
--- Log opened Sat Jun 28 00:00:48 2014
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kanzurenot quite right https://github.com/kanzure/modelo/commit/56e875e2f0703a4c0664a4b026805f9d4682beb905:58
nshsome<script src="/js/Player.js"></script>06:08
nshsome-- http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/2dd7fb4fb80510c0673ce53801fec360.txt06:08
nshsomeprobably different key06:08
nshsome<script src="http://cdn.gigya.com/JS/socialize.js?apikey=3_kDwxYHSRrEE_2Z2rMwD9nrDs9ORizluaucT6E2hy5ioAzNWHn371EUvJcDPQ-pn_">06:08
kanzuregood eye06:12
kanzuresigh <!-- end: header-js.php -->06:12
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kanzureyet another phantomjs/node bridge https://github.com/peerigon/phridge07:53
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ebowdenkanzure, what do you think of setting up a medical research project and going after the most horrible people possible to fund it, like the KKK and Ted Nugent.08:20
ebowdenkanzure, what do you think of setting up a medical research project and going after the most horrible people possible to fund it, like the KKK and Ted Nugent?08:21
FourFireebowden, to what end?08:21
kanzurespecifically what "medical research project"?08:21
ebowdenFourFire, partly because you'd be taking advantage of sources of funding that practically no-one else will, and partly because I find the idea amusing.08:23
kanzurei don't think the KKK has any money08:23
FourFirewhat kanzure said08:23
kanzureobviously you should be submitting grant proposals to ISIS08:23
kanzuresince they just stole $500 million08:23
ebowdenThey were just examples.08:23
kanzuretell them you'll build them a nuke08:24
kanzurethen steal their plutonium08:24
kanzureand build a time machine instead08:24
kanzurethis is a flawless plan08:24
ebowdenWhat about getting funding from the heritage foundation?08:24
kanzurethe who?08:25
AlexDutchGreenwhat did ted nugent do now08:25
kanzure.wik ted nugent08:26
yoleaux"Theodore Anthony "Ted" Nugent (/tɛd ˈnuːdʒɨnt/; born December 13, 1948) is an American rock musician from Detroit, Michigan. Nugent initially gained fame as the lead guitarist of The Amboy Dukes before embarking on a solo career." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_nugent08:26
AlexDutchGreenpay the kkk to go fight isis08:26
AlexDutchGreen2 birds one stone08:26
AlexDutchGreencall it the crusades08:26
AlexDutchGreenand get rid of a lot of religious nutters08:26
gradstudentbotSeriously, who moved my samples?08:27
AlexDutchGreenoh he's straitedge08:28
AlexDutchGreenthat is p weak08:28
ebowdenkanzure, ultra right wing, admitted child molester.08:33
kanzurethe heritage foundation is a child molester?08:34
kanzurei don't understand08:36
kanzurethat sounds like you're describing ted nugent, but i didn't ask that question08:37
ebowdenAh, right.08:37
ebowdenNo, describing ted nugent, never mind.08:37
kanzureif academic libraries are all too afraid to publish their actual subscription costs, then maybe just put up a site with estimated/fake subscription costs instead08:48
kanzureand then people could use that as a proxy for the actual data08:48
kanzureehsm feed http://zitflash1.desy.de/liveedge/_definst_/LiveStreams/liveHSIOS/playlist.m3u808:55
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kanzure"The Life Extension Foundation has provided funding to a company called Nanofactory Corporation"09:47
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kanzure.title http://www.zyvex.com/nanotech/selfRepNATO.html10:07
yoleauxSelf replicating systems and low cost manufacturing10:07
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kanzurei'm not sure my z axis has a small enough step size to not completely destroy a 100x solid objective10:49
kanzurenon-oil i mean10:49
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kanzure.title http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11569-014-0197-711:13
yoleauxTransatlantic Divergences in Citizen Science Ethics—Comparative Analysis of the DIYbio Code of Ethics Drafts of 201111:13
kanzurewhat the fuck "It is also significant, and highly unusual, that DIYbio has maintained two separate codes of ethics years after their drafting."11:13
kanzurethat's not unusual at all. there's more than two people, so therefore why would it be unusual that two people would think different things.11:13
kanzure"Finally, I recommend that the entire DIYbio organization unite under a single code of ethics, and that one of the existing drafts is superior to the other for this purpose."11:14
kanzurepeople are awful11:14
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kanzure"The International Laboratory for the Identification of Antibacterial Drugs(ILIAD) was started because of the lack of time and monetary investment by pharmaceutical companies in antibiotics. The goal is to search the globe for new and naturally occurring antibiotic compounds from plants, insects, bacteria, fungus and other organisms using simple tests"11:39
kanzureoh is that what he's doing. hrm.11:39
mokstarSo, why isn't phage therapy more widespread?11:40
mokstardoes it only work on russians?11:40
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* mokstar 's mind just flashed with an idea of a dystopian reality where DIYbio hackers breed phages to combat common infections, while megacorps charge outrageous amounts of money for the remaining few effective antibiotic treatments.11:42
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kanzurethat sounds more or less like how it works today11:42
kanzureexcept not many people are doing antibody or phage work11:42
kanzurewhy would "people doing things" be considered dystopian?11:43
mokstar"It's not just about having fun with petri dishes anymore, it's about saving the lives of my neighbors."11:43
mokstarbecause it'd be illegal11:43
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mokstarpeople being caught between cruel microbiological realities and the cruel economics of the super-rich11:44
mokstarwhere a mother's womb is so corrupted by pervasive environmental toxins that in order to procreate, she must rent an artificial one11:48
kanzureunlikely. they would just use surrogates.11:49
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mokstarthe Philippines did a brisk trade in surrogates, until the newfound wealth brought in the tide of xenoestrogens11:50
kanzurebut not pervasive enough because your 'artificial wombs' are magically protected. ugh.11:50
kanzure(your scenario is inconsistent and annoying)11:50
mokstarwell sorr-ee11:50
kanzurewhen planning the biological apocalypse, please be thoroughly consistent11:50
mokstarartificial wombs would protected, because they wouldn't be running around outside, breathing the air, touching things, and consuming food11:51
mokstarthat's a whole other book11:51
mokstarone about japanese robot dolls, who have artificial wombs installed11:52
kanzureexcept that isolated environments already exist and have been tested11:52
kanzureso no you don't need to be "running around outside"11:52
mokstarthe rich people who can afford to live within the arcologies don't feel like being surrogates for poor people11:53
mokstarthey use the artificial wombs too, but only out of convenience rather than necessity11:53
kanzureyes, because rich people are fucking stupid and don't understand the need for large populations11:53
mokstarnot everything has to work out in the end11:54
kanzureimho rich vs poor stories like that are very boring, because you're constrained to biology topics, whereas rich vs poor could have lots of other unrelated stories11:54
kanzureso biological apocalypse seems like a boring scenario to explore that topic in11:54
mokstarmaybe it's because I saw Elysium recently11:54
mokstarit'd be an exploration of the health-for-money situation we have in the US right now11:55
mokstar"Oh, you can live, but you'll be indebted for the next thirty years."11:55
kanzureugh, and you think all the other healthcare in the world is costless?11:55
mokstarno, but I'm not as familiar with those situations because I don't live there11:56
kanzurein many cases it's the same products from the same production lines, which, surprise! accept money for their goods11:56
kanzure(this does not seem extremely problematic to me)11:56
kanzureif you want to ban free trade entirely, that's an interesting viewpoint, but you should state it explicitly11:57
mokstarI personally think that accepting mortality is the cheaper and more efficient option long-term11:57
mokstarbut, as a living being, it would be very difficult for me to say, "Oh, my premature infant son will require more resources than he's worth, just let him die"11:57
kanzureyou calculate numeric values to humans?11:58
kanzurealso, that's a slippery slope that leads to banning abortions and eating11:59
mokstarif those same resources would be spent on expensive medical treatment for my other children...11:59
mokstarI think you're making the mistake of assuming that I'm pointing at some sort of "right" answer11:59
kanzuremy mistake is thinking that you're thinking at all12:00
mokstaryou're no fun to talk to12:00
kanzurei think i've brought up many good points that you're totally ignoring12:00
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kanzure"blah blah blah, healthcare costs money and this is bad" "well actually, the common argument is that healthcare should not be paid by the patients, not that free trade is evil"12:00
kanzureafaik there's nobody really arguing that trading money for medical goods is inherently bad12:01
kanzureand it sounds like you're just misinterpreting that common argument for your own weird one that you don't seem to be willing to support either12:01
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justanotherusergradstudentbot: test13:08
gradstudentbotThe freezer was too cold and fucked up my sample DNA.13:08
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kanzure"When I am designing a PCB that uses a part that a) is either hard to source b) will be EOL or c) has a capability spectrum I design a pad that is the union of two pad outlines. It isn't always doable, but it makes putting in alternative packages into the same PCB a whole lot easier. One cannot do that for that the entire design, but simple stuff like supporting a 1206 and a 2512 at the same time, or a 14 and 18 pin version of a part."20:28
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kanzureraml's example seems sorta silly, http://raml.org/ they list "artist" only once, under /songs/{songId} but not specifically on a song model20:36
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nmz787kanzure: most photoresist needs like 20mW/sq cm23:07
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--- Log closed Sun Jun 29 00:00:49 2014

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