
--- Log opened Thu Nov 20 00:00:56 2014
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ebowdenI wonder if Valproic acid would help make the changes permanent.01:42
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eudoxia>Here’s my plan to rejuvenate my ageing brain–and body: Secure three or four aborted male caucasian first trimester fetuses.04:48
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@kanzureeudoxia: i'm sure that can be arranged06:43
@kanzurefenn: you sometimes do learn things about that secret, though06:44
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archelsand they will magically migrate into the brain and magically find the right position and magically sprout the right connections07:01
@kanzurethe fetuses will?07:02
@kanzureoh, stem cells probably?07:02
archelsthe transplanted cells07:02
superkuhInject them into my eyes, please.07:03
archelspaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jnc.12969/pdf07:05
yoleauxAging and Brain Rejuvenation as Systemic Events - Bouchard - Journal of Neurochemistry - Wiley Online Library07:05
archelspaperbot: http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fcell.2014.00016/pdf07:07
yoleauxarchels: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.07:07
archels"Aging-related diseases are related to a deficiency of the immune system, which results from an aged thymus and bone marrow cells. Intra bone marrow-bone marrow transplantation (IBM-BMT) is a useful method to treat intractable diseases."07:08
archels"[the thymus] atrophies at puberty. Unlike the liver, kidney and heart, for instance, the thymus is at its largest in children. The thymus reaches maximum weight (20 to 37 grams) by the time of puberty. The thymus of older people is scarcely distinguishable from surrounding fatty tissue. As one ages the thymus slowly shrinks, eventually degenerating into tiny islands of fatty tissue. By the age of 75 years, the thymus weighs only 6 grams."07:10
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@kanzurehmm i guess it's unlikely for an old person to get bone marrow transplants at the moment07:11
@kanzurebecause usually old people are more easily immune compromised or something07:11
@kanzureor, bone marrow transplants are only considered when there's already an immune-compromising problem i suppose07:12
@kanzure(just thinking through what sort of evidence we can pull up from the interwebs)07:12
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archelsI'm not sure how compatible stem cells from a random fetus would be07:14
archelsshould we invest some money into extracting and cryogenically storing our own stem cells while we're young?07:15
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kanzurearchels: you could probably answer that with some very simple math and i'm sure the answer would be "yes"07:19
kanzureit's too bad that storing eggs requires some up-front hormone regiments07:20
kanzurebecause that is apparently preventing lots of people from storing tissue when they're young07:20
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archelsnot much of a problem for us male nerds07:38
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delinquentmemarketing via religion bashing and insecurities are pretty effective10:02
fennwow "Currently about 1/3rd of every healthcare dollar in the West is spent on people in the last year of their lives."10:30
fennwhy can't we experiment on old people again? they're just going to die anyway10:32
fennmy great grandma was just waiting to die for a whole decade, she thought she had nothing left to do10:36
fennexcuse me ma'am, can I borrow your body, for science10:36
fennebowden can you get me a couple dozen old nuns10:40
fennthe vatican is pretty pro-science; just need to frame the question correctly10:41
kanzure"donating your body to science after you die is nice and all, but before you die would be cool too, you know"10:48
nmz787_iI wonder if that's easier in Oregon with their euthanasia laws10:49
fennthe idea is that they don't die10:50
nmz787_iwell I mean that there is already legal precedent for allowing people to make choices that could result in death, like if the experimental treatment fails10:54
fennwhat does that have to do with euthanasia10:57
fennexperimental treatment has been around for a long time, and always carries some risk. but pure research on humans has not been feasible because the benefit is perceived as zero since "there is no disease"10:58
kanzureit is unethical to punch slower than would cause euthanization10:59
fennpunch slowly, my friends11:00
kanzure"pull your punches"11:01
fennif you lose "10,000 brain cells a day" that's only 0.3% over the course of 100 years11:12
