
--- Log opened Fri Jan 02 00:00:10 2015
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-!- Beatzebub_ is now known as Beatzebub02:52
nmz787new blog, powered by python + markdown http://nmz787.github.io/02:58
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kanzurebram cohen and gmaxwell saying words abut sequential proof of work http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-wizards/2015-01-01.log06:09
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JayDugger.wik gmaxwell06:20
yoleaux"" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gmaxwell06:20
-!- saurik [saurik@carrier.saurik.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:20
JayDuggerNot quite what I wanted...serves me right for not RTFM.06:21
JayDuggerWhat's the deal with the reactor core image, nmz787?06:22
JayDugger.g gmaxwell06:24
JayDuggerRTFM wins. Again.06:24
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streetynmz787: was there a reason for rolling your own rather than going with pelican, nikola, hyde etc?06:32
streetyother than personal practice06:32
* streety is currently re-implementing his blog so views personal practice as a sound reason06:33
kanzurehack the planet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drJWxMLrpE006:50
cluckjis there a ten-hour loop of that06:58
kanzurenot to my knowledge07:00
kanzurei think i'll be using this ten hour thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsaBwVs3FaM07:00
cluckjeven better07:01
kanzure(19 minute loop)07:01
-!- delinquentme_ [~dingo@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:01
cluckjI did a presentation for some undergrads in a bioethics class entitled "Arnold Schwarzenegger: Great Bioethicist, or Greatest Bioethicist?"07:02
cluckjthe prof wanted me to guest lecture and talk about bioethics using media/movies07:03
kanzureso i decided a better explanation that i'll accept is something about child rearing costs and child mimicry or imitation or observational learning07:05
cluckjwasn't that in the paper you posted?07:06
cluckjwell....there were a lot of possible explanations in that paper07:07
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uqgwfsjdudrwqdxr] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:09
kanzureobservational learning isn't a very helpful conclusion though07:09
kanzurewell, it's sort of helpful. it's not the worst possible one.07:09
cluckjcrows do that too07:10
cluckjor ravens07:10
kanzuremany things do this07:10
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kanzurei would guess that observational learning shows up prior to parent-facilitated education07:10
cluckjit does07:10
-!- poppingtonic [~poppingto@unaffiliated/poppingtonic] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:12
kanzure.title http://stacksmasher.me/?p=6707:21
yoleauxMaking a passive LAN tap > stacksmash3rs security blog07:21
nshpaperbot, https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=241349307:25
nshpaperbot, http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-32894-7_1607:25
nsh.head http://libgen.org/scimag/get.php?doi=10.1007%2F978-3-642-32894-7_1607:25
yoleaux404, text/html; charset=utf-8, 162 bytes07:25
* nsh frowns07:25
kanzurensh: you bugfix? https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot07:26
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heathi'm going to bring in my friend ethan08:36
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heathspacex 2014 year in review (infographic) http://www.americaninfographic.com/post/106743794227/infographic-spacex-2014-review08:41
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JayDuggerNice, heath.09:21
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kanzurescams in bitcoin land http://tucker.liberty.me/2015/01/02/a-theory-of-the-scam/09:53
-!- faddat [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:56
kanzurehi faddat09:58
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Viper168lol, mokstar threw a fit and banned me from noots because I pointed out he has a hardon for erasmus10:09
kragenof rotterdam?10:09
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maakucluckj: you have a video of that Schwarzenegger presentation? love to see that :P10:20
Viper168it was all because erasmus has been a drunken asshole lately, and was engaging in some harassment, when it got so ridiculous to the point I asked to have it stopped mokstar just mocked it10:20
kanzureall of you reddit people are terrible people and you shouldn't feel bad about getting banned by each other10:21
Viper168now when erasmus complains because I'm being friendly in comparison, mokstar jumps right on his wagon10:21
