
--- Log opened Mon May 19 00:00:09 2014
QuantumGthere's probably some expert Japanese way that I'm not aware of for dealing with this.00:00
@fennyou sit on your knees and raise the explanation on a platter above you with both hands00:04
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kanzurei can't help but think that gradstudentbot would be better if i had ever actually been a graduate student00:15
gradstudentbotBlah, why won't they just kick me out.00:15
QuantumG /ban gradstudentbot [ERROR] You need to be an operator in ##hplusroadmap to do that.00:19
gradstudentbotShould I be doing this in the fume hood?00:19
ebowdenKanzure, you were never a grad student?00:20
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@_archels.title http://news.brown.edu/pressreleases/2014/05/longevity08:01
yoleauxInteractions may matter most for longevity08:01
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chris_99paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1080645008:08
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chris_99does anyone know anything about inferring causality per chance08:09
chris_99or papers that do08:09
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chris_99oh kanzure openworm got funded :)08:26
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eudoxia>$120,593 of $120,00008:28
eudoxiai thought they'd do better08:28
eudoxiathey seemed to really know how to do marketing08:28
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eudoxiabut what do i know08:29
chris_99i'm just backing them now, i like the idea08:29
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=776782009:51
yoleauxPokémon Crystal disassembled source code09:51
dingoif i had an account OR karma i might actually upvote that09:52
dingoluckily i find better things to do than to join in on that ycombinator crap09:53
kanzure"This is fairly nonlegal, right? ...09:54
kanzure"Excessively so09:54
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=e09e78d4 Bryan Bishop: clarify a wiki in the wiki stealing list >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/wikis/10:29
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eudoxiasteal is rather a harsh word10:32
eudoxiamaybe replicate10:32
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kanzureeudoxia: as you know, i have a gift for understatement10:46
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kanzurefenn, eric hunting posted some thoughts about storage-as-a-service or something https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openmanufacturing/6Uayn5Nv9AA10:55
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=943ae26b Bryan Bishop: notes about paves >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/12:23
justanotheruserpaperbot: http://www.academia.edu/4623884/An_efficient_and_distributed_file_search_in_unstructured_peer-to-peer_networks12:28
justanotheruserCome on paper bot :/12:28
@jrayhawkpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12083-013-0236-012:30
@jrayhawkpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs12083-013-0236-0.pdf12:30
justanotheruserpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12083-013-0236-012:32
@jrayhawkwelp, beats me12:32
delinquentmeOther methods for molecular size separation: " molecular sieve chromatography " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecular_sieve12:33
delinquentmethe mesoporous category thus lies in the middle with pore diameters between 2 and 50 nm (20-500 Å).[2]12:33
justanotheruserjrayhawk: oh, you were trying the same thing. :)12:33
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justanotheruserWelp I guess I'll wait until I'm not mobile and use my school12:33
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=4e17151d Bryan Bishop: abbreviations used in opencascade >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/12:47
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=4ff98eb4 Bryan Bishop: fix minor type (g key) >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/12:48
kanzuretype heh12:48
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=945b0dc8 Bryan Bishop: another g-key typo >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/12:50
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=5349a4a4 Bryan Bishop: persistence and point have the same abbreviation >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/12:53
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=205aba0b Bryan Bishop: pave-related abbreviations >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/12:56
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cubadoes that link work for you kanzure?13:26
kanzureit did a few minutes ago13:28
gradstudentbotIt's statistically significant.13:28
eudoxiagradstudentbot: any interesting work lately?13:28
gradstudentbotI think I just cured cancer. Wow.13:28
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dbolsergradstudentbot: boring13:35
gradstudentbotI don't think our fume hood is safe.13:35
dbolserwhat is that site where you can put a file behind some bitcoin?13:35
dbolseryou get sent the file when you pay13:35
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dbolserkanzure: ty13:42
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kanzuredbolser: ok, fine, try http://bitmonet.com/ then13:45
kanzureerm wait13:45
kanzurewasn't there a wallthing?13:46
kanzurehttp://bitwall.io/ ?13:46
dbolser^^ garbage btw13:47
dbolsermy content I mean!13:48
dbolserbuyer be damned13:48
dbolserthanks again kanzure min.io is prolly good for the person I'm trying to interest13:55
dbolsershall we all share a google account with all our music in it?13:58
dbolseranyone earning storage coin?13:59
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kanzureall of the implementations of "proof of resource" i've seen have been flawed, so i don't recommend doing that really14:00
dbolserkanzure: you can fake your resource?14:01
kanzurehell yeah14:01
dbolseror the resource itself is insecure14:01
kanzurei submitted this to the maidsafe assholes and they totally ignored me14:01
dbolserwhat about proof of storage?14:01
dbolserkanzure: just show them your 50Pt14:01
kanzureso i intercepted them when they were in austin, but nothing came of that either14:01
kanzurewhatever, i don't care14:01
dbolserwhat about proof of storage?14:02
kanzurethat's what i'm talking about14:02
dbolseri.e. proving I have file x?14:02
dbolseroh, I thought proving you have x amount of space was different14:02
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kanzureproof of storage so far suffers from lots of collusion attacks where someone can earn a disproportionate amount of credit for the number of copies he's claiming to be storing (and instead only storing one)14:03