fennthese numbers were a lot different than i expected: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_by_number_of_neurons#Cerebral_cortex11:18
archelsfenn: that 10k cells thing is an urban myth, anyway11:23
fennyes i know11:23
fennobviously the number is much higher11:23
fennalso we now know that brain cells can regenerate11:25
kanzure"They can't seize a shipment of schematics." well.....11:25
fennthe microfilm, mister bond11:25
archelsmuch higher?11:25
fenn"If the human brain has a weight of 1.4 kg (1400 grams) and there were about 100 billion neurons, then it can be calculated that there are approximately 70 million neurons per gram.11:26
fennNow, when people lose a gram of brain mass per year, meaning that the brain loses 70 million neurons per year, or about 190 thousand damaged, slowing down, or dying brain cells per day."11:26
archelslast time I looked into it there wasn't even a downward trend11:26
archelslosing a gram of neuropil does not necessarily imply that any neurons or glia are lost at all11:26
fennRESULTS: Both %GM and %WM in the intracranial space were significantly less in older subjects (≥50 years) than in younger subjects (<50 years)11:27
fennCONCLUSION: GM volume loss appears to be a constant, linear function of age throughout adult life, whereas WM volume loss seems to be delayed until middle adult life.11:28
fennarchels: so you're saying the cells themselves shrink?11:29
archelssomething like that, or changes in myelination/consolidation of connectivity11:31
archelspaperbot: http://www.turingbirds.com/temp/410210603_ftp.pdf11:31
kanzurewah paperbot is still not doing things11:31
fenn"neocortical cell counts in normal human adult aging"11:33
nmz787_iwhy don't we have paperbot and paperbot2?11:34
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fennin that paper they are saying neurons die and regenerate, and glia increase with age11:37
fennbut total number of neurons remains constant11:37
fennbut young people have larger neurons11:41
fenni wish gf and gc were the standard measures of intelligence, this IQ stuff is confusing11:49
fennwho cares how old you are11:50
fennif you eat a lot of turmeric (curcumin) does this make your brain turn yellow?11:56
fenn"the Indian brains were often stained faint yellow from years of curry eating (remember that curcumin crosses the blood-brain barrier, so this should be expected) but by his inspection these brains had youthful cell densities in the cortex.12:02
fennThe British brains, by contrast, having suffered through many decades of damaging high-fat diets, and without the protection of curcumin, were normal colored but appeared to have about half the cell densities of the Indian brains."12:02
fenn"Another interesting fact about curcumin is that it is also the only known therapy other than caloric restriction that reliably will reliably extend lifespan (about 10-12%) in laboratory mice."  hrm12:03
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fenn"Significant positive correlations have been found between grey matter volume in elderly persons and measures of semantic and short-term memory. No significant correlations with white matter volume were found."12:23
fennpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/000169186790011X12:24
kanzurei had a good argument against paperbot2 and paperbot112:28
kanzure11:12 < kanzure> right now neither of them work12:28
kanzure11:12 < kanzure> so having two things that don't work wont be helpful12:28
kanzurethank you, kanzure, that is an excellent argument12:28
kanzure11:13 < kanzure> do whatever you want, within the limits of 1) do the right thing, 2) don't be lazy, 3) pretend i'll kickban you if you make bad implementation choices12:29
kanzure11:17 < fenn> oh my god i am so underwhelmed by this12:29
fennunderwhelmed by what12:29
kanzurewell, crossref.org, but i took some editorial license there.12:30
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kanzurei wonder if anyone has done mouse brain window monitoring for cellular aging reasons12:32
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faceface_worm brain lego?14:19
faceface_prolly old news14:19
kanzurehello faceface_14:21
faceface_so... publication models like wikipedia could only exist on the internet14:25
faceface_they are 'web-native'14:25
faceface_what types of financial 'product' can only exist on blockchain type technologies?14:25
faceface_what are the native 'bottom up' type financial technologies going to be?14:26
kanzureany financial scheme can be emulated without a blockchain14:26
fenntrustless smart contracts14:27
faceface_but blockchain facilitates, like wp does14:27
faceface_fenn: but how will that scale to thousands of people?14:27
kanzurei don't think "trustless smart contracts" need a blockchain or anti-replay attack prevention14:27
