
--- Log opened Thu Jan 01 00:00:09 2015
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archelspaperbot: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/NECO_a_0068702:55
archelswhat tip jar do I fell to roll back to that version that successfully grabbed NeCo papers03:00
nmz787archels: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Optimizing_the_Representation_of_Orientation_Preference_Maps_in_Visual_Cortex.pdf03:11
nmz787it only took me so long because I switched from unity to xfce on ubuntu a few days ago, and can't easily switch network proxies now03:12
nmz787that references http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Optimizing_the_Representation_of_Orientation_Preference_Maps_in_Visual_Cortex.pdf03:12
nmz787err, https://github.com/nickjhughes/hclmat03:13
nmz787I have often wondered what the perfect set of GUI/graph/plot colors are in case of a color-blind user03:14
archelscould you grab http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/NECO_a_00670 too?03:15
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archelsand send me the address of that tip jar03:26
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kanzuretip jars for this would be a very bad idea06:35
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kanzure03:47 < gmaxwell> adam3us: related to debugging race condtitions;  IIRC one feature of "rr" (A replay debugger: http://rr-project.org/ ; records all non-determinstic inputs to your program, including scheduling, so you can effectively go backwards in a debugger ) is that it can schedule your threads in a somewhat adversarial07:12
kanzure03:48 < gmaxwell> iddo: I dunno if you saw, but someone posted a tool with a new metalanguge wrapper around libsnark complete with circuits for sha256 and sha512.07:13
kanzure03:48 < gmaxwell> I'm pretty close to being able to demonstrate an actual zero knoweldge contingent payment in bitcoin using it.07:13
delinquentme_Morning !!!07:13
kanzure04:13 < iddo> BTW it needs snark circuit for AES, anyone wrote that yet? the zerocash people only wrote SHA25607:14
kanzure04:13 < gmaxwell> iddo: I replaced the AES with more SHA256. Also the zerocash people haven't released any of their circuits; fortunately someone else did.07:14
yoleauxFlite Test | Waterproofing Electronics - YouTube07:14
kanzure06:20 < gmaxwell> adam3us: wumpus has been toying some with getting bitcoin consensus code running inside moxie box... which is partially an expirement around sandboxing the consensus code to turn it into a bytecode to be damn sure its implemented determinstically...07:19
kanzure06:24 < gmaxwell> yea, moxie is a simple virtual machine, it's implementable as a ~1kloc of C switch statement.. so it should be fairly straightforward to prove that an implementation of it is absolutely determinstic and memory safe, etc. and presumably people could make optimized versions which were provably consistent with the spec and so on.07:19
kanzure"rest api for any postgresql database" https://github.com/begriffs/postgrest07:20
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delinquentme_I need to design office chairs for programmers07:58
delinquentme_I wish I could take a pic of this setup I've got right now ... it feels fucking AMAZING07:59
delinquentme_ikea poang chair + pillow under the butt to lift me up, so shoulders hang + elbows dont hit arm rests07:59
delinquentme_two tennis balls one the lower back -- srsly feels ./drool good08:00
delinquentme_and a simple orange juice bottle between the shoulderblades08:00
delinquentme_for once while Im programming ... my chest isn't concave08:00
shannontennis balls?08:01
delinquentme_they're amazing for getting knots out08:02
delinquentme_knots in your muscles08:02
delinquentme_oh and the legs are up on a chair w a heating pad underneath08:02
delinquentme_I cant help but think that the lumbar area doesnt need to be in a single position ... but instead adjusted forwards / backwards as you work08:03
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delinquentme_now if only my hands would thaw out -- i'd be good08:03
cluckjthe poang chair is pretty great08:06
delinquentme_its decent but while its cold outside ... I've got the slightly lacking circulation in the extremities08:08
delinquentme_and the angle / height is kind of assisting in the lack of blood flow to the toes08:08
cluckjthey make a footstool that matches the chair08:09
delinquentme_kanzure, you're near dallas right?08:09
cluckjit's not a great footstool, but it does give you a place to put your feet08:10
delinquentme_yeahhh I just dont have it :D08:10
delinquentme_know what feels amazing? fidgeting around and having the tennis balls massage your lower back08:10
