
--- Log opened Wed Feb 25 00:00:04 2015
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fenn"Statistics Professors HATE Him!  Doctor's discovery revealed the secret to learning any problem with just 10 training samples. Watch this shocking video and learn how rapidly you can find a solution to your learning problems using this one sneaky kernel trick!" http://www.oneweirdkerneltrick.com05:08
chris_99haha some of the pdfs are awesome05:11
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fennomg i want "deep cat basis" http://media.catmoji.com/post/viin/best-way-to-organize-your-cats.jpg05:27
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cluckjcat stackin'06:05
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kanzurensa data center is actually a giant operation to detect time travelers07:38
kanzure"10 bits of entropy should be enough for anyone"07:42
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maakukanzure: ah but why not program robots to like it?09:33
kanzureor non-preference, even09:33
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nmz787_iis that just a PR scheme by Boston Dynamics?10:11
nmz787_imaaku: seems those robots don't have any sort of programming for that now anyway10:11
nmz787_ithat isn't a robotic characteristic as much as one of AI10:11
maakunmz787_i: i'm sure this is a joke by someone at boston dynamics10:12
maakuand sadly few people are able to make that (correct) distinction :(10:12
chris_99nmz787_i, did you order some of those ToF chips btw?10:12
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kanzureyes it's probably PR10:19
kanzure(especially because it says so)10:20
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nmz787_ichris_99: nah, been too busy with work and class lately10:30
chris_99aha, i think i'm gonna try and interface to it with the RPi, to start with, as i need to log the data from it10:30
nmz787_ibeen tinkering with BRLCAD a bit, trying to create a python version of kanzures spiral.pl code, but with the ability to use arbitrary channel profiles rather than just a square cross-section10:30
kanzureyou and genehacker would get along very well, i'm telling you10:32
kanzureoriginally i wrote spiral.pl because genehacker asked me to (or something)10:32
kanzurewe were involved in some microfluidic shenanigans10:32
nmz787_ihah, there is a website spiral.pl10:34
kanzureanyway spirals are his shape of choice10:34
kanzureif anyone ever makes a hexagonal cross section spiral, we're doomed10:35
nmz787_ichris_99: http://brlcad.org/wiki/Spiral10:35
nmz787_iI screwed something up with the rotate command and it made a very interesting 3D spiraling shape10:35
chris_99heh cool10:35
nmz787_iI saved-as that file because it was such an interesting output10:36
nmz787_ikanzure: i don't understand why your spiral.pl script was running mged multiple times... why didn't you just assemble your complete list of commands and execute mged once. It seems you were trying to avoid running mged for each command.... but I don't get why you chose 100 commands per 'chunk' rather than just queuing them all.10:39
nmz787_ito catch intermediate errors?10:39
kanzurehmm. i don't remember. perhaps i wasn't aware of mged file input.10:40
kanzurei also don't remember why i used repeating extruded cross sections10:42
kanzurewhich is clearly the wrong way to do this10:42
nmz787_iI haven't done any of the center subtraction, since I assume the whole extrusion will be the channel or etch area10:43
kanzurei think the right way to do this is a 2d sketch of a spiral, then copy and translate a few units horizontal or whatever, then extrude.10:43
nmz787_ithen you can't get parabolic cross-sections though I think10:43
nmz787_iI'd thought of using a method like that10:44
kanzurelike this:10:44
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yoleauxrolled/spiral cylinder in sheet metal solidworks - YouTube10:45
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0UogBXF1h410:45
yoleauxscrew compressor animation - YouTube10:45
nmz787_iyeah need some more time to think about how to get arbitrary cross-sections10:45
nmz787_ihave also been playing with the involute gear equations trying to get some nice gears10:46
kanzureother spiral thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_rZfxtADWI10:46
yoleauxsolidworks spiral horlogerie - YouTube10:46
kanzuresometimes stalkmatrix has really bizarre omissions. for example, according to this data, i have never talked with anyone about mged. but that doesn't make sense...10:48
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kanzuredingo: welcome back11:01
dingoyeah thanks11:06
yoleaux26 Dec 2014 22:56Z <kanzure> dingo: are doi numbers ever deprecated?11:06
dingothere is an unregistration process for when mistakes are made11:07
dingobut generally not11:07
dingolol that was a long time ago11:07
dingoif i recall you would submit "DOI is superceded by .."11:08
dingoand then they would do a sort of redirect11:08
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kanzurebbrittain: are you around?11:33
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nmz787_ithe upside of animals vs microbes seems to me that animals have immune systems and other good control systems.... like fish farming is still economical even though it seems that their living conditions are gross, their immune systems and filtration systems are able to deal with it and still produce decent tasting product. Now whether the environmental stressors impress negative nutritional aspects, idk... that may be a jrayhawk12:09
nmz787_isaw one of these yesterday on the highway... looks a LOT nicer than their weird mini-SUV thing http://www.bmw.com/com/en/newvehicles/i/i8/2014/showroom/12:11
