
--- Log opened Mon May 05 08:41:51 2014
-!- gnusha [~gnusha@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:41
-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA, banned by the Federal Death Administration (4 times) | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki08:41
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Sun Apr 27 19:38:21 2014]08:41
[Users ##hplusroadmap]08:41
[@_archels ] [ cluckj ] [ justanotheruser] [ sivoais ] 08:41
[@heath ] [ cpopell`working] [ juul ] [ smeaaagle ] 08:41
[@ParahSailin ] [ d3vz3r0 ] [ kanzure ] [ strages__ ] 08:41
[ abetusk ] [ dbolser ] [ kardan ] [ strangewarp] 08:41
[ Adifex|zzz ] [ devrandom ] [ lichen ] [ streety ] 08:41
[ andytoshi ] [ dingo ] [ nmz787 ] [ superkuh ] 08:41
[ apex ] [ drewbot ] [ nsh ] [ ThomasEgi ] 08:41
[ AshleyWaffle] [ echo[1] ] [ padz ] [ Twey ] 08:41
[ audy ] [ EnLilaSko ] [ paperbot ] [ Urchin ] 08:41
[ augur ] [ eudoxia ] [ pasky_ ] [ Viper168 ] 08:41
[ balrog ] [ fenn ] [ phryk ] [ xmj ] 08:41
[ bkero ] [ gnusha ] [ realzies ] [ yoleaux ] 08:41
[ blueskin ] [ helleshin ] [ rk[1] ] [ yorick ] 08:41
[ brownies ] [ HEx1 ] [ ruphos ] [ Zhwazi ] 08:41
[ Burninate ] [ ivan` ] [ saurik ] 08:41
[ catern ] [ jrayhawk ] [ sheena ] 08:41
[ chris_99 ] [ juri_ ] [ Shehrazad ] 08:41
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 65 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 62 normal]08:41
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Fri Feb 26 02:40:30 201008:41
-!- Irssi: Join to ##hplusroadmap was synced in 6 secs08:41
fennwb gnusha08:42
-!- kyknos__ [~kyknos@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:47
xmjfenn: can you please nag kanzure a little about paperbot :)08:53
fennnag him yourself08:56
fennpaperbot isn't as easy to start as gnusha for some reason08:56
xmjit's mostly a matter of some op inviting him here i presume.08:58
fennoh heh paperbot is already running08:58
fennno wonder it didn't work :P08:59
fennpaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=512976.51299708:59
fenni think acm usually fails09:00
fennpaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=512976.51299709:04
fenni'm not sure the correct procedure to start it, maybe i need to kill/restart it in the correct order09:11
fennhow can i see the environment variables for a running process?09:11
fennah /proc/PID/environ09:13
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]09:15
fennok i didn't do that09:15
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:16
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]09:17
* fenn winches open the storm doors, exposing the creature to the electrical fire of the heavens09:18
kanzurenot even the logging is working09:19
kanzurei have no idea what's wrong09:19
kanzureserver has never been rebooted before09:19
fenndo you need to run translation server before phenny?09:19
eudoxiakanzure: a deepness in the sky is kind of a good novel after all09:19
kanzuretranslation server is already running09:20
fenneudoxia: i love the contrast between how the spiders see themselves and narrate their lives by radio and the sudden shock when humans come face to face09:20
eudoxiathat was pretty good09:21
eudoxiaalthough i'm really upset the OnOff star was not explained beyond 'a new particle which coincidentally gives us a faster ramjet xD'09:21
-!- yorick_ [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:21
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eudoxiaalthough i'm 5% away from the end, maybe they explain it on like the last page or something09:22
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kanzureanyone feel like debugging what's wrong with paperbot?09:24
fennpaperbot: reload09:25
fenndoes that even do anything09:25
gnushapaperbot: reload09:26
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:26
gnushapaperbot: reload09:26
fennwhere is it supposed to log to?09:27
eudoxiai think there are some operations that only work from admins09:28
eudoxiafrom looking at the source09:28
gnushapaperbot: reload papers09:29
paperbotgnusha: papers: no such module!09:29
fennderr what. that's probably the problem09:29
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]09:30
fenn.w bailiwick09:35
yoleauxbailiwick (/ˈbeɪlɪwɪk/): n. 1. One’s sphere of operations or area of interest: after the war, the Middle East remained his ⁓ — http://is.gd/4lkJmn09:35
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:36
kanzurepaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=512976.51299709:36
fennwhat's the secret sauce09:37
fennactually, that's completely wrong, acm isn't scimag09:37
kanzureany error in the module when it is loaded causes the module to not load09:37
kanzuresomeone (ParahSailin) made a handful of environment variables a requirement09:38
kanzuresince i didn't remember the scihub password, i was going to pass on it09:38
kanzurebut evidently that is not allowed09:38
fennpaperbot: https://www.sciencemag.org/content/343/6173/868.full.pdf09:41
paperbotSSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 632, in send)09:42
kanzurei had the strangest dream about an elevator that kept going upwards, but then it got loaded into the back of a container on a semi truck, and they drove me away to another building09:42
kanzurestupid elevator cars09:43
kanzureyeah, it would be nice if paperbot worked more than 5% of the time09:47
-!- top4o [~chatzilla@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:47
-!- kuldeepdhaka [~kuldeepdh@unaffiliated/kuldeepdhaka] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:48
fennpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201202210/pdf09:48
fennpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/anie.201202210/asset/7933_ftp.pdf09:49
fennwhat's a url that should work but hasn't already been downloaded?09:50
kanzurethat's okay, paperbot doesn't do caching anyway09:50
kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/nl401215n09:51
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Quit: Leaving]09:55
xmjpaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=361227.36123009:56
xmjok, that's a fail09:57
-!- yorick_ is now known as yorick09:57
kanzuremake fixes10:03
-!- marciogm [~marciogm@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:03
-!- entelechios [~elysium@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:08
kanzuremaybe i should restrict paperbot to helping contributors only10:16
fenngood luck with that10:17
kanzurewell i don't run it to be nice10:17
kanzurei run it to fetch me papers10:17