delinquentme_Engineers at UC San Diego have developed a nanoparticle-based material for concentrating solar power plants that converts 90% of captured sunlight to heat. With particle sizes ranging from 10 nanometers to 10 micrometers, the multiscale structure traps and absorbs light more efficiently and at temperatures greater than 700 degrees Celsius. Credit: Renkun Chen, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.08:14
kanzurei am in austin08:14
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delinquentme_How is the temperature shift upwards ... here to 700 C ... correlate with lower temps and superconductivity08:15
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kanzure10:30 < gmaxwell> petertodd: Building consensus code in very high level languages, demonstrated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkTvDjhImwo10:39
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narwh4lkanzure serpent offers turing complete contracts, right?10:51
kanzurewell, i think the answer is yes, but why do you ask10:52
* narwh4l shrugs10:52
narwh4lnevermind, didn't watch video10:53
narwh4lthought it was srs10:53
kanzureit is serious :)10:53
kanzurethat's not supposed to happen10:53
kanzureis good demonstration of how to fuck with people that don't understand how stuff works10:53
narwh4lI'm about 1:40 into the video atm10:53
kanzurenarwh4l: these are things worth reading https://download.wpsoftware.net/bitcoin/pos.pdf https://download.wpsoftware.net/bitcoin/alts.pdf10:53
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kanzure.title http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2011/10/12/rspb.2011.1959.short11:02
yoleauxOnline social network size is reflected in human brain structure | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences11:02
kanzure" Here, we show a biological basis for such variability by demonstrating that quantitative variation in the number of friends an individual declares on a web-based social networking service reliably predicted grey matter density in the right superior temporal sulcus, left middle temporal gyrus and entorhinal cortex. Such regions have been previously implicated in social perception and associative memory, respectively. "11:02
narwh4ltl;dr people who are social tend to be good at it11:03
kanzureaccording to these results i should have a jupiter brain11:03
kanzurei'll just have to send them a nastygram asking them where my extra brain mass i've been promised is located11:04
narwh4lThey would probably just tell you to get more friends11:06
-!- Burninate [~Burn@pool-71-191-174-26.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:06
narwh4l"here are some friend flashcards. memorize the shape of their eyebrows"11:06
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kanzurecluckj: page 9 figure 1 and page 10, thoughts? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Ecological%20dominance,%20social%20competition,%20and%20coalitionary%20arms%20races:%20Why%20humans%20evolved%20extraordinary%20intelligence.pdf11:28
cluckjthe table?11:29
kanzurewait, you're not particularly anti-evolutionary-anthropology are you?11:30
cluckjI have a complicated relationship with biological determinism of social stuff11:31
kanzurepage 26 section 5 first paragraph is interesting and all, but there's no explanation here of how that runaway got started here but not elsewhere11:32
cluckjrunaway selection means self-reinforcing11:33
kanzureright but why aren't other brains self-reinforcing in other species11:34
cluckjan escalating feedback loop11:34
archelssomeone had to be first11:34
cluckjin the second paragraph they explain why11:34
kanzureyes but we're relativey late in history compared to other brained species11:34
kanzurei don't see the explanation there11:35
kanzurethose are all results11:36
cluckj1) unusual pattern of speciation 2) unusual life history pattern 3) unique mating system 4) neocortex size difference etc.11:37
kanzurethat sounds like the result and not the cause to me11:37
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cluckjcausality is different in the social sciences, what they're referring to is all of those things co-constituting together, rather than a single thing causing multiple effects11:39
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cluckjnot a --> b, c, d; but a <--> b <--> c <--> d, where everything is getting positive feedback from everything else and itself11:41
kanzureso that sounds like the "someone had to be first" argument, in which case i refer you to "we're pretty late in history"11:42
cluckjI'm not sure what you mean11:43
cluckjthey're talking about populations evolving, not individuals11:43
kanzureseems unlikely that no other populations were exposed to multiple confounding factors in the past 500 million years etc11:45
