
--- Log opened Fri Feb 27 00:00:06 2015
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cluckjnmz787, it was had04:51
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fenn.title http://www.postnatural.org/05:43
yoleauxCenter for PostNatural History05:43
fenn"'PostNatural' refers to living organisms that have been altered through processes such as selective breeding or genetic engineering. The mission of the Center for PostNatural History is to acquire, interpret, and provide access to a collection of living, preserved, and documented organisms of postnatural origin.05:44
fenn"provide access" is an interesting twist for a museum05:44
fenndoes this mean they have atcc microbe strains and cell lines?05:44
fennor is it just like, "hey, look at this dead goat"05:45
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vrcacvaiuslopyqe] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:49
fennno need to photograph the books, they're here http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/1abbddb613f9276c81d206717091632005:54
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fennshould i get a crock pot that's missing a crock? i'm not sure what to do with it but it seems potentially useful06:04
cluckjsous vide cooker? incubator?06:04
fennit's square stainless-clad and programmable06:04
fenni was thinking about making machinable wax06:05
fennor some other plastic dissolving experiment06:05
fennhadn't thought of sous vide06:05
fennok my mind is made up, huzzah, more junk!06:06
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fennjunk acquired.06:26
fennok maybe "programmable" was an overstatement... but it does have an LCD that i could hack to do something useful, like display the temperature setting06:38
fennit reminds me of the water baths in the biology lab06:39
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kanzure.title http://www.autogeny.org/aircar/index.html06:47
yoleauxAircar Proposal06:47
kanzure("Molecular Manufacturing and the Private Aircar")06:47
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fenni don't like the blue backlight really07:00
chris_99whatcha gonna do with it07:01
fennnot sure, any ideas?07:04
cluckjfenn, anything is programmable if you put a board on it07:06
fennyeah but this has buttons and an LCD and possibly a temperature sensor07:06
cluckjso it's already theoretically programmable?07:06
chris_99if you added some recirculation thing, sous vide could be fun07:07
cluckjaquarium pump07:07
cluckjsome dude at nyc resistor had a frankenstein's monster sous vide cooker he made from a broken crock pot07:08
fennwhy recirculation? it's being heated from all sides07:09
cluckjyou want it to be an even temperature all around, with no hot spots07:10
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chris_99i might try sous vide with my brewing system as that uses recirculation of water through an element + PID - https://www.anfractuosity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/rims1.jpg07:11
fenni'm amazed at how much people charge for PID temperature controllers07:12
cubathey are very cheap on alibaba07:13
chris_99mine was like £20 i think or less07:13
fennit's literally just a relay, a microcontroller, a thermocouple, and some knobs07:13
cubaincluding SSR/pt100 like 30$07:13
chris_99im gonna switch to using 1-wire temp probes probably + an STM ARM07:13
fennwhy would anyone need a solid state relay for temperature control?07:13
fennyou're not recrystallizing silicon07:14
superkuhI used one for controlled crystallization of triglycine sulfate.07:14
chris_99to switch the element without the relay breaking?07:14
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fenn"Triglycine sulfate (TGS) crystal is an important ferroelectric crystal used on a large spectrum of radiation detection. Crystals from this family are used as targeted vidicon materials."07:17
fenn.title http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=97141607:20
yoleauxSPIE | Proceeding | Triglycine sulfate (TGS) crystals for pyroelectric infrared detecting devices07:20
fennengineering review article07:21
fennpaperbot: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=97141607:22
fennwow it worked07:25
fennneeds watermark scrubbing07:26
fennthe article is more an introduction than a review07:26
chris_99i wonder if any publishers use invisble watermarks on images etc.07:26
fenndoubt it07:26
fennthey still use ftp servers for uploading manuscripts07:27
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superkuhThis lab write-up was a valuable guide. http://physics.technion.ac.il/~jammia/advlab/advlab.htm07:30
fennwould it be possible to make a mechanical scanning infrared camera using one of these crystals?07:34
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fennPIR sensors are cheap but small, which makes for poor SNR/bandwidth07:36