faceface_ok, I was going to say 'bitcoin' but tried to step back by saying 'block chain'14:27
faceface_actually I don't care14:27
fennkanzure: something has to validate the contract14:28
faceface_what I mean is, if we can each act somewhat like a bank, what can emerge?14:28
kanzureanyone should be capable of verifying a "trustless smart contract"14:28
fennbut you have to know what the inputs are14:28
kanzureso you get told the inputs14:29
fennbut how can you believe that what you're being told is true14:29
fennno, that just keeps other people from listening in14:29
kanzurekeeps people from forging your signature14:30
kanzure*makes it extremely difficult to forge your signature14:30
fennnow you've only verified that "bob sent this message" but you don't know if what bob is telling you is true or not14:30
faceface_regardless... what could we do with 1G multi-sig?14:30
faceface_500k of 1G?14:30
kanzureunfortunately you will have trouble with people registering multiple times14:31
fennseems like nothing would ever get done if 1 billion signatures are required14:31
faceface_is that a problem if registration costs 1k?14:31
kanzurenow only the rich can register lots of times14:32
faceface_fenn: unless it was to pay out 100 trillion14:32
faceface_kanzure: only the rich can use complex financial 'products'14:32
* faceface_ has no clue where this is going either14:32
faceface_I'm just curious about the idea of highly distributed finance14:33
fennso we have a big lottery gambling on whether everyone on the entire planet can cooperate at the same time?14:33
faceface_fenn: isn't that pretty much the system we have?14:33
faceface_how did you chose your parents?14:33
fennif i refuse to cooperate, guys with guns come and take me away14:33
fennyou aren't making any sense14:34
faceface_Somehow 'crowd funding' seems to be cludging an old model into a new system14:34
faceface_fenn: I never made any such promise... (sorry)14:34
faceface_sorry if this is a totally absurd line of thinking14:35
kanzurefaceface_: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/fanaticism/if-i-was-chairman-of-the-fed.yaml14:35
faceface_but basically it comes down to something like 'traditional books are to wikipedia as traditional financial instruments are to ...'14:35
kanzurewikipedia did not invent digital content14:36
kanzurei know you're looking for big ideas but i don't think they happen this way14:38
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faceface_kanzure: of course wp is just one example that happens to be big in it's own way14:39
faceface_but it's sucess is dependent on it's medium14:39
faceface_traditional publishing works in that medium too, it's just not taking full advantage of what can be done14:40
fenntraditional publishing does not allow everyone and their grandma to edit the article14:40
kanzurewikipedia doesn't either14:41
faceface_I heard recently blogs being described as another 'internet native' form of publishing14:41
fenntraditional publishing only allows ~2 people to edit the article14:41
faceface_something that just doesn't work outside of the web14:41
kanzurefenn, that sounds like a version control issue, not a publishing issue14:42
faceface_wp and wikis generally are something new to the internet, and they seem to work ther14:42
fennthere were zines before blogs, but they took more effort to prepare and distribute14:42
fennkanzure: no it's intentional, to preserve the author's voice and the editor's discretion, or something14:43
faceface_right, the web has allowed blogs, wikis and distributed development via version contorl to flourish14:43
fennkanzure: that's the point of CC-BY-ND14:43
kanzuregit does not require the web to work14:43
faceface_so, given these technologies can broady be described as 'web native', something uniquely successfull on the web, what's next for finance given bitcoin like technologies?14:44
fennexporting patches is a laborious process14:44
faceface_and beside the point ;-)14:44
jrayhawklinux development doesn't use the web at all14:45
kanzurefaceface_: http://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/speculative-attack/14:45
jrayhawkit's all git, git+ssh, and smtp14:45
jrayhawkwell, no, i guess that's not true. some people actually try to use bugzilla.14:46
fennhe means "networking technologies"14:46
kanzurewell he's confused14:46
fennnot http or whatever you're implying14:46
kanzurepeople make a big deal out of wikipedia being digital native or something, but really it's just some different policies or something14:46
kanzurefaceface_: there's a lot of room for bitcoin to grow into the existing financial ecosystem14:47
faceface_kanzure: right14:48
