
--- Log opened Sun Jul 27 00:00:16 2014
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jrayhawkpaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/10966200432298478903:28
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 70, in _go)03:28
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cuba_ http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1620/abstract04:57
cuba_paperbot:  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1620/abstract04:57
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cuba_paperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1620/pdf04:58
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 70, in _go)04:58
cuba_paperbot: help04:58
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eyefianyone hass access to this paper fulltext? http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1620/abstract05:03
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chris_99does anyone recall the name of that crowdfunding site for research05:18
chris_99out of interest05:18
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chris_99got it https://experiment.com/05:20
chris_99oh dear me one of the projects is 'does potato salad taste good'05:21
archelscould someone try sending me an e-mail? http://www.turingbirds.com/pgp_public_key.txt05:23
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streetyhas potato salad become the Rick Astley of crowdfunding sites?06:23
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kanzureso nobody is going to fix scihub.py06:47
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archelsor e-mail me, apparently07:26
* archels sadface07:26
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kanzuredid you want it signed or something07:58
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archelsI set up PGP for the first time in my life and wanted to do a sanity check08:49
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kanzureParahSailin: this dude claims transcriptic.com's pricing is wrong https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=809271609:12
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ParahSailinwho the fuck does growth curves09:27
ParahSailintranscriptic only really has one product09:29
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eudoxiaarchels: your initials are like the CAP theorem09:39
eudoxiaalso i would send you an email but i only set up GPG to use keybase and don't know how to use it09:39
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kanzurearchels: there you go09:48
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archelsit works!10:04
archelsthank you10:04
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delinquentmearchels, np glad I could help10:30
streetyre: transcriptic pricing - I'm probably one of the least anti-college folks in here but the line about free undergrad labor really annoys me10:32
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kanzurestreety: that's how it happens :\12:37
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streetyperhaps I've just been lucky13:08
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dpkpaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4197040315:33
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 70, in _go)15:33
dpkyay, my favourite15:33
dpkpaperbot: http://www.jstor.orf/discover/10.2307/4197040315:34
paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='www.jstor.orf', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /discover/10.2307/41970403 (Caused by <class 'socket.gaierror'>: [Errno -2] Name or service not known) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)15:34
dpkpaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4197040315:35
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 70, in _go)15:35
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=213e5ec3 Carl Crott: added login credentials file to .gitignore15:37
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=f6b96df8 Bryan Bishop: Merge pull request #30 from carlcrott/master15:37
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=0411c839 Bryan Bishop: better scihub error handling15:37
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=11be9a6a Bryan Bishop: Merge pull request #31 from kanzure/scihubgo15:37
gnusha_paperbot: reload papers15:37
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4197040315:40
paperbotAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'text' (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 73, in _go)15:40
nmz787that paper is weird, and jstor seems even weirder15:40
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=6cb280fa Bryan Bishop: correct for weird variable name15:41
gnusha_paperbot: reload papers15:41
nmz787even with a school proxy it wants you to login15:41
kanzurepaperbot: reload scihub15:41