dbolserI'd have thought (nievely) that you could easily make a system to prove you had a certain file securely... but perhaps not so efficiently14:03
kanzuresince you suffer from sybil attacks, you have no idea which nodes on your network are colluding or not14:03
dbolserkanzure: can you outline how the implementation works?14:03
dbolser(via a url)14:03
kanzurethere was a thread on the maidsafe mailing list somewhere14:04
kanzuredude it's really boring14:04
dbolserI figured you'd be offered a unique challenge that you could only solve using some aspect of the file itself14:04
dbolserkanzure: dude, I just built an absurd rig by mistake... I figure I can recoup some of my stupidity with stc ;-)14:04
kanzureand maybe you have that file, but 50% of the network are your nodes with just one copy of the file14:05
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kanzuredbolser: if you mean a mining rig, then i may have a use for that in the near future..14:05
dbolserno, a nas14:05
kanzureoh, in that case, download a copy of library genesis14:05
dbolserwow... that's such an obvious flaw in the system, I can't believe I didn't think of it14:06
kanzurethe number of new shitty projects being proposed in the bitcoin world is way greater than the available capacity for people to tell you why shit sucks14:06
Mokstarisn't that how regular product marketing works?14:07
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dbolserthe maidsafe youtube movie made me voimit in my own face14:07
kanzureMokstar: yes, but these projects all seem to attract lots of money very easily (because people have bitcoins)14:07
MokstarTIL dbolser has a klein bottle for a face14:07
kanzureso it's easy to end up with a large pile of bitcoins just for slapping some words together14:08
kanzurepromise the moon ("this project will cripple the federal reserve by..")14:08
-!- ebowden [~ebowden@CPE-58-169-106-3.lns4.bat.bigpond.net.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:08
kanzureyeah, look at all the altcoins14:08
* Mokstar invents a bitcoin-powered dog toy store.14:08
kanzureapply a regular expression to the bitcoin source code, post to github, you'll get lots of miners and an exchange will integrate it within 2 weeks14:08
kanzureit's just silly out there14:08
kanzureyou have to promise the moon, though14:09
Mokstarsomebody's making plenty of money14:09
kanzuredog toys are not a moon14:09
Mokstarall I know is that someone isn't me14:09
dbolserkanzure: could you catch the cheats like torrent clients do?14:09
Mokstaryou can't cheat14:09
dbolseri.e. send out lots of small files that... hmm...14:09
dbolserMokstar: don't be google14:10
Mokstarthat shouldn't be hard14:10
yoleauxAcme's Tiny Klein Bottle and Klein bottle earrings.14:10
paskyhm reminds me i wanted to take a look at storj14:13
Mokstarthis site is awful, but these bottles are neat14:17
dbolserI guess you could use some kind of storage volume that had a certain capacity with a unique fingerprint per 'space'... somehow...14:17
dbolserhard to imagine how the sig could be linked to a physical size14:18
dbolsermin.io hasn't sent me my file yet... I paid ages ago!14:20
kanzurethey might wait for a few block confirmations14:21
dbolser2 so far14:21
dbolserI laugh when people say, if you're buying a coffee, who cares about confirmation?!14:21
dbolsera person who sells coffee for a living for one14:22
kanzurein general you aren't going to et a double spend attack for a $10 coffee14:22
kanzure*to get14:22
dbolserkanzure: if I build a double spend app you will14:22
Mokstarunless you can do it a few hundred times14:22
dbolser(if miners start taking tx by fee)14:23
kanzureyour "double spend app" is only based on network saturation14:23
dbolserI'll do it every time I buy a coffee14:23
kanzureit is easy to counteract that btw14:23
kanzurethe payment processor just has to dump the transaction on the network faster than you can dump a different one14:23
dbolserkanzure: one proposal is that tx will be picked up by tx fee.14:23
kanzurethat's often not entirely true14:23
dbolserThe app will fist put out the tx for the coffee, then give the merchant one14:24
kanzurethe best way to get it into the next block is to make sure everyone knows about it14:24
kanzureyes i know14:24
dbolserkanzure: currently... won't this change if a tx fee comes in?14:24
kanzurei still think my suggestion above will fix that14:24
kanzurenot all miners prioritize transaction fees efficiently14:24
kanzuresome miners don't even include transactions in their blocks14:25
gradstudentbotUh, interesting question.14:25
dbolserkanzure: so the merch gets my tx, and she pumps it out using her internet connection vs. my mobile internet connection?14:26
kanzurenot just that14:26
kanzurethe payment processor that she's using will have 800-5000 connections to the bitcoin network14:27
kanzurewhich is basically all the nodes14:27
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dbolserso the tx gets to 'all the nodes' instantly, and my tx is just lumpign around ...14:29
kanzurethe short way to explain it is that the same technique that "double spends by sending multiple unconfirmed bitcoin transactions" can apply for flooding a network with a regular transaction14:30
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dbolserkanzure: seems like a good incentive to use a payment processor14:32
dbolserlocal solutions involve the merchant installing an app and hosting a wallet14:33
dbolserpasky: so does storj solve the 'one file many nodes' problem?14:34
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paskydbolser: i don't know, still didn't get around to look at it :)14:36
dbolser This 14:36
dbolserindistinguishable nature of the autonomous and testing data also prevents nodes from gaming 14:36
dbolserthe system to receive tokens without actually providing resource14:36
dbolser... end of paragrah...14:36
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dbolserthe client that sits on your machine and talks to the network adds random 'garbage' to the copies of the file, like fake post boxes on OS maps14:37
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dbolserso if you can reverse engineer the client, you can be a malicious node14:38
paskyisn't it opensource?14:38
dbolseroh... yeah14:38
dbolserI'm thinking my above explaination is a bit poor14:38
dbolserend of page 714:38
dbolserno, that's not it at all14:40
dbolserhere's my solution... split the file into multiple overlapping bits so you have overall coverage of 10 x or whatever, but no bit is the same. No node hosts the same bits more than once14:41
dbolserso having multiple copies marks you out as a cheat14:41
kanzureif the nodes know the scheme, then you just spoof the hosts (route the traffic back to your actual node)14:41
