
--- Log opened Fri Feb 20 00:00:59 2015
-!- QuadIngi [~FourFire@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:01
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delinquentmekanzure, ... gantz?00:19
delinquentme( nuts )00:19
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fenndelinquentme: the anime?00:26
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fenngosh why would anyone want to take a bus to facebook HQ what an unreasonable demand i have00:33
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delinquentmefenn,  ya00:54
delinquentmeits effing wild00:54
delinquentmefenn, and why are you wanting to go to FB HQ?00:54
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fennit's a quick bike ride on the bay trail from facebook to transcriptic00:55
fennbut the bus apparently just drives past facebook and drops you in the middle of nowhere with semi trucks and trains and shit00:56
fenntranscriptic really should be in emeryville next to all the biotech stuff anyway00:57
fennbut it is where it is00:57
fennanyway gantz was cool; my favorite character died a horrible death of course00:58
delinquentmefenn you're working @ transcriptic now?00:58
delinquentmegetting sequences?00:59
fenni want to see what's behind the "cloud" bullshit00:59
delinquentmewater vapor00:59
fenni know a fair bit about robotics and scientific instruments and biology and programming and building things, so they probably need me01:00
fenni have no idea how to communicate this though01:00
delinquentmeyou're not into selling yourself fenn?01:06
delinquentmeshould I coach you through it?01:07
fenni wouldn't trust anything you had to say01:07
fennlots of these "negotiation" guides assume you have a super duper strong negotiating position01:08
fennwhereas i have huge gaping holes in my work history01:08
fenn*shrug* i guess i could just say i was at the CIA01:09
fennnow kanzure will bitch at me about undervaluing myself01:10
fenni know how much i'm worth, it's convincing other people of that that's hard01:10
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA, banned by the Federal Death Administration (4 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki01:24
-!- Topic set by augur [~augur@c-71-57-177-235.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] [Thu Jan 15 14:54:02 2015]01:24
[Users ##hplusroadmap]01:24
[ altersid ] [ cluckj ] [ EnabrinTain ] [ juul ] [ Quashie_ ] [ the8thbit|work ] 01:24
[ andytoshi ] [ comma8 ] [ fenn ] [ kanzure ] [ rigel ] [ the_elven_archer] 01:24
[ archels ] [ crescendo ] [ gene_hacker ] [ kenju254 ] [ ryankarason ] [ ThomasEgi ] 01:24
[ augur ] [ cuba ] [ gnusha ] [ nickjohnson ] [ saurik ] [ thundara ] 01:24
[ balrog ] [ Daeken ] [ Guest1366 ] [ night ] [ selkie_ ] [ TMA ] 01:24
[ bbrittain ] [ delinquentme] [ heath ] [ nmz787 ] [ sheena ] [ Viper168_ ] 01:24
[ Beatzebub_] [ dendritic ] [ hehelleshin ] [ nsh ] [ sivoais ] [ Vutral ] 01:24
[ bkero ] [ Douhet ] [ HEx1 ] [ paperbot ] [ Souljack ] [ yashgaroth ] 01:24
[ blueskin ] [ dpk ] [ JayDugger ] [ ParahSailin_] [ soylentbomb ] [ yoleaux ] 01:24
[ BobaMa ] [ drazak ] [ JonTitor ] [ pasky_ ] [ strages ] [ yorick ] 01:24
[ Boscop ] [ drewbot ] [ jrayhawk ] [ poohbear ] [ strangewarp_] 01:24
[ Burninate ] [ dustinm ] [ juri_ ] [ Proteus ] [ streety ] 01:24
[ catern ] [ dvorkbjel ] [ justanotheruser] [ Qfwfq ] [ superkuh ] 01:24
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 75 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 75 normal]01:24
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201001:24
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nmz787kanzure: only 100X more expensive than the last one you sent me https://sgidna.com/bxp3200.html01:44
nmz787it seems like it could be put to work immediately though, for profit maybe, but I am not sure... maybe as some sort of other pipeline01:44
nmz787'Internet access required'01:45
nmz787but then before that it says IF   'You will be able to monitor the progress of the instrument through the application in real time on the User Interface or via the web site if the instrument is connected to the internet during the run.'01:45
-!- gene_hacker_ [~chatzilla@c-98-232-239-159.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:58
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archelsthe chap behind this, Stefan Sorgner, is speaking here next week02:10
archelstitle of the talk is "TranshumaNietzsche"02:10
archelshis website looks pretty barren though02:10
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fennGuest1366: maaku how about we meet some time this weekend or next week and you convince me to move to the south bay and work at transcriptic04:12
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kanzurefenn: the point of banning logic from protocols is that they are expecting to use webhooks or services like IFTTT or something. they don't want to run a generic virtual machine for everyone's stupid science.05:15
fenni thought it was for validation/predictability/contamination05:15
fennmostly predictability05:16
fenndon't need a virtual machine to do if/then statements05:16
kanzureanother reason is because it allows them to run more advanced algorithms for work separation on their end; and things like (automatic) scheduling or planning.05:17
fennright, with better algebra you can refactor experiments and have less wasted resources by mashing things together in the same plate05:18
fenn.wik ifttt05:18