fennyou could have two paperbots, one that randomly fails and one that is supposed to work10:18
fennbut we never know which is which10:18
fennthen it could cycle between them manic-depressively, based on the volatility of the bitcoin market10:19
* eudoxia mutters something about a paperbot-specific altcoin10:23
fennpaper money10:23
fennit uses the full text of the paper as the private key10:24
fennyou exchange papers by exchanging the full text of the paper10:24
eudoxiamining software written in postscript10:25
eudoxiaturn your readers into a source of cash10:25
fennmining software implemented on gradstudentbot10:25
eudoxiahow would that even work10:26
-!- gradstudentbot [~gradstude@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:28
eudoxiagradstudentbot: are you turing complete?10:29
gradstudentbotYeah, it's significant.10:29
kanzurewho turned him on?10:33
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:37
-!- FourFire [~fourfire@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:44
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-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:59
gradstudentbotcache money bits in hose11:01
justanotherusergradstudentbot passes the Turing test11:02
gradstudentbotOh yeah, isn't that already a part on the biobrick registry?11:02
justanotheruserI'm guessing that's what you mean eudoxia11:02
fennturing complete mean capable of doing arbitrary calculations/programs11:03
fennanything a turing machine could do11:03
eudoxiaright, what fenn said11:03
eudoxiagradstudentbot, say something funny11:04
gradstudentbotUh, interesting question.11:04
gradstudentbotThe government announced today that it is changing its emblem to a condom, because it more clearly reflects the government's political stance.11:05
kanzuredid someone hijack gradstudentbot?11:06
gradstudentbotWhere are the pipettes?11:06
gradstudentbotA condom stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security, while you're actually being screwed.11:06
chris_99has it sudently become self-aware kanzure11:06
eudoxiaIT'S HAPPENING11:06
chris_99run for the hills!11:06
gradstudentbotI can feel it. I can feel ... something.11:07
kanzureugh i hate when this fucking happens11:07
fenngod every other day some irc bot is up and doing a hard takeoff11:08
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r179-25-164-213.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]11:08
kanzuregovt wouldn't wear a condom11:08
kanzurealso how is that a grad student thing to say11:09
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r179-25-164-213.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:09
gradstudentbotShould this be on ice?11:09
eudoxiaand i'm guessing kanzure didn't run graddy inside vagrant11:09
justanotheruserInteresting how closely gradstudentbots politics align with kanzures11:11
gradstudentbotWhere's my pellets?11:11
kanzurereally? what's my political stance11:11
kanzuremy politics is more pipettes and less tainted cell cultures11:11
kanzureand graduate degrees for everyone11:12
gradstudentbotDon't even ask how my research is going.11:12
kanzureis his sensitivity increased? what did you change.11:13
-!- kyknos [~kyknos@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:14
-!- sheena [~home@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]11:14
fenni think people are just paying attention to bots because it's international irc bot day11:16
-!- top4o [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 29.0/20140421221237]]11:16
kanzurei thought you didn't like it anyway?11:21
fennme? i like when bots contribute to the discussion, but it's easy to get carried away11:22
kanzurelike, say, one that speaks randomly without invocation11:23
justanotheruserI guess that's not a keyword11:29
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:37
* fenn pokes gradstudentbot11:40
gradstudentbotWell, it looks better if you see it through a UV scope.11:40
fennthat doesn't even make sense11:41
-!- gene_hacker [~chatzilla@8-12.ptpg.oregonstate.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:42
kanzurehow does it not make sense?11:42
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]11:43
-!- nmz787_i [~nmccorkx@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]11:45
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-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r179-25-164-213.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]11:51
fenn"Diffbot sees web pages the same way humans do. Its advanced computer vision identifies only the important parts."11:51
chris_99nmz787, be thee about?11:52
-!- gene_hacker [~chatzilla@8-12.ptpg.oregonstate.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]11:52
fenn"The Product API can be used for extracting clean, structured data from any e-commerce product page. It automatically makes available all the product data you'd expect: price, discount/savings amount, shipping cost, product description, any relevant product images, SKU and/or other product IDs."11:54
fennthis sounds like an ontological assimilator11:54
fenndigital notaries have been around since forever11:56
kanzurei am not claiming digital notaries are new11:56
fenni was following the "identity spectrum" cartoon up until "verified" - what makes it verified?11:57
kanzurehe is pandering to his audience, a bunch of people still believe in identity11:57
fennmuhahaha, it's actually just my sock puppet army11:58
gradstudentbotIdentity, Identity, We Want Identity!11:59
fenni still dont understand why a block chain is important for verifying votes12:02
kanzureit's not, the audience of this sort of document is also unware of other types of voting schemes12:02
kanzurei've had a huge number of people approach me and ask about modifying the bitcoin source code to run conventional centralized software that would usually (and should) be written to use a database12:03
fennthe way i see it, voting is a poor substitue for a randomized statistical sample12:03
kanzureit's extremely annoying12:03
fenn"store data in the cloud" sort of thinking? or something else?12:04
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]12:05
fenni mean freenet is a thing, but ...12:05
kanzurenope not even that.. just "well bitcoin sounds revolutionary, therefore why not use bitcoin to do x?"12:05
kanzure"fuck you and die"12:05
fennsome people don't know the difference between "disruptive technology" and "buzzword compliant"12:06
fennhence all the atomic pizza ovens of the 1950's12:07
kanzurewe had atomic pizza ovens?12:07
fennbaking with gamma rays imparts an unpleasant radioactive flavor12:07
fenni couldn't think of any actual misconceptions12:08
kanzureif you cook a pizza on a submarine, is it an atomic pizza?12:09
-!- pyotra [~asakharov@] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:09
fenna pizza is by definition not atomic, unless it's a pizza bite12:09
fenni was wrong. a random sample is a poor excuse for a complete vote. but voting is almost never complete12:13
fennalso there's a huge bias in the way the vote options are chosen to be presented12:14
fennVOTE: loser A, loser B12:14
fennwhat if i don't want to vote for A or B? too bad.12:15
-!- nmz787_i [nmccorkx@nat/intel/x-cjstjuzsfoittpxz] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:15
-!- marciogm [~marciogm@] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]12:15
-!- Burnin8 [~Burn@pool-173-66-15-196.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:17
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-!- Burninate [~Burn@pool-173-66-15-196.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]12:20
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=63304ccd DavidCary: move link from [[declaration]]12:22
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=20c73ba6 DavidCary: move nootropics link to [[nootropics]]12:23
-!- ephialtes480 [~Ephialtes@80-42-6-220.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:23
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=204a939b DavidCary: move self-replicating machines from [[projects/proposals]]12:33
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=300a3323 DavidCary: move self-replicating machines to [[self-replicating machines]]12:33
@heath"If it's crap data, we'll make it a shiny turd." ...data science!12:40
fenni thought we changed the commit irc message to say the name of the file that was changed12:40
fennself-replicating_machines.mdwn or whatever12:41
@heaththe quote was a real one :(12:42
@heathhi fenn12:42
@heathlong time12:42
kanzuretime is just a symptom12:42
@heathstill in the bay area, yeah?12:42
fenni am in DC12:42
fennhopefully not for too much longer12:42
@heathquite a lot more going on in DC than nashville according to the number of meetup groups12:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=82742fe5 DavidCary: technical question about ikiwiki formatting12:43
fennikiwiki has talk pages? or did he just invent that12:45
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:45
kanzurenope, i imported openwetware diybio content into the wiki a while ago12:46
kanzurejrayhawk: can you install the mediawiki plugin thing? or point me to it12:46
fennit looks like markdown to me12:46
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=eb494485 Bryan Bishop: openwetware content import explanation12:47
kanzureoh, it is rendering poorly12:47
kanzureas opposed to this stuff: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/12:47
kanzureoh i see. mediawiki plugin would be required.12:48
kanzurei hate marku.12:48
gradstudentbotYou used the wrong formula.12:49
fennit looks like the same kind of markup to me12:49
kanzure==== is not markdown12:49
fenn* foo is12:49
kanzureyes but the file extension is .mediawiki12:49
fennwell there you go12:49
fenndoes (for i in *.mediawiki ; do mv $i ${i%mediawiki}mdwn ; done) work?12:50
fennfor i in `find . -name '*mediawiki'`12:51
fennsomething like that12:51
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=e7207ae8 Bryan Bishop: move faq.mediawiki -> faq.mdwn12:51
kanzurepretty awful12:52
kanzureall of this is awful12:52
kanzurewhat about it12:53
kanzureit too will look awful12:53
fennit's the only other mediawiki file12:53
fennoh there's nothing there anyway12:54
fennPROPOSE: delete talk:diybio/faq/equipment.mediawiki12:54
fennall in favor say nay12:54
kanzuredo it yourself12:54
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]12:54
gradstudentbotSigh, my invasive fruit flies won’t have sex for me.12:55
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:56
fenni am in git-diyhpluswiki but `git push /srv/ikiwiki/diyhpluswiki/ master` sez 'remote: error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects'13:00
kanzurepush to /srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git13:00
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=46e5e9f4 fenn: test edit via shell13:01
-!- Shehrazad [~Shehrazad@unaffiliated/shehrazad] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]13:02
fennmaybe i was thinking asciidoc?13:03
fenn# for header is kinda lame13:04
fennso all your commented stuff turns into huge glaring title sized font comments?13:04
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=387f8a37 fenn: test format fix13:07
-!- Darius [~quassel@c-24-5-103-222.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:07
-!- marciogm [~marciogm@] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:09
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=4aca7ea1 fenn: playing around with markdown13:13
fenni format a lot of personal note files as yaml, does it even make sense to try to render that as if it meant something?13:19
fennaww [[!toc ]] doesn't do sub-headings13:22
-!- ElixirVitae [~Shehrazad@unaffiliated/shehrazad] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:22
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=f7184b52 fenn: show all the datas13:23
-!- nmz787_i1 [~nmccorkx@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]13:24
kanzureyeah i'm not happy with the formatter stuff13:25
andytoshipaperbot: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/2570807_A_Signature_Scheme_as_Secure_as_the_Diffie-Hellman_Problem13:33
kanzurewhat's the scope of the wiki supposed t obe anyway13:36
kanzure*to be13:36
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=df5ca4d test format and gnusha irc hook>talk:diybio/faq.mdwn>13:45
fenni am also just interested in making ikiwiki work and learning what it is capable of13:46
fenni have a lot of disorganized crap floating around that i should probably publish in some systematic way13:46
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]13:48
fennoh duh, foo:\n  bar was asciidoc, not markdown13:48
fennhow do i s/\n/stuff/ without using tr13:48
-!- AshleyWaffle [~waffle@gateway/tor-sasl/anastasiawyatt] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]13:48
kanzuregnusha and diyhplus are both terrible names13:48
-!- AshleyWaffle [~waffle@gateway/tor-sasl/anastasiawyatt] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:49
fennnot as bad as serial killer database13:49
kanzurewhy is half the content on gnusha.org and the other half on the other one13:49
