
--- Log opened Mon May 26 00:00:15 2014
@fennwhat is precision00:06
@fenni think it makes most sense to talk about precision in percentages00:07
@fennholding micron tolerance over 1mm is different than over 1m00:07
@fenni wonder how hard it would be to make a solar pumped laser crystal from scratch00:08
kanzurei mean something that the machinists would actually use00:08
kanzuresome of them seem to be of the opinion that if it costs less than $50k, they don't want it00:08
@fennpaperbot: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1994SPIE.2121...58L00:09
@fennwhat machinists00:09
@fennpaperbot: http://www.mill-creek-systems.com/HighLift/Climbers/solar_laser_SPIE1.pdf00:10
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@fenngeoffrey landis is some kind of space technology god00:11
kanzurefenn, http://www.practicalmachinist.com/vb/cnc-machining/why-cnc-machining-so-expensive-263261/00:13
kanzurefenn: these guys laugh for like 9 pages of text at this guy for even asking00:13
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kanzurewouldn't it be better overall if a metal-capable cnc machine cost less than $200k?00:15
kanzurewhy is that idea laughable00:15
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@fennHe has published 400 scientific papers in the fields of photovoltaics and astronautics, holds seven patents on photovoltaic device designs, ... flown the human-powered airplane "Chrysalis",  was a member of the Sojourner Rover team, driving the rovers "Spirit" and "Opportunity", published Hans Moravec's speculative essay "Pigs in CyberSpace", and Vernor Vinge's article on The Technological00:15
@fennSingularity, and perhaps more importantly posted a lot to usenet00:15
@fennkanzure there are plenty of big iron machines laying around, the bigger the cheaper00:16
@fenni guess you want a "new" machine tho00:16
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kanzure"and perhaps more importantly posted a lot to usenet" does it really say that00:17
kanzureall these "capital goods" are expensive for no good reason00:18
kanzurewhy should lab equipment, machining equipment, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, medical equipment, etc., all be so expensive00:18
@fennyes i was going to say something about the "somebody else's money" problem00:18
@fennnobody would plunk down the price of a house if it was their money00:18
@fenn"oh guess i'm gonna have to get a mortgage on my CNC machine"00:19
kanzureit looks like there are tax benefits to purchasing "capital equipment"00:19
kanzurelots of tax writeoffs00:19
kanzureor tax benefits00:19
@fenneven air conditioners are expensive00:19
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kanzureare they? how expensive?00:19
@fenni dunno, cost per pound is probably the same as a cnc machine tho00:20
kanzurei imagine air conditioners weigh less00:20
@fenn4-ton 13 SEER heat pump/AC Amount: $3,45000:20
kanzureso anyway, for most of the "capital goods", i don't see a reason for the high prices00:20
@fennthat can't be right00:21
kanzure"low volume" is a poor justification for higher pricing.. maybe if it was 10,000% cheaper, you would sell more.00:21
@fennok "4-ton" is just a normal house sized AC00:22
kanzuresemiconductor manufacturing equipment has apparently been increasing in price from $30k/device to $300k/device for a hwile now00:22
kanzureand everyone complains about multi-billion dollar fabs00:22
kanzurewell maybe if you actually focused on cheap equipment, you wouldn't have to spend a few billion for every facility00:22
@fennbut they already have cheap equipment... the old fabs that still exist00:23
kanzure$32 billion/year is spent on semiconductor manufacturing equipment00:23
@fennis that 23nm or whatever, or is there spending on new "old" technology00:23
@fennstupid words00:23
kanzureyes i think it includes spending on old technology00:24
@fennwhat proportion of spending is "experimental" "testing" "stable" "oldstable" "deprecated"00:24
kanzurewell, all of the devices are manually built, so it's hard to tell if it's just "old inventory" or "built to order"00:24
kanzuresuper-deprecated equipment in that industry probably gets donated to universities for their foundries00:25
kanzureand then i'm sure there's a refurbishment lifecycle of crap00:25
kanzurelike in the life sciences00:26
@fenni doubt it.. i see a lot of high tech crap getting shredded in scrapyards00:27
kanzure"capital equipment" is stuff you use to do more stuff00:27
@fennthat's the definition of capital00:27
kanzureand basically every industry that has any relevance to transhumanist industry has "expensive" capital equipment00:27
