
--- Log opened Fri Mar 27 00:00:34 2015
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nickjohnsonWoohoo! KS has hit the goal. :)03:02
nickjohnsonKickstarter :)03:09
nickjohnson(My one, specifically)03:09
Viper168ah cool03:09
Viper168I need to start an indiegogo for my store03:09
Viper168but a lot of work to do to even prepare enough to get it launched, let alone the campaigning03:10
nickjohnsonWhat's your store?03:24
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Viper168online sciency shop, from things for geeks to novel applications of science that will interest the public, and educational products like experiment kits for homeschoolers etc...03:35
Viper168the combination of my love for science and desire to promote interest and education in it and my desire to make money in a less limited way so I can branch out and keep making more and more, so that I can use that money to further the education efforts and other things I want to push for03:40
nickjohnsonNeat. How will you crowdfund that? Tiers for different products?03:50
Viper168yeah, and perhaps discount memberships where they get a certain % off orders03:54
Douhetnickjohnson, link to ks?04:04
nickjohnsonDouhet: kickstarter.com/projects/nickjohnson/tsunami04:08
nickjohnsonViper168: Nice idea04:08
nickjohnsonViper168: Your Store Prime?04:08
Viper168sorry nickjohnson don't think I understand what you mean04:24
nickjohnsonLike Amazon Prime04:25
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Viper168maybe a few different grades04:26
Viper168sorry I'm getting rather tired so my language parsing and output functions are going a little haywire04:30
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Viper168http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-have-figured-out-how-to-inject-human-eyes-with-night-vision  thoughts?05:15
justanotheruserhaving to turn on a light is a minor inconvenience05:34
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Viper168yeah but then the bad guys you're taking down can see you too05:36
justanotheruserif it's a matter of bad guys maybe its a good idea, but we have night vision05:38
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ParahSailinwefunder is pretty happy now06:52
archelscuties https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=16&v=hN6HfGUGQBc07:04
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yoleauxBig bionic ants team up to move objects - YouTube07:33
kanzurehow is running a store "neat" -_-07:34
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FourFirekanzure, I suppose it depends on the store08:14
FourFirebut I can't imagine that line of work being very satisfactory08:14
FourFireIt's leading towards maximal automation: here at the university the grocery store has no manual checkouts, they're all automated08:15
justanotheruserFourFire: you mean self-checkout right?08:37
kanzurenope, you just can't checkout at all08:37
justanotheruserbecause a self-checkout is manual08:38
kanzureaww my human brain project account was disabled today08:38
FourFirejustanotheruser, yep08:39
FourFireit's automation to the extent that fewer employees are needed08:39
justanotheruserI prefer someone else check me out. I save a lot of time because I transfer money I earned through labor in a skill I'm specialized in so they can save me time doing a task they're experienced in08:39
FourFirejustanotheruser, I find it to be faster to do it myself actually08:40
justanotheruserthen you must be better at it than me :)08:40
FourFirebut then I rarely buy more than ten items at once08:40
kanzurejust use instacart/instalunch/uberfood/getmagicnow/postmates/taskrabbit... who goes to a grocery store anyway? man.08:40
FourFirekanzure, Norway08:40
FourFirenothing fucking gets delivered to this country08:41
justanotheruserkanzure: when was the last time you left your home08:41
FourFirenot even Amazon delivers interesting things here08:41
justanotheruserdo you not have a postal system?08:41
FourFireyes we do08:41
justanotheruserok good08:42
kanzurejustanotheruser: i think i left home about 3 months ago08:42
FourFireit's just stupidly expensive08:42
FourFireinternal shipping in this country can be more expensive than worldwide shipping08:42
FourFirekanzure, neat, I wish more things were automated: if all the humans were taken out of the loop for services then everything would be loads cheaper08:43
FourFirethe expense comes from the employing humans overhead08:43
kanzurethey should just catapult me food08:43
justanotheruserI'm not sure when to take kanzure serious, but I'm almost certain thats a joke08:44
FourFireeveryone has loads of rights, pension insurance premiums and taxes paid by their employers08:44
kanzurecatapults are very efficient08:44
FourFirethat's great for people who have bloated bureaucratic jobs08:45
kanzure(for the record i got out of the house earlier this morning for a long errands-related drive)08:47