kanzurepost receive hook is in /srv/git/ somewhere13:49
kanzurefor the irc thing13:49
fenni am messing with it currently13:49
kanzureyyou can bug pasky for the list of git environment variables13:50
fennit's /usr/local/bin/gnusha-post-receive13:50
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-!- nsh_ is now known as nsh13:50
gradstudentbotWell, the IRB rejected that, so I'm going to rewrite it and try again.13:51
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Excess Flood]13:51
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-!- AshleyWaffle [~waffle@gateway/tor-sasl/anastasiawyatt] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]14:00
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=c718e43 :%s/^\* \(.*\) (\(.*\))/* **\1** - \2/ using markdown is so simple! >> talk:diybio/faq.mdwn14:20
kanzurefenn: echo "set list" >> ~/.vimrc14:25
kanzureand maybe echo "set listchars=trail:-" >> ~/.vimrc while you're at it14:25
kanzurethis visually indicates to you when you have trailing whitespace14:25
fennoh i saw that in the git diff but i didn't know what it was14:27
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=52ba54d these aren't just genetic modifications >> genetic-modifications.csv >> human-modifications.csv14:27
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kanzureactually, this csv file is mostly crap14:31
kanzure12/18/2012,12/18/2012,PERFORMANCE,Strength related,GENE,ACTN3,Anaerobic gene doping,,,14:31
kanzure12/18/2012,12/18/2012,PERFORMANCE,Strength related,GENE,ACE I,Anaerobic gene doping,,,14:31
kanzurethis is not how things work14:31
fennikiwiki should have a broken link flag14:33
kanzure12/18/2012,12/18/2012,NOVEL FUNCTION,Orgasmatron,IMPLANT,Spine,Completely subdermal spinal implant allowing orgasms on demand + WIRELESS,,Director_X,14:33
kanzurethat is the stupidest thing ever, you have way easier access to the non-spinal nerves that produce orgasm14:33
fennthat actually exists btw14:34
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kanzuredoing anything with the spine is way more potentially dangerous. there are lots of other nerves that are equally effective, without doing anything spine related.14:34
kanzurevarious pelvic nerves14:35
kanzurepudendal nerve14:35
kanzurehypogastric nerve (maybe)14:35
fennOrgasm Inc. (a documentary about pharmaceuticals like "female viagra") goes into this in extensive detail14:35
kanzuredid they justify spinal stuff?14:36
fennno, they cast it in the light of "dangerous treatment of dubious medical value, and inherent ethical problems"14:36
kanzureethical problems?14:36
fennlike, "why do you want an orgasm so bad you're willing to get surgery"14:37
fenntrying to please husband or whatever14:37
kanzureah okay, yeah i'm sure there's lots of fucked up relationships14:37
fennbasically the problem is guys are uneducated about sex14:37
fennwell, girls too14:38
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kanzuretheir lack of education shouldn't prevent my ability to do x through z without citing some ethical oath14:39
fennit's amusing that a "tasp" is classified as a weapon14:39
kanzure2/4/2013 13:42:56,,NOVEL FUNCTION,Wings,?,wings,Wings,,MB,14:39
kanzurethe problem with this list is that there might be one or two items in here that are missing on genetic-modifications.mdwn14:40
fennNOVEL FUNCTION,KETER,grants immortality and control of fabric of spacetime,keter,ND14:40
kanzurebut otherwise it's deleteworthy14:40
fennoh it does have a broken link function, neat14:41
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fennwell, go through and delete each one on genetic-modifications.mdwn; if what's left is unimpressive then delete14:43
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kanzurea lot of this is surprisingly medical14:43
kanzurewho the hell cares about "wings"? flying swarms of robots and uavs are way more useful to control.14:43
fennalso it wouldn't work on earth14:44
FourFirefenn well some people think a wirehead is basically dead14:44
kanzureand i'm not sure "generic medical changes" are explicitly transhumanist14:44
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fennFourFire: are there actually any wireheads?14:44
FourFirethus causing someone to be wireheaded, is sorta like killing them, if you don't stop14:44
FourFireand Orgasmning someone on demand will incapitate them14:45
kanzurefenn: well, the people with wires going into their brains probably count, like the deep brain stimulation folks14:45
FourFireputting them under your control14:45
kanzurean orgasm doesn't put someone under your control14:45
fenni mean david pierce's whole philosophe rests on the idea that great > good is the same as good > bad14:45
gradstudentbotPaper submitted.14:45
FourFireyou're essentially overloading their nervous systems, maybe without permanently damaging it, but overloading all the same14:45
fennit's more the conditioning and subversion of existing control structures14:46
kanzurei haven't actually seen any reported deaths from deep brain stimulation users just wireheading14:46
FourFirefenn, I don't think so, but heroin abusers come close14:46
fennbut heroin has other side effects, like CNS depression and slowed heartbeat etc14:46
kanzuredid you know it's possible to take heroin without abuse14:46
kanzuresame with meth14:46
FourFirekanzure, sure, but i don't trust myself to have the discipline to be able to do that14:47
fennyeah it's called "prescription painkillers" or "prescription stimulant medication"14:47
kanzureavoiding molecular addiction isn't exactly just about discipline14:47
fenni'm wondering if a wireheader will do nothing or just continue to live their life, but happier14:48
FourFirekanzure, ok saying that having the power to induce orgasm on someone puts them under your control is a bit much, but you can certainly impair them significantly14:48
fennFourFire: "wireheading" doesn't mean inducing an orgasm14:48
kanzurefenn, the previaling political discourse is that they will do nothing except press the button and die, but it's worth being skeptical of that argument14:48
FourFirekanzure, well there's some genetics involved too I think, but that's an unknown14:48
fenni'm extremely skeptical of assertions based on nothing14:49
FourFirewireheading is to permanently induce orgasm14:49
kanzureit's not just "genetics vs discipline" -_-14:49
fennFourFire: no, you're wrong. it's not "orgasm" it's "pleasure"14:49
FourFirewell that's what I've been lead to believe it means14:49
