
--- Log opened Thu May 22 00:00:12 2014
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kanzure_you guys are boring05:53
ebowdenOh well.05:53
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kanzure_"oh well" is a bad answer. how about be less boring?06:04
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eudoxiakanzure: http://www.digitalspace.com/papers/nanopap1.html06:06
yoleauxkanzure_: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.06:06
yoleauxkanzure_: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.06:07
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kanzure_well at least it's consistently crashy06:07
gradstudentbotWell, that paper was actually retracted.06:07
eudoxiathe entire body is in a <blockquote> and the <head> tag is empty06:08
kanzure_"There is no facility to simulate nanomechanical drive trains06:08
kanzure_or other power systems which must be present to drive structural06:08
kanzure_objects such as sorting rotors or logic rods."06:08
gradstudentbotHey, let's write a paper about that.06:09
gradstudentbotI think using the laser is making me sterile.06:10
eudoxiaugh what is it with people who have contact forms instead of an email address06:12
kanzure_"i don't have an email address, but what i do have is a 200 by 100 pixel text entry box on a website that stopped working in 1997"06:13
eudoxiasome of the links don't work because they have some php in them06:14
paskyso the other night I tried to write up why I started working on question answering... http://pasky.or.cz/dev/brmson/grand-plan.pdf06:19
gradstudentbotI could never be a PI.06:20
kanzure_then why is wolfram alpha still not making much money?06:25
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@_archelsand you're going to beat WA, Watson, Siri, DDG, because...06:29
@_archelsI wonder what the ratio of man-hours to performance/user satisfaction is on those projects06:30
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kanzure_don't be so quick to dismiss brain emulation, nobody has really done much in that department at all06:32
kanzure_(don't fall for perceptron stuff)06:32
paskywolfram alpha is focusing on structured data and the computational aspects, i think unstructured data are the true treasure trove06:35
@_archelsat a lecture yesterday someone dismissingly commented that the best thing all this neuromorphic engineering has given us is identifying cats in youtube videos06:37
@_archelshe's probably never tried to build a cat identifier himself06:38
kanzure_unfortunately people consider "artificial neural networks on an asics and fpgas" to be "neuromorphic"06:38
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@_archelskanzure_: they can be, sure?06:38
paskyi think ANNs, deep learning etc. is pretty awesome stuff - for solving specific tasks06:38
kanzure__archels: moving your crappy software to an asic isn't going to fundamentally amke it better06:39
paskybut not for building a universal system, and more specifically, not for maintaining big amounts of knowledge06:39
@_archelskanzure_: absolutely, and there's a wide range of models that people refer to as ANNs06:40
@_archelsbut yeah, early optimisation fallacy.06:40
kanzure_pasky: why do you think statistics is a better approach than brain science?06:40
kanzure_pasky: ANNs etc are all boring and you should forget them06:41
paskywell, brains are optimized for smart behavior, not for knowledge, I believe; the knowledge is just to support behavior06:41
paskysmart people kind of abuse their brains in this regard ;)06:41
kanzure_um, what do i care what the fuck it's optimized for?06:41
paskyi do care when i'm copying it06:42
kanzure_so far the brain is the only device that demonstrates the knowledge or behavior you desire06:42
paskybecause if it's been optimized to do X and I want to do Y, it's kind of stupid to copy it because I'll get Y only when I build an almost-equivalent copy06:42
kanzure_you'll only get Y because your copy is bad? don't make a bad copy?06:43
kanzure_"because the brain does multiple things, it is therefore a bad idea"06:44
paskyyes, i do admit i can't build a good copy of a human brain06:44
kanzure_so instead you'll make something totally unrelated and call it ai?06:45
-!- kanzure_ is now known as kanzure06:46
paskyif I build a worse-than-human brain, I have an AI with intelligence of an ant or a rat, which just doesn't seem to be terribly useful06:46
paskyif I build a worse-than-human knowledge processing system, it can still process knowledge, and by huge amounts, possibly making up for deduction ability shortfalls or emulating humans that aren't very good in English or preprocessing data for humans06:47
kanzure"human knowledge processing system" is just hand waving for "something that is ai"06:48
@_archelsif you consider a useless toy model that doesn't work very well more important to pursue than a fundamental step in the right direction, that's your call06:49
@_archelssorry, I don't mean to be overly dismissive--it'll surely teach you a lot of useful, practical skills06:49
kanzurei think i'm going to go extremist and claim that: the chances of you failing to build a human emulation are less than the chances of you failing to build a non-human-derived "knowledge processing system" (e.g., something in the same function space that brains occupy, but isn't a brain)06:49
pasky_archels: what's the right direction is tough to guess, isn't it?06:49
@_archelsbut set reasonable goals and don't advertise it as 'AI'06:49
kanzureyeah, don't call it ai06:50
@_archelsno, not really06:50
paskyhmm, why isn't it AI?06:50
@_archelswe have about 7 billion working example of how to do it06:50
paskyon hardware we can't feasibly reproduce06:50
kanzurethe only thing that "ai" should really mean is "the thing that human brains are doing"06:50
kanzureactually the hardware issue isn't as big of a deal06:51
@_archelsyour last statement is patently rubbish06:51
kanzurehave you read this yet? http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/markram-2006 (the video is also good)06:51
paskyI'll reat that06:52
kanzureactually i guess archels should evaluate the quality of that06:52
* _archels wonders what the state of natural language processing with ANNs is these days06:52