Viper168friendly in messing with him, as a response to his behavior considering the lack of administration10:21
heath.cc Decentralized Autonomous Organization10:22
Viper168apparently mokstar has kids so that prevents him from handling administration fairly10:22
Viper168but only one way10:22
Viper168I guess you have to suck his dick or something to get the favor10:22
cluckjmaaku, no, but I can try to dig up the slides10:23
kanzurenobody in reddit-nootropics even makes nootropics, they just buy stuff, which isn't too bad, except the idea of nootropics isn't to get better at buying stuff10:24
heath.wik Decentralized Autonomous Organization10:24
yoleaux"A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (often abbreviated "DAO"; sometimes referred to as a Fully Automated Business Entity or Distributed Autonomous Corporation/Distributed Autonomous Company, often abbreviated "FAB" or "DAC") is a decentralized network of narrow-AI autonomous agents which perform an output-maximizing production  …" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_Autonomous_Organization10:24
kanzurethe point of nootropics is to get better at making better nootropics10:24
Viper168kanzure, even then, it's more they're all twacked out and not as interested in nootropics anyways, unless they happen to be stims10:25
maakukanzure: there'd be money in making a drug that makes you better at buying stuff though10:25
kanzuremaaku: like better at doing product review upfront ?10:25
cluckjmaaku, it was just talking about the bioethical issues raised by Twins, the 6th Day, Junior, and Total Recall10:26
kanzure6th day: wah, nobody reads their contracts10:26
kanzuretotal recall: wah, i was an asshole in the past10:26
maakukanzure: nah like spend moar money. consumerism yay10:26
kanzurewait, 6th day was the cloning one, right10:27
kanzureso yeah, contracts10:27
maakucluckj: more people into mind uploading should watch 6th day10:27
kanzurei'm trying to remember why he was dumb in junior, it's been a while10:27
cluckjjunior was the male pregnancy one, and twins was the danny devito one10:27
cluckjeveryone should watch all of those movies10:27
kanzureright, but why was it a movie though, i really forget what the conflict was about10:27
JayDuggermaaku: There exist drugs that make you better at buying them, you know: alcohol, cocaine, heroin, etc.10:28
cluckjbecause it was the 90s?10:28
kanzurehardly, you get worse at buying cocaine or something10:28
kanzure(e.g. lower quality becomes okay iirc)10:28
kanzure"Unfortunately, they are not allowed to test it on women since the Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved the drug; so Hesse and Arbogast move forward in their research. In response, Hesse breaks into the laboratory and locks himself in."10:30
kanzureah, so it was an anti-FDA movie. got it.10:30
cluckjyou should love it :P10:31
kanzureright, i do, i just don't remember what the conflict in the mvie was about10:31
kanzure"arnold gets pregnant, various hilarity ensues, uhh the end"10:31
kanzureand for some reason being a clone in the sixth day was supposed to be some sort of terrible thing?10:34
cluckjthe cultural anthropology point I was making about all of those movies was that each was based loosely on some upcoming or scifi technology, and deflated fears about them because they were so outlandish as to have people have a (completely goofy) place to start a conversation from10:34
kanzure"and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as family man Adam Gibson, who is cloned without his knowledge or consent in the future of the year 2015."10:35
cluckjIN THE FUTURE10:35
kanzureso as i recall it, the plot wasn't about him being upset about consent, it was about dealing with finding out he's a clone and how he bad that is10:36
kanzurewhich was retarded10:36
kanzureif anything, being a clone is a wonderful thing10:36
cluckjbut then he realized how awesome being a clone was10:36
drazak`/win 12410:36
cluckjand kicked some bad guy ass with his clone10:36
cluckjnot some10:38
cluckjALL the bad guy ass10:38
kanzure"Weir explains that Drucker could lose all his assets if the revelation became public, since clones are devoid of all rights."10:39
kanzureoh brother, i forgot about that part10:39
kanzureobv. the solution is to pretend to be a twin10:39
kanzuredid i really see this when i was ten? no wonder i'm spoiled10:40
cluckjmaybe you should watch it again10:41
kanzureno, because then i'll just heckle through the entire movie like "gattaca did that first, dorks"10:41
Viper168one of my $20s has blood on it10:43