paperbotkanzure: <module 'scihub' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/scihub.py'> (version: 2014-07-27 22:41:17)15:41
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4197040315:41
paperbotAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'text' (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 73, in _go)15:41
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kanzureman why has nobody written unit tests for this15:42
nmz787hmm, and it has an IP and timestamp15:42
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4197040315:42
nmz787i finally got it15:42
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kanzurei don't care15:42
kanzuremanually fetching a paper is not something that a human should be doing under any circumstance15:42
kanzureit's like watching a random number generator as entertainment15:43
nmz787I can stop15:43
kanzureyou could fix paperbot15:43
nmz787well in this case unless scihub had it, it would have failed15:43
nmz787dpk: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Slayer_Slang_A_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_Lexicon.pdf15:44
kanzurewhat part of 'fix' is confusing in there15:44
kanzure"it would have failed"... but "fix" sort of changes the scenario, you know.15:44
dpknmz787: ty!15:44
kanzuredpk: paperbot things?15:44
dpkliterally just see the PM i literally just sent you15:45
nmz787paperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.149230415:50
kanzure<link rel="schema.CRAWLER" href="http://labs.ingenta.com/2006/06/16/crawler" />15:51
nmz787Fig 2 shows the milling procedure15:54
nmz787each step is increasing in magnificiation15:54
nmz787i think15:54
nmz787maybe that's wrong15:55
nmz787"The first milling steps @depicted in Fig. 2~a!# with a high beam current of 150 pA"15:56
nmz787that's still low compared to the 10,000 pA limit of the machine i was using15:56
nmz787remodeled tip height was adjusted at 1.5 mm and 650 nm."15:57
nmz787"This system could use two types of precursor gas: phenanthrene or tungsten hexacarbonyl."16:05
nmz7873-D printing :P16:05
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nmz787huh, 24/7 FIB access at NIST (with prices listed) http://www.nist.gov/cnst/nanofab/fei_fib_2.cfm16:15
nmz787pretty nice machine too16:15
nmz787though it doesn't seem to have TEMlink16:15
kanzure.g temlink16:15
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nmz787TEMlink is the answer to the "micromanipulator" in the last link16:23
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nmz787huh "A microfluidic device created using the Helios FIB, courtesy of FEI."16:27
nmz787hmm, they make a 2uA FIB, I didn't know that16:28
nmz787that'd be 2,000,000 pA right?16:28
nmz787paperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/59108316:34
nmz787so what's the problem?16:35
nmz787it seems that paper was free to me16:35
nmz787and i ctrl-f 'ed .pdf16:35
nmz787in the .txt16:35
nmz787paperbot: http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ijo/2012/591083.pdf16:35
jrayhawkhttps://crowdfund.ucsf.edu/project/53c5747114bdf74eecbe1cfc crowdfunded PCOS/Paleo RCT for anyone here interested16:46
kanzurebbrittain: https://groups.google.com/group/diybio16:54
bbrittainkanzure: aware of them :P16:55
kanzureah, well, that's where people are i guess16:55
* bbrittain is arguably one of them16:55
kanzureyou are also a person? quite a twist..16:55
bbrittainyea, crazy. I know.16:56
bbrittainbut I have some issues with the DIYbio scene...16:56
bbrittainoh, emphasis of some projects16:57
kanzurewhat about the "let's create institutions so that we can participate in non-institutional biology"16:57
bbrittain++ to that16:57
bbrittain<- has no formal biology training16:57
-!- superkuh_ is now known as superkuh16:59
nshlet's stop creating institutions.16:59
nsh(let's start elaborating protocols that are capable of incorporating institutional expertise and self-organizational competency)16:59
nshmm, there's a talk somewhere17:00
bbrittainI really like the emphasis of a few of the SynBio axlr8r groups. despite the dreadful name17:00
bbrittainespecially the briefcase biotec stuff17:00
kanzurebbrittain, i think more biotech accelerators will happen as soon as people show the costs are low enough to not need $200k17:01
kanzurebbrittain, because most of the software accelerators are only offering $10-$20k for like 6% of a venture17:01
kanzurewhich is a really tiny amount17:01
kanzurensh, i've been thinking about academia and math17:01
nsh.t http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU1s4aILGNY17:02
yoleauxnsh: Sorry, I don't know a timezone by that name.17:02
kanzureit seems that math, out of all the other fields, probably gets the least from the ivory tower than other fields17:02
bbrittainyea, I agree. but yay ginkgo getting that YC funding. that will help spur things along17:02