yoleaux"IFTTT is a web-based service in which users can create chains of simple conditional statements, called "recipes," that are triggered based upon changes to other web services such as Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, and Craigslist. IFTTT is an abbreviation of "If This Then That" (pronounced like "gift" without the "g")." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ifttt05:18
fennthat wouldn't work for most of the use cases i mentioned05:19
fenn"dear google, please tell me how many cells are in this image"05:20
kanzureif you plan to meet with transcriptic then i strongly recommend hanging out with maaku first05:21
fennwhy am i still awake05:23
superkuhCarpe noctem.05:24
kanzureyou were so excited to talk with me that you couldn't sleep05:24
kanzure"fundamental forces" http://xkcd.com/1489/05:26
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kanzurenmz787: i'm surprised they listed a price ($49,500) https://sgidna.com/bxp3200.html05:29
fennthe low low price of $49,999.9505:29
fenncheapest automated gene synthesizer around, i bet05:29
fenn(excludes grad students, post docs, undergrads, interns, and other disposable items. terms and conditions may apply. consult your doctor before ingesting machine output. not responsible for petitions, availability, uptime, downtime, time, gravity...)05:31
archelskanzure: incidentally, how's it going with the teardown of that synthesiser (?)05:31
kanzureteardown is done https://www.takeitapart.com/guide/9405:31
archelswhat about firmware dump? any further plans?05:33
fennsuch 90s very beige05:33
fennthe PVC plumbing pipe is a nice touch05:33
kanzurenot at the moment, if nmz787 has a jtag thingy laying around maybe we can pester him to do that05:34
fennbeefy power supply too05:34
archelsthat thing probably doesn't have JTAG05:35
fennno but maybe SPI05:35
archelsI have an EPROM reader lying around, would be happy to dump them if you'd like05:35
archelsprobably not even SPI but I can't make out the CPU05:35
archelspossibly Z80?05:36
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fennthere's something satisfying about seeing a circuit board where you can immediately identify every chip and component05:37
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kanzure"alright reality seems to be operating as expected, no magic here"05:37
archelsyep Z8005:38
fennwhy did he peel the sticker off the PROM?05:38
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fennwouldnt that risk corrupting or erasing the data?05:39
* archels grumbles in nmz787's general direction over how images are included on the page --> background-image: url(https://s3.takeitapart.com/userimages/SPFm6dU.jpg);05:40
kanzureyou know it's pretty funny that delinquentme was offering negotiation tips (considering how much helped i dumped into his last negotiation)05:40
archelsfenn: yes, it would05:40
archelsthere's some famous story about a live demo, where all the photographer's camera flashes flipped some bits and ruined the event05:41
archelskanzure: so what was your goal exactly for this project?05:41
fennto let all the bits out!!!05:42
-!- Viper168_ is now known as Viper16805:53
-!- gene_hacker [~chatzilla@c-98-232-239-159.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:58
kanzurearchels: well, to have a dna synthesizer06:05
kanzureseemed like a reasonable plan at the time06:05
kanzurealso that picoarray paper used basically the same setup06:06
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gene_hackerso how do I get 1 gigapascal of pressure for a long time?06:18
gene_hackerto carry out a chemical reaction in06:25
kanzuresteel chamber?06:28
gene_hackerand how to build up the pressure?06:30
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kanzureheat it?06:31
gene_hackerwithout heating it06:31
kanzurevery good seal and pushing06:32
gene_hackeris there a name for something like that?06:32
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kanzureheh that article shows a gif of a scroll pump (scroll compressor)06:35
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ParahSailin_diamond anvil cell07:57
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archelsmight consider putting a compound in there that reacts over time and produces a gas, or such08:35
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archelskanzure: what do the EPROMs actually contain---programmes for operating the machine, or just some static never-going-to-be-changed OS-type code?08:36
archelshow inconsiderate08:37
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kanzureprobably stuff for pushing around argon and phosphoramidites08:48
kanzurevalve control logic08:49
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kanzuregene_hacker: phosphoramidite storage problem has been resolved. informant says use freezer, they last up to a year in storage.08:53
ParahSailin_these guys have some cool shit http://www.azcobiotech.com/08:54
kanzureyep that's who i'll be buying from08:55
ParahSailin_they also do some cheap array synthesis08:55
ParahSailin_which they dont seem to publicize08:55
kanzuretheir china outpost is failing08:56
kanzure"The Seasteading Institute is consulting with a new unscripted television series for a major cable network. The show is seeking a variety of experts and survivalists ready to create a new community on the ocean while building, engineering, and rehabbing residential quarters. If you have what it takes to survive challenging weather and sea conditions, if you have a yearning desire to experiment with ocean-based technologies, if you can ...09:11
kanzure... bring a skill set that will add to the sea-villages development, then this is an opportunity for you."09:11