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chris_99Anyone know the name of that super reflective material, thats used on projector screens07:53
fennretro-reflective microspheres?07:54
chris_99merci thats the one indeed07:55
kanzurereflective microwho?07:55
fenn.g "screen goo"07:55
fenni wonder how they get enough depth of field on those "projection mapping" music stages to keep everything in focus07:57
chris_99so that screen goo is the same kind of stuff?07:57
chris_99just found someone selling sample strips of 3M retroreflective stuff, i only need a teensy ammount08:00
fenni got some yellow reflective tape for my bike08:01
fennthere is even "black" reflective tape which looks white at night (with a headlamp)08:01
chris_99haha weird08:02
fennwow $250/gallon08:04
kanzure08:02 <+justanotheruser> .to xentrac  Is there a way I can define a function arbitrarily using cams rather than a cam system just acting as an ASIC?08:04
fennjustanotheruser: a cam is a function plotted radially08:05
justanotheruserfenn: I know08:06
fennwhy is kanzure on pacific time08:06
kanzuretime is too confusing for me08:06
justanotheruserI am asking if I can set some of the inputs to define some function and the rest of the inputs to be inputs for that function08:07
kanzuresomeone taught me to read clocks and ever since i've regretted it08:07
kanzure"well that's fucked up"08:07
fennyeah clocks are stupid08:07
justanotheruser>not using unix time08:08
chris_99except ones that can sense gravity, those are pretty cool08:08
fennthat's a differential time gradient detector08:09
fennor something08:09
chris_99i was reading something about the latest generation of atomic clocks being so precise even from the top to the bottom of the room, they run at different rates08:10
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kanzuredelinquentme: https://www.takeitapart.com/guide/9408:16
kanzuredelinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/abi391/08:16
kanzuredelinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/synthesis/Synthesis%20-%20Microfluidic%20PicoArray%20synthesis%20of%20oligodeoxynucleotides%20and%20simultaneous%20assembling%20of%20multiple%20DNA%20sequences%20(10%20kb).pdf08:19
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kanzurespock being mistaken for spock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9G5ciMqFNM&t=5m30s09:51
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nmz787_ifenn: those weren't the books I photographed... the books I snapped pics of were in the back room, which would be behind Rich in the gigapan pic11:02
fenndid you at least pluck a hair from the transgenic goat?11:04
nmz787_ichris_99: nice cart!11:06
nmz787_imore impetus to produce my own DNA from scratch11:07
nmz787_i.wik dantzig11:30
yoleaux"Dantzig is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dantzig11:30
nmz787_i.wik  Tobias Dantzig11:30
yoleaux"Tobias Dantzig (February 19, 1884 – August 9, 1956) was a mathematician of Baltic German and Russian American heritage, the father of George Dantzig, and the author of Number: The Language of Science (A critical survey written for the cultured non-mathematician) (1930) and Aspects of Science (New York, Macmillan, 1937)." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobias_Dantzig11:30
nmz787_inot to be confused with:11:31
nmz787_i.wik glen dnazig11:31
yoleaux"Glenn Danzig (born Glenn Allen Anzalone; June 23, 1955) is an American singer, songwriter and musician from Lodi, New Jersey. He is a founder of bands the Misfits, Samhain, and Danzig. He owns the Evilive record label as well as Verotik, an adult-oriented comic book publishing company." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Danzig11:31
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chris_99nmz787_i, working on any electronic projects atm?11:43
nmz787_ichris_99: lately I've been spending most of my free time procrastinating for or doing actual classwork11:50
chris_99heh, you almost finished at uni?11:52
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nmz787_iyeah, should have this latest experiment to write-up, one more next week, and maybe I will re-write one previous that I did poorly on11:52
nmz787_ithen I just have to take some 2-hour english test to get credit for english-10111:53
chris_99this is was a masters course right?11:54
nmz787_icustom 7 or 8 year bachelors program11:55
chris_99ah yeah11:57
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sheenanmz787_i: topic of class?12:19
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nmz787_isheena: instrumental analysis is the title... it is using most of the cool chemistry detection equipment (GC/MS, fluorimetry, voltamettry, spectrophotometry, atomic absorbtion/emission spectrophotometry, potentiometry, liquid chromatography with UV spectrophotometry)12:54
chris_99neat :)12:54