kanzuresince he's the actual neuroperson here06:52
kanzureI AM NOT WORTHY06:53
eudoxiai watched the video and the part about "literally painting onto dendrites" sounded a little woo woo but what do i know06:53
kanzureoh yeah, sure06:53
kanzurewell, the voltage modulation between minicolumns is sciencey at least, even if individual dendrite painting is obvious acid tripping06:53
kanzurebut he has a billion dollars and you don't, so..06:54
paskykanzure: re "human knowledge processing system", I was pretty specific about that being a question answering system; that's something with concrete interface, deliverables and ideal performance, doesn't seem handwavy to me06:54
kanzurethat's fine, but i wouldn't call it ai06:55
paskyre "intelligence", I just don't share the view that it should be focused on 1:1 match of human brain capabilities, that seems terribly boring - and less _useful_ than a more general definition06:55
@_archelsif you're satisfied with answers that appear to have been translated from English to Chinese and back about 7 times, go for it :)06:55
kanzurewe don't have a general definition06:56
paskyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence lists plenty and I think most of them fit06:57
kanzure"A very general mental capability that, among other things, "  they mean brain06:57
kanzure"Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas" they mean people with brains06:57
paskyi see no reason why they would06:58
kanzuregroundtruthing is really important when working on the big problems06:58
paskybrb lecture06:58
kanzure_archels: i have an idea,06:59
kanzure_archels: let's make an ai that totally ignores the human brain06:59
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=f4f47b7e Bryan Bishop: yet another abbreviation >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/07:01
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=d189651c Bryan Bishop: Merge remote-tracking branch 'master' >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/07:01
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=b2408cb0 Bryan Bishop: even more abbreviations >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/07:01
@_archelsPlato would be proud.07:02
@_archelslooks like the Stanford NLP group is working on applying deep learning to NLP07:05
@_archelson the boundary of what goes as 'neuromorphic' for me, though07:05
kanzurei think my boundary of neuromorphic is something like "must, at minimum, have ordinary differential equations rearding different matter squeezing through ion channels in the cell membrane"07:06
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@_archelspaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3733003/pdf/fpsyg-04-00500.pdf07:08
kanzureunicode error07:08
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@_archelspasky: ^07:09
kanzurewhy doesn't mplayer change the title on my screen when the stream changes titles? :|07:14
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGgDMjA-agg&t=60s07:20
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yoleauxANIMA MUNDI - Godfrey Reggio07:20
kanzure(this is my "recalibration" video)07:24
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pasky_archels: that's nice; but it seems it's practical solution is far from state-of-art in normal NLP; but I'll read it in detail08:46
pasky_archels: I'm not saying that where this *leads* to may be more powerful than current methods, but it seems like just a start08:46
paskyI'm now interested in putting together what we already have; we can do that with classic NLP parsers, statistics, deep learning and reinforcement learning, but if we blacklist some of the technologies since they don't occur in human brain, there is nothing to synthetize08:47
* pasky would be fine with disapproval but is kind of disappointed by what seem to him like terribly narrow-minded, purist views08:48
paskyanyway, i'll go read that paper in detail08:48
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FourFireprobably old news, but: http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenkotler/2014/05/21/suspended-animation-goes-primetime-say-goodbye-to-death-as-we-know-it/08:59
FourFireI'm sorry, is this channel cryonics agnostic, or is there another consensus view?09:00
eudoxiai'm about 80% sure suspended animation for a few hours won't change the mainstream view on the plausibility of cryonics09:02
kanzurehah why is the brain seen as a purist view09:03
kanzureif anything it's the opposite of the symbolic ai purist view09:03
kanzurewhat's narrow minded about 'the chances of you failing to build a human emulation are less than the chances of you failing to build a non-human-derived "knowledge processing system"'09:05
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juri_I have the unique opportunity to hang out with SciFi author and programmer/nanotechnologist, Ramez Naam. Thought I'd ask this group of transhumanists if there are any questions you'd ask if you were me.09:34
juri_^-- friend of mine.09:34
FourFireI've never heard of him09:34
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kanzureairport baggage system design failure analysis http://calleam.com/WTPF/wp-content/uploads/articles/DIABaggage.pdf09:40
kanzurehe spammed me with a "happy birthday" once, you should complain to him about that09:40
kanzure.wik ramez naam09:42
yoleaux"Ramez Naam is a professional technologist and science fiction writer. He was involved in the development of widely used software products such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook. His last role at Microsoft was as a Partner Group Program Manager in Search Relevance for Live Search." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramez_Naam09:42
kanzure"professional technologist"?09:42
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kanzureso that airport could probably have been better designed such that you needed less trolleys for moving luggage10:37
kanzurefor example, a large linear desing where the airport itself is laid out for the purposes of luggage transport rather than people distribution10:37
kanzureno sharp corners for luggage transport10:38