yoleauxBMW i812:11
nmz787_i"powerful plug-in hybrid system with the combination of BMW eDrive technology and a BMW TwinPower Turbo 1.5-litre, 3-cylinder petrol engine brings together the benefits of an electric motor and a petrol engine to produce an outstanding driving experience."12:13
nmz787_ilol, 3-cyl sports car12:13
nmz787_i112 MPG12:22
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chris_99hydrogen fuel cell apparently ^12:31
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archelsthe paper of the day is: An investigation of the neural substrates of mind wandering induced by viewing traditional Chinese landscape paintings12:55
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kanzure"Coming up soon, a planning meeting for the 2015 Bay Area DIY Bio iGEM team.  Be thinking of ideas and get the word out.  This will be a joint project open to all the bay area bio hacker spaces.  More info to come."13:31
kanzurewe should tell them to do our work for us13:32
kanzurequick, think of a thing13:32
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kanzure"DonglePi is a device that gives you a Raspberry Pi P1 compatible connector for your PC." https://github.com/gbin/DonglePi14:15
kanzure"deanonymizing alt.anonymous.messages" https://ritter.vg/p/AAM-defcon13.pdf14:18
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jrayhawknmz787_i: an inversion of the expensive tissue hypothesis comes to mind; the more energy an animal has dedicated to digestion, the more robust its survival capacity is in adverse conditions14:24
cluckjkanzure, I moved to philadelphia...boston is kinda far away now :(14:24
cluckjalso ping heath and bbrittain on ^14:27
jrayhawkfor certain definitions of adverse14:27
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cluckjfuck, it's already 7pm15:52
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maakusomewhere in the world16:20
maakueverynow and then I'm like "fuck, it's already 2015"16:20
kanzurehmm i could have sworn it was 202316:21
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kanzure.title http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.712816:27
yoleaux[1312.7128] Searching the Internet for evidence of time travelers16:27
cluckjI've just burned away most of the day dissertating16:49
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kanzurecluckj: defending?17:01
bbrittainkanzure: around now17:10
* bbrittain assumes email already said the thing17:10
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delinquentmeWhat do they call the piping internally within a fabbed CPU ?  Like *JUST* the metal thats put down to route signals17:11
fennor "interconnects" if you're a dork17:12
kanzurebbrittain: email says the thing17:14
kanzurebbrittain: you are quite hard to stalk. couldn't find your phone number. found someone named will, though.17:14
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cluckjkanzure, no, writing17:20
kanzurewould you like me to shit all over it?17:20
cluckjthat would be a big pile of shit on another pile of shit, man17:21
kanzurenow you have two problems? k17:21
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cluckjor one bigger one D:17:21
cluckjI was trying to work out this expertise stuff and it's kinda garbage because it's based on notes of books and articles I read a while ago17:40
cluckjI have to go back and read the original source material again, unfortunately17:40
kanzurecluckj: the only thing you need to know about expertise is that it's bullshit17:41
cluckjyes, that is essentially what I am saying in this part :)17:42
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kanzurei thought there was a good feynman quote about this but wikiquote doesn't have it, which is strange.. it's like the only good thing he ever said.17:42
cluckjthere's an extensive literature about expertise in my discipline, and none of it works well with DIY stuff17:43
kanzurea bunch of people aren't incentivized to poo over the concept of expertise/authority because it's an entirely self-defeating position17:43
kanzurewell i mean, in public. when communicating with others.17:44
cluckj"aren't incentivized" is a really kind way to put it17:45
kanzurethis is my "try being nice" week17:45
cluckjexpertise/authority is tied up with power of all sorts17:45
cluckjeconomic, social, political17:45
cluckjmy criticism of it is that it's conceptualized as some quantity of (knowledge, authority, credentials) located in an individual17:46
kanzurei suspect zooko might have some good philosophy rants about this since he's so attached to the name "least authority"17:46
cluckjwhat I'm trying to suggest is that we (my discipline) should rethink it as something performative17:47
cluckjexpertise is something you do, rather than something you have17:47
kanzuremaybe it's meaningless (when not used in the bullying capacity)17:49
kanzureit's not your job to defend terrible ideas17:50
cluckjI'm not defending expertise as a noun, I'm suggesting it works better as a verb17:51
kanzuremaybe something like "clever-and-not-completely-wasteful applied effort"17:53
cluckjthat's pretty close17:54
cluckjit's really about what you can _do_ in the DIY settings I work in17:54
cluckjs/I/we, I guess17:57
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bbrittainkanzure: inability to find phone number is positive.18:08
bbrittainpeople may contact me through email, IRC, & twitter.18:09
nmz787I already started sending will's # to all the autodialers I know of18:10
nmz787(the only ones I can think of exist in cartoons)18:10
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kanzuregenehacker: yo21:16
genehackerI want an STM21:18
kanzurealright put it on my debit card21:18