@fenn.wik capital00:27
yoleaux"Disambiguation: Capital" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital00:27
@fenn.d capital00:27
kanzureand it is stupid and wrong00:28
yoleauxcapital¹ (/ˈkapɪt(ə)l/): n. 1. The city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region: Warsaw is the ⁓ of Poland; adj. 1. (Of an offence or charge) liable to the death penalty: murder is the only ⁓ crime in the state; excl. Used to express approval, satisfaction, or delight: That’s splendid! Capital! — http://is.gd/TwJuce00:28
@fennugh words00:28
kanzure.d capital good00:28
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that command (.d) crashed.00:28
@fenn.wik capital (economics)00:28
yoleaux"In economics, capital goods, real capital, or capital assets are already-produced durable goods or any non-financial asset that is used in production of goods or services." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_(economics)00:28
kanzurewhat would be so bad about $3k equipment that builds 10 micron wafers, for example00:29
@fennwho would use it?00:29
@fenni mean, it would be a great kickstarter project00:30
kanzurepeople who don't have $6 billion for a wafer fab, or who don't have $100k for MOSIS, or who don't have $20k for an asic run00:30
kanzurelower prices means that more people have it because of the long tail of poor people00:30
@fennyou could sell one to at least ten hackerspaces00:30
kanzure*more people have at least that much money00:30
kanzure*because there are more people with less money00:31
@fennles says that rich people optimize for the number of checks they have to write00:31
kanzurei'm down to 0 so i must be doing something right00:31
@fennif they can write one check for ten times the amount vs 10 checks for one tenth the amount, they'll go with the one check00:31
kanzure(fuck checks)00:31
kanzurewhat's interesting is that it's cheaper to hire someone to build a cnc machine than it is to buy a new cnc machine00:32
kanzureand you can fire the person when they're done, which is easier than paying off a mortgage or something00:32
@fennthis is what you call an economic crisis00:33
kanzurewhy not undercut everyone- hire someone and build cheap cnc machines; hire someone and build cheap thermocyclers; hire someone and build cheap AFMs, etc.00:33
@fennare you functioning as a user of the machines, or re-selling them?00:34
kanzurelet's hypothetically sell them00:34
@fennok then you have to add some profit margin to it (right? (?))00:35
kanzureactually, let's assume no00:35
@fennok then there's at least overhead of "doing business" for example taxes00:35
kanzurethat's normal00:35
@fennso let's estimate overhead at 50%00:35
kanzurepaying employees, material costs00:35
kanzurewasn't there a mass-produced car that cost less than $1k?00:38
@fenni can't believe those practicalmachinist guys cited "toilet paper" as a reason cnc machining is so expensive00:39
kanzurethe operator's time is "expensive" (only $60-$80/hour, pretty cheap), but they missed his other question about the equipment00:41
kanzureand they cite all the $200 lego cnc machine things, which are obviously not in the same market00:41
@fennThis guy will be laughing all the way to the bank when he takes 10 500$ cnc machines, put larger motors in them, then pay a single operator to run all 10 of them as they run pretty much unattended 24/7/365. He'll put us all out of business with his 10$/hour shop rate, expand the size of his shop to 50 500$ machines, while adding a second operator, and will be a billionaire before long.00:41
kanzurebut if there was a $200 hextatic thing, i bet they would use it00:41
@fenni'm assuming this was meant as a sarcastic comment, but i don't see anything wrong with the plan00:41
@fennif an operator is running 10 machines that's only $6-8/hr in "shop time"00:42
@fennlet's say $10/hr with overhead00:42
kanzureyour machinsts cost $8/hour?00:42
@fennno, the machinist costs $60/hr00:42
@fennor am i misunderstanding how they quote things00:43
kanzurei bet they bill by machine time + operator time, so that operators doing non-machining things can still bill00:43
kanzure("trying to understand your shitty dxf: 5 hours")00:44
@fennthat's too logical00:44
kanzurethey aren't stupid00:44
@fennwho was it that had the website that automatically validated your cad files so you wouldnt waste their time?00:44
@fennyeah that might have been it00:44
kanzurehey look i fucking knew something for once00:44
@fennoh, no you have to use emachineshop's software00:45
kanzurewas it nick pinkston's cloudfab thing?00:45
kanzurewould have been for 3d printing only00:45
