious programs15:11
kanzureknown-asm inside the original rom15:11
kanzurethought you might find that interesting, i forgot about your reverse engineering stuff15:12
andytoshiQuantumG: consciousness is detectable in a brain by looking at the neural activity, but not by, say, talking to someone on IRC. but you should be able to upload a consciousness, define the inputs and outputs entirely through IRC, and still have it be conscious even though you can't detect consciousness over IRC. but then the obfuscation will frag anything which isn't detectable over IRC, creating an15:13
andytoshiIRC zombie15:13
QuantumGI'm not as *keen* on it as I used to be.15:13
kanzureconsciousness is not detectable by looking at neural activity15:14
andytoshithis should be true for any definition of consciousness which isn't IRC-detectable, so the philosphers have plenty of room to faff15:14
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kanzurei don't know if there is any form of anything that is not IRC-detectable. you can encode a bunch of information into text..15:15
QuantumGeither consciousness is important for external behavior, in which case a p-zombie is impossible, or it isn't, in which case a p-zombie is irrelevant.15:15
QuantumGwhether a p-zombie is impossible or irrelevant is not worth answering.15:15
QuantumGlet's replace the word "conscious" with "drunk". If you can't tell that I'm doing my job drunk, why would you care?15:17
kanzuredrunk has a bunch of specific definitions, unfortunately15:17
kanzurelike: breathalyzer results, even if it doesn't say anything about your brain-state15:17
kanzureand you can pretend that the ability of your boss to smell your breath is a crude breathalyzer15:18
QuantumGI say the debate over breathalyzer vs walk-the-line/say-the-alphabet-backwards testing is identical to the debate over p-zombies15:18
paskyI completely agree with general QuantumG's argument though15:18
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QuantumGimagine you had a "consciousness breathalyzer", set up roadblocks and did random testing. The people who failed the test would be like "dude, I'm totally conscious!" too15:21
QuantumGif all other external testing failed to detect the lack of consciousness, you'd say the person was a p-zombie, then let them go home because, by definition, they're no danger to themselves or others.15:23
QuantumGso what's the point of this gadget? Finding real zombies or something? p-zombies are just the false positives?15:24
QuantumGI think the real purpose of p-zombies is to demonstrate that anyone who uses the word "consciousness" without a sneer probably has a bong nearby.15:25
kanzureebowden: you can ask sheena about dog things, by the way15:27
QuantumGwtf, google just sent me $120?15:27
QuantumGokay, thanks google15:27
kanzurelast december google reversed 3-4 years of adsense deposits15:27
kanzurelike the entire amounts that people spent15:27
kanzureso if you spent $60k on ads, you had +$60k15:28
kanzureand then they turned around to reverse the transactions, taking $60k back... but as you can imagine, this causes problems because of exchange rate fluctuation, etc15:28
ebowdenOh, ok, thanks kanzure.15:28
QuantumGI think I set the $200 threshold back in 2007.15:30
QuantumGso yeah, 7 years of earnings.. woooo..15:30
nmz787_ii wonder if anyone caught it in between and closed their bank account before google could re-reverse it15:30
kanzurei was surprised that the news wasn't all over it15:30
kanzurei guess nobody was surprised that the banking infrastructure is totally fucked up15:31
QuantumGthey're forcing everyone in Australia to put a pin number on their credit card next year15:31
QuantumGI've never had one, because the concept of a cash advance on a credit card disturbs me.15:31
ebowdenOh, sheena, are you there?15:32
QuantumGand if someone forges your signature, you're never liable for their purchases (which isn't the case for a pin)15:32
kanzurei believe you're liable if the 45-90 day window expires15:32
QuantumGif you have "fraud protection" you're not even liable then, as they're required to detect it and contact you.15:33
kanzures/liable/not able to get money bcak15:34
paskyhere in czech republic, all cards, credit or debit, use pins and signatures are used only in very exceptional cases15:34
QuantumGI think you mean "not required to repay it", as you never had it in the first place15:34
QuantumGpasky: they probably require chip and pin and do bulk processing.15:35
paskyyeah they are all chip cards15:35
paskyhmm, i think i had a card about 9 years ago which would trigger using a signature instead of pin on some gas stations15:35
paskybecause they had offline terminals15:35
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paskybut you basically never see that anymore with czech-issued cards in cz15:36
QuantumGI'm figuring I'm going to get rid of my credit cards anyway.. I'm just paying for the privilege of having them.15:36
QuantumGfor online purchases I'll just buy a prepaid or refillable card15:36
QuantumGcan't be more fucked than using bitcoin15:38
QuantumGhttp://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=34532.msg0 hundreds of pictures of Dragon.. cause it's not exactly the same as the last time I saw these pictures.15:41
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sheenaebowden:  am now16:51
ebowdenAh, ok.16:51
ebowdenSo, what do you think of genetically engineering dogs to have higher intellect, and have linguistic abilities?16:52
sheenai think its theorhetically plausible16:55
eudoxiai can already see the vice headline16:55
sheenawhat would you use the dogs for?16:55
sheenaand what would you do with all the 'almost useful but too smart for homes' ones? large kenneling facility?16:55
eudoxia"A geneticist, a bioinformaticist, and a web developer teamed up with furaffinity. You  won't believe what happened next"16:55
ebowdenSheena, no, for wacky talking dog adventures.16:56
sheenalol what?16:56
eudoxiait would be cool to do something like upload a doge16:58
eudoxiaand then increase the intelligence of the upload16:58
eudoxiathat would really be HN front page material16:58
cpopellebowden: why the fixation in uplifting dogs17:00
ebowdenMainly the idea of wacky talking dog adventures.17:00
cpopellDo you consider this seriously?17:01
ebowdenAlso, they are better at understanding people than chimps.17:01
jrayhawkcounterpoint: Mr. Peabody is a dick17:01
sheenacan you explain a wacky talking dog adventure example?17:01
sheenathey are certainly better at some human-interaction interpretation than chimps17:02
ebowdenWe go around the world solving mysteries together.17:02
eudoxiawhere in the world is satoshi nakamoto17:02
eudoxiawoof woof17:02
kanzurenose work might count17:02
ebowdencpopell, no, dogs are just very good candidates for it.17:02
ebowden(For genetically engineering in linguistic abilities.17:03
sheenaso you want a dog with dog senses, but who can comunicate linguistically?17:03
ebowdenWell the wacky adventures and mystery solving is mainly a joke, but...17:04
ebowdenIt would be nice to see it happen.17:05
eudoxiait might be easier to surgically shape a human into a doge, then somehow give them a doge's personality and cheerful demeanor17:05
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ebowdenIt would also be incredibly creepy.17:07
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kanzurelet's keep to only credibly creepy17:07
sheenaso i think dogs have some language already, that we mostly dont tap into17:07
sheenadid kanzure send you the lnk i sent him a fwe days ago about this?17:07
jrayhawkthe language of butt sniffing17:08
kanzureyes i did17:08
QuantumGif the result is functionally equivalent, what's it matter? I think you want some sort of p-zombie dog.17:08
kanzurewait, no17:08
sheenayeah, that one17:10
sheenawhats your experience with genetic engineering?17:10
kanzurei don't think he has any, but some others in here do (meeeee)17:11
ebowdenkanzure, oh?17:11
ebowdenCan you tell me about it?17:12
kanzurewhat, you think this channel is just full of people talking about news?17:12
ebowdenNo, I'm just curious.17:12
kanzurewhat do you want to know17:12
ebowdenWell, what kind of stuff did you work on?17:13
ebowdenKnockout mice? Crops?17:13
