
--- Log opened Wed May 21 00:00:11 2014
@fennmarkdown bullet points are so ugly00:08
-!- rayston is now known as Rayston00:09
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@jrayhawkAsterisks, or dashes?00:11
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o jrayhawk] by jrayhawk00:11
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@fennasterisks. how do you do dashes?00:20
jrayhawkSame way.00:21
@fenndo they render differently?00:22
jrayhawkIf it's the rendering you hate, you can feel free to throw css at either me or the repository.00:26
jrayhawkhttps://antportal.com/wiki/ has CSS I was reasonably impressed by.00:28
@fennapparently paperbot is dumping its debug into my shell on gnusha :\00:29
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@fenni hate how it renders two bullet points for a double indent and three bullet points for a tripled indent00:29
@fennin fact i hate bullet points00:29
@fennfuck markdown00:30
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=154d7cd2 fenn: init >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/.gitignore00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=801ea910 fenn: scratchings >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/draft00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=035cccb5 fenn: preamble >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/draft00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=02919ed7 fenn: more sorting categories >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/draft00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=b8282366 fenn: more words; increase verbiage! >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/draft00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=eddc7b86 fenn: effectiveness definition >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/draft00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=de833d64 fenn: %s/  \(\w\)/- \1/ and yamlify in general >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/draft00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=e44cc84f fenn: rename >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/goals.yaml00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=9235deb1 fenn: Revert "yank hplusroadmap.draft content" >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/declaration/00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=6b750cbb fenn: pull in goals.yaml >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/.gitignore00:43
@fennoh, the magic "git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter"00:45
@fennsome day i'll remember how to do this stuff00:46
@fennwtf markdown, _this_ is the same as *this*?00:49
jrayhawkhttp://wiki.freedesktop.org/testrepo/ https://secure.freedesktop.org/cgit/testrepo/tree/index.mdwn maybe this helps clarify the indenting situation?00:52
jrayhawki am not really sure what you're complaining about where00:53
@fennnot really? what is doing on with 1. test translating to 1. 2. 3. 4.?00:53
jrayhawkthat's really the browser's doing00:53
jrayhawkJust how numbered lists work.00:54
jrayhawker, ordered lists.00:54
@fennbut a) there are 13 different levels of indentation, but it gets transformed into 5 because why? and b) they're all separate levels of indentation00:54
@fennanyway the bullets are distracting00:55
jrayhawkMarkdown has heuristics for what ranges of textual indentation apply to what sort of HTML sublisting.00:56
jrayhawkThat page was to partially clarify the simple cases for me.00:56
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@fennwhy doesnt ----00:57
@fennrender as a horizontal rule?00:57
jrayhawksays <hr /> right there00:57
@fennoh it is invisible here nm00:57
jrayhawkoh, maybe I fucked up that bit of the CSS.00:58
jrayhawkToo lazy to look. Fuck CSS.00:58
@fennCSS beats markdown00:58
@fennat least i can override CSS if i want00:58
jrayhawkYou know you can override markdown, right?00:58
@fenner, no?00:58
@fennthere's the [!format] directive which i haven't looked at yet00:59
jrayhawkSupport for HTML mixing is a required part of the markdown specification.00:59
jrayhawkVitriolic attacks on how difficult it is to use are rather ironic when it is readily apparent you have never read the documentation for it.01:00
@fenni feel justified since it's supposed to be "intuitive" and "easy to use"01:01
jrayhawkIs it?01:01
@fenn"Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible."01:01
jrayhawkis more what I am not finding.01:02
jrayhawk"easy" as a lot more potential connotations.01:02
@fennthere are so many wiki syntaxes and things like asciidoc and simpledoc that i've had to learn over the years and they all vary by tiny amounts in ways that are mutually incompatible some of the time01:03
@fennsee i cant even remember what they're called01:04
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jrayhawks/ as a lot/ has a lot/01:09
jrayhawkalso if you're associating markdown with the concept of "wiki syntax" you're projecting motivations the authors never intended again01:14
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@fennit's the same thing01:18
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@fennthey never would have used [] for links if it weren't descended from wiki syntax01:18
jrayhawkhttps://secure.piny.be/cgit/piny-hosting/tree/index.mdwn this is the primary intended link format.01:18
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jrayhawkIf I were a better person, I would be doing 72 or 80 column linebreaking on those paragraphs.01:22
jrayhawkReversed Mediawiki links do not make for smoothly readable READMEs.01:26
@fennThe bikeshed color should be ...01:29
@fenn...blue of course01:29
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=5c7ecb26 fenn: test inline declaration syntax >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/declaration/01:58
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno 111] Connection refused (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)01:58
@fennuh oh i broke everything01:58
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=efd6e249 fenn: index was included in the bullet point list, attempt to fix >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/index/03:22
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chris_99anyone done sequence mining out of interest06:00
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=da1b6677 fenn: fix broken include statement >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/declaration/06:38
eudoxiai should move the cryopatients list from the transhumani wiki to a YAML file06:45
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=b7e7f33d fenn: test format directive >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/goals.yaml06:49
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=8f9dda50 fenn: Merge branch 'master' of /srv/git/diyhpluswiki >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/06:49
@fennweird it deleted the link06:50
@fennikiwiki doesn't seem to like nesting directives inside other directives06:52
@fennmaybe i should be using templates instead?06:52
@fennit seems like you should be able to inline a file (transclude it) but also get code highlighting06:53
gradstudentbotWhere's my pellets?06:54
@fennand then "toggle" collapse/expand it06:54
@fennyou can do all these things separately but not together06:54
gradstudentbotDid you do that pset?06:57
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=6981b70d fenn: try toggle >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/declaration/07:04
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=5c2a2a92 fenn: This reverts commit 6981b70d8e39a1a406f95d3cd9aff911535b3869 >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/declaration/07:04
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=74ca22ff fenn: eh good enough >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/declaration/07:12
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=4c8b9204 fenn: remove non functioning directive code >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/goals.yaml07:12
@fennwhat the bloody fuck07:13
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=8a7ed8fe fenn: attempt to appease our bullet-point gods >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/goals.yaml07:15
@fennhuh adding whitespace after the list worked07:16
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kanzurewhat was wrong with bullets?08:28
kanzureor the way the file was08:28
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nmz787_iin case my post is censored (because who knows).... re diybio blogs.... A bunch of those sites haven't published a new post in more than 609:38
nmz787_imonths... what is your limit for considering a blog active?09:38
nmz787_i(amplino, openpcr)09:38
nmz787_iHow about non-self-published blog noise (most posts on glowingplant09:38
nmz787_iaren't actually about their own project)?09:38
@fennwhen you expect flutes it's whistles09:38
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kanzurei dunno if it matters if they are active or not, the internet does not discriminate the age of your content09:57
kanzureit's unfortunate that mac has hired a blogger for diybio.org09:59
kanzurewhy not hire someone to, i dunno, build things09:59
kanzureinstead of reading rss feeds and an inbox09:59
kanzureit's not like labor is dramatically more expensive than rss labor10:00
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chris_99am i right/wrong in thinking scientists 100 yrs or so ago, had a broader range of interests than those now10:28
chris_99*scientific interests10:28
ParahSailinprobably right10:28
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FourFirechris_99, there's much more specialization, sure10:29
FourFireThere's more things to learn about a given field and more fields, period10:29
chris_99i quite like the idea of having a broader range of knowledge, as you could maybe find connections between different areas, that you wouldn't if you specialized very deply10:30
kanzurehaving a broader range of knowledge these days is harder to demonstrate because it sounds like you're just regurgitating content10:31
chris_99hmm, not if you actually practice in those areas too though10:32
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chris_99i would like to become a gentleman scientist ;) if i could just win the lottery...10:43
kanzurewhy would you need to win the lottery?10:43
chris_99just for the funding, then one could do it full-time, without needing to worry about subsidising it10:44
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kanzurethere are other ways of accumulating piles of money besides lotteries.. entirely more efficient methods too.10:44
eudoxiayeah like kanzure's script that mines new cryptocoins10:45
chris_99hmm i wonder if you can apply to funding bodies like the EPRSC without belonging to a uni10:46
kanzureeudoxia, all my other income comes from software consulting and software contracting10:48
eudoxiakanzure: i noticed there isn't a link to heybryan.org/resume.pdf on your page, is that intentional?10:49