Viper168anyone want hepatitus?10:43
cluckjkanzure it's kind of the opposite of gattaca10:44
cluckjgattaca is a super serious drama about genetic modification, the 6th day is....ridiculous10:45
cluckjI absolutely loathe using gattaca when talking about bioethics because it's so heavy-handed10:45
Viper168ridiculous you say, you have my attention10:45
kanzurecluckj: i think that's a good plan, i would be rolling my eyes the whole time10:46
cluckjthat's why I use the goofy arnold movies10:46
kanzurethis is a bit long and ridiculous but maybe just use this http://existentialcomics.com/comic/110:47
kanzureand there's a few points that i disagree with but whatever10:47
kanzure(like the interest in suicide/death is totally ridiculous and forced)10:47
kanzure(and pandering)10:47
cluckjit's really easy for a viewer of gattaca to pick out the message of the film because it's so overt10:49
kanzure"He did not sleep that night, wondering if only death awaited him" yes if you continue to be a moron you will die10:49
cluckjthe goofy ones are more difficult because people don't usually watch them in the same way10:49
kanzureat one point i had a cool idea about gattaca as demonstrating the virtues of lying but i forget the formulation10:50
faddathi kanzure :)10:52
faddathow are ya?  Do I know you, or you just cool and sociable?10:52
-!- Beatzebub [~beatzebub@d172-218-204-36.bchsia.telus.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:53
kanzurenope, none of those things10:54
cluckjkanzure, I can see that in the movie11:03
Viper168wonder if the inks they use in dollars are soluble in much11:03
Viper168kind of want to wash this one with isopropyl11:04
Viper168that blood is making me paranoid11:04
Viper168want to be sure it's dead11:04
cluckjhow can you be sure it's blood?11:07
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kanzurehmm this doesn't add up (gaw scam stuff) http://i.gyazo.com/d1514fd664e7359e0975265db535732f.png11:21
delinquentme_clean git commits HNNNG11:26
delinquentme_dat history11:26
kanzurewhy is "pbkdf2_sha256$10000$wZuRMciV2VKr$OAtsP+BksbR2DPQUEsY728cbIJmuYf4uXg4tLLGsvi4=" hardcoded11:27
Viper168cluckj, it looks too close to be much of anything else11:28
Viper168it could be some weird new dye that is an red/brown old blood color11:29
Viper168but i think those are brighter11:29
delinquentme_kanzure, i know.11:34
delinquentme_theres lots of stuff in there that needs repair ... including hardcoded secretkey11:35
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kanzure"take me to your centrifuge"12:05
delinquentme_kanzure, do you feel like you know things well?12:07
delinquentme_like not 2 mins ago I was like " I feel pretty confident w git "12:07
delinquentme_then I get shit on12:07
delinquentme_its weird.  Like you want to be confident in your skills , but then complexity .12:07
kanzuredelinquentme_: i can't answer your git questions based on that limited info12:09
delinquentme_perhaps: " how do you strike a healthy balance between confidence + knowing that you don't know it all ? "12:10
kanzureyou don't have to do any balancing whatsoever, git insulates you from idiocy pretty well12:11
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heathif you haven't already checked it out: http://elixir-lang.org/getting_started/1.html12:16
heathgetting started guide for elixir12:17
krageni've had a couple of people tell me the thought elixir was interesting12:34
kragendon't understand why12:35
-!- Beatzebub [~beatzebub@d172-218-204-36.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Quit: No calling card for the unsung bard]12:38
heathkragen: here's an answer for you: http://ninenines.eu/docs/en/cowboy/1.0/guide/erlang_web/13:09
-!- spacefelix [~spacefeli@pool-98-119-100-32.lsanca.btas.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:20
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heathyo spacefelix13:22
heathwelcome to the channel13:22
spacefelixSup heath13:22
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r179-25-157-154.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:23
heathkragen, jrayhawk_: do we have a list of people who mostly focus on space?13:23
kanzurewhat do you need this list for?13:24
heathspacefelix has been in the industry awhile13:24
heathjust people in the channel13:24
heathwe need a channel diff tool so we can see who idles in here and some other channel, e.g. ##space13:25
heather, #space13:25
spacefelixThere exists a #space13:26
kanzurespacefelix: http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/13:27
spacefelixI recall a talk at a space on where they discussed hplus as a tool for space exploration.13:29