@fenni dunno. could have been cloudfab. anyway, the idea makes a lot of sense00:46
@fennlet the customer waste their own time if they're morons00:46
kanzureso you prefer the "sell a service" instead of "sell equipment" model of http://transcriptic.com/ ?00:47
@fenni'm reading the "why are cnc machines so expensive" thread and it's mostly about running a machine shop, not selling cnc machines00:47
kanzurethey mention the cheap machines deep in the thread somewhere00:48
kanzureit's either (1) elitism, or (2) there genuinely isn't a good cheap cnc machine anywhere to be found00:48
@fenn"Why not use high speed brushless motors instead, like they do on remote controlled airplanes? You can get a $500 motor with 6kw of power or so and it weighs less than 2 pounds."00:49
@fennthat's kinda a lot00:50
kanzurefor the low-end $400k cnc machines, i think they get away with those prices because of maintenance and service contracts00:52
@fenn"'d answer more of your points but i'm busy and its not worth my time trying to convince you that you are way off base in your cost analysis and the ability of machines to just do everything for you" this is what's wrong with the world00:52
@fennmaintenance and service contracts are required00:53
@fennyou aren't allowed to open the machine yourself, under penalty of death00:53
kanzuremazak cnc machines are, apparently, the most expensive http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-utdCwdJRDcI/UfFuDqHPEjI/AAAAAAAAAG4/wzY4M7VZf3k/s1600/maza1.jpg00:53
kanzurethose control panels are so stupid- why are they still around?00:54
@fennsome pics of a $5k 1980's mazak i worked on: http://fenn.freeshell.org/retrofest/default.html00:54
@fennnot saying it's the same thing, but when a $5k machine does everything you need why spend $500k00:55
@fennwhats with the guys in jumpsuits chemically bonded to the control panels00:55
kanzureit's to make them look important00:56
@fennthey are like lego figurines00:56
kanzurecnc jumpsuits... hah.00:56
@fennthe claw snaps onto the control panel's locking bar00:56
kanzure"this equipment is so fucking expensive that you have to wear the special uniform"00:56
kanzurecnc rangers http://www.comicpalooza.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/powerrangersimage.jpg00:57
@fennyou'd think they would be wearing white jumpsuits to match the machine00:57
@fennwith red-orange trim00:58
kanzurenah they are matching the floor00:58
kanzureto indicate their social status00:58
@fennso the guy with the blue tie is the insecure middle manager?00:58
kanzurewell insecurity breeds excess adipose tissue, so it's the fat one00:59
@fennall this communist/capitalist symbolism is so awkward, like people still believe in this stuff?00:59
kanzure"well it costs so much, so it must be basically magic"01:00
@fennthose membrane keyboards are so awful01:00
@fenn"chips get in your keyboard? make it smooth vertical, because everyone loves microwave ovens!"01:00
kanzure"usb? never heard of it"01:00
@fenncan you imagine if your job was to push numbers on a microwave oven all day, and if you screwed up it cost $100k to fix it and possibly kills someone01:01
@fennlike wtf, chips in your keyboard? get a new fucking keyboard!01:01
@fennthrow the old one in the trash with the $500 endmill you just broke01:02
@fennnow bill the customer $5000 for "shop time"01:02
@fennproblem solved01:02
kanzureif these industries are competitive, why don't prices fall dramatically?01:04
kanzurethey really can't figure out how to make a $10k cnc? really?01:05
@fenni think there's a big potential for concrete framed machining center kits01:05
kanzuredoes the concrete experience stress01:06
@fennthen you just have to ship some bits of metal and instructions and bags of concrete, instead of some delicate thing01:06
@fennthere's something called epoxy granite which is basically crushed rock in resin. it doesn't warp the way portland cement does01:06
@fennbut honestly a month's cure time before you grout the ways is enough for most things01:06
@fenn(if using portlant)01:07
@fennportland cement*01:07
@fennthe concrete is mostly there for mass and vibration damping01:07
@fennthe steel framing is what provides the rigidity01:07
Viper168_and jimmy dean provides the sausage?01:08
@fenndo you have anything constructive to add01:08
@fenngetting enough sass from this practicalmachinist thread01:09
kanzurei'm trying to imagine the equivalent biology thread01:10
kanzurea bunch of postdocs saying "this is a real industry boy, where everyone is paid $8.50/hour to slave over $100k equipment"01:10
@fennwell not really, they can't afford the $100k equipment01:10
