
--- Log opened Fri Aug 15 00:00:35 2014
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1560374403:31
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pi-Hello everyone05:31
pi-How many more of these hidden magic spots exist I wonder05:31
ebowdenProbably a few.05:32
pi-Is anyone interested in critical period plasticity?05:32
archelshello pi-05:33
archelswhat is your perspective on plasticity--biological, computational?05:33
pi-http://pbrd.co/1t690kX <-- everything there that is non-invasive05:35
archelsthat recent thing about valproate comes to mind05:35
pi-That's about half the things in the green, and tDCS in the purple05:35
pi-yer I've just been trying it this last fortnight05:35
pi-It causes inflammation in my lungs05:36
archelsoh, that's no good05:36
pi-I checked and it is reported side-effect for <1% of the population05:36
pi-So ... bollocks eh05:36
* archels is a bit sceptical about the 'all thought to trigger plasticity... balance excitation/inhibition'05:36
pi-I don't yet know enough to be sceptical or anti-sceptical05:37
pi-Whatever that word is...05:37
pi-I've been digging into the literature for the last month05:39
ebowdenCan you ever not know enough to be gullible?05:39
pi-I think that's hence the smileys -- it isn't the correct opposite word05:39
pi-paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1560374405:40
* pi- feeds paperbot a cookie05:40
* ebowden pets paperbot05:42
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heathautomatically detects problems with sh/bash scripts and commands.08:30
nshShellCheck is written in Haskell, and requires 2 GB of memory to compile.08:32
nshim lol't08:32
kanzurebe nice08:36
kanzurehm that actually does sound pretty awful08:36
ParahSailinghc can go a little crazy08:37
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bndudjuqooxnmlgq] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]08:42
kanzurebleh https://characteristic.readthedocs.org/en/0.1.0/why.html08:43
kanzure"The difference between namedtuples and classes decorated by characteristic is that the latter are type-sensitive and less typing aside regular classes"08:44
-!- nmz787_i [~nmccorkx@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:58
nshoh you know there's a type theory podcast now08:59
nsh.g type theory podcast08:59
yoleauxFri, 15 Aug 2014 16:01:34 UTC08:59
yoleauxEpisode 1: Peter Dybjer on types and testing08:59
kanzurewhat we really need are hypertypes09:02
nshhow do you mean?09:07
kanzuresaid no one ever09:07
ParahSailinhypertype is a kind09:20
ParahSailini dunno whats about kinds though09:21
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ParahSailinfucking ruby http://www.redmine.org/issues/1619409:37
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yoleauxFeature #16194: Ruby 2.1 support09:49
chris_99hmm it'd be cool if there was a tool to OCR the text from a chip diagram e.g. http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/images/functional_block_diagrams/ADA4870_fbl.png and generate a part from it, after you tell it the package type etc.09:51
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nmz787_i1ParahSailin: I'm supposed to ask you about what antibody work you wanted done11:00
ParahSailinnothing at the moment11:00
kanzurethat's not what i told you to ask11:04
kanzurei already covered it anyway11:04
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thundaranmz787_i1: So I had a project this summer where I and a friend built it, wanted it to be OS, but also wanted to sell it11:37
thundaraSo to cover our asses, we went with MS shared source11:38
thundaraSince it's "see the source", but "pay to deploy"11:38
kanzureyou can sell licenses even if you also use an open source license11:39
kanzurei nfact, lots of people license their work using multiple licenses simultaneously11:39
thundaraYeah, and the alternative to what we chose would be non-commercial license publicly and offer to negotiate a private one11:40
thundaraThe alternative we went with was just BSD and hope we don't get screwed :)11:41
kanzureyes but that doesn't communicate to him why an open source license can have benefits11:41
thundaraWell, that depends on if it's a library or if it's an application11:42
thundaraApplication, meh, if it's OS, it's easy to share / reuse portions of code11:43
thundaraBut I think in his case and ours, he's fine making the license OS AFTER he gets paid11:43
kanzurethis shortsightedness about making money cuts off huge amounts of strategies11:43
thundaraRe-license the project to BSD/GPL/whatever11:43
kanzurelike, it totally ignores all the reasons that companies actually write open source software11:43
kanzureif they weren't able to make money on their software, why would they even bother using these licenses11:44
kanzurehis story doesn't add up11:44
thundaraIf you're just doing a small project, the possibility of getting screwed over payment on it makes all the difference...11:44
kanzurethe potential to get screwed on payment is not why most people use open source licenses11:44
thundaraWell yes, but with BSD/GPL, the potential is there11:45
thundaraIf you can find another NC + OS license, that's fine, then everything's happy dandy11:46
kanzurelet's say you are licensing some gpl software for $0, but you are making money with the software for other reasons, how is it that "the potential is still there" ??11:46
thundaraWell in our case (Maybe his), it wasn't SaaS, it was just selling one project11:47
thundaraIn our case an application, in his, no clue11:47
thundaraSay, specialized account software, little value to you or me, doubtful we'd find another buyer, but to JPMorgan, it'll help their bottom line11:50
kanzureso are you asserting that there is no way to monetize with an open source strategy11:50
thundaraWe build it and intend to sell it for $$$$$$$, they notice it's BSD, fork it, start using that, and give us the middle finger, all legal11:51
thundaraBad business, but all legal11:51
kanzureokay, i have determined that you are an idiot11:52
thundaraNot necessarily no way, but some avenues are more difficult than others, depending on how malicious your buyer is11:52
thundaraThat's an immature way to make an argument11:52
kanzurelook, i have no problem with you selling software, but your story about them forking it is really boring and misunderstands how people make money on open source11:52
thundaraI'm not saying sell to someone you think is going to fuck you11:52
kanzureit's totally mature, i get to pick and choose who i want to speak with, fuck you11:52
thundaraMy conversation was with nmz787_i1 anyways11:53
thundaraI've talked to other OS advocates before about it and the best answer they gave us for our case was "trust", which is a fine answer, but it's different from a legal guarantee11:58
thundaraWe went with trust, since we figured paranoia was unwarranted11:59
kanzure"give them a permissive license, then beg them for money just because" is not a part of any open source strategy i'm familiar with, i think those advocates you were talking with were dumb12:00
-!- nmz787_i1 [nmccorkx@nat/intel/x-mqqiyhmtqtjgwuju] has quit [K-Lined]12:01
thundaraIf you're going to pretend like you understand this situation instead of asking more questions, then you're just going to get an inflammatory discussion12:01
thundaraThe case around this is: It's a non-profit that doesn't understand technology12:02
thundaraIt's a non-profit that has helped us, we want to help it back12:02
kanzureyou are the non-profit?12:02
dingo_openbsd once said of sun, when they did "OpenSolaris", that "Open" was short for "Open for Business"12:02
thundarakanzure: Co-op model, you can say we are part of it if you want, though neither of us are on its board12:02
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thundaraThey wanted to do an RFP, we wanted to just build the product, because we knew what people wanted, then sell it later12:04
thundaraThe "sane OS strategy" here would be wait for the RFP, apply, wait, sign contract, build it12:04
kanzureor, don't partner with people that don't understand licensing12:05
thundaraWell like I said, it's a non-profit that has helped us, we want to help it back even if they are tech-ignorant12:05
kanzurenon-profit is just a tax status.. doesn't tell me much.12:05
thundaraCo-op housing12:06
thundaraBut they want $20k for custom app + lifetime support12:06
thundaraBut the software affects our friends, the people who work for the org, everyone, so we said fuckit, we'll build it12:07
thundaraStill no solution on lifetime support, but who knows, app is built now at least...12:08
thundaraSo yeah, call me an idiot if you want, but sometimes the canonical business strategies don't fit everyday life12:08
kanzurethat's not why i called you an idiot12:09
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-50-239-222.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:22
nsheudoxia, can i come and live with you in .uy?12:23
nshoh, nm12:24
nsh"The Extradition Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the Governmnet of Uruguay was signed at Washington on 6 April 1973."12:24
kanzuredo we need to fake your death12:24
eudoxiakanzure: there must be *somebody* here who can clone him, put the clone in a car and run it off a cliff12:25
nshyou'd think...12:26
nshjust don't ask the FDA first12:26
eudoxiain law and order: criminal intent, vincent d'onofrio's nemesis escaped justice by fleeing to Australia12:27
eudoxiaoh there's an extradition treaty there too12:27
nshyeah, those entire television shows are false-flag operations12:58
kanzurethat's like fleeing to florida12:58
nshor limited hangout, or whatever term the dubiety-derelict are salivating over these days12:58
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nmz787_ithundara: thanks for the info... at first I thought you were talking about building an operating system and using a microsoft license at first, til I re-read things :P13:18
nmz787_ithundara: I don't know what an MS license is though13:18
thundaraIt's a bit specific to me, but yeah, wasn't sure your situation :P13:19
nmz787_ichemistry and hardware, though I also code... stuff I put online usually is licenseless13:19
kanzurethat's not true at all13:20
