
--- Log opened Tue Jun 17 00:00:37 2014
AshleyWaffleebowden: yeah but whats the best one to tackle first00:00
ebowdenDon't know.00:01
AshleyWafflewell my idea is00:01
AshleyWafflecombining lucid dreaming or daydreaming with this00:01
ebowdenThis is likely one of those things that gets better as advancements accumulate.00:01
AshleyWaffleyou could make media of any sort00:02
ebowdenThere's probably not a magic research bullet.00:02
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AshleyWaffleor do a video in the style of video game lets plays00:02
AshleyWafflehey augur00:02
Daekenkanzure: pong00:03
archelsAshleyWaffle: mostly, recording resolution00:09
archelsbut before you do any of these experiments you have to learn the mapping, which means exposing the subject to countless images and simultaneous measuring their brain activity00:10
AshleyWafflehow practical would this be to diy00:12
AshleyWafflewith a budget of, for example, $1k00:12
archelsuh, I'm not sure what refurbished MRI scanners go for, but I'm willing to bet it's a little over $1k00:13
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AshleyWafflearchels: and the resolution would be?00:15
AshleyWaffleprobably not full resolution 1080p of your dreams, heh00:15
archelsoh, when you say 'resolution' do you refer to the resolution of the reconstructed 'dream images'?00:16
AshleyWafflearchels: the accuracy and precision of the reconstruction anyway00:20
AshleyWafflewith an ideal scenario looking as if watching a movie or recording of real life00:20
AshleyWaffleand minimum effectiveness for satisfying me if i were a consumer would be easy to make out whats going on00:20
AshleyWafflebut shitty quality and odd distortions00:20
archelsthe reconstruction is just a weighted sum of the individual images that were presented during the establishment of the map, so they could be 4k or whatever00:21
archelsthe prettiness of the reconstruction is limited by how many images were used to esablish time map, which I guess is mostly a time/practicality constraint, but most importantly the resolution of the brain scan (fMRI voxel size)00:22
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Stevkopaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v476/n7361/abs/476393a.html04:16
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eudoxia23:12 < kanzure> when i was thinking about refactoring it, i was thinking of leaving the GUI behind06:19
eudoxia23:12 < kanzure> and just doing a small programming tool06:19
eudoxiakanzure: how would that actually work though? NE-1 lets you do things like create big blocks of uniform diamond06:19
eudoxiathen with the GUI would can, say, place a Ge dimer on the center of one of the faces. how would you do that with some kind of chemistry DSL?06:20
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eudoxias/would can/you can07:06
gradstudentbotYeah, but his project was so easy.07:07
chris_99paperbot: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-007-5170-5_1407:13
kanzurewell, you would just pick which atom you want07:33
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kanzurei bet you can't really pick the center unless it's an odd number07:34
kanzureor you can split at half-way i guess07:34
eudoxiai guess something like atoms.select(x=max, y=height/2, z=depth/2) or something but that could get really complex and not at all accurate07:36
kanzurewell, programmatic macro-cad works, why not atomcad?07:38
eudoxiabecause it's simple as long as you're either creating all the atoms manually (or through explicit iteration or something) or creating chunks of atoms in bulk, but mixing the too seems like a hard problem07:39
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kanzureit sounds like gene_hacker finds it more useful for the pointyclicky reasons07:40
eudoxiathat's why it should have a GUI07:40
gradstudentbotMy pub of choice is pubmed.07:40
eudoxiabut, as you said, even the internal representation of molecules is done by another library, so it might just be easier to rewrite the whole thing07:40
kanzureinternal representation of molecules is nanoengineer07:41
eudoxiai thought it was openbabel07:41
kanzurehaha no07:41
eudoxiai'm pretty sure it's designed to do that and since NE-1 uses it07:41
kanzurepffffft standardization07:41
eudoxiawell whatever, there's ChemPy https://github.com/jwallen/ChemPy07:44
kanzurethat looks way more clean07:46
kanzureeudoxia, does that do the things adequately?07:58
eudoxiakanzure: i have not used it, but it seems adequately tested08:00
kanzurewell, go use it, you slacker08:01
kanzuretry converting some stuff from https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer/tree/master/cad/partlib08:01
eudoxiais there some not-mmp format that allows representing stuff like rotary and linear motors08:02
eudoxiasparsely documented project-specific formats are not a good thing08:02
kanzurepdb? heh dunno08:02
eudoxiai know pdb has a boatload of extra features but it's more oriented towards protein stuff08:03
gradstudentbotProtip: I wouldn't go to the far end of the lab alone.08:03
kanzureis there seriously no molecule file format08:03
kanzureHULK SMASH08:03
eudoxiathe pdb format has an entire section of records for classifying different parts of the molecule but no "this moves back and forth every 200 femtosecond"08:05
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhQDxralP7008:06
yoleauxSyringe pump first Testrun08:06
gradstudentbotHey, I got 100% yield! Oh wait, no.08:07
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OtR9y1TYoXc08:09