sheenaebowden: selective breeding has worked pretty well in creating crazy variety in dogs..17:14
ebowdenYeah, it has.17:15
ebowdenBut we are yet to get ones that talk and solve mysteries.17:15
kanzureis it really important that you know the exact specimens i've worked with? the protocols are not very hard to learn if you've done one, you can usually muddle your way through the next.17:16
ebowdenAh, ok.17:16
ebowdenWell, no.17:16
ebowdenJust curious what kind of stuff you got to do.17:17
kanzurei do whatever i want17:17
kanzurewell why shouldn't i?17:17
ebowdenYou do whatever you want, in regards to genetic engineering?17:17
kanzureyou are a very confusing person17:17
ebowden(There is absolutely no reason I can think of for you not doing what you want in regards to genetic engineering, kanzure.)17:18
andytoshii bet he's an ELIZA… must have heard my earlier comments about consciousness not being irc-detectable17:18
kanzuremust be17:19
sheenaebowden: i'm not sure anyone is breeding specificaly for language and mystery solving17:19
sheenathough dogs are pretty good at problem solving, depending what sorts of mysteries you have to solve!17:19
kanzurei'm sure they are breeding for smell mystery solving17:19
kanzuremystery smell i mean17:19
ebowdenSheena, basically fast track the process.17:20
kanzureis that a command?17:20
eudoxia'here dog, smell this mailing list archive'17:20
eudoxia'woof woof'17:20
ebowden(Oh, also kanzure, all the ones I could think of would be very, very stupid recycled anti-GMO arguments.)17:21
kanzureno, you said "got to do"17:21
kanzureit's not about "getting to do" anything, it's about what you happen to do..17:21
ebowdenKanzure, no, not a command.17:21
ebowdenJust explaining.17:21
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kanzurei still don't understand then. "basically fast track the process" is an explanation for what?17:21
sheenaebowden: fast track the process of developing a dog with language skills, using genetic engineering?17:22
ebowdenI was explaining to sheena.17:22
sheenai'm not saying it wouldnt work.. but who would fund it?17:22
sheenaebowden:  just ignore kanzure ;)17:22
ebowdenAnd yes, sheena gets it.17:22
ebowdenAh, ok.17:23
ebowdensheena: I can dream.17:23
sheenalol ok17:24
sheenai just figure if you dont have a practical application in mind, funding will be difficult17:24
kanzuregene reductionism is a common problem in biology where people think that individual traits must reduce to a single gene17:24
sheenashit im late. sorry. ttyl17:24
sheenahdsheena@gmail.com if you have more thoughts, ebowden17:24
ebowdensheena, I can think of a group of people who would be VERY willing to fund it...17:24
jrayhawkgene determinism is also awful17:24
ebowdenOh, ok sheena.17:24
kanzurefunding isn't so much the problem as much as "the idea is probably wrong in a number of ways"17:25
kanzure(like in the ways that matter if you want to make something happen)17:25
kanzurewhat do you mean "Oh?" after i explained it and jrayhawk too17:25
ebowdenWell, never mind, I'll take your word for it.17:26
kanzurethat's even worse!17:26
ebowdenI know. :D17:26
jrayhawkso, for reference, we didn't know there were six common DNA nucleotides until 18 months ago. The amount of shit we're clueless about is enormous.17:27
kanzurebah jrayhawk, don't bring up unknown unknowns, that's not a legitimate argument17:27
kanzurei was expecting you to paste your it's-not-quite-like-software quote17:27
jrayhawkwell, that'd work, too17:27
kanzurewhich would seem more informative for ebowden's case17:27
kanzurei suspect he strongly believes that genes directly control human-documented features in a very one-to-one way17:28
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ebowdenkanzure, what you do you mean by one-to-one way?17:28
kanzureas opposed to one-to-many or many-to-many17:29
ebowdenOh, no, I don't think that/17:29
ebowdenOh, no, I don't think that.17:29
andytoshijrayhawk: link for 6 necleotides?17:29
kanzurethere's also a bunch of synthetic/artificial nucleotides that labs have been using17:30
ebowdenI know genes don't control one discreet trait.17:30
kanzurein rare circumstances they do, but it's not like machine code.17:30
ebowdenI know that, only creationists try to pretend it is.17:30
ebowdenKanzure, what's this about new nucleotides?17:31
kanzurethere are many people who have misunderstandings about biology other than creationists17:31
ebowdenOh, creationist arguments involve saying that DNA is exactly like a hard drive.17:32
ebowdenOh, some creationist arguments involve saying that DNA is exactly like a hard drive.17:32
ebowdenYes, that's true.17:32
jrayhawkandytoshi: 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is the latest one17:32
andytoshiebowden: you sholud read 'darwin's dangerous idea', it has a high-level overview of some of this stuff and a shitload of citations17:32
ebowdenThanks andytoshi.17:33
andytoshijrayhawk: we don't bother with simple names anymore? ;)17:33
kanzureshrug, the simple name is "the second cytosine" or something17:33
QuantumGnah, creationists are all about the watchmaker analogy17:33
ebowdenThey do use the other one as well.17:33
QuantumGapparently the operation of cells is so complex and beautiful that it must have been created by an intelligence17:33
QuantumGclearly, they've never learnt a damn thing about how cells work, or any sort of engineering either17:34
ebowdenYea, the components of clocks do not have natural affinities to each other.17:34
ebowdenjrayhawk, can you explain this novel nucleotide thing to me?17:34
QuantumGcause if an engineer made the crap we've found in cells we'd string him up17:34
kanzureit just means that some molecules of dna have different nucleotides17:34
kanzurecell metabolism to some extent determines the available molecules to build more dna17:34
ebowdenQuantumG LOL17:35
kanzureand sometimes this means less "normal" nucleotide-equivalent options are available17:35
kanzureor, that you can get stuck in a local minima on a loaf of bread in a fridge and maybe those cells that don't require the unavailable nucleotides are able to build more of themselves more than the other cells17:35
ebowdenkanzure, have you got a link where I can learn about this?17:36
ebowdenAh, ok.17:36
ebowdenThankyou kanzure.17:36
QuantumGOn the other hand, you can kinda see where creationists get this watchmaker analogy from if they've ever looked at a molecular biology textbook17:37
QuantumGmolecular biologists just love making models of how cellular functions work that are all clean and engineered looking17:37
ebowdenStill, the stupid hurts.17:37
kanzureexcept they aren't actually clean17:38
jrayhawkebowden: DNA is dynamically configurable; specifically cytosine can be swapped out for 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. These are currently conceptualized as 'speedbumps' in the transcription process that determine expression, but biology is always more complicated than we suspect.17:38
andytoshii also think if you've never coded you'll be more susceptible to creationism, even hume said he couldn't imagine where all this complexit came from17:38
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ebowdenjrayhawk, yeah.17:38
andytoshiand he was a massive 'fuck the pope' atheist, if he were alive today he'd literally starve he'd spend so much time on reddit17:38
jrayhawks/determine expression/\0 of a particular subsequent gene/17:39
kanzure"... there is no source, the bytecode has multiple reentrent abstractions, is unstable and has a very low signal to noise ratio, the runtime is unbootstrappable, the execution is nondeterministic, it tries to randomly integrate and execute code from other computers... multiple reentrant and self-modifying abstractions. absolutely everything has subtle side effects."17:39
kanzurebitcoin is biology17:40
jrayhawki wonder how much of that quote i stole from matthew garrett17:40
kanzurekill him and claim it for yourself17:41
jrayhawkhe's fueled by booze and rage17:41
jrayhawkall i have is bacon and deontardation17:41
QuantumGany good papers on protein engineering as a pathway to productive nanotechnology in the last few years kanzure?17:42
jrayhawkhttp://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/6376.html ah, maybe half of it17:42
