
--- Log opened Thu Aug 14 00:00:34 2014
dingo_its *very* frustrating to have your screen locked mid-programming a difficult problem... really drove me nuts, but its your health, you gotta work at it00:01
dingo_a non-physician recommended maybe my hands were just too weak, i did a routine of pull-ups, push-ups, and those hand strengthener things you hold in your palm and squeeze on springs, i found no effect there, physician told me it was ok to exercise, it wouldn't harm, but it wouldn't particularly help either -- stretching does00:03
dingo_i found good success with applying ice just below the elbow under times of great pain -- recommend a gel ice-pack, using raw cubed ice can sometimes hit your nerve on an edge and bring more pain00:04
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dingo_socially, try not to bring it up... its on your mind all the time, so its the first thing you want to mention sometimes, that your hands hurt, but nobody wants to hear about that, its not ok to bitch about arthritis until you're at least 65, i figure00:06
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delinquentmedingo do you know if you have any predispositions to allergies?00:33
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drewbugpaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1284828707:13
ParahSailin" It was later found out that Kanzi was actually producing the articulate equivalent of the symbols he was indicating, or, in other words, he was "saying" (articulating) these words, although in a very high pitch and with distortions" ok, so if thats true, why hasnt anyone fit a voice distortion box on the monkey07:30
cubapaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004040391100511907:31
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dingo_< delinquentme> dingo do you know if you have any predispositions to allergies?07:42
dingo_yah, many food allergies -- does that relate to hand pain?07:42
kanzureinflammation? yes07:44
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heathi've sold something like 50+ shirts now and my commission is $23, you can cash out at $2508:33
heaththe idea was to make a shirt i wanted, and then buy it from commission08:34
heathone day, i will one of these shirts08:34
heathuseless update for the day08:34
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kanzuremissing verb08:35
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heathi'm really good at that08:37
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heathwin 708:47
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nmz787_idingo_: sheena: my mom has been having good results with corydalis for neuronal pain09:44
kanzureproblem is burned hands09:45
kanzurefriction burns09:45
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nmz787_iwell that seems like time solves that one09:54
ParahSailinask me for anything but time09:56
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kanzureParahSailin: since you're on a refactoring streak, https://github.com/kanzure/brlcad/tree/master/src/other/openNURBS10:03
kanzurethat doesn't sound good for your blood pressure10:04
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chris_99so this is very silly, i've just been looking at this colour changing pen thing on KS (which has just been removed) but i was thinking you could make something like it using microfluidics, looking at some lovely youtube examples10:12
chris_99how much do such chips usual cost out of curiousity10:13
nmz787_imass-wise cents or dollars depending on the material10:16
kanzurestanford had a commercial foundry thing offering $400/mold10:16
nmz787_i"Welcome to the DEF CON BioHacking Village discussion & planning list. This is not yet an official event, but it should be confirmed in the next month or two. DEF CON 23 will be Aug 6th thu 9th 2015 at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, which means much more conference space than the Rio. The DC-BioHacking Village is for anyone interested in topics such as ethics, human genetics, correcting common misconceptions (myths & misinformation), health, neurohac10:16
nmz787_iugh, "DNA printing"10:16
chris_99hmm $400 isn't so bad10:16
chris_99not that it's chaep10:17
chris_99i was looking @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpbUvSyeRg010:18
yoleauxDroplet Dispensing and Mixing in Digital Microfluidics10:18
kanzuresee also https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5AFDE0D7CCE51ACE10:18
nmz787_i"You might have (unaccountably) skirted APHIS regulation, but that doesn't mean you don't have an ethical obligation to (1) thoroughly assess the biosafety of these plants; and (2) be frank in communicating these risks (and their uncertainty) to the public, even if they do not make as clean of a narrative as one would like."10:19