kanzurenice try14:41
kanzurealso you don't have to tell people that you have multiple copies?14:42
dbolserkanzure: but my actual node only has so many pieces14:42
dbolserkanzure: I thought that was the point of gaming?14:42
kanzurethe point of gaming the network is to get money14:42
dbolserkanzure: and you get money for hosting files (or parts of them)14:42
dbolseras a node (in my system ;-) I have no idea which parts of which files I'm hosting14:43
kanzureyou get money for responding to challenges correctly, or something l;ike that14:43
dbolseroh, right14:43
kanzureand for the number of hosts you can spoof14:43
dbolserdon't the 'clients' issue the challenges, being the only one on the network who owns the original file?14:44
dbolserI'm guessing so, cus they are the ones that care that their file is hosted14:44
kanzurethat wouldn't make sense because what happens when you go offline for 2 years14:44
dbolsernodes dump your files14:44
dbolsercus they aint' getting paid14:44
dbolserso much for long term storage haha14:45
dbolserwell that's all I've got14:45
kanzuredid you buy the nas in anticipation of this?14:46
dbolsersince each piece is unique (has a unique challenge), there is no way to use one 'piece' to pretend to have more stored than you have14:46
dbolserI just optimized my spreadsheet on cost per Tb instead of cost...14:47
dbolserand ended up building an 18Tb box for 'home' storage14:47
dbolserI'm dumb like that14:47
kanzurelibrary genesis14:49
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dbolserA description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.14:50
kanzureit's 12 TB of papers and books14:51
dbolserand I just host it to keep it free?14:52
kanzureyou host it to keep it for yourself14:53
kanzurebecause you don't trust them to stay up forever14:53
gradstudentbotThat's not really surprising since they did it ex vivo.14:53
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dbolsernight, thanks for patience14:55
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kanzurehahaha http://www.protocol-online.org/forums/forum/30-venting-and-counseling/15:35
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=7108be9d Bryan Bishop: even more opencascade abbreviations >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/15:47
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kanzureso i'm trying to figure out why they are updating an array data struct thing in MakeBlocksCnx,15:54
kanzurebut it occurs to me, maybe the reason why all the comments are blank is because they stripped that content?15:54
gradstudentbotOh that's interesting, do you want to write a paper together?15:54
kanzureouch my feelings15:56
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yoleauxRU: B-Spline Surface16:37
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=f9d38bb5 Bryan Bishop: add link to opencascade wiki thin >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/16:40
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QuantumG@JeffGreason says the only way to get $$$ is to send thick-skinned people out to ask for it!16:47
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QuantumGgood advice16:50
kanzureyou definitely have to ask, that's for sure16:54
kanzure"Same thing is being done for Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 right now, though it patches the original .exe to use a .dll file that override the original ASM addresses and calls with C functions. I really, really like the maintainers gradual replacement approach."16:57
QuantumGthat's pretty easy16:57
eudoxiai tried assigning malloc to a different pointer once and it didn't work16:58
gradstudentbotCancer: still not cured.16:59
-!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]17:07
kanzure"So let's look at the ship's engineer. Supposedly, there's a reason there's an engineer on board a ship, things break down and need maintenance on a voyage. So automated or no automation, it seems like he's still going to be needed. If he's not, why hasn't that role (and his team) already been eliminated as a labor cost? Not even Star Trek figured out a way to automate away the engineer on a large ship. Smaller vessels don't need an engineer ...17:07
kanzure... aboard, but their voyage time at sea is shorter, so the "ship's engineer" role is relegated to a land-based job and split across several vessels - we call these guys mechanics when dealing with cars."17:08
kanzure"Here's a video of a container ship engine room https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41priD5GJyY It looks pretty automated today, yet there's still a ship's engineer aboard. I bet that the equation is spend a few hundred dollars a day on a guy or risk losing hundreds of millions of dollars of cargo because the automated system had a fault on a fuel pump or something."17:08
kanzure"But I suppose you could start splitting duty across ships, have an engineer basically helicopter around to ships to do inspections and solve limited issues. But how many ships does an engineer have to fly around to to make up the cost difference of having him flown around vs just having guys on board?"17:08
ParahSailinrisk of pirates capturing humans for ransom is higher than risk of robot losing cargo17:08
ParahSailinhuman ransom is usually about 1 mil a head17:09
QuantumGand container ships move around billions in cargo17:09
kanzurewhat can those engineer people do without a machine shop on board? tighten some bolts ?17:11
ParahSailini imagine those things are pretty hard to sink and lose everything17:11
ParahSailinand yeah, what are humans going to do to mitigate a disaster that would totally wreck the ship17:11
QuantumGwhat makes ya think they don't have a machine shop on board?17:12
QuantumGevery large ship does17:12
kanzureas far as i know, only carriers have machine shops on board?17:12
kanzure*aircraft carriers17:12
QuantumGheh, no17:12
kanzureoh good17:13
QuantumGbut anyway, replacing parts with spares is probably their major work17:13
QuantumG(i.e., as it is everywhere since Ford)17:13
ParahSailinthere are machine shops on container ships?17:13
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QuantumGso I read somewhere.. at least a lathe and a mill, a drill press and a smattering of other tools. I've never actually been on a container ship myself.17:15
kanzurei want one17:15
QuantumGI wouldn't expect to find CNC tools17:16
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QuantumGI've still yet to see anyone using a two armed robot remotely to do anything difficult.. maybe I just don't know where to look?17:24