sheenaso you're learning to tell what something is made of without knowing ahead of time ..?12:54
nmz787_iI guess that's the idea... we know all the stuff ahead of time though12:55
sheenafor learnign purpose, i'd assume this would need ot be ttrue12:55
nmz787_ilike for voltammetry we were looking at/for cadmium and lead in cigarette extract along with e-cig extract12:55
nmz787_ifor GC/MS we were looking for nicotine concentration in those12:56
chris_99have you done any electrochemistry stuff such as with a potentiostat12:59
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nmz787_ichris_99: I did ASV (anodic stripping voltammetry).... which is where you make one of the electrodes the opposite charge of some ion/metal of interest, causing the ions to plate onto the electrode (I guess this might be considered electroplating).... then you slowly ramp the voltage toward the opposite polarity, in small steps, and during each step you monitor the current through the analyte.... the idea is that certain ions will13:59
nmz787_ipop off the plate at certain voltages... and you can tell when they pop off by watching the current spike around that voltage13:59
nmz787_ifor potentiometry we did the classic pH, then also pCl and pBr14:00
nmz787_i(for chlorine and bromine)14:00
nmz787_ibasically that consists of an electrometer circuit, and an electrode that is allowed to interact only with the ions of interest (so you need some special filter, often some membrane, or for pH it's just glass)14:01
chris_99i bought a chip that seems quite nice, that's got spi/i2c i foget which that you connect a pH electrode too14:02
chris_99yeah i've seen the cheapstat14:02
nmz787_iit's cool because the xray detector I was working on basically uses an electrometer that is hooked up to a photodiode14:03
chris_99cool, whatcha gonna use that for?14:03
chris_99you can detect x-rays with a photodiode?!14:03
nmz787_iyeah, a PIN photodiode14:05
nmz787_inormally used for NIR communications14:06
chris_99aha interesting14:06
nmz787_iidea was initially sparked as a method to determine the remaining thickness of a hole being machined by an ion beam into a metal14:06
chris_99oh, how do the x-rays relate to this?14:07
nmz787_i.wik bremsstrahlung14:07
yoleaux"Bremsstrahlung (German pronunciation: [ˈbʁɛmsˌʃtʁaːlʊŋ] ( listen), from bremsen "to brake" and Strahlung "radiation", i.e. "braking radiation" or "deceleration radiation") is electromagnetic radiation produced by the deceleration of a charged particle when deflected by another charged particle, typically an electron by an atomic nucleus." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bremsstrahlung14:07
chris_99aha cool14:07
nmz787_iion shoots into target, knocking off sub-molecular chunks14:07
chris_99and you get x-rays back?14:08
nmz787_iyep the electrons changing orbits and junk creates photons14:08
chris_99so the number of photons returned would mean something? to do with the thickness you've milled14:09
nmz787_iwell the xrays can be re-absorbed in the bulk material... so their liklihood of getting to the detector increases as there is less material14:09
nmz787_i(as milling proceeds)14:09
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fennhuh i actually chatted with aaron rowe about potentiostats, didn't know he made an actual open source hardware project14:14
fenncontext DIY urinalysis14:14
nmz787_iIMO the worst instruments were the potentiostate and the mass-spec14:16
chris_99why so14:17
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nmz787_inoise, lack of repeatability, lack of data trending correctly with little error14:19
nmz787_iit's possible we just needed more data for each sample, to boost the statistics14:20
nmz787_iI've had trouble with pH type meters before, endlessly drifting14:20
nmz787_ithe mass-spec was surprising as it was a relatively new instrument14:20
chris_99yeah i've heard about pH meters needing lots of calibration? and them also needing to be thrown away before they get too old14:21
nmz787_ibut of the samples we ran twice, we got different data each time and it was bad enough that I didn't write much praise for it in my report14:21
nmz787_iI know the electrodes can foul14:22
nmz787_ibut I am not sure where the drift came into play... if it was some interaction between a slow-to-equilibrate electrode/selective-membrane and the electrometer leakage current... or something else14:23
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fennheh "Dr. Aaron Rowe Ph.D. 2011 Currently: V.P. of Clinical Research, Integrated Plasmonics Corporation"14:24
chris_99i'm curious whats the difference between a cheapo $10 pH electrode and some fancy pants expensive one14:27
fennthe price!14:27
nmz787_ichris_99: hopefully the ADC/electrometer circuit is better with more $14:30
chris_99i mean just the elctrode though14:31
chris_99no electronics14:31