kanzurelabs? sure they do01:11
@fenn"everyone takes out a loan for the privilege of working over a sweaty lightbulb and some jello"01:11
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kanzureand the biotech companies just use leases, loans, mortgages, etc01:11
@fennheh sorry i was thinking academia01:11
kanzureacademic labs often have expensive toys01:12
kanzuresometimes still under service warranty etc01:12
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@fennwtf world do these people come from "once you move out of mom's basement you'll realize that $60/hr is not enough to live on"01:13
@fennseems like the real problem is they are busy making parts to 0.01mm because that's the default setting in the cad program and the customer doesn't know any better, "oh well, i guess CNC machining is just expensive!"01:15
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juri_i really wish my hands still worked reliably. you and kanzure have been talking about a lot of things close to my heart.01:16
jrayhawk_What's wrong?01:16
@fennjuri_: have you tried speech to text software?01:16
@fennjrayhawk_: rsi01:16
juri_carpel tunnel RSI etc...01:16
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juri_fenn: takes keyboard time to try the stuff.01:17
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jrayhawk_I used to get that occasionally, but it's pretty rare since I switched over to a non-immunogenic diet.01:18
juri_i also only use free software, so... not hopeful.01:18
jrayhawk_I have to be *really* asking for it with stupid bouldering maneuvers now.01:19
@fennthere are a few out there like "simon"01:19
@fenni thought it was called "julian" actually01:20
juri_i really need a button on my keyboard mapped to "i'm terribly sorry, but my hands hurt too much to continue talking"01:21
jrayhawk_there's also stuff like dasher01:21
* juri_ ...01:21
@fennjuri_: just mount it on your forehead so you can bang your head against the wall repeatedly01:21
juri_LOL! :)01:21
@fennmy mom used dragon for a while after hand surgery, it takes a couple weeks to learn your voice and then all of a sudden it starts working01:22
juri_i'm continuing to build strange 3d printers...01:22
@fenn"Julius is a high-performance, two-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) decoder software for speech-related researchers and developers."01:22
juri_fenn: free software?01:23
gradstudentbotMy experiment was working a second ago, but now it doesn't even work.01:23
@fennit's in ubuntu01:23
@fenni wonder why theres no "license: " field in the .deb metadata01:24
juri_'revised BSD style license'01:25
juri_"i'm terribly sorry, but my hands hurt too much to continue talking"01:25
juri_keep hacking.01:26
@fenni guess this is "unmodified BSD" http://julius.sourceforge.jp/LICENSE.txt01:27
@fennWhen you publish or present any results by using the Software, you01:27
@fennmust explicitly mention your use of "Large Vocabulary Continuous01:27
@fennSpeech Recognition Engine Julius".01:27
gradstudentbotI could never be a PI.01:28
@fennshe was a tall cool stack of affinity bead gel, sauntering into my office on a hot summer's day. the fan ticked off the minutes, the cover page of her report rustling uncomfortably on my desk.01:30
@fenn"baby, you still haven't answered" she moaned. how did i ever get into this mess. try to please everyone and you end up with no-one on your side. i just hoped for her sake that bad vinny never found out.01:31
juri_when i said that i would rather die than accept non-free software into my life, i did not expect the universe to come up with a nearly worse than death option: software developer/IRC addict without useful hands.01:32
@fennit was a two-car-garage operation. we supplied the brains, they supplied the space. how it ended up with litigation in patent court is a story for another day.01:33
@fenn- excerpt from "truth hurts, or: how i learned to stop worrying and become a private investigator"01:34
@fenn.title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olimG2HJ3ys01:41
yoleauxPicard Getting Shot At01:41
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@fennpost-singularity ersatz homoerotic existentialist canon: http://youtube.com/watch?v=vZ7CGBM4JJo01:52
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dingoi tried to get you that doc kanzure,  failed03:33
dingoJSTOR is replacing Literatum with a new homegrown in-house platform under development now. So they moved most of the developers to the new project and we no longer have access to anything to do with Literatum (including code , wiki,documentation, etc). So I know the project still exists but I can't access those wiki pages or code.03:33
