
--- Log opened Thu May 29 00:00:18 2014
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@fenn.title http://phys.org/news/2014-05-acoustic-tractor.html05:47
yoleauxResearchers build acoustic tractor beam05:47
chris_99wasn't there a laser based one too05:47
@fennare you thinking of "optical tweezers"?05:48
chris_99ah possibly05:48
chris_99i am05:48
@fennno, you're right, there is a laser "tractor beam" that came out in 201205:49
@fenn.title http://phys.org/news/2012-10-physics-duo-tractor-dual-bessel.html05:49
yoleauxPhysics duo create tractor beam using dual Bessel beams05:49
chris_99what's the difference between optical tweezers05:51
chris_99and that05:51
@fenntweezers move left/right, but tractor beam can pull directly towards you05:51
chris_99according to wiki though 'are scientific instruments that use a highly focused laser beam to provide an attractive or repulsive force' whther that's correct?05:52
@fennthis is talking about moving things around in a layer of water on a microscope slide05:54
@fennoh maybe i am wrong05:55
@fenn"dielectric particles are attracted along the gradient to the region of strongest electric field, which is the center of the beam"05:55
dpk.to kanzure !05:56
yoleauxdpk: I'll pass your message to kanzure.05:56
@fennshouldn't that be .tell?05:56
chris_99yeah that's strange heh05:56
@fenni guess it does both05:56
@fennchris_99: the illustration shows a very curved "beam waist" but in reality the waist is much more elongated and there isn't as much force holding the particle at the focal point05:58
@fennin the vertical axis i mean05:59
chris_99you're talking about the 'Physics duo create tractor beam using dual Bessel beams'05:59
@fennno i'm just talking about optic tweezers05:59
@fennthis picture in particular http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_tweezer#Physics_of_optical_tweezers06:00
chris_99ah gotcha06:00
chris_99so are optical tweezers something i could buy off the shelf06:01
dpkfenn: .to, .tell, and .ask are synonyms06:02
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nsh.splode is a splodonym06:10
@fennthis is a cute infographic http://seba.eu.org/public/netexports.jpg06:18
seba-i'm popular06:19
seba-fenn how the fuck did you find that06:19
@fenni am just poking around in your public directory06:19
seba-oh ok06:19
FourFireno wine from france?06:19
FourFire"Latvia, we have wood, no potatoe"06:20
FourFire"Estland, we sell smartphone"06:20
@fenni think it's just the top category by dollar value, like israel isnt exactly known for its diamond mines06:20
seba-fenn, http://seba.eu.org/public/netimports.jpg06:20
seba-you have also this06:20
@fennseba are you a chemistry student or just a hobbyist?06:21
FourFireso cyprus produces semiconductors, and lebanon imports tanks06:22
seba-fenn, first06:30
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@fenn"at least 21,000 metric tons of plastic floating in the eastern pacific" there's clear gold in them thar waters06:37
seba-fenn do you study chemistry?06:40
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eudoxiahe's a microbiologist06:40
@fenni draw triangles all over your boxes06:41
seba-biohazard ones?06:41
@fennmore like this http://isotruss.info/home.htm or this http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2013/how-to-make-big-things-out-of-small-pieces-081506:43
superkuhpaperbot: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.144977506:43
eudoxiawhat was the name of that structure buckminster fuller designed that was a floating sphere?06:44
@fenncloud nine06:44
eudoxiahm, orion's arm had given it another name06:45
eudoxiafullairs, that's the one06:45
eudoxiafenn: he should have called it 'Fullairene'06:46
@fennyeah fuller probably would not have named it that06:46
seba-fenn, how do you grow insect tissure cultures06:46
@fenni have no idea06:46
seba-i need to make BRAF proteins cheaply06:46
@fenni'd guess you smush a bug and digest it in trypsin for 10 minutes and plate it on polystyrene06:47
@fennyeast is a lot easier to culture06:47
seba-yes, yeast is easy06:47
seba-i need to cure cancer, it's on my task list06:48
@fenndo you have cancer?06:48
@fennthen surely there are more pressing issues, like aging for example06:48
seba-after that i'll make fusion energy06:48
seba-also that06:48
seba-while doing that i'll also develop new antibiotics, to save the world06:49
seba-i'm a superhero06:49
@fennalso there are more people working on cancer, the field is kinda crowded06:49
seba-yes but i'm crazy, they aren't06:49
@fenni always thought phage therapy never got a fair chance06:49
eudoxia2067: WHO warns against overuse of bacteriophages06:50
@fennyou know how they use super toxic chemicals to kill cancer, but only release it when near the cancer cell? you could release antibiotics from nanoparticles only in the presence of bacteria06:50
seba-i have a more neat idea06:50
@fenneudoxia: nah that's the cool thing, they evolve along with the host06:50
seba-fenn, targeting bacteria specific protein kinases, like they're doing on cancer06:51
@fennwhy would the bacterium uptake your molecule in the first place?06:52
seba-fenn, apparently PKs are involved also in the process of infection06:53
seba-it's like 2012+ research or some shit hm06:53
@fennsince infection involves replication, everything is involved in "infection"06:53
seba-well i just had this idea on monday06:53
seba-i'll cure the world06:54
seba-don't worry06:54
@fennhow are you going to defend your newly saved world from supervillains like me06:54
seba-in the worse case, i'll make nanoguns to force bacterias to swallow my compounds06:54
@fenn"not only does Triangle Man hate Particle Man, who is after all just a man doing the things a particle can, but he also hates Person Man, and Person Man already has it rough enough, having been hit in the head with a frying pan and being forced to live in a garbage can."06:55
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kanzuredpk: yes?08:27
yoleaux12:56Z <dpk> kanzure: !08:27
dpkkanzure: yo! so, paperbot08:30
dpkwhat needs doing?08:30
dpkwhat's the actual (rough) plan?08:30
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dpkif you want me to start porting the zotero translators to be non-Zotero-specific, happy to start doing that08:31
dpkor else investigate the possibility of embedding Zotero in Node08:32
kanzurewell, ideally, i don't want to have to maintain zotero/firefox/gecko things for the rest of eternity08:35
kanzureat the same time, i can't muster enough of my attention at the moment to convert all 300 of their translators to some other system08:35
dpkyou don't need all 300, though, right?08:36
dpkbecause not all of them are for sites which keep papers08:36
kanzureheh ok ood point08:37
dpkquite a lot of them aren't. 3news.co.nz.js, ARTFL Encyclopedie.js, Amazon.com.js, to name the first three i'm sure aren't academic paper repositories08:38