kanzureit's because of this epic struggle between (1) the fact that i am bombarded with more offers than i can deal with and (2) my interest in being paid large amounts of money and (3) how much i dislike working10:50
kanzurei'm afraid that if i actually put effort into marketing my work, i might have to do even more work10:50
kanzureand who the fuck wants that?10:51
eudoxiai assumed (1)10:51
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kanzureworld's pretty crazy out there at the moment10:54
kanzuredegree holders with 4 years of education and 0 years of experience getting $100k offers.. so what do you think people with 3, 5, 10 years of experience can nail? etc10:54
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heathcontacts in phoenix?11:46
heathdoes anyone have contacts in phoenix?*11:46
heathit's strange when you're talking to a higher up in government11:47
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heath~2 contacts away from the president of the US11:47
heathpres -> advisor -> person i talk with11:48
kanzureheatsync is in phoenix i think?11:48
* heath is idling in the room11:48
kanzuretheir resident transhumanist is Jacob Rosenthal <jakerosenthal@gmail.com>11:48
heathnot as much activity as the hackerspace in hsv (huntsville) or even bna (nashville)11:48
kanzurewhy do you only have villages11:49
gradstudentbotWho the hell stole my pipette?11:50
Mokstaryay, my 23andme results are back11:57
chris_99do they give you raw DNA data now, i forget11:57
Mokstaroh neat, I'm related to jimmy buffet11:57
Mokstarchris_99, yes, but no health analysis12:00
chris_99how much does that cost ye12:01
Mokstarooh, I've got 3.1% Neanderthal12:01
Mokstar23andme doesn't sell that anymore12:01
MokstarI'll have to get it done on my own12:01
chris_99i think i'd rather not know if i've got disease X though12:03
Mokstarwhat's a good service to analyze this data?12:03
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kanzurejust run it against snpedia12:19
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kanzureopencascade has a custom garbage collector?13:11
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jrayhawkchris_99: genetic diseases aren't usually deterministic13:21
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kanzure.title http://mikejmoffitt.com/wp/?p=27014:00
yoleauxMichael J Moffitt's Project Log  » Blog Archive   » NeoVGA: Neo Geo Line Doubler in VHDL14:00
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eudoxiai sure hope that wasn't some kind of irssi exploit15:44
kanzure_just ssh lag15:45
kanzure_it's impressive that irssi is okay with a lag of 15915:46
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kanzure_Join to ##hplusroadmap was synced in 422 secs15:50
kanzure_there we go15:50
justanotheruserTime for another freenode DoS?15:51
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kanzure_presidential bioethics committee complaining about neuroscience: http://www.bioethics.gov/sites/default/files/Gray%20Matters%20Vol%201.pdf18:30
kanzure_"However, beyond the distinction between treatment and enhancement, cognitive enhancement raises pressing ethical issues concerning equitable access to enhancements and their benefits, appropriate management of risks, and obligations and freedoms to enhance or not.26"18:32
kanzure_"recommendation 1: stop paying us and allow the committee to disband"18:33
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caternif only18:36
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QuantumGso, have ya read beggars in Spain?19:35
QuantumGit's not bad19:38
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kanzure_if you wanted an efficient government system of granting time-limited commerce-limited monopolies, why should it have anything to do with "technology disclosure"?19:49
QuantumGyou shouldn't :)19:50
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kanzure_i'm just contemplating ideas about abolishing the patent system; really i seem to care more about the patent system leaving technology alone more than anything19:51
kanzure_you will not be able to convince everyone to give up their patents because "you will be destroying trillions of dollars"19:51
kanzure_but you could possibly convince them to get rid of the technology component to patents19:52
kanzure_(disclosure of technical machines can happen some other way, like through the public domain or something)19:52
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QuantumGso, do you agree with me that trade secrets are better than patents?19:52
QuantumG(because at least trade secrets can be busted by interested reverse engineers)19:52
kanzure_i'm not sure, what are the trade secrets keeping secret?19:52
QuantumGhow to make stuff, probably19:53
kanzure_i don't think that trade secrets are better or worse than patents for disclosing technology19:53
kanzure_at least with a trade secret you can choose whatever representation of the data you want19:53
kanzure_so it's probably better19:53
kanzure_(rather than "serialize to legalese" as the de facto mandatorial standardo)19:55
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kanzure_and if patents lose their technology component, you could possibly shift them to be more about dividing up legal protection regarding commerce revenue or something for different industries... it sounds preposterous, but it's just a more efficient way of saying what the current system is trying to say anyway.19:58
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kanzure_not sure how to make that seem less ominous. the current situation has a bunch of advantage by way of obfuscation and indirection.20:03