kanzureunder u.s. law your shit is not licenseless13:21
nmz787_iok, awesome13:21
nmz787_idefault rules13:21
nmz787_ithe point is, anything I really value I keep to myself13:21
nmz787_iit's hard though because I think there could be some help on development if I were to talk openly about it... but I also think that could be a big flop and then competitors would see secrets and use them13:22
nmz787_isecrets/key-points unique/novel to my stuff13:22
-!- snuffeluffegus [~snuffeluf@2001:9b0:10:2104:216:3eff:feb7:f845] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:24
thundaranmz787_i: They are they ones who are proponents of shared source licenses / wrote licenses along those lines, don't know of any other orgs that have adopted the idea (For good reason in most cases)13:25
nmz787_ipersonally I'm ok with development being a little slow if it means a potentially larger payoff in the end13:29
nmz787_iit's just annoying sometimes, and I def know I should know more about legalities13:30
kanzurewho sai danything about slow13:30
kanzure*who said anything about slow13:30
thundaraWell, if you have other people on board, how does credit work at the end?13:30
nmz787_ithat too13:30
kanzurethe normal ways13:30
kanzurejrayhawk: help :(13:30
nmz787_ithundara: I think we crashed him13:32
kanzureequity is the normal way13:33
kanzurewhy would equity spontaneously not work in that scenario13:33
kanzureequity and paying people, that too13:34
thundaraNot asking it as if it's an impossibility, just pointing out that it's something to think about13:35
thundaranmz787_i: Easy readings13:37
nmz787_ithundara: hah, the second link has these comments: "why not just make it completely free, and sleep well knowing you've created something that others find useful?"         "Maybe he sleeps better with a roof over his head."13:41
kanzurethat's just a stupid argument, ignore it13:42
nmz787_iit's exactly what i'm thinking13:42
nmz787_ifuck pfizer or genentech or IDT13:42
nmz787_ithey can hire me if they want my ideas, I'm not giving them shit for free13:42
kanzure"if you use an open source license, you will never make money because roofs over heads!"13:42
thundaraYeah, strawman13:43
kanzurewell, that's what he just said13:43
kanzurehow is it a strawman13:43
-!- radivis [~quassel@dslb-188-104-232-205.188.104.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:44
thundaraI was echoing what you said: that's just a stupid argument, ignore it13:44
kanzurehe doesn't seem to be ignoring it13:44
kanzurehe seems to agree completely13:44
nmz787_ipretty much13:44
nmz787_inot in all cases, but for some things, definitely13:45
thundaraIt's... words... sec, organizing thoughts13:45
nmz787_iI post little shit that would be helpful to the internet often enough, I can keep some potential money-makers to myself13:45
kanzureneeds nbsp13:46
pi-paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1244037813:46
pi-Is there any way I can do it without spamming the channel?13:46
pi-I seem to have jammed it13:47
thundaraIf you are trying an actual business model centered around OSS, those comments are pretty, dump, and ignorant of strategies that don't involve "sell software, walk away", like SaaS / selling support13:47
kanzurepi-: it is thinking13:48
thundaraBecause with places like pfizer, genetech, really any major corp, they want someone they can call to fix things, to add new features, etc as the years go by13:48
thundaraThey don't want some crap that they drop $100k on and then breaks with a race condition that no one noticed in the initial release13:48
nmz787_ithundara: software is a minor concern to me now, mainly it would be chemistry protocols that I'm thinking about now13:49
kanzurethose same strategies don't just magically fall apart the moment you stop talking about software13:49
nmz787_iso since it's licensed someone else can't use it in their own patent?13:49
thundaraYeah, is true of lots of everything from industrial fridges to washing machines13:50
kanzuresoftware patents tend to trump software copyright in many cases13:50
kanzurebut by trump i mean "the original deals are still valid, but now there's extra litigation"13:50
* thundara doesn't know patent law13:51
nmz787_ithis also assumes someone catches this13:51
nmz787_icatches the stealing/misuse13:51
kanzurepatents can also be licensed13:51
nmz787_iif their shit is closed-source, only reverse engineering a new multi-$100k machine would be the only way to determine13:51
kanzurethat's why there are patent licenses13:51
kanzureyou have that problem no matter what13:52
nmz787_inot with trade secrets as much13:52
kanzureeven with trade secrets13:52
nmz787_iunless you have an organizational leak13:52
thundaraOrganizations leak13:53
kanzurememory leaks13:53
pi-rkn it has given up13:55
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1244037813:55
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]13:56
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1244037813:56
pi-Is it rigged to report failure?13:56
kanzuresort of... it reports to a secret operative.13:57
kanzure13:56 < paperbot> Translation server PDF fail13:57