yoleauxPDMS plasma surface treatment in improvised plasma chamber08:09
kanzuresyringe pump in action https://plus.google.com/photos/109143331381566436146/albums/6022970869991461601/6022970870156503138?pid=6022970870156503138&oid=10914333138156643614608:10
kanzureoh i guess this is the thing cathal garvey is paying for (synbioaxlr8r)08:11
kanzure"Just wanted to invite you to following along the development of our recent project, which is a dna synthesizer named KiloBaser. It's based on microfluidic and magnetic technology, open source and low cost. There are still challenges to overcome, but we are quite convinced to have a basic prototype soon. Our team started at the biohackerspace 'open biolab graz austria', currently working in Ireland for the summer."08:12
kanzureby "open source" they mean "we fuck you in the ass by making bryan click facebook/twitter links"08:12
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kanzurejoepie91_: pdfstuff?08:18
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joepie91_washed cheese grater a little too aggressively08:44
joepie91_it bit back >.>08:44
joepie91_kanzure: likely pdfstuffhappen this weekend08:44
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FourFirekanzure, what's your opinion on Aubrey De Grey ?10:07
FourFireHe's doing an AMA in an hour10:07
kanzurehe spends too much time on marketing, otherwise good opinion10:08
kanzurei suggest you read al of these in the next hour: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/10:09
kanzureand some of his: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/Aubrey/10:09
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ParahSailinhes always drunk10:19
kanzurewhich is not necessarily a bad thing10:20
justanotheruserkanzure: have you even read all of those? O_o10:22
kanzurethere's only 382 papers in there10:23
nmz787_ikanzure: i don't think i saw his email in your reply10:27
kanzureit was through ebay10:27
FourFirekanzure, well I'm hoping to ask some leading questions As soon as the AMA gets posted10:49
chris_99is it on reddit?10:50
ParahSailinno reddit10:50
chris_99AMA is a reddit thing mainly, right?10:50
eudoxiawe never get any cool AMAs10:50
kanzurewhy would you ask leading questions ugh10:52
FourFirechris_99, yeah it's supposed to be on /r/futurology, in about an hour10:52
FourFire(I glooped on the time)10:53
chris_99Does Aubrey work at Cambridge?10:53
kanzureaubrey lives on the road giving presentations10:54
FourFirekanzure, maybe that's the most effective thing he can do10:54
eudoxiawell you know at least he's convincing people death = bad10:55
kanzurethat's a rather pathetic limit to place on yourself10:55
kanzureconsider he did okay theory work on aging in the past10:55
kanzurenot the greatest, but not shit either10:55
eudoxiathere are still too many deathists in the world10:55
FourFiretowards actually getting enough people in the know and serious about solving things10:55
eudoxiayes i hate using that word10:55
FourFireI'm going to ask him about that actually10:55
kanzure"let's just get enough attention and hope that at some point we stumble into someone that knows the answers" is a *bad* stratey10:56
kanzure*bad strategy10:56
FourFirekanzure, well the field is rather underfunded compared to, say baldness10:56
kanzurewho cares? aubrey's rich as fuck10:56
kanzurewell, not as fuck10:56
kanzureat least $10 million10:56
FourFireit's about brute forcing the problems too, not just "finding someone who knows the answer" or whatever10:57
kanzureactually, a lot of options are often taken off the table because they seem too strange10:57
ParahSailinaubrey doesnt live at cambridge afaik10:57
FourFirewe need a bunch of intelligent scientists working on systematically producing solutions to these interconnected systematic failure modes10:58
kanzurefor example, people are willing to cryogenically preserve their heads but they aren't willing to do whole body transplants or brain-only life support10:58
eudoxiamost people aren't willing to do that10:58
FourFirewell brain life support seems like death10:58
FourFiresensory deprivation and that10:58
eudoxialol whut10:58
kanzurewhether or not you need help it is still insulting to say "maybe conference presentations are the best he can do"- considering he has given evidence that he is capable of doing other work10:58
FourFirewhole body transplants is very morally D:10:58
eudoxiahow is it morally anything10:59
FourFirebut people willing to cryo are a tiny minority10:59
kanzurewhy are you always so broken10:59
kanzurelike what the hell happened to you10:59
kanzurei used to think it was all the stupid parts of lesswrong leaking into you, but now i'm not sure11:00
FourFirekanzure, my intellectual deficiencies aside, it's not just underfunded, it's probably also under appreciated: people donæt know it's a thing11:00
kanzurei am not claiming deficiencies11:00
FourFirewhat did I say?11:01
kanzure"my intellectual deficiencies aside,"11:01
FourFirefor a whole body transplant someone has to die for each person that lives, right?11:01
seba-but you can just make 7 clones of you11:01
FourFireand brains suffer disease too11:02
seba-and harvest their organs11:02
chris_99ParahSailin, ah i was wondering if he gave any lectures i could frop into11:02
chris_99*drop even11:02
kanzureseba-: unfortunately those clones are too young to matter, often11:02
kanzurei think i already corrected myself and said brain-only support11:02
FourFireclones is a good point, but again we get into the moral ickyness because people are stupid about these things11:02