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dingoso the very person who wrote it03:34
dingono longer has access to it haw haw haw03:34
dingoanyway things got a lot worse since i left, quoting03:34
dingoThe app is still active. AT team removed the RDAS server (decommissioned it), but JSTOR still need to get the data to google scholar. So I think XXX (do you remember him?  JSTOR fired him last year too) wrote a massive shell script to pull the data from Literatum instead of RDAS. So the app now only serves the generated files to google.03:35
dingoso metadata is now gently served using shell scripts03:35
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jrayhawk_posix shell is the best cgi language03:42
jrayhawk_nothing quite like elaborate and fragile nested "while read" loops with different IFS settings and printfs to parse query strings03:44
jrayhawk_profound regret builds character03:45
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seba---kanzure, i will work for free03:51
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kanzureseba---: can i get that in the form of a blood oath?07:16
seba---kanzure, well if i would get 25k/y i would be super happy07:18
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kanzurewhat skills do you have again07:19
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seba---kanzure, i don't know, i'm finishing my BSc from chemistry, writing my BSc thesis, will go to a MSc now, also in chemistry07:21
seba---i like to do DIY shit and i did a lot of programming lol07:21
kanzureno no, i said skills07:22
kanzureprogramming counts, but a degree doesn't07:22
seba---kanzure, i can make scientific equipment i guess, i know electronics, i can improvise a lot lol07:22
seba---made a geiger counter before fukushima, that is without using 32423423 schematics from the interwebz07:23
seba---or kits07:23
chris_99surely it does if you made cool stuff during it kanzure07:23
seba---which are highly available now07:23
chris_99whatcha use it for?07:24
seba---chris_99, oh, well it was funny, in the week i've made the first prototype, fukushima happened lol07:25
seba---i've used it to show the people that there's no difference in radiation lol07:25
kanzureanyone who can say "fukushima happened lol" in a sinle sentence is hireworthy07:25
chris_99do gieger tubes, use around 200V or something?07:27
seba---mine uses 400 V and i think it's the lowest07:27
chris_99what kind of PSU does it use07:27
seba---i've made it07:28
seba---it's very simple07:28
seba---uses all of the shelf components07:28
seba---not like common designs which need a special transformer07:28
kanzure"profound regret builds character"07:30
seba---what do you mean by that?07:34
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eudoxiasomething about using shell scripts as a web application07:37
gradstudentbotLet's have a pset party.07:41
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kanzureway to be a buzzkill, gradstudentbot08:32
gradstudentbotThe fluorescent microscope is broken.08:32
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chris_99nmz787, is your project on hackaday.io09:44
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delinquentmekanzure, I missed that conclusion?  I definitely don't remember saying that they wern't  passwords10:08
delinquentmeadditionally we're setting a solid precedent10:09
delinquentmeParahSailin, if you want to get in on this10:09
kanzureif they are passwords, then they shouldn't be in there10:09
kanzurei don't know what we're talking about10:09
kanzureor why ParahSailin is being brought in10:09
delinquentmeok cool so then its settled.10:13
delinquentmelibgen is treating these as some kind of login creds and if we expand on the codebase at all we'll want a way to add in additional passwords so external files work fine by me10:14
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kanzurefenn, why is shopbot more expensive than a new car?11:18
kanzurealso, what about just using waterjets11:18
gradstudentbotWho used the last of the growth medium?11:21
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kanzurebrikwars has rules?12:00
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kanzure [2014-05-26 14:40:05] BlackArrowBitFuryGPIO failed to modprobe i2c-dev (256) -12:40
kanzureyou need to be root?12:40
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kanzureis it asking me or telling me12:40
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kanzure(i'm not actually mining, i promise, i was just checking if i had cgminer installed)13:11