faceface_yeah, when I say web I'm confused.14:49
kanzurethings like teleporting money around the world instantly14:49
faceface_but that doesn't interest me as much14:49
kanzureauditing is going to be turned around eventually14:49
fennsomething about bankless people in africa14:49
faceface_kanzure: you can reduce wp to policy, but the fact is that that policy is a good fit with the www14:49
kanzurefrom a "he-said-she-said" ordeal to a ledger-based proof system of some kind14:50
fennor areas where the government is non-existent14:50
kanzurei think wikipedia could work just fine without www14:50
fennhow would you contribute14:50
kanzurelocal editing14:50
faceface_I'm curious about new types of economic instrument supported by 'bitcoin-like' things14:50
fennhow do other people see your contributions14:50
jrayhawkvarious text files used to be mutated in free-form as they were passed around BBSes14:51
kanzureyou send them to those people14:51
fennwho do you send them to?14:51
kanzurehow is this a hard problem?14:51
kanzureare you guys crazy14:51
fennit never happened, there must be a reason14:51
faceface_kanzure: what's your point?14:51
kanzurefenn: nobody wanted to, version control sucked, etc.14:51
faceface_wp is one of the top 10 sites in the world, and it's had tremendous growth14:51
fennbut the promise of vast knowledge must have been apparent to some14:52
kanzurefaceface_: so you don't like the audit stuff? hmm14:52
kanzurefaceface_: maybe you can be more specific about what you're trying to get out of me14:52
kanzurezero knowledge proofs?14:52
faceface_just some interesting bedtime chatter14:52
kanzureand http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/14:53
faceface_sorry for being a pain in the assets14:53
fennalso BBS is a networking technology14:53
kanzurehow about cryptowall and other ransomware?14:53
kanzureare you trying to make me say "dapps"?14:54
fenn.g dapps14:54
kanzure.g bitcoin dapps jonston OR ltb14:54
faceface_.g etherium skynet14:54
jrayhawkfenn: speaking is a networking technology14:55
kanzuredon't be too discouraged14:56
fennyes and if you got a million people in a room, they'd maybe create something like wikipedia14:56
jrayhawksomeone should to an equivalent to "TCP/IP over carrier pidgin" for "FidoNET over word-oF-mouth"14:56
jrayhawks/to an/do an/14:57
fenni'm not watching some bitcoin podcast14:57
kanzureyou can read the comments at the bottom14:57
kanzureit doesn't matter14:57
kanzureit's just "everything needs its own blockchain because blockchainz yo"14:58
kanzurethe problem is that these ideas are terrible and don't understand why the blockchain works at all14:58
fenndon't these people know about network effects14:58
fennwhere's my cluestick14:59
kanzureyou left it in 202714:59
* fenn sleeps for 13 years14:59
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nmz787_i.title http://sandwalk.blogspot.com/2007/12/dna-denaturation-and-renaturation-and.html15:57
yoleauxSandwalk: DNA Denaturation and Renaturation and the Role of Hydrogen Bonds and Stacking Interactions15:57
nmz787_i"Secondly, note that stacking interactions involving G/C base pairs are stronger (more negative) than those involving A/T base pairs. This is why the melting temperature of DNA depends on the base composition. It's not because G/C base pairs have one more hydrogen bond than A/T base pairs, it's because G/C base pairs form stronger stacking interactions."15:57
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kanzurerails-based bitcoin exchange https://github.com/peatio/peatio16:38
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kanzure(don't do what they do)16:46
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kanzure16:59 <@Gwern-away> kanzure: yes, the question here is for a consumer: if I run out right this second, how much money do I need to throw at someone to get my genome sequenced? as far as I know, illumina requires a physician to sign off17:00
fennin 2009 "the cost of a human genome is about $1k, and the price is $10k and falling"17:01
fennso my guess is somewhere around $250017:01
kanzureyep https://www.scienceexchange.com/services/illumina-ngs17:02
kanzurebut it's the physician sign off that worries me17:02
kanzurewhy would illumina know whether or not you are being sequenced at all?17:02
kanzuregwern claims "illumina requires a physician to sign off"17:03
fennask gwern then17:03
nmz787my med school friend says insurance will pay for it if your doc says you need it17:10
nmz787since they don't know how to determine if it is or insn't required17:11
fennwho "needs" a genome sequence17:12
fennthe guy with the mutation that will kill him in 10 years but he doesn't know about?17:13
Burninate"I want to find out if my congenital disability would be passed on to children I have with my girlfriend" perhaps?17:13