JayDuggerLet's see...do I want to basically join the Navy again?09:12
JayDuggerAh, no.09:12
JayDuggerThough I will watch an episode if they have a Crossing of the Line ceremony.09:13
-!- nmz787_i [nmccorkx@nat/intel/x-eupomfmadnghuckd] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:13
nmz787_ii'm pretty sure I made sure not to use the flash and to only keep the sticker lifted shortly... I believe at the time I wasn't sure if there was text under, but it was a window.09:24
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maakufenn: i don't think I have a strong opinion on you moving to the south bay or working for transcriptic :P11:34
maakubut i would like to meet up with you sometime11:35
maakua weekday would probably be better than the weekend11:35
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kanzure"The Government needs to be much more receptive to the idea of tackling aging rather than single conditions. Basically by tackling aging you can then deal with a whole slew of problems before they arise. "13:17
kanzurethat's a cute argument13:17
maakuit's unfortunately still stuck in the giggle territory however13:25
maakupeople hear their representatives are funding anti-ageing programmes and they think they're vain or descended into madness and vote the guy out13:25
kanzureso, if that is true, then i have some clever ways to screw that up13:27
kanzurefor one, you don't need to call it longevity, life extension or anti-aging, because even basic advances in science can be helpful13:27
kanzureand then that just resolves to people complaining about basic science13:27
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kanzurewhy don't we have any crazy pneumatics people in here?13:30
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kanzure"Out of more than 100 candidates, they and Duke developmental neurobiologist Debra Silver tested a half-dozen. Then for HARE5, the most active enhancer in an area of the brain called the cortex, they made minigenes containing either the chimp or human version of the enhancer linked to a “reporter” gene that caused the developing mouse embryo to turn blue wherever the enhancer turned the gene on. Embryos’ developing brains turned ...14:45
kanzure... blue sooner and over a broader expanse if they carried the human version of the enhancer, Silver, Wray, and their colleagues report online today in Current Biology."14:45
kanzure"The researchers determined that HARE5 likely controls a gene called Frizzled 8, which is part of a molecular pathway important in brain development. Their further studies showed that the human version of the enhancer causes cells that are destined to become nerve cells to divide more frequently, thereby providing a larger of pool of cells that become part of the cortex. As a result, the embryos carrying human HARE5 have brains that are ...14:45
kanzure... 12% larger than the brains of mice carrying the chimp version of the enhancer. Silver and Wray plan to test these mice to see if the bigger brains made them any smarter."14:45
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.cell.com/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822%2815%2900073-114:46
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.14:46
kanzure"Here we report the discovery of a human-accelerated regulatory enhancer (HARE5) of FZD8, a receptor of the Wnt pathway implicated in brain development and size [ 15, 16 ]. Using transgenic mice, we demonstrate dramatic differences in human and chimpanzee HARE5 activity, with human HARE5 driving early and robust expression at the onset of corticogenesis. Similar to HARE5 activity, FZD8 is expressed in neural progenitors of the developing ...14:47
kanzure... neocortex [ 17–19 ]. Chromosome conformation capture assays reveal that HARE5 physically and specifically contacts the core Fzd8 promoter in the mouse embryonic neocortex. To assess the phenotypic consequences of HARE5 activity, we generated transgenic mice in which Fzd8 expression is under control of orthologous enhancers (Pt-HARE5::Fzd8 and Hs-HARE5::Fzd8). In comparison to Pt-HARE5::Fzd8, Hs-HARE5::Fzd8 mice showed marked ...14:47
kanzure... acceleration of neural progenitor cell cycle and increased brain size. Changes in HARE5 function unique to humans thus alter the cell-cycle dynamics of a critical population of stem cells during corticogenesis and may underlie some distinctive anatomical features of the human brain."14:47
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.cell.com/science?_ob=ShoppingCartURL&_method=add&_eid=1-s2.0-S0960982215000731&originContentFamily=serial&_origin=article&_ts=1424472403&md5=8148419dcbe43ffe1c1be4dcf4be2b0e14:47
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kanzureserious business http://kreature.org/projects/3d_printer/rostock_plus/extruder/nano_extruder_worm1.jpg15:57
kanzurewhat a jerk.16:13
fennpossibly http://kreature.org/projects/3d_printer/rostock_plus/extruder/nano_extruder_worm_1.jpg16:13
fenni thought we agreed that the thread drive extruders were a terrible awful idea that never should have existed16:13
kanzurewell #reprap is at it again16:14
fennoh it's just a worm gear, nevermind16:14
fennactually i have no idea16:15
fennis that a printed motor?16:15
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fennwe'll attack with a flotilla of syringes, they'll never see it coming16:17
kanzurehm he has an etchtank16:18
kanzurei should use #reprap for recruiting more often16:21