yoleauxEleanor Saitta & Smári McCarthy: Long Live the Protocoletariat! (29c3)17:02
nshkanzure, by what measure?17:02
nshprotection from the saecular powers?17:02
kanzureoh yeah.. nsh knows of smári. things you forget..17:02
kanzureno i mean, math is serviced by the ivory tower mostly in terms of prestige17:02
kanzureno big labs that require lots of funding17:03
nshi met smári17:03
nshhe told me "you have to win"17:03
nshah, right17:03
kanzurewell, he wasn't wrong17:03
* nsh nods17:03
nmz787"In the near future, laser diodes will replace the centenarian-old spark plug as the source of ignition in vehicle engines, so says Takunori Taira, of Japan's National Institutes of Natural Sciences, and his colleagues."17:03
nsh(how many watts/m^2 of EMP flux do you need to kill a laser-diode spark plug?)17:04
nmz787"Just in case you are interested, any RFI generated by transportation vehicles, are exempt from Part 15 of the FCC's Rules and Regulations"17:06
kanzureunlike biotech that requires, you know, stuff, math requires less stuff17:06
nmz787the tech in biotech relies on EE and physics and quantum physics which relies on math17:06
kanzurei mean there's no particular reason for a mathematician to physically be at a physical university. and i'm suspicious even of the digital case too.17:07
nmz787realistically biotech would probably do great if they brought in tons of math people17:07
nshbut there's a sense in which maths requires much more than any other discipline17:07
bbrittainI'm rather skeptical of that actually nmz78717:07
kanzurensh, like what17:07
nshengineering doesn't require anyone to 'get it' to continue working17:07
kanzurewhat's wrong with requiring people to get it17:07
nshmaths requires a body of people who can traverse the deductive landscape17:08
nmz787bbrittain: so much real work is all based on knowing what way to machine or synthesize something based on some modelling and calculations17:08
nshand pass on that ability17:08
nshthat's pretty fragile17:08
nmz787cutting experiment time17:08
kanzurensh, well i mean, let's limit the scope of mathematicians to people who are mathematicians17:08
* nsh nods17:08
nmz787or rather number of failed experiments17:08
bbrittainnmz787: right, but it's not like a decent biologist can't do that relatively simple math. I mean, it's what they have been trained for.17:09
bbrittainI've worked with some pretty bad at math biologists17:09
nmz787bbrittain: that kind of math is not simple17:10
bbrittainit's like diffeq17:10
nmz787that's well over most bio people17:10
nmz787certainly in terms of actually being able to crunch numbers, or tell a computer to do so17:11
nmz787most *people* glaze over when you mention algebra let alone calculus17:11
nmz787i don't know the % of 'smart' people alive17:12
bbrittainwell, really the problem hear is conflation of terminology. when I'm saying biologist right now, I'm not necessarily meaning a ecology/phylogeny/etc.. bio person. I'm talking mostly about synbio people.17:12
bbrittainbut that is probably my bad17:12
nmz787well even those people would benefit17:13
nmz787that monk who looked at peas knew some math17:13
bbrittainnmz787: I think you are highly underestimating the amount of domain specific knowledge17:13
kanzurei don't know why you are talking about this, nmz78717:13
kanzurei mentioned math people, and you mentioned biology because why?17:13
bbrittainyou can't just throw smart math people at a problem and expect them to see the answers without understanding the problem space17:14
nmz787kanzure: I think you mentioned it to someone17:14
bbrittainkanzure: probably because I briefly mentioned diybio17:14
nmz787bbrittain: no, i'm saying make it their careers17:14
kanzurewhy make it their careers?17:14
nmz787so that they're math-backed bio ppl17:14
nmz787so they understand the problem space17:15
nmz787and the math space17:15
nmz787like of course they should be interested17:15
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kanzurewhat problem are you solving? "i would prefer more biology people that have math backgrounds"?17:15
nmz787i'm just saying it would improve things overall17:15
bbrittainwe could just make more math mandatory for bio majors :D17:16
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bbrittainbut anyways. gonna go check out that glowing plant and be amazingly unimpressed in a few days17:17
kanzurewhy would you bother?17:18
bbrittainwell, I've been meaning to check out biocurious while I'm out in cali this summer17:18
bbrittainso I can compare it to genspace17:18
kanzuregot it.. i thought you were just intentionally engaging projects you know are crap17:18
bbrittainwell, I think it's incredibly overhyped and is using a shitty toolchain17:19
bbrittainbut... a glowing plant could be cool. although, aradopsis is ugly.17:19
nsh.wik aradopsis17:19
