
--- Log opened Wed Jan 07 00:00:15 2015
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fennsuper lame. "Intel also plans to offer a Linux version of the Compute Stick priced at just $89. That model will have a lighter hardware payload, with only 1GB of RAM and 8GB of storage capacity."01:04
fennits only redeeming feature is it's made by intel01:04
fenni got an mk802 II for $40 over a year ago01:05
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fennjeez look at all that empty space http://www.virten.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Intel-NUC-Components.jpg02:21
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fennkragen: http://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/3x5px_105:58
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fennsome stuff from the early macintosh days is pretty good too http://www.kare.com/portfolio/12_fonts.html http://www.fontsner.com/font/KareFiveDots-59123.html06:03
fenn(not the dingbats)06:04
fennhmm i never knew there was a steve jobs icon http://www.kareprints.com/?p=142306:10
fenn"the secret was in the spaces between the letters. Chicago was one of the first proportional fonts, which meant that instead of each character straining to fill up pixels in a specified rectangle, the letters were allowed to take up as much or little space as they needed."06:27
fennwith extremely small pixel fonts, kerning becomes hugely important06:27
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heath"command line kung fu with python"06:34
heathpy 'expression' ≅ python -c 'print(expression)'06:34
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kanzure.title http://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2015/01/cve-2014-7911-deep-dive-analysis-android-system-service-vulnerability-exploitation/06:38
yoleauxCVE-2014-7911 – A Deep Dive Analysis of Android System Service Vulnerability and Exploitation - Palo Alto Networks BlogPalo Alto Networks Blog06:38
kanzure.title http://thisissecurity.net/2015/01/03/playing-with-signals-an-overview-on-sigreturn-oriented-programming/06:39
yoleauxPlaying with signals : An overview on Sigreturn Oriented Programming | This is Security :: by Arkoon-Netasq06:39
kanzurenetasq can't be a real name06:39
fenn.wik netasq06:40
yoleaux"Founded in 1998, Netasq is an information security company based in France. It has designed and markets Unified Threat Management solutions (hardware appliances based on a derivative of FreeBSD) which combine network and application firewall with embedded anti-virus, anti-spam, VPN and content filtering functionality with an integrated  …" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netasq06:40
kanzure"Machine learning methods for computer security" (a pile of conference talk abstracts) http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2013/3790/pdf/dagrep_v002_i009_p109_s12371.pdf06:40
kanzurethere's something missing06:51
kanzurewhat was the conclusion of the radio transceiver stuff? nobody is bothering, or nobody knows how?06:55
heath.title http://lunrjs.com/07:02
yoleauxlunr.js - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright07:02
heathused by github's help site07:03
heathreferenced in https://github.com/blog/1939-how-github-uses-github-to-document-github07:03
heath"I do kinda feel like my head is full! My context switching penalty is high and my process isolation is not what it used to be. Frankly, though, I think most people can learn a lot more than they think they can. They sell themselves short without trying. One bit of advice: it is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree -- make sure you understand the fundamental principles, ie the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/d07:17
kanzure"billionaire complains about context switching costs, news at 11"07:18
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kanzure"To authorities responsible for the measurement and distribution of time" http://datacenter.iers.org/web/guest/eop/-/somos/5Rgv/latest/1607:31
heathi tend to forget about http://linux.die.net/man/8/tc07:48
heaththis is pretty neat if you ever have to deal with vanilla js: http://flowtype.org/07:56
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kanzurehi Burninate07:59
heathhttps://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job/ "A curated list of awesome remote working resources."08:16
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yoleauxScientific Computing on the Erlang VM - LFE Tutorials, News, & Updates08:19
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heath"Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting"11:22
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nmz787_iwas this posted here recently?12:47
nmz787_i.title http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002251931400677812:47
yoleauxThe ribosome as a missing link in the evolution of life12:47
nmz787_ipaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002251931400677812:48
kanzureParahSailin: ?12:50
ParahSailina bit surprised to see paperbot semi-working12:51
ParahSailineven if all it did was retrieve html and call it a pdf12:51
fenni'm downloading a big file in case it disappears. plz mention if it causes a slowdown12:53
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nmz787_i.wik ok13:19
yoleaux""OK" (also spelled "okay", "ok", or "O.K.") is a word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, or acknowledgment. "OK", as an adjective, can also express acknowledgment without approval. "OK" has frequently turned up as a loanword in many other languages." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ok13:19
nmz787_ivery muddled etymology!13:19
fennnmz787_i: it's an old english acronym - "oll klear"13:20
fennor "oll korrect"13:22
kanzure"OK is slang for ACK"13:23
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ParahSailinenglish never had a "correct" spelled with a k13:44
kanzurewhat about with an f?13:47
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nmz787_i3-camera 3D on this new 'thinnest' tablet http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/6/7499603/dell-venue-8-7000-available-today-ces-201514:43
nmz787_ifenn: that wiki says it could have origins in africa or native america14:43
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kanzurehi narwh4l15:22
narwh4lhey kanzure15:28
narwh4lnot too much, coding a web service to PCA on large datasets with a GPU15:28
narwh4lv0.2 will come with modeling methods and a system for picking good model candidates15:29
narwh4lbut yeah15:29
narwh4lalso I'm writing an article in Make!15:29
narwh4lso there's that15:29
narwh4lCoving NVIDIA's Jetson TK1 baord15:29
narwh4lMain goal is to write something good enough to get their next board for free too ^)^15:30
narwh4lSince you like bitcoin, I'm going to benchmark hashrate vs power15:30
narwh4lsince TK1 is marketed as a low power chip15:31
narwh4llet's see just how low :D15:31
narwh4lalso, wtf is with the btc price this week?15:31
kanzurebitstamp got hacked yo15:32
narwh4lyeah but it tanked before that15:32
kanzurethey say they are rewriting their software and will be done in 48 hours15:32
kanzureyes the hack was known before they knew about it15:32
narwh4lthat's nice, I hope they compensate their users as well15:32
kanzure.tw https://twitter.com/nejc_kodric/status/55286124471440589115:32
yoleauxWe are fully rebuilding our systems from the ground up so that customers can use @Bitstamp with full confidence and trust. (@nejc_kodric)15:32
kanzure"it'll be done by lunch, guys"15:32
narwh4lso you're saying I missed a great buy op15:34
narwh4lhack news is always a buying op15:34
kanzureyou don't need to buy man just ask me for some15:34
narwh4lI'll take 6?15:34
kanzuregimme an address15:34
narwh4lhaha, one minute15:34
kanzurethere you go15:39
narwh4lWell, anyway if you need some coding done in the future let me know ^_^15:41
narwh4lI like to repay people for things15:41
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kanzurehi night15:57
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nmz787_iwhat is bitstamp? and how do they expect people will keep using their site if they just flushed a bunch of ppls money?16:11
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nmz787_ihmm, I could be the first microfab company to accept btc, unless someone beat me to it16:13
kanzurethey didn't flush anything, they got hacked16:14
kanzure(or they stole it from themselves)16:14
nmz787_i'flushed' as in 'down the toilet' as in 'gone to shit'16:16
nmz787_iare they actually going to reimburse?16:16
kanzurenobody knows16:19
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kanzure.title http://www.astrobio.net/news-exclusive/potential-signs-ancient-life-mars-rover-photos/16:27
yoleauxPotential Signs of Ancient Life in Mars Rover Photos - Astrobiology Magazine16:27
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v39/n3/full/npp2013243a.html17:20
paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='libgen.org', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /scimag/librarian/form.php (Caused by <class 'socket.gaierror'>: [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)17:20