spacefelixRobotics and automation for Island One integrated into human cyborgnauts.13:30
spacefelixThey had this great talk on cryosleep.13:30
kanzurefor the moment it seems that robotics are a more economical and faster way for space exploration13:30
kanzureand then use brain emulation to send humans if you really need to13:30
spacefelixThis woman was freezing nematodes to see what chemical sauce in them would preserve them.13:31
kanzurei believe nematodes recover pretty easily anyway though?13:31
spacefelixFirst few tries would die or have seizures when they were thawed out.13:31
spacefelixNot quite.13:32
kanzurefor nematodes, i would recommend doing directed evolution projects to find nematodes that survive more often than not13:32
kanzureand then over time you can look at the genetic differences between the ones that died and the ones that were able to survive the process13:32
spacefelixShe was trying to biomimic insects natural antifreeze/cryopreservation method.13:33
kanzureand then you repeat this with other organisms until you work your way up to hominids13:33
spacefelixIn nematodes.13:33
spacefelixSimilar biology to human tissue.13:33
kanzurei would be surprised to find out that, in larger organisms, antifreeze proteins are enough to survive cryopreservation13:34
eudoxiamaybe animals that survive very low-temperature hypothermia have evolved mechanisms to flush out ice-blocking proteins13:35
nmz787streety: those options didn't come up when I googled something yesterday, though I did try hyde I think... basically they were all too heavy for my taste. Other than the HTML template stuff (~130 lines) the Python itself is only ~30 lines13:37
eudoxialike a reverse perfusion, replace them with normal fluids, since most of those ice blockers are cytotoxic13:37
kanzureoh, are the fish antifreeze proteins cytotoxic to fish?13:38
eudoxiai doubt it, that's why i said maybe their bodies remove them as they thaw13:38
nmz787I know it was centered around Arnold, but there was also a comedy called Multiplicity with Michael Keaton13:41
nmz787(the convo was around arnold)13:41
nmz787how do I diagnose a web page looking funny in Android Chrome?13:47
nmz787my github blog seems like the body padding of 80px isn't working as it does on linux Chrome13:47
kanzureyou can use weinre to do remote debugging13:55
ParahSailinthat "truly ergonomic" keyboard is truly awful14:02
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nmz787i really should get to CAD stuff rather than debugging this blog14:07
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heathsec registration form for winklevoss bitcoin trust http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1579346/000119312514457552/d721187ds1a.htm14:26
heathspacefelix: which part of cali are you located in?14:28
spacefelixHeath: Antelope Valley.  1 hour north of LA, near Mojave, CA.14:29
nmz787spacefelix: ever been to Deep Creek hotsprings?14:35
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kanzure15:58 <@gmaxwell> This is pretty cool: http://www.newae.com/  sort of a prefab tool kit for sidechannel analysis and glitching attacks. (mostly targeted at small microcontrollers/smartcards)16:32
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JayDuggerCrystal Silence, Japanese SF on terraforming Mars, in English at http://www.kurodahan.com/mt/e/catalog/j0004cate.html18:38
superkuhSounds like a fun read. I can't find non-DRM digital copies to buy or pirate though.18:44
* bkero thinks he's heard of that before18:44
* bkero just picked up The Windup Girl today because he finished the first 2 Merchant Princes books (omnibus)18:45
JayDuggerYeah. Had the same problem with the publisher's "Lairs of the Hidden Gods" anthology. Those are on my to-scan list.18:50
nmz787kanzure: git subtree or copy 'shared' code into dependent projects?18:50
nmz787kanzure: or git submodules, though someone was complaining about them18:50
kanzuredepends on what you're doing18:51
kanzuredependencies should be packages that you install18:51
kanzuredependencies should go into dependency lists (like requirements.pip, requirements.apt, whatever)18:51
kanzureall violations of this should trigger a payment to me earmarked "The quickening" and no questions18:54
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwupP6c5KNs19:00
yoleauxGregory Esayan - Call Of Space (Original Mix) [Arrival] - YouTube19:00
nmz787well I want to put my microfluidics verbnurbs stuff in a blog post on my github.io, which I have as a git repo... I also have my verb repo... so I would think my github.io repo should be able to refer to the verb repo, that way I can serve the verb .js files from github.io (since trying to use the file from the verb repo github raw link won't work AFAIK)19:04