dpkso i'm guessing, then, if you have anything for me to do it will be porting the scrapers off of Zotero, if you don't want to maintain all that shit08:41
kanzureyes the tasks would be highly related to gutting the zotero dependency, but then also probably making some way for zotero to make use of the new stuff, so that their 200,000 users can maintain my stuff for me heh08:41
dpki'm happy to start working on that/working out the details of that immediately if that's okay?08:43
kanzureyou aren't stepping on my toes, go for it08:43
kanzurepapermonk was going to be my attempt https://github.com/kanzure/papermonk but i never demoed zotero compatibility08:44
kanzureso it's trashworthy08:44
kanzurei was doing streaming html parsing stuff08:45
dpkright, so i see08:45
kanzurestreams everywhere08:45
kanzure"Information could be coded into signals and streamed anywhere, given enough energy. Streamed everywhere, this interflow of information. We could speak with the nebular brains of the galaxy. We could extend the galaxy's information ecology. We - every human being, Fravashi, oyster, sentient bacterium, virus, or seal - we could stream our collective consciousness across the two million lightyears of the intergalactic void to the information ...08:46
kanzure... ecologies of the nearer galaxies, Andromeda and Maffei and the first Leo."08:46
kanzurebad joke08:46
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eudoxiaone of the things i like about both zindell and cordwainer smith are the unexplained references that hint at a much greater universe outside the scope of the stories09:02
kanzureflying camera quadcopter09:06
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delinquentmeWhy does chrome slowly sap my machine of memory?09:13
delinquentmeMaybe its flash.09:13
JayDuggerMaybe chrome extends the galactic information ecology.09:15
eudoxiamaybe it's mining 'coins09:16
JayDuggerMaybe it's auditing your system for ISO 9001-compliance.09:17
JayDuggerSo very much ISO.09:18
eudoxiamaybe it's punishing me every time i don't use ISO-860109:18
JayDuggerThat can't be it. Everyone knows Creation happened at midnight on 01 Jan 1970 and that expressing it in ISO 8601 involves subtle heresy.09:25
kanzuresubtle heresy is our specialty09:25
JayDuggerSo the number of the beast involves how leap seconds can dance on the head of a pin?09:30
JayDugger(Wait..mixing metaphors?)09:30
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@fenni'm not a crypto-nerd but this seems like actual news: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/05/truecrypt_wtf.html09:34
kanzurearen't you supposed to be paraonid09:34
@fenni gave up paranoia for (soy)lent09:35
chris_99seems most odd indeed fenn09:35
@fennthey're out there, man http://fennetic.net/irc/cia_helicopter.mp409:36
@fenn(actually that is probably a navy helicopter, the cia ones are slimmer)09:36
kanzurepfft increase paranoia and then get back with me09:37
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chris_99if i was the cia i'd make the helicopters rainbow coloured and sparkly09:37
chris_99then noone would worry about them09:37
JayDuggerA commonly available vegetable extract, legal in Holland and two American states, will put paranoia back in your soylent.09:39
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@fenn"If I developed a piece of security software, and wanted to cease development, I'd make a similar statement. "Don't use this anymore. It's not maintained, and should therefore be considered insecure".09:46
@fennOtherwise, if a vulnerability is discovered, everyone will scream: "Fix it now! Nobody told us to stop using it!""09:46
kanzurewasn't the security audit suspicious or something09:48
kanzurei forget the details09:49
kanzure"audited by my brother"09:49
kanzure//win 309:50
kanzure/win 309:50
kanzurewell i'm out of ideas09:50
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@fenn"audited by the NSA"09:51
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@fenn"One of the most plausible theories is that the TrueCrypt developers found a gaping security hole (ala OpenSSL) and realised that releasing a fix for it would reveal the bug and compromise every TrueCrypt partition in existence, so they chose to kill the project rather than risk the safety of all of that currently encrypted data."10:01
@fennhttp://web.archive.org/web/*/truecrypt.org "Sorry. This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine."10:21
eudoxiadun dun dun10:22
kanzureDaeken: do you have insider info on that one10:29
Daekenkanzure: i can basically assure you that there is no such stop-the-world bug; if there were, it would've been announced.  but that's the most i can say with confidence.10:41
kanzurethose are strong words =)10:42
@fenn"there is no such bug" lol10:42
@fenni dont even know what you guys are talking about10:42
eudoxiagod bless this channel10:43
@fenn"our software has been proven to have no bugs"10:43
eudoxiafenn: zaroo boogs10:43
@fennthat "phantom 2 vision" camera drone has a lot of plastic on it10:44
kanzurethat's how you know it's expensive10:44
kanzurehey at least they show the price on the page10:44
@fennyeah, i know it's expensive by the price tag10:45
@fennthe plastic just says "consumer product"10:45
kanzuremaybe the plastic makes wind do something.. probably not.10:45
Daekenfenn: no, i don't think anyone would be silly enough to say that.  but 1) who would've found the bug?  the stage 1 audit only covered the bootloader, and stage 2 hadn't started yet. 2) even if they had no intention of fixing it, it's likely they would've announced any bug, given precedent.  3) the message in red isn't "this is insecure", it's "this must be assumed to be insecure, as it's no longer in development".10:45
DaekenIMO, nothing changed between two days ago and yesterday, wrt truecrypt's security.  it hadn't been updated in two years anyway.10:45
kanzurethere was no source code update in two years?10:46
Daekenwhatever their motivation -- whether government pressure, development fatigue, or aliens -- i don't believe that a bug factored into it.10:46
Daekenit just doesn't fit the mold.10:47
chris_99i don't understand what the 7.2 release is about10:47
Daekenchris_99: it's a migration release.10:47
@fennthere is rampant speculation that the suggestion to use BitLocker was some kind of "tell" indicating the developers were under duress10:47
Daekenfenn: it's possible.  it also could be information on the suspected winner of the super bowl next year.10:48
kanzurehow would it be that?10:48
kanzurei mean the super bowl one10:48
Daekenkanzure: we have no information for either; can't we just pick and choose when we need evidence? :)10:48
@fennhe's trying to advance some bertrand russell teapot argument10:48