yoleaux"Arabidopsis (rockcress) is a genus in the family Brassicaceae. They are small flowering plants related to cabbage and mustard. This genus is of great interest since it contains thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana), one of the model organisms used for studying plant biology and the first plant to have its entire genome sequenced." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabidopsis17:19
kanzureyou know it doesn't glow, right17:19
bbrittainkanzure: damn, is it that bad?17:20
bbrittainI heard they had it glowing faintly a few months ago17:20
bbrittainand, I mean it should get better the more times they repeat their cycle17:20
nmz787arabidopsis isn't ugly!17:22
nmz787i bet it would make pretty damn good saag paneer17:22
kanzurei don't even know where to begin explaining all the lies17:23
kanzurea good lie has the advantage of being hard to remember why it's a lie17:23
bbrittain1. is it not glowing?17:23
bbrittainat all?17:23
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bbrittainshit. I got distracted by their website. I forgot what my #2 was gonna be17:25
bbrittainalso, that is really expensive:http://www.glowingplant.com/maker#_=_17:26
bbrittainthe maker kit17:26
bbrittainkanzure: elaborate?17:29
nmz787i think it's more of, where is their proof17:30
* nmz787 checking the 'blog'17:30
nmz787bbrittain: ^17:31
bbrittainnmz787: well, they seem to have some long exposure images17:31
nmz787plus not much info otherwise17:31
nmz787not what I'd expect from a company/project blog17:31
bbrittaindamn, thats a long exposure17:31
bbrittainlook at the noise17:31
bbrittainbut, I still don't really see lies, merely ineptness.17:32
nmz787well taking peoples money with a flashy video at the onset then not doing much progress updating to the world at large seems a bit strange17:33
nmz787maybe if you backed the kickstarter you can see more updates17:33
kanzure"merely ineptness"17:34
kanzurewasn't there some scam about using luciferin or a fluorescent protein somewhere in here17:35
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kanzurehrmm i should have taken notes17:36
nmz787bbrittain: def go and report back https://www.eventbrite.com/e/meet-the-glowing-plant-biocurious-tickets-1240739986717:36
nmz787if you can17:36
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nsh.ety inept17:36
yoleauxinept (adj.): "c.1600, from Old French inepte (14c.) or directly from Latin ineptus "unsuitable, improper, absurd, awkward, silly, tactless," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + aptus "apt" (see apt). Related: Ineptly; ineptness." — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=inept17:36
bbrittainnmz787: already signed up17:36
bbrittainkanzure: gmaxwell and I are going :P17:36
bbrittainbut, are you saying the don't actually have it producing luciferin?17:36
nshi wish i could go places with gmaxwell :/17:37
kanzurebbrittain: go to the one that has juul17:37
kanzurejuul: ping17:37
nshand by places i mean a basement where i chain him up until i have sucked all the braingroks out with elaborate tubes17:37
kanzurebbrittain: there's also the east bay one, but i haven't been there17:38
bbrittainyea, counter culture labs17:38
bbrittainI still think biocurious is the big one though17:39
kanzurenot as big as you'd think!17:39
bbrittainout here17:39
bbrittainreally? have you been to genspace?17:39
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bbrittainlarger or smaller?17:39
kanzurei have been to genspace17:39
kanzurewell, it depends on how you math it17:39
kanzurebiocurious revealed a few months ago that they only have like <15 paying members17:39
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kanzuregenspace does more classes, so probably has more money17:39
kanzuregenspace definitely had less space overall. even though the building was larger.17:40
bbrittainyea, I took a class out there a few years ago. it was kinda fun.17:40
kanzurebiocurious was suffering from a lot of in fighting17:40
kanzurejojack left to do another one in san diego or carlsbad17:40
bbrittainwell.... maybe you aren't familiar with how much infighting there is at genspace :P17:40
jcluckthere's not that much infighting at genspace17:41
kanzure"sung stole all the money, wah"17:41
kanzureit's stupid anyway-- why do they even associate with the diybio community17:42
kanzure(i mean, both biocurious and genspace)17:43
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jcluckto vex you17:43
jcluckduh :P17:43
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bbrittainwell, I mean at least at genspace they actively believe in educating a community I think.17:43
kanzurebiocurious has classes too. i think.17:43
bbrittainyea, they seemed worthless17:44
kanzurei like you17:44
jcluckgenspace classes are nice, and copious17:44
bbrittainlol, thanks17:44