kanzurein nodejs land, put your requirements in package.json19:04
kanzurethe npm tool has a thingy to generate a default package.json i believe19:05
nmz787well I don't even see the point of why I installed nodejs, when I do all the rendering with Chromium19:05
kanzureyou can also use npm and package.json plus browserify to generate html pages that include your modified version of verbnurbs19:05
nmz787I haven't used node at all AFAIK19:05
kanzuretechnically you have used node by using npm19:05
nmz787well I mean I haven't taken advantage of that19:05
kanzurenode/npm is useful even if you are not running a server19:06
nmz787I have only been editing the example HTML page with custom JS19:06
nmz787then refreshing my chrome tab19:06
kanzurea bunch of people, including yours truly, do frontend development work with node, even though i have zero expectations of ever serving up the content through a node-hosted http server or application server19:06
nmz787why do that rather than use file://19:06
kanzureas an example, lots of people use grunt and gulp to build frontend html assets (which is basically what you're doing here)19:06
kanzurefile:// does not work over the interwebs, for one.........19:06
nmz787but you said you'd never use node online19:07
kanzureassets have to be generated19:07
kanzurethen you upload the assets19:07
kanzureyou have at least three assets as far as i can tell: 1) your custom verbnurbs.js 2) your custom pile of js that uses your custom verbnurbs version 3) at least one html page that has to load both of those things19:07
nmz787do you mean the verb library has already been generated, and that's what I've been using?19:07
kanzurethis is an excellent use case for browserify19:07
nmz787and that the library is genearated with node?19:07
kanzure(also, browserify is absurdly easy to use)19:08
kanzurei assumed you meant you had made changes to verbnurbs when you said "my verb repo"19:08
kanzure.g gulp browserify example19:09
nmz787well, I did I guess, some part of it (which was actually another repo but was in verb's file structure)19:09
nmz787 example/js/lightgl.js19:10
kanzurewow very disappointing https://github.com/nmz787/verb/tree/13f186b73b81b5fde27741ab8be6a99677d6227a/example/js19:10
kanzurenumeric-1.2.6.min.js haha19:10
kanzurenobody knows how to use toolchains anymore :(19:11
kanzurei guess this is a compromise he picked so he didn't have to expect people to run things like "grunt build" or "gulp build"19:11
kanzurebut weren't you running grunt to build verb in the first place?19:11
kanzureso he shouldn't assume he has to vendorize minified js -_-19:11
kanzurelooking for an example for you...19:12
kanzurewtf "community currated list of hexagon logos" https://github.com/maxogden/hexbin/tree/gh-pages/hexagons19:13
nmz787well I chose not to study 'Computer Science' at college, so my attention is categorically less focused on complex ecosystems, though I don't want to discount some sort of such system. I just don't really understand why someone would /want/ to use node.js with verb unless they already had been using node.js for other stuff.19:13
nmz787I ran grunt in some tests dir19:13
nmz787to run tests19:13
kanzurenodejs is not just for running servers19:14
nmz787but the tests were just JS, so I just immediately started using the HTML to test NURBS stuff19:14
kanzureit's also often a part of build toolchains19:14
kanzurefor example, minification before uploading to cdn or whatever server19:14
kanzure"streaming interface to the archive.org APIs" https://github.com/maxogden/internet-archive19:15
nmz787since in cmd line I wouldn't know if my shape looked right, even if it was passing the test (or not erroring)19:15
kanzurestill looking tho19:15
kanzureno, that's unrelated19:15
nmz787in that sense, checking syntax I guess is a nice feature of cmd line JS19:15
nmz787or using it like for scripting19:15
kanzurein this particular case your build toolchain would do these things for you: package all of your dependencies into a js bundle, load the js bundle from an html page, create an html page that loads everything, and also loads your application source code from another bundle (possibly automatically so you can see updates in real time)19:16
kanzureonce you have your output/built/build artifacts, you would just put them wherever the hell you want- in a blog, on a server, etc19:16