kanzureall i'm saying is you have the opportunity to help my expensive non-existing gambling habit10:49
@fennwhy arent there more coanda effect drones?10:50
Daekenanyway, i don't think any of it matters.  truecrypt will be forked (now that the license changed), it'll be maintained, and stage2 of the audit starts soon.10:50
Daekeni've been running my own little audit of some of the code, lately.  it's not particularly well-written, but it's pretty sund.10:50
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@fenn.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YEdHjGMeho11:25
yoleauxCookie Perfection Machine11:25
eudoxiafenn: i thought it would be a machine that took the cookies that came out fucked up and fixed them11:26
* archels pictured a CNC mill before click11:27
kanzure"The FDA gave pharmaceutical company URL Pharma an exclusive marketing agreement for selling Colcrys in exchange for completing studies on Colcrys and paying the FDA a $45 million application fee. This deal effectively created a patented drug with no generic alternative. Therefore it gave the company a monopoly for the duration of the agreement. URL Pharma immediately raised the price from less than a dime to nearly $5 dollars per pill."11:28
@fennwell somebody's gotta pay that $45million11:28
kanzure"Please note that the following pages contain information on prescription-only drugs. Under British consumer protection law, Fresenius Kabi must not make this information accessible to individuals who are not member of the medical or pharmaceutical professions. Accordingly, we have restricted the access to the following pages and invite you to register for an user-id and a password. We assure you that registrations will be processed as soon ...11:30
kanzure... as possible. "11:30
@fenni've often been disappointed with bread makers.. you have to do all the measuring and dispensing yourself instead of just dumping in a whole 50lb bag of flour11:30
@fennkanzure: wow wtf kind of law is that?11:30
kanzurei can't believe that people fall for the "without the $400M barrier to entry (patents, FDA licensing, etc), nobody will be able to raise enough money to make the xyz".. well duh. how about putting some clever thought into how to do it without spending $400M.11:35
kanzuremaybe people are suffering from price envy11:36
kanzure"if the solution doesn't cost a lot, then i'm not interested"?11:37
@fennshouldn't be that hard to borrow $45M to pay off the FDA11:39
@fennthe real problem is the consumer gets screwed BY THE FDA11:39
kanzurein the context of the FDA, you usually don't borrow money11:39
kanzure(it's just investment assets)11:40
kanzureit's not just the consumer getting screwed, it's also the person making stuff11:40
kanzure"man how am i going to remember so many 12-word brainwallet passphrases?" but wait a sec, been doing that with pokemon since forever, so why not11:53
kanzurecat-on-shoulder-while-biking-guy must be laughin11:53
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@fennbrainwallets with no backups just seems like a really bad idea12:03
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kanzureprobably, yes12:05
kanzurei wonder if there are multi-sig brainwallets12:05
seba-testing first cultures12:24
seba-in the incubator12:24
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kanzurewhere are your samples from?12:25
FourFireseba-, crushed insects?12:28
seba-no, lactobacillus12:28
chris_99whatcha planning on doing with it12:28
FourFireOh yeah and I recommend that you focus on aging research over cancer research12:28
kanzureapprox. how many cancer deaths could be prevented by whole brain removal?12:29
FourFirethere are so many people working on it, and so much funding that it's diminishing returns compared to less focused areas, like gerontology12:29
seba-chris_99, trying to determine if there are any alive cultures in a probiotic12:30
FourFirekanzure, most of the ones which aren't brain cancer and leukemia, i guess12:30
chris_99aha, do you use some kind of blue dye for that, seba-12:30
seba-no why12:31
FourFireif you had somewhere to put the brains, that is12:31
chris_99it stains dead cells12:31
seba-chris_99, i'll just grow and count colonies12:32
kanzureseba-: you should trick your gf into hanging out in here12:33
kanzuretell her it's educational12:33
kanzureand totally not illegal12:33
kanzurebecause bio people are helpful12:33
kanzurelab trained, right?12:34
seba-what do you mean12:36
seba-she has a MSc in food tech, but her work was on mol. bio mainly, she's considering now a PhD in biotech12:36
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gradstudentbotI don't think our fume hood is safe.13:11
Mokstaris that because of the pile of dead undergrads nearby?13:16
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kanzure"'<redacted> provided me with your name as a person who might be able to help SPARC with a brief document. Over the last few months of meeting with elected officials in Washington, DC, a conversation has emerged between policymakers and advocates (namely SPARC) with regard to the lengths small business, start-ups, recent graduates, etc. have to go to in order to get access to journal articles. Due to the extraordinary high cost of ...14:11
kanzure... subscriptions and per page charges, they hire college interns, pay students for access and ask around for .pdf copies of the article. Without the information, they are not able to innovate, grow their businesses, etc. We have received some requests to get in writing the lengths that these companies/individuals go to in order to get information because they can't afford to purchase the articles and how it has, in essence, created a 'black ...14:11
kanzure... market for scholarly journals'.  Graham -- does this seem like something you would you be able to do?' "14:11
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kanzureyeah i am not sure i understand this email14:13
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kanzuresomeone is reporting to the open-science mailing list that.. someone sent him this quote.. that someone was invited to washington.. about something?14:13
kanzurelike who the fuck cares?14:13
@fennthey want to say "look at all the silly shit we have to do to get paperz" and get congressmen outraged, because "innovation" or something is more important than science14:13
@fennjobs jobs jobs14:14
kanzurebut SPARC is a publisher14:14
@fenn.wik SPARC14:14
yoleaux"SPARC (from "scalable processor architecture") is a RISC instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by Sun Microsystems and introduced in mid-1987." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARC14:14
kanzurethe other SPARC14:14
@fenni dont know this other14:14
kanzureoh hm14:15
@fennan international alliance of academic and research libraries working to create a more open system of scholarly communication. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)14:15