genehackerand some molecular tweezers21:18
genehackerso I can build up metal organic frameworks linker by linker21:19
genehackerIN 3D!21:19
kanzuremolecular tweezers are just optical traps, right?21:19
justanotheruserI assume you have seen http://www.e-basteln.de/21:21
genehackerno they're molecules21:21
justanotheruserterribly outdated though, he uses some super old board for phones or something21:21
justanotheruserMotorola DSP 5600221:21
kanzure.wik molecular tweezer21:22
yoleaux"Molecular tweezers, and molecular clips, are noncyclic host molecules with open cavities capable of binding guest molecules. The term "molecular tweezers" was first used by Howard J. Whitlock, but the class of hosts was developed and popularized by Steven C." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecular_tweezer21:22
justanotheruserthe hardware is neat though21:22
kanzure.wik optical trap21:22
yoleaux"Optical tweezers (originally called "single-beam gradient force trap") are scientific instruments that use a highly focused laser beam to provide an attractive or repulsive force (typically on the order of piconewtons), depending on the refractive index mismatch to physically hold and move microscopic dielectric objects similar to tweezers." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_trap21:22
kanzure.wik atom holography21:23
yoleaux"An atom laser is a coherent state of propagating atoms. They are created out of a Bose–Einstein condensate of atoms that are output coupled using various techniques." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom_laser21:23
kanzuregenehacker: nmz787 has been working on that spiral microfluidic design generator i wrote in 200821:27
genehackeroptical trap is too big21:27
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nmz787i should be able to make some ~nm tipped STM/AFM/molecular-tweezer tips22:48
nmz787i think to change it from a pipette tip to just a conical surface (using glass capillary as stock material) I'd just need to apply light vacuum to each side of the capillary in the pipette puller22:49
nmz787functionalizing the tip would be another thing ;)22:50
genehackerstill need to figure out how to make the tweezers22:56
genehackerand how to recharge the tweezers22:58
genehackerand the various reactions for dropping linkers in place22:59
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nmz787some type of electrochemistry?23:36
genehackerI was hoping just to do it positionally23:38
genehackerthis stuff self assembles23:38
nmz787how do you control tweezing then?23:40
nmz787by what you add to the vicinity>23:40
genehackerstuff sticks to the tweezer23:41
genehackerstuff sticks to the tweezer reversibly, stuff reacts to form a framework irreversibly23:42
nmz787isn't this just a less-flashy version of a general biochemistry mechanism wiki page?23:43
genehackertweezer is just there to organize stuff23:43
nmz787i mean, it seems like it23:43
nmz787like enzymatics23:43
genehackersort of, but hosts and guests are essential to understanding supramolecular chemistry23:44
nmz787and mid-way there's your pharmacology class23:44
nmz787isn't it all just 'electronics'23:44
nmz787i wonder if antenna modelling software would be of use23:45
genehackersure if your antenna has quantum weirdness23:45
genehackerit is sort of electronics, but at that scale it isn't useful23:46
nmz787yeah i think you'd have to add in the local field changes from the guest molecule as it's proximity to the host increases23:46
genehackeryou can do DFT, but DFT takes a long time23:47
genehackeryou can make approximations though23:47
nmz787.lattice boltzmann23:47
nmz787.wik lattice boltzmann23:47
yoleaux"Lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM) (or Thermal Lattice Boltzmann methods (TLBM)) is a class of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods for fluid simulation. Instead of solving the Navier–Stokes equations, the discrete Boltzmann equation is solved to simulate the flow of a Newtonian fluid with collision models such as Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK)." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattice_Boltzmann23:47
genehackersee pretty much anything that is done in molecular dynamics23:48
nmz787oh, I thought it was for multi body in general23:48
nmz787can DFT be described for sub-atomic?23:48
genehackerwhat do you mean by subatomic?23:48
nmz787I'm fine with sticking to electrons for now ;)23:48
nmz787well are electrons composed of some other junk?23:49
genehackerI don't think so23:50
genehackerread the wiki on DFT23:50
nmz787looking at the software list now23:51
genehackerall I know is that it takes a long time to run23:52
nmz787I have a terribly underutilized server with like 70gb ram23:52
genehackerit takes a day to simulate a small molecule in one configuration with DFT23:54
genehackeron a supercomputer in texas23:54
nmz787I wish I would have known that 4 months ago when we turned this server on :P23:54
nmz787this is not a super computer23:55
nmz787do you know about ATRP?23:56
nmz787.wik ATRP23:56
yoleaux"Disambiguation: ATRP" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATRP23:56
nmz787.wik Atom-transfer radical-polymerization23:56
yoleaux"Atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) is an example of a Reversible-deactivation radical polymerization. Like its counterpart, ATRA or atom transfer radical addition, it is a means of forming a carbon-carbon bond through a transition metal catalyst." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom-transfer_radical-polymerization23:56
genehackercan you make covalent organic frameworks with it?23:57
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