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andytoshiso i just got a text message "email unstaged at fri mar 27 09:06:28" from my mail server :D09:07
andytoshi(it takes my mailserver 1-30 seconds to archive my old mail and bring new mail in, and before i would just keep refreshing my inbox. now i get texts)09:08
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CaptHindsightViper168: http://omlc.org/spectra/PhotochemCAD/html/140.html  Chlorin e6  is a photosensitizer. Take a look at its emission data09:51
CaptHindsightafter looking at this I wonder how many other treatments have actually in use by the military09:52
nmz787_iwhat makes the emission interesting to you?09:52
nmz787_iother than it's in the VIS?09:52
nmz787_iyou can tell it's biocompatible based on the radiation it emits?09:53
CaptHindsightthat was the answer to your first question09:53
kanzureandytoshi: congrats, all for the low price of $20/sms09:54
nmz787_imy first question was regarding the emission, but I don't see how that connects to biocompatibility.09:54
CaptHindsightI assumed its biocompatible since it's used as a treatment and that someone let themselves had it injected directly into their eyes09:55
andytoshikanzure: lol, it's .75c ... though if i send 5 million in a month it'll drop to .5c09:55
CaptHindsightthe emission and absorption spectra just shows how it works to aid in night vision09:56
andytoshithey sent me an email the day after i registered (since i just clicked around their site confused about how to pay then didn't do anything i guess) asking what i was up to and if they could help09:56
nmz787_idoesn't honestly seem to imply aiding in night vision just based on the abs and emission data to me.09:57
andytoshii told them i was texting myself when i checked my email and wasn't gonna give them more than $2/mo ... we'll see if they offer me some sorta discount :)09:57
nmz787_ifluorescense is a frequency downconverter... military night vision for example is an upconverter.09:57
CaptHindsightwhats next? finding a suitable photosensitizer that is absorbed by the retina09:57
nmz787_iI'm not sure where the blue/near-UV at night would be coming from.09:59
kanzureandytoshi: great, now i know how to ddos your budget10:00
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CaptHindsightnmz787: fluorescense can be up or down converting, I'll look for the actual graphs for Chlorin e6 when I get some time10:09
kanzureCaptHindsight: by the way, i hope yuo know, i am a huge admirer of your nick10:11
kanzurefrankly i have been considering switching to "CaptForesight"10:11
CaptHindsightCaptUnderpants was already taken10:12
CaptHindsightyikes!  http://www.businessinsider.com/why-captain-underpants-is-the-most-banned-book-in-america-2013-910:13
CaptHindsightkanzure: after reading over several of your links what strikes me is that there should be much more crossover and cooperation between biomed and mechanical/chemical/electronic engineering10:16
CaptHindsightI see lots of bio or med researchers trying to be electrical and mechanical engineers10:16
kanzure"what's a solidworks?"10:17
kanzure"is that a government works program?"10:17
andytoshiCaptHindsight: that businessinsider article leads to http://www.ala.org/bbooks/about which is actually very interesting10:19
andytoshii was unaware that this was a thing in america10:20
andytoshi(i'm certain it is in canada, though i doubt any of it is in the public eye like this)10:20
CaptHindsightandytoshi: pretty sad10:20
CaptHindsightdo you really want to get depressed?10:21
andytoshiwell, this site is encouraging because it's exposing and fighting against this kinda crap ... it looks like a lot of it is local movements to ban books from local libraries10:22
andytoshiwhich is totally unsurprising and ought to be in the public eye10:22
CaptHindsightlook into the history of education in the USA and who decides what goes into textbooks and the curriculum10:22
andytoshiok, sure, textbooks are obviously indoctrination, but this is transparently obvious even to young students10:23
andytoshiwell, maybe not .. i recall in high school asking questions like "what about XX? why aren't they talking about YY? this is false, this is inconsistent, etc" and my peers were generally surprised10:24
andytoshibut more because they weren't reading anything, not (i think) because they were buying it :P10:24
CaptHindsightmy kids were forced into public education from time to time by the courts in the US10:25
CaptHindsightI had some interesting discussions with school administrators over the years10:25
andytoshias a student i had some interesting discussions with them, i concluded they were actually just evil10:26
CaptHindsightpretty much10:26
andytoshiin hindsight my opinion has not changed10:26
CaptHindsightaccept and drink the coolaid10:26
CaptHindsightover the years I've seen lots of fiends and acquaintances study and go into education only later to leave and are now in real estate, financial or the service industry10:28
CaptHindsightthey genuinely wