
--- Log opened Tue May 13 00:00:03 2014
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chris_99where art thou paperbot02:37
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@heathi like this one08:21
@heathif it isn't funded, i'll go with the rostock max08:21
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kanzurehttps://github.com/openworm/PyOpenWorm "Unified data access library for data about the c. elegans anatomy and model for the OpenWorm project"09:01
kanzurewhy is that a function :( ugh09:02
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kanzuremabblebrox: hi09:21
mabblebroxi was talking to someone about myostatin09:21
mabblebroxany new research on this?  a myostatin blocker would be awesome09:22
kanzureyes they stopped the clinical trials because it had symptoms that matched ebola09:22
kanzuremabblebrox: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/genetic-modifications http://diyhpl.us/wiki/myostatin09:23
mabblebroxthe one with mice?  or human trials?09:27
kanzurehuman trials09:27
mabblebroxso basically, rotting flesh?09:29
kanzurebleeding from the gums09:29
mabblebroxwell that's not too bad, if it's temporary09:30
kanzurewhat was wrong with steroids?09:30
mabblebroxuh, infertility, increased aggression09:30
mabblebroxi suppose you could just use THC to counteract the aggression maybe09:31
kanzurestore some sperm before you go on a cycle like any other rational person09:31
mabblebroxi'm not much familiar with steroid use09:31
mabblebroxaren't they only useful if you're already pretty buff?09:31
kanzuredoctors prescribe them to the dying, they are pretty fucking amazing09:32
chris_99so the dying get big muscles? ;)09:32
mabblebroxi wouldn't want to turn into some hyped up maniac09:32
kanzureyou'd have to be dead to not get results09:32
mabblebroxsome guy killed his wife from steroid use09:32
kanzureguys are always killing wives09:32
kanzurebig deal09:32
mabblebroxyeah but like, directly correlated09:33
kanzureoh my god a correlation09:33
mabblebroxunless you can show that THC will be enough to counteract it09:33
kanzuresomeone figure out my sign09:33
mabblebroxi mean you could step up to opium i guess09:33
mabblebroxat least, on a cycle09:33
kanzureyou just don't like them because they are communist technology09:33
mabblebroxthen off09:33
mabblebroxno just from like, research i've seen09:33
kanzurepapers or it didn't happen09:34
mabblebroxdo you use them?09:34
kanzuresome of the aggression claims are falsified09:34
kanzurei use steroids to type faster, http://www.seanwrona.com/typeracer/profile.php?username=kanzure09:34
mabblebroxwhy would they falsify claims of steroid side effects?09:34
kanzuremakes it easier to convince people not to use them09:34
mabblebroxso you're suggesting there's a government conspiracy to keep us weak09:35
mabblebroxalso, dvorak?09:35
mabblebroxif you're using qwerty i feel sorry for your fingers09:35
kanzureqwerty only09:35
mabblebroxouch man09:35
kanzuredvorak is not enough of a gain09:35
mabblebroxthat's just asking for carpal tunnel09:35
mabblebroxI use it09:35
mabblebroxqwerty was deliberately designed to slow down typing, because the arms in the typewriter would get jammed09:36
mabblebroxbut, i dunno, combining steroids with stimulants just sounds bad09:36
ParahSailinif kanzure has survived this long without rsi issues, its safe to say hes not gonna09:36
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mabblebroxwell, i use dvorak, and love it09:36
mabblebroxbut back to the government conspiracy09:37
mabblebroxyou're suggesting, basically, that they want us to remain weak09:37
kanzureit's not a government conspiracy09:37
chris_99you should both have a typing race off09:37
mabblebroxwhich I can *almost* buy09:37
kanzureit's just your standard fearmongering09:37
mabblebroxidk man09:37
chris_99nmz787, don't suppose you're about?09:37
mabblebroxI mean, if you're dealing in transhumanism, you have to be rational09:37
mabblebroxI think stimulants might be better09:38
kanzurewhat makes steroids irrational?09:38
mabblebroxheart attacks09:38
xmjquit spitting FUD, its boring09:39
chris_99fear uncertainty doubt09:39
kanzure.wik fear uncertainty doubt09:39
yoleaux"Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) is a tactic used in sales, marketing, public relations,politics and propaganda." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt09:39
kanzurebut you're willing to bleed from the gums09:40
mabblebroxwell that's temporaray09:41
mabblebroxas opposed to liver damage or heart failure09:41
xmjmabblebrox: do you think cholesterol leads to coronary heart disease, too?09:41
mabblebroxit builds up in veins, as far as i'm aware09:41
xmjok, please go away.09:41
* xmj yawns09:41
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kanzurewow he actually left09:55
kanzurexmj: you'll have to show me how to do that, because they don't usually listen to me09:55
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xmjkanzure: i doubted this would work, and you're welcome09:58
xmjkanzure: let me repeat it at least one more time before i'll teach you09:58
kanzuremy usual "please leave" doesn't work10:00
kanzuremaybe i will try "please go away." possibly with "ok, " at the front.10:00
xmji'm thinking it was the combination of showing them they still cling to an absurd belief, *and* the ok, please leave10:01
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kanzure.title http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=243627210:23
yoleauxCan Information Be Locked-Up? Informed Trading Ahead of Macro-News Announcements by Gennaro  Bernile, Jianfeng  Hu, Yuehua  Tang :: SSRN10:23
ParahSailinkanzure: you have to be more german10:25
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kanzure"- "delegation debt" is a form of technical debt that has nothing to do with code and all to do with people willing to maintain it. Inside Google people are allowed (sometimes even suggested) to move between projects every 2/3 years. This means that you can expect the code to write today to have to be maintained by half a different set of people in around 12/18 months"10:46
kanzure"Google's culture seeks and destroys territorial tendencies. I have seen people promoted for having suggested to terminate their own projects... and I have seen people ostracized for having created a territory and having dug moats all around it, even if incredibly complex and successful as a project. This too has to do with sustainability and scale. This is particularly strong in Search where being territorial for middle managers is ...10:46
kanzure... equivalent to career suicide. Things change as you go higher up the chain of command and in different product areas, though. But it's unfortunate because such an immune reaction to territorialism is one of the most amazing aspects of Google's culture."10:46
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kanzure"European do‐it‐yourself (DIY) biology: Beyond the hope, hype and horror" http://www.markusschmidt.eu/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/DIYBio_eu.pdf11:13
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=2e08e63e Bryan Bishop: consolidate some prototyping comments >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/projects/heuristics/11:51
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=58f8f1e2 Bryan Bishop: include some words about yak shaving >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/projects/heuristics/11:55
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=376dbf0a Bryan Bishop: fix formatting inside pre element >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/projects/heuristics/11:55
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FourFire"do you think cholesterol leads to coronary heart disease, too?" don't certain types of cholesterol integrate into the cellular membranes of blood vessel cells making them less flexible and thus stiffening the blood vessel as a whole and causing more direct strain on a pumping heart... or is that another molecule?12:43
FourFirecholesterol is a major component in arterial plaque ...12:43
andytoshiFourFire: food cholesterol and blood cholesterol are different molecules12:43
FourFireyeah, I'm not certain on what types do what12:43
FourFireI know there are different types12:44
andytoshii don't know what food cholesterol is, i know blood cholesterol can be split into HDL and LDL ("high density liposomethings" and "low density liposomethings") based on the number of double-carbon bonds they have, and i'm vaguely aware of the chemistry behind why this makes LDL plaque12:45
andytoshiHDL i think is good for you12:45
FourFireyeah and there's some ratio: like fishy fats contain more of the healthier type12:46
FourFireLand mammal fats... contain more of the other kind12:46
andytoshii've read that hydrogenated "trans" fats somehow decrease your HDL while increasing LDL, so they're double-bad. animal "sat" fat merely increases LDL(?)12:47
andytoshibut there is a lot of research that suggests sat fat is not really bad for you, it was just confused with trans fats in old studies12:47
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delinquentmeso the kids in #biology are freaking out over me talking about 20nm filters13:45
ParahSailingood luck pushing shit through 20nm pores13:49
delinquentmeParahSailin, I picked up a 7thz HPLC13:54
delinquentmeso I need to get whole-ECM in solution.13:55
delinquentmeParahSailin, in a size-based separation like this ... is there a term for the widest dimension of a protein?13:59
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delinquentmeHUE HUE HUE! They've done this in 3d printing :D14:03
* delinquentme high five ParahSailin 14:03
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jrayhawkFourFire: It's not the cholesterol, it's a particular beta-sheet structure on a particular class of lipoprotein called apolipoprotein-B100.14:04
jrayhawkhttp://eatingacademy.com/nutrition/the-straight-dope-on-cholesterol-part-i this is a good series on the subject.14:04
jrayhawkI mean, the beta-sheet structure is called apolipoprotein-B100, the class of lipoprotein is called low-density lipoprotein.14:05
jrayhawkNotably LDL is a part of the immune response; it's responsible for cleaning up stuff like lipopolysaccharide.14:06
jrayhawkInflammatory/oxidative insults can damage arterial membranes, shut off the thyroid (decreasing LDL clearance), and raise LDL production.14:08
jrayhawkUse of statins *does* decrease cholesterol production, but *almost never* decreases overall mortality. Where you see disease substitution in a treatment, it means you've mixed up pathology with etiology somewhere along the line.14:11
jrayhawkThe paracellular absorption pathway for dietary cholesterol is carefully managed in most people. There is a subpopulation of humans for which it is not particularly carefully managed, but most of it goes to HDL.14:12
jrayhawks/paracellular/intracellular/ durrr14:15
FourFireI don't even know what etiology means...14:17
FourFireevery day is a chance to learn new things!14:18
ParahSailinbovine collagen is $10/kg14:20
ParahSailinstop wasting time14:20
jrayhawkmmmmm bovine collagen14:21
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yottabitif anyone highlighted me today, i missed it14:24
yottabitguess i could look at the logs14:24
yottabitprogramming with callbacks...14:25
yottabitwhen it's all i've got to work with, i'm a bit disappointed14:25
jrayhawkAnyone who tells you "trans fats" as a class are bad for you is selling you on a lie. Go to scholar.google.com and see how long it takes you to find anything negative about vaccinic acid or conjugated linoleic acid.14:25
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jrayhawkThe real problem is artificial (and thus evolutionarily novel) fatty acids, which can either get mis-selected and mis-used by enzymes, or not used at all. The 'trans' bend is an unsaturation; any such unsaturation is vulnerable to oxidation (unless carefully and appropriately managed, which artificial fatty acids are not).14:29
jrayhawkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbhTjRY0rBQ is a fun video on saturated fat politics and science. It is particularly elucidating to see how far over backwards scientists would bend in order to avoid losing their careers.14:32
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jrayhawkA reminder of how just how meaningless scientific consensus is.14:32
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delinquentmeParahSailin, Thats the collagen.  Thats not whole ECM14:48
delinquentmePure pig collage is worth a try ... but the mechanisms described in the literature are a bit more complex14:49
ParahSailinif you want every protein then why do you want to hplc14:49
delinquentmeviral particles14:50
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Daekenhola all14:50
delinquentmeLiterallly I could just sell the whole ECM in a blended up state and that could possibly help ...14:51
Daekenjust got my first implantable NFC tag in the mail, and it made me remember this channel haha14:51
ParahSailinhplc is for getting one thing out of a mix of many things14:51
delinquentmeParahSailin, it also can be used for simple size sorting.14:51
delinquentmeeff, stupid body is being so needy right now ... ugh gotta eat again14:52
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ParahSailinno that would not be a correct use14:52
jrayhawkoh hey, you're not working on FirefoxOS anymore14:53
jrayhawki am behind the times14:53
delinquentmeParahSailin,  not *ideal* absolutely.14:53
Daekenjrayhawk: no, left mozilla at the end of 2012 -- wasn't a great fit for me14:53
Daekenended up back in security consulting.  breaking things is much more my speed :)14:53
ParahSailinuse matrigel if you want ecm free of virus14:54
delinquentmeAnd I need to read more research on which proteins I should be pulling out14:54
delinquentmeParahSailin, and full of cancer related promoters14:54
ParahSailinor attenuate virus with formalin14:54
delinquentmehow do they get matrigel free of virii?14:54
jrayhawkI remember seeing something about creating Yet Another Display Server and being very sad14:54
Daekenjrayhawk: hmm?14:54
ParahSailinvirii? thats a banning14:55
cluckjsweet, new DIY antenna is picking up stations from vermont14:55
ParahSailinuse actual words14:55
delinquentmecool ParahSailin viruses14:55
delinquentmebrb . fooding.14:55
ParahSailinmatrigel doesnt have virus because it does not come from a source that has virus14:56
delinquentmethat seems quite complex to be guaranteed14:56
ParahSailinlyophilize and blast with uv will also destroy virus14:56
delinquentmeare the mice just raised in sterile conditions?14:57
ParahSailinthere is no mouse14:57
delinquentmewha? Are you sure?14:57
ParahSailinstop wasting everyone's time14:58
ParahSailinread some stuff14:58
delinquentmewas my understanding that its a tumor which is grafted onto mice and grown15:00
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delinquentmeA gelatinous protein mixture derived from mouse tumor cells and commercialized as Matrigel i15:02
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ParahSailinnot mouse15:02
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delinquentmePedant would be a stretch right ParahSailin ?15:06
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kanzurewhat is the difference between "etiology" and "root cause analysis"?15:26
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ParahSailintheres a pretty big difference between taking a secretion of mammalian cells in a flask and extracting something from a mammal's corpse15:36
jrayhawk"etiology" is more fun to say15:44
kanzurehttp://bitfreak.info/files/pp2p-ccmbc-rev1.pdf "Purely P2P crypto-currency with finite mini-blockchain"15:47
kanzurehm this assumes that balance is the only relevant piece of data in older blocks, which is probably false15:48
kanzurethe relevant data is anything that contributed as input for the hashing15:48