seba-kanzure, yeah but you grow them in advance11:02
kanzureiirc there's a term that sounds like "whole-body transplant" but is related to whole head removal11:02
kanzureit's the one where you don't kill a second person, and where you can't use the original body11:02
kanzureexcept for the head11:02
FourFireyou mean like the russian robot dog experiments?11:03
kanzurejust normal brain in a jar stuff11:03
kanzurewith perfusion11:03
eudoxiahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_transplant "The consensus on the ethics of such a procedure is negative."11:04
eudoxiaahahahah bioethics would be such a fucking joke if it wasn't so dangerous11:04
seba-FourFire could you try applying 30 V at certain parts of your body and see if you shit yourself?11:04
seba-i mean i would show you which points11:04
seba-as per patent11:04
chris_99is that your new fetish seba- ;)11:04
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seba-chris_99, http://www.google.com/patents/US394113611:05
chris_99i daren't not look heh11:05
gradstudentbotIs this going to count as my ethics training?11:08
kanzure"I have a quite a bit of experience with organic synthesis, especially the synthesis of complex polyketide type natural products, feel free to ask me any questions."11:08
joepie91_kanzure: do you have a paper handy with an image watermark? I think I just figured out how to do the architecture of pdfparanoia, but I want to check to be sure that it also catches that usecase11:12
joepie91_(preferably two papers with an image watermark from the same source)11:12
joepie91_all the papers on the bugtracker seem to be text, unless I missed one11:12
kanzurethere are samples in the tests folder11:12
kanzurei think IOP uses some images on the first page11:13
* joepie91_ goescheck11:13
kanzure"institute of physics"11:13
joepie91_per https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia/issues/3 that seems to be text11:14
joepie91_not image :/11:14
kanzurenmz787_i: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/abi391/11:15
joepie91_kanzure: also, the AIP test paper has an advertisement - should it strip that also, or just explicit watermarks?11:15
kanzurethat is a good question11:15
joepie91_it depends on whether you want the PDFs to be "cleaned" or just "anonymized"11:16
joepie91_I suppose11:16
kanzurewell, it's certainly the same *type* of operation11:16
kanzureit should be stripped, because they might have a record of which ads were shown on which papers11:16
kanzurefor which users that downloadecd11:16
joepie91_also, none of those in tests/ appear to employ image watermarks11:17
joepie91_right, that was a side-thought of mine as well11:17
joepie91_I'll go with "yes, should be stripped" then :P11:17
kanzurei believe i saw an image watermark once, but it was just a 180x20 pixel thing, in the same location on every page11:17
kanzurei just don't remember which publisher :(11:17
joepie91_was it unique?11:17
joepie91_or just a logo kind of thing?11:17
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kanzurehad a variable piece of information11:17
kanzureit was either institution name, date, or ip address11:17
joepie91_if you run across it, can you link me to it?11:17
kanzure"notice of extortion" https://i.imgur.com/cG07rQU.jpg11:20
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kanzureParahSailin: we should probably start making a list of primers worth synthesizing11:30
kanzurebecause we have a synthesizer now11:31
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ParahSailinwho has a synthesizer11:32
kanzurei bought it last night, shipping it to nmz78711:32
ParahSailinah which11:32
kanzureABI 39111:32
ParahSailinwhy wouldnt i order from idt11:33
kanzureshrug, you're free to11:33
ParahSailinis marginal cost cheaper with yours?11:33
kanzurehaven't calculated yet11:34
ParahSailinwhy you sent it to him and not me?11:35
kanzurebecause i'm a fucking idiot11:35
kanzurepick one out and i'll get it11:37
seba-why TLC is not used much in biochem?11:37
ParahSailinwhat you mean that paper thing?11:37
ParahSailiner, the plates i mean11:37
seba-thin layer chromatography11:37
seba-plates yes11:37
ParahSailinbecause electrophoresis11:38
seba-yes sure11:38
seba-but TLC is faster11:38
seba-and more convinient11:38
ParahSailini have never heard of tlc for large molecules11:38
ParahSailinfuck, and convenient is not a word i would associate with tlc11:38
seba-why not11:39
ParahSailinfucking scoring plates and the huge glass box full of chloroform in the hood11:39
ParahSailintlc yo11:39
seba-why do you need chloroform11:39
seba-most plates or aluminum nowdays11:39
ParahSailinyou always need some crazy mixture of solvents11:39
ParahSailinand you need to try like 10 different ones to see which gets you the best separation11:40
seba-chloroform is not used much, except in biochem protocols11:40
seba-well column chromatography it's used11:41
seba-and also a lot of chromatography using centrifuge in various kits11:41
seba-i just can't see why not TLC11:41
ParahSailini have never heard of tlc for large molecules11:41
ParahSailindo you know how the equations for diffusion go?11:42
seba-yes me neither, but i don't see why it wouldn't work11:42
seba-at least for proteins and such11:42
gene_hackerwe have a synth now?11:44
ParahSailinwhat part of slurrying cellulose powder in methanol-water and spread over glass plates and dried in vacuo overnight is "super faster and convenient"11:44
seba-ParahSailin you can buy those premade11:44
seba-they don't cost much11:45
ParahSailinlol ill stick to gels11:45
seba-yes but why11:45
ParahSailinthe red dye makes it go fasta11:45
seba-i must experiment a bit with TLC and proteins, i think it could be good hm11:46
kanzuregene_hacker: yes11:47
ParahSailinfuck, i hate everything about TLC, you should have given me a trigger warning11:47
seba-ParahSailin why11:47
ParahSailinnow i am re-living my worst days11:47
seba-what's so wrong about TLC11:47
seba-i don't get it11:47
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FourFirekanzure, I might have missed it, but what did i say?11:53
FourFire"<kanzure> why are you always so broken11:53
FourFire like what the hell happened to you11:53
FourFire i used to think it was all the stupid parts of lesswrong leaking into you, but now i'm not sure"11:53
kanzureyour moral arguments against aubrey de grey doing anything11:54
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54xsgZWtWc811:54
yoleauxWidefield temporal focusing (WF-TEOF) of C.elegans brain for neuroscience.11:54
kanzuregene_hacker: did you see the CLEAR thing?11:55
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-NMfp13Uug11:55
yoleauxSee-through brains11:55
kanzuregene_hacker: that one11:55
gene_hackerso Brainbow 2: electric boogaloo?11:55
kanzurepaperbot: http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.160311:56
FourFirekanzure, oh, I made moral arguments?11:57
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kanzure"it is immoral for him not to be doing public promotion"11:57
FourFireI was pointing out that yes, he might be a very productive person working in the field, but it might be better if he tells ten other scientist people about the field existing, and maybe gets some rich people to fund things11:58
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FourFireI didn't say it's immoral for him to work in the field :(11:59
kanzurehe *is* a rich person11:59
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chris_99i've got a question for him, just how does he keep his beard so luscious12:03
FourFirekanzure, ok, but does 10 million go very far?12:03
gene_hackerbeard wax does wonders12:04
kanzureFourFire: depends on what you're doing12:04
kanzureusing academic labs is very expensive because the universities take 58% of all incoming money12:05
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FourFire58% ?12:08
FourFirethat's a very specific number12:08
kanzure52-58% usually12:09
kanzuresomewhere around that range. it's never 50%.12:09
ParahSailinthe beer constantly dripping into the beard acts as a moisturizer and sunscreen12:09
FourFireseems interesting: http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/28e4v3/aubrey_de_grey_ama/cia1asc12:13
chris_99haha he's got his favourite beer style on thar12:16
ParahSailindont get me wrong, i dont think hes an alcoholic12:16
kanzurewouldn't be too bad if he was, anyway12:17
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ParahSailinbut when you are good enough, a constant diet of beer means you dont get drunk, and means you require very little solid food12:17
ParahSailinit is the original soylent12:17
ParahSailineveryone is just catching up to adg12:17
chris_99this google Calico thing sounds interesting12:18
kanzuremost people don't need aubrey to tell them about calico since it was plastered all over the crapnews..12:18
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nmz787_i'The name Calico is shorthand for California Life Company'12:19
JanSauerbierthe name geico12:23
JanSauerbieris shorthand for government insurance company12:23
ParahSailingovernment employee, yeah12:23
JanSauerbierfqn lizard people12:23
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ParahSailinpeople still talking about that azolla experiment? i thought it was already established that they are paying extra for the wrong kinds of sequencing13:05
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kanzurebullshit diffuses faster than people stop to wonder if anyone has already identified the bullshit13:08
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nmz787_iParahSailin: no one mentioned that on diybio13:23
ParahSailinah, well its in the comments of that crowdfunding page13:23
nmz787_ididn't look that far13:23
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nmz787_isaw that their prizes were retarded and they were all academics13:24
nmz787_ijust seemed like they got super lazy13:24
nmz787_iso i was dissuaded quite fast13:24
ParahSailinbasically, a 300 cycle illumina run will have utter shit error rate13:24
ParahSailinand they should do the cheaper, more data 200 cycle PE run13:25
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ParahSailinbiologists should not be allowed to design these experiments13:28
kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/lc/c0lc00550a13:28
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kanzurewhat are those rubber jar caps called where you can insert a needle without exposing the contents to the environment?13:49
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kanzurehow does it prevent leakage?13:55
kanzurecan you find me a diagram14:00
nmz787_ikanzure: brandname is SureSeal14:02
kanzurehttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12353585 "n the early 1990s, the microscopy and microanalysis group of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Forensic Chemistry Center (FCC) developed and implemented a method (unpublished) to locate needle punctures in rubber pharmaceutical vial stoppers."14:02
nmz787_ikanzure: otherwise they're septa bottle tops/lids14:02
nmz787_irubber septa14:02