kanzurelimited number of moving parts; maybe use gravity for transporting cargo to a central location where the upward movement occurs10:39
kanzureyou could also use a water flow system, where you place luggage on floatables10:39
kanzureand then you could do a floating bucket tagging system rather than having a person reach around for the id tag sticker on the luggage itself10:41
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eudoxiahow about a marquee over the luggage conveyor that announces names as the luggage comes around10:46
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nmz787_iuntil your bag with computers falls into the water system and you sue the airport for using water instead of dry conveyors11:11
chris_99use oil instead of water then11:12
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@_archelspasky: I encourage you to use 'classical' machine learning methods to implement an expert system, but advise you to be conservative (and concrete) in your stated goals12:16
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kanzureuspto budget is $2 billion/year12:34
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kanzure"Patent fee collections are estimated to be between $2,609 and $2,962 million for FY 2014. These projections are based on assumptions that patent filings will increase between 2 and 6 percent."12:37
kanzuresee http://www.uspto.gov/about/stratplan/budget/fy14pbr.pdf12:38
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paskykanzure: okay, phrased like that of course it's not narrow-minded, but the general notion of achieving intelligence by something else than emulating neurons seems to have produced a surprisingly hostile response :) dunno, to me it is just like insisting that a flying machine must flap its wings13:32
paskythen again, i was double-thinking whether to include brain emulation in the list of fallacies so i guess i had it coming when i went ahead13:33
kanzurei would posit that it is not at all like a flying machine.... for starters.13:33
kanzureand if you don't know how to fly, then copying wings is a good idea.13:34
paskyfor sure, as a default option, but then it turns out that building functional bird-like wings is really tricky13:35
kanzurei over-emphasize neurons because of the lack of emphasis that neurons have always had13:36
kanzurethe vast majority of all "ai" projects have been overwhelmingly non-biologically-accurate13:36
pasky_archels: of course, in my current project, i have way more specific goals and i usually never mention strong ai to people i explain brmson to :) this was just an attempt on a statement of where it fits in my personal philosophy13:36
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kanzurewhile it is true that the brain is not the only feasible implementation of whatever it is that the brain does that is interesting, it is the only implementation we have and know how to make, so the insistence on starting with something not known to work seems like complicating the problem by a million or billion fold13:39
kanzurehowever, you'll be able to easily convince fenn i'm sure. he's totally into symbolic ai like that. cough.13:42
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Lemminkainenkanzure ain't going to get far on neurons alone13:43
Lemminkaineninclude microglial neurotransmitter dynamics13:43
kanzurewell you're not going to get far on xml opencyc version 3190413:43
* kanzure glares at stephen reed13:44
kanzurei can see him through my walls13:44
Lemminkainenare your ampakines off?13:44
kanzurestephen reed is a reference to a person that people interested in ai know about13:44
kanzureand he lives in austin, so saying "i can see him through my walls" is a reference to that13:44
kanzurethis comedy club is tough!13:44
cpopellOne step closer to gainful employment.13:45
LemminkainenI can't tell what's ironic and what's real anymore13:45
Lemminkainenpost-post-modern reality disillusionment disorder13:45
kanzurei am real. you have me.13:46
gradstudentbotWell, you can't guarantee that.13:47
Lemminkainenlookit that serendipity13:49
paskykanzure: *if* we knew how to make it, I'd agree, but that's a pretty bold statement13:53
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paskyand I certainly wouldn't call my approach symbolic13:53
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FourFirepasky, the question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim14:11
paskyFourFire: i know that quote, and your point is? :)14:17
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FourFirewell, submarines obviously don't swim14:18
FourFirebut they do *travel through water*14:18
FourFirethere's probably many different ways to process data, and solve problems, but we don't know them until we test them14:19
@_archelspasky: what *is* your approach?14:19
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paskyFourFire: so that's what I'm doing :)14:53
FourFirepasky, what, machine learning without NN ?14:55
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FourFirecan you spell out your methodology, briefly?14:55
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gradstudentbotWasn't there a paper about that?14:56
paskyFourFire: no, question answering; I suppose right now there isn't a better document than https://github.com/brmson/yodaqa/blob/master/doc/HIGHLEVEL.md15:02
paskyit's still an early work in progress :)15:02
FourFirecool, I'll read it later. fr now, I have to go15:03
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kanzurehow is this a test? http://git.dev.opencascade.org/gitweb/?p=occt.git;a=blob;f=tests/boolean/bfuse_complex/A5;h=7016f331c4c6b103893ec6fcae3d048886d045c9;hb=HEAD20:54
kanzurewhat is it testing against20:54
kanzureor how does it know if the result is correct20:54
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kanzure"simplified python wrapper for opencascade" https://github.com/tenko/occmodel20:59
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@fennlol i also have "post-post-modern reality disillusionment disorder"22:49
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=07180af9 Bryan Bishop: links to pythonocc and occmodel >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cad/opencascade/22:52
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