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kanzurerip libgen17:21
ebowdenDamn, paperbot doesn't work.17:22
kanzurelibgen person died17:23
ebowdenWhat do you mean?17:23
kanzurehe dead dawg17:26
kanzurethis is the monitor setup i need http://i.imgur.com/sLs5n.jpg17:40
narhw4lkanzure, how many are you at now?17:51
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kanzurei'd rather not say, it's embarrassingly low17:51
narhw4llower than 2? :)17:51
narhw4ldon't answer that17:52
narhw4lJust saying, my number is also pretty low. 6 is probably ideal17:52
delinquentmepep talk17:53
delinquentmePEP ME.17:53
delinquentmeabout to chat w 3d robotics17:53
kanzurewtf their robots should totally operate in four dimensions what are they thinking17:54
delinquentmekanzoo this doesnt halp17:55
superkuhForget robots. Let's just stick telepresence riding/guiding machines on goats and get some mechanical turks from the Goat Simulator ppol.17:56
superkuhEr, pool.17:56
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kanzurethat could be arranged18:19
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delinquentmetre lulz18:56
delinquentmewent aweshum18:56
delinquentmewelcome to silicon valley18:56
kanzuretaco copter should deliver tacos during outdoor music events18:56
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delinquentmekanzure, star's project !19:04
delinquentmeyeah I dont think taco copter is flying anymore19:04
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ParahSailinlibgen.in works19:25
kanzurecheckhas /scimag/librarian/form.php ?19:28
ParahSailinwell, the authors didnt bother to post the draft genome they assembled19:33
ParahSailinwho'd be interested in that kind of thing anyway19:33
kanzurewe need to convince jrayhawk to document more things he thinks should be replaced in human genome19:34
ParahSailinthey even claim to have submitted it to genbank under KP006601 but that is totally false19:34
kanzureperhaps they mean korean genbank19:34
kanzurecc faceface19:34
kanzurewhere is he19:35
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jrayhawk_i am generally A-OK with letting lower lifeforms bear the cost of manufacturing nutrients for me20:34
jrayhawk_start with adult lactase persistence, i guess20:35
jrayhawk_that is an adaptation that seems to be broadly useful20:35
kanzuresuch bold claim20:37
kanzure(i was expecting a slightly more dangerous statement)20:37
ParahSailini disagree there, a working GULO gene would probably be pretty beneficial to humans20:40
ParahSailinphytase would be a good one to have also20:40
-!- poohbear is now known as tigger20:41
kanzurewhat are you disagreeing with20:41
jrayhawk_what's the metabloic cost of phytase, though20:42
jrayhawk_i mean there was probably a reason it's gone20:42
jrayhawk_it's sortof a ludicrously useful thing to have20:42
ParahSailinphytase was never a vertebrate gene20:43
jrayhawk_oh, huh20:43
kanzurei suspect that random variations in metabolism between animals is probably partly managed by large-scale homeostasis (besides just micro-scale energy balancing)20:43
kanzurebecause everything would be doomed if even the most mundane slightest metabolic variation always caused energy imbalance and collapse20:44
ParahSailinthe enviropig apparently uses the e coli phytase20:44
jrayhawk_MTHFR genetic defects are probably more important than lactase20:47
kanzurewe could maybe manage things like more direct and specific overrides of inflammation20:49
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jrayhawk_such as?21:02
jrayhawk_inflammation, broadly speaking, seems useful21:03
kanzureyes but having more specific control over inflammation could be useful as way21:12
kanzure*as well21:12
fregeinflamation where?21:13
kanzuresuch as optogenetic control over transcription factors that upregultae infallmation21:13
fregeI got a shin splint, I have to reduce the inflamation21:13
fregehow could I do that?21:13
kanzurewho are you21:13
kanzureif you remove the leg then you will have zero inflammation of the shin21:13
fregekanzure: I'm a runner21:14
kanzureyou can run just fine on a prosthetic21:14
fregekanhow old are you?21:15
fregekanzure: what do you do?21:16
* kanzure sleeps21:17
ParahSailinimprove your gait21:24
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-!- tigger is now known as poohbear22:16
-!- ebowden [~ebowden@CPE-121-223-157-206.lns2.bat.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]22:49
--- Log closed Thu Jan 08 00:00:16 2015

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