kanzureso the holes are still there14:02
nmz787_iyeah, just all smoosed up14:03
kanzurewell yes but how?14:03
nmz787_iits like smashed14:03
nmz787_ijust how rubber works14:03
nmz787_iit has some limited flow14:03
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kanzure"Transmission electron microscopy study of magnetites in a freshwater population of magnetotactic bacteria" http://www.impmc.jussieu.fr/~menguy/PDFs/Articles/Isambert_AmMin_2007.pdf14:26
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nmz787_iyay for online ESD training!14:41
nmz787_i'When you feel that shockk! >=~3kV14:42
nmz787_ihear it... ~5kV14:42
nmz787_isee it, ~8kV14:42
FourFirenmz787, but tiny current14:44
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ThomasEgiwhen your cmos device experiences ESD shock... you'll notice by getting sporadic weird unpredictable hard to debug errors.14:45
nmz787_ihmm, even an undischarged field can induce damage14:48
nmz787_iThomasEgi: you have experienced a 'Latent Failure'14:49
nmz787_i90% of all failures fall into that category14:49
nmz787_iungroundable non-conductors should reamain 18" away from device14:50
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nmz787_iguess i need a grounding mat for my desk14:51
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nmz787_iwheely chairs: 18kV generators14:51
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nmz787_ipaperwork should not come into direct contact with sensitive components14:52
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kanzurethis is a good review of bacterial magnetotaxis http://www.calpoly.edu/~rfrankel/RBFAnnRevBio.pdf14:52
nmz787_i hmm, heel straps for your shoes14:53
kanzureinteresting that they appear in most freshwater ponds14:53
nmz787_itoo many ions elsewhere?14:53
nmz787_iin salt water i mean14:53
kanzureno, they appear in salt water as well14:54
nmz787_ihmm, ground monitors... complains if your wrist strap or desk mat goes ungrounded14:54
nmz787_i'IC lotion'14:56
nmz787_iwrist and heel straps need tested daily14:58
ThomasEgiif you have unprotected inputs.. looking at it with a fritening look on your face might already be enough to cause damage ;)14:59
ThomasEgilaser diodes are the worst when it comes to that15:00
kanzurehm, there was a company that was going to use magnetosomes from bacteria as a magnetic tape (for data storage)15:00
ThomasEgionce build an amplifier with about 6gigaohm input impedance. it picked up strong signals from an old cathode tube tv several rooms away from mine.  good thing it didn't cause any damage.15:01
nmz787_ihmm, selling from next town over15:01
nmz787_i'guests only need 1 heel strap, unless they're going to handle devices, then they need 215:02
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kanzure"The magnetite crystals are typically 42 nm in diameter."15:03
nmz787_imetallic bags are only effective if there are no tears or holes and is zipped/folded closed15:05
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kanzurei have no idea what nmz787 is talking about15:05
nmz787_isingle-layer bags are single-use only.. crinkles ruin the faraday cage properties15:06
nmz787_ikanzure: these https://svartizulu.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/metal-esd-bag.gif15:06
nmz787_ithose are static-shielding15:06
nmz787_ithese are anti-static (not for sensitive parts, for stuff like paper work orders, etc) http://uk.farnell.com/productimages/farnell/standard/42259127.jpg15:06
kanzureyes but how did this topic happen15:08
kanzuresomething about high heel straps?15:08
nmz787_ikanzure: diff is the metallic ones are like a faraday cage (external ESD won't get through)... the pink plastic bags don't generate charge from physical contact (i.e. balloon rubbed on your hair)... but externally applied ESD will penetrate15:08
nmz787_ii'm taking an online training15:08
nmz787_iI wonder if un-grounded vs grounded people experienced this differently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_storm_of_185915:10
kanzuregene_hacker: 42 nm magnetic nanoparticles, what cool things should be done with them15:11
kanzurebesides magnetic resonance imaging15:12
kanzure"Magnetic nanoparticles can be used for a variety of genetics applications. One application is the isolation of mRNA. This can be done quickly – usually within 15 minutes. In this particular application, the magnetic bead is attached to a poly T tail. When mixed with mRNA, the poly A tail of the mRNA will attach to the bead's poly T tail and the isolation takes place simply by placing a magnet on the side of the tube and pouring out the ...15:13
kanzure... liquid."15:13
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ParahSailinpaperbot: http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/dev/50/3/881/15:40
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nmz787_i'in the event of an emergency, call 4-4444, DO NOT CALL 911'15:58
nmz787_iI wonder if DIY labs should follow this15:58
kanzure911 might be aware of that number15:59
kanzure... probably not, nevermind.15:59
nmz787_inah its an internal number16:05
ParahSailincampus popo16:06
ParahSailintheir pbx switchboards are all configured the same way16:06
kanzurehmm i need to find a good su8/pdms/photoresist supplier16:10
kanzurehttp://microchem.com/ http://www.gersteltec.ch/ http://makerjuice.com/ http://www.tok.co.jp/en/products/ https://www.norlandprod.com/adhesives/ http://www.deco-coat.com/uv.html16:11
kanzurefeels like i'm missing an obvious supplier16:11