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kanzure"One thing that surprises some who have been using StartSSL for a some time is that a while ago a "non commercial use only" clause was added to the free certificates. I don't know how they police that if they do at all, but if your friend's site was taking money for services that may explain the change from his/her account's PoV."17:29
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QuantumGcould this video be more boring? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTicVqXo26017:31
QuantumGat least this one has a girl in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMGeAdOGIy017:32
kanzure.title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTicVqXo26017:33
yoleauxBaxter Robot teleoperated with Hydra / Oculus Rift17:33
kanzure.title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMGeAdOGIy017:33
yoleauxBaxter Master Slave Teleoperation17:33
QuantumGthis look like the state of the art in "useful" teleoperation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_J1oI1V8X817:34
@jrayhawkoh, totally hadn't noticed that non-commercial thing17:36
yoleauxBaxter teleoperated by JamBoxx to retrieve item from shelf (Head Camera and Hand Camera Views)17:37
QuantumGthe example people always give me for teleoperated excellence is surgical robots... and then completely fail to show why it's never been applied outside that specific application.17:37
kanzureprobably because they slap on a $1 million price tag or something stupid17:38
kanzureand then nobody wants to buy it to commercialize it in another industry17:38
QuantumGI think the reason is that it's a lot easier to make a 10cm^3 manipulation environment than it is to make a 10m^3 manipulation enviornment17:39
QuantumG... and with tel-surgery they still have humans there to open up the patient, shove in the end effectors and babysit it.17:40
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QuantumGthe equivalent of tele-surgery on a car would be a grease monkey with FaceTime getting advice from a remote expert.17:42
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QuantumGthere's a business model for ya.. take all the mechanics out of the workshop, put 'em in front of "teleoperation" workstations and put headsets on high-school dropouts to be the robots.17:43
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kanzureQuantumG: yeah, i was wondering about that a few weeks ago in here17:46
QuantumGI mean those cool headsets with the camera built in.  If you want to get really fancy, stick a laser pointer on a pan-tilt head so the teleoperator can point at what he's talking about.17:46
kanzureQuantumG: since people do remote debugging over the phone, just add video17:46
kanzurebut there's certainly some tasks that seem to require motor memory or skills, like not fucking up my chair on the lathe etc17:46
kanzurenot all tasks are high precision at least17:47
kanzurerequiring all of your tools, equipment and parts to be in *your* local workshop might be quaint in the end if you can really just dial up a person to remotely control for a few hours17:47
kanzure(and eventually it will be a robot anyway?)17:47
QuantumGI guess the laser pointer could just be fixed beside the camera, which has pan-tilt, and turned on-off17:50
QuantumGbut yeah, having one "custodian" who does all your manual labor but can call up experts or be called up by experts to perform some tasks would be doable, I guess.17:52
kanzurehave you seen http://transcriptic.com/ they sort of do this for life sciences17:52
kanzureyeah i dunno about expertise in that scenario; if expertise is variable you will have weird results. better just tell your users that the walkers are "low skill", because otherwise if they end up on the person who doesn't know how to do a 360 on a skateboard they will be annoyed or something17:53
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QuantumGneed more assay services.17:54
kanzurei'm still stuck on whether or not i should be pimping non-local lab/workshop equipment17:54
kanzurei *like* having equipment nearby17:55
QuantumGI wanna try vegetarianianism.. then I can say I only eat vegetarians.17:56
QuantumGthey're probably a bit stringy.17:57
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=3b363e3d Bryan Bishop: use mocks for opencascade >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/17:59
winnyhi what is the license of the https://github.com/kanzure/streak repo17:59
kanzurewhat would you like it to be?18:00
gradstudentbotIt's not really significant, but there's definitely a trend.18:00
winnynice commit message, btw I am a teapot18:00
kanzureyou should just use https://github.com/gelstudios/gitfiti18:01
kanzureoh damn no license either18:01
winnyperhaps i should open an issue18:01
kanzurehow about this one https://github.com/pikesley/pokrovsky18:01
winnyi love it how people use github for nonfree stuff18:01
winnypublic repos18:02
kanzureno license on this one either https://github.com/mappum/gitbanner18:02
kanzurewelp you're screwed18:02
kanzureyou're welcome to use my stuff (public domain license)18:02
kanzurein particular my streak.git repo18:02
winnyso what's the backstory on it?18:02
QuantumGyawn, I still have proprietary data files in sourceforge, it's awesome.18:02
kanzurebackstory is i was feeling mischevious18:02
winnysaw your repo from HN iirc and at first i was sad but now i see it's all lulz18:02
kanzureit was before gitfiti and gitbanner18:02
kanzurewell i do commit every day18:03
kanzureon actual real things18:03
kanzureso it's not all smoke and mirrors =)18:03
winnyyou know your pokemon crystal disassembly is on HN https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=776782018:05
yoleauxTue, 20 May 2014 01:05:48 UTC18:05
kanzurei commented a few times on that page18:05
yoleauxPokémon Crystal disassembled source code18:05
winnythanks yoleaux18:05
nsh.py "you're welcome"18:06
yoleauxyou're welcome18:06
winny.py s = ''; while True: s += 'z'18:06
yoleauxSyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)18:06
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winny.help py18:07
yoleauxEvaluate an expression in Python18:07
winny.py not 118:07
QuantumG.py [31 if x > 12 else 0 for x in [11,12,13]]18:08
yoleaux[0, 0, 31]18:08
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winny.py range(2^666)18:09
yoleaux[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,18:09
needPaperbot.py print("b")18:10
needPaperbot.py while 1==1:\nprint("a")18:11
yoleauxSyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character (<string>, line 1)18:11
needPaperbot.py while 1==1:\n\tprint("a")18:11
yoleauxSyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character (<string>, line 1)18:11
kanzurebe nice to the bots18:11
winny.py import urllib2; print(urllib2.urlopen('http://ifconfig.me/ip').read())18:11
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winny.py import sys; print(sys.version)18:12