kanzuredoesn't seem to be doing anything else13:57
thundaranmz787_i: Since it's sort of disorganizedly coming out...13:58
thundaraYou want a software / chemistry combo application?13:58
pi-Maybe it just can't find the full text PDF. I can't find it anywhere else...13:58
thundaraThat you want to sell to a pharma corp, but also want to open it up to allow for contributions from others?13:59
thundaraOpen == publish source13:59
pi-I use JUCE which is a multi platform C++ framework geared towards audio that creates its own license to allow exactly that model14:00
pi-It is free so long as derived works are open source. But to use it for closed source commercial purposes you have to pay a license fee.14:01
thundaraThat's sort of like GPL14:01
pi-paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1066779714:01
nmz787_ithundara: not exactly/really14:01
nmz787_ithundara: I actually am working on chemistry like in a lab14:02
pi-paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1203756714:02
pi-paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1208945014:03
nmz787_ithundara: it would be nice to have some help on the ideas, and maybe opening up would help to inspire others to make new innovations... I just don't want some mega-corp pulling the rug from under me... seeing some message board e-mail chain about how to get around some problem, then incorporating it themselves and hiding it under a metal case that costs half a mil to purchase... such that I'd possibly never know it was stolen/used wit14:04
kanzureyou still have message cutoff14:05
pi-paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1189176814:05
thundaraWell, if you publish the source, fact of the matter is that less reputable groups will break the license and use it illegally, not much you can do about that (See ffmpeg's wall of shame), but for large corps, its usually the case that the money is less the problem than the support14:06
thundaraLike I said though, you can do a NC license (And dual license it when a commercial group wants to make an agreement), you just won't get much help from OSI people because it's against their ideology14:07
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kanzurehaha ideology14:08
nmz787_iis NC non-compete?14:08
kanzureit's non-commercial14:08
pi-paperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2458634614:08
thundara(Also, if you are in a lab, make sure you're not violating its policies on what of your work they have rights to)14:08
kanzurethundara: calling it ideology just gives him a reason to write it off ("they are clearly crazy")14:08
nmz787_ithundara: it's my own biz14:09
thundarakanzure: Fair point, yeah, don't mean it that way14:09
nmz787_irealistically making the project take a few years longer doesn't seem to be a big deal on evolutionary time-scale... society can wait14:11
nmz787_ithere are also security aspects that I'm concerned about14:11
nmz787_iI don't want to give China an 0day for biohacking14:11
kanzureoh brother14:11
nmz787_ior north K14:11
thundaranmz787_i: Gonna hazard a guess and say they don't need our help14:12
nmz787_iat least not til i patch myself :)14:12
nmz787_ithundara: exactly, screw them14:12
kanzureno, he's saying you shouldn't worry about releasing a 0day14:12
thundaraNo, like, if they wanted to do it, they wouldn't need your help14:13
kanzureanyway, you shouldn't assume that development time is substantially different just because of which licensing scheme you are using14:13
kanzurenobody has ever said projects get developed faster because of an open source license14:13
kanzureand i don't see why you would even bring that up14:13
kanzurejrayhawk: help?14:13
nmz787_ino one comments on shit I don't post14:14
nmz787_iposting would open it to commentary14:14
nmz787_isince I don't have a chemist assistant yet on the project, there's no one now14:14
kanzurewhat are you answering14:14
nmz787_i(2:15:04 PM) kanzure: anyway, you shouldn't assume that development time is substantially different just because of which licensing scheme you are using14:15
kanzurewhat does that have to do with commenting14:15
nmz787_ithe whole posting it is precluded by the licensing argument14:15
kanzurei am having a seriously hard time sorting through this spaghetti14:16
nmz787_iI won't post if it isn't safe, if it isn't posted no one will comment, if no one comments I make take longer to discover/uncover flaw (or maybe i never find this out)14:16
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nmz787_iI make==I may14:16
thundaraHehe, I wouldn't trust opening a project to be a substitute for QC / tests14:16
nmz787_inot saying that at al14:18
nmz787_ii'm talking about development14:18
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ParahSailinruby too meta for documentation14:58
thundarapaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9780470122969.ch2/summary15:01
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thundaranmz787_i: The sort answer is that if you want, you can write your license to include: "Not for commercial use", and that will solve the problem that you are immediately asking15:18
