
--- Log opened Thu Aug 21 00:00:41 2014
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archelspaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel7/5/6807530/06804688.pdf00:30
nmz787_ikanzure: hah that richard thieme mentions your site in his talk00:41
nmz787_iso i've watched 2 of his talks now, on relatively different topics, and there was a good amount of overlap, i guess he's got some catch phrases00:41
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bbrittainsheena: sorry, not groking. You've used ffmprobe and it's giving you back a PAR. why would you prefer for square?08:17
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nmz787_i1huh, glowingPlant is based on an ornamental tobacco that is sometimes used in hookahs10:31
nmz787_i1'glowing shisha'10:32
chris_99lol really?!10:33
chris_99i didn't know that10:33
nmz787_i1their faq says not for human use or something like that10:36
nmz787_i1I think most tobacco products are not fresh though10:37
nmz787_i1I wonder if any of the chews could be used fresh10:37
nmz787_i1baseball players used to be used for icons that chewed tobacco10:38
chris_99mm is tobacco roasted or anything10:38
chris_99or just dried10:38
nmz787_i1yeah idk10:38
nmz787_i1or 'fermented'10:38
chris_99have you tried snus that's quite bizare10:38
nmz787_i1i tried some chew/put-it-in-your-mouth tobacco once, I can't really remember much but thinking it stung and was really gross10:39
chris_99yah snus is the one you put under your lip, it does sting a bit yeah10:39
archelsnmz787_i1: I thought they were using Arabidopsis?10:41
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chris_99hmm yeah you're right10:46
archelsthe original Science publication was a tobacco plant though; perhaps they changed it around at some point10:48
delinquentme^ could this be used to take an already purified substance and further purify it? say some known solution of water / salt / protein10:52
delinquentmeadd in nanofluidics and just pipe out portions of the sample where the molecules aren't fitting the vibrational characteristics ?10:53
ParahSailinyou ever used nmr?10:53
ParahSailinyou leave your wallet outside the room so the magstripes in your credit cards dont kill you10:54
delinquentmeI mean yea, tons of wiki10:54
delinquentmeParahSailin, sure if you've got a massive magnet and its not shielded10:54
ParahSailinthats nmr10:54
delinquentmeyou read the article right?10:54
ParahSailinwhat exactly about the m in nmr are you not understanding10:55
ParahSailinfucking magnets10:55
delinquentmeok theres a big fucking box around the core of the dwave which is for isolation of whatever the fuq you need to isolate10:55
delinquentmeyou're not actually giving feedback on the idea . You're just like " guns R dangerus "10:55
delinquentmeOK cool . yes. good.10:56
delinquentmewe're not needing to shield from neutrinos or exotic particles.10:56
delinquentmeYes thats implementational hazards. They exist, They're also smaller magnets in this case.  But the question is after piping this somewhat characterized protein solution ... can it be further purified using such a technique10:57
delinquentmeParahSailin, Can you see why I get frustrated with the feedback.  You're not actually conveying something of use.  Ok fine I appreciate that you've got cool stories about particular HUGE behemoth machine implementations of these particular technologies11:00
delinquentmeand now you're being a brat about the fact that I said this. Ok awesome.11:02
delinquentmeParahSailin, add me on FB so I know who Im dealing with.  Im not sure if you're like 14 or just a disgruntled old man11:03
kanzuredelinquentme, he's not impressed by how excited you are about normal magnet stuff11:05
delinquentmenot exactly 'normal magnet stuff'11:08
delinquentmeand again no answer.11:08
ParahSailinare you paying me to be on irc?11:09
delinquentmeeh i supposed hes just trolling for no reason11:09
delinquentmeParahSailin, your input is the equivalent of an appeal to nature11:10
delinquentmeI ask if something is possible. you reply : " Dont you know how to manget ?! "11:10
ParahSailinive lost interest11:10
delinquentmeagain, add me on FB so I know who / what im dealing with11:11
ParahSailinplease dont highlight my name again for the next several hours11:11
delinquentmesure thing miss11:11
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nmz787_i1chris_99: archels, I was talking about the company that has the non-ripped-off glowingPlant... i.e. the people who the DIY-folks didn't license from11:26
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nmz787_i1delinquentme: cool paper11:43