chris_99par example http://shop.hannainst.com/hi10530.html?id=040006&ProdCode=HI%25201053014:32
cluckjabout $160, it looks like14:33
chris_99yeah i just have a $10 one14:34
nmz787_ithe actual electrode probably isn't very different14:34
chris_99this is what i was thinking if its just glass+chemical14:34
cluckja $10 one that's got electrolytes in it?14:35
chris_99how else do they work?14:35
nmz787_i"The glass tip uses a special LT (low temperature) glass formulation with a lower resistance of approximately 50 megaohms compared to GP (general purpose) glass with a resistance of about 100 megaohms. This is beneficial since many food products are stored at low temperatures. As the temperature of the glass decreases in the sample, the resistance of the LT glass will approach that of GP glass. If using GP glass, the resistance14:35
nmz787_iwould increase above the optimum range, resulting in increased impedance and ultimately affecting the measurement."14:35
nmz787_ilower resistance, less johnson noise I think14:35
nmz787_iunles you use a chopper14:35
chris_99ah, so it's some fancy glass14:38
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chris_99heh neat15:15
kanzureyeah but i'm not sure if practical... seems like many of the things you want to do may require less space and demand shorter interconnects... so not sure how this works out in practice..15:17
chris_99is the liquid itself travelling on a single plane though15:24
chris_99in each 'chip'15:24
nmz787_ii thought PNAS was open... did that change or is my memory bad?15:44
nmz787_ipaperbot: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/42/15013.full.pdf+html?sid=f79338f3-77e3-4552-971c-3da9d7337bda15:44
nmz787_ipaperbot: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/42/15013.short15:46
nmz787_iof course the supplement is avail http://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2014/09/16/1414764111.DCSupplemental/pnas.201414764SI.pdf15:46
nmz787_ii wonder why parallela seems to have stopped making products, and never released their 64-core processor15:54
chris_99didn't they have one with even more cores than that too16:00
chris_99i'm still not sure how different their actual cores are from a GPU type system16:01
chris_99or even an FPGA using OpenCL16:02
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nmz787_iaren't GPUs just vector processors... meaning they can do the same operation on many many data at once, but can't actually do different 'processing' for each data address/chunk16:05
nmz787_i(i don't know but was thinking about this recentlyt16:05
chris_99iirc there are actually different parts of the GPU that can run different instructions16:06
chris_99maybe i'm wrong16:08
chris_99as they are classed as SIMD by the looks of it16:08
chris_99so yeah soundsd like you're right16:10
chris_99Epiphany is MIMD16:10
nmz787_i"For the MEBDW system with a large beam size, the fact that 30 µC/cm2 means only about 10 electrons deposited in a pixel of 2.25×2.25 nm2 area, implies that the simulation of incident electrons at a beam diameter between 20 and 35 nm, much larger than the pixel size, cannot be simply represented by a Gaussian intensity. These 10 electrons randomly spread into the circular area around the target pixel with a specific beam spot16:15
nmz787_idistribution. Accumulation of the electrons and consequent scatterings from all pixels within a feature provides the required dosage and forms the imaging intensity. Although the adjacent spots will overlap each other, the sparse distribution still introduces the noise to the imaging process. The increase of the dosage delivers more electrons and reduces the statistical shot noise. The bigger the beam size is, the worse divergence16:15
nmz787_iit causes. The lower dosage, the sparser distribution it can be."16:15
nmz787_i"A compromise solution for choosing an appropriate probe size for enough resolution and beam current, as well as a moderate resist sensitivity are the keys to the success of the MEBDW technology"16:17
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nmz787_i.title https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coflynn/chipwhisperer-lite-a-new-era-of-hardware-security16:21
yoleauxChipWhisperer-Lite: A New Era of Hardware Security Research by Colin O'Flynn — Kickstarter16:21
chris_99cool, didn't knwo that was on KS, i've seen his hackaday project page16:22
chris_99nmz787_i, this is the plan for the ToF chip - https://www.anfractuosity.com/files/hydro.png16:24
nmz787_icool, I rememeber talking about this before a bit16:31
nmz787_idid you ever decide to look at some cells with a fluidic16:31
chris_99still need to order some, the folks from thailand can make them out of two chips, to do the mixing16:32
chris_99and observation16:32
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nmz787delinquentme: sup20:53
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