nmz787_ii was thinking last night that the best idea for etcher might be a hard-drive actuator with a laser/mirror on it... basically what some of the 3d printer folks are doing... except relying on hard drive heads to be ultra smooth16:25
kanzureflotilla = tortilla + floating?16:25
nmz787_ialso, we should definitely get someone on board who wants or already does microinjection... I can send some pipettes their way16:25
nmz787_i<10 micron at the tip is easily available here16:25
kanzurefenn: we should make "no garbage diving" a rule right after "no philosophy". garbage things are less likely to be reproducible or makeable in volume or uh.. serviceable.. or something. like, i never want to support 100 different people with 100 different implementations of something meant for 1 micron accuracy. or precision.16:26
nmz787_iI wonder how hard it would be to get the hard drive head actuators alone16:28
nmz787_iit would be a bit stupid to require people to buy such an engineered thing, just to tear it apart16:29
fennthis is kinda interesting http://kreature.org/projects/krefly/krefly.txt16:29
fennkanzure: you're assuming that manufacturers will continue to make things, which is incorrect16:29
fennalso a $2 DVD laser is better than a $20000 equivalent made from thor labs parts16:30
fennalso the build cycle is several orders of magnitude faster for junk box parts than for ordering from amazon16:32
fennyou can try to keep a precise inventory of everything in stock, but it's not practical for an individual to get one of each thing (or possible, because sometimes you have to order 10,000)16:33
fennand by everything i mean a common parts library including materials and mechanics and hardware and optics and electronics16:33
kanzurei am assuming that standard parts are still a thing16:34
kanzureor relatively standard16:34
fennit never was a thing16:34
fennlook around you, just look around. what do you see?16:34
kanzurei mean when's the last time your hardware store ran out of 1/8 inch screws, come on16:34
fennthere is no 1/8 inch screw :\16:34
fenna #8 screw comes close16:35
kanzurenot everyone is going to have the luxury of finding $expensivething in their dumpster for $1016:35
fennoops i mean #5 screw (which is so rare i've never seen one)16:36
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fennsure i agree reproducibility is important, but i've also seen a lot of engineers make BOMs that cost way more than they ought to, simply because they buy everything from MSC or digikey or $big_everything_supplier16:37
fennalso it'd be great if i could pay for access to dumpsters16:38
fennpenny for your trash sir16:39
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kanzurethe way to do that would be garbage auctions16:40
fennbigger problem is things that *look* standard but turn out to be brand-specific or not quite the standard thing you thought it was or discontinued and nobody makes it16:40
kanzurei guess most heavy equipment suppliers consider those auctions as garbage removal already16:40
nmz787_iyou can certainly go visit the local dump16:40
kanzureisn't that what specs are for16:40
fenni had this problem with fish tubs where some of them were 1mm smaller and the lids would sorta fit but it was awkward or they came loose16:40
nmz787_iit would be strange if your vehicle going out weighed more than coming in16:40
fennnmz787_i: lots of places have stopped allowing people to do anything but throw trash from their cars, for insurance liability whatever16:41
nmz787_iI remember driving to the dump with a van full of home remodelling waste as a kid16:42
fennmetal scrap yards are more interesting, but also more dangerous16:43
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kanzureso is there really no pile of standard stuff that you can reasonably expect to exist for a while, be widely used in various industries, and not be complex as hell to make16:44
kanzurei thought screws were that16:44
fennyes there are standard parts16:46
fennbut not as many as you'd think16:46
fennrather, not as many different kinds of parts that are standardized16:47
kanzurewhat is the "ground" in a pneumatic circuit16:47
fennsimpler things are more likely to be standardized16:47
nmz787_iseems like a reason to be parametric16:47
kanzuremaking things arbitrarily parametric is not worth it. you have to look through 1000s of catalogs to find compatible parts. not worth it at all.16:48
maakukanzure: vacuum? vent to atmosphere?16:48
fennground is just a signal return path, usually tied to the negative electrode of your battery16:48
kanzuremaaku: yeah i'm sorta expecting vent to atmosphere but i have no clue16:48
fennor literally stuck in the ground in the case of 120V AC wiring16:48
kanzurepneumatic, fenn16:49
fennoh derp16:49
maakuprob atmosphere, that makes the most sense16:49
fennground can also be a mechanical ground, like the machine frame/chassis if you're talking about pistons16:50
fennwhy are you reading about pneumatics?16:51
kanzurethere's some pneumatics in that synthesizer16:52
kanzureargon tank to shift phosphoramidites around and the other stuff16:52
nmz787_ithat's just for flush I think though16:52
kanzureer then how is it moving stuff around?16:52
maakuamish transhumanism16:53
kanzure*practical* transhumanism16:53
kanzuremaaku: btw, http://kk.org/thetechnium/2009/02/amish-hackers-a/16:55
fennsomeone needs to make these things fold up into a compact bar shape http://kreature.org/projects/krefly/nanoquad_5_s.jpg16:55
nmz787_ikanzure: yeah the pressure moves stuff... those lines are valved16:59