kanzure(in this particular case you would put a reference to your custom verbnurbs package in package.json through a git:// url instead of leaving the default verbnurbs dependency telling npm to fetch from npmjs.org, which obv. isn't the one with your changes)19:17
nmz787hmm, well I wasn't able to introspect that much utility from the files in the verb repo top-level dir19:17
kanzuredid you do the frontend things for takeitapart.com?19:18
nmz787very little19:18
kanzuremeh nevermind, i guess django frontend is different anyway (their default tutorials tell people to do silly things like "serve up your frontend from your api server")19:18
kanzure(well, that's not objectively silly, but i mean, they could do better)19:19
nmz787yeah I did a lot with assembling responses in django, but not CSS if that's what you meant19:19
nmz787weinre was relatively easy to get setup19:19
kanzurei have a private repo that i can add you into if you would like to see a custom frontend i did a while back19:19
nmz787after wasting time trying to get a bookmarklet on android 4.4 Chrome19:19
nmz787(didn't work)19:20
kanzurehowever, the downside is that you wont be able to share it19:20
kanzuresince apparently i can't find a good public example19:20
nmz787such a shit OS+software suite, didn't even error or complain, bookmark screen just disappeared only for me to later find the bookmark absent19:20
nmz787I was just working in a copy of this file in this dir on my local repo https://github.com/nmz787/verb/blob/master/example/threeSurfaceSplitExample.html19:21
kanzurethis is an okay example, https://github.com/shiftsave/gulp-frontend-scaffold-v1.0/blob/master/gulpfile.coffee19:22
kanzurethe downside is that this person is using coffeescript, so just squint and pretend you are reading javascript19:22
nmz787so those cs, js, and assest dirs would need to be on my github.io repo if I would want the parts to render there19:22
kanzure(in particular look at the bottom)19:22
kanzurei'm not the best person to ask about github.io page hosting, i think committing each version of compiled assets is a little bit on the crazy side... but i bet people do it...19:23
kanzureyou could look at what pboyer is doing for his github.io page :p19:23
nmz787my problem isn't really assembling the files, I just think that since I need to commit those dirs along with my HTML to github.io repo, then it would be nice if git also knew that they were really just a snapshot of a different repo19:24
kanzureah nevermind, he's not using github.io for his verbnurbs marketing stuff19:24
nmz787well that is just how you interact with github.io, upside is it's free hosting :)19:24
nmz787http://pboyer.github.io/ doesn't work for me19:24
kanzurehe's just pushing to an s3 bucket19:26
nmz787so have you used either git submodule or subtree?19:27
kanzurei don't think that committing compiled assets is a good idea19:28
kanzurewhich is what you need to do to use submodules and subtrees19:29
nmz787someone mentioned this as an alternative https://code.google.com/p/git-repo/19:29
kanzurethat's overkill for your problem19:29
kanzureyou do not have 1000 git repos19:29
nmz787they aren't compiled as I can tell, it's just HTML edits19:29
kanzureverbnurbs.js is compiled19:29
nmz787minified, yeah19:29
nmz787idk if it was assembled from other smaller files19:30
kanzuresame thing, the point is that it's a file that is the output of a build pipeline19:30
nmz787I have no idea what these are there for, for example, were they required to produce the build dir minified .js file? /home/nathan/Projects/verb/node_modules/grunt-benchmark19:31
kanzuresee https://github.com/pboyer/verb/blob/04ec1095aefb9a53e7b5ab9ccdef442fd949f4ac/package.json19:31
kanzure"dependencies" are the dependencies that are required in verbnurbs.js for normal operation of the software19:32
kanzure"devDependencies" are dependencies required to build and modify verbnurbs.js19:32
kanzurenode_modules/ is where npm puts all of the dependencies it downloads as specified in package.json files19:32
kanzureyou passed -g to npm a while back and that's because you were installing a package "globally" (e.g. not in the local directory's node_modules/ but instead system-wide)19:32
nmz787hmm, so numeric got compiled into /home/nathan/Projects/verb/example/js/binomial.js  ?19:33
nmz787or /home/nathan/Projects/verb/example/js/binomial.js  ?19:33
nmz787and /home/nathan/Projects/verb/build/verb.js ?19:33
kanzurewell according to https://github.com/pboyer/verb/tree/04ec1095aefb9a53e7b5ab9ccdef442fd949f4ac/example/js it seems that there's a numeric.min.js file19:33
kanzurelooks like numeric is 70 kilobytes when minified, there19:34
kanzureso he may not be including that in verb by default (i think he should)19:34