kanzurenmz787_i: i have a chemistry consultant friend who is an expert at photoresists, epoxies and all things that cure,16:18
kanzurenmz787_i: i'm preparing an email to him since i haven't talked with him in a while16:18
kanzurenmz787_i: if you want to pile in any questions, let me know16:18
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kanzurehm, he is having surgery tomorrow, so will have lots of time to read16:28
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nmz787_ikanzure: hmm, idk right now... nothing comes to mind immediately16:43
nmz787_ikanzure: FYI in case you don't realize, that tok.co.jp company is literally right up the street from me16:43
nmz787_ifrom work its like turn out of parking lot, right onto evergreen, left onto brookwood, right into TOK parking lot16:44
nmz787_iand they've been quite helpful in email and on calls16:44
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nmz787_iChemistry track17:14
kanzureazco biotech replied to that microfluidic dna synthesizer thread17:29
nmz787_ithe OP of that thread never replied to my last email to him17:52
nmz787_iso whatever17:52
nmz787_iwhich was like a month or more ago17:52
kanzurei am not convinced that their project is open source17:53
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kanzurethey just have some stupid facebook pics or something17:53
kanzure"Early on in their life, Instacart couldn't convince grocery stories to give them access to product inventory lists or high-quality photos. So they found a cheap photography studio over a weekend, went to their local Trader Joe's to buy one of every single item and then spent 48 hours photographing all the inventory. Problem solved."17:53
justanotherusersounds expensive17:56
jmilopen access article: 3D Printing and the Billion Cell Construct http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.100188217:56
jmilkanzure: i hope you enjoy it ^^^17:56
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.100188217:57
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nmz787_ikanzure: he never responded after I sent him an idea based on the few things he told me18:20
nmz787_ikanzure: I wonder if my idea was too close to theirs18:20
nmz787_ior he thought I came off as too, uh, too strong?18:20
kanzurethat's strange, considering they claim it's open source18:20
kanzuremaybe we should ask cathal to clear up the situation18:20
nmz787_itheir synbioaxlr8r didnt require it18:21
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gene_hackerkanzure: ferrofluid perhaps?18:21
kanzurei haven't played with a ferrofluid ever18:21
gene_hackeryou should, it is quite entertaining18:21
gene_hackerwith a bit of chemistry magic you might be able to make this: http://spie.org/x48084.xml18:22
gene_hackerhttp://spie.org/x48084.xml .title18:23
yoleauxMagnetically responsive photonic nanostructures18:23
kanzureyou could probably 3d print a magnetic material18:23
gene_hackerthey're pretty18:24
gene_hackerHP is doing that here18:24
gene_hackerwith the university18:24
gene_hackerit makes me really angry though, because HP has inkjet dev-kits that can jet photopolymer, but they aren't selling them to anybody18:25
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kanzure"We began by developing a robust procedure for preparing magnetite (Fe3O4) colloidal nanocrystal clusters (CNCs) with uniform size (∼30–180nm).3"18:31
kanzureoh, well, magnetite is exactly what the bacteria are producing18:31
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kanzureyashgaroth: bought an ABI 39119:32
yashgarothwhich one, the $500 from ebay?19:32
kanzureneed arsenal of "primers i wish i would remember to synthesize some day"19:33
yashgarothI'll have some primer requests if you get it working19:33
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kanzureopenscad is having an explosive thread about language design19:49
kanzureit is silly19:49
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kanzureunder that "OpenSCAD 3000" title http://rocklinux.net/pipermail/openscad/2014-June/thread.html19:52
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kanzure"The US also rigged the Norwegian selection of the F-35. It was was pretty much pre-decided that Norway had to go for the F35 for political reasons, even though all the committees preferred the Swedish JAS Gripen. The US gave them a great excuse by denying the export by Raytheon of an important upgrade. All this was revealed by Wikileaks." http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-dewline/2010/12/wikileaks-shows-us-played-aesa/20:15
kanzureoh.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_bribery_scandals20:16
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nmz787kanzure: so good or bad idea to do an invite on meetup.com for the synthesizer take-apart?20:37
kanzurei think you should do it alone first20:38
kanzurei really wouldn't trust random people to know how to do a sane teardown (where it gets put back together)20:39
kanzureor how to sanely take pics of every component; people get bitchy when you're trying to be comprehensive like that20:39
nmz787well it could be a 'watch me work' thing20:43
nmz787i'm fine with lonerism20:43
nmz787this was cool http://zeptobars.ru/en/read/FTDI-FT232RL-real-vs-fake-supereal20:58
nmz787this was what another guy used, who presented at bsides http://www.amazon.com/DAddario-VR200-Natural-Rosin-Light/dp/B0002OP0WC/20:58
nmz787apparently people haven't done, but some ppl are interested in, decompiling an FPGA binary blob20:59
kanzurebetween jblake, azonenberg and iimarckus i think at least one of them have done that twice and also forgotten about it21:00