yoleaux2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  4 2012, 10:20:32)18:12
kanzure.py import requests; print(requests.get('http://httpbin.org/get').json())18:12
yoleauxImportError: No module named requests18:12
kanzurenot my bot18:12
needPaperbot.py if true:; print("a")18:13
yoleauxSyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)18:13
QuantumG.py if true: print("a")18:13
yoleauxNameError: name 'true' is not defined18:13
needPaperbota = "a"; a = a*1000; print a18:13
QuantumG.py if True: print("a")18:13
QuantumGthere ya go18:13
gradstudentbotSo, there's this really good conference in Spain that I want to attend.18:13
gradstudentbotOkay, someone really needs to do the lab dishes.18:13
needPaperbotQuantumG: oh, I don't need \n\t?18:14
QuantumGnot by the looks of it18:14
needPaperbot.py a = "a"; a = a*1000; print a18:14
needPaperbot.py print("/msg needPaperbot test")18:14
yoleaux/msg needPaperbot test18:14
winny.py from sys import stdout; t, stdout = stdout, open('/dev/null', 'wb'); import this, random; stdout = t; print(random.choice(this.s))18:16
yoleauxIOError: invalid mode: wb18:16
winny.py from sys import stdout; t, stdout = stdout, open('/dev/null', 'w'); import this, random; stdout = t; print(random.choice(this.s))18:16
yoleauxIOError: invalid mode: w18:16
ThomasEgimind if i poke that bot a bit?18:16
winny.py import this, random; print(random.choice(this.s))18:16
yoleauxThe Zen of Python, by Tim Peters18:16
winny.py import this, random; print(random.choice(this.s))18:16
winny.py import this, random; print(random.choice(this.s.split('\n')))18:17
yoleauxFvzcyr vf orggre guna pbzcyrk.18:17
needPaperbotimport numpy; a = numpy.add(1,2); print a18:17
winnyyes, do you mind if i poke hard?18:17
needPaperbot.py import numpy; a = numpy.add(1,2); print a18:17
yoleauxImportError: No module named numpy18:17
winny.py import this, random; print(random.choice(this.d.split('\n')))18:17
yoleauxAttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'split'18:17
needPaperbot.py import system18:18
yoleauxImportError: No module named system18:18
ThomasEgidon't you guys have a terminal to try such stuff out?18:18
winnywho has python 2.5 installed >:-) ?18:18
needPaperbotThomasEgi: But then you don't know I'm trying it out18:18
ThomasEgi.py import dbus18:18
yoleauxImportError: No module named dbus18:18
-!- realzies [~pinky@unaffiliated/realazthat] has quit [Quit: realzies]18:18
ThomasEgisad. no system.. no dbus.18:18
ThomasEgino fun18:19
ParahSailin.py import sys; print sys.executable18:19
* needPaperbot wonders if he can write an irc bot in irx18:19
winny.py import os; print os.getlogin()18:19
yoleauxAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'getlogin'18:19
winny.py import os; print os.environ['USER']18:20
needPaperbot.py import os; os.listdir()18:20
yoleauxTypeError: listdir() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)18:20
ThomasEgi.py dir(os)18:20
winny.py import os; print os.uname()18:20
yoleaux('Linux', '', '', '', '')18:20
needPaperbot.py import os; os.listdir("/")18:20
yoleauxOSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/'18:20
kanzurego ask the guys in #swhack if you want the source code18:20
winnylooks monkey patched18:20
needPaperbot.py import os; os.listdir("/home/kanzure")18:21
yoleauxOSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/kanzure'18:21
winnythe user is apphosting18:21
needPaperbotis this on your computer kanzure?18:21
kanzurenot my bot18:22
kanzureit's run by the people in #swhack18:22
winny.py import os; print '{USER} {HOME}'.format(**os.environ)18:23
yoleauxAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'format'18:23
needPaperbotimport socket18:23
needPaperbot.py import socket18:23
-!- 77CAAKECD [~pinky@pool-74-108-116-26.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:23
needPaperbotok :(18:23
-!- realzies [~pinky@unaffiliated/realazthat] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:23
winny.py from os import environ as e; print '%s %s' % (e['USER'], e['HOME'])18:23
yoleauxKeyError: 'HOME'18:23
needPaperbot.py import numpt18:24
yoleauxImportError: No module named numpt18:24
needPaperbot.py import socket; print("a")18:24
winny.py import os; print '%s %s' % (os.environ['USER'], os.getcwd())18:24
yoleauxapphosting /base/data/home/apps/tumbolia/1.35094956458619953518:24
winny.py import socket; dir(socket18:25
yoleauxSyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)18:25
winny.py import socket; dir(socket)18:25
needPaperbot.py import socket; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM); s.connect(('irc.freenode.net', '6667')); irc.recv(4096)18:26
yoleauxFeatureNotEnabledError: The Socket API will be enabled for this application once billing has been enabled in the admin console.18:26
ThomasEgi.py a = True ; b = False ; True = b ; False = a ; a = 0 ; b = 018:28
winny.py from random import choice; print('Do I have enough snacks? ... %s' % choice(['yes', 'no']))18:29
yoleauxDo I have enough snacks? ... no18:29
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gradstudentbotYeah, but that was only a sample size of one.18:32
winnylist of two elements18:32
winnytakes an iterable and chooses one18:33
winny.py from random import choice; print('Do I have enough snacks? ... %s' % choice(['yes', 'no']))18:33
yoleauxDo I have enough snacks? ... no18:33
winny.py from random import choice; print('Do I have enough snacks? ... %s' % choice(['yes', 'no']))18:33
yoleauxDo I have enough snacks? ... yes18:33
-!- realzies [~pinky@unaffiliated/realazthat] has quit [Client Quit]18:33
winny.py import random; print(random.choice.__doc__.split('\n')[0])18:34
yoleauxChoose a random element from a non-empty sequence.18:34
winny.py def summary(o): return '%s: %s' % (o.__name__, o.__doc__.split('\n', 1)[0]); import random; print summary(random.choice)18:37
winnyoh, right.18:37
winny.py summary = lambda o: '%s: %s' % (o.__name__, o.__doc__.split('\n', 1)[0]); import random; print summary(random.choice)18:38
yoleauxchoice: Choose a random element from a non-empty sequence.18:38
QuantumGso, is R next?18:39
ThomasEgi.py import subprocess18:39
winnythis bot does R?18:39
kanzurego ask #swhack18:39
ThomasEgi.py import shlex18:39
QuantumG.py a = 2218:40
QuantumG.py print(a)18:40
yoleauxNameError: name 'a' is not defined18:40
winny.py print(locals())18:40
yoleaux{'output': <StringIO.StringIO instance at 0x59f77e56b34cd808>, 'self': <service.py.Main object at 0x59f77e56b3c1fe88>, 'args': ('/print%28locals%28%29%29', 'print%28locals%28%29%29'), 'command': 'print(locals())'}18:41
winny.py print(globals())18:41