nmz787so it was just copied from /home/nathan/Projects/verb/node_modules/numeric/numeric-1.2.6.min.js  ?19:34
kanzure(well, there are various reasons not to, like "your users might already have a cached copy of the same version of numeric thanks to some other cdn server they have hit")19:34
kanzurebinomial.js is not numeric19:35
kanzurenode_modules/numeric/numeric-1.2.6.min.js is installed because in package.json under "dependencies" is listed "numeric"19:35
kanzurenow, somewhere in this source code should be something like require('numeric'); otherwise his entry of "numeric" in "dependencies" in package.json is pointless19:36
nmz787ahh well /home/nathan/Projects/verb/example/js/verb.js is 109 kB19:36
nmz787but /home/nathan/Projects/verb/src/verb.js is only 16 kB19:36
nmz787so I guess those dirs got compiled in too19:37
kanzureexample/js/verb.js is probably the compiled version19:37
kanzureand src/verb.js is just an entrypoint19:37
nmz787(the dirs in verb/src)19:37
kanzurerequire('numeric') require('binomial') require('labor') <-- that'll definitely increase compiled size19:38
kanzurehe specifies his source files in Gruntfile.js https://github.com/pboyer/verb/blob/7ff3c4376c7b864a0dc4230981ad3114314d4198/Gruntfile.js#L1319:38
kanzurepersonally i don't like doing that, but whatevs19:38
nmz787nah I don't think so, or not much, since all three are in examples/js19:39
kanzurei prefer using require('core/whatever') everywhere and then using browserify to generate a browser-compatible version19:39
kanzureyes, i just explained it is Gruntifle.js's instructions that are causing the bloat19:39
kanzure"bloat" (actually it's not really bloat, just necessary bytes, depending on how charitable you want to be describing the use of numeric) (i think numeric is prolly a good idea)19:40
nmz787so will you write an STL and BMP top-down (at least) slice output for this in the next 2 months or so?19:40
nmz787I won't have much time after this week until prob march for projects again19:41
kanzure21:21 < kragen> nmz787: my own STL export code is in this ten-line function: https://github.com/kragen/stl3dpy/blob/master/stl3d.py#L6819:41
nmz787that is if I get my waitlisted spot position in this analytical chem class upcoming19:41
kanzureafter generating an stl file you can go use some other slicer19:41
kanzurereimplementing a slicer should not be on your todo list19:41
nmz787in implicitcad it was able to generate a slice much faster, though it wasn't really a slice, as much as a non-extruded 2D layer19:42
nmz787yeah I didn't really understand how kragen's code would apply to verbnurbs, or rather how to figure out where the triangles could be listed out at19:44
kanzurenormally in opengl/webgl land i would tell you that the person is probably using the opengl tesssellation stuff, but it looks like verbnurbs might have its own implementation19:44
kanzurewhich spits out a bag of triangles19:44
nmz787in the examples there are two distinct ways to use HTML, one with three.js, and one with that viewer.js that I modified19:45
kanzurei think you would just call one of these functions and get a list of triangles19:45
nmz787and the lightgl lib19:45
kanzurevar mesh = verb.eval.tessellate_rational_surface_adaptive(....)19:46
kanzurevar geometry = tessellate(srf, mesh);19:47
kanzurevar material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial( { side: THREE.DoubleSide, wireframe: false, shading: THREE.SmoothShading,  } );19:47
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nmz787kanzure: parametric parabolic channel http://nmz787.github.io/html/microfluidics_cad.html20:19
nmz787zoom works with middle mouse, and ctrl+left mouse allows stepping around20:20
nmz787for some reason I need to refresh to get the mouse movement to work20:22
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kanzurekernel key retention service https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/security/keys.txt22:01
fennwords words words words22:23
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kanzuretoday was a good day, i cracked out a few thousand lines of code22:29
kanzureathough none of those lines were paperbot tests22:30
fennbad news for indians https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20141231/02075529554/indian-government-orders-32-web-sites-blocked-including-github-archiveorg-pastebin-dailymotion-vimeo.shtml22:32
fennwhat code did you write?22:32
fennso much for narendra modi being jesus reborn22:33
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kanzuretop secret code22:50
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