kanzureyour genome wont tell you whether or not you will forget to do genetic engineering17:14
BurninateI got a report to that effect unsolicited from Kaiser Permanente, after they recieved the records of very comprehensive blood tests done a few years ago to diagnose a coagulation disorder17:14
fennits like trial by ordeal. "yep, this person definitely should have had their genome sequenced, because they died"17:20
nmz787it's more like the opposite.. they have no precedent to deny it17:26
fenn'San Francisco-based GeneHub has plans to become the first company selling whole genome sequences to all comers'17:26
fennsrsly, why did it take this long17:27
fennoh, but it failed.17:27
* fenn reads slow17:27
bbrittainIt's like they want to disappoint people and cause the equivelant of the AI winter :/17:35
bbrittaindon't bother clicking that. all you need to know is the title is "This Robot Could Make Creating New Life Forms As Easy As Coding An App"17:36
kanzurehuh, the url is very deceptive17:36
yoleauxThis Robot Could Make Creating New Life Forms As Easy As Coding An App | WIRED17:36
kanzureyep.. deception confirmed.17:36
kanzurei wonder if this is opentrons' fault17:36
kanzurelike, did they feed this bullshit to them, or is this wired's own bullshit?17:36
bbrittainI blame the indie.bio thing/peoplez17:37
bbrittainthey are tthe worst17:37
kanzureindie.bio was cathal garvey17:37
kanzureyou're probably right, but can you provide your evidence anyway?17:38
bbrittainnot evidence, but they support it17:38
fennopentrons looks okay for what it is; it needed a hype boost apparently17:40
fenni would be sad if their kickstarter failed17:40
bbrittainopentrons is... meh17:40
kanzureat least they are using actually open-source-related licenses on their hardware17:41
bbrittainIt doesn't enable anything new17:41
kanzurecompared to the other group that was trying to be "open source" by fucking over commercial users17:41
fennit's meh enough that it fills the gaping void that has existed in the diy bio robotics space for decades17:41
kanzureyeah i wouldn't blame this marketing on opentrons really17:41
kanzurethis is definitely wired's fault17:42
fennBy Marcus Wohlsen  17:42
bbrittainyea, but these indy.bio people are *really loud*17:42
kanzurecompare to http://www.opentrons.com/17:42
fenni don't see any "indy.bio"17:43
fennprobably not that17:43
kanzureindybio is the sosventures arm that cathal garvey, jacob shiach and ryan bethencourt are involved with17:43
bbrittainthose people can all be summed up as really loud people who don't talk the talk but don't walk it... and tell everyone that we are currently running.17:45
bbrittainremove that first don't17:45
nmz787cathal is well-grounded IMO and not a loud-mouth AFAIK17:46
kanzurei see that you've been indoctrinated by ginkgo17:46
kanzurethey are angry because a lot of those people are non-academics17:47
kanzureso you have to factor that into the equation17:47
fennbbrittain: do you mean DIYbio?17:47
nmz787jacob used to seem very techie/sciency but then seemed to dive into biz more and less of the former17:47
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bbrittainfenn: hah hah. yes and no17:47
bbrittainfenn: https://twitter.com/indbio17:48
bbrittainbut still yes17:48
bbrittainkanzure: uhhh. I'm not an academic17:48
bbrittainin the slightest17:48
kanzurei did not claim you are an academic17:48
bbrittain"indoctrinated by ginkgo"17:48
nmz787bbrittain: dude you went to my school17:48
kanzurethat has nothing to do with whether or not you are an academic17:48
bbrittainnmz787: still haven't graduated :)17:48
nmz787bbrittain: me neither!17:49
* bbrittain high-fives nmz78717:49
* nmz787 says in a boastful manner17:49
kanzurewhy do you guys keep discovering that you went to the same school17:49
kanzureyou know this has happened before right?17:49
kanzurebetween you two17:49
nmz787kanzure: well i think of myself as an academic as a result of it17:49
kanzureyou didn't spend 200 years as a postdoc17:49
nmz787going to klown kollege17:49
bbrittainoh, I think of grad school as the start of academia17:49
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kanzureright, that's certainly closer17:50
kanzuremaybe if you're in a lab during undergrad the whole time or something17:50
nmz787no, but I know the system more than someone who never went17:50
kanzureknowing the system doesn't make you an academic :P17:50
nmz787idk most of my RIT days were lab dayz17:50
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bbrittaintrue dat. I spend enought time drinking with MIT profs that I know it pretty well17:50
nmz787guess that's the reality of ignorance17:51
nmz787i don't even know i didn't know17:51
bbrittainseriously, academia sounds so depressing it's like:17:51
fennindentured servitude17:51
bbrittain"hey! you are a rising star! you did everything super fast and right! now be a post-doc in my lab for 8 years doing grunt work and come out with no skills"17:51
kanzureblacker than the blackest black times infinity17:51
fennno it's finite17:52
bbrittainfenn: tell some people that17:52
fennthat's what makes people think it's worthwhile17:52
fenn.wik indentured servitude17:53
yoleaux"Indentured servitude was a labor system where by young people paid for their passage to the New World by working for an employer for a certain number of years." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentured_servitude17:53
nmz787bbrittain: so are you saying these self-proclaimed 'academics' are really just persuadable and have no self-motivation/determination?17:53
bbrittainumm, some of them certainly17:53
kanzurethey have self-motivation but it is all invested in bad circumstances17:53
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgMf2Go-qCE17:54
yoleauxBlacker Than the Blackest Black | Metalocalypse | Adult Swim - YouTube17:54
bbrittainbut really it's that they have no... passion? that's not right but it is that they can't see beyond the path layed out for them17:54
bbrittainthey don't recognize that it doesn't mean shit17:54
bbrittainI hear things like "well, where else would I learn that except grad school?"17:54
bbrittainhint, I'm bitching about a fellow intern17:55
kanzuresend the intern here17:55
kanzurewe will fix that17:55
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fenn.title http://youtu.be/WX4ldIj1JNI17:55
yoleauxFrederik de Wilde: The blackest black in the world - YouTube17:55
fennuh nevermind it's a ted talk17:56
bbrittainI think I'm the only intern out of four that really gets it17:56
bbrittainhence why tk and I bond so well :P17:56
bbrittainhe's actually a super chill guy17:57
kanzurewhen he's not writing hate mail to me17:57
nmz787he got scared away from the diybio list but /does/ still pop in, once or twice in the past 2 or 3 years17:57
nmz787he sent me a good amount of feedback17:57
nmz787always good refs17:57
bbrittainI'm trying to help him with some of his meso stuff17:57
nmz787what a lame book17:59
bbrittainzomg. yes thats a problem. but so is the first link18:00
bbrittainlike. who cares about his shirt.18:00
fennsomehow shitty barbie books are our fault?18:01
bbrittainalso, I apparently have the chance to help design a music video with OK GO about artisnal bioengineering. I need ideas.18:02
bbrittaincurrent ideas involve a tecan robot being pulled by a tractor with a mumford and sons style18:02
kanzurerap about biology18:03
bbrittainI don't think OK GO really raps...18:03
bbrittainthey mostly make pop with cool music videos18:03
nmz787 it needs to involve parachuting into the amazon and then starting a lab out of the forest18:04
fennrap about biology in french18:04
ebowden+tel Duces: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_opinion_on_climate_change18:04
fennit needs to involve basically the entire plot from "Chaff" by Greg Egan18:05
fennand barbie gets eaten by giant lizards18:05
fenngiant artisanal lizards*18:06
bbrittainI guess I should read Chaff then18:06
fenni think it's in http://fennetic.net/irc/Greg_Egan_-_Luminous.pdf18:07
kanzurebbrittain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID6KY1QBR5s18:08
yoleauxBio Rad GTCA Song - YouTube18:08
nmz787that's actually very very good18:08
nmz787i've spent plenty of time watching in in the past18:08
fennoops that's just the story "luminous" not the story collection18:09
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHhswxo6xow18:11
yoleauxiGEM Style (Gangnam Style Parody) - YouTube18:11
nmz787.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl4L4M8m4d018:11
yoleauxZheng Lab - Bad Project (Lady Gaga parody) - YouTube18:11
bbrittainwow. biologists are nerds18:12
nmz787ok, who in here will become the old man at the beginning of the GTCA vid?18:13
nmz787we need facial difference comparison for this18:13
kanzurenah, i am going to be more like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYAYnCAQRMY18:14
nmz787.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vgJdySaNPXY18:14
yoleauxIt's called epMotion - music video - YouTube18:14
yoleauxIt's called epMotion - music video - YouTube18:14
nmz787^pipetting robots18:15
nmz787oo and SF Gate bridge18:15
nmz787nice context18:15
nmz787it's actually not featurin many robots18:16
nmz787ugh, only one robot at the beginning (barely noticeable) and end18:16
nmz787oh man, PCR, Kary Mullis, a Bob Dylan impersonator https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=x5yPkxCLads18:18