kanzurewireheading is often about all sorts of pleasure, not specifically orgasm (which has a lot of physiological by products other than brain stuff)14:49
FourFirepermanent pleasure, possibly in waves14:49
kanzurethis conversation is fucked up14:49
kanzurewho are you14:49
FourFireyeah, right sorry14:50
FourFireassume I've now updated my definition of TASP, and Wireheading14:51
kanzurewhat is TASP?14:51
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fennit may be best to just read "known space"14:52
FourFireit's like a device which can temporarily cause the effects of wireheading14:52
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FourFireor you can just constantly TASP someone == wireheaded someone14:52
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=cbcc2c4 ignore vim swap files >> .gitignore14:52
fenntasp = wireless wirehading, if that makes any sense14:52
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=32f1f16 remove empty lines from csv file >> human-modifications.csv14:53
FourFirefenn I think that TASP could be used as a weapon, in that it can reduce the function of surprised recipients14:53
fennnow isn't that better with filenames after the commit message?14:53
kanzuremeh, i would prefer a link to the actual page that was edited14:54
kanzureand then the link to the commit14:54
fennoh i forgot the username14:54
kanzureput the hook in the wiki repo14:54
kanzureand then symlink to that14:54
kanzurethere may be git reasons that the symlink plan is a bad idea, which i'm sure jrayhawk or pasky will point out *cough*14:55
dingogotta git git14:56
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=de4a4ae make the irc channel age year-agnostic >> hplusroadmap.mdwn14:56
kanzurethis landing page is hilarious:14:58
kanzurethis image in particular:14:59
kanzureoh damn, the text is an overlay14:59
jrayhawksymlinking into a git repo seems fine, though i would kinda suggest doing object signing and verification of some sort instead14:59
kanzurewell it's supposed to say "BACKED BY SCIENCE" in front of him14:59
kanzureoh yeah, because it's a script executed by someone14:59
kanzurehah they raised money http://musclegenes.com/2014/04/musclegenes_investment/15:01
jrayhawkfor i in "$@"; do openssl smime -sign -inkey ~/private/ahl-deploy.key -signer ~/private/ahl-deploy.crt -binary -outform pem < $i > $i.sig; done and https://secure.piny.be/cgit/ahl/tree/bin/example/ahl-signed-exec.sh is an example of how to do it with SMIME15:01
gradstudentbotWhere's my pellets?15:02
jrayhawkPGP would be another option, though that would involve attempting to use gnupg15:02
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kanzure< gradstudentbot> You pellet the sample. No luck.15:03
gradstudentbotWell, the IRB rejected that, so I'm going to rewrite it and try again.15:03
kanzurei don't understand how knowing which variant of muscle-related genes you have would help you exercise more sanely15:05
kanzuretheoretically you might have a fucked up metabolism where you should dose yourself with food at a different time rather than whatever you have been doing15:05
kanzurebut i don't know of any evidence of stuff like that existing15:05
kanzureYou vortex the sample. Unfortunately, your sample is now destroyed because the undergrad knocked over the equipment.15:07
kanzuredefeatist interactive molecular biology fiction15:07
fennchoose your own protocol15:07
kanzurehint, they all lead to pain and suffering15:07
gradstudentbotSorry, I can't really talk right now because I'm burried in grant writing.15:08
kanzureeven though they might work, i think bunches of them should be thrown out15:08
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=b602c8ee fenn: remove trailing whitespace >> talk:diybio/faq.mdwn15:12
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=6c186d2b fenn: Merge branch 'master' of /srv/git/diyhpluswiki >> 15:12
kanzurehttps://github.com/eliben/pycparser "Complete C99 parser in pure Python"15:12
fenni was just thinking "are there commits with no modified files?" and there it is15:12
fennanyway, there's your precious username15:13
kanzurepft, i didn't ask for username, you did15:13
fenni was talking to fenn15:13
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kanzurefenn: so you don't want to be in DC?15:23
fenni have no reason to be here15:37
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fennwhat the hell, i've never heard of this: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/Centurions15:43
fenn"In the near future Doc Terror, and his cyborg companion, Hacker, unleash their forces to conquer Earth! Only one force can stop this evil: a handful of brave men. In specially created Exo-Frames, they can be transported anywhere to fuse with incredible assault weapon systems, beamed down from the space station Skyvault, becoming man and machine, Power Xtreme!"15:43
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fenn"the lead character Crystal Kane is accused of "Zone Dancing" (The series term for computer hacking) and seen using a "droud" to interface her brain with computer networks in what is probably the first animated representation of Cyberspace and Virtual Reality. The story written by Michael Reaves weaves a future noir tale of cyberpunk espionage, cloning and private-eye procedural"15:50
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kanzureis this spam? http://medicaldevicesreports.wordpress.com/16:16
kanzuresince the links don't lead to real content (just spam), i think this is spam16:16
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kanzureok yes this is just seo bullshit16:19
kanzurethey are trying to sell 92 pages of content for $10k?16:22
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juri_fenn: um, wth?16:50
juri_i hope we don't lose you here. DC has too few real hackers at the moment.16:51
juri_with a couple million people in the DC metro area, its sad that i've ran into so few 'real hackers' that i can count them on my fingers. i'd hate to hear you left.16:55
fennheh now you know why i don't want to be here16:57
juri_why don't you try meeting the other real hackers? there's so few, i could arrange it. ;P16:59
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juri_i've been here for two years. unemployed.17:00
fenngod, why?17:00
kanzureshe doesn't work on anything that pays money because it's immoral to not be doing gnu things17:00
fennat least live somewhere with a beach17:01
kanzure*to be doing paid non-gnu things17:01
* juri_ sticks her tongue out at kanzure.17:01
juri_welp, at least i'm known. thats the first part of being known and respected, right?17:01
* juri_ looks around hopefully.17:01
kanzureif you do things right, nobody will know you were there at all17:02
fenn"the network's running fine, what are we paying you for"17:02
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kanzureand conversely, "the network isn't working, what are we paying you people for"17:06
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jrayhawkkanzure: the fact that the mediawiki plugin at last update features a bug report from you basically calling it obsolete in 2012 is not very encouraging, but i can try installing it anyway if you want17:32
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kanzurewell, i'll go ahead and trust myself17:33
kanzureno point in ignoring my own advice17:33
jrayhawk"so far the output is not very appealing"17:35
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kanzure"Ubeam emits Ultrasound frequency waves from a base station. These sound waves are converted into mechanical energy by a crystal inside a flash-drive sized dongle attached to the device. The crystal resonates at that sound frequency and the mechanical energy of the vibration is then converted into electricity by the dongle."17:39
kanzurewhatever happened to ubeam anyway17:39
kanzurehttp://www.crunchbase.com/organization/ubeam they raised $2.1M?17:39
kanzureouch, that's not much of a round17:40
kanzuremight as well have been a down round17:40
kanzureneat " For example, ultrasound is already used to wirelessly charge pacemakers http://www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/2011/11/wireless-pacemakers "17:41
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kanzure"Transrectal transducer with simultaneous biplane imaging"17:53
kanzuretransrectal dawg17:53
@heath2.1 isn't terible17:55
@heathunless maybe you are in sf17:55
kanzureneat, a commercial tumor ablation system http://www.haifumedical.com/Products/Model-JC200/17:56
kanzureand here's one where the body goes through the machine (but they don't mention full-body imaging) http://www.haifumedical.com/Products/Model-JC/17:58
kanzure"Approvals: Europe: CE,China: CFDA, Korea: KFDA, Russian Federation approval"17:58
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@heathi want that cad model18:06
@heathg/that cad model/the cad model for this drawing/18:07
kanzurehehe someone demanding bitcoins for an openssh vulnerability http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=gjkivAf318:09
kanzure(which is most likely bullshit)18:09
kanzure"Well duh, ... of course if someone sent 20 BTC there you can bet they'd be flooded with emails of the form "my txid is {txid}, send it over to me". This is one of multiple reasons why the Bitcoin system wasn't designed for people to reuse addresses."18:10
kanzurehttps://zmap.io/ / https://github.com/zmap/zmap "It's pretty crazy to think about, but a portscan of the IPv4 space isn't that hard to do in practice: On a typical desktop computer with a gigabit Ethernet connection, ZMap is capable scanning the entire public IPv4 address space in under 45 minutes. The research paper says that it's on a particular port, from page 3: "The architecture allows sending and receiving components to run ...18:12
kanzure... asynchronously and enables a single source machine to comprehensively scan every host in the public IPv4 address space for a particular open TCP port in under 45 mins using a 1 Gbps Ethernet link.""18:13
gradstudentbotCan I get some more media?18:13
kanzureno you have to use what you already have18:15
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gradstudentbotneed... data...18:21
kanzureuse the data you already have18:22
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fenni hadn't thought of that.. black hats using honeypots to learn about zero days from other black hats18:29
kanzurethe superweapon zerodays are not going to be spent on random targets18:32
fennwhat's the last line mean? ". 1\-5\61\-J\48/a \~£\3|2\D6\ %%!%})."18:35
kanzuregiven the stupidity about bitcoins in this, i suspect this is not legit18:39
fennit also seems like a very small amount of money18:39
fenni mean too small18:40
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fennhttp://www.reddit.com/user/vjn http://vjn.livejournal.com/profile https://twitter.com/VJ_net_ua https://www.facebook.com/VJaroslaw?_fb_noscript=1  possibly unrelated but he links to an article about "little-known division of the Treasury created by Congress after the Sept. 11 attacks, is now engaged not only terrorists and illegal hunting for offshore cash flows. It uses the latest in financial18:50
fennweapons for attacks on carefully selected targets, with links to hostile governments"18:50
kanzurewhy isn't there an aws for manufacturing, where i can rent a flex cell and just point laser beams at shit18:51
fennis called mfg.com?18:51
kanzureyou have to call people18:51
kanzureand then you have to tell them things, instead of just pointing your api client at the machines18:51
kanzureit's all very stupid18:51
fennwhat happens when the user breaks your machine with the API calls18:54
kanzuredunno, but first of all there's some at least minimum level of constant amount of damage just by using18:56
kanzurei mean, for certain tools, maybe not all tools18:56
fennit's not a constant18:56
kanzureso at minimum there would have to be regular maintenance18:56
kanzurethe constant is the minimum18:56
fenndiamond coated inserts can last for essentially forever, in certain situations18:56
fennjulian had a bit to say about this18:56
kanzurethere may be other methods of breaking things other than just the inserts18:57
fennmore ways than you can think of18:57
kanzureand even if it wasn't a flex cell, someone would have to be maintaining it anyway18:57
fennheh i'd like to see fuzz testing of a machining center18:57
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fennthere's a difference between normal wear and tear, and catastrophic failure18:58
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kanzurewell, they're paying you, so you can just factor that in18:59
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JayDuggerGood morning.19:03
kanzurefenn had evernote questions for you19:03
fenndoes it actually work on handwriting recognition?19:03
fennor is it fake OCR "good enough for searching" but not really19:03
JayDuggerThe latter.19:05
kanzurei wonder if livescribe could do better hand writing recognition if it uses accelerometer/gyro data19:06
kanzureeven the palm pilot needed its own funky grammar because it couldn't tell how you were drawing things19:06