thundaraBut the more involved answer is that OSS groups advocate a different business model from the one you are describing, and it might be worth checking out publications by the OSI/EFF (And other groups?) before you set your idea in stone and begin work15:19
kanzurethat's not going to convince anyone of anything15:24
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thundarakanzure: Quit being passive aggressive, if you have an point, make it, I'm saying: "There are people who think and write a lot about these things and you should check them out", I'm not a financial advisor trying to save him from jeopardy.15:47
thundaraI am just trying to point him in the right direction, but I have better things to do than write on IRC all day15:47
kanzuremy exact point was that your sentence was unconvincing to him15:47
dingo_i wouldn't contribute to a project that somebody makes money from, that i'm now allowed to, unless they're paying me15:48
kanzureme telling you that is not passive aggressive, it's called being upfront..15:48
kanzuredingo_: now allowed?15:48
dingo_an open source license that is "Not for commercial use"15:48
dingo_they're very off-putting as an OSS contributor15:49
dingo_i look for ISC/BSD only wherever possible15:49
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nmz787_ithundara: kanzure is wrong, your sentence was well taken.16:55
kanzureyou were convinced?16:57
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nmz787I was convinced that I could write my own license, and that OSS wouldn't advocate what I'm talking about17:23
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bbrittainwait. who is thinking about writing a license?17:40
bbrittainlike... thats a bad idea17:40
bbrittainlike... really bad.17:41
chris_99probably, unless you know law17:41
bbrittaineven then17:41
bbrittainquestionably idea17:41
bbrittainquestionable* idea17:41
bbrittainlike, copyright/licensing laws are fucking complicated17:42
bbrittainI have to deal with them all the time17:42
bbrittainthey do not work the way one expects half the time17:42
chris_99mmm i imagine theres lots of loopholes17:43
kanzurebbrittain: backcontext is that nmz787 thinks that you can't make money with open source, roofs over heads, etc17:43
* bbrittain rolls eyes17:43
kanzureand i have no idea how to debug this17:43
bbrittainnmz787 should sell me unlimited amounts of redhat stock for cheap then17:45
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bbrittainor you know.... explain the paycheck I just picked up today17:45
kanzurei can't explain that, why would they be giving you physical paychecks aren't they digital-friendly over there17:46
bbrittainyea, but I like seeing how much money they take out in taxes every single time17:47
bbrittainfills me with righteous anger.17:47
kanzurebbrittain: you will convince ginkgo to go for an open source strategy, right?17:48
bbrittainkanzure: actually one of my goals in being there. I talked with them about it during my interviews17:49
kanzureand what was the vibe?17:49
bbrittainopen to it at least on the software tools they have. biostuff... I dunno. I'll try17:49
bbrittainhaven't talked with those people that much17:50
kanzurethat's not very encouraging, but whatever17:50
kanzuretheir loss17:50
bbrittainI can make them understand that17:50
kanzureit's not "out of the goodness of their heart" thing (although it could be marketed that way for free)17:51
bbrittainobviously not. there is benefit in making the ecosystem17:51
bbrittainopen source is good for a vast number of reasons17:51
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nmz787bbrittain: i definitely didn't say I didn't think money could be made18:57
nmz787bbrittain: it was much more specific18:57
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ParahSailinkanzure: have you had to work with rails much? this shit is incomprehensible20:14
ParahSailinim seeing request.env pop up all over the place, and none of these functions have request as a parameter20:16
kanzurei have written more with rails than i would ever want to admit20:16
kanzureit is probably a reference to some member of the current controller20:17
kanzurein general when headscratching about ruby always assume it's the most magical thing you could possibly imagine20:17
kanzureso when there's something not defined? most likely a part of str20:17
kanzureand when something is defined and looks like a variable, it's probably a block or function20:18
ParahSailinim trying to hook redmine into my single auth system, and this rails shit is completely bewildering20:19
kanzurewhat is your auth system20:19
ParahSailinjust some shit in lua that add an http header with the username before passing request on to an app server20:20
kanzurebest case is look for redmine oauth things and then rip out the oauth parts20:20
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ParahSailinyeah ive been derping around with https://github.com/tdvsdv/single_auth for hours trying to figure out wtf is wrong20:33
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kanzurewell, give me tracebacks20:44
