
--- Log opened Wed Mar 18 00:00:25 2015
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genehackernow this is interesting: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/324/5929/91700:45
yoleauxConfining Light to Deep Subwavelength Dimensions to Enable Optical Nanopatterning00:48
genehackerthey made 30 nm features with 633 nm and 325 nm light00:51
fenn"lines with an average width of 36 nanometers (nm), about one-tenth the illuminating wavelength λ1 = 325 nm, made by applying a film of thermally stable photochromic molecules above the photoresist. Simultaneous irradiation of a second wavelength, λ2 = 633 nm, renders the film opaque to the writing beam except at nodal sites, which let through a spatially constrained segment of incident λ100:51
genehackerthe thing that interest me is that they used a photochromic  to do it00:51
fennlight, allowing subdiffractional patterning."00:51
genehackernow if I could just control photochromic molecules to within 36 nm00:53
fennpaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/324/5929/917.full00:54
fenni guess libgen doesn't have new articles00:55
genehackerof course it looks like the light has to be transmitted to be smaller than the diffraction limit00:57
fennthis certainly seems a lot easier than all the triple-patterning nonsense00:59
fennit's similar to two-photon i guess00:59
fennnot sure what you mean genehacker01:00
genehackerthe size of the feature on the photochromic material is larger than the size of the feature on the photoresist01:01
fennyou should be able to do repeat exposures to make thicker lines?01:01
genehackerwell I'm hoping to use a technique like this to control the actuation of 6 tiny pillars of photoisomerizing material arranged to make a stewart platform01:03
fennthe trick seems to be having one wavelength turn the photochromic layer on, and the other wavelength turns it off, so when you overlap them out of phase you get a tiny spot that is turned on01:04
genehackeryeah and most photoisomers are like that01:04
fennyou could just do a 16% duty cycle (turn one pillar on at a time)01:05
genehackerwell the hard part is hitting just one pillar01:05
fennso you're thinking of coating your pillars in a photochromic layer?01:05
genehackerthe pillars are photochromic01:05
fennok now i'm lost01:06
genehackerphotochromic = photoisomerizing01:06
fennthey change shape upon irradiation with light?01:06
genehackercolor change usually means shape change at the nanoscale01:06
genehackerthat's what I work on01:06
fennhow big is the whole platform?01:07
genehackerideally something that fits inside a 100 nm size cube01:07
fennalso why not just do it electrically01:08
genehackerfind me an electric actuator that fits inside a 100 nm size cube01:08
genehackerthat can easily self assemble to make a stewart platform01:09
fennheh ok01:09
fenni was going to suggest PVDF01:09
genehackerplus wiring such a structure might be difficult01:10
fennyou want some kind of nanoparticle though? i guess you could make them stick together with DNA origami on the ends01:10
genehackerPVDF is a big mess of spaghetti on the nanoscale01:10
fennsorry i have no idea.. it seems like there would be a lot of things that could do what you want01:11
genehackerthen why hasn't anyone won the feynman prize?01:12
fennbecause they haven't followed his instructions01:12
fenneveryone wants to jump straight to the nanoscale with self-assembly01:13
fenn.wik feynman prize01:16
yoleaux"The Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology is an award given by the Foresight Institute every year for significant advancements in nanotechnology. It is named in honor of physicist Richard Feynman, whose 1959 talk There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom is considered to have inspired the beginning of the field of nanotechnology." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feynman_Prize01:16
genehackerwell I think I got a way to make a stewart platform with some nanolithography and a bit of self assembly01:17
genehackerthe problem I have is controlling such a thing01:17
fennyeah the time constants would be ridiculously fast, so no PWM and no "digital" light projection01:22
fennfortunately the power is also low01:23
genehackerphotoisomerizing molecules switch between two states01:24
genehackerpwm isn't really necessary01:24
fennhow long does it take them to decay back to the original state?01:24
genehackeror much less than that if exposed to the appropriate wavelength01:25
fennok so not nanoseconds01:25