yoleauxThe PCR Song - YouTube18:18
nmz787'PCR, when you need to find out who's your daddy'18:18
kanzureyour goal should be to top bio-rad's video18:19
bbrittainI mean, I feel I'm cheating 'cause I have OK Go to call on18:20
kanzureoh is that the video they were watching at the beginning of bio-rad's18:20
kanzurei get it now18:20
kanzurei was always confused about that18:20
bbrittainand like... professional film people18:20
kanzurego look18:20
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bbrittainsam altman: "long-term prediction: total market cap of all YC companies crosses $1 trillion in 2014 dollars by 2035"18:24
bbrittainI doubt it18:24
nmz787alright, face_to_compare_to_url=http://imgur.com/Y7fFLFa18:24
bbrittainI doubt YC is gonna be around that long18:24
nmz787bbrittain: what is a good OK GO song?18:24
nmz787the video I just watched wasn't too good IMO sound wise18:24
bbrittainnmz787: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w18:26
bbrittainI never said they were _good_18:26
bbrittainjust that people listen to them & they make good single-shot music videos18:26
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmzMmkAekWo18:27
yoleauxMassague Lab - Don't Stop Pipetting (Don't Stop Believing Parody) - YouTube18:27
kanzure"can't read your protocol it's written in thai"18:34
kanzurethat happened to me18:34
nmz787at the end of the month i was in thailand i was able to read numbers at least18:35
bbrittainnmz787: why were you in thailand?18:37
kanzurehad to be somewhere18:38
bbrittainfor now...18:38
bbrittainI kinda want to get a sailboat and sail for a couple of years18:38
bbrittainmy current crazy plan18:39
bbrittaincan't really do bio on a boat though :/18:39
bbrittainwhy did I ever leave computers?18:39
fennbbrittain: found it eventually http://fennetic.net/irc/Egan,_Greg_-_Chapbook_04_-_Chaff.html18:40
bbrittainfenn: dude. awesome.18:40
fennbbrittain: sounds like a good plan18:40
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nmz787this is prety good too18:41
nmz787.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd_0OuIVdxU18:41
yoleauxDaft Punk - "Get Lucky" Parody (Get Published) - YouTube18:41
nmz787bbrittain: that jcvi dude was on a boat and doing bio18:41
nmz787jcv he would be18:41
bbrittainnmz787: right. I don't have infinite money18:42
nmz787well you gotta have goals18:42
kanzureand standards18:42
nmz787bbrittain: was just being a tourist, learned to scuba dive, got suits tailored18:43
bbrittainnmz787: nice. getting suits tailored in asia is always a good plan18:43
nmz787hmm, that last vid was from 'yale retreat 2013' so they're academics, and their lyrics are obviously prety decent18:43
bbrittainI wonder if there are academics that idle in this channel18:44
fenni see a few18:55
* heath nods18:57
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fennso many books19:05
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nmz787.title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgLRSkRioRA21:29
yoleauxOperating a Vulcan Iron Works 0-4-0T Steam Locomotive - YouTube21:29
nmz787I watched one before that on how to repair some old gear21:29
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superkuhDang. Electrolysis of aluminum wire will not work for my purposes. Barrier films of the oxide only get so thick before they start forming regular grids of pores.22:17
superkuhMax thickness of about a micrometer and ~700v standoff.22:18
superkuhThe pore stuff was neat to read about though. Accidental nano-structure.22:19
fennthe pore is sealed in the anodizing process with hot water (or some chemical solution?)22:26
superkuhI don't care about chemical resistance though. Only dielectric strength. I've read that as long as the solution is neutral (not acidic), current is kept low, and voltage high (>100 V), pores should not form until after ~1 micrometer. But that is not enough. So back to the alumina epoxies, I guess.22:29
fennthe sealing process fills the pores with alumina; how is adding aggregated alumina flakes suspended in epoxy any better?22:31
superkuhNot better, really. But if that route has to be taken why do both processes?  It's more work.22:31
fennsorry, i guess it's actually aluminum hydroxide22:32
fennbecause boiling in distilled water is not a lot of work? and it's more uniform and consistent22:33
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gene_hackerare you trying to grow sapphire electrolytically?23:20
superkuhNo. Just a thick dielectric layer on aluminum wire.23:21
superkuhit is quickly becoming obvious that I am ignorant of most things regarding the process. But it is fun to learn. Lots of neat little diversions like the pore formation stuff.23:23
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