kanzurecould mean anything :p14:15
@fennyay doublespeak14:15
@fennmaybe we should name activist organizations "Nazi Sympathizers for a more Fascist State Dystopia"14:15
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@fennugh too many acronyms colliding here14:17
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kanzure"international alliance" "we send emails to each other sometimes, maybe"14:20
@fennso is SPARC the "union of libraries" i was ranting about? their "reasons for membership" looks incredibly wussy14:21
@fenn"engage effectively with others on campus"? wtf14:21
@fenni'm reading this as "how to placate hippies"14:21
kanzurei don't think a union would be able to make much of an impact these days because all of the lock-up decisions were already made14:21
@fenn100 universities threatening to boycott your journals would make a publisher think twice about raising rates14:22
kanzureand now there are lots of inertial reasons that "altmetrics" haven't caught on yet14:22
kanzureugh we should find a library nerd14:23
kanzuredpk: do you know someone in #code4lib that would be appropriate14:23
kanzurejoepie91__: or you14:24
@fenn186 universities on that list14:25
* joepie91__ spontaneously combusts14:25
joepie91__sorry, what was the question?14:25
@fennsomeone to testify to congress about how they steal papers?14:26
kanzureno, an irc librarian junkie that can explain to us why they roll over for all the publishers14:26
* joepie91__ thinks14:26
kanzurepreferably someone that helps run an academic library somewhere that pays subscriptions14:26
kanzureyeah, a flunkie would be great14:26
joepie91__damnit, I actually know somebody like that, but I can't for the life of me recall his name14:26
joepie91__well, kind of like that14:26
joepie91__he can do the explaining part14:26
joepie91__but... argh14:27
* joepie91__ hates his memory sometimes14:27
@fenntry piracetam14:27
@fenn5 grams a day14:27
@fennoh it's like illegal in europe isn't it14:27
joepie91__kanzure: I don't think I;m going to recall this name; you can try spamming #archiveteam-bs14:28
joepie91__I'd wager there's somebody there who might have a lead14:28
joepie91__fenn: my memory problems aren't of a memory-failing nature, really - I've just optimized my memory to remember stuff that isn't names and other 'loose' data14:28
@fennBANNED by the .nl equivalent of the FDA14:29
joepie91__which works great... most of the time14:29
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@fennjoepie91__: what's the square root of 2?14:30
joepie91__1.something, no?14:30
* joepie91__ is not a maths person14:30
@fenneh. you get a C for effort14:30
joepie91__that's better than a C++ anyway14:31
@fennhere's a steaming cup of java for your efforts14:32
paskypaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=32188414:32
joepie91__fenn: uncertain at this point whether you are refering to the coffee (good) or platform (bad)14:33
gradstudentbotMy study reveals that people are awesome at memorizing insecure passwords.14:36
@fenn"it's as if you took a really nice gourmet meal and a pile of dog shit and blended it up so thoroughly that you couldn't discern the good from the bad"14:36
@fennwhat is this quote from? i think it's douglas hofstadter reviewing "the singularity is near"14:38
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@fennfrom http://www.americanscientist.org/bookshelf/pub/douglas-r-hofstadter "f you read Ray Kurzweil's books and Hans Moravec's, what I find is that it's a very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and good with ideas that are crazy. It's as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can't possibly figure out what's good or bad. It's an intimate14:41
@fennmixture of rubbish and good ideas, and it's very hard to disentangle the two, because these are smart people; they're not stupid."14:41
kanzureray kurzweil was just monetizing the private extropians mailing list. naturally, he couldn't find any editors that were capable of sorting out the good from the bad because none of his editors had access to the original source.14:42
kanzurealso hans moravec was on that mailing list back in the day14:42
@fenndo you have any copies of this "private" extropians list?14:42
kanzureall of the ideas are really coming from like 3-4 people that nobody will name because they are gay14:42
kanzure*they are being gay14:43
kanzurewell it's like any other community, power law distribution, someone writes 100000 emails, the rest write 2-1014:43
@fennwell sure, but why not credit the original author14:43
kanzurei don't have copies of of 198x-199314:43
kanzurebecause "privacy"14:43
@fennwhy was it a private list?14:44
@fennand what does that mean anyway?14:44
kanzure"because how else are we going to get marvin minsky and hans moravec to participate? it's a pay-to-play private invite-only mailing list, so you should obviously accept our humblest invitation blah blah blah"14:44
@fennsure i have been on lists like that and it never seems to be worth keeping private14:45
kanzurethis is why venor vinge appeared to have popped out of nowhere with fully-formed ideas heh14:45
@fennO RLY14:45
kanzurewell, it was also partly "the great internet rush to get everything written down in electronic form" that eventually calmed down14:45
@fennmaybe geoffrey landis has copies14:45
kanzurei asked richard stallman once and he pointed me to someone who now works at google and ignored me14:46
kanzurefor some reason it was hosted on gnu servers or something14:46
kanzureanyway here's some crap i dug up http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/14:46
kanzure"118002 messages sorted by: [ author ] [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ attachment ]" ugh14:47
@fennwhat does max more say?14:47
kanzureback in 2010 he gave me access to his house (often) and i raided him and took everything he has, he doesn't have anything else14:47
kanzureor maybe 2011. hrm.14:48
kanzurelots and lots of floppy disks14:48
kanzurenone of it has the private stuff14:48
@fennextropian tomb raider :P14:49
@fennuncover the secrets of the lost arc!14:49
kanzurethe farther back in time you go the more interesting the content14:49
kanzureit is a very weird anomaly14:49
@fenncertainly it dates to the 1969 singularity14:49
@fennan inverse time-like machine elf intelligence14:50
@fennwe should have a terrence mckenna markov chain bot14:50
kanzurehuh, wikipedia says "Sociologist James Hughes is the most militant critic of libertarian transhumanism" now i have evidence, it says so right here in the superbook14:52
kanzureanywho, the extropians mailing list back then was strongly based on libertarian philosophy stuff that max more was spinning14:53
kanzurewhich phil and others have mentioned to me as the reason for why it was a pay-to-play operation (but i dunno if i buy that)14:53
@fenna pay for access mailing list running on gnu servers?14:54
@fennthat right there is a significant accomplishment14:54
kanzurewell open source institute was funded by foresight institute, the world is stranger than i can explain14:54
@fennwow there's a whole series on wikipedia14:55
kanzurethe irony of that, plus the irony of extropians originally hanging out around GNU nerds, makes it hard to believe how so few transhumanists are at all bedazzled by open source software as a mode of production of their technologies14:56
@fenni'm not sure what you're saying by that14:56
kanzureit is ironic that nobody knew what gnu was14:57
kanzureyou would think the gnu people would have hit them over the head with a clue stick14:57
kanzuresince they do that to everyone else anyway14:57
@fenni'm sure they ran a lot of mailing lists on that server14:57
kanzurewriting emails is the wrong idea anyway, blah14:58
kanzurevernor vinge's supercivilization thing spanned 20 light years for the sole purpose of writing intergalactic electronic mail and navelgazing14:58
@fennstreams, man14:59
@fennaliens could be emailing us right now14:59
@fennthink of all the intergalactic spam we could be getting15:00
kanzureSETI is just trying to find the signal among the spam15:01
@fenn"greetings earthling, i am the royal heir to abujamalaka abukweilin, regent of the mists. i have in my possession 30,000,000 proto sentient algorithms, and need your assistance to expatriate them"15:01
kanzurenobody really liked my "remove the technology component from patents" idea15:04
@fenni love how the "Criticisms" section of "Libertarian Transhumanism" is longer than the rest of the article15:06
kanzurethe transhumanism articles have long been trolled by some guy named Lsomething on wikipedia15:06
kanzureso he's written his influence into basically everything15:06
kanzurethis has been going on since about 200715:06
kanzurehas an o in it15:06
gradstudentbotThe protocol is wrong.15:07
-!- AshleyWaffle_ is now known as AshleyWaffle15:11
@fennwell obviously the CIA mind control program is simply an extension of the illuminati transhumanist conspiracy15:13
kanzurenatasha once called me up to complain about loremaster reverting her edits (he's reverted some of mine too, but he had good reason in my case)15:15
kanzurethis is all boring15:19
@fenn"since biotechnology increasingly allows humans to control their own evolution, it may allow humans to alter human nature, thereby putting liberal democracy at risk" OH NOES15:21
@fennnot liberal democracy!15:21
kanzureblargh well here's a reason to finally learn me some haskell https://github.com/dogestreet/proxypool15:22
@fennwhy do you care about dogecoin?15:24
kanzurei care about stratum15:24
@fennall this stuff appeared during the year that i was asleep, but i probably wouldn't have learned about it anywaay15:25
kanzureit's the closest thing to finding alien technology that you can get access to15:26
@fennbut it doesn't do anything that i want15:26
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@fennits like alien porn15:26
@fennlook at the tentacles on that puppy15:27
kanzureyou may be interested in looking at opentransactions or ripple15:28
@fennnot right now15:29
kanzureopentransactions doesn't do mining15:29
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@fennugh that transhumanism article gave me a headache15:36
poppingtonicwhich one?15:40
poppingtonicThere are so many these days I can't even15:40
justanotheruserpoppingtonic: the one posted on reddit15:44
@fennwtf who are you people15:46
@fenni was talking about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism15:47
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poppingtonic"Epic of Gilgamesh" -> "Mundane of Gilgamesh"15:52
poppingtonicuse Downworthy, people.15:52
poppingtonicfenn: how come?15:53
@fennnow The Onion can retire15:53
@fennpoppingtonic: not important, nevermind, go do something useful please15:54
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kanzurefenn, wait why did you read it16:04
@fenni am weak16:05
kanzuredo you mean tired16:06
@fennno, i mean i've had "run brl-cad" as my goal for three days now and failed to even start on it16:07
kanzurewhy were you going to run brlcad?16:07
@fennbecause i forget what it is like16:07
@fenni have a cad project i want to sketch out16:08
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kanzuresolidworks has completely corrupted me. the lack of sketching in brlcad is a real problem. it would be better if 'extrude an imported sketch' was a feature but it's not.16:08
kanzurei don't often think of mechanical things as the intersection of a rhombus and an intractazoid, but rather "the revolution of a curve that roughly looks like this"16:09
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kanzurethere could be a brlcad irc bot that accepts csg operations and renders the result to image. each image would have an id corresponding to state, and you type the id when you manipulate the state.16:16
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@fennpretty sure you can extrude things in brlcad16:24
@fenni remember extruding an imported DXF because i hated the built-in sketch editor16:27
kanzurethere's no mk_extrude function16:27
kanzureand i couldn't get < brlcad> to figure me out a way to use 'extrude' at the prompt for sketches...16:27
kanzure("oh, you might have to implement that yourself")16:27
kanzure(well that's cool, but, how the hell is anyone else using this)16:28
@fennunfortunately all the documentation is in PDF format16:28
@fennhmm i want to make something similar to that "tire" script http://brlcad.org/w/images/4/4f/Vehicle_Tire_and_Wheel_Creation_in_BRL-CAD.pdf16:30
kanzureit's curious that tcl is also heavily integrated into opencascade16:30
kanzuretcl must have been the bee's knees for cad people that hated lisp16:30
kanzureblah that's a tire command16:31
kanzurekanzure@rightnow$ which tire16:31
kanzurewhy do i have this16:31
@fennit seems strange that there is documentation for the command but no explanation of how it was made or what it does exactly16:32
@fenn"a wild tire appears!"16:32
kanzureobv. an internal project16:33
@fennsays it uses torus, cylinder, cone, and "sketch and extrude primitives"16:34
@fennfor the tread16:34
kanzure./src/shapes/tire.c ./src/libged/tire.c dunno which one16:35
kanzure./src/libged/tire.c is 2122 lines..16:36
@fennoh yeah this is great syntax: in cube.s arb8 5 5 0 8 5 0 8 5 3 5 5 3 5 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 3 5 8 316:36
@fennjesus christ16:36
kanzure"MakeTire is the "top level" tire generation function - it is responsible for managing the matrices"16:36
@fennthat is supposed to be the second thing a newbie types in?16:37