bbrittainjcluck: you involved?17:45
jcluckyes, but not in the last 6 months17:45
kanzuretoo busy selfishly dying17:45
jcluckactually the complete opposite, expecting a kid in september17:46
jcluckI've been taking care of my pregnant-as-hell partner17:47
kanzurealso selfish17:47
bbrittainoh thank god. I've been trying to figure out how to ask if you are feeling better with the potential for a terminal disease.17:47
jcluckit's not COMPLETELY terminal17:47
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jcluckI was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes last july and had to stop doing so much fieldwork at genspace17:48
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bbrittainaww, late onset diabetes sucks17:48
bbrittainI wish I lived in NYC again so that I could do stuff at genspace17:49
bbrittainwhat is the Boston equivalent?17:49
bbrittainif there is one17:50
kanzurebosslab, and the other thing that someone is doing17:50
bbrittainhow is bosslab?17:50
bbrittainsweet, like 10 minutes away from my soon-to-be-apt17:50
kanzurepossibly idle? i haven't checked17:50
jclucknot very active17:50
jcluckit's right off of davis square17:51
jcluckthe thing about them is if a few people want to do things, things happen17:51
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bbrittainhuh, they have shit going on: http://www.meetup.com/Open-Science-hands-on-learning-BossLab/17:51
kanzurehey that sounds like the rest of life17:51
bbrittainmeh, I'll check them out too17:52
jcluckaw 8/517:52
kanzurensh: the potential to troll gmaxwell through bbrittain is very very high17:54
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bbrittainit may indeed be possible17:55
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bbrittainbut only for another month, for I leave for boston17:55
bbrittainso scheme quickly17:56
kanzureokay, so you're going to play the role of the nsa double agent17:56
kanzureand uh, well we're going to need a helicopter17:56
nmz787kanzure: i'm sending you the details of which copter to buy on craigslist17:56
kanzurewe shall call it the trollcopter17:56
bbrittainit's 201417:56
kanzureand then some backstory about airdropping a scamcoin17:57
nmz787according to a recent hollywood movie a working helicopter costs $3 million17:57
kanzurerenting is not out of question17:58
bbrittainoh my. you should hear him about altcoins in meatspace.17:58
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kanzurei am sure it is hilarious and endearing17:58
nshwouldn't really want to gmaxwell. one of the few people who has never said or written anything that has given the relatively-large part of my brain that checks to see who's probably stupider than me any ammunition17:59
nshand that is probably the hardest-working part of my brain17:59
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bbrittainkanzure, in every way17:59
nmz787anyone around who reads chinese? http://www.instructables.com/id/A-Low-Cost-Atomic-Force-Microscope-%E4%BD%8E%E6%88%90%E6%9C%AC%E5%8E%9F%E5%AD%90%E5%8A%9B%E9%A1%AF%E5%BE%AE%E9%8F%A1/#step118:00
nmz787what are the copper washer looking things?18:00
nmz787are they copper washers?18:00
kanzurehe was bitten by a radioactive satoshi nakamoto18:00
kanzurewhich explains why he has a brain gland that only does cryptocurrency simulations in his head18:00
* nsh smiles18:01
nshi have tried to suggest a more empirical approach to simulating putative cryptocurrency rulesets on a few occasions18:01
nshmaybe it would work better if you were to just code it, kanzure18:01
nshi can't envision a situation where i'd be sufficiently unlazy to do so18:01
kanzuremaybe, i was kind of hoping for amiller or andytoshi to invent the idea first though18:02
nshaye, they're pretty good for that18:02
nshgood point actually, we should probably make rules about which people aren't allowed on the same plane/bus/train at the same time18:02
kanzureit is hard to figure out how to account for externalities in a rigid ruleset18:02
nshthat's certainly one way to concisely summarize the gist of economic intractability18:03
kanzuresybil wouldn't matter if all humans were dead18:03
kanzureeverything becomes way easier with no support for users18:04
bbrittainnmz787: no clue. my chinese does not extend to that technical level18:04
kanzurethat was already in the logs18:04
kanzureen-te hwu, etc18:04
bbrittainthat is cool18:05
kanzurensh: also it would require some bounds on what exactly the software is supposed to be doing (axiomatic proofs of "security"? simulations of agents doing things that we already predict they will be doing?)18:06
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* nsh nods18:06
kanzurei suppose at minimum having a declarative syntax for listing out the behaviors is nice, even if it doesn't cover all possible behaviors18:07