genehackertime to switch is very fast though01:26
genehackerlike picoseconds01:26
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fenna wild clone appeared!01:27
genehackerhad to terminate it01:27
fennthey call him the dye-deoxy terminator01:27
* fenn searches around for a pun trash can01:28
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fennwelp this photochromic "absorbance modulation" technique looks pretty useful for DIY chip making01:34
genehackerhow so?01:35
fennwell you can make 36nm lines with optical wavelengths...01:36
fennin a straightforward way01:36
genehackerunfortunately you can only make 36 nm lines parallel to each other01:37
fennin one exposure01:37
yoleauxGreat expectations: can artificial molecular machines deliver on their promise? - Chemical Society Reviews (RSC Publishing)01:39
genehackerit is worth a read01:39
* fenn tosses it on the pile01:40
fennweird, grzybowski is one of the authors01:41
fennhe did a lot of work on analyzing chemical reaction networks to find novel synthesis and to automate the process of designing reactions01:42
genehackerthe self assembly guy?01:42
fennhell i dunno01:43
fenn.wik grzybowski01:43
yoleaux"Grzybowski (feminine Grzybowska, plural Grzybowscy) is a Polish surname. It may refer to:" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grzybowski01:43
genehackerhow long ago?01:43
fenn.wik bartosz grzybowski01:43
yoleaux"Chematica is a software/database that uses algorithms and a collective database of 250 years of organic chemical information to predict and provide synthesis pathways for molecules. The software development, lead by Bartosz A. Grzybowski, took place for a decade when it was finally publicized in August, 2012." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chematica01:43
genehackeroh wow01:43
fennso a year after your review paper was published01:44
genehackerdamn how did I miss that01:45
fennhaha "The program also notes regulated and unregulated compounds, and uses specialized algorithms that avoid these"01:46
genehackerI should totally find a way to implement that for my work01:47
genehackerafter all that's just a smiles string comparison01:48
genehackernow where's a list of regulated compounds?01:49
fennhum good luck guys, "You might well have terrorists trying to cook up a chemical weapon, but currently it is difficult to analyse what is suspicious chemical-buying behaviour because you don't know what new ways there might be of making dangerous things. Or a terrorist may try making, say, a nerve gas using a complex route to confuse the authorities. But, if the government – using Chematica –01:52
fennknows all pathways for making a nerve gas or another chemical weapon, it is more likely to be able to recognise dangerous behaviour."01:52
fenna 5 step synthesis has 10^19 possible reaction paths01:53
fenndon't worry, the government will protect us!01:53
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fennlooks like it's impossible to actually download chematica, despite much trumpeting02:02
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kanzureprobably vaporware06:55
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fennpresumably they're not releasing it because terrists07:40
kanzurethere are other retrosynthetic analysis tools methinks07:46
kanzurei would ask my computational chemist preson but she keeps claiming she's not a chemist (i think something went wrong somewhere)07:46
ParahSailin"specialized algorithms" they probably did minimal CYA on this07:47
kanzurewhy did people adopt the whitehat/blackhat terminology instead of claiming "ethical hacking" or something?08:06
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chris_99nickjohnson, you're kickstarter is doing really well :)09:00
nickjohnsonchris_99: Yup! Now I just need some press coverage :)09:00
chris_99submit it to HaD?09:00
nickjohnsonI'm working on that09:01
nickjohnsonThey resell a couple of my products and expressed some interest in "participating" in the KS09:01
nickjohnsonBut I haven't heard back09:01
nickjohnsonAnd in the meantime my friends who are HaD editors are reluctant to write it up09:02
nickjohnsonI'm confident it will end up there sooner or later during the KS09:04
nickjohnsonBut it's a bit frustrating watching the incoming pledges slow down while I just cross my fingers and wait09:04
chris_99cool, also possibly submit to hackernews09:04
nickjohnsonOh, duh, good point :)09:04
chris_99tell us when its on, and ill upvote it09:05
nickjohnsonBut we're past 50% in 36 hours, so I can't really complain :)09:06
chris_99i was reading the /r/electronics thing a bit too, i don't think some of the people really get how it works heh09:07
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nickjohnsonHeh, yes09:09
nickjohnsonThe comments on that were hilarious09:09
nickjohnsonA few sensible ones though09:09
nickjohnsonThe comments on the amateurradio reddit were even funnier in a way09:10
chris_99oh not seen those09:10
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nickjohnsonUpvotes greatly appreciated: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=922676309:42
kanzurehacker news will eventually discount those upvotes ecause they all come from a irect link09:43
kanzure*direct link09:43
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nickjohnsonFeel free to go to the front page, then :)09:43
kanzuresort of an anti-spam mechanism09:43
nickjohnsonkanzure: Actually, now it seems to have vanished off the frontpage entirely :/09:48
nickjohnsonOh, it's on newest, though09:49
kanzurenickjohnson: http://silverman.svbtle.com/the-best-time-to-post-on-hacker-news09:50
nickjohnsonkanzure: heh, ah well09:50
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nickjohnsonDamn, I think I missed the frontpage for sure.10:46
chris_99thats weird its not on the frontpage, considering it has quite a few votes10:50
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archelsnickjohnson: what was your motivation for not making it an Arduino module?13:03
archelsseems that's a stumbling block for some of these reddit commentators13:03
nickjohnsonarchels: I wanted it to have a particularly accurate crystal, so I picked a TCXO, and then it seemed a waste not to use that to clock the AVR, too, which allows you to do other nice things, like accurately timed delays, cycle-perfect waveform generation, etc.13:06
nickjohnsonAnd it really costs very little extra to add an AVR to the board compared to making it an Arduino shield.13:06
nickjohnsonAlso, the built in functionality uses so many pins that in practice you'd be dedicating an Arduino to it anyway13:06
archelshmm, shield with dedicated AVR? :)13:07
nickjohnsonIn which case, what's gained by making it a shield?13:08
archelsanyway, pleasing the internet. good luck with that13:08
nickjohnsonheh, indeed13:08
archels(if it doesn't involve pictures of cats, anyway)13:08
nickjohnsonEven then, there are people who like dogs better13:08
archelsI'm actually looking for a signal generator, this would be perfect if it had a UI (software or hardware)13:09
nickjohnsonUpdate two! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nickjohnson/tsunami/posts/117017413:12
nickjohnsonarchels: There's I2C and UART pins exposed on the Tsunami PCB, as well as mounting holes13:12
nickjohnsonSomeone in another channel has already expressed interest in building an addon board that has a display and encoder to give it a physical UI13:12
nickjohnsonIf they don't, I probably will. :)13:12
nickjohnsonIf I get time, I'll order an I2C display and put up a quick demo of how it works in an update, too13:13
nickjohnsonThis for instance: http://proto-pic.co.uk/serial-enabled-lcd-kit/13:16
nickjohnsonOh bah, I thought it had inputs13:17
nickjohnsonhttp://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/8-7-Segment-LED-Plus-8-led-8-button-TM1638-Key-Display-for-Arduino-UK-stock-/121588435675?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1c4f3c4adb <- this'll do for the demo :)13:30
chris_99alternatively http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Russian-Ex-Military-Modular-IN-14-Nixie-Tube-6-Digit-Display-with-Serial-Drivers-/221712691498?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item339f1b312a13:34
kanzurearchels: what sort of signal generator are you looking for?13:44
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archelssomething like this http://www.newark.com/productimages/large/en_US/4136139.jpg13:47
archelsbudget ~€20013:48
Daekenkanzure: is the plan for the dna synthesizer to use different depths for channels and chambers (as in the paper where a similar design was built), or a uniform depth?13:48
nmz787_ihi Daeken13:48
nmz787_isolid supports are so last millenium13:48
nmz787_ialso I have access to a FIB for mask exposure (PMMA gives good resolution)13:49
Daekenoh nice13:49
nmz787_ialso unless you can do anisotropic etch, su-8 might give higher aspect ratio13:51