kanzureonly moderatively productive stuff is the dna origami things from winfree's lab, but you might be bored by that by now17:42
kanzureas for protein engineering, there's a lot of known motifs17:42
kanzurehere's some papers about engineering just polymerase enzymes: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/polymerase/17:43
kanzurethis paper was also fun: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/protein-engineering/Design%20of%20protein%20function%20leaps%20by%20directed%20domain%20interface%20evolution.pdf17:43
nmz787_ikanzure, walnut creek transcript link? this dude is saying they said (sometime, didn't specify where/when) that they said " diybio movement would cross a 'red line' for them if it had cheap17:43
nmz787_i> independent dna synthesis technology"17:43
ebowdenOh, jrayhawk, do you think the effects of the active compounds in lion's mane mushrooms are anything special?17:43
nmz787_ii remember them blowing off that question17:43
nmz787_ibut maybe something happened since then17:43
kanzurenmz787_i: git clone git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git17:43
kanzurenmz787_i: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/fbi-diybio-2012/howard-simon-dna20.txt17:44
nmz787_is/happened/was said/17:44
QuantumGread any of these? http://mechanosynthesis.mit.edu/?page_id=1117:44
jrayhawkhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18844328 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20834180 http://journals.prous.com/journals/servlet/xmlxsl/pk_journals.xml_summary_pr?p_JournalId=2&p_RefId=1173290&p_IsPs=N http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20834180 yes, though a lot of brain research is hampered by a terrible null hypothesis17:44
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno 111] Connection refused (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)17:44
kanzurenope, but this one seems fun: "Microscale machining and nanoscale surface modification of carbon nanotube forests by ultrafast laser irradiation."17:45
kanzurejrayhawk: what terrible null hypothesis in those? or at least, not those, but the generally-terrible one you are expecting17:45
nmz787_ihmm, I don't see my question in there17:45
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kanzureme either, search the others17:45
jrayhawkamerican test subjects17:46
ebowdenjrayhawk, thankyou.17:46
kanzure"red line" doesn't show up in the transcripts17:46
kanzureit's possible that i was pooping17:46
kanzureand not typing17:46
jrayhawkor, rather, test subjects with atrociously inflammatory diets17:47
kanzureare these transcripts even useful? should i bother17:47
kanzurebecause there's probably some non-negligble damage that i'm doing to myself17:47
jrayhawkpretty much anything with any immune modulating activity whatsoever, including cortisol reduction from the placebo effect, will have "special" effects on diseases of affluence.17:49
jrayhawklion's mane mushroom could be bioaccumulating lithium for all i know17:49
kanzure"Robofurnace: A semi-automated laboratory CVD system for high-throughput nanomaterial synthesis and process discovery."17:49
ebowdenjrayhawk, do you think we should be testing just the isolated active compounds?17:50
ebowdenI do.17:51
jrayhawkno, the problem is the null hypothesis17:51
ebowdenWell, if they really are the active compounds.17:51
ebowdenWhat is wrong with it?17:51
jrayhawknormalizing on pathology results in conclusions largely tangential to health17:52
jrayhawkTake any single RCT on palmitic acid you like; it will demonstrate LDL receptor downregulation and resultant inflammation and oxidative stress17:53
jrayhawkTake any single-variable RCT on arachidonic acid you like; it will demonstrate increased imbalanced eicosanoid production resulting in inflammation and oxidative stress17:54
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jrayhawkTake any single-variable RCT on methionine you like; it will demonstrate reduced glutathione production resulting in oxidative stress and inflammation17:55
kanzurejrayhawk: do you ever look at or use the kebb metabolism image database thing?17:56
kanzurekegg, i mean17:56
jrayhawkMeanwhile all of the conclusions you derive from those RCTs are actually moving you further away from health because they only appear pathological *in the context of existing pathologies*17:57
kanzurethe one you are probably most interested in is 'KEGG REACTION'17:57
kanzureoh wait, or is it kegg pathway?17:58
kanzure"EGG REACTION contains all reactions taken from KEGG ENZYME and additional reactions taken from the metabolic pathway maps in KEGG PATHWAY. Each reaction is identified by the R number, such as R00259 for the acetylation of L-glutamate. Reactions are linked to ortholog groups of enzymes as defined by the KEGG ORTHOLOGY database, enabling integrated analysis genomic (enzyme genes) and chemical (compound pairs) information."17:58
nmz787_iugh, i can't figure out how to set git to go through the proxy18:00
kanzurePROXY="" git fetch18:00
jrayhawkman git-config18:00
jrayhawkman curl18:00
jrayhawkeither one will do18:00
kanzurei'm curious if anyone has done food studies on this data set18:01
kanzureyou can probably get your SNPs aligned to this data and then see which pathways are either working or not working for you18:01
nmz787_iis diyhpl.us http or https?18:01
kanzureand then based on simple models of food in terms of their macronutrient or micronutrient properties, you could determine basic metabolic rates and yields for all the reactions, or absorption rates, etc.18:02
kanzureoh i guess permeability is the blocking issue there18:02
jrayhawkthis contains the clone urls18:02
jrayhawkit is not itself a clone url18:02
kanzuremaybe permeability doesn't matter if you do poop studies18:03
kanzureanything not there was absorbed18:03
jrayhawkthe http transport is pretty dumb and I don't feel like supporting it.18:04
kanzurehrm but then you have to account for microbial content of gut18:04
nmz787_iso what is the git transport?18:05
nmz787_ii used git config --global http.proxy http://server:portnum18:05
kanzurethat looks like http to me18:06
kanzurewhy are you setting up a proxy anyway18:07
jrayhawkintel, presumably18:07
nmz787_iI'd only grep the dir for synthesi18:07
nmz787_irather that's all i want to do, i can read the files over http18:07
kanzureyou have an account on the server, you can just ssh in18:08
nmz787_iheh, you think so?18:08
kanzurewhat sort of fucked up work environment disables git clone?18:08
nmz787_iand ssh18:08
kanzureyou should quit18:08
nmz787_ii like the cafe too much18:08
kanzureno drugs AND no ssh? come on.18:08
nmz787_iplus i work on the same floor as my gf18:09
nmz787_ithe hiring lady told me they stopped testing actually18:09
jrayhawkdo people get fired for using corkscrew18:09
nmz787_ii had tried something last month, idk if it was that18:10
nmz787_isomething with a cat in it18:10
nmz787_iand it didn't work18:11
jrayhawk... "didn't work"18:11
nmz787_ibut i think the lingo was something like 'don't do anything that could compromise our network'18:11
nmz787_ican't remember if the word tunnel was used18:11
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jrayhawkit would be a dumb use regardless; SSL is a tunnel.18:12
dingojrayhawk: i know of aa bunch of solaris sysadmins who got fired from A.G. Edwards for tunneling out18:12
dingobut it was part of a massive layoff, and they just dug up a reason to fire them without pay18:13
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dingoi've tunneled out of "secure research facilities", the kind that don't let you bring in a phone if it has a camera on it, and search your waistline and shoes and shit18:13
dingosysadmins are notoriously inept18:13
dingoif they weren't, they'd be developers18:13
jrayhawkIt'd be pretty easy to notice who makes long-lived SSL connections.18:14
dingoyeah i thought so too, i was waiting to get walked out18:14
dingoits easy to fix anyway18:14
jrayhawkI don't think network-wide MITMing counts as "easy", but that seems to be the normal approach these days.18:15
dingonaw i mean just, you could dhcp new leases often, break the connection and reconnect every 15 minutes, whatever18:15
QuantumGon the other hand, I know people who work in ordinary offices, have unlimited free access to facebook on their phone and still complain about IT blocking it.. and IT still block it, even though everyone has it on their phone. Common sense aint common.18:15
nmz787_icouldn't you just break up the sessions?18:15
nmz787_ioh, what dingo said18:15
dingoproxy it through a dedicated server, like a developer's environment, where it looks purposeful18:15
dingothats what i did at my last gig18:16
nmz787_igoogle app engine18:16
jrayhawkOh, yeah.18:16
kanzurejrayhawk: your task is to read the entirety of kegg18:18
jrayhawkoh god18:18
kanzurestart here http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?rn:R0302418:18
jrayhawkit's more tempting than it should be to try to convert it all to ikiwiki's linkmapped graphviz plugin18:19
jrayhawkhttps://ikiwiki.info/plugins/linkmap/ which is badass if you haven't seen it before18:19
kanzurebut then you end up with giant pngs18:19
nmz787_iand also the thing patrikd mentioned a few times, some project with a capitalized acronym18:19
kanzureif anything, it should be something other than graphical output18:19
kanzureand don't tell me about graphviz's ascii output18:19
kanzureask cluckj about that one18:20
kanzurecluckj: your fault18:20
kanzurejrayhawk: oh look, boxes with arrows.. great.18:20
jrayhawkand links18:20
jrayhawkdon't forget links18:20
kanzureor svg with links18:20
kanzurehah <map><area /></map>18:20
jrayhawka heatmap for what?18:21
kanzureno i was wondering about the implementation18:21
kanzurethe old school way, long before i was born, was something like "link to a cgi file, with pixel coordinates"18:21
nmz787_ioh, sorry, wrong way... it's ENCODE https://www.genome.gov/encode/18:22
jrayhawki'd assumed graphviz's plotters were willing to output coordinates for debugging purposes anyway18:23
kanzuremaybe there's some computational biology projects that dump vitamins into these reactions/equations and calculate yields18:23
jrayhawki think grad students are normally used for that18:23
kanzurethat's stupid18:23
kanzureQuantumG: get on it18:23
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.100055418:25
kanzure"A recent mathematical model was developed to quantify the factors that determine the proportion of weight loss coming from body fat versus lean tissue. The basis for the model was a classic theory of Gilbert Forbes who hypothesized that longitudinal body composition changes are described by movement along a logarithmic curve relating lean body mass to fat mass [61]."18:26
kanzureoh that's weird. why not not base it on actual biology instead.18:26
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kanzureah this is slightly more sane: "A computational model of macronutrient balance was recently used to integrate the available data on the metabolic changes in patients with cancer cachexia. The resulting computer simulations showed how the known metabolic derangements (e.g., increased proteolysis, lipolysis, and gluconeogenesis) synergize with reduced energy intake to result in a progressive loss of body weight, fat mass, and lean tissue [71]."18:27
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kanzurei see nothing about using the known reactions and yields18:28
kanzurepaperbot: http://journals.lww.com/co-clinicalnutrition/Abstract/2008/05000/Computational_modeling_of_cancer_cachexia.5.aspx18:29
fenngood thing they included ™ and ° and  • on this keyboard but not up or down arrows18:35
fenni am chatting today on a e-ink reader with debian and android installed18:37
fennitsvreally hard to play frozen bubble in monochrome even with colorblind mode on18:38
kanzurefenn: you may find this useful https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.volosyukivan18:38
kanzureit runs an http server on your android device that serves up a <textarea> for providing keyboard input from another machine18:38
jrayhawkfenn: Mer Nemo is a pretty good architecture for embedded touch systems18:38
fennno idea how to copy a link18:38
kanzurelinkcopy is illegal sharing18:39
fennlinkimi for communist president18:39
fenn oh al i dont have google play. all free software but the kernel :/18:41
kanzureif you are using connectbot then there's a copy button once you click the screens a few times18:41
kanzureyou can download google play here: http://goo.im/gapps/18:41
fenn i see  alt tab ctl sym  blank textbox thingy and keyboard18:43
kanzureoh, it might be under menu18:43
fennjrayhawk: i was reading about maemo and how it was thrown to the wolves18:44
fennso sad. an sailfish os isnt exactly open18:44
jrayhawkoh man maemo is so fucking infurating. the N-series tablets were supposed to be phones, but entrenched internal politics around18:45
jrayhawkSymbian kept them from getting cellular modems.18:45
jrayhawkThe would've had a full Linux phone with a WVGA screen in 2005, and video calls in 200818:47
fennuh oh i scrolled up and now i cant get back down. treed like a cat. call the fire dept!18:48
jrayhawkas it is we didn't get that shit in phone form until 2009, and, even then, there were no carrier comarketing efforts18:49
jrayhawkmeanwhile android forked nokia's kernel work and worse-is-bettered themselves a whole new ecosystem18:49
fennand saddled us with java for eternity18:50
nmz787_ieven on the new HTC flagship phone, the One M8, copy-paste sucks horrible and pisses me off so much18:50
nmz787_ithis is running kitkat18:50
fennhow do you select text anyway?18:51
kanzurecat /proc/mem | grep18:51
nmz787_ishould be press and hold18:51
kanzureoops i mean grep /proc/mem before someone kills me over cat18:52
jrayhawki find it interesting that microsoft killed both Nokia's Meego and OLPC's Sugar18:52
jrayhawkthose seem like genius tactical moves, but i have no idea if they were anything more than accidental18:52
kanzurei think olpc actually had mshtml compatibility18:52
kanzurebecause of pyjamas18:52
Lemminkainenhahaha this18:52
yoleauxNews Highlights:After $101B Bid, Pfizer Will Likely Try, Try Again for AstraZeneca18:53
nmz787_inow on kitkat, when you select text, or press and hold on some unselectable block (where you might expect to copy the string)... like 4 or 5 buttons come up across the top of the screen and they don't make any sense, and they don't seem to do anything.... the only reliable way i've found it to click the 'share' button which has a link to 'copy to clipboard'18:53
nmz787_iwell, reliable when the option is there18:54
fenn10^11$ wasnt enough?18:54
Lemminkainenapparently not18:54
LemminkainenI wonder if Astrazeneca is vulnerable to a leveraged buy-out18:54
jrayhawki will say the Sailfish folks have a much better development model. All the Mer stuff underneath is developed in the open.18:54
jrayhawkMaemo was mostly throw-stuff-over-the-wall android-style.18:54
kanzure"AstraZeneca boosted its cancer immunotherapy pipeline in January when its MedImmune subsidiary inked an oncology research collaboration and licensing agreement with Immunocore that could generate as much as $320 million per compound developed"18:55
kanzureall these valuations are largely based on licensing deals. hehe.18:55
kanzure"The companies agreed to develop cancer therapies using Immunocore’s Immune Mobilising Monoclonal T-Cell Receptor Against Cancer (ImmTAC) technology, which direct a patient’s T cells to specifically destroy only the cancerous cells, avoiding damage to healthy cells."18:55
Lemminkainenyou expect them to work on hard data?18:55
nmz787_ithe 1080p display and front-facing speakers are really really nice on this phone though18:55
kanzuret-cell reprogramming is something that i keep expecting to see18:56
LemminkainenJuno did a decent job at it18:57
Lemminkainenraised themselves $145M in a Series A18:57
fennjrayhawk: so can i just install mer on debian and be done?18:57
Lemminkainenand promptly got flooded with lawsuits (IP conflict out of Dr June at UPenn)18:57
jrayhawkThe metadistribution tools are installable on Debian, but the Mer stuff itself is a distribution.18:59
jrayhawkMaybe in a chroot or something.18:59
jrayhawkSome of the Nemo UX stuff might be independently installable.18:59