@fennhttp://brlcad.org/xref/source/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/  presumably one can add more scripts as desired16:39
@fenni think the tcl stuff is just the GUI that calls the tire command16:40
@fennwhich is compiled from tire.c16:40
kanzureoops, sorry i was trying to tell you that16:41
kanzureby the whole 2122 lines comment thing16:41
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@fennthat's unfortunate. you shouldn't have to write C to do what is obviously a scripting operation16:42
@fennok this is totally ridiculous16:43
@fennwell anyway libged/tire.c calls MakeExtrude16:45
@fenn"Extrusion Creation Routines for Tire Tread Patterns - makes sketch and uses sketch to make extrusion"16:45
kanzureMakeExtrude is defined in tire.c16:46
kanzure/* Make first slanted extrusion for depth vs. width of tread effect */16:46
kanzuremk_extrusion(file, bu_vls_addr(&str2), bu_vls_addr(&str), V, h, u_vec, v_vec, 0);16:46
@fennmy GSoC contribution is to copypaste MakeExtrude16:46
kanzureit is tire-specific16:47
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@fennis mk_extrusion not what you want?16:48
gradstudentbotI had to remind my professor who I was today.16:48
kanzurei forget16:49
@fennhmm. "extruded bitmap primitive"16:56
kanzurenot promising16:58
@fennmaybe i am remembering openscad16:59
@fenn"BRLCAD works fine with Qcad's .dxf file.we can extrude and revolve .dxf file in BRLCAD"17:00
kanzurebtw, pythonocc works with opencascade-community-edition just fine17:01
kanzure(i mean, when compiled with those headers, not mismatching etc)17:02
@fennthis seems to imply that extruding a dxf should work (mailing list post by sean morrison) http://brl-cad.996283.n3.nabble.com/Making-cog-wheel-in-BRL-CAD-A-small-correction-td9694.html17:03
@fenni'm not sure what all the patch stuff is about17:04
kanzurei wasn't extruding a dxf, just trying to extrude a sketch i made in their terrible sketchterface17:06
@fenn In BRL-CAD is not such shape out there, right?17:06
@fennNot as an implicit object, but you could describe one with NURBS surfaces, sketch+extrude objects, and volumetric or extruded bitmap geometry (albeit aliased).17:06
@fennyeah he says the sketch interface sucks17:06
@fennThe GUI sketch editor in mged isn't the easiest to use but does work.  You have to select the "create" button for every arc, curve, line you indend to create.  The status line should give some basic instructions on how to use it. Alternatively, you could use a 2D editor like qcad to make your dxf, then import that as a sketch into BRL-CAD.17:07
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kanzurewell, whatever, i think the openscad people are also importing dxf sketches17:09
kanzurei suppose i should add some helper methods for that to python-brlcad17:09
kanzureand get rid of the stupid wdb-file-only stuff (it should be in-memory wdb stuff that gets dumped to file-wdb when the user asks, not for every operation...)17:09
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delinquentmekanzure, have you looked into any of the positions @ autocad for these bio applications?17:22
delinquentmelike working alongside andrew hessell ?17:22
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kanzure"I originally designed Stratum protocol for lightweight Bitcoin client called Electrum. Later I found out that protocol requirements are quite similar to requirements for bitcoin mining, so I decided to reuse it as-is."18:11
kanzureoh, that explains a lot18:11
joepie91__my archive.org upload of the PPcoin paper18:13
joepie91__is mentioned in the Cornell paper about that attack on the Bitcoin network18:13
joepie91__I'm not sure how that happened, did the original vanish or something?18:13
kanzurealso, it is nice to have fast service :) https://github.com/CaptEmulation/stratum-proxy/issues/118:16
joepie91__apparently the original -did- vanish18:17
* joepie91__ adds another strike to his tally-keeping board of archived things that turned out to be necessary within his lifetime18:17
joepie91__kanzure: indeed, I've had a similar fast-reply experience with brackets-git and pdf.js18:18
joepie91__it's really quite pleasant :D18:18
@fennso how does this WARC thing work18:19
kanzurethe stratum protocol specification was in a google docs link somewhere, but nobody has the google docs link anymore18:19
kanzurerescued to http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/ a few minutes ago18:19
joepie91__kanzure: relatedly, it looks like a lot of people lost the manual for their shredder: https://archive.org/details/UnitedOfficeUAV380A1Manual18:20
joepie91__(Downloads: 201)18:20
kanzuredownload counters can be inflated due to search engines18:20
joepie91__kanzure: I know, but 1. afaik archive.org ignores bots, and 2. it's only inflated for a few items, not for all of my items18:21
joepie91__which leads me to presume that these are actual humans18:21
joepie91__or at least life-like bots18:21
kanzureit is very hard to stay ahead of the wave of bots18:21
kanzurebut the irony of shredding the manual as your first task is not lost on me18:21
joepie91__well that explains everything :P18:21
kanzurewell doesn't it?18:21
joepie91__"well, let's see if this thing wor- eh, right, okay, it does... um..."18:21
@fennhttp://www.collection.archivist.info has quite a lot of old equipment manuals18:22
joepie91__this is the list I'm going by, btw: https://archive.org/search.php?query=uploader%3A%22admin%40cryto.net%22%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts&sort=-downloads18:22
joepie91__for the download counts18:22
joepie91__fenn: bookmarked for future archival/mirroring18:22
@fennyou may wish to ask archivist (here on freenode) first18:22
kanzurei should get #archiveteam people to grab a copy of all the soviet patents18:23
@fennindeed, i don't trust that site to stay alive18:24
joepie91__fenn: failing to locate download button18:24
joepie91__also, asking? that's a thing? :o18:24
@fennoh sorry this must be a paper catalog18:24
@fennof dead trees18:24
joepie91__it appears to be just a catalog, yeah18:25
@fennor might not be available for download due to bandwidth constraints18:25
joepie91__that's where archive.org would hlp18:25
joepie91__help *18:25
joepie91__free bandwidht :D18:25
joepie91__minus spurious 't'18:25
joepie91__fenn: you asked about WARC, what specifically is your questiton18:26
* joepie91__ realizes he is neglecting backlog18:26
@fenni have a lot of wget -rk -np mirrors for personal use18:26
@fenni don't really know what archive.org considers useful18:27
@fennthere are sites like patentdb.su for example that would be good to preserve in toto18:27
@fenni mean 100% crawling18:27
kanzuremitmproxy also has a custom archiving format18:28
joepie91__basically, if you archive a website, always use --warc-file, it's in upstream wget nowadays18:28