nmz787_i1"“Not only did Dongwan design the chip, but he also came up with a way to use statistical distance minimization and entropy minimization to estimate the magnetic field drift and calibrate out its effect,” explains Ham. “This signal-processing method obviates the need for physical thermal regulation for the permanent magnet, which would have added hardware and increased the power consumption. That would have defeated our aim of achieving por11:43
nmz787_i1delinquentme: basically that is just a detector... if the bandwidth/measurements-per-second was high enough you might be able to do some separation stuff like a FACS machine11:44
nmz787_i1but the sensor itself won't pull things to one side or another11:45
nmz787_i1delinquentme: but this: "“An individual NMR spectroscopy experiment is inherently slow, taking several minutes to hours,” says Ham. “Using a hundred of these cheap and small spectrometer chips in parallel within a superconducting magnet bore could counter the intrinsic slowness of NMR spectroscopy, enabling a high-throughput paradigm for pharmaceutical screening and structural biology. One year of testing could be completed in a few days. W11:45
archelsintrinsic slowness due to low SNR, eh?11:49
nmz787_i1archels: it could be a timing thing, maybe?11:50
nmz787_i1like the event happens, but since they can only capture a slice of it at a time, they need to replay the event and alter the phase of the detection each time11:51
archelswhat do you mean by slice?11:54
archelsdata acquisition speed should not be a limiting factor in such a system11:54
archelsespecially with such a low B011:54
nmz787_i1archels: like how they often chain ADCs together with a phase offset to get higher bandwidth oscilloscopes11:56
archelsstatic field B_011:57
archelsmhm, frankly I have more of a background in MRI (slight) than NMR (practically nil)11:59
nmz787_i1how does the field strength come into play with bandwidth of the sensors?11:59
archelsbut at least in the former case, the frontends are essentially zero-IF (direct conversion) quadrature receivers, no?11:59
nmz787_i1I assume the time for the event to occur depends on the diffusion velocity of the medium.11:59
nmz787_i1yea I'm speculating a lot here too12:00
archelschecking wikipedia. so in NMR one tends to measure the free induction decay12:00
nmz787_i1but i guess since it's electrons, they might not be limited by diffusion12:00
nmz787_i1is that then de brolies wavelength?12:00
nmz787_i1de broglies12:00
archelsno, I believe its mean is given by the Larmor frequency12:01
archelsthe frontend then mixes the picked-up (FID) signal with the Larmor frequency associated with the static magnetic field12:02
archels" A spectrum from a single FID has a low signal-to-noise ratio, but fortunately it improves readily with averaging of repeated acquisitions. Good 1H NMR spectra can be acquired with 16 repeats, which takes only minutes. However, for heavier elements than hydrogen, the relaxation time is rather long, e.g. around 8 seconds for 13C."12:02
archelsright, so lots of repeated excitations and measurements12:02
nmz787_i1pretty cool that it's so long12:18
nmz787_i1not femto or picoseconds12:18
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kanzurenmz787_i1: these days it's not so much a list than it is a giant graph14:24
nmz787_i1yeah, whatever it is14:33
nmz787_i1there was some software at defcon for that kind of graphing... 'SNOOPY'14:33
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kanzurefenn: what about trucker rest stops17:16
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abetuskDoes anyone have suggestions for easily accessible dielectric coatings for a digital microfluidics device?19:15
kanzureabetusk: use whatever jcline used.. http://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/archives/28019:16
* juri__ glows19:23
abetuskkanzure, I can't find what what dielectric he used...19:29
abetuskHis thesis is on PDMS and doesn't mention (as far as I can tell) electrowetting19:30
abetuskAlso, what happened to that blog?  It looks great, but it just drops off not long after that post19:31
abetuskDid he even use a dielectric?  Was he just moving the drop straight on the copper?19:31
kanzureyou could email him19:37
kanzurehe tends to be responsive19:37
kanzuretell him i sent you (he is sometimes a spook)19:37
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abetuskok, thanks19:43
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-!- pi- [~Ohmu@cpc2-oxfd18-2-0-cust90.4-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:59
--- Log closed Fri Aug 22 00:00:42 2014

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