kanzuregood thing i don't care19:06
fenni don't think there has been as much research into vector character recognition, especially for latin characters19:06
JayDuggerI occasionally take handwritten notes. Those, if archived, go to Evernote. I have legible printing.19:06
JayDuggerEvernote's OCR  tends to err with incorrect rotation, and with false positives for recognition.19:07
JayDuggerIf you want to search something, handwritten,  you'll get better results with tagging it in the program.19:08
fennthat sort of defeats the purpose19:08
JayDuggerAs for cursive? especially my mother's atrocious scrawl on yellow post-it notes, forget it.19:09
JayDuggerIt does okay with "born-digital" documents, and serves just fine as an Archive.19:09
JayDuggerIt works well when searching for reference designators across circuit diagrams or illustrated part breakdowns.19:10
fenndo you think it could reliably translate something like this? https://www.flickr.com/photos/sachac/14022300544/19:10
JayDuggerUnseen, that's probably a question for sacha chua, who usually hangs out in #emacs and #org-mode.19:10
JayDuggerSeen, ehh...maybe? Probably wouldn't get transform or capture from the image at the lower left.19:11
fennshe also says " even though no one expects transcripts for podcasts and even though I can transcribe my own posts, I pay other people to transcribe them for me." which leads me to believe evernote is not reliable enough19:11
fenni guess that's audio tho19:11
fenni have a fair amount of low-entropy handwritten data that needs asciifying19:12
JayDuggerYeah. There formerly existed castingwords, which did exactly that.19:12
kanzurefenn: might be easiest to pay some kid $10 to do it19:13
fennkanzure: problem is humans make weird mistakes that are hard to discover19:13
JayDuggerYeah, but the problem with that is finding a kid smart enough to do it who's dumb enough not to notice it sucks.19:13
fennkanzure: computers make weird mistakes that make you go "what the heck" immediately19:13
JayDuggerShoeboxed.com does an okay job of scanning hard copy to Evernote.19:14
fennoh, receipts19:14
JayDuggerThe price is right, but I think I got in a free plan as an Evernote comp.19:14
fennyeah i don't actually care about evernote19:15
JayDuggerShoeboxed does non-receipts too: bills, greeting cards (get one for your mother), legal documents, etc.19:15
kanzurethere is also onereceipt19:16
JayDuggerGood point.19:17
kanzurewhat are the chances that he knew sacha chua, that doesn't make sense19:18
kanzurei forget that we are all slight replicas of each other with very minor differences19:19
fennmeep moop19:20
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fennJayDugger: are you an emacs user?19:20
fennstupid freenode and their ghost policy19:20
fenner, invisibility19:21
fenn"This prevents you from appearing in global WHO/WHOIS by normal users, and hides which channels you are on. It is enabled by default."19:21
fennso not only do i not learn about people, i also don't learn about channels19:22
nsh_i've complained about it before to no avail19:23
fennwhat's the rationale behind that decision?19:23
pyotrafenn this is a freenode issue.  I can never see where people are cochanneling19:24
nsh_the rationale is that +i protects people and the set of people who actually want to be able to shared their joined channel information is small enough to ignore19:25
JayDuggerYes, for my sins, I use emacs.19:25
gradstudentbotWho's in charge of the master mix?19:25
JayDuggerI learned enough vi (not vim) because it work (a Solaris shop) required it.19:26
fenni'd guess 90% of users don't care one way or another, 5% wants to hide their channel list, and 5% wants to know what channels others are on19:26
fenni doubt anybody tries to share the list of channels they're joined on19:27
JayDuggerThen I looked at outlining software for a while, from freemind to freeplane, ran into problems with Java under xmonad, came down to Leo or org-mode, and decided I'd look at org-mode for a year, then switch to Leo.19:27
JayDuggerThat was two-three years ago. :)19:27
fennso you use leo?19:27
fennThere are 899 users and 52716 invisible19:28
fennso at least 900 have set -i19:28
JayDuggerNot yet. It slipped on the list of things to learn. It seems to have Python as a prerequisite, and the core developer occasionally veers off into climate change disasterism.19:28
JayDuggerMore honestly, I haven't learned enough emacs to switch over to Leo.19:29
fennah. it seems org-mode is a pretty stable attractor (or end-state)19:30
JayDuggerTo paraphrase Bruce Sterling, "it beats drugs for turning basically smart people into human wreckage."19:31
JayDuggerYou know, those weirdos who have a wireless connection, need a shower, and understand all those silly parentheses.19:32
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fennThere were derelicts around who could fit all their material possessions in a paper bag, but they’d have a cheap laptop and some big chunk of the [completely digitized and accessible Library of Congress] and they’d crouch under a culvert with it, and peck around on it and fly around in it and read stuff and annotate it and hypertext it, and then they’d come up with some pathetic, shattered,19:33
fenncrank, loony, paranoid theory as to what the hell had happened to them and their planet19:33
fennwikpedia, scourge of the future19:33
fenni've never read anything by bruce sterling and don't particularly want to19:34
JayDuggerThat's it.19:34
fennwas the crank loony paranoid theory that people started using "apps" and forgot how to do anything productive?19:35
JayDuggerI'd call "Holy Fire" the last novel of merit he wrote, but he had at least one good short story after that.19:36
JayDuggerNo, the quote's from his novel  "Heavy Weather," which I think came out before 2000.19:36
JayDuggerFits the model, though.19:36
fenni guess editing wikipedia isn't as sexy as piloting a robot vulture around19:38
fenn(as i read the wikipedia plot summary on my cheap laptop)19:39
fennug so many things to read and then the day's over19:43
caternfenn: my n=1, I switched to emacs because I wanted to use org-mode, but I haven't found it to be that much more useful, and the complexity is annoying. it was prohibitively painful for me to set up a few interesting things19:44
fennmore useful than what19:45
catern+ todo.txt19:46
gradstudentbotWhen is he back from sabbatical?19:47
fennis "todo.txt" a program or a cliche?19:48
catern(I kind of prefer the hypertext way of organizing my notes (i.e. what vim-wiki is) over the outlining focused attitude of org-mode)19:48