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nmz787_i"For the MEBDW system proposed by Su [3], the uncompressed data rate of ten 300-mm wafers per hour (WPH) can be close to 300 Tbps, which would require 30,000 optic fibers operating at 10 Gbps. As a result, the electron-beam layout data must be compressed before being transferred to MEBDW systems. After receiving the data, the electron-beam controllers must perform decompression to generate electron-beam data for the electron-beam17:01
nmz787_iemitters. To achieve high WPH, a very large number of controllers must be equipped in MEBDW systems. Thus, the hardware complexity of electron-beam controller has to be low to reduce total costs."17:01
kanzureargon under pressure?17:01
fenni'll be impressed when the amish start making solar panels17:01
nmz787_ifenn: can they order kits from ebay?17:01
fennthat would defeat the point17:02
nmz787_ikanzure: umm, yeah I think that was the gas17:02
kanzureargon is a neat trick for that17:02
fennbut i tend to agree, "pneumatics were superior to electrical devices because air was more powerful and durable, outlasting motors which burned out after a few years hard labor."17:03
fennit's much easier to repair a broken pneumatic motor17:03
fennbut they don't break much17:03
fenneven super cheap chinese pneumatic tools are made to a much higher level of ruggedness and metallurgical quality17:04
cluckja nice camembert for lunch, followed by macrolides for mid-day snack17:05
fenn.wik macrolides17:06
yoleaux"The macrolides are a group of drugs (typically antibiotics) whose activity stems from the presence of a macrolide ring, a large macrocyclic lactone ring to which one or more deoxy sugars, usually cladinose and desosamine, may be attached. The lactone rings are usually 14-, 15-, or 16-membered." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrolides17:06
fenneat some sauerkraut or yogurt so you don't screw up your biome too much17:07
cluckjyeah I'll fix it once I go off them17:07
fennso how bout them 18650's17:11
fennrah rah rah17:11
fenngo lions17:11
* fenn takes a break from the internet17:12
nmz787_i.wik tomatinase17:16
yoleaux"Tomatine is a glycoalkaloid found in the stems and leaves of tomato plants, which has fungicidal properties. Chemically pure tomatine is a white crystalline solid at standard temperature and pressure. Tomatine as well as the a-glycone derivative Tomatidine have been shown to have multiple health benefits." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomatinase17:16
nmz787_i.wik cowpea17:21
yoleaux"The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is one of several species of the widely cultivated genus Vigna. Four subspecies are recognised, of which three are cultivated (more exist, including V. textilis, V. pubescens, and V. sinensis):" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowpea17:21
nmz787_i"The prohibition against eating food contaminated by flies also makes sense. Perhaps the most interesting is the belief that the ill effects of smoking can be counteracted by hornworm properties; hornworms, incidentally, are among the most important defoliators of tobacco, and so the association is logical. The Navajo, unlike many of the Great Basin inhabiting tribes, did not regularly consume insects, so it is not surprising that17:24
nmz787_ithey would hold various beliefs that ingestion was deleterious"17:24
nmz787_i.wik hornworm17:25
yoleaux"Manduca sexta is a moth of the family Sphingidae present through much of the American continent." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hornworm17:25
nmz787_i"Nicotine is poisonous to most animals that use muscles to move because nicotine targets the acetylcholine receptor at the neuromuscular junction. However, the tobacco hornworm is capable of metabolizing nicotine from the tobacco plant and using nicotine as a defense against predators. It possesses a gene called cytochrome P450 6B46 (CYP6B46) that converts nicotine into a metabolite. About 0.65% of nicotine metabolites are17:27
nmz787_itransported from the gut to the hemolymph, where they are reconverted to nicotine and released into the air from the tobacco hornworm’s spiracles. The emitted nicotine is used as a way to deter spiders, a practice known as “toxic halitosis.” In one study, tobacco hornworms that fed from nicotine-deficient plants or expressed low levels of CYP6B46 were more susceptible to wolf spider predation (Kumar et al., 2013).[8] "17:27
nmz787_i"Tobacco hornworm caterpillars emit short clicking sounds from their mandibles when they are being attacked. This sound production is believed to be a type of acoustic aposematism, or warning sounds that let predators know that trying to eat them will be troublesome; tobacco hornworms have been observed to thrash and bite predators after producing those clicking sounds. These clicks can be heard at a close distance with a17:27
nmz787_ifrequency range of 5 to 50 kHz. The intensity of clicks increases with the number of attacks (Bura et al., 2012).[9]"17:27
nmz787_i'toxic halitosis' sounds like something a kid in grade school would taunt another with17:27
cluckjsomething YO MOMMA HAS17:28
fennthe latest "all-natural" vaping craze17:28
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nmz787_i'what kind of smoke shop DOESN'T have hornworms???'17:34
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kanzurewhat? tapping hives for honey was a problem? http://www.honeyflow.com/18:33