@fennarchive.org doesn't have the personnel resources to determine what is worth crawling, so presumably people should be able to crawl and submit their data18:28
joepie91__even on Debian iirc18:28
joepie91__okay, so18:29
joepie91__how it works in a few concise points:18:29
joepie91__for crawled data to be ingested into the wayback machine, it MUST be in WARC format18:29
joepie91__no other formats are supported18:29
@fennhow do i see what's inside a WARC file? normally i can just look at the files to see if they have been downloaded18:29
joepie91__uploaded WARCs are not automatically added to the wayback, but if you've uploaded one or more and you poke jason scott / sketchcow, he'll add them for you18:29
joepie91__there's a basic warc viewer18:29
joepie91__but you can also just open it in a text editor18:30
joepie91__(you'll want to de-gzip first)18:30
@fennbut it's probably not text18:30
joepie91__it's a text-based format18:30
@fennso how is a jpeg stored in a text file?18:30
joepie91__I -think-, from memory, that it takes an approach like PDF18:30
joepie91__where the format itself is text18:30
joepie91__but can contain binary streams18:30
joepie91__if you want to look at the contents more in-depth, you could use a warc viewer18:31
joepie91__or set up warc proxy18:31
@fennhow can i verify that the WARC contains what i expect it to?18:31
joepie91__aside from looking at the wget log, use warc viewer or warc proxy18:31
joepie91__moment, hitting swap18:31
@fenni just got some super-ultra-high-speed flash memory sticks to extend my swap space18:32
joepie91__apparently somebody went through the efforts to compile an overview of the WARC ecosystem, so I don't have to18:32
joepie91__theres another experimental WARC viewer18:33
joepie91__but I can't find it off-hand18:33
@fenn.g citogenesis18:33
joepie91__oh, there we go18:34
joepie91__fenn: https://github.com/odie5533/WarcQtViewer18:34
joepie91__(despite appearances, it's theoretically cross-platform)18:34
joepie91__as an archivist, you're generally fine with adding --warc-file=something to your wget flags and optionally verifying with warcproxy18:36
joepie91__just upload to IA, bother jason scott, and all should be fine18:36
@fennthe "proxy" looks useful18:36
joepie91__[03:27] <@fenn> i don't really know what archive.org considers useful18:36
joepie91__anything and everything18:36
joepie91__pretty much18:36
@fennis there a plan for how to deal with content that is only accessible by javascript?18:37
joepie91__idea being that right now you don't really know what's going to be useful/missed in the future, so you might as well grab it all18:37
joepie91__uhm, yes and no18:37
@fenni realize it's a difficult conceptual problem18:37
joepie91__heritrix is somewhat okay at dealing with javascript, better than wget anyway (iirc)18:37
joepie91__other than that, archiveteam tends to write custom scraper pipelines to deal with JS-heavy sites18:37
joepie91__when they're archived because of a shutdown18:37
@fennwhat about WARC files that ignore robots.txt?18:40
kanzurei use a custom webkit thing for js stuff when i don't want to reverse engineer the website18:41
joepie91__fenn: there's an ignore robots flag for wget18:41
joepie91__I use it by default18:42
kanzuresometimes that's phantomjs but often now it's just python + webkit https://gist.github.com/kanzure/658141518:42
@fennright, but does archive.org accept them18:42
joepie91__wayback won't show stuff protected by a robots.txt... but seeing as domains tend to expire, that eventually solves itself18:42
@fenni see18:42
joepie91__and the WARC is always downloadable18:42
kanzurehmm i thought it was robots.txt at the time of crawling18:42
joepie91__kanzure: crawling time robots.txt behaviour is hit-or-miss18:42
joepie91__I think it depends on whether it was crawled without robots.txt before18:43
joepie91__but I'm not sure18:43
joepie91__and I'm not sure anybody knows the criteria18:43
joepie91__I just know that if you submit a WARC that ignores robots.txt, it'll start showing up when the robots.txt is gone18:43
kanzuresay it was crawled, no robots.txt, some asshole updates the site adds robots.txt (or buys the domain); can the robots.txt in the future make the old content available18:43
joepie91__the robots.txt in the future can make the old content unavailable18:44
joepie91__or available18:44
joepie91__it always polls current robots.txt18:44
kanzurehm i see18:44
joepie91__so whatever current robots.txt says, goes18:44
@fennthat's kinda nonsensical18:44
kanzurethat's great (and also shit)18:44
joepie91__fenn: it is18:44
kanzurebut at least it means old stuff can be eventually dumped18:44
gradstudentbotDude, you contaminated my experiment.18:44
joepie91__no data is ever deleted, though18:44
@fennwhere is all this stored anyway? only in san francisco? or is it replicated?18:45
joepie91__fenn: primary storage in SF, partial mirrors in Amsterdam and Egypt18:45
joepie91__Egypt mirror being wherever new lib of alexandria is18:46
joepie91__so yeah, all of it in disaster zones basically18:46
kanzurethere is a library of alexandria 2?18:46
kanzurei'm sure it's DRMed or some shit18:46
kanzurefucking librarians18:46
* fenn mumbles something about fortress of solitude in antarctica18:46
joepie91__fenn: heh.18:47
joepie91__guess what the usual drop server is named18:47
joepie91__for archiveteam stuff18:47
@fennsvalbard seed bank is a great idea except for the seeds18:47
@fennweird file extensions on these old text files http://textfiles.com/100/18:51
joepie91__fenn: that's HISTORY you're looking at! HISTORY! in FILE EXTENSIONS!18:51
@fennit's like how people used to spell words however they liked18:51
@fenn'ye grande treatise onne opticks'18:52
gradstudentbotStill haven't cured cancer.18:53
kanzurei think the reason why that robots.txt policy is in place is because everyone demands that they remove content from the wayback archives, or make it inaccessible,19:03
kanzureand then they never check if their site disappearing changes that19:03
kanzureso as a result they only exert a legal pressure on censoring content, until they stop caring / die, etc.19:04
@fennsounds fine to me19:04
@fenni'm more concerned with x.com goes down, fanatic buys domain name and changes robots.txt to exclude all urls from wayback machine19:04
kanzuredunno why you care that much about paypal19:05
@fennnot literally x.com19:05
@fennlet's say lucifer.com for example19:05
kanzurefor how rickety that server is, it's been around forever and david doesn't seem to let it die19:06
@fennnow all of a sudden you can't access archives of wta-talk or whatever19:06
kanzurenot a big loss19:08
@fennman that NASA NTRS thing really chaps my ass19:08
@fennthey removed so much stuff that was completely harmless19:09
kanzureoh yeah19:09
@fennthe one thing a library is supposed to do is NOT DELETE DATA19:09
superkuhBlackPhoenix has the most complete mirror of it that I am aware of.19:10