nshin my head i just kinda imagine a FisherPrice My-First-Distributed-Consensus-Ledger-Based-On-Economic-Hacks-To-Impossibility-Proofs play-kit18:07
nshthe details are kinda play-dough and day-glo18:07
nshbut vaguely you should be able to visualize convergent and divergent behaviour relatively simple in a graphical way18:08
nshand have some tunable parameters and a bit more involved under-the-hood swap-and-match algorithmic circuitry18:08
nshat the kind of level of complexity as those radio-shack 300-in-1 electronics projects kids18:09
kanzurewhen i am headthinking distributed ledger scenarios, visualization isn't my weapon of choice18:09
kanzureit's more like a breadth-first conflict of interest comparator18:09
kanzure.. thing.18:09
nshthere's nothing like moving-blobs to concretize the grok of wot-went-ooops18:09
nshbut that's possibly cognitive provincialism on my part18:09
kanzure"conflict of interest" is probably the wrong way to say it18:10
nshyou have to consider the dimensionality of the space of interest before you can talk about conflict18:10
nshlet alone orthogonality18:10
kanzureintersecting curved surfaces of fucked up incentives18:10
nsh(let alone different non-commutative vectorial decomposition)18:11
nmz787paperbot: http://books.google.com.tw/books/about?id=rRtyAwAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y18:12
kanzurensh: maybe it should go the other way around, where small primitives can be thrown together where their boundary conditions can be highlighted when you do things poorly18:13
kanzureand then rather than doing simulations it's just a more analytical thing18:15
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kanzure.g categories of conflicts of interest18:16
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nshi'm not sure the domain necessarily affords the kind of continuum hack that makes analysis magic18:17
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nshmaybe there can be a calculus of limiting irrationality18:17
nshqua in-the-limit18:18
kanzurewhere is kragen when you need him18:19
nshnext door18:20
nshdiscussing giant porn18:20
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nsh"Differential Games: A Mathematical Theory with Applications to Warfare and Pursuit, Control and Optimization"  -- http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Differential_Games.html?id=XIxmMyIQgm0C&redir_esc=y18:22
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kanzurei kinda want a sarcastic version of antichamber made to troll programmers18:22
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kanzure"Sometimes software is indeterministic. Or not."18:22
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kanzure"When first things don't succeed, try switching to UTF-16LE."18:22
nshi used to like looking at the stamp-page in books in the library to see how often/infrequently they'd been borrowed. shame now with self-service it's not reliable18:22
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bbrittainstumbled across this, I had stopped caring long ago though18:38
bbrittainkanzure: ^18:38
bbrittainwasn't aware there were 2 companies doing this18:38
kanzurethere was also glofish18:48
nmz787except glofish is real18:50
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heathkanzure: is it worth working for halcyon?19:50
heathi know you did some work for them previously19:50
heathsomeone is starting or has started something again19:51
heathlee nelson mentioned it in a tweet19:51
kanzurenope i didn't work for them19:56
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nmz787heath: if the money is good, it seems like it would likely be an interesting and potentially rewarding experience20:23
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ParahSailinwait i thought they went bankrupt20:34
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kanzurethe world of vc money doesn't quite work like that20:41
ParahSailinthey went to stealth mode and put up a fake domain camping page?20:53
kanzurebankruptcy would be listed publicly i think20:54
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bbrittainkanzure: yea, but glofish is patented.22:17
* bbrittain would never buy22:17
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nmz787you don't use patented things? I wouldn't buy it because it's fluorescent.22:29
bbrittainnmz787: as much as possible, I have a particularly strong aversion to patents in the life sciences22:32
* bbrittain is very worried, he is about to start a job at a place that might have some patents22:32
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bbrittainyea, shit. I just checked22:54
bbrittainI'm gonna have to learn to deal with it22:54
* bbrittain is sad22:54
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--- Log closed Mon Jul 28 00:00:17 2014

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