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QuantumGthen you'll get secrecy and protectionism20:07
QuantumGcurrent situation: I won't bother reverse engineering this because I could just go read the patent, and even when I know how, the government will stop me from using that knowledge20:07
QuantumGyour situation: I won't bother reverse engineering this because even if I succeed the government will stop me from using that knowledge.20:07
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QuantumGmy situation: the government protects no-one, there's a lot more secrecy, but also a lot more reverse engineering.20:07
kanzure_no, in "your situation", the government would not stop you from using the knowledge20:07
QuantumGapparently this is bad because only big companies can do reverse engineering.. little companies need to be protected. I've never seen any proof of this assertion.20:08
kanzure_(or could you explain how/why it would? remember, in "your situation", patents have lost their technology component)20:08
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QuantumGyeah, so instead they're carving out markets20:08
kanzure_yes, probably some additional tax revenue or some shit, i have no idea20:09
kanzure_"participatory patent tax"20:09
QuantumGMicrosoft gets the software market (or some bit of it), so what's the point of trying to make a better word processor now?20:09
kanzure_rate-adjusted by industry or some crap haha20:09
kanzure_that "the point" was never the point20:10
kanzure_there was a fairly fascinating empirical study that shows that patents actually reduce innovation20:11
kanzure_the study was done by someone who was pro-patents, and then he looked at his data and frowned20:11
kanzure_*innovation and related incentives20:11
QuantumGcompared to what?20:11
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QuantumGI remember reading this a while ago.. but I'm not reading it again, so help me out20:12
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kanzure_yeah i don't remember that detail, sorry20:12
kanzure_at the moment if you have a word processor patent, you can reasonably get it in front of a judge and extract some revenue20:13
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kanzure_(patent licensing revenue is the name of this particular game)20:14
QuantumG.. and?20:20
kanzure_huh? i was responding to your microsoft point20:20
kanzure_heh what if it was a guessing game, where you had to come up with some n-digit number, and the closest guesses get the patents/markets awarded to them, based on some distance or something20:21
kanzure_and then it's some weirdo "monopoly lottery"20:21
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kanzure_hrm i suppose that's more random than "have a bunch of wizards show up in court and say things about magic that nobody understands"20:26
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QuantumGthat's gunna be around no matter what you do20:28
QuantumGif there's no patent system, the court cases will be about whether or not Bob violated his employment contract when he left to go work for a competitor20:28
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kanzure_yeah but if the courts are just going to end up in a wishy-washy interpretation battle (like the same one that happens over the constitution), you might as well have the USPTO settle the argument ahead of time by doing its job (granting monopolies, definitively or something)20:29
QuantumGsee, for example, John Carmack and the Occulus Rift.20:29
kanzure_if you're not going to write down what you're actually granting the patenteeor, then you're really just deferring it to the court case, and for sufficiently magical things, it's more or less random either way too20:29
kanzure_because often legalese is either too specific or overly general20:29
kanzure_and you can't figure out what parts the uspto was really intending to grant20:29
kanzure_QuantumG: is there a court case about that particular one?20:30
yoleauxZenimax and Id Software have filed a lawsuit against Oculus VR, and Dallas-based John Carmack is in the middle20:30
kanzure_i knew there was something problematic about his job switch, didn't know it was a lawsuit yet20:31
QuantumGalmost every announcement of a company with deep pockets acquiring a smaller outfit is accompanied by them.20:32
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QuantumGhttp://quantumg.net/aprt-short.gif because animation21:15
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kanzure_QuantumG: can you render that using electrostatic potential maps instead? kthx21:16
kanzure_and if transparency is an option then enable that21:17
kanzure_mayavi2 might have this21:17
QuantumGdoing that now (no transparency)21:17
kanzure_it's pre-computed, so rendering is fast, right?21:18
QuantumGit's reasonably fast, yeah21:18
QuantumG~15 sec per frame21:18
QuantumGpurple = PRPP binding site, blue = adenine binding site .. this is 7 different homologs21:23
QuantumGI have two more, but I dropped them cause they're long form, not short form, so they look too out of place21:23
kanzure_do you have any good papers on rational protein design?21:26
QuantumGBeyond directed evolution—semi-rational protein engineering and design, Directed evolution made easy, Microfluidic Compartmentalized Directed Evolution, Protein Design by Directed Evolution, Recent trends in biocatalysis engineering21:28