nmz787_iare morals laws though?10:19
nmz787_iI don't think so10:19
nmz787_ichris_99: for something like a pen, the cost should be much less than $40010:20
nmz787_ichris_99: shrinky dinks would probably work for that scale10:20
chris_99shrinky dinks?10:20
nmz787_ikids toys10:20
nmz787_igoogle/amazon it and Michelle Khine10:21
nmz787_i"Best of luck with your project, but do keep in mind ethical obligations to your stakeholders override any other imperatives or agendas you might have."10:22
nmz787_ihah, that seems to assume the stakeholders care also... which they may not10:22
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kanzurestakeholders staking some steaky stake10:25
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nmz787_ihow do I spam the crap out of some chinese online scam store?10:51
nmz787_iI have their paypal email and their website email10:52
nmz787_iis that illegal to do since they're in China?10:52
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nmz787_ino one?11:34
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kanzureare you asking permission to spam?11:34
kanzureyou are a really bad spammer11:34
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nmz787_iwell, no, I'm asking if I will get in trouble for doing it somewhere that isn't this country, specifically to china11:40
nmz787_iget in trouble by the U.S.11:41
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chris_99nmz787_i, i suggest a different tact, APT them and rain down an ungodly firestorm upon them11:57
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nmz787_i1kinda strange how Rudiger hasn't replied to any of the questions/comments.13:03
kanzurehe's one of those people where "interpreting what i say is the wrong thing to do"13:04
kanzure"i only mean what i say as much as it causes you to agree with me, but beyond that i am uninterested in speaking with you"13:04
nmz787_i1so he's not actually interested in helping13:05
kanzurepeople who use the word "stakeholders" are often like this13:05
nmz787_i1welp, trade secrets it is then!13:05
kanzureno, he probably does genuinely want to help13:05
nmz787_i1well, then he's not interested in conversation13:06
kanzure"because someone wrote a poorly reasoned whitepaper, i am going to use trade secrets" is a stupid line of thought and you know it13:06
nmz787_i1but that's pretty much what it comes down to13:06
nmz787_i1not really their fault, more like, something better doesn't apparently exist13:06
kanzureyou have always been very interested in finding reasons to use trade secrets13:06
nmz787_i1oh yeah13:06
kanzurelook, there are people in this world that don't understand all possible licensing schemes, and that's fine13:07
nmz787_i1ever since I tried to find out how to DIY coca cola13:07
nmz787_i1shit is just complex13:07
kanzureyou shouldn't make it out to be something like "because i don't understand it, everyone else who has incentives to use those licenses is wrong", or "it is wrong for my situation because i don't understand those incentives"13:07
nmz787_i1I laid out the few concerns/desires I had... and got no response, so these people don't seem to actually be in the real world as far as having some shit on the line to get stolen13:07
nmz787_i1no I'm talking about myself13:07
kanzureme too13:08
nmz787_i1not other's13:08
kanzurei am talking about you13:08
nmz787_i1idk what they would use them for either13:08
nmz787_i1since I didn't understand what it's point was13:08
kanzureno i mean open source licenses13:08
nmz787_i1(or the other licenses)13:08
kanzurethe ones that you want to use trade secrets instead of13:08
nmz787_i1from what i've heard none of them mean anything if you can't pay a lawyer to defend it13:08
nmz787_i1so how is that a realistic option for security?13:09
kanzuremany lawyers will work in your defense or offense if you have a clearly legally binding agreement where someone owes you money13:09
kanzure(also it has to be enough money for them to want to bother, not "some guy owes me $200")13:09
nmz787_i1has anyone done gamification os PSPICE?13:09
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nmz787_i1kanzure: yeah I guess, but I guess my question of what to use is still unanswered13:10
kanzurewell, what are you licensing?13:11
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nmz787_i1biotech instrument design, purification protocols, fabrication techniques... just off the top of my head13:11
kanzureand why do the current set of licenses not serve you  ?13:12
nmz787_i1no one has a good simple explanation of them I guess13:13
kanzuredo you consider this simple http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/13:13
nmz787_i1well but that is just one of how many options13:14
kanzureniet, answer13:14
nmz787_i1i'd like a table I guess, or a list of paragraphs on each13:14
nmz787_i1sure that is simple13:15
kanzurewhat about https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v213:16
nmz787_i1'   Loading   '13:16
kanzureneat, i forgot about the gpl v2 no sublicensing term13:16
nmz787_i1I guess I'd want something that said 'if used for commercial, must discuss $ fees'13:18
kanzurethat's not open source13:19
kanzurei mean, it doesn't meet the open source definition13:19
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nmz787_i1why not13:20
nmz787_i1the source would still be open13:21
kanzureit's the definition13:21
nmz787_i1it's a compound word13:21
kanzurelearn to history? http://opensource.org/osd13:21
nmz787_i1oh, well I never said open-source, I said license13:21
nmz787_i1and I referred to my comments in that Rudiger thread13:22
nmz787_i1which laid out what I'd expect/hope for (and what I assume others, thinking specifically about professors I've had, might think in terms of)13:22
nmz787_i1since the example was antibiotic discovery13:23
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nmz787_i1kanzure: eff says calling it 'free' instead of open-source is better13:23
kanzurehaha i bow to your increidbly nuanced understanding of this topic13:24
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nmz787_i1i never said or implied i had a nuanced understanding13:26
nmz787_i1i just know English13:26
kanzurei strongly doubt that the electronic frontier foundation is telling you to call commercial licensing "free/libre", that's bullshit13:26
thundarakanzure: Isn't that shared source?13:26
kanzurethundara: gpl?13:26
nmz787_i1it's a compound word, that's how people will interpret it13:26
thundaraOpen source, but non free ($) deployment13:26
thundara13:20:46 < nmz787_i1> I guess I'd want something that said 'if used for commercial, must discuss $ fees'13:26
kanzuredsource can be included in a license, but that doesn't make the license an open source license13:27
thundaraYeah, exactly13:27
kanzure*source availability can be a term of the licensing agreement, but that does not means the license meets the open source definition13:27
kanzurei can understand why people have a negative opinion of open source if they think it just means source availability13:28
kanzurebut that's basically the same thing as "people don't read"13:28
nmz787_i1" However, the obvious meaning for the expression “open source software” is “You can look at the source code.” This is a much weaker criterion than free software"13:28
thundaraWhat are the other conditions? Free to deploy, free to see history of?13:28
kanzureiirc history is not a term i have seen13:29
kanzureParahSailin: organ perfusion containerization startup wont fly for various reasons13:30
kanzureParahSailin: but i bet you could raise a few mil on doing "dashboards for organ perfusion/containing machines"13:30
nmz787_i1thundara: so you're suggesting I'd be more interested in shared-source licenses?13:31
kanzurei still don't understand why you're against open source licenses13:31
kanzure*against using13:31
kanzure*against you using13:31
nmz787_i1because I want paid13:32
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kanzurewhy ?13:32
nmz787_i1i could be fucking off instead of working... but I choose to work because I think it will enhance my life, potentially significantly13:33
kanzureusing an open source license doesn't mean you are giving up income... geeze.13:33
kanzureor that you will be incapable of making revenue13:34
AlterSidindeed, you can sell your "open sourced" product.. that is a major business model in the tech world today13:34
nmz787_i1i'm not worried about selling it, I'm worried about someone else, who likely has millions more in research and dev funding13:36
AlterSidthat is an argument that comes again and again, "what if this big company just sucks the life out of my product".. well, the thing is you'll be fine, pick a good license, and you'll make the world a better place13:37
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kanzureoh right, the other common response is "dude look at how much fucking money they just spent validating your stupid market etc"13:38
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nmz787_i1AlterSid: the whole point of this convo is that all this is hard to read, there isn't apparently a single wiki page somewhere with solid concise overview of each13:41
nmz787_i1the tldrlegal.com interface seems nice13:41
AlterSidyep, I think it is a good one13:42