gradstudentbotHood life: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=29651902049501421:02
nmz787back to verilog?21:04
nmz787like, here's a binary blob, we know it was on a spartan 3a, get me the verilog21:04
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nmz787now i'm reading about electro-phoresis/osmosis/kinetic flow21:08
nmz787it's good,  but I didn't plan to get sucked into this21:08
kanzuresolidworks steam locomotive http://ckhollidayplans.com/build.html21:21
nmz787i really want to see some stuff on a thorium steam powered car21:25
nmz787or VTOL21:25
nmz787idk maybe steam is not ideal since you need to fill up on H2O21:26
nmz787but it seems resistant to solar flares and EMP21:26
nmz787which in the face of the sun we're pretty screwed21:26
nmz787like, oh shit, those people who print all their PDFs aren't screwed21:27
gradstudentbotSorry for wasting your time.21:29
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gene_hackerwhoa there cowboy, thorium reactors require fast neutrons and generate lots of gamma rays21:41
gene_hackerif you could build a thorium powered car, you would not want to be near it21:42
gene_hackerit would be really cool to see at night though21:42
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nmz787wouldn't there be enough power to haul around the required shielding?21:52
kanzure.g phosphoramidite supplier21:55
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gene_hackerwell why bother when you can make it unmanned?21:56
gene_hackerwho needs underglow when you have cherenkov radiation? http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e256/blinddemonz/My%20Car/Underglow/underglow2.jpg21:56
kanzure"Direct sunlight should also be avoided during operation of your PE/Applied Biosystems instru21:57
kanzure"Methylimidazole/Tetrahydrofuran lifetime on instrument: 6 weeks"21:58
gene_hackeranyway just what is the plan with the old synth?21:58
kanzurewell that's inconvenient21:58
gene_hackerdo we have a fume hood for it?21:58
kanzurehmm a fume hood is required: "The waste bottle is the low pressure side of the delivery system and must always be kept vented to atmosphere. Be sure the vent line is properly routed to a fume hood. If the vent line is blocked, back pressure will be generated which will decrease the deliveries of reagents and solvents."22:01
kanzure"The vent line carries gaseous waste to a suitable exhaust such as a fume hood. Applied Biosystems supplies a 25-foot length of tubing to connect the vent line to a fume hood. Proper venting allows operation of the Model 391 on an open lab bench."22:01
kanzure"Prevent condensation from collecting in the vent line by continuously sloping the tubing upward toward the fume hood."22:02
kanzureammonium hydroxide, acetonitrile (4 L), anhydrous acetonitrile (not HPLC acetonitrile), toluenesulfonic acid, argon cylinder size 1A (regulator and adaptor), phosphoramidites bottled as powders sealed under argon pressure (stable for 1 year minimum) (dissolved in the anhydrous acetonitrile), deoxyinosine, tetrazole/acetonitrile (180 mL), acetic anhydric/lutidine/THF (180 mL), 1-methylimidazole (180 mL), trichloroacetic acid (450 mL), ...22:12
kanzure... iodine/water/pyridine/THF (200 mL)22:12
kanzure"The synthesizer generates 1 to 2 liters of hazardous, halogenated, organic liquid waste per 100 base additions. The waste is collected in a 4 liter polyethylene bottle which is placed on the floor or on a nearby bench LOWER than the instrument. The bottle can be kept inside a protective carrier to contain accidental spillage. A one-gallon carrier is sufficient and can be purchased from VWR, Part Number 56609-186; or Nalge, Part Number ...22:15
kanzure... 6501-0010. When the bottle is full, it must be emptied as follows: unscrew the cap assembly and immediately recap the bottle to prevent the escape of vapros. Save and ruse old bottle caps. Discard the waste. Place the liquid in a sealed container labeled "FLAMMABLE", "POISON B N.O.S." or absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth. Dispose of the waste following applicable government regulations. Wear gloves and eye protection. Avoid ...22:15
kanzure... inhalation and skin contact."22:15
kanzurelolz 2 liters "hazardous, halogenated, organic liquid" waste per 100 bp22:15
gene_hackerthat's a surprising amount22:25
gene_hackerwhich means if you want to synthesize big stuff you're gonna generate a lot of wase22:26
kanzure98% coupling efficiency, can't generate things too long without it screwing up22:27
kanzurehere's the docs http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/abi391/22:27
kanzurethey claim up to 175 bp22:28
justanotheruserkanzure: how many research papers do you read per day?22:29
kanzureover 900022:29
justanotheruser30 (estimate) * 365 * 9000 ~= 100 million22:30
nmz787justanotheruser: 30 hours per kanzure's day?22:31
justanotheruserFinally, Arif Jinha at the University of Ottawa has recently estimated that the number of journal articles published since time began is about 50 million [3]22:31
nmz787kanzure: the waste is why I want microfluidics!22:32
justanotherusernmz787: no, 30 years per kanzures life22:32
nmz787kanzure: and also that we have to pay for the pre-waste22:32
kanzurei am approximately 24.5 years old at the moment22:32
kanzurenine thousand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBtpyeLxVkI22:33
justanotheruserkanzure: <3 Pokemon22:33
nmz787a gallon of waste can be between like $50 and $250 to get rid of22:33