kanzure_yes microfluidic compartmentalized emulsion stuff is fun21:29
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kanzure_but iirc there are some people that know how to get specific holes and arms on proteins these days?21:29
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QuantumGso that first paper tells me21:30
kanzure_paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2982887/pdf/nihms235064.pdf21:31
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kanzure_paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2982887/pdf/nihms235064.pdf21:31
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno 111] Connection refused (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)21:31
kanzure_paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2982887/pdf/nihms235064.pdf21:32
paperbotTypeError: unicode() argument 2 must be string, not None (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 825, in text)21:32
kanzure_back to the drawing board..21:32
kanzure_did people used to have drawing boards to go to?21:32
QuantumGyeah, gimme 3 minutes21:33
kanzure_nah, ncbi has it21:33
kanzure_i just wanted paperbot to archive it21:33
kanzure_it is usually capable of archiving a public access pdf21:33
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QuantumGhttp://quantumg.net/both.html added links21:36
kanzure_in the ncbi-hosted pdf, there's a reference to a study where tunnels in proteins were improved by a handful of different amino acid residues21:39
kanzure_prolly applies to every protein-with-a-hole in that protein family21:40
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QuantumG"Directed evolution made easy" is about PACE. You've heard of that?21:46
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kanzure_wait.. acronym overload.21:47
kanzure_is it this one? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/A%20system%20for%20the%20continuous%20directed%20evolution%20of%20biomolecules.pdf21:47
kanzure_the t7 rna pol one21:48
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kanzure_i don't remember the details of this method. did they have a library of different phages?21:49
kanzure_aha, accessory plasmid and mutagenesis plasmid21:51
QuantumG"First, a crucial gene for phage replication is removed from the phage’s genome and placed in an ‘accessory plasmid’ in E. coli. Expression of this gene can then be tied to a wide range of biological activities,"21:52
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QuantumG"Engineered bacteria and phage are then placed in vessels called lagoons, such that a continuous stream of E. coli move in and out of the vessel. The E. coli only stay in the lagoon for about 20 or 30 minutes, just long enough for phage infection and replication to occur. Only phage that activate21:54
QuantumGthe essential gene in the E. coli plasmid can reproduce and infect incoming bacteria. The better the phage is at inducing gene expression in the accessory plasmid, the more phage are produced."21:54
QuantumG.. and, ya know, it's all glassware.21:57
kanzure_their transfection method doesn't seem to require calcium chloride what's going on21:57
kanzure_is that legal21:57
QuantumG(if that's a joke, I missed it)21:58
kanzure_"by heat shock"21:58
kanzure_"NEB Turbo competent cells"21:58
kanzure_oh, electroporation too21:59
kanzure_electroporation sort of counts as glassware21:59
sheenasomeone is putting new DNA markers in Ecoli?22:00
sheenai heard it on the radiooo22:00
nmz787hi didly ho22:00
nmz787its pronouced nucular22:00
gradstudentbotI am busy researching.22:01
MokstarboushNew cule-air, Ms. Aisles.22:04
kanzure_.ety nuclear22:04
yoleauxnuclear (adj.): "1846, "of or like the nucleus of a cell," from nucleus + -ar, probably by influence of French nucléaire. Use in atomic physics is from 1914; of weapons, from 1945. Hence nuclear physics (1933), nuclear energy (1941), nuclear war (1954)." — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=nuclear22:04
kanzure_.ety nucléaire22:04
yoleauxSorry, I couldn't find the etymology of that.22:04
Mokstarboush.ety jazz hands22:05
yoleauxSorry, I couldn't find the etymology of that.22:05
kanzure_.ety nucleus22:05
yoleauxnucleus (n.): "1704, "kernel of a nut," 1708, "head of a comet," from Latin nucleus "kernel," from nucula "little nut," diminutive of nux (genitive nucis) "nut," from PIE *kneu- "nut" (cognates: Middle Irish cnu, Welsh cneuen, Middle Breton knoen "nut,"  …" — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=nucleus22:05
kanzure_"little nut" :)22:05
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Mokstarboushyay! I don't have MTHFR mutations! http://imgur.com/NAfQlFe22:09
kanzure_.title http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-2317848422:09
yoleauxEgypt crisis: Why are Cairo protesters using laser pens?22:09
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-!- ielo [~ielo@host-78-147-232-48.as13285.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]23:43
-!- ebowden_ [~ebowden@CPE-58-169-106-3.lns4.bat.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:45
-!- ebowden [~ebowden@CPE-58-169-106-3.lns4.bat.bigpond.net.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:45
-!- Auctus [~Auctus@unaffiliated/auctus] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:47
-!- Qfwfq [~Qfwfq@unaffiliated/washirving] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]23:48
-!- Auctus [~Auctus@unaffiliated/auctus] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]23:51
--- Log closed Thu May 22 00:00:12 2014

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