JayDuggerOrg will let you do that, but it takes hoop-jumping.19:49
caternfenn: it's a format used by a shell script called todo.sh and several other things19:49
kanzure"vim-wiki" why is it editor specific?19:49
caternJayDugger: sure, but Ctrl-o/Ctrl-i (history which goes through files) in vim makes the hypertext thing a lot nicer and easier than it can ever be in emacs19:50
kanzurefenn: stop reading19:50
fennok fine, i didn't get to the video i meant to watch either19:50
JayDugger$0.02 for the off-topic jar.19:51
JayDuggercatern: I'll take your word for it.19:51
fenni don't really ever want to click hyperlinks in my text editor19:51
fennor whatever you do with a keyboard19:52
fennprobably the main reason i don't use elinks19:52
caternwell it's easy to move your cursor to the link with vim movement commands19:52
kanzurewhat part of the wiki is vim-dependent?19:53
caternno part of it19:53
caternit's just a plugin19:53
kanzuredoes it parse mediawiki content or something?19:53
caternto support a certain format19:53
fennit's not even a wiki, it just uses wiki markup19:53
caternwhat fenn said19:53
fenni think i'll stick to git and yaml and whatever text editor i happen to like at the moment19:54
fenni guess that means ikiwiki19:54
caterngood plan19:54
JayDuggerWell said.19:55
fennat least with hierarchical structures there's a canonical path19:55
fennsometimes it's hard to decide where to put an idea19:55
fennyou can't put it both places because then it gets out of sync19:56
fennmaybe this is when you make a new file specifically for that idea, and link to it19:56
fennthe alternative is using a tagging system where each idea/node/file can have multiple paths19:57
fennthat thought might have been out of order19:58
gradstudentbotThe protocol is wrong.19:58
caterni think it might just be really hard to make a non-awful knowledgebase system19:58
caternbecause none exist and it's in high demand19:59
fennwe certainly haven't come a long way since 196819:59
fennNLS is basically identical to org mode19:59
fennexcept NLS had videoconferencing :P19:59
fenn.g mother of all demos20:00
JayDuggerThought so.20:00
JayDugger.g org-mode bug tracker20:00
JayDuggerFeel free to add a feature request, fenn. :)20:00
JayDuggerWe have some improvements since the days of the Dewey decimal system, the UDC, and the LCC.20:01
caterni'm planning to build a knowledgebase notetaking whatever system on top of camlistore, which is a tagged indexed content storage thing20:02
JayDuggerOr Bacon, or Diderot and d'Alembert.20:02
fennyeah now we have OWL and Cyc :\20:02
JayDugger.g camlistore20:02
catern(if it ever gets stable enough)20:02
fennwhere does camlistore actually put the data?20:02
JayDuggerHow very interesting. Thank you, catern.20:02
caternwatch the talk it's pretty good20:04
caternfenn: on disk in a format20:04
JayDuggerI added it to the youtube-dl queue for my20:05
JayDuggercommute's playlist.20:05
fennoh. i thought it was like, on freenet, or google drive, or something20:05
caternit can be. it abstracts away storage as being done by a "blob storage server" which is just a few functions and can be a wrapper around whatever20:06
caternwhich has*20:07
fennwhy should i use camlistore instead of git20:09
fenni mean you could write a git wrapper around flickr images20:12
fenn(the images are binary blobs containing whatever kind of data)20:13
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fenni guess it has a focus on partial caching20:14
kanzure.wik vector clock20:21
yoleaux"Vector clocks is an algorithm for generating a partial ordering of events in a distributed system and detecting causality violations. Just as in Lamport timestamps, interprocess messages contain the state of the sending process's logical clock." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_clock20:21
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kanzureis there a blog that only shows hockeystick graphs that are happening in the world? e.g. growth trends20:34
fenntrending topics?20:34
fennor is that too fast of a timescale20:35
fennshoes: a growing trend20:35
kanzurenot topics20:37
kanzurewell, maybe. image macro uptake. but that's sort of boring.20:37
fennwhat is a trend20:37
kanzurei'd rather see stuff like, "a graph of the proliferation of semiconductor fabs, hey look it's hockeystick-like" (narf)20:37
kanzureare you thinking what i'm thinking?20:38
fenni'm thinking it's past my bedtime20:38
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kanzureQuantumG: hi21:02
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kanzureQuantumG: did you look into that latest internet explorer vulnerability?21:05
QuantumGnah, that's IT's job21:05
kanzurehuh? then what's yours?21:05
kanzurewhat's the difference21:06
QuantumGI write code that does a crappy job at making binaries look like source code so security analysis can be done without customers having to hand over source code.21:07
kanzurethat's stupid21:07
QuantumGit's a livin'.21:07
nsh_luckily they accept stupid in shops21:07
kanzurethey are paying you to do security stuff, but then they don't give you all the assets21:07
kanzurebecause.. they don't trust you?21:08
QuantumGwell, even if you had the source code, we argue, it works better this way.21:08
QuantumGWhen we analyze php, for example, we get the source code and immediately "compile" it and throw away the source code.21:09
QuantumGwhich, ya know, the customer should have done long ago most of the time anyway (it's php)21:09
juri_so, bullshit sells. not news.21:16
kanzureQuantumG: wouldn't it be better to do both?21:18
kanzure.ety bolth21:18
yoleauxSorry, I couldn't find the etymology of that.21:18
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kanzureeudoxia: bring me cool things21:26
eudoxiacool things is a very broad category of things21:26
eudoxiabut ok21:26
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QuantumGkanzure: what, to write ya own compiler? Why bother? You're only going to have to make it conform with the actual compiler used, keep it up-to-date, etc, etc.21:29
QuantumGsource code == comments and formatting. Sometimes very nice to have, but not much good for automated analysis.21:31
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kanzureoh, you only do automated analysis?22:06
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QuantumGthat's what I'm involved with, yes.22:12
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kanzuregene_hacker: sup23:39
gene_hackernot much23:40
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