Daekeni've been just planning on using a UV light to expose the resist.  but my issue is the actual etching ... if SU-8 is used, there's no etching, and it's trivial to use that as your negative for PDMS pouring.  but if we need multiple depths, we need to use a KOH etch, which means we need to lay down a nitride layer and all that13:51
Daekensu-8 would be optimal, but it really requires a single uniform depth across all features13:52
nmz787_idepth can vary with spin coater settings13:52
Daekenbut once you've laid down a layer of su-8 and developed it, you can't just add more to it, can you?13:52
nmz787_ibest idea I've surmised is to use a microscope stage with a grid reticle in the field-of-view, use that to calibrate for linearity of travel (or real time feedback and computer vision), along with a blu-ray laser largely unmodified (other than controlling electronics, maybe removing the tracking focus beam splitter) off to the side at some offset13:53
ParahSailinyou cant really, because you will not be able to spincoat uniform layer on top of something patterned13:53
nmz787_ithat way you get a very-close-to-TEM00 and also a almost diffraction limited spot13:54
kanzurearchels: http://www.dwyer-inst.com/Product/TestEquipment/SignalGenerators-Multimeters/ModelASG/Ordering?gclid=COy6sZ_kssQCFYOSfgodqW4AkA13:54
nmz787_iParahSailin: wouldn't the wafer be flat to begin?13:54
nmz787_ii guess I'm missing something if we're not talking about starting with a flat13:54
ParahSailin[23:52:46] <Daeken> but once you've laid down a layer of su-8 and developed it, you can't just add more to it, can you?13:55
nmz787_iyou'd need to fill in the voids somehow... idk if you could assure planarity easily after that13:55
nmz787_iwithout something like an ion beam curtain to 'belt sand' the surface13:56
ParahSailini had an idea a long time ago to neutralize voids in su-813:56
kanzurearchels: nevermind13:56
ParahSailinlike using a base to neutralize the photoacid, and not do the develop step before spincoating new layer on13:57
nmz787_ifenn: the lightcrafter thing is just a DLP chip with fast RAM nearby to load patterns quickly... no different at the MEMS level I believe from any other DLP chip in a projector13:57
nmz787_iidk if that exists13:58
nmz787_iDaeken: are you in Portland OR by chance?13:58
Daekenthe only way i can think to do multiple depths is to do KOH etching instead of building up SU-813:58
nmz787_iI have access to a lab with all the goodies13:58
Daekennmz787_i: no, i'm in GA13:58
ParahSailinyeah koh is a better idea13:59
kanzurearchels: http://www.amazon.com/JYETech-08503-Portable-Generator-Controller/dp/B008V5ACWW13:59
nmz787_ialso vacuum bearings are like $10 for something like a spincoater13:59
ParahSailinorganics suck for reusable stuff13:59
Daekeni have access to a biology lab, so i can safely handle various materials, but i don't have most basic equipment used for this sort of thing13:59
Daekennmz787_i: no need for a vacuum spincoater -- wafers are small enough to just use double-sided sticky tape13:59
nmz787_iyeah but then you might break your chip or something pulling it off, leave adhesive residue13:59
Daekenso a nice brushless motor and ESC from a quadcopter will do14:00
Daekennmz787_i: i'm not too worried about that -- the wafers are only a few $ a piece, and the adhesive will only be on the back14:00
nmz787_ii take it you've seen the CD-R spindle spincoater on ebay14:00
nmz787_ieh, small wafers are the most expensive kind these days14:00
Daekennmz787_i: yeah, this is even cheaper14:00
Daekennmz787_i: $6.90 a piece, if i buy 25 at a time, for 50.8mm wafers14:01
archelskanzure: hm. The reason I'm willing to shell out so much money for this is that it buys me time14:01
archelskanzure: i.e. don't want this to turn into a project =)14:01
nmz787_iare they clean though, or patterned already?14:01
nmz787_iyou might need to ash them first14:01
nmz787_iarchels: if you don't need it for too long, rent one14:01
Daekenthey should be clean enough for our purposes.  may need some processing, but nothing big14:01
Daekenthe thing i'm learning more and more with this is: this stuff is huge compared to normal micromanufacturing, so we can cheat ... a lot haha14:02
nmz787_ieh, the large stuff has limited use14:02
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Daekennmz787_i: how so?14:03
nmz787_iyou can't do cell sorting with 100 micron features14:03
nmz787_iwell maybe sorting is possible14:03
nmz787_ibut not for single-cell things14:03
Daekeneverything with this should be 5 micron resolution14:03
nmz787_iclone separation, filtration14:03
ParahSailinah you are on cell sorting now?14:03
ParahSailinlot more interesting than the dna synthesis14:03
nmz787_inah just a common use case that most of the 'cheating' microfab can't even get close to14:04
drazakkanzure: am I crazy or did some guy going by genewitch hang out in here for awhle?14:04
drazakah ok14:04
kanzureso yes you are fucking crazy14:04
nmz787_ithe earl of sandwich14:04
drazakthat's cool14:04
drazaknothing new14:04
Daekennmz787_i: at 5um, pretty much everything microfluidics-wise is possible, as far as i can tell14:04
nmz787_iyep, until you get interested in nanofluidics because micro is so exciting!14:05
Daekenand we can get away without having a perfect process, simply because 5um is pretty damn huge for standard micromanufacturing14:05
Daekeni'm really curious to throw this stuff into an SEM and actually measure it, though.  i'm wondering how much of the theory is going to translate to practice directly.14:05
drazakkanzure: what've you been up to?14:05
nmz787_idoes your lab have an SEM?14:06
nmz787_iif not, I could do imaging14:06
Daekennmz787_i: i don't have a lab, but a good friend of mine (who's super interested in helping wit hthis) does have access to one in hers :)14:07
Daekenshe's offered to help out with whatever i need14:07
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Daekenhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w4FQyMu8imjmzbpcQDZjZUyKbUah7CHf2EJLRkEOUT4/edit?usp=sharing initial spreadsheet of costs, btw.  rough numbers so far, just mainly trying to figure out where things are going to come from, and making sure that everything is accounted for.14:11
drazakkanzure: I guess my friend's boyfriend is working on a liquid aluminium 3d printer14:11
kanzuredrazak: do you mean juri_ ?14:11
Daekenalso writing it with the assumption that the person building it has basically no access to any equipment, hence why stuff like a hot plate is on there, even if most labs will have one.14:11
ParahSailinhas someone made a low temp eutectic 3d printer?14:11
drazakkanzure: I hope not14:11
kanzurejuri_: ping14:11
kanzurejuri_: stop messing with php healthcare stuff and talk about something important for a sec, we're stalking people or something14:12
drazakI don't think so14:12
drazakis juri_ a buffalo native?14:12
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2258996.225900814:12
kanzureno idea14:12
nmz787_iDaeken: degassing chamber is a bit expensive, you don't think? this can just be a metal canister, or a piece of PVC pipe and some rubber and plywood14:13
Daekennmz787_i: that's the chamber and pump14:13
nmz787_i.g black box labs plasma microwave14:13
yoleauxHomemade Oxygen Plasma Etcher & PDMS to Glass Bonding Test - Black Box Labs - YouTube14:13
drazakkanzure: what've you been doing anyway? still working on that markup language?14:14
nmz787_iI guess I am skewed since I got a nice vac pump from craigslist for cheap14:14
Daekennmz787_i: oh yeah, you can do this much cheaper getting used stuff14:14
Daekenbut that's hit or miss.  i'm going to have a complete list of "go here and buy these things, and you can do this" ... if people want to swap in used parts instead, that's cool14:14
Daekenbut i want a baseline that Just Works (TM)14:14
nmz787_iDaeken: also i'd look into a reflow hotplate, rather than something with just a knob14:15
kanzuredrazak: bitcoin14:15
nmz787_ior at least something with a digital readout14:15
drazakkanzure: oh yeah bitcoin is cool now I guess14:15
Daekennmz787_i: hm, good idea.14:15
Daekeni'll hunt around for something cheap14:15
drazakwish I got in on that shit in 2011 when diablod3 wouldn't stop talking about it14:15
nmz787_iDaeken: something like this http://www.instructables.com/id/Closing-the-Loop-on-Surface-Mount-Soldering/14:17
kanzuredrazak: link to aluminum extruder please14:21
drazakkanzure: its not open source14:22
drazaksorry :(14:22
nmz787_ithere's the printer that uses jewelers metal14:23
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juri_kanzure: pong.14:28
juri_aluminium printing?14:28
juri_not open source?14:29
juri_with your family. and pets. and family's pets.14:29
juri_er. um. i mean, "hi.". ;)14:33
kanzurehad he said it was not open source, i would not have guessed your name14:34
kanzurei apologize14:34
juri_not necessary. and, i'm based in DC. and female. ;P14:34
kanzurewell maybe you had another person on the project or something14:35
kanzureand maybe this other person also isn't female14:35
kanzureas for location, i can't explain that14:35
kanzure14:16 <+sbp> huh, 99% of the energy from a supernova comes out as neutrinos14:43
kanzure14:16 <+kanzure> astrophysicists call this star fart14:43