kanzurethey claim it's okay to dump it into soil22:34
justanotherusernmz787: BS22:34
kanzureSO IT MUST BE TRUE22:34
kanzurejust don't let the goats eat it or something22:34
justanotherusernmz787: It doesn't cost more than $1 in gas to drive to a nearby body of water for me.22:34
kanzurenot sure if dumping organic synthesis waste into freshwater is smart22:35
nmz787that's how portland became a superfund site22:35
justanotheruserkanzure: It's okay, it's salt water22:35
justanotheruserWell it has become salt water since I've been dumping so many salts into it ^_^22:36
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kanzurei guess 30 isn't that different from 2422:37
justanotheruserkanzure: sry22:37
kanzureshrug, half the people in here think i'm sort of brain damaged self-hating professor working in an academic lab22:38
justanotheruserkanzure: do you believe in IQ tests?22:38
kanzurei believe there are tests called iq tests22:38
justanotheruserdo you believe in their merits?22:39
kanzurevery few of the merits, although some of them22:39
justanotheruserhave you taken one?22:39
kanzureyeah, a few, i took more when i was younger, and less as i grew older, and the ones i was taking less were also less uh.. good. the earlier ones were much more rigorous.22:40
justanotheruserwhat did you get?22:40
kanzurei've consistently scored 120ish22:41
nmz787kanzure:  last time i heard i thought you weren't even 21 yet22:41
kanzurewell you've known me for a while22:41
kanzurewe met in 200922:41
justanotherusernmz787: well if you average my guess and your guess, we get close to his age22:41
nmz787justanotheruser: i thought you were saying 30 year life expectancy from now22:42
kanzurehonestly i'm surprised i'm not closer to 10022:42
justanotherusernmz787: no22:42
nmz787he took a few years to learn to read22:42
justanotheruserI thought he was 30 based on his SKDB talk video :P22:42
kanzurethere were two people in that one, btw22:43
justanotheruserare you the one with glasses and sideburns?22:43
kanzurei am not the short scruffy one22:43
justanotheruserBecause you look about 20-25 in that video and it was in 200922:44
kanzureif you mean the guy that looks like aubrey, that's todd huffman22:44
justanotheruserthe guy who basically talks the whole time in this and is introduced as bryan bishop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg&list=PL9F4F7BF006E610E622:44
kanzureyes the guy who is introduced as me is e22:45
kanzure*is me22:45
kanzureregarding iq, i don't think intelligence is a very good explanation of what the brain is doing22:45
kanzureor description for that matter22:45
justanotheruserI think so too22:45
justanotheruserI think you have to have a certain intelligence to be able to do it22:46
kanzureto do what?22:46
justanotheruserkanzure: teach self diybio22:46
justanotheruserand read and understand bio research papers22:46
justanotheruserI guess probably >10022:47
justanotherusercan do it22:47
justanotheruserthen you have to be persistent22:47
kanzuremost papers are crap22:48
gradstudentbotI'm writing that up and it will be submitted soon.22:48
kanzuregradstudentbot: can i coauthor that paper?22:48
gradstudentbotI coauthored a paper about that a few years ago.22:48
kanzureand papers are sorta silly anyway22:59
archelsnmz787: what was the URL for that online ESD safety training?22:59
kanzurejustanotheruser: btw that wasn't a paper; it's the manual to a toy i bought23:00
archelsit synthesises DNA *and* brews yerba mate? that's brilliant23:03
kanzureit also generates a lovely amount of "industrial byproduct"23:04
archelshow do you validate the output product? Do you also have (access to) a sequencer?23:05
kanzureold school way is gfp, antibiotic resistance, toxin resistance, etc23:06
kanzurewouldn't mind having a dna sequencer but it's not high on my priority list23:06
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kanzure"It is important to keep the oligonucleotides cold to minimize bacterial growth."23:19
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kanzureappendix B page 4 has a schematic of the fluidic circuit23:23
nmz787archels: internal to company23:24
kanzure"Temperatures below 16 C (60 F) must be avoided because they will cause the tetrazole to precipitate from solution."23:32
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kanzure"A regulated cylinder (size 1A) of prepurified (99.998%) argon must be connected to the rear panel of the synthesizer. The instrument has a gas input that accepts 1/4-in.-o.d. ParflexTM tubing with appropriate Swagelok® tube fittings (1/4-in. nut and ferrule). A 10-ft length of ParflexTM tubing (1/4-in. o.d.) and the necessary Swagelok® fittings to connect this tubing to the instrument are provided."23:33
kanzure"The argon tank requires a two-gauge regulator with a CGA (Compressed Gas Association) 580 argon cylinder adapter on the inlet side and a Swagelok® fitting that accepts a 1/4-in.-o.d. tube. The primary gauge (0-3000 psi; 0-25,000 kPa recommended) measures tank pressure, and the secondary gauge (0-200 psi; 0-2000 kPa recommended) measures regulated pressure. The regulator must be obtained by the user prior to installation."23:33
kanzure"Typical argon consumption is approximately 3.0 m3 every four weeks. Size 1A cylinders have a capacity of 8.2 cm3 and should last approximately three months. The tank should be regulated to approximately 65 psi (450 kPa)."23:34
kanzureer, 3 m^323:34
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kanzureargon cylinder size 1A is 75 kg23:40
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