cluckjit's kind of a typical teleological explanation (in evolutionary psych.) for why humans are the way we are11:46
cluckjat least they aren't trying to explain how human culture or society works using evolutionary principles...11:47
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nmz787archels: sorry i went to sleep I guess http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Topological_Sparse_Learning_of_Dynamic_Form_Patterns.pdf12:18
archelscool, much obliged!12:23
kanzurenarwh4l: petertodd was talking about things like libbitcoinconsensus12:28
kanzurenarwh4l: also i highly recommend allowing petertodd to shoot you, he's pretty great at the job12:28
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kanzure"Prisoners read more library books than do non-prisoners" http://acrosswalls.org/section/communicative-structure/prison-libraries/page/4/12:33
kanzureyes well myabe if librarians weren't so ridiculously afraid of doing their job i'd have more books too12:33
* narwh4l shrugs12:33
narwh4lI don't ever buy books12:33
kanzurenarwh4l: libraries are a conspiracy operated by olcl12:34
kanzureer, oclc12:34
narwh4lthe literati12:34
kanzureand this is why there's no libraries defiantly posting digital content online12:34
kanzure(don't you think it's a little strange that libraries just "gave up"?)12:34
narwh4lactually I haz uni library access so I'm set in electronic material too ^_^12:35
kanzurewe have paperbot for that <312:35
narwh4lmost books I can get online if they were published in the last few years12:35
narwh4lyes, I can potentially get papers for you as well12:35
narwh4lJust gotta be careful not to go overboard and be sentenced to 38 years in prison12:35
kanzurepaperbot v2 has some try-multiple-ezproxy-endpoint features but i haven't tested this yet12:35
narwh4lkanzure, I am releasing a hardware project in March12:36
narwh4lI think you are going to like it ^_^12:36
narwh4lit's not 100% hardware12:36
narwh4lbut it has a lot to do with this subject12:36
kanzureocr thing?12:36
narwh4lalthough that will be one application12:37
narwh4lbasically I'm going some networking magic to make a p2p network with easily configurable distributed data collection and load balancing for said data collection as well as automatic delegation of tasks to find acceptable models of a parameter that you care about12:38
narwh4lwhether the data set is 100kb or 30TB12:38
narwh4lGPUs are essentially what enables this to be feasible now12:39
kanzurehow are you dealing with sybil attacks?12:39
narwh4lThere are a couple ways....one is the good old, don't connect with people you don't trust and then just rely on small world network12:39
narwh4lsmall world routing is really efficient btw12:39
narwh4land then you have some extra measures akin to a blockchain where a node can quickly verify it belongs in its position by sending hashes of files and results it has generated12:40
kanzure"in its position"?12:40
narwh4lwell you have some arbitrary addressing space in your p2p network12:40
narwh4lit gets all fucked up when people can lie about where they belong and who they are12:41
narwh4lif I'm assigning you important tasks and you just go "lol" I'm equally as fucked12:41
kanzureone of the ways to defend against sybil is to use a centralized model, so why not use that here?12:42
kanzurethen you can do centralized resource allocation12:42
narwh4lcause that's a single point of failure to attack12:42
kanzurewell sybil attacks are far more deadly12:42
narwh4lif they're successful, sure12:42
narwh4lbut if I wanted to use a centralized server I'd just use hadoop12:42
kanzureas for checking results sounds like you will need something like snarks or http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/VerSum:%20Verifiable%20computations%20over%20large%20public%20logs.pdf12:43
narwh4lnot to mention decentralized systems might be easier to carry out sybil on, but as far as compromising individual nodes when operating in a small-world darknet, it's way way harder12:43
kanzureas for darknets i've been thinking this is an interesting direction, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/security/The%20Pynchon%20Gate:%20A%20secure%20method%20of%20pseudonymous%20mail%20retrieval%20-%20Len%20Sassaman%20-%20Bram%20Cohen%20-%20Nick%20Mathewson.pdf and http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/security/pynchon/12:44
narwh4lif you can make it too expensive to carry out sybil at any given moment, you're good. it shouldn't be as simple as "mining"12:44
kanzurei am skeptical12:44
narwh4lthat's fine12:44
narwh4lI'm not claiming superiority over crypto btw12:45
narwh4ler blockchains rather12:45