ParahSailinim not even sure how i would get that sort of thing honestly-- sometimes passenger is putting shit in the nginx error_log, but otherwise useless20:45
kanzurewhich version of rails?20:47
kanzurehave you set config.logger20:49
kanzurealso i suggest setting the level to debug20:49
ParahSailini wouldnt even know where that would be20:51
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ParahSailinhow do these guys even 2space indent22:30
dingo_:set ts=222:36
dingo_man i was a webadmin for a mish-mash of rails apps in mid-2000's, it was... troubling22:37
dingo_i knew ruby scripting before then, and it just turned me off, way off, i won't ever write rails, ever22:37
dingo_i debugged so many god damned tracebacks and abstractions i nearly lost my mind22:37
dingo_and the debug is... uhh... the top-level yaml config or some such22:38
ParahSailinit was between trac and redmine, it was decided we needed redmine22:39
ParahSailinso out comes the fucking rails22:39
dingo_so you gotta roll your own customizations then22:39
ParahSailinaye, never did any ruby shit22:40
ParahSailini thought, oh thats pretty much python-- little did i know that the standard library is bizarro land22:40
dingo_the monkey patching across libraries is where it gets difficult, and the namespaces are strange22:40
dingo_i'm a vi guy, so i find it really annoying to have to edit many files for a single workflow of code22:41
ParahSailinyou have names popping up everywhere, no idea where they come from22:41
dingo_yeah that, exactly, i have trouble with that, too22:41
kanzurethey are all from the str class22:41
ParahSailintheres no import shit at the top to help you out22:41
dingo_if you have time, you probably need to try a basic rails demo app tutorial to understand where the MVC abstractions "go"22:41
kanzure.g ruby magic str class editing22:41
dingo_its just like this layout thing you gotta follow22:41
dingo_might help, might not, hehe22:42
ParahSailinhow do i fucking delete a before_action in the main controller, without actually editing the core source22:42
ParahSailinthis should be possible with like a monkeypatch right?22:42
kanzurei mean without the ?22:42
kanzuredamn it22:42
dingo_yeah i think you can just del the damn thing from.. somewhere22:42
dingo_theres like a console you can pull up to interact with the site from an irb session somehow22:43
ParahSailinshould i just delete this line, or can i make a plugin that will have the same effect https://github.com/redmine/redmine/blob/master/app/controllers/application_controller.rb#L5222:44
ParahSailinlike, include/extend whatever22:45
kanzureyou can extend/override their ApplicationController class22:45
kanzurebut they might have a preferred idiomatic way of doing that for plugins in their project22:45
ParahSailinand it wont inherit that line?22:45
dingo_maybe you would set it nil?22:46
kanzureit will, but look lower, all of those are just references to class methods22:46
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kanzureso you can override the class methods22:46
kanzureor yes before_filter nil might work22:46
ParahSailinso set them to empty functions?22:46
kanzurewell these look relevant to login things, which i assume you are still doing..22:47
ParahSailinor i can delete those functions and ruby wont care that there is nothing there when the thunk happens22:47
kanzurebtw there's a skip_before_filter22:47
dingo_i think you need to buy a tweed jacket then you'll figure it out22:47
ParahSailinso extending that thing with skip_before_filter is the most sensible way of deleting those callbacks?22:48
kanzure"before_filter in your subclass doesn't override the same call in the super class, but they stack after each other instead. It is how the chain of filters work. If you want to skip the filter added in your ApplicationController, you can use skip_before_filter method - see "Filter Chain Skipping" section here in the filters documentation."22:49
kanzure404 hahaha22:50
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kanzurei think you just need skip_before_filter :each :of :those :from :the :before_filter22:50
dingo_that sounds like good advice22:51
ParahSailincan i have this with type annotations?22:51
kanzure.g "At first glance Ruby doesn't support annotations, but if tilt your head you'll find it does."22:52
kanzure"at first it may seem like ruby isn't anything you would ever want to deal with, but if you just ignore that for a moment, you'll find that it still doesn't."22:53
ParahSailinid rather be c++ bindings22:54
ParahSailinah heres where skip callbacks is defined https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/0e7744e55e8528c9fc3b88e98d5e5cdd29651eb0/activesupport/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb22:55
ParahSailintheres a delete in there, ok im satisfied22:55
ParahSailinoh wow i found the log file22:56
ParahSailintime to throw printf statements everywhere22:57
kanzurei think you want: logger.debug "wut"22:57
ParahSailinthis is the best programming language22:58
ParahSailinwritten by a mormon22:59
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