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delinquentmeNANOHEDONISM : http://www.etp-nanomedicine.eu/public/news-events/news/european-research-council-erc-awarded-its-4000th-grant-to-a-nanomedicine-project  IDK ... just a crazy name15:53
kanzure"Bitcoin makes use of 2.1 quadrillion units where each coin is made up of 10 million units," uh.. he sucks at math.15:56
kanzure"resulting in a total of 21 million coins." that is not how math works15:57
Daekenyo kanzure16:00
Daekennot a lot, about to get my first NFC tag implanted :)16:01
Daekenlong time no see!16:01
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kanzurevarious bitcoin things16:01
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kanzure"speaker for the diodes" pfft17:08
kanzurehttp://joi.ito.com/weblog/2005/03/05/yak-shaving.html i thought all the mit people knew the origin of all mit terms17:10
kanzureoh, mit ai lab, not mit media lab17:11
kanzuremaybe they don't talk17:11
kanzure"The minute you start walking down a path toward a yak shaving party, it's worth making a compromise." well that's a dumb way to put it.. how about instead of compromise, you just use one of the other options.17:13
kanzureas usual, c2.com seems to have better content about this phenomenon17:15
kanzurein particular: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PushDownGoalStack17:15
kanzure"Situation: You have a push-down stack for all your goals. When you hit an obstacle, you push "remove the obstacle" onto the stack. Then, when the obstacle is cleared, you pop the stack, and you are back at your original problem."17:15
kanzure"Problem: For some reason, the problems you push onto the stack keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger, dwarfing the original problem, each one dwarfing the one before it."17:15
kanzure"The goal inflation is not infinite; it seems that the goals shrink down again to something reasonable after the stack gets to a depth of about seven or so."17:15
kanzure"But you've only got so much time, and you don't want to give up your original goal, nor do you want to delay it for years and years. You feel like you are working on the irrelevant."17:16
kanzure"priority queue q = new priority queue sorted by "importance-units per complexity-unit""17:20
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldjJFW0pSUU17:37
yoleauxGalil Engineering Group - Promotion clip17:37
kanzuresee they don't require a matter compiler :furrowing:17:38
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Daekennfc tag implanted in my hand :D17:56
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kanzurethis gets interesting at page 22 (regarding large-scale engineering design problems)  http://www.birs.ca/workshops/2011/11w5120/files/Chen.pdf18:05
kanzure"a system is not identifiable if different values of the model parameters are equally probable"18:07
kanzure"Objective-oriented sequential sampling for simulation based robust design considering multiple sources of uncertainty"18:08
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kanzurehaven't heard "cat waxing" before, heh18:15
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kanzurepft "trans human industries" http://www.medialifemagazine.com/max-steel-stolen-for-the-most-part/ (just some silly cartoon)18:51
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ZhwaziIt was demonized in Half Life 2 also, but more subtly.19:47
kanzurethe cartoon was demonized in hl2?19:48
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pyotraZhwazi you have to toss the pallets using the anti-gravity gun so you can walk over sand without alerting the giant insectw20:06
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ZhwaziNo, transhumanism was. And I just killed the insects. It was easier.20:07
ZhwaziStupid antlions.20:07
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pyotraThree Free man should use the anti-gravity gun.20:07
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ZhwaziIt was just called the gravity gun20:07
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fennlocalized CVD doesn't sound too difficult http://www.3dprinterworld.com/article/researchers-use-additive-manufacturing-create-nanoscale-objects20:40
strangewarpha, I remember that part of HL2. some by-the-by bit of dialogue about "the transhuman loyalists" to Breen's regime, with the implication being that they were all being turned into uh, those lobotomized cyborg things later in the game...21:01
kanzurefenn, detroit doesn't have a sea port. how about shop space near a sea port..21:03
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fennDetroit serves as a major port on the Detroit River connecting the Great Lakes system to the Saint Lawrence Seaway.21:24
fennhow about the sacramento river21:26
fenni guess it depends which ocean you're intereste in21:27
kanzurehaving to use freight + pickup for equipment is a headache21:29
kanzurewhy'd i get rid of that truck21:33
fenni want a small isuzu refrigerated box truck21:35
fennthey are so cute and practical21:35
fennyou can flip up the cab and the whole engine is accessible21:35
kanzuremy truck </321:36
kanzureit even baked cookies21:37
fennnobody needs a truck like that21:37
justanotheruserkanzure: is that really your car?21:37
fenni wonder if it's legal to chop a schoolbus in half and weld it back together21:37
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kanzurejustanotheruser: it was my car for approximately 3 weeks while i was busy selling it (it was the result of extended lawsuits and legal adventures)21:38
fennbuses are practically free for the taking21:38
kanzure*one of the results21:38
justanotheruserfenn: is it driving a bus full of children home when you cut it?21:38
kanzureone of many results21:38
fennjustanotheruser: yeah but you have to make sure to use a linear shape charge or it makes a mess21:39
justanotheruserkanzure: you got it because of a lawsuit or lost it because of a lawsuit?21:39
kanzureresult of a series of lawsuits21:40
fennit was the "prize"21:40
kanzureone of many21:40
kanzurethis is also related to why i'm not allowed to use charles schwab anymore21:40
fennthat's hardly a loss21:40
justanotheruserkanzure: ... You gained assets, but lost privileges?21:40
kanzurewell, think of it from the perspective of a company involved in a messy series of lawsuits or legal entanglements21:41
kanzurewould you really want to have future dealings with everyone involved?21:41
justanotheruserkanzure: I'm curious, what did they allege you did?21:41
kanzurei can sort of see their side of it21:41
justanotheruserOr what did you claim they did?21:41
kanzureoh, i did nothing but hire lawyers to pursue the case21:41
kanzurei just claimed they goofed up. but there were other parties involved.. anyway, it's complicated.21:42
justanotheruserOK... And did you win money and buy a truck or win a truck?21:42
fennalso you are not allowed to use q-tips21:42
kanzureone of the assets i was given was a bunch of trucks21:43
kanzureyes... that is an okay way to say it.21:44
justanotheruserDoes Charles Schwab hold their assets in trucks?21:44
kanzurei said other parties were involved, right?21:44
justanotheruserOh, I thought they were on your side21:44
kanzurehah i wish21:44
kanzureSUE EVERYONE21:45
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kanzureasset seizure, yo21:45
fennseize dat ass21:46
fennis it a "hate crime" to encourage the murder of an occupational group?21:47
kanzurenot on irc21:47
justanotheruserIs it a crime to encourage but not solicit murder in general?21:48
kanzureit's not murder, it's just selective encroachment21:48
QuantumGfenn: second21:48
justanotheruser"Murder all North Korean leaders"21:48
kanzureyeah, leaf blowers should be killed with fires21:48
fennyou thought i was going to say lawyers didnt you21:48
kanzureif they really didn't want leafs in their yards, they would just use giant nets on the edges of their property21:49
kanzureand under each tree canopy21:49
QuantumGI watched my wife tutor a leaf blowing neighbour in how to use a broom once.21:49
kanzureyour wife must be a saint21:49
kanzureof leaf blower stopping21:50
fennkanzure how about venice21:50
justanotheruserLeaf blowers are useful contributors to society. They make my view of the suburbs more aesthetically pleasing.21:50
fennall properties have easy mediterranean access21:50
fennalso i just watched a documentary about venice21:50
fennjustanotheruser: enjoy the view when it's burning21:51
kanzurei don't know about shipping from china to venice21:51
justanotheruserfenn: ?21:51
QuantumGleaf blowing (v) a process that takes ten times as long to complete and piss off everyone around you.21:51
fennwell shipping china to oakland is pretty routine21:52
fenni dunno if it's easy to get something transferred to your own boat21:53
fennor if you can get it delivered by a barge or something21:53
kanzurei'm just not keen on ending up in a situation where i'm wondering how to get something from the tracks to a shop21:53
fennthat seems like a service that would exist right?21:53
fennoh i think a waterfront hackerspace is a grand idea21:54
kanzurei bet copenhagen suborbitals has at least one shop with water access21:54
fennneed to do something incredibly dangerous? no problem, just put it on a barge and tow it out into the bay21:54
kanzurei wonder how they stop rising tide from washing away your cnc equipment21:56
QuantumGya guys keep talking like this and I might get the wrong impression that you're actually planning on doing something.21:56
kanzuredon't worry, fenn will stop me21:56
fennhold on let me get out my book of existentialist excuses21:56
kanzuresymbolic computing seems to be the reason this week21:56
fenn"Everything has been figured out, except how to live.21:57
fenn"Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat.21:57
fennwhat the hell is that supposed to mean21:57
fenn"hey guys we're going the wrong way!"21:57
kanzureit means that the rower can't learn guitar21:57
fenn"Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.21:58
fennsrsly, ever try to use an angle grinder at 3 am?21:59
kanzurewhy would the angle grinder care what time it is?21:59
kanzurehow do they keep their tools from washing away?22:00
fennuh what22:00
fennyou mean from the inevitable climate deluge omgz sea levelz22:01
kanzurewell, a tsunami?22:01
fennyou just build your shop on a fnord, and the tsunami pretends like it isn't there22:02
justanotheruserWhats new in hplus? Anything getting us closer to transhumanism? And cool open source hardware?22:03
QuantumGdebates about yak shaving22:04
fennwell there's bunnicula the vampire rabbit22:04
justanotheruserWhat is your noot stack? I tried piracetam and it didn't work at all. But ltheanine and caffeine combined do work22:04
kanzurethe yak shaving debates are just my way of attempting to convince fenn to bother to build things22:05
kanzuremy noot stack is just adderall22:05
justanotheruserkanzure: script?22:05
fennpiracetam is only noticeable when combined with something else22:05
justanotheruserkanzure: reccomend?22:05
fenni think piracetam reduces jitters and "noise" of caffeine22:05
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fennjustanotheruser: since we don't know what you do and don't know it's hard to decide what to tell you22:08
justanotheruserfenn: don't know what my medications are, or my occupation is?22:09
kanzureoccupation: astronaut22:09
fennmore like, what you have read/seen or not22:09
fenni don't believe in occupations22:09
justanotheruserMy occupation is student. I'm a PhD student studying to become a member of the FDA. My hobbys include dreaming about the future and reading hplusroadmap magazine.22:10
kanzurei hope that's not true22:11
kanzurei originally started hplusroadmap to get more transhumanist hardware projects to happen22:11
kanzurewell, not just more, but specific things at least22:11
fennperhaps we can indoctrinate him to become a subversive agent22:11
kanzurehe's joking22:12
justanotheruserNo, I am everything you hate kanzure22:12
fennor is it counter-subversive? it's hard to keep track of stated goals vs hidden agendas22:12
kanzuremagazine readers are simply the worst; "i think a computer sounds cool, but let me just wait 40 years for it to become mass marketed, instead of making my own"22:12
kanzurejustanotheruser: so you're an FDA bitcoiner? that doesn't add up22:12
fennso anyway what are you interested in besides nootropics and bitcoins?22:14
justanotheruserkanzure: why not?22:14
kanzurebecause bitcoins aren't fda approved22:14
fennsecure systems in general aren't fda-approved22:15
justanotheruserfenn: everything in this channels topic, but I don't think nootropics are as useful as many advertise them to be22:15
justanotheruserI also am really interested in decentralized systems22:15
justanotheruserAnd nanotechnology22:15
fennplease explain what you mean by "decentralized systems"22:16
justanotheruserkanzure: I'm trying to get FDA approval, that's my PhD thesis22:16
kanzuremost nootropics aren't particularly impactful22:16
justanotheruserfenn: applications without central authorities, like money or marketplaces22:16
kanzureadderall does something really magical for me, but i'm pretty certain i'm a fluke22:16
justanotheruserOr filesharing22:17
justanotheruserkanzure: does it cause motivation?22:17
kanzureyes and no22:17
fennit makes you do whatever you were doing, but more22:17
kanzureit's possible that there's higher than normal motivation on my end22:17
kanzurebut also, it doesn't hurt it22:18
justanotheruserI prefer vyvanse22:18
fenn(at least that's my observation from the outside)22:18
kanzurei could feel vyvanse but it had much more of a peripheral nervous system effect for me22:18
fenni thought vyvanse was the "female viagra" :X22:18
justanotheruserI think a vyvanse script would be terrible for me (it is amphetamine after all), but it makes me incredibly concentrated22:19
kanzurewhy is that terrible?22:19
justanotheruserkanzure: bexause amphetamine damages your brain over time22:20
justanotheruserkanzure: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/amphetamines/amphetamines_effects.shtml22:23
justanotheruserAll my infos from erowid, so I may be wrong22:23
fennthere are rather significant differences between "speed" and "adderall XR"22:23
fennnot least of which is delivery method22:24
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=56bf9ac9 Bryan Bishop: yak shaving >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/projects/heuristics/22:24
kanzurei'm pretty sure the delivery method counts for a lot22:25
justanotheruserI may have remembered wrong though. It seems most of the negative effects are to your body22:25
kanzurethe delivery method is the part that didn't get genericized22:25
kanzureupdated http://diyhpl.us/wiki/projects/heuristics22:25
fennbut smoking meth is diametrically opposed to the purpose of "XR"22:25
fennjustanotheruser: most negative effects are due to not eating, not sleaping, not salivating22:26
kanzurehmm, well meth has long-lasting effects, like multiple hour highs or something22:26
kanzureso i'm not sure how that's supposed to not be "extended release"?22:26
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justanotheruserkanzure: if I got smartmarket working, would it be hplus enough to be on diyhpl.us?22:27
fennthat's the tail end of the logarithmic drop-off22:27
kanzureif you mean the wiki, you're free to add whatever you please22:27
kanzureif you mean the source code on diyhpl.us/cgit, i'd be happy to git clone..22:27
justanotheruserOK thanks22:27
kanzuredid i show you http://diyhpl.us/cgit/drugstackscrapers22:28
kanzureoh hm i deleted it? that doesn't seem like me22:28
kanzurei was writing a nootropic price indexing search engine thing22:28
kanzurewith klafka22:28
fennit's still there, just no read permissions22:30
fennwhat's smartmarket?22:31
fennis this like silk road but decentralized?22:32
kanzurefenn, explain how things like these are possible without a matter compiler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldjJFW0pSUU22:35
fennit seems the majority of things we need are neither illegal or restricted, but just not produced in large enough quantity for a market to exist at all22:36
yoleauxGalil Engineering Group - Promotion clip22:36
fenn"the group employs hundreds of professionals, with some of the best minds in their field" ooo pipes, lots of pipes22:38
kanzurenah that's standard bullshit22:38
kanzurejust like we're the greatest minds in transhumanism22:38
kanzure(we're fucking screwed)22:39
fennso i think they use a component of matter compiler, the "design rule checker" and "automated layout" to route their pipes22:40
fennsimilar to how PCB layout works22:40
fenni just don't know what the software is called, probably only exists inside companies like galil22:40
kanzureuh no, they aren't just using a layout algorithm22:41
kanzurethey also actually do real work22:41
kanzurethey don't just sit around for symbolic ai to do everything for them22:41
kanzurelots of schlpes22:42
fenn.d therblig22:42
yoleauxSorry, I couldn't find a definition for 'therblig'.22:42
fennoh come on22:42
fenn.wik therblig22:42
yoleaux"Therbligs are 18 kinds of elemental motions used in the study of motion economy in the workplace. A workplace task is analyzed by recording each of the therblig units for a process, with the results used for optimization of manual labor by eliminating unneeded movements." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therblig22:42
kanzureyou're not going to just tap at the right location on the wall and cause the universe to do your bidding for you22:43
fennso you're arguing that lots of pointing and clicking is a good thing now?22:44
kanzure"Ah, you see, right here is your problem. The universe is out of phase, and if I knock right here in just the right way, everything will get better. I'll send you my invoice."22:44
kanzurei'm not talking about pointing and clicking22:44
cpopell`werkfenn: I think matter compilers are silly, but thanks for linking that concept22:44
kanzurei'm talking about doing shit in a machine shop22:44
kanzureand other shoppy goodness22:45
kanzureyou don't just sit around and the world orchestrates around you22:45
kanzureyou have to actively engage and push matter and bits and atoms into the right places22:45
kanzurethink of it as janitorial work22:45
kanzurethere's often a bunch of scrubbing that machines are incapable of doing22:45
kanzureor things that aren't quite scrubbing22:45
fenn.wik scrobbling22:46
yoleaux"Last.fm is a music website, founded in the United Kingdom in 2002. Using a music recommender system called "Audioscrobbler", Last.fm builds a detailed profile of each user's musical taste by recording details of the tracks the user listens to, either from Internet radio stations, or the user's computer or many portable music devices." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrobbling22:46
kanzurealso, you could be spending a million years before finding that one place in the wall to knock on22:46
fennthat's not what scrobbling means22:46
kanzureand i'm sort of annoyed that i have to make this argument to you22:46
fenni don't really get what you're trying to say or why you think you need to tell me?22:46
fenni built a machine shop by hand, and most recently was about to build a house from dirt by hand22:47
kanzure"finding that one place to knock" sounds exactly like the "well, i need a matter compiler before i'm willing to do any project ever"22:47
fennyou're attributing words to me that i never said22:47
kanzureit was from the other day22:47
fennyou asked, "is it misguided to work on things that don't lead to a matter compiler?" and i answered "possibly, yes"22:48
kanzure20:24 < kanzure> repeating is compiling it yourself again22:48
kanzure20:24 < fenn> yes this is why we need a matter compiler22:48
kanzure20:25 < fenn> it's the whole point22:49
fenn"kanzure> do you think that all effort to build anything is completely misguided, since they are not build22:50
fenning a matter compiler"22:50
kanzureso what has changed since you built a house or a machine shop22:50
fenni wanted to do more22:50
fennthere are lots of tools to make stuff from computer designs, but it takes for fucking ever to get from idea to product22:52
kanzure"doing more" looks a lot like doing nothing22:52
fennespecially when your tools ignore optimizing the manufacturing process22:52
fennoh, i have been doing absolutely nothing at all for the past year22:52
fennthat's not some kind of argument22:52
kanzurei don't mean specifically the past year22:53
kanzureor any particular past year22:53
kanzuretime wasn't what i was trying to point out22:53
fennyeah there has been a lot of frustration with logistics and mess and not having enough money22:54
fennwhich ultimately led to me fleeing to the middle of nowhere and digging in the dirt22:54
fenni mean, nobody pays you to work on cool stuff22:54
fennthey just want web shopping carts and to show up on time22:55
kanzuremy point also wasn't about web shopping carts22:56
kanzureit's about tractability22:56
fenni think you're projecting something onto me that's not there22:59
fennlike i'm going to join SIAI or something22:59
kanzureas long as the next time you want a pill dispenser you don't say "okay, first let's invent ai", i'm happy22:59
kanzuresome asshole named their product "papers" as a competing product to "mendeley" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=774192523:01
fennisnt that an old thing? pre-mendeley?23:01
kanzureand it's owned by springer23:01