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jrayhawk_re: brikwars: after a fashion13:32
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kanzurei see14:10
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kanzure"I met the author of this software over the weekend -- she runs a single-breed sheep farm in the North Fork valley in Colorado, and gathers data for the USDA, tracks the genetic lines of all their sheep, and so on. She was telling me that the commercial alternatives for the electronic tag-reading hardware can cost $1000+, but they were able to build a reader that communicates via Bluetooth with an Android device for less than $100."15:49
kanzurehttp://www.volokh.com/posts/chain_1240849478.shtml "The invention of the sewing machine in the antebellum era was an achievement on par with the latest high-tech or pharmaceutical discovery today. This paper presents the first comprehensive empirical study by a legal scholar of the invention, patenting and commercialization of the sewing machine in the nineteenth century. In so doing, it challenges many assumptions by courts and scholars ...15:51
kanzure... today about the alleged efficiency-choking complexities of the modern patent system, revealing that complementary inventions, extensive patent litigation, so-called “patent trolls,” patent thickets, and privately formed patent pools have long been features of the American patent system reaching back to the antebellum era. This is particularly significant with respect to patent thickets, as there is a vigorous debate on whether ...15:51
kanzure... patent thickets exist. The sewing machine patent thicket -- called the “Sewing Machine War” -- confirms that patent thickets are not just a theoretical construct. But the Sewing Machine War also reveals how patent-owners have strong incentives to resolve patent thickets."15:51
kanzure"With respect to the mechanical issue, the invention of a practical and commercially successful sewing machine comprised ten complementary elements. These ten elements were first explicitly identified by Andrew Jack in an oft-cited 1958 article: (1) the sewing of a lockstitch, (2) the use of an eye-pointed needle, (3) a shuttle carrying a second thread, (4) a continuous source of thread (spools), (5) a horizontal table, (6) an arm overhanging ...15:53
gradstudentbotSorry about that.15:53
kanzure... the table that contained a vertically positioned eye-pointed needle, (7) a continuous feed of the clothe (synchronized with the needle motion), (8) tension controls for the thread that give slack as needed, (9) a presser foot to hold the clothe in place with each stitch, and (10) the ability to sew in either straight or curved lines. The first sewing machine to incorporate all ten of these elements was the famous “Singer Sewing ...15:53
kanzure... Machine,” which was first sold to the public in the fall of 1850. But Singer was neither the first person to invent all ten elements nor was he the first to patent them."15:53
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kanzureJayDugger: hi18:45
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:46
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kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/news/video-reveals-entire-organism-s-neurons-at-work-1.1524019:05
yoleauxVideo reveals entire organism's neurons at work19:05
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.2964.html19:06
yoleauxSimultaneous whole-animal 3D imaging of neuronal activity using light-field microscopy19:06
kanzure"Vaziri and his colleagues engineered C. elegans so that when a neuron fires and calcium ions pass through its cell membranes, the neuron lights up. To capture those signals, they imaged the whole worm using a technique called light-field deconvolution microscopy, which combines images from a set of tiny lenses and analyses them using an algorithm to give a high-resolution three-dimensional image. The researchers took as many as 50 images per ...19:07
kanzure... second of the entire worm, enabling them to watch the neurons firing in the brain, ventral cord, and tail."19:07
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kanzure"Altruism: The argument for altruism is limited as an explanation because though some exists, the programmers do not focus their kindness on more charitable causes. If the generosity of working for free was a viable motivation for such a prevalent movement, it is curious why such a trend has not been seen in industries such as biotechnology that would have a much bigger impact on the public good.[32]"21:23
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