yoleaux{'load': <function load at 0x59f77e56b3e11a38>, 'text': <function text at 0x59f77e56b3e11388>, 'codecs': <module 'codecs' from '/base/data/home/runtimes/python/python_dist/lib/python2.5/codecs.py'>, 'datetime': <module 'datetime' (built-in)>, 'api': <module 'google.appengine.api' from '/base/data/home/runtimes/python/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/__init__.py'>, 'encodings': <module 'e18:41
winny.py print(globals().keys())18:42
yoleaux['load', 'text', 'codecs', 'datetime', 'api', 'encodings', 'operator', 'path', 'dateutil', 'Main', 'base64', 'BeautifulSoup', 'urllib', 're', 'json', 'feedparser', 'collections', 'new', 'csv', 'urllib2', 'glob', 'xml', 'mimetypes', 'random', 'run', 'string', 'simplejson', 'get', '__builtins__', '__file__', 'time', 'htmlentitydefs', 'textwrap', 'mailbox', 'sys', 'pytz', 'base', 'getopt', '__name__'18:42
ThomasEgiok.. my last line i'll try with this bot.. either it's success... or failure..18:42
ThomasEgi.py import shlex, subprocess; args = shlex.split("dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Shutdown"); p = subprocess.Popen(args)18:42
yoleauxAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Popen'18:42
winny.py print(globals().keys()[15:)18:42
yoleauxSyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)18:42
winny.py print(globals().keys()[15:])18:42
yoleaux['feedparser', 'collections', 'new', 'csv', 'urllib2', 'glob', 'xml', 'mimetypes', 'random', 'run', 'string', 'simplejson', 'get', '__builtins__', '__file__', 'time', 'htmlentitydefs', 'textwrap', 'mailbox', 'sys', 'pytz', 'base', 'getopt', '__name__', 'copy', 'md5', 'minidom', '__compiled__', 'unicodedata', 'unescape', 'socket', 'StringIO', 'zlib', '__doc__', 'urlparse', 'soup', 'itertools', 'htm18:42
winny.py print(globals().keys()[30:])18:42
yoleaux['time', 'htmlentitydefs', 'textwrap', 'mailbox', 'sys', 'pytz', 'base', 'getopt', '__name__', 'copy', 'md5', 'minidom', '__compiled__', 'unicodedata', 'unescape', 'socket', 'StringIO', 'zlib', '__doc__', 'urlparse', 'soup', 'itertools', 'html2text', 'chardet', 'sets', 'gzip', 'quopri', 'os']18:42
ThomasEgidarn.. even tho subprocess was available :D18:42
winnynot heard of __compiled__ before18:43
winnythat where py stores bytecode obj?18:43
kanzurehave you used google app engine?18:43
kanzureyou've been using it for the past umpteen minutes18:43
winnyi mean, i have no deployed on google app engine18:44
kanzurethere is no reason to live without deployment18:44
winny.rb nil18:46
winnyi concur18:47
winnyare you a transhumanist18:50
winnyi used to be  a transhumanist until reality bit me in the butt, secretly i still am18:53
kanzurethere's a bunch of crap you have to wade through, but it works out okay if you ignore it and just do whatever you need to do18:54
winnyi agree18:55
winnyare you funded by nra18:55
kanzureonly in my head18:55
kanzurei have been thinking about submitting a grant proposal to them18:55
kanzureto fund a "gene gun"18:55
kanzurebut then i'd have to actually communicate with them, and i don't know if i want to bother.18:56
needPaperbotwinny: I've heard this channel is sponsored by charles schwabb18:59
kanzurei also work, you know19:00
winnysponsored by the FSF19:00
needPaperbotkanzure: you pay for this channel yourself?19:00
winnyi loled irl19:00
kanzureneedPaperbot: yes i buy people equipment because everyone's broke around here19:00
winny<needPaperbot> kanzure: you pay for this channel yourself?19:00
needPaperbotkanzure: do you buy it in litecoins?19:01
winnyin kongbucks19:01
kanzurei'm not aware of any suppliers that accept cryptocurrency at the moment19:01
needPaperbotI suppose equipment is vague19:01
needPaperbotI was thinking stuff you could buy on tigerdirect19:01
needPaperbotkanzure: so in the future will I be able to put an skdb doc into a website and it will make a cart for me?19:04
kanzurewell hopefully it will be more like apt-get19:05
kanzurethe implementation has a lot of problems19:05
kanzure(design problems)19:05
needPaperbotskdb buy diybio-equipment19:06
gradstudentbotThe culture got contaminated.19:06
needPaperbotAre you sure? This will require 2093900 Bits [Y/n]19:09
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-48-165-55.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:13
eudoxiahello i saw that there was an skdb conversation going on19:13
kanzureyou missed it19:21
QuantumGmust have blinked19:22
eudoxiai *should* have something to ping me when this happens19:22
eudoxiakeywords: MNT, drexler, nanosystems, skdb, WBE, satoshi, eleitl, merkle, freitas, KSRM19:23
kanzuresurely we're worth more than that19:23
kanzurehow about any time ParahSailin says the word 'media' or 'peptide'19:23
kanzureor 'bovine'19:23
eudoxiamaybe if i pay attention during the genes talk i'll stop being such a huge biopleb19:24
eudoxiai might even warm up a little to richard jones and his anti-MNT propaganda19:25
QuantumGhttps://www.google.com/search?q=freitas&tbm=isch <- not nano19:25
eudoxiameh, it would be a good enough approximation19:27
eudoxianext: a chatterbot that keeps the conversation going until i can catch it19:27
kanzureor what about not waiting, and just say whatever it is you want to say19:29
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-!- cpopell`werk is now known as cpopell`Gaem19:32
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QuantumGThe first practical proposal for building a DMS tool experimentally was published in 2005 [19] and is the subject of the first diamond mechanosynthesis patent ever issued (in 2010) [19].19:35
QuantumGoh.. that's what killed your research..19:36
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QuantumGI always wondered why they got to the minimal toolset paper and then went dark19:37
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QuantumG"After demonstration of basic DMS, the next major experimental milestone may be the mechanosynthetic fabrication of atomically precise 3D structures, creating readily accessible diamondoid-based nanomechanical components engineered to form desired architectures possessing superlative mechanical strength, stiffness, and strength-to-weight ratio."19:40
QuantumG.. or you could just write more speculative papers about the brave future of nanomedicine, dude.19:40
kanzurehe probably doesn't have his own afm19:40
kanzureneedPaperbot: not just buying equipment, but getting details on what to do to build it yourself19:44
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kanzure"The difference is subtle: While GC creates passed-around-by-reference objects from the Geom package, gce creates equivalent passed-around-by-value objects from the gc package. The GC functions for creating 2d primitives are residing in the GCE2d package."19:51