kanzurenah i think mendeley is from 2006ish?23:02
fennit was only for mac and then it was canceled or whatever the word is for when software is no longer available23:02
cpopell`werkI've used Qiqqa before23:03
fennthey seem to think you'll be using the multi-colored highlighter a lot in "papers"23:08
fennanyway it's cool how it auto-downloads a pdf from any url you paste23:08
sheenahttp://ethology.eu/study-programs/syllabus/ free ethology courses23:11
fennwill it tell me why the cat is meowing23:11
kanzureit will tell you to buy purina-brand meow mix foods23:12
sheenanaw, no purina sponsorship23:13
jrayhawkingredients: purified gliadin23:13
fennpsh they only use high-quality zein, which has no known lethal side effects23:13
kanzurewhy is pet nutrition simpler than human nutrition23:14
fennbecause it's based on science23:14
jrayhawkboards of ethics don't care about animals very much23:14
fenn"Papers was originally released as a public preview in February 2007"23:15
kanzurethey deserve no attention because their product name is awful23:16
sheenaim not sure pet nutrition IS simpler?23:16
kanzureit comes in bags and you feed it to them23:17
fennsounds simple to me23:17
fenn"do you want the wet stuff or the dry stuff"23:17
fenni should calculate the completeness of oat waffles using lentils + oats instead of pea protein23:18
fenn"because knowing is half the battle!"23:18
kanzure- wolfram alpha23:18
fennyou mean the least reliable software ever?23:19
fenn.wa amino acid profile of pink lentils23:19
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!23:19
fenn.wa lentils protein content23:19
yoleauxprepared lentil: amount: 130 grams: protein: Average result: 12 grams; Unit conversions: 0.012 kg (kilograms); 0.41 oz (ounces); Comparison to reference daily intake: | daily amount: % daily value; RDA: 50 g/day (grams per day): 23%; DRI (male): 56 g/day (grams per day): 21%; DRI (female): 46 g/day (grams per day): 25%; (RDA: recommended daily allowance; DRI: dietary reference intake)23:19
fennhmm that's not very much23:20
fenni didn't know there was actually a RDA for protein23:21
fenn.wa oats protein content23:23
yoleauxoats: amount: 1 cup: protein: Average result: 9.2 grams; Unit conversions: 0.0092 kg (kilograms); 0.32 oz (ounces); Comparison to reference daily intake: | daily amount: % daily value; RDA: 50 g/day (grams per day): 15%; DRI (male): 56 g/day (grams per day): 13%; DRI (female): 46 g/day (grams per day): 16%; (RDA: recommended daily allowance; DRI: dietary reference intake)23:23
fenni wonder if oats really have that much manganese23:25
sheenai've started taking magnesium23:28
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fennthoughts? observations?23:29
sheenanothing much yet. no side effects noted. they're big fucking capsules tho23:31
sheenataking 3 in the morning now, 150mg a piece i think23:31
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Daekensheena: are you testing your magnesium levels?23:36
sheenanot at this point, no23:36
Daekenblindly manipulating electrolyte levels is kinda like poking a bear very gently.  it may not wake up at all ... but if it does, you probably don't want to be there.23:37
fennDaeken: it's quite rare that a doctor will have access to a blood NMR machine. serum levels don't reflect tissue magnesium status23:37
fennadding sodium to your french fries is "blindly manipulating electrolyte levels"23:38
fenn3 capsules seems like a lot to start out with tho23:38
Daekenfenn: 1) well, "don't reflect" isn't quite right.  standard blood serum levels are inaccurate, but not tremendously so.  2) you're talking about drops versus buckets.  very different quantities.23:39
fenn1) no and 2) no23:39
Daekeni mean, eating a banana increases your potasium levels, but i wouldn't hazard against it.  i would hazard against a handful of potasium capsules.23:39
fennbananas don't really have that much potassium23:39
fennpotassium is actually lethal in large quantities, but you have to take "dozens" of capsules23:40
Daeken... i think you're missing the point :P23:40
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fenndietary sodium intake in measured in grams; it's easy to add because sodium is readily absorbed as an ion. we have special purpose sodium transporters, (and salt tastes good) because sodium was historically/evolutionarily scarce23:45
fennmagnesium on the other hand is common in leafy plants and water, and tastes not so good. we don't transport it specifically as an ion, but it can catch a ride through a sugar transporter with citrate as the anion. adding citrate bulks it up a lot in mass and volume23:47
fennthe transporters are limited in capacity and if you take too much you will just get diarrhea23:47
fennif you have too much in your blood you will pee it out in short order, unless you have kidney failure or someone is injecting it into you too fast23:48
fennthe reason people get high blood pressure is because the body expects to have plenty of magnesium and potassium, but not enough sodium, but the situation is the reverse in the modern american diet23:49
fennkidney symporters are waiting around for a magnesium or potassium to show up, and it never does, so the sodium gets stuck along with the water it carries23:49
fennmeanwhile they pimp calcium supplements to anyone and everyone23:51
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