kanzure14:16 <+grrl> no, they don't.14:43
kanzure14:16 <+kanzure> yes they are.14:43
drazakjuri_: sorry!14:43
kanzureno that was my fault14:43
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juri_its ok. i'm not actually that mean, i just like to make my open source only principals clear. ;)14:45
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juri_I'm reconditioning an SEM, and setting up for diamond like carbon deposition. and building an 8'x4'x2.5' printer.14:46
drazakjuri_: yeah I know what this community is like :)_14:48
drazakI used to hang out here a lot and had a ton of diybio posts and shit before I got old and crusty14:48
drazakman that was a long time ago14:49
nmz787_iI shall soon have room for an SEM!14:52
juri_in four years, it will be time to shoot this engineer. ;)14:52
maakujuri_: diamond-like carbon deposition? what process?15:02
drazakjuri_: apparently they're having a problem with the nozzle not lasting long enough, heh15:02
drazakis your aluminum extruder open source?15:02
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juri_it's on my wiki.15:04
drazakship the link :)15:05
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juri_and, as they are closed source, they get no hints from me. ;)15:05
drazakthat actually seems quite contrary to open source dogma15:06
juri_I don't have to consult for free. ;P15:06
drazaknobody is asking you to consult haha15:06
drazakjuri_: interesting anyway15:09
drazakI have no idea what their nozzle design is15:09
juri_I know what my plans are.. but i'm still working on them.15:10
juri_I'll get it right.15:10
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DaekenParahSailin: do you know how silicon nitride is added to a wafer, for use as a hard mask?  is it via a chemical reaction with the wafer, or is it added as a film/coating?15:26
Daekeni'm having a hard time actually figuring out how people do it15:27
Daekeni wish you could directly etch with KOH, with some resistant photoresist, but i can't find anything that will work15:31
nmz787_iDaeken: CVD15:31
Daekennmz787_i: that ... seems a bit complex15:32
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Daekenis there anything that can be used for direct silicon etching while masking with photoresist?  HNA, KOH, TMAH, etc all seem to require a hard mask.15:42
Daekenhttp://iopscience.iop.org/0960-1317/16/2/012 holy shit.15:47
Daekenwe don't need to do wafer etching at all15:47
Daekenwe -can- do multiple layers of su-815:47
Daekenthat'll give us ridiculous precision.  score.15:49
kanzure.title http://iopscience.iop.org/0960-1317/16/2/01215:50
yoleauxFabrication of multi-layer SU-8 microstructures - Abstract - Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering - IOPscience15:50
Daekenif anyone has access to grab that paper, it'd be a big help.  i'm pretty sure i get the concept, but the particulars matter15:51
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kanzurepaperbot: http://iopscience.iop.org/0960-1317/16/2/012/pdf/0960-1317_16_2_012.pdf15:52
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nmz787_i"First, layers of thin (SU-8 2010) and thick (SU-8 2100) SU-8 photoresists of different thicknesses were coated, patterned and examined to verify the manufacturer’s (MicroChem Corp.) recommended protocols. Next, alternating layers of SU-8 2010 and SU-8 2100 were spin coated, followed by soft-bake, UVexposure and post-exposure bake steps. Finally, the multiple SU-8 layers were developed simultaneously. This multi-level process was re15:53
Daekeni <3 paperbot15:53
Daekenman, that's so cool.  so we'll be able to do any number of depths we need, just develop at the end :)15:54
Daekenthat simplifies things a tremendous amount.15:54
nmz787_i"Despite its popularity, SU-8 photoresists pose multiple processing challenges that hinder reproducibility and limit potential applications [5, 10, 11]. Differences in exposure (exposure non-uniformities) throughout the photoresist layer can lead to partial cross-linking (curing) of the resist, residual stress build-up and poor adhesion to the underlying silicon wafer, which can subsequently result in feature degradation, crack-like d15:55
Daekennmz787_i: yeah, there are ... a lot of problems with su-8, to put it mildly15:55
Daekenbut it's damn simple, so i'm hopeful.15:55
nmz787_ifig 6 B is interesting15:56
Daekeni doubt we'll get more than 2-3 uses out of a given master, using su-8.15:56
nmz787_ii have everything needed I think except for fresh SU-815:56