jrayhawkDebian itself is sorta bad for embedded systems; Stskeeps started off his distribution engineering efforts with Deblet for the n810 (which I still run), but it's pretty slow due to Debian's generality.19:03
jrayhawkWhat they really needed was something like Gentoo, but with better cross-architecture support.19:04
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jrayhawkWhich they made.19:04
fennso it is now possible to buy $50 andriid tablets. almost makes sense to use them as light switches and tv remote controls19:04
fennit seems like this stuff is more complicated than it ouht to be19:05
jrayhawkI blame ARM.19:05
fennwhy not debian?19:06
fenner. why is it not good for embedded19:06
jrayhawkThere's no way for a single distribution to meaningfully target a platform with no definition.19:06
kanzure are you still scroll-locked19:06
fennno i figured out the difference between fling and scroll19:07
jrayhawkAt best they can target an instruction set.19:07
fennyou have to fli ng really fast because the screen size or something19:07
jrayhawkAnd that instruction set is going to wind up being a highly compatible one as with e.g. x86 and i386.19:08
fennARM is just an instruction set19:08
jrayhawkit is just a dozen instruction sets19:09
fennhmm i actually dont know much about the details19:09
fennso you need more chipbspecific compile time options?19:09
kanzurewhy not just target armv7a and be done with it19:10
jrayhawkThat would certainly help, but there's also a lot of hardware support that goes into userspace because lawyers.19:10
fennwell i noticed there are a few different arm architectures in ebian19:10
jrayhawkarm64 will hopefully be the new baseline for distributions much like amd64 is19:11
nmz787_iheh, and intel has their ARM to IA enhancment layer going on, which I actually don't know much about19:13
nmz787_ior something like that19:13
fennokay so why not gentoo19:14
fennemerge angry-birds19:15
jrayhawkdoesn't cross-build.19:15
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fenn"see also raspberry pi cross building"19:17
kanzurea bunch of people have been obsessed with also compiling on raspberry pi itself. makes no sense to me.19:17
fenndoesnt distcc basically fix that anyway19:18
fennor ccache19:18
fennreally there should just be a dht p2p compile cache19:18
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jrayhawkanyway, if you want to look over the mer equivalents, I think they're still using Meego Image Creator (MIC) and kickstarter (.ks) files.19:21
fennwhat are they called?19:22
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kanzuredht compile cache would have verification issues19:24
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fennthis is why we are also long overdue for a distributed trust network19:25
Lemminkainenfenn try Urbit19:26
fennofc you would still want at least two vouches in case a maintainer got hacked19:26
Lemminkainen"Urbit at present is not good for anything but screwing around. For screwing around, it answers all your needs and is happy to consume any amount of unwanted time."19:28
kanzureso a girlfriend?19:28
kanzurealso, are kickstarter files centos-only?19:29
Lemminkainenit's an interesting inheritor of Kademlia19:29
jrayhawkkickstarter files were meego-specific19:30
kanzurei've only written them in the context of centos stuff :(19:30
Lemminkainenand kanzure what type of women are you dating that don't have their own shit going on? who has any amount of unwanted time?19:30
jrayhawki might be confused about terminology, then19:31
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jrayhawkyou are terrible at participating in distributed trust networks19:33
fennits true19:34
fennalso terrible at maintaining softwarw19:35
fennlong live gqview!19:36
dingoI'm legit, you can trust me19:36
jrayhawkhttp://pgp.cs.uu.nl/stats/FEEDBEEF.html good key id, or best key id?19:36
fenna dingo ate my FEEDBEEF!19:36
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fennso i thought i needed android to suport all teh appsss but it turn out nobody really made anything that is more than a weekend hack anyway19:39
jrayhawklibhybris fixes that problem regardless19:41
fennapologies to any android devs in the audience. oh wait, no i'm not19:41
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fennwtf google rewrote libc?19:44
jrayhawkneed to make compatibility a pain in the ass somehow19:45
kanzureoh man, there's house/fringe cross-over fanfic19:46
jrayhawki would have higher hopes for house/dexter crossover fanfic19:47
kanzure"dexter's lab? why would you even mention dexter"19:47
fennhouse/sherlock crossover19:47
Lemminkainenit would be awesome if Dexter's Lab got a biotech spin-off19:48
kanzuresherlock doesn't count, he's already a copy19:48
LemminkainenMandark's Squish Lab19:48
kanzure"a ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! I am evil! I am genius! I denounce all that is good in science and will harness the evil in electricity! For I am Mandark, King of Technology! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!"19:48
QuantumGI knew it19:49
fennjrayhawk: so you can run android apps on mer?19:52
jrayhawkIn theory.19:52
jrayhawkI haven't tried.19:52
jrayhawkmoldbug sure does like writing words19:53
fennwhat are you running mer on, hardware wise19:53
jrayhawkAn n900, sometimes.19:53
fennoh cool it can use android graphics drivers19:55
fenni am sort of clueless about all this mobile stuff19:56
fennis it expectedbthat a keyboard will work if plugged into a recent phone?19:57
kanzureno, usb keyboards don't seem to be common19:57
fenni know its possible on the nook eink reader with some arcane sorcery19:58
fennwhat about bluetooth keyboards?19:58
kanzurei've been using an ios/android bluetooth keyboard, but i don't know if generic bluetooth keyboards work19:59
fennwhat makes it "ios/android"?19:59
kanzureit has a physical switch for "android mode" and "ios mode" :(19:59
* fenn gazes at the url wistfully20:01
yoleauxAmazon.com: Zagg ZAGGkeys FLEX (FOLZKFLEXSLV): Computers & Accessories20:01
fennlets see how many tabs the android browser can handle20:02
kanzurefamous last words20:03
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jrayhawkI think most of Google's devices have USB OTG.20:10
jrayhawkThe N900 sorta does, but it doesn't do automatic mode switching.20:11
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fennits in "advanced settings->usb host" on android20:12
fennyou would think it would stay in otg host mode since you have tell it to swith to usb storage mode every time you plug into a host20:13
fenni dont see any advance settings so ymmv20:15
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kanzurevim edit mode ctrl-t deletes 3 characters at a time instead of 4. wah.20:46
dingooh perhaps freenode filters ^G, sad20:55
dingoi was making a joke...20:55
dingoi remember taking a intro to unix class in college, we all learn vi on the 2nd class day, and all you hear is these solaris machines... beep... beep... beep beep.. beep hahaha20:55
dingoso i did wall < /dev/urandom and some people really freaked out20:55
dingoschool can be fun20:56
dingothats almost worth paying money for20:56
kanzurenow vim is frozen20:59
kanzurehuh i thought there was 'delete last n characters' trick.21:07
dingothere is 'dt<char>'21:07
dingodelete to char21:08
dingoperhaps its dTx21:08
dingowould delete back to letter x21:08
dingosomething like that21:08
dingoi was just in need of "swap this word with the next"21:08
dingoi know it can be done, i wish i did each of those little tricks daily, thats the problem with memorization21:08
dingoneed to keep that stuff fresh21:08
dingoi'm very ineffective with vim21:08
kanzuredT gets to me to something about a tasklist21:09
dingosome day man... i'm going to print all of vim's help out, and go out to sea, on a clipper ship ...21:10
dingoand then probobly burn it for warmth21:10
dingobut i'll come back a better man21:10
kanzureimap  <C-a>   <Space><Esc>4X21:13
kanzurethis is close but it doesn't put me back in edit mode21:13
kanzureoh, just +i at the end21:14
kanzureblah but it overrides my buffer.21:14
kanzurevim is a house of cards21:15
kanzurenope. this is still not right.21:19
kanzureaha, what about this: :imap  <C-a>   <BS><BS><BS><BS>21:21
kanzureC-a because it turns out my terminal eats C-backspace21:22