nmz787_i1but even now typing in shared-source doesn't immediately help13:42
nmz787_i1there doesn't seem to be a 'compare the specs of these licenses' widget13:43
kanzurewhat? that's practically a wikipedia page13:43
nmz787_i1oh, and apparently some results are only placeholders https://tldrlegal.com/license/microsoft-shared-source-community-license-(ms-cl)13:43
kanzureoh weird why did gpl3 add sublicensing13:44
nmz787_i1'Commercial use' yes/no isn't too helpful though13:44
kanzurethe ones that say 'no' are not good licenses13:44
nmz787_i1unless a 'no' means you have to renegotiate for a different license13:44
kanzureyou can always always renegotiate with the owner13:45
nmz787_i1none of the licenses there say no for commercial use13:45
kanzurethe owner can also always license his shit using multiple licenses13:45
kanzureyes, because open source definition says it must explicitly allow commercial use, and that page is a comparison of said licenses13:45
nmz787_i1as established by a non-legally-binding Open Source Initiative13:46
nmz787_i1i mean, they don't have a trademark13:46
AlterSidbtw, haven't followed the discussion, but is it a library that you want to develop or an integrated solution?13:46
nmz787_i1so open-source is still a compound English word to me13:46
kanzureactually OSI does have a fucking trademark and that's why they were bullying the open source hardware people13:46
nmz787_i1the eff page said they didn't pursue a trademark13:46
nmz787_i1the use of the term “Open Source” is used solely in reference to software distributed under OSI Approved13:47
nmz787_i1i said open-source13:47
nmz787_i1so it doesn't apply ;P13:47
kanzureAlterSid: just... stuff.13:48
nmz787_i1and since it is related to software, it seems it wouldn't apply either13:48
nmz787_i1yup nowhere in that doc to they mention open-source13:48
kanzurethey have at least a trademark13:49
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nmz787_i1haha the other is a bio application http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4803:gyw9yw.5.1413:50
nmz787_i1"Whey protein for use as an emulsifier or binding agent in food"13:51
nmz787_i1mmm, gotta get me some open source13:51
nmz787_i1i'd like some open source cheese on my burger, please13:51
nmz787_i1both listings are for the milk stuff13:52
nmz787_i1oh, nvm multiple pages unsorted13:53
nmz787_i1hmm, I still don't see anything about software13:54
nmz787_i1or OSI13:54
nmz787_i1kanzure: seems OSI only has trademarks on their named stuff "OSI, Open Source Initiative, and OSI logo ("OSI Logo"), either separately or in combination, are hereinafter referred to as "OSI Trademarks" and are trademarks of the Open Source Initiative"13:55
nmz787_i1"The OSI logo is a trademark of Open Source Initiative. In order to protect and grow the OSI brand, we have a distinguishable logo that can be used to mark software licensed under an OSI Approved License."13:56
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kanzuregreat now i'm trying to think of venture quotes14:01
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kanzure"crap who am i kidding, my code is going down the toilet faster than an unwanted pregnancy on prom night"14:02
kanzurethere we go14:02
nmz787_ifamily guy had a musical break featuring something like that14:07
nmz787_i'back alley dumpster baby' i think14:08
kanzureprom night dumpster baby14:08
kanzurei need a lobotomy14:08
AlterSidkanzure: business idea, scrape this: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/venture.html , and create "one page per quote" with an inspirational picture/portrait as background..14:10
AlterSidkind of like this http://stickywallpapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/motivational-quotes.jpg14:10
kanzureare you the spammer i keep banning14:11
kanzureoh right, no14:12
AlterSidkinda new here, so I doubt it.. did I make a fauxpas? or break netiquette?14:14
kanzuredon't worry about it14:15
kanzureit's nothing14:15
thundara13:33:07 < nmz787_i1> thundara: so you're suggesting I'd be more interested in shared-source licenses?14:24
thundaraI will respond to this tomorrow, remind me14:24
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kanzurei wonder how much more effective laser reflection of necks or mouths would be at speech recognition over plain audio20:39
kanzureor, what the theoretical maximum improvement is20:41
kanzurethat does not look like much to me20:45
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kanzureold, i know a dude who's been working on that in dc since forever21:41
juri_you mean, me?21:52
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kanzureoh, whatever22:09
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