kanzure"The Flow frame consists of already partly formed honeycomb cells.  The bees complete the comb with their wax, fill the cells with honey and cap the cells as usual.  When you turn the tool, a bit like a tap, the cells split vertically inside the comb forming channels, allowing the honey to flow down to a sealed trough at the base of the frame and out of the hive, while the bees are practically undisturbed on the comb surface."18:36
kanzure"When the honey has finished draining, you turn the tap again in the upper slot which resets the comb into the original position and allows the bees to chew the wax capping away, and fill it with honey again."18:36
fennnormally you have to pull the frames out, cut the wax off the surface, then spin it in a centrifuge18:37
fennall the while the bees are trying to kill you18:37
fennthe wax cutting process killa a lot of bees too18:38
fennalso that scrolling comment thing is stupid and annoying and uses lots of cpu even when it's offscreen18:39
kanzure"rotate and make the honey run out" seems kinda obvious?18:40
fennFlow (tm)18:41
fennthe fact that things like this are a new invention makes me worry18:42
kanzuremaybe this was something that was patented for a while, then it ran out, and now someone's using it18:42
kanzurealthough it doesn't explain why 30 years ago it wasn't obvious18:43
fennhe says it took "a decade" to perfect it18:43
kanzurewe're fucked18:43
fenni wonder what happens to the frames after they are drained.. do the bees just ignore them or do they refill them?18:44
kanzureyou have to rotate it back into the original position18:45
kanzureso that the cells have bottoms again18:46
fenn"When the honey has finished draining, you turn the tap again in the upper slot which resets the comb into the original position and allows the bees to chew the wax capping away, and fill it with honey again."18:46
fennwell that's convenient18:46
kanzureso why are they always shaped like doll houses18:46
fennthey aren't, usually hives are just white boxes18:47
kanzurealso i don't understand why anyone would want to take hives apart. why not cameras?18:48
kanzureor you can just weigh them18:48
fennyou had to take them apart to get the honey out18:48
kanzureoh bother.18:49
fennalso stuff like making new queens and inspecting for mites or dead bees18:51
fenna camera is probably a good idea18:53
kanzureyou could do a bee counter at the entrances18:54
kanzureyou can even test by throwing dead bees past it18:54
fennno i mean dead bees are a sign of something else wrong that you need to take care of18:55
kanzurewell i mean the counter18:55
kanzurefor calibration/development18:55
fennhm ok18:56
fennbees are ionic liquid and wax is not, so maybe a capacitance sensor could measure the bee fraction of the hive mass?18:57
fenni'm not sure how conductive honey is18:57
fenn.wa electrical conductivity of honey18:58
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!18:58
fenn10-100 mS/m18:59
fennaccording to http://www.cazv.cz/2003/anglicka/clanky/zv10-02/Pridal.pdf18:59
fenn.wa electrical conductivity of blood mS/m19:00
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!19:00
fennworse than useless19:00
fenn"whole blood suspension is of order ~ 50 mS m-1"19:00
fennis "ichor" really the right word for insects?19:02
kanzure"fluid that is the blood of the gods and/or immortals"19:02
kanzurewhat a cop out19:02
kanzurewhich is it!19:02
fennthat is totally what i'm calling my robot's hydraulic fluid19:03
fennin the last universe "ichor" was the word for insect's circulatory fluid19:06
fennbut here it's called... hemolymph?19:06
kanzurewell, plasma.19:08
fennplasma is the non-cell fraction of blood19:09
fenn"in insects, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the tracheal system. Hemolymph plays no part in the process in most insects."19:10
fenn"diameters from only a few micrometres up to 0.8 mm. The smallest tubes, tracheoles, penetrate cells"19:12
kanzurewhat did you want your bug farm for, again?19:13
fennwhich bug farm19:13
kanzuregiant insects19:13
fennoh, sexual pleasures etc19:14
fenni just like rhinoceros beetles19:14
fennluna moths are pretty cool too19:15
kanzureyou are sexually attracted to insects?19:15
fennno, that was a joke19:15
kanzurei don't know what's real anymore19:15
fenni don't have any rational reason to want giant insects19:15
fenni do think there are good economic arguments for giant crickets as a food19:16
fennand environmental19:16
fennmany have tried and failed to popularize the concept19:16
fenndried wax moths are available for a not totally unreasonable price, but it's not at all competitive with traditional food19:18
fennalso i think they maybe are not intended for human consumption (pet lizard food or smth)19:18
fenninsects have short life cycles and can reach reasonably large biomass so maybe a good platform for production of biologics19:19
fenni guess fungus is easier to deal with19:20
kanzurecell cultures seem to crash much more easily than bigger things19:20
fennwell cell cultures have no immune system to speak of19:20
fennand usually the product is niche enough to be expensive and allow sterile production methods19:21
fennbut free range engineered crickets would cost a lot less19:21
kanzurehoney protein expression?19:22
fennmaybe vanadium binding protein can be modified to adsorb uranium or other elements from seawater, and filter feeders can be used for "mining"19:22
fenn.wik bio leaching19:23
yoleaux"Bioleaching is the extraction of metals from their ores through the use of living organisms." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioleaching19:23
kanzurelots of "bio leaching" and "bio mining" last year http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna/projects/#igem-201419:23
