
--- Log opened Thu Feb 19 00:00:58 2015
nmz787kanzure: seen any naturally-occuring fullerene-type structures in biomolecules? not something like camp-fire smoke though.00:05
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archels"Radical life extension idea is extremely complicated and burdening it with making money overcomplicates everything."05:04
archelsaww, look at the cute idealists05:04
archelsin all fairness though, the jist of the post seems to be a call for action, which is of course a great mindset05:06
archels"30% are for cyberpunk. We think it wouldn’t hurt to try."05:06
archels.wik Rose's law05:07
yoleaux"Rosa's Law (Pub. L. 111-256) is a United States law which replaces several instances of "mental retardation" in law with "intellectual disability". The bill was introduced as S.2781 in the United States Senate on November 17, 2009 by Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa's_Law05:07
archelsy... no05:07
archelsRose's law is the extension of Moore's law to quantum computing05:08
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kanzure"Vanadis Labs is a BTNB startup company whose focus is in the area of protein chemistry and immunology with an emphasis on surveying products for latex antigenic proteins. "08:01
kanzure"Join us on February 25 for an information and Q&A session with Mike Shields on how BTnB can be a resource for your HPLC needs"08:01
kanzurenmz787: there are some vesicles, spores and virus capsids that could be mistaken for fullerenes08:03
kanzurenmz787: but this is more fenn's domain. he's the shape person.08:03
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nmz787_iI saw some human-modified proteins that they added fullerenes to09:20
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maakuarchels: "30% are for cyberpunk" <-- is this a definition of cyberpunk I'm not familiar with?10:56
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nmz787_i1yay, 40 seconds on the BBC! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02k96t411:12
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yoleauxBBC World News - Click, 21/02/2015 GMT, Webscape: How to take tech apart11:12
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nmz787_i1if i pushed a git branch to the remote (not master branch), can I still rebase on master to make things look clean, or since I pushed to the server will rebasing now mess things up?11:56
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kanzurein general it is rude to push a rebased branch to a remote, especially if someone else has already fetched that branch and is working on the previous version12:10
kanzureif nobody else has those commits, then you can force-push your new rebased version12:10
nmz787_i1uh, well I am the only one working on the branch... and I bet people have fetched the most recent master (which I merged into my branch)12:25
kanzurewhy did you want to do a rebase?12:37
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nmz787_i1i had a lot of waypoint commits that would break the code, so I thought to squash them so master branch doesn't look ugly14:39
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kanzurewell, you have a few options.. you can force-push whatever you want, but this can have negative side effects especially since you have team members using that git repo.15:04
nmz787_i1hrmm, I don't know anything about force-push15:05
kanzureanother option is that you could have a separate branch where you create your squashed commit, and then merge that squashed commit into master so that you have both the original commit history and the new commit history. this way, you have the clean version in the history, which seems to be important to you. also you don't have the negative effects of force-pushing a differen thistory.15:05
kanzurei'm not sure i should tell you about `git push -f` because if i do then you might use it. and then i'll have to be blamed for all your force pushing in the future.15:05
kanzure(astute observers will note that `git push -f` is how you force-push anyway)15:09
fennnot aware of any C60 compounds in biology, but i would be surprised if forest decomposers didn't use them in some way, since huge quantities would be produced during a forest fire15:09
fennaccording to rose's law we now have quantum computers nearly faster than the universe15:09
kanzure.g kegg pathway database15:10
kanzure.g site:genome.jp fullerene15:10
nmz787_i1so i merged master into my branch, then git rebase -i, rearranged the commits I didn't do so they were subsequent, put all my commits after, then squashed most of my commits together... there was an excel file it couldn't merge/apply rebase to... so it errored out and then I tried git rebase --skip, which also then errored on some permission denied (I think I have the file open) and ended with 'fatal: Could not reset index file to15:10
nmz787_i1revision 'HEAD'.'15:10
fennquick someone patent ANTI-ANTI-FULLERENE ANTI-ANTIBODY15:11
* kanzure pokes patentbot15:11
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fenni didnt realize carbon nanotubes weren't "discovered" until 199115:12
kanzurewhat's the status on those anyway, are we still unable to grow superlong carbon nanotubes?15:12
fennbefore that i definitely read some scifi book with "linked buckyball diamondoid fibers" in the space elevator15:13
kanzureyou were around before 91?15:13
* fenn casts a vote for the theory of continuing existence of physical reality15:14
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fennit was probably an arthur clarke book15:15
kanzureisn't it a little unusual that genehacer's the only one super-obsessed with carbon nanotubes in here15:15
fenntallakahath, but i guess she's not here huh15:15
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kanzurei thought carbon nanotubes would be worth at least a handful of people15:15
fennwell, they're expensive15:15
kanzurei think she got distracted by trains15:15
fenni think the bulk of zyvex's income is from covalently modified nanotubes for carbon fiber epoxy binder strengthening15:16
fenn"functionalized" whatever that means15:17
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fenni've been somewhat obsessed with 18650 batteries lately and ordered 10 laptop battery packs to tear apart15:19
fenni hope this turns out to have been a good idea15:19
fennthere aren't that many actual materials science people in the world15:21
kanzure"institute for the advancement of vulnerable fringe sciences"15:24
fennthere really should be such a thing15:25
fennthe entirety of physical chemistry received ~$2 million this year from NSF (?)15:25
cluckjthere is, it's called the NSF15:25
fennNSF is biased and subject to the whims of congressmen and other washingtonians15:26
fenni'm saying that $2m is a small amount for an entire field15:26
kanzureblood feuds between middle-aged professors trying to hit career milestones is not the right way to organize science15:26
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nmz787_i1kanzure: will git rebase --abort get me back to the state where I was before I ever tried git rebase -i?15:39
kanzureyep i think so15:39
nmz787_i1it says some crap about taking you back to HEAD, but I have no idea what that means or where HEAD will be15:39
kanzuregit rev-parse HEAD15:39
nmz787_i1emits a hash15:40
kanzurewell there you go15:40
kanzurefenn: did you meet with maaku yet, or blockstream, or transcriptic?15:40
nmz787_i1how do I get the commit message for that hash?15:40
kanzuregit show <commit-id>15:40
maakunot with me :(15:41
kanzurethis story is tragic15:41
nmz787_i1wat... the hash from git rev-parse isn't the same as what gitk shows15:42
nmz787_i1someone really needs to come along and make better revision control and profit insanely, because this suck15:42
kanzurels ./git/refs/heads/15:43
kanzurels ./.git/refs/heads/15:43
* nmz787_i1 wants to flee15:43
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nmz787_i1huh, weird, catting the files in that dir show different hashes than the rev-parse emitted15:45
kanzuregit rebase --abort will remove the changes you made to your files in your working directory15:46
nmz787_i1so if they were all committed, I'll be ok?15:47
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kanzureyou mean your squashed changes?15:48
nmz787_i1uh, no, I don't care about that since it15:50
nmz787_i1's not working15:50
kanzureyep then you can abort safely15:50
nmz787_i1:( it left merge crap in my files15:52
kanzureyou can use git reset something to fix15:55
kanzuregit reset --soft HEAD15:55
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nmz787_i1hah, best youtube ad video, opening line: 'how do you get a ferrari in your garage like this, DROP OUT OF COLLEGE'16:27
nmz787_i1"He spent two-and-a-half years living with the Amish; spent time working at a leper colony in India; and helped Joel Salatin pioneer grass-fed, sustainable agriculture on Polyface Farms."16:30
kanzureyashgaroth: someone should put anabolic steroids into ultrasound-activated delivery microspheres16:34
nmz787_i1so babies get a hit when their mom checks their heartbeat?16:35
kanzurei was thinking of targeted delivery actually16:35
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nmz787_i1am I right to think that since I pushed my branch to remote, that rebasing is pointless?16:49
kanzureyou can force push a rebased branch to a remote, but again it's a little rude to the other users16:50
nmz787_i1that doesn't seem to answer my question though16:51
nmz787_i1since I don't know what a force push does16:51
nmz787_i1and haven't used it16:51
nmz787_i1my understanding was that rebase was to hide your intermediary commits from the world, since they are often numerous and thus could be noisy16:52
nmz787_i1but i'm asking that, since I pushed my branch to the remote... they see that16:52
nmz787_i1see that 'noise' anyway16:52
kanzureforce pushing is exactly like a regular push except instead of git complaining that the other branch is ahead, you will be able to override the remote branch with your current local commits16:52
kanzureforce-pushing replaces the history attached to that branch16:53
kanzures/attached to/referenced by16:53
nmz787_i1oh, well that doesn't apply as my branch was ahead of remote/master16:53
nmz787_i1i had just pulled master into my branch, so I know my branch was up-to-date and only ahead16:54
nmz787_i1no one here would care anyway... as long as the code works16:54
nmz787_i1in the future i think it'll be easier to just add the keywork WIP for work-in-progress to such intermediary commits16:55
kanzureinstead of force-pushing to master, you can push the same commit as remote master to another remote branch (which isn't master), and then you can experiment with force-pushing to that remote branch that isn't master16:56
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kanzuremaaku: ^17:09
kanzure"It also bought just over $800,000 worth of new robotic equipment for the new lab in January"17:10
kanzure.title https://www.transcriptic.com/blog/2015/02/16/resource-reservations.html17:11
yoleauxBuying Reagents Through Transcriptic - Transcriptic17:11
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nmz787_ithe most exciting thing about that is https://www.transcriptic.com/blog/2015/02/16/resource-reservations.html17:55
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kanzuregene_hacker: hi18:06
nmz787_iwhat's the word on nanotubes?18:36
gene_hackereveryone's more excited about graphene right now18:39
gene_hackereven though nanotubes would probably have better crack propagation properties18:39
kanzurelongest nanotubes we can make?18:41
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gene_hackerhalf a meter18:51
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gene_hackerso you could make a very tiny space elevator18:52
cluckjfor very tiny astronauts18:53
gene_hackeror ants18:54
kanzure0.5m is pretty good18:54
gene_hackerthey can't really mass produce long nanotubes though18:57
kanzurevascular smooth muscle cytoskeleton http://www.nature.com/ncb/journal/v5/n7/images/ncb0703-598-i1.jpg19:02
kanzurenice images on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cytoskeleton19:03
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nmz787_iis there a market for long nanotubes today?19:28
* nmz787_i thinks of zoolander19:29
kanzure"Bits of Javascript/jQuery/HTML mixed with some random spam in the Doctor Who episode The Bells of Saint John. Seems to be using the Supersubs/Superfish jQuery plugin. Apparently this code uploads human souls to the cloud?"19:33
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nmz787_ior would there be a market if they were available?19:34
kanzuresuper-long carbon nanotubes would be immediately used to make supertall skytouchers19:34
kanzure"In one of the sidestories of Gundam SEED, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer, a special team is testing a new mobile suit (the Gundam Stargazer). This mobile suit features artifical intelligence. Commanders are interacting with the suit via a terminal but there seems also some bits of HTML involved"19:35
kanzure"When the Ninja Turtles hack Aprils computer this wall of code is displayed on her laptop. It is in fact a testing script to show how Linux error codes work."19:36
nmz787_ioO i didn't get that far into the blog yet19:36
kanzure"Dilbert and his coworkers attempt to update an old server which they think may break when the year 2000 rolls around. While looking at the code above, the intern Asok claims that it is COBOL code, which he learned about in history class, although the code actually appears to be C++"19:37
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kanzure"Everyone knows the Anime “Serial Experiments Lain” has a famous scene with Conway’s Game of Life, the next code snippet shown is less famous for some reason and uses parts of http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/lang/lisp/code/codewalk/walk/new_walk.cl, a portable code walker for Common Lisp programs, written in Common Lisp. Since being meta is part of the series, I’d say it’s at least semi-relevant."19:39
kanzure"The anime Captain Earth features code on various displays, some of the Python code in this screenshot seems to have been taken from a USB library."19:39
kanzure"In RoboCop (2014), we can see that the main character is not only running Java in his brain but suddenly before aiming at the villain in the final scene, the source code [link] of a library management system comes up."19:40
kanzure"The code just makes a simple 64 bit division which of course is required in order to take down the entire nuclear power plant"19:41
kanzure"In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1, Episode 18, while Skye is wiping all record of the team from the Internet, code from CocoaGlk, an Interactive Fiction engine."19:41
kanzure"Albert Gonzales is seen hacking into a credit card database using a Hello World DOS program from a “hacker” forum: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/c-t-tech-talk/hackers/t.53424339_16/"19:42
kanzureholycrap gaiaonline.com is still around19:43
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kanzure"I have an investor who is giving me a great warehouse inside the city of Bucharest to turn into a research center for this field20:01
kanzureit's a natural research field for the perfusing of large animals\"20:01
kanzure.wik bucharest20:01