nmz787_ibut ssu-8 as compatibiity problems when used directly15:56
nmz787_iat least for chemistry15:56
nmz787_ican't remember about biocompatibility15:57
Daekenhow do you mean?15:57
Daekenfigure 8 is ... damn impressive, honestly.  i can't believe how good that looks.15:58
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nmz787_i fig 8 isn't terribly interesting though16:00
Daekengiven the actual use of the multi-level technique, it's pretty much a perfect fit for what we're doing16:01
nmz787_itoo bad they didn't section the resist afterwards to show cross-sections16:01
Daekenwe have one thin layer for reaction chambers, and one thick layer for channels16:01
nmz787_iagain, what about chemistry16:02
Daekenwhat about it?  we're just pouring PDMS on this16:02
nmz787_ihow will you do that for the inner layers?16:02
Daekenshouldn't have any adverse reaction -- SU-8 and PDMS is super common16:02
Daekenthere are no inner layers16:02
nmz787_i(4:01:24 PM) Daeken: we have one thin layer for reaction chambers, and one thick layer for channels16:02
Daekenhttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/synthesis/Synthesis%20-%20Microfluidic%20PicoArray%20synthesis%20of%20oligodeoxynucleotides%20and%20simultaneous%20assembling%20of%20multiple%20DNA%20sequences%20(10%20kb).pdf check out figure 1A16:03
Daekeni'm using that as the rough mental model of the mask16:03
Daekenthe reaction chambers there are 15um deep, and the channels are 150um deep16:03
nmz787_ithat looks like a single layer with a hole punch and cover slip16:04
Daekenso in our case, we'll have two layers (going by their numbers -- ours will be different): 15um for the chamber mask, and 150um for the channel mask16:04
nmz787_iwhy not just adjust the exposure time?16:04
nmz787_igreyscale it16:04
Daekenhave a paper on adjusting exposure time to achieve different thicknesses of su-8?16:04
Daekenhaven't read anything on that.16:05
nmz787_ithere's likely a few on diyhpl.us16:05
nmz787_ijust google greyscale mems16:05
Daekencool, thanks16:06
nmz787_igreyscale mems site:diyhpl.us16:06
Daekenhuh, that's quite neat.16:07
Daekenwonder how the result compares to a multi-layer structure16:08
Daekennice thing about this is that it allows for a single mask to be used, and fewer total steps.  definitely worth trying out16:09
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Daekenthink i'm going to order some supplies and make up test photomasks, and see what comes out of it.  refine the process a bit16:55
Daekenshould be interesting to see16:55
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kanzureastrophysics source code http://ascl.net/20:20
kanzurehttp://ascl.net/code/v/1080 "A python package built to simplify common tasks that are often done with stellar model grids, such as simulating synthetic stellar populations, plotting evolution tracks or isochrones, or estimating the physical properties of a star given photometric and/or spectroscopic observations."20:21
kanzure"The python scripts are completely automatic and can be used to rapidly classify galaxy cluster morphology for large numbers of clusters without human intervention."20:21
kanzurehttp://ascl.net/1502.004 "ADAM (All-Data Asteroid Modeling) models asteroid shape reconstruction from observations. Developed in MATLAB with core routines in C, its features include general nonconvex and non-starlike parametric 3D shape supports and reconstruction of asteroid shape from any combination of lightcurves, adaptive optics images, HST/FGS data, disk-resolved thermal images, interferometry, and range-Doppler radar images. ADAM ...20:22
kanzure... does not require boundary contour extraction for reconstruction and can be run in parallel."20:22
kanzurehttp://ascl.net/1007.006 "AMIGA is a publicly available adaptive mesh refinement code for (dissipationless) cosmological simulations. It combines an N-body code with an Eulerian grid-based solver for the full set of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations in order to conduct simulations of dark matter, baryons and magnetic fields in a self-consistent way in a fully cosmological setting. Our numerical scheme includes effective methods to ...20:23
kanzure... ensure proper capturing of shocks and highly supersonic flows and a divergence-free magnetic field. The high accuracy of the code is demonstrated by a number of numerical tests."20:23
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Daekenkanzure: are there any plans for the mask designs of the synthesizer?21:28
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