fennyeah but i dont see how bacteria or yeast could scale19:24
fenni only see one entry http://2014.igem.org/Team:HNU_China/Project19:24
kanzurei've thought about that before, and my one idea is giant bioreactors with emulsions/bubbles, regularly sort them and feed them19:24
yoleauxTeam:HNU China/Project - 2014.igem.org19:24
kanzurethe search term is remediation on that page19:24
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fennwow ok there are quite a few projects on bioremediation19:25
fennthis is a good wiki page19:28
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fennwhy am i not subscribed to enzymaticsynthesis19:36
kanzurebecause you hate email19:37
fennapparently "show desktop site" doesn't actually show the version you'd get on a desktop19:39
fenni have no idea if i'm subscribed or not, but there doesn't seem to be any way to subscribe19:39
kanzure"No new invitations were sent. One person is already a member of the group. The provided email address might be a primary, secondary or alternate email address of this person."19:41
fenni think i was subscribed already and the UI is just dumb19:41
kanzureactually this says you joined in 201219:41
kanzureyes the ui is awful19:41
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fenndid anyone figure out a good RFID/barcode inventory tracking system for hackerspaces?19:46
fenni have no particular desire to reinvent this if it exists and works well19:47
kanzurei don't think so, or if they did then they never told the hackerspaces mailing list about it19:47
kanzurethere's a lot of really lame implementations19:47
fennlooks like they only use rfid for door locks, which i couldn't care less about19:48
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fenni want to track whether tools are in a place or not, and when they left and who was there when they left19:48
fennalso general stuff tracking like "how many X do i have"19:49
fennor "where is X"19:49
fennmaybe i do need to write this19:50
kanzureer, what happens when the data is all wrong?19:51
fennthat's what the RFID is for19:51
fenncommercial tags are like $0.05 in quantity 100019:52
fennhrm. "A passive 96-bit EPC inlay (chip and antenna mounted on a substrate) costs from 7 to 15 U.S. cents. If the tag is embedded in a thermal transfer label on which companies can print a bar code, the price rises to 15 cents and up. Low- and high-frequency tags tend to cost a little more."19:53
fennno date on that article19:54
fennthe problem is that readers for that kind of tag are expensive19:54
fennthings may have changed since i last researched this19:54
fennfor components it may be easiest to tag a bag with RFID and weigh it periodically19:56
fennthe count will be accurate enough19:56
kanzurewhat about venom expression19:57
fennif the scale has an rfid reader built in you can run a script to auto update the quantity in that bag; as long as there are no indiana joneses adding weights to the bag it will be an accurate count19:57
fennputting something on a scale doesn't take long19:58
kanzureeasy to bottle19:58
fenner, what about it19:59
fennas a project?19:59
kanzurewell, with insects your options are basically honey or silk expression19:59
kanzureand i'm not really sure about spinning down silk to extract other stuff19:59
fennvenom producing organisms already do an alright job of producing venom?19:59
kanzureyou could probably have them express other things in venom19:59
fennoh ok19:59
fennbacteria would be easier for short peptides, but iirc many venoms are circular peptides and that may not be possible in bacteria20:00
kanzuresurely there's a bunch of junk in venom?20:00
fenn.wik cyclosporine20:01
yoleaux"Ciclosporin (INN/BAN) (pronounced /ˌsaɪkləˈspɔrɪn/); cyclosporine (USAN); cyclosporin (former BAN); or ciclosporin A, cyclosporine A, or cyclosporin A (often shortened to CsA) is an immunosuppressant drug widely used in organ transplantation to prevent rejection." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclosporine20:01
fenn.wik amantin20:01
yoleaux"The Atebubu-Amantin District is one of the twenty-two (22) districts of the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. Its capital is Atebubu." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atebubu-Amantin_District20:01
fenn.wik amatoxin20:01
yoleaux"Amatoxins are a subgroup of at least eight toxic compounds found in several genera of poisonous mushrooms, most notably Amanita phalloides and several other members of the genus Amanita, as well as some Conocybe, Galerina and Lepiota mushroom species." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amatoxin20:01
fenn.wik amanitin20:02
yoleaux"Amanitin may refer to several related amatoxins:" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanitin20:02
fennhow can you go wrong with "destroying angel"20:02
kanzuretree sap could work?20:02
fennseems like antivenom would be more useful20:03
fenncurrently it's laboriously produced by torturing furry creatures and then storing their blood extract in a refrigerator, with constant shortages for entire countries20:04
kanzuremore useful than generic protein expression?20:04
fennthe problem is there are so many venoms20:05
fennthey actually do triage with antivenom in the USA because of the shortages20:05
kanzurehm i wonder if anyone has a list or table of high-capacity expression vectors20:06
kanzuresurely someone has looked into the theoretical capacity of caterpillar silk versus goat milk expression of random recombinant proteins20:07