yoleaux"Bucharest was first mentioned in documents in 1459. It became the capital of Romania in 1862 and is the centre of Romanian media, culture and art. Its architecture is a mix of historical (neo-classical), interbellum (Bauhaus and art deco), communist-era and modern." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucharest20:01
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yashgarothkanzure I'm fairly sure steroids have a systemic effect, though I know you do like ultrasound microbubbles21:43
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fennjust chatting with a guy at steep hill labs and he says they get 500kbase contiguous reads on the pacbio rs-II21:48
fennnot sure if that means the individual reads were that long or it's assembled from smaller pieces21:49
fennmaybe it's not even clear to the end user21:49
fenner, instrument runner21:49
yashgarothalso accuracy21:49
fennwhat about accuracy21:50
yashgarothassuming it is "single molecule reads"21:50
fennthe accuracy is higher or lower with single molecule reads?21:50
fennbetter or worse i mean21:51
yashgarothone presumes much lower21:51
yashgarothlike that oxnano stuff, <90% accuracy but it's fast21:51
fenndo you not sequence the original genomic dna? why would it be worse?21:51
yashgarothcompared to traditional sequencing21:52
yashgarothby which I mean illumina21:52
yashgarothidk I just heard pacbio tech didn't work years ago, and haven't looked into them since21:53
fenni knew they had problems with signal to noise ratio, but that's an electronics/optics issue, not necessarily because of the single molecule aspect21:53
fennthere's a tradeoff between number of parallel reads and SNR21:54
yashgarothpoly-whatever repeats always tend to be an issue with pore or single-molecule stuff, though it's not insurmountable21:54
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jrayhawkall the cool papers on epigenetics are using pacbio stuff these days22:11
fenni'm afraid to ask22:14
fenngnusha seems slow today22:22
fennoh maybe it's me, nevermind22:23
fenni feel like "ultrasound activated steroids" should be put on the wiki, but i don't know where to put it22:25
fennalso i don't know what to say to transcriptic22:37
fenn"hey dudez i've been thinking about this for about 10 years and made a halfassed attempt at a protocol specification language and built some robots and know what biology is, oh look money"22:38
fennmax hodak kinda scares me22:39
fennmost entrepreneurs are borderline psychotic so it's to be expected22:39
fennborderline is the wrong word, but there's definitely a trend toward hypomania22:40
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fenn"Alternative serializations such as XML, Protocol Buffers or custom formats shall not be used." lol22:47
fenni hope they plan on extending their units a bit.. having to specify everything in nanometers would get tiring22:49
fennfor autoprotocol.org22:50
nmz787can you do fractions?22:51
fenn"Measures may contain decimals"22:51
fenni'm not sure i agree with completely banning logic (if/then structures) from an experimental protocol22:53
fennjust in the context of machine control, this destroys the possibility of doing closed loop anything (positioning, pH, temperature, concentration, cell count)22:59
fennyou would have to rely on an instruction existing beforehand to do the thing you want, and if it doesn't exist you're screwed23:00
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fennractopamine sounds like a great dystopian all-purpose drug of ill repute23:16
fenn.wik ractopamine23:16
yoleaux"Ractopamine is a feed additive to promote leanness in animals raised for their meat. Pharmacologically, it is a beta-adrenergic agonist. It is the active ingredient in products known as Paylean for swine and Optaflexx for cattle, developed by Elanco Animal Health, a division of Eli Lilly and Company, for use in food animals for growth promotion." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ractopamine23:16
fenn"The metabolic fate of ractopamine hydrochloride is similar in the target species (pigs and cattle), laboratory animals, and humans. Besides the pharmacology effect, ractopamine may cause intoxication effect; ... tachycardia and other heart rate increases, tremor, headache, muscle spasm, or high arterial blood pressure."23:18
fenn"ractopamine added to feed can be distributed via the blood to the muscle tissues, where it serves as a full agonist at TAAR1. (trace amine associated receptor) A cascade of events will then be initiated to increase protein synthesis, which results in increased muscle fiber size. Ractopamine is known to increase the rate of weight gain, improve feed efficiency, and increase carcass leanness"23:19
fenn"The endogenous trace amines are para/meta-tyramine, tryptamine, phenylethylamine (PEA), and para/meta-octopamine. These share structural similarities with the three common monoamines: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine."23:21
fennoctopamine is found in bitter orange, a weight loss supplement that has safety issues23:22
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fennQuashie: hello, and welcome?23:41
fennoh it's just reconnecting23:41
fennworms brains etc etc http://plif.courageunfettered.com/archive/wc083.gif23:44
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