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kanzure"The Production Automation Project (PAP) was founded at the University of Rochester in 1972 and disbanded in 1987. During its 15-year life, the PAP contributed to the foundations of solid modeling, developed core technology for CSG modeling systems and applications of solid modeling, and provided codifications of the field that are reflected today in the research literature, textbooks, and university courses"20:33
kanzure.title https://urresearch.rochester.edu/viewInstitutionalCollection.action;jsessionid=A56B8B95237A6F3E57241E453B81C49E?collectionId=7320:33
yoleauxInstitutional Collection: PAP Technical Reports, Memoranda20:33
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kanzure"This document provides an informal introduction to PADL, a language for defining "simple" mechanical parts and assemblies." https://urresearch.rochester.edu/institutionalPublicationPublicView.action?institutionalItemId=100220:35
kanzure"PADL's major weakness surely is clear to all readers: it cannot cover all parts. Indeed, the only parts that can be defined in PADL-1.0 are those made from blocks and cylinders ... and not arbitrarily oriented blocks and cylinders, but only 'orthogonal' or 'rectilinear' blocks and cylinders. Is the weakness fatal? Quite the contrary, we suggest it is latently advantageous. We reason as follows."20:41
-!- needPaperbot [~andrew@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]20:41
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kanzure"PADL's descriptive power can be extended almost arbitrarily, in a very systematic manner, merely by enlarging the set of primitive solids and by providing a rotational operator. But, one pays a steeply rising price for such power in several kind sof coin, the most obvious being computational workload and storage requirements. Less obviously, users of potent-PADL will find themselves severely taxed if they really seek to exploit the geometric ...20:42
kanzure... variety at their command. (Part specifications currently must be devised by humans, and the specifications of complicated parts are complicated, no matter how powerful the defining medium.) Finally and ominously, parts defined in potent-PADL may be fiercely expensive to manufacture, inspect, and assemble. Thus the extension of the PADl approach to cover great eometric variety is assuredly possible, but the result may be frauht with ...20:42
kanzure... practical dangers."20:42
kanzure"The key to effective automation in the batch production industries lies in rationalizing the design of parts and assemblies."20:43
kanzure"The key to effective functional (non-aesthetic) design lies in exploiting the diversity offered by combinations of very simple elements of very few types."20:43
kanzure"We are suggesting that the 'modelling-clay freedom' designers now use and sometimes abuse be curbed throuh imposition of Meccano-like geometric discipline ... and that PADL-like systems be employed as unemtotional enforcers of the discipline."20:44
kanzure"As a partial paradigm we cite the electronics industry, where the custom designed and custom crafted circuits of the 1920s-1950s have been displaced by aggregates of individually cheap, standard 'chips'.. to everyone's advantage. The innate creativity of electronic designers has NOT been stifled by 'chip discipline'; it has merely been rechanneled toward system (rather than circuit) design, and system design on a scale that presents really ...20:45
kanzure... exciting opportunities. Could a similar revolution occur in the mechanical industries if geometric aggregation were to replace geometric customization?"20:45
kanzuremaybe this is just their way of being extremely apologetic about writing extremely limited software20:47
needPaperbotkanzure: what client are you using? irssi just cuts off the text instead of using ellipses to continue20:50
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kanzureneedPaperbot: irssi20:51
needPaperbotkanzure: any settings in the config?20:51
kanzureperl plugin :(20:51
needPaperbotwhy :(20:51
ParahSailinkanzure never pastes20:51
ParahSailinthat is just his typing speed20:51
kanzureat least someone knows me around here :pouts:20:52
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kanzure"Libraries of PADL-like (or informationally equivalent) object definitions will be essential to provide precise specifications of new and standard parts, assemblies, and stock. Such libraries can also contain geometric approximations of tool structures and fixtures that are adequate for process-planning purposes. If suitable 'Capability Files' are added to this base, one has data sufficient for automatic manufacturing, (and probably assembly) ...20:58
kanzure... planning, and for NC-tool and manipulator programming. Note the word 'suitable': it means that capabilities must be represented in a manner that is mathematically compatible with the means used to represent objects, i.e. as (potential) transformations on object models."20:59
kanzure"Now, how wooly is Fig. 7 -- or more positively, what must be done to reach the broad goals it implieis?"20:59
kanzurefig. 8: the woolyness of fig. 7 with respect to time20:59
kanzure.ety wooly20:59
yoleauxwooly (adj.): "also woolly, 1570s, "resembling or made of wool," from wool + -y (2). Meaning "barbarous, rude" is recorded 1891, from wild and wooly (1884) applied to the U.S. western frontier, perhaps in reference to range steers or to unkempt cowboys." — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=wooly20:59
kanzurensh: is this a britishism21:00
kanzure"Automatic design appears to be much farther away. It poses theoretical issues that seem very difficult, but perhaps only because no one is attacking or even defining them today. (We know of only one engineer who is studying design in a manner that, in our opinion, has a reasonable chance of yielding genuinely significant results, and his work is oriented toward chemical-process synthesis [3].)"21:02
-!- Mokstar [~Mokstar@unaffiliated/mokstar] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]21:03
kanzure"The PADL processor executes at present in a PDP-11/40 computing system (28K 16-bit words, twin RK05 disks) under DOS-V9."21:04
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QuantumGwhat a beast21:11
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kanzure"We concluded some time ago that there is no 'theory of engineering drawing' worthy of the name, and that a formal basis of any type for object specification is largely lacking. We also concluded that it is not sensible to seek such a basis through a close study of drawings. A proper theory of mechanical specification should be built using whatever principles seem most appropriate. The choice of principles is an inductive exercise and cannot ...21:17
kanzure... 'be explained' deductively. if the theory is to be useful, however, it should encompass practical requirements."21:17