kanzuredue to the explosion of people trying to fork bitcoin's system for other purposes, i have looked at many proposals for preventing sybil attacks, and in general i think people are bad at this12:45
kanzureright, i know you're not claiming that12:45
narwh4ljust that I think I have something more appropriate for this use12:45
kanzurebut even torrents (as a transfer protocol) doesn't really solve this12:45
narwh4lpeople are bad at it, I agree with you12:45
narwh4lI'm probably not giving you a nice explanation....so you have the data you possess, the work you're supposed to complete and the resources you have access to12:46
narwh4lall of these can be verified12:46
narwh4lthey create a fingerprint for you at a point in time12:46
kanzuredoes this verification require trusted setup12:47
narwh4lI suppose so, yes12:47
kanzurewell anyway, all of these issues are security/incentives/attacks, and not problems of resource allocation (which is i assume the meat of your actual proposal)12:48
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kanzureare you familiar with snarks, arguments of knowledge, zero knowledge, etc?12:55
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narwh4lzero knowledge proofs definitely13:04
narwh4lhonestly don't know what a snark is13:05
narwh4lit's probably some randomly appearing and disappearing thing13:05
narwh4ldeveloping on this board:13:06
narwh4ldesirable because nice but low power gpu13:06
narwh4l192 threads is just fine if it's a p2p network13:07
narwh4lnot releasing as a product, just a FOSS project13:07
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nmz787btw in case you don't see in the main chat room http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Topological_Sparse_Learning_of_Dynamic_Form_Patterns.pdf13:09
nmz787wrong termin13:09
nmz787I think I saw the Jetson at Makerfaire13:10
narwh4lyeah, cool little board13:10
narwh4lI'm also writing an article for Make about it13:10
nmz787so you can use CUDA extensions?13:11
narwh4l192 cuda cores is not a lot compared to a desktop gpu but the power consumption is attractive13:11
nmz787how much is a decent 6 to 8 inch 1080 HDMI screen?13:11
nmz787I imagine $75?13:11
* narwh4l shrugs13:11
narwh4lalso pdxbyte had a great talk about reversing the RPi's GPU, pretty excellent work13:12
nmz787hmm, I am not finding them13:13
nmz787on amazon at least13:13
nmz787ah, yeah I missed that in-person13:13
nmz787are you in pdx?13:14
narwh4lOutside of Detroit13:14
* narwh4l has to go, bbl13:14
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kanzure.wik john titor14:12
yoleaux"John Titor is the name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be a time traveler from 2036." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor14:12
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narwh4lPlease no nuclear war in 201514:21
narwh4lThat would be a very shitty last couple of years14:21
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kanzurehaha robotech quotes http://www.psydb.net/samples/1-b.php#316515:06
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kanzurehttp://www.psydb.net/sound/samples/s-hyperion_-_sun_flower.mp3 these people are silly15:31
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delinquentme_.wik carl crott15:58
yoleauxdelinquentme_: Sorry, I couldn't find article.15:58
delinquentme_ha ha!15:58
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kanzurei have the answer20:22
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nmz787.wik big mac index21:12
yoleaux"The Big Mac Index is published by The Economist as an informal way of measuring the purchasing power parity (PPP) between two currencies and provides a test of the extent to which market exchange rates result in goods costing the same in different countries. It "seeks to make exchange-rate theory a bit more digestible"." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_mac_index21:12
kanzure.g site:arxiv.org "yo momma"21:22
yoleauxNo results found.21:22
kanzurea tragedy21:22
delinquentme_diamond is now working21:48
delinquentme_.g site:arxiv.org "panties"21:49
delinquentme_kanzure, im better at this than you are21:49
kanzureyes, you found the one joke about your mom on arxiv21:50
delinquentme_no kanzoo21:58
delinquentme_i found panties.21:58
delinquentme_now im wearing them21:58
bkero^ This is why I don't live in SF22:00
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kanzurebkero: how's paycoin working out22:01
kanzuresorry, that's mean of me22:01
bkerokanzure: pretty great. Sold at 0.047btc22:02
kanzureyou can't answer a retracted question that's against the rules or something22:03
* kanzure sleeps22:03
bkerolol ok22:03
delinquentme_bkero, the crazy humans is totally worth being around the smartest ones22:04
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