
--- Log opened Tue Mar 03 00:00:10 2015
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maakujustanotheruser: there are (multiple) arbitrary definitions, yes00:10
maakuwell actually there's probably a physical distinction where it transitions from being atmosphere-like to being exosphere-like00:10
maakui'm not sure where that is for the Earth..00:11
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kanzureyeah space fog might work better06:11
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chris_99might be of interest to you peeps, just found http://booksc.org/06:36
yoleaux05:12Z <nmz787> chris_99: I think I may have been talking to you about this type of thing for some reason... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flicker_noise   via    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lock-in_amplifier06:36
yoleaux05:15Z <nmz787> chris_99: ah, yeah I mentioned it on 2-27 incorrectly referencing it as 'johnson noise' re: pH electrode sensing methods.... but it should be 'pink noise' (1/freq sampled at noise... so lower freq more noise)06:36
kanzurepaperbot: http://iopscience.iop.org/1741-2552/12/1/01601407:07
yoleauxPEDOT–CNT coated electrodes stimulate retinal neurons at low voltage amplitudes and low charge densities - Abstract - Journal of Neural Engineering - IOPscience07:07
kanzurespace fog would actually work quite well.... you would use sterile metal rods a few mm long, machined so that a drop of water or emulsifier can maintain surface tension in the center of the rod. then use lasers to push around the rods and keep them all separated.07:08
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fennin zero gravity?07:57
fenn("space fog")07:57
* fenn reads back07:57
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fenn1) if using it for storage, it would be a pain to find and retrieve the exact droplet you want 2) you'd have to maintain 100% humidity or the droplets would instantly evaporate 3) you have to maintain uniform temperature or water will migrate between droplets, and some of them will disappear or get too large for surface tension to hold them together 4) that's a lot of laser power and computation08:04
fenn.g orion's arm ocean ultimate08:05
fennnot that08:05
eudoxiayou want the article about the ocean planet?08:06
eudoxia.g orion's arm oceanus ultimata08:06
eudoxiaderp, not a planet08:06
fennanyway, encapsulating your droplets in an impermeable membrane doesn't seem so hard, if you're going to all this trouble anyway08:08
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kanzurethere are many materials that the droplets can be made out of that would be less problematic than water08:09
kanzurei feel like there was a problem i once knew about where that amount of parallelism would have been useful08:10
kanzureprobably some selection/evolution problem.08:11
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archelsany suggestions for a Linux based C/C++ debugger?08:32
archelsI'm sure gdb does what I want but ugh learning curve08:33
archelshaha, kdbg crashes when I try to run it08:35
archelsphysician, heal thyself08:35
kanzuregdb is worth learning08:41
archelsyou might be right08:46
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dingokdbg is purposely inept08:59
dingolinus does not accept contributions to make it better08:59
dingoi can find you the link maybe, he's like "Programming kernels hould be hard, if you don't like it, then you shouldn't be doing it" or some such09:00
archelshaha, sounds like Linus alright09:03
dingoopenbsd's kernel debugger has a game of hangman using the symbols table09:03
dingopretty great fun after a panic and you give up caring, you got a game to play ;p09:04
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archelsah, forgetting to set function return value for std::vector or std::string types causes a segfault09:07
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kanzure"In 1953, Brillouin derived a general equation[22] stating that the changing of an information bit value requires at least kT ln(2) energy. This is the same energy as the work Leó Szilárd's engine produces in the idealistic case. In his book,[23] he further explored this problem concluding that any cause of this bit value change (measurement, decision about a yes/no question, erasure, display, etc.) will require the same amount of energy."09:22
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kanzure"The twist to which I refer, which I first ran into in a book by Dorian Sagan, claims that there are reasons to think that the Law has a positive, shaping, quality to it, just like Natural Selection. The idea is that the Second Law selects processes that destroy order faster, such that there is a meaningful sense in which the interesting features of the universe, from the production of atoms to the evolution of life to the development of ...10:10
kanzure... technological civilization, can be explained as being actively selected to dial up the momentum of entropy."10:10
kanzuremaaku: ^10:10
kanzure(i don't really like interpretations of the second law that talk about (dis)order, but whatever)10:10
maakuyeah "order" is anthropromorphizing a bit10:11
kanzurei suppose i should email him back and tell him he should not be surprised that natural selection works10:13
kanzure"did you think it was magic?"10:13
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justanotheruserkanzure: are you the one that hates IDEs?10:47
kanzurehmm maybe?10:50
nmz787archels: I have been using this shortcut-command recently just to log backtraces via gdb https://blog.cryptomilk.org/2010/12/23/gdb-backtrace-to-file/11:12
maakujustanotheruser: i don't think he's the only one11:16
justanotherusermaaku: yeah11:16
justanotheruserI just don't understand11:16
justanotheruserUnless you think some components are useful and not the whole IDE...11:16
justanotheruserI mean, when I define a function in the header, why not press a button and make it appear in the body too11:17
maakujustanotheruser: no, i want all the functionality of the IDE. i just want it in composable small programs rather than a monolithic GUI11:17
justanotheruseroh sure11:17
justanotheruserI'm trying to get comfortable with a certain text editors extension11:17
* justanotheruser coughs11:17
maakui have three times in my life tried to convert to emacs, and thrice been thwarted by its alien nature11:18
justanotheruserdid your left hand hurt?11:19
maakualmost as much as my brain11:20
maakui prefer vi's multi-mode interface11:21
maakuwhere you just hit escape and then you don't have to be constantly holding down C- or M-11:21
maakubut i wish it was as extensible as emacs-lisp... *sigh*11:21
justanotherusertheres evil mode11:23
nmz787i am seriously starting to think about how to type with my mind11:25
nmz787I think there should be some way to corellate audio data with neural recordings of 'hearing that song/audio in your head'11:26
nmz787i'd be fine 'speaking' (only in my head) to type11:26
fennthere's subvocalization EMG11:27
nmz787there would be certain restricted keywords like GOTO for going to a specific line etc11:27
maakunmz787: you do not need to go that far. your mouth/throat muscles make micro adjustments to the voice in your head.11:27
maakuwhat fenn said11:27
nmz787that can't work terribly well though, or reliably... like it fails when i develop neuromuscular disease11:29
nmz787and i am not too good at vocalizing all the tracks of music I can arrange and hear  in my head11:29
maakui hope you dont plan on developing a neuromuscular disease11:29
nmz787beethoven just comes out of my mouth like 'do do do doo doo doo, do do do doo doo doo, da da da dee da da da'11:29
nmz787that isn't what it really sounds like in my head11:30
maakunmz787: i think the effect is much more subtle than you think. it's been successfully used on unwitting subjects to extract passwords11:30
nmz787or sweet home alabama 'do do dee do, do do dee do, doo doo... duh na na na na nahhh'11:30
nmz787yeah but passwords are made of letters or phoenemic characters11:31
kanzurei have never seen any actual productive typing interface other than finger things11:31
nmz787an alternative application of what I want would be to create music just by composing it in your head11:31
kanzurewell how the fuck else do you compose?11:32
nmz787i can never reach my father's level of physcial-data-export to an instrument (he's been practicing since he was a kid... I know how to type)... but I can 'hear' all kinds of cool compositions, but I can't reasonably ever export these11:32
maakuThe setup IIRC was putting the equipment on a subject and telling them to buy something on ebay, obstensibly to do advertising research to make it blinded. Really they were after the paypal password, and it worked.11:32
nmz787kanzure: most people do it with their fingers, in stages...11:32
nmz787it starts in the mind11:33
nmz787then goes to sheet musics, tablature, or some MIDI file11:33
maakuAlthough it's a good point that maybe it only worked for spelling things out (S-P-E-L-L etc.)11:33
nmz787then from there it is played by fingers or lips or tongue or computer synth11:33
nmz787the EMG data and algorithms could be useful though to compare against EEG data or something else11:37
nmz787I am thinking you need multiple detectors to detect phase differences and essentially localize signal to volumes of the brain11:37
nmz787but I've also not seem an eeg with something like an RF network analyzer as the data collection engine11:38
nmz787in all the stuff i've read they all just assume the signal freq of the brain is low11:38
kanzure"signal to volumes of the brain"11:46
kanzurethis is what spawned 60 years of boring eeg research that went nowhere11:46
kanzurenext you're going to tell me that you believe in brain waves11:46
nmz787action potentials will cause radiation11:50
nmz787electrons move, shit shifts around and photons get pooped out11:50
nmz787they can blur, interfere, etc11:51
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archelsnmz787: thing is, the rate of change of current tends to be pretty low14:35
archelsso Maxwell's equations tend to simplify to magnetostatics and electrostatics14:35
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archels(also thanks for that impressive-looking alias; don't think I'm quite ready for that yet)14:42
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justanotheruserpaperbot: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=753316:51
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nmz787archels: do you have references to that comment about low rate of change of current? is that just from single neuron measurements? I really want to see someone that hooked up like 50 oscilloscopes or network analyzers to electrodes gelled to someones head while the person replayed some common audio sound byte.21:34
nmz787kanzure: you could fund that study, then distribute the oscilloscopes to hackerspaces of the country/world21:37
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kanzurefor that i would need to have more than a negative opinion about the benefits of eeg21:40
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nmz787open   http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150302/ncomms7407/full/ncomms7407.html22:11
nmz787Simultaneous observation of the quantization and22:11
nmz787the interference pattern of a plasmonic near-field22:11
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