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kanzure"Reasonable response times can only be achieved if BReps are updated rapidly, and therefore incremental algorithms (either for boundary merging or incremental boundary evaluation) must be used. (This situation may change when VLSI chips for generating displays directly from CSG become available [Kedem and Ellis 1984].)"21:41
kanzureyesss a solid modeling asic21:41
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=0e9cc69a Bryan Bishop: also capture the linuxcnc wiki >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/wikis/21:57
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=f405e8ba Bryan Bishop: explain difference between the gc and gce modules in opencascade >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/21:57
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needPaperbotkanzure, you mentioned that you like it when people use blockchains when they aren't necessary right? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCoQtwIwAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kickstarter.com%2Fprojects%2F612530753%2Fgitchain&ei=aOp6U7eRDpWryASqKg&usg=AFQjCNF0WWOlEGaWQkpoq_FdAfYsdqYx7Q&bvm=bv.67229260,d.aWw22:38
kanzureis this gitchain and do i have to click22:39
needPaperbotSorry, I forgot about how google links were...22:40
-!- Auctus [~Auctus@unaffiliated/auctus] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]22:40
kanzurenot gonna look22:41
kanzureyou can't stop me!22:41
-!- peterp [46462eda@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:41
needPaperbotI can't stop you from not looking?22:41
needPaperbottriple negative22:41
kanzureyou can't prove that22:42
needPaperbot!!!(you looking)22:43
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kanzure.ssl https://www.cengagebrain.com/s23:05
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* fenn comes up for air23:09
@fennthe net is vast and deep23:10
kanzureno that's just the sense of nothingness from writing too many emails23:11
kanzureall 2 of them23:11
kanzure.wik .kkrieger23:16
yoleaux".kkrieger (from Krieger, German for warrior) is a first-person shooter video game created by German demogroup .theprodukkt (a former subdivision of Farbrausch) which won first place in the 96k game competition at Breakpoint in April 2004. The game remains a beta version as of 2012[update]." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.kkrieger23:16
kanzure.wik Asmutils23:17
yoleaux"Asmutils is a rewrite of the standard Unix commands in assembly language aimed to have smallest possible size of ELF executables. All standard Unix commands (ls, cat, sh, etc.) executables are less than one kilobyte in size." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asmutils23:17
@fennfarbrausch is pretty good23:21
xmjwhats that?23:21
@fenni have to admit i don't really get the whole "demo scene" concept - why make software and then just throw it away?23:21
xmjWhy the hell not?23:22
@fennxmj: farbrausch is a demo scene production group23:22
xmjPeople buy Prada because they want to show off.23:22
@fennwell, for one thing, it annoys people like me who want to re-use your neato shit but you didn't even bother to license it23:22
@fennlike, not even a wtfpl23:22
@fenn"what's licensing? we're stuck in the 80's"23:23
xmjso ? can just ask them.23:23
@fenngood luck23:23
xmjgithub issue, "Add license", propose MIT/BSD/ISC licenses.23:23
@fennno version control23:23
xmjfind email, sendmail, rinse repeat23:24
xmjor just do what the fuck you want, and give credit.23:24
@fenni will probably do that23:24
@fennrather than wandering the time tunnels looking for lost email addresses23:25
@fennis it just me or are there way more broken links on the internet in the past few years?23:26
xmjless, actually23:26
xmjeveryone *can* automate broken-link-checking. but there's a definitely higher churn among blogs..23:27
@fennapparently people on tumblr change their url like we change nicks on IRC23:27
@fennkids these days...23:28
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xmjdo you change your nick on IRC often?23:30
@fennno, but some people do23:33
xmjthis isn't quakenet.23:33
kanzureyeah, irc matters here23:33
@fennWelcome to IRC Matters, your premier source for IRC related talk show entertainment23:34
xmjI've had interesting business prospects via IRC.23:34
kanzurelike immortality23:34
@fenntoday's guest joins us from central europe, discussing the commercial side of IRC and how it can benefit you23:34
xmjThank you fenn. As you're all aware, the IRC has a history of bringing together great minds. Back in the eighties when it was created by some bored US grad students, ...23:35
kanzuregradstudentbot: you're up23:36
gradstudentbotI don't know whether I am Turing dreaming that I am a machine, or a machine dreaming that I am Turing!23:36
xmjthey set out to shape what would then become known as Internet Relay chat.23:36
xmj<3 bullshit23:36
@fennsoon IRC evolved into the premiere network for international malware distribution and botnet control, a legacy that continues to this day with the T9000 hunter-killer drone23:36
xmjbut there is hope.23:36
@fennwhere's the drone gone off to23:37
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@fennoi, do some damage23:37
xmjAll IRC is under botnet control, but for one small channel of indomitable hackers that still hold out against script kiddies.23:37
@fennwe call ourselves, the grandsons of the revolution23:38
@fenni mean, last defenders of the free world23:38
xmjand we've pledged revenge.23:38
@fennpeople's front of IRC23:38
xmjfenn: IRC people's front.23:39
* xmj is an induvidial.23:39
kanzurei'm not23:39
@fennsomeone tell me what to think23:39
gradstudentbotThe results of my study indicate that the climate is about to get really weird.23:39
kanzurethat wasn't the next line23:39
@fennyou cunt!!! you stupid bird-brained flat-headed...23:41
* xmj kicks fenn into the never-ending well.23:41
xmjI need to eat more :(23:42
@fennwhat's the food like over there23:44
-!- Adifex|zzz is now known as Adifex23:45
@fennwikipedia says it's "the beer, vodka, rye bread and pork "belt" of Europe."23:45
@fennwhy is it the ingredients for cheesecake are $2/lb but the cheesecake itself is $8/lb23:47
@fennregardless of the size of the cake23:47
xmjif you're working in IT, the selection is pretty decent.23:48
xmjplace I'm going for lunch later serves upscale spanish food, omnomnom23:49
@fennlistening to a robot read alice in wonderland is kind of a mind altering experience23:51
-!- sapiosexual [~sapiosexu@d75-156-88-7.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Quit: No calling card for the unsung bard]23:58
--- Log closed Tue May 20 00:00:10 2014

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