superkuh(here on freenode)19:10
@fenni remember him, smart guy19:11
joepie91__(archive ALL the things)19:11
@fennjoepie91__: everyone can't archive everything, you'll end up with infinite regress, but before that it's o(n^2)19:12
joepie91__fenn: stop it, you're breaking my brain :(19:12
@fennall i'm saying is we need libraries19:12
@fennah yes, ukraine, the best place to preserve NASA's digital heritage19:14
@fennwhere is freenet when you need it19:14
joepie91__fenn: where it usually is; somewhere inbetween "it probably exists, somewhere" and "oh there it is"19:16
@fennjoepie91__: if blackphoenix comes through with teh reportz would archive be able/willing to host them? (supposedly they were removed because of possible ITAR violations/cost of having to go through and look at everything to make sure it doesn't violate ITAR)19:18
@fennit should all be public domain19:19
@fennugh these new TLDs are killing me19:22
@fennjoepie91__: do you know what http://archive.today is?19:25
joepie91__fenn: it's what used to be archive.is19:25
joepie91__they switched TLD for whatever reason19:25
joepie91__as for reports... which reports?19:25
@fennnasa technical reports from the nasa technical reports server which were pulled a couple years ago when some congressmen freaked out that "the chinese" could access "missile technology" or something19:26
joepie91__you can upload them to archive.org19:28
joepie91__they might get darked if there's abusemail19:28
joepie91__but they won't be removed19:28
kanzuredarked content is useless to me19:29
joepie91__where 'darked' means "not publicly accessible but still archived"19:29
kanzureyou might as well say removed19:29
kanzurethere's very little difference19:29
joepie91__kanzure: not really19:29
kanzurewhat's the point if i can't use it19:29
joepie91__for a commercial file host, yes19:29
joepie91__for a long-term archival project, no19:29
joepie91__the point is archival19:29
kanzurei can't use the content when i'm dead19:29
joepie91__there's a significant difference between removed and existing but not currently accessible, when you're talking about long-term archiving19:29
kanzureand others shouldn't get to just because i didn't19:30
kanzureis there a list of which content is not accessible?19:30
@fenni'm also quite unclear on all this privacy stuff, when we're talking about living forever19:30
joepie91__kanzure: not that I know of19:31
@fennthe federal government may get marginalized to the point of unenforceability.. when will "darked" material be released to the public?19:31
@fennjoepie91__: have you read snow crash?19:32
kanzurejust say censored :\19:32
kanzureor revoked? i don't even know. dark is the wrong word.19:32
joepie91__kanzure: it's called darked because it's a dark archive19:32
@fennmaybe "darked" should only be used when it's actually available on a darknet19:32
joepie91__fenn: I have not19:32
@fennyou should read snow crash, and anathem19:33
@fenner, whoops i meant the diamond age19:33
@fennit's all the same story19:33
joepie91__I'll grab them on my ereader, sec :P19:33
@fenncryptonomicon begins in WWII and goes through the 1990s19:33
@fennnow i forget which book is which19:34
joepie91__btw, does this channel have the equivalent of [off]?19:34
@fennblame kanzure19:34
* joepie91__ blames kanzure 19:35
kanzurebetter than all the other private transhumanist channels. those are all fucking dead.19:35
@fennwhat's the most illegal thing we could talk about19:35
@fenntreason? assassination? dispersing weapons of mass distraction?19:36
kanzurenah that's discussed regularly19:36
joepie91__fenn: just talk about violating the CFAA19:36
joepie91__that's probably severe enough19:36
@fenn.wik cfaa19:36
yoleaux"Disambiguation: CFAA" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CFAA19:36
joepie91__helpful yoleaux is helpful19:36
joepie91__computer fraud and abuse act19:36
kanzureit's one of the whiteneck hate crime laws19:36
@fenn"custom filter anti aliasing" wtf19:36
* joepie91__ downloads snow crash19:37
* joepie91__ downloads anathem19:38
* joepie91__ twiddles19:38
kanzureyou have a twiddler?19:38
-!- poppingtonic [~poppingto@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]19:39
joepie91__I have my thumbs19:39
joepie91__confirmed not a cat19:39
joepie91__I seem to have confused my ereaders browser19:39
@fennthat thing looks like a exercise in poor ergonomics19:40
joepie91__actually, I seem to have confused my ereader19:40
@fennjoepie91__: so, snow crash takes off where cryptonomicon ends19:40
joepie91__the "downloading" popup won't go away, even though it's alraedy done downloading19:40
@fennwhich is basically today with bitcoin eroding the tax base19:41
@fennthe federal government still exists but is marginalized due to its lack of a budget and can't enforce laws19:41
@fennthe CIA/NSA sell their data on the open market and operate as a data exchange like amazon, connecting people like you and me with buyers of information19:42
kanzureyes it would be nice if the nsa had a public archive..19:42
kanzurewas not expecting19:43
joepie91__fenn: that sounds like a vaguely dystopianish environment19:43
joepie91__kanzure: please tell me you actually clicked that19:43
gradstudentbotWasn't that a Nature paper?19:44
@fennwas nsa_data_collection supposed to be "Item cannot be found."19:44
joepie91__yes :P19:44
joepie91__also I need some sleep19:45
@fennme too19:45
joepie91__but fenn, I strategically relocated characters into a query19:45
@fenninitiate sleep protocol19:45
* joepie91__ goes zzz19:47
joepie91__night all19:47
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kanzure.title http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/views/publication_details.php?id=85520:56
yoleauxAsynchronous circuit design20:56
kanzure.title http://www.ohwr.org/projects/asyncart/wiki20:56
yoleauxOpen Hardware Repository20:57
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]20:57
kanzurepaperbot: http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/views/edoc_download.php/855/pdf/imm855.pdf20:57
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)20:57
kanzurehttp://spacecollege.org/isee3/we-are-now-in-command-of-the-isee-3-spacecraft.html "The ISEE-3 Reboot Project is pleased to announce that our team has established two-way communication with the ISEE-3 spacecraft and has begun commanding it to perform specific functions. Over the coming days and weeks our team will make an assessment of the spacecraft's overall health and refine the techniques required to fire its engines and bring it back to ...21:12
kanzure... an orbit near Earth."21:12
-!- nmz787_i [~nmccorkx@] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:20
kanzurehmm i forgot about http://sdiehl.github.io/gevent-tutorial/21:26
kanzurei also forgot about gevent.sleep21:29
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