kanzureversus lifecycle length20:08
kanzurejonano is trolling #bitcoin at the moment20:08
kanzure("the ebola virus of cryonics")20:08
fenngood for him?20:08
kanzurewell i'm trying to counter his bullshit :/20:09
fennwhat are the units of "expression capacity"20:09
fenngrams or activity per ... dollar? per hour*m^3 of lab?20:10
fennobviously a single goat will express more than a single bacterium20:11
kanzurewell whatever it is, probably more biased towards lifecycle things and difficulty of injecting plasmids or long-term expression or somtehing... if it takes 100 years for a tree to start expressing polymerase, no thanks.20:11
kanzure*start expressing polymerase in tree serum20:11
fennlifecycle is a different parameter20:11
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fennhum maybe NFC phones can read RFID tags?20:14
fennthat would be cool20:15
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fennnew project, a setup that would automatically 3d scan and weigh and photograph objects on various neutral backgrounds and associate that with an RFID tag20:24
kanzureconcrete cnc is more practical20:28
fennok maybe 3d scanning is overkill20:30
fennthere still don't seem to be any good camera-only open source implementations20:30
kanzurealso what was the status of the dlp stuff... something about optics, but then that asshole on youtube basically did everything without non-conventional projector lenses.20:32
fenni don't get why people are still using laser line scanners20:32
kanzurelike why did someone recommend using a microscope20:33
kanzureoh right, the youtube demonstration was not high resolution20:33
fenn10 minutes to do a 3d scan seems unreasonable20:44
fenn400 steps per rev at 15 frames per second is 26 seconds20:45
fennmotion blur shouldnt be a problem with enough light20:45
fenn10W LEDs are stupidly bright20:46
fennlooking at https://github.com/mvhenten/pylatscan "Python Laser Triangulation Scanning"20:48
kanzure"I wonder how much of this is AK-47s. It is arguably the most successful [weapon]." "Not very much. They licensed it to China."21:21
kanzureso ridiculous21:22
fennnot licensed, just produced21:24
nmz787.title http://www.macpod.net/electronics/lasershark/lasershark.php21:27
yoleauxMacpod LLC: Lasershark - Intro (Friggin sharks with lasers)21:27
nmz787for laser galvos21:28
fenni'm thinking cardboard with laser printed templates is a decent compromise between garbage bodging and full-on fab lab laser cutters and cnc routers21:30
fennoptimized to be cut with a craft knife21:30
fennless capability though; you can't make gears or anything remotely precise21:31
fenn"This hardware is released under the GPL V2" copyfail21:31
fennwhat does it do21:32
fennUSB +-10V galvanometer driver21:34
fennwith a USB mini connector :(21:34
fennso it substitutes massive hardware complexity for trivial software complexity? great21:36
nmz787mini is the shit21:45
nmz787micro has no through-holes for mountin21:45
fennwhy not just go full-size B21:56
fennwith o-rings and cannon plugs21:56
fennbetter yet if it's machined from solid blocks of titanium21:57
fennwhy is there no micro ethernet connector21:58
nmz787i've had phone micros fail on me a few times, no thanks for lab equipment22:21
delinquentmeIm looking for free market research materials22:23
delinquentmeanyone know where I might find such a thing?22:23
kanzureunited states government does lots of surveys and data collection22:24
JayDuggerTry US census data.22:25
kanzure"Synthesis of a mixed analog-digital variable capacitor circuit"22:32
kanzure"Synthesis of a cubic function generator"22:32
kanzurethis is a lame page... i doubt anyone ever argued that circuits were impossible to generate with genetic algorithms.22:32
nmz787no, but this is proof they do22:48
nmz787that page seems like it will be particularly useful actually, especially the circuitry routing/layout stuff22:50
kanzuregenetic algorithms are just one of many search implementations22:51
kanzurethe useful part is not the search algorithm here at all22:51
nmz787yeah but it's /a/ search algorithm specifically for doing shit i'm interested in and working on22:54
nmz787it is good to know what exists22:55
kanzurenmz787: fenn and i worked in this lab for a while http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/campbell/22:58
nmz787this doesn't seem to load http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/campbell/A%20generic%20scheme%20for%20graph%20topology%20optimization.pdf23:02
nmz7870 bytes23:04
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kanzureyes that is problem23:06
nmz787you can cp that23:14
nmz787or mv it23:14
nmz787juri_: you should come to the brlcad-side :)23:16
kanzurethat only costs $85k/year?23:24
kanzureor wait.. maybe 85k is high. i'm trying to decide. :/23:24
nmz787"The Extended Pattern Search technology for product layout has matured to the point of being commercialized by DesignAdvance™ Systems, Inc., a spin off from Carnegie Mellon University. DesignAdvance has extended the basic technology to layout 2D Printed Circuit Boards PCBs, its first commercial product, and is in the process of developing a commercial version of EPS for general 3D application to mechanical and electromechanical products."23:26
nmz787shit, that's what I need to do23:26
kanzurei think octopart has been doing that lately23:27
kanzurenot sure. if they aren't, they should be.23:27
nmz787I didn't think so23:28
nmz787but maybe23:28
nmz787i haven't checked really23:28
nmz787i know they have a blog23:28
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