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kanzure(openssl hate)21:42
kanzure<beck> you know it's going to be good when the function starts with:21:43
kanzure<beck>        char buf[288 + 1], tmp[20], str[128 + 1];21:43
kanzure#pragma summon cthulhu21:44
QuantumGbut, ya know, having an open source implementation of a security critical protocol is better cause [long list of things no-one now has an incentive to do]21:45
kanzurewhy would you care either way? you're paid to reverse engineer it in both situations, right?21:46
QuantumGoh, you think I care?21:46
kanzureconan, what matters most in life? money and root.21:47
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QuantumGI wonder what the software world would be like if the battle lines had been drawn slightly differently. Instead of compiled-commercial vs source-gratis, what if it had been source-commercial vs compiled-gratis?21:50
QuantumGhmm.. I think game engines vs game modding is like that.. and commercial game engines win out over "free to mod" every day of the week.21:51
kanzureapproximately all mobile games are just using irrlicht21:52
kanzureit's pretty funny21:52
QuantumG.. so maybe the interesting question is just if maybe these two orthogonal concepts had never been so intertwined.21:52
fenntime to register biblioleaks.org21:59
kanzurereading the backlog?22:01
kanzurei don't get it though; what's so wrong about leaking bibliographies.22:01
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QuantumGI doubt they're even copyrightable.22:02
QuantumGbeing mere lists and all22:02
kanzurethey should have called it paperleak or something, since they mean papers22:02
QuantumGopenbiblio.net exists22:03
kanzurewe'll use blackhatbio.com22:03
kanzurei'm sure some of the publishers have bought laws in the smaller countries22:05
kanzuredingo: you'd know?22:05
dingo< kanzure> <beck> you know it's going to be good when the function starts with:22:06
dingois that bob beck?22:06
* dingo catching up22:07
kanzuredunno, it's a quote from http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/worst-common-denominator-programming22:08
dingoyeah thats bob beck, toronto guy, good guy22:08
dingo don't know him, just his work22:08
dingoi once wrote code for biblio stuff.. theres an open api22:09
* dingo 's head spins22:10
kanzureany hints at how angry they are about people having citation graph data22:10
dingohh yes bibtex22:11
kanzureQuantumG: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/articles22:13
QuantumGjim·my /ˈjimē/ verb informal 1. force open22:13
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kanzureweirdest one i've run across is http://expaper.cn/22:14
QuantumGyeah, used it.. has that annoying exchange policy22:15
dingoi don't know anything about bibliographies anymore, sorry22:15
dingoi can't beleive how much i've forgotten22:15
kanzureprobably for the better22:16
kanzurenow you get to replace all your terrible xslt knowledge with terrible libvirt knowledge22:16
dingooh man i'm exausted at this job22:16
dingoi'm giving it until june or so22:16
dingomaybe less, depending22:16
kanzureany idea what's next?22:16
dingovacation :-)22:17
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QuantumGTwo leading computer scientists work toward their goal of Technological Singularity, as a radical anti-technology organization fights to prevent them from creating a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.22:42
QuantumGJohnny Depp saying "superhuman intelligence"22:42
QuantumGalready in cinemas in the USA, opens in cinemas tomorrow in Australia22:45
kanzureis that "radical anti-technology organization" called singularity institute?22:46
QuantumGJapan last.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2209764/releaseinfo22:46
kanzureoops i mean machine intelligence research institute22:46
QuantumGSU = anti-intelligence institute22:46
QuantumGoh wait, that makes it sound like spy shit22:46
kanzurewell, i didn't mean singularity university, but yes they are technically now in possession of the singularity institute brand22:46
QuantumGI just mean it's where otherwise intelligent people go to die22:47
fennstupid university22:47
fennbiblioleaks.org is basically what aaron swartz almost did. biblio just means book22:48
kanzurebiohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA, banned by the Federal Death Administration (twice) | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki | friends don't let friends go to singularity university22:48
fenn"all your books are belong to us"22:49
QuantumGscreen for people with real potential, then fill their heads with save the world nonsense22:49
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ22:49
-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA, banned by the Federal Death Administration (twice) | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki | friends don't let friends go to singularity university22:49
fennQuantumG: i got the impression the people who were at SU had more money than sense or time22:49
@kanzurei think that singularity university is actually informative for their members (who are not expected to have a high-level overview of biology or whatever)22:50
fennstudents at*22:50
@kanzurebut mainly you spend $25k to meet other people who are able to spend $25k on talking about this stuff22:50
QuantumGfenn: that too, but they pay for the scholarships for the people with actual talent22:50
@kanzureit would be the equivalent of me handing out one-on-one sessions for $10k/pop22:50
fennoh they have scholarships?22:50
@kanzurethey have a few freebie spots22:51
@kanzurethey used to have more but nobody was paying, etc22:51
fennwell anyway, what can you accomplish in a few weeks22:51
@kanzureit's just andrew hessel lecturing a lot22:51
@kanzureand others22:51
@kanzureso basically just watch a bunch of andrew hessel videos on youtube and you're done22:51
QuantumGyeah, and way to take Merkle and turn him into a full time lecturer with no research outlet22:52
@kanzurefor the longest time i was only aware of merkle from the cryonics angle22:52
@kanzureand the nanotech stuff22:52
@kanzureinstead of his involvement in public key cryptography22:53
QuantumGyeah, he's like the least known crypto-god on Earth22:53
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.merkle.com/papers/Thesis1979.pdf22:53
paperbotTypeError: unicode() argument 2 must be string, not None (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 825, in text)22:54
@kanzureoh he was hellman's student22:54
@kanzureright. hrm.22:54
ebowdenOh, who was it here that was working on, or at least following nanoparticle delivery past the blood-brain barrier?22:55
fennoh heh22:56
ebowdenOh, yes?22:56
fennnevermind me22:56
@kanzureisn't it just easier to inject through the skull?22:56
ebowdenOh, ok.22:56
ebowdenNot really desirable for a lot of patients though.22:57
Lemminkainencsf injection is a lot more viable22:57
Lemminkainenebowden it may have been me you're looking for22:58
Lemminkainenwhat's up?22:58
ebowdenAh, ok.22:58
@kanzuremartin hellman oral history textdump http://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/11299/107353/1/oh375mh.pdf22:59
ebowdenWould you alert me if there are any developments in nanoparticle delivery past the blood-brain barrier?22:59
Lemminkainenwell I mean there was Rempe's work with ApoE3 not too long ago23:03
Lemminkainenebowden: http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1742-2094-10-102.pdf23:03
Lemminkainensorry, not that one23:04
Lemminkainenthis one: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00441-014-1819-7#page-123:04
ebowdenI didn't mean to say: "Be my slave and tell me all that happens!" So you know.23:04
ebowdenAh, thanks.23:04
Lemminkainenbut that was with Polysorbate-80, which (IMO) only has limited capabilities as an NP23:05
ebowdenAh, ok.23:05
Lemminkainenhowever, been a while since I read through that in any detail so don't quote me23:05
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ebowdenJust meant, if there's a breakthrough, or something fairly pertinent, to ask if you would alert me when it happens.23:05
ebowdenOk Lemminkainen.23:05
LemminkainenI can try to remember but cannot promise anything23:05
Lemminkainenunfortunately I must be somewhat stealthy about some of this stuff23:06
@kanzurepaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00441-014-1819-7#page-123:08
ebowdenLemminkainen: Oh? Why must you be stealthy?23:11
@kanzureiirc he took money23:11
@kanzurefrom pete23:11
fennpeter thief23:11
fennhe changed his name23:12
@kanzuredon't bite the hand that feeds you23:12
* fenn gnaws on a ham bone23:12
LemminkainenMr. Pete has not yet given us funds23:14
@kanzurewhat's the delay23:14
fenni wonder if anyone's looked at the economics of extremely shoddy construction robots vs an OSHA certified work safety environment23:14
@kanzurearen't you over 2023:14
Lemminkainenand the main impetus to be stealthy is that we haven't been able to do a full freedom-to-operate analysis of the full IP landscape and as such tread lightly in discussing our tech23:15
@kanzuredon't look at patents or else you'll be sued into oblivion23:15
@kanzurejust stay away from those blood documents23:15
Lemminkainenwere that that was possible23:16
fenndoes ignorance of patents really matter in a lawsuit?23:16
@kanzurevery yes23:16
xentracfenn: yes, treble damages for wilful violation23:16
fenni dont get it23:17
@kanzurechat logs where you're discussing "the '493 patent" are highly incriminating23:17
xentracnot incriminating23:17
@kanzurebecause you're infringing on their right to coerce you into licensing payments23:17
xentracpatent violation is not a criminal matter23:17
@kanzureoh, right, wrong word23:17
fennhighly uncivil23:17
fennlet us never speak of it again23:17
xentracthe wilful violation thing got a lot less bad a couple of years ago23:17
xentracthere was a bad court decision in the 80s23:18
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@kanzurehow is brazilian patent law?23:18
fennbut seriously, how is it worse if you actually tried to look up a patent. i mean either way you probably came up with the idea on your own23:18
xentracthat ruled that if you looked at a patent and decided you weren't violating it and went ahead anyway, without consulting a patent attorney, and later you were found to be in violation23:18
@kanzurearen't all the countries black balled by WIPO/WHO to have the same shitty patent laws?23:18
xentracthen your violation was therefore wilful23:18
xentracno, there is substantial variation in patent laws from country to country23:19
xentracdespite WIPO/WTO blackmail23:19
@kanzureand by "later found to be in violation" means, by a judge/jury, right?23:19
xentracis there anybody around here who's interested in hearing-aid hacking?  the current hearing aids on the market are not only expensive but also shitty23:19
@kanzureblah someone in here has one. who the hell is it. veb?23:20
@kanzurewhere is veb.. his exploded a few weeks ago actually.23:20
Lemminkainenfenn if the other party can demonstrate you had prior knowledge of what their patent covered and violated it anyway, they can sue you for damages23:20
@kanzuremy notes indicate he had a cochlear implant, not a hearing-aid.23:20
fenni'm interested in sensory expansion; ultrasound, extreme directional amplification, etc.23:20
xentracit seems like you ought to be able to do dramatically better with an old analog hearing aid output hooked up to an Android cell phone doing beamforming on a microphone phased array23:20
fennLemminkainen: can't they sue anyway? isn't that the point of the patent system? otherwise everone could just say I never saw any patent and get away with violation23:21
xentracLemminkainen: they can sue you for damages even if you didn't have prior knowledge, but if the violation was wilful, they can get treble damages23:21
xentracalthough that's limited somewhat by laches23:21
Lemminkainenyou never let it get to the point of damages23:21
AshleyWafflewhats wrong with singuni lol23:21
Lemminkainenyou settle long before that23:21
Dariusi'm very interested in hearing-aid hacking, though short on time right now23:21
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: they want to kill transhumanists. that's what's wrong.23:21
xentracthe reason you settle is so that they don't get a judgment against you for damages, Lemminkainen23:21
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: it's their entire mission!23:21
Lemminkainenexactly xentrac23:22
fennxentrac: how does the software know where to point the beam?23:22
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: what do you mean source... their mission isn't "sit around while super-beings fuck up the planet", their mission is "be first to do anything AI related, or otherwise prevent it from happening"23:22
@ParahSailinsinguni is trying to build the basilisk23:22
xentracfenn: it can scan the field to find the main sound sources, subtract the ones that don't sond like people talking, and then pick one of the others to emphasize23:22
@ParahSailinand thwart everyone else's attempts23:22
Dariusxentrac - just what i was thinking of this past week :) probably influenced by your old posts23:23
xentracmore or less like what people's brains do23:23
fenncan we please stop throwing around the word basilisk in inappropriate contexts23:23
xentracyeah, I think there are some that actually do something like that already23:23
xentrac"cocktail party mode"23:23
xentrac.g cocktail party heareing aid23:23
QuantumGwhy, do you have a basilisk to grind?23:23
xentracstupid spelling23:24
@kanzureyeah, i want to record all conversations at a conference simultaneously23:24
@kanzurei can only type so quickly23:24
@kanzureso ideally i could capture more than one conversation at a time23:24
Dariusxetnrac - iirc they use a few microphones, which is a start23:24
fenngotta catch em all23:24
xentracDarius's hearing aid was also oscillating loudly when he was visiting here in Buenos Aires, at frequencies that he couldn't hear23:24
@kanzurehey at least i have the hat from the official pokemon league23:24
xentracbut to the point where the noise was painful from meters away23:25
fennkanzure: the hat with all the microphones on it?23:25
xentracI can only imagine what kind of havoc that had to be wreaking inside his inner ear23:25
@kanzurehaving any sort of audio control by mobile phone interface might be nice23:25
xentrackanzure: it sounds like introducing veb and Darius might be a really good idea23:26
fennmy impression of "hearing aid" is that they're small and fiddly and hard to build23:26
@kanzureveb might be dead, haven't seen him since the incident23:26
xentracthey don't have to be small23:26
xentracthey're much better if they're small of course23:26
Dariusfenn -- i was thinking glasses with an array of mikes could work out23:26
xentracespecially for kids23:26
fennwell i've never seen anyone walking around with a parabolic dish strapped to their head23:26
@kanzurethat's because you don't know anyone with a sense of style or fashion23:27
fennDarius: yeah that's pretty much what i was thinking23:27
Lemminkainenhow about bone conduction?23:27
fennmicky mouse ears23:27
xentracyou could probably hide a parabolic dish inside a top hat23:27
Dariusbone conduction is only appropriate for certain types of hearing loss23:27
LemminkainenI wasn't talking about loss, I was talking about augmentation23:27
xentracLemminkainen: there are three separate issues: how do you get input, how do you do processing, and how do you get output23:27
DariusLemminkainen: go wild then23:28
xentracLemminkainen: I was talking about the processing part; you're talking about the output part23:28
@kanzurewhatever happened to the tongue interfaces23:29
QuantumGthe usual thing.. they failed at marketting23:29
fenngee i wonder why23:29
QuantumGwhere's your DIY version?23:29
xentrackanzure: what was the incident?23:29
fennwho is veb?23:29
@kanzurexentrac: "oh fuck there's blood, oh fuck i am calling 911, see you assholes later" then nothing23:29
fennam i veb?23:29
@kanzureyou are not veb23:30
fennwhy was ve bleeding?23:30
@kanzurecochlear implant problems23:30
fennthat could definitely cause some problems23:30
xentracyou don't have any contact information for him or anyone who knows him?23:30
@kanzureveb on freenode23:31
xentraclooks like he last posted to the blog in July23:32
@kanzureincident was last month23:32
@kanzure15:06 < veb> I am in a lot of pain right now.23:33
@kanzure15:06 < veb> I feel like there's blood sort of spurting? upwards?23:33
@kanzure15:06 < veb> but blood leaking from wound23:33
@kanzure15:09 < veb> right. where's my ambulance. i'm dizzy23:33
@kanzure15:09 < veb> maybe it went to pick up my son first.23:33
fennidle     : 2 days 20 hours 32 mins 59 secs [signon: Sun Apr  6 05:29:06 2014]23:34
fennmaybe he decided hplus wasn't for him23:35
@kanzurethis was 2013-08-this was 2014-03-2423:35
@kanzurehe's never been in here23:35
@kanzureoops sorry for badtext23:36
@kanzureit was 2014-03-2423:36
* Darius has never been, uh, sanguine about getting such an implant.23:36
@kanzureit's the only brain-computer interface that does anything interesting23:36
Dariusyeah, but they're all closed source, for a start.23:36
fennare there wires going in or is it charged with a coil or something?23:36
@ParahSailintheres no wires going through23:37
xentrac"Even if you have moderate hearing impairment and you have the most modern hearing aids you can get, you are still not going to get all of the information you need to solve the cocktail party problem. So the most advanced hearing aids that are currently available really still don't help very much in that sort of crowded, busy kind of environment." from the article .g linked earlier23:37
fennDarius: ha it's worse than that, you don't even have the right to access your own data, much less own it23:37
fennat least in the US23:37
xentrac"And, you know, I think the technology is not that far away from actually being able to assist in this area."23:37
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Dariusfenn - regular hearing aids kind of suck that way too, which is why i'm interested in creating my own23:37
@kanzurewhat are the processing requirements for phased array microphone stuff?23:37
fennxentrac: do they not preserve phase? what does that mean "not get all the information"23:38
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xentracfenn: I don't have any idea why moderate hearing impairment makes the cocktail party problem so much worse23:39
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fennDarius: i've been meaning to make a wearable audio recorder for several years now23:39
xentracI have a terrible time with it myself despite having no significant hearing loss23:39
xentracprobably from autism23:39
@kanzurehave you tested stimulants and whether thta improves audio processing?23:40
fennthe auditory tract is "highly stereotyped" meaning the cell connections are mostly determined by genetics and growth patterns, rather than learning23:40
Dariusfenn - 'audio augmented reality' for people with normal hearing ought to be interesting and more practical than the video kind still, though i probably don't need to point that out to people in this channel23:40
fenni agree, it's the only realistic interface to 360 degree radar data23:40
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fennthat camera thing for the blind (vOICe) is the wrong way to do it23:41
xentrackanzure: I don't actually have a good test to demonstrate the problem on myself23:41
@ParahSailinheh kanzure's answer to everything23:42
xentraclike, some kind of word discrimination test with background noise would work23:42
xentracafter stimulant-induced psychosis in my childhood I'm chary of experimenting with them though23:42
fennyou want to have a continuous stream of diff data, and some mapping to timbre and pitch and angle, probably using something like aubio23:42
@kanzurei definitely have trouble with random audible conversations, but sometimes i for some reason have a buffer where i can check what someone said to me while i wasn't listening23:42
fennthe diffs are the things in the environment that change, so when you move your head you tend to see edges more than fuzzy blobs23:42
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xentracfenn: are you in the Bay Area?23:43
xentracI forget23:43
fennxentrac: not anymore, or not currently, or something23:43
fenni am there in spirit :P23:43
Lemminkainenfenn is a gas23:43
fenni am there in gaseous form23:43
@kanzureis there an adequate explanation for why a room sounds different when you turn your head?23:43
xentracI was thinking maybe you two could go hang out and try out building a wearable audio recorder23:44
fennyour ears reflect different frequencies from different angles23:44
@kanzurei've speculated blood/capillary reasons, but there's maybe audio reasons23:44
Dariusi will be in NYC in may, and LA after23:44
@kanzureParahSailin: well that's a boring answer. why would the brain care about that?23:45
@kanzureParahSailin: the audible environment doesn't significantly change just because you move your head23:45
fennrelative phase is very important for determining angle23:45
xentracDarius: the roboticists in my office are using Android cellphones with some success to do the non-real-time part of robot control23:45
Dariusthe ears are designed to capture directional info in some complicated way i don't understand23:46
xentracsome at Savioke now23:46
Dariusxentrac: great23:46
Dariusi wonder if they need to use the GPU23:46
xentracPing showed me that if you bend the top of your ear down, it totally screws up your detection of directionality23:46
xentracI don't think so23:46
fennthere was a video game where you had to navigate a maze, but there was no visual interface, just headphones23:47
fennit probably would have been cooler with head tracking23:47
fennking something23:47
@kanzurefenn: http://www.tursiops.cc/aura/23:48
@kanzureugh the web sucks23:48
@kanzure"Aura is an experimental puzzle game where the you must navigate through trap-riddled mazes. The catch is that you are blind, and must rely exclusively on your sense of hearing to survive."23:48
Dariusneat idea, retrospectively obvious23:48
fennmodern cellphones pretty much guarantee we'll never have a good auditory OS/interface23:49
xentracfenn: why?23:49
xentrackanzure: once we figure out how to fix hearing aids maybe we can fix the web too23:50
fennthe lure of the touchscreen is too strong23:50
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@kanzurejust put an autistic kid in a basement somewhere and ask him things23:50
@kanzureand he will remember the web for you23:50
fennjust put ted nelson in a ten dimensional hyperspace grid, and he will arrange orthogonal lines for you23:51
xmjfenn: yes because touchscreen works so well with google glass.23:51
fennxmj: i worry23:51
@kanzurexentrac: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Intense%20world%20syndrome%20-%20an%20alternative%20hypothesis%20for%20autism%20-%20Markram.pdf23:51
xentrackanzure: yeah, saw that23:51
@kanzurexentrac: which is especially interesting considering that this guy now has a billion euros for his whole brain emulation project23:51
xentracfenn: I think T.V. Raman has already made a pretty impressive amount of progress on that23:52
xentrache isn't going to be distracted from it by touchscreens23:52
@kanzurefenn: btw, that p90 guy is on freenode23:53
fenncontext please23:54
fennp90 means a few different things to me23:54
@kanzurefenn: http://www.loper-os.org/vintage/paralleleye/eye.html23:55
@kanzurep4.. damn.23:55
@kanzurestupid numbers.23:55
fenni dont understand why Auditory CSS needs to be its own thing; why not just ... CSS23:55
fennsorry Aural CSS23:55
@kanzurebecause css is awful and it will murder your soul?23:55
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fenni've come to like css23:56
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fennthe problem is most people dont understand how it works so they write bad css23:56
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fennalso, for a long time we had no way to interact with the parse tree, but now chrome inspector does a pretty good job23:56
fenni guess it's confusing because the order in a file doesn't matter, it's like VHDL or parallel programming23:58
@kanzurealso: subtle side effects across multiple rendering engines makes it hard when your fix changes things in another engine that was rendering correctly earlier23:59
fennthat's not CSS's problem23:59
@kanzurewell it turns into my problem23:59
@kanzureand brain tumors23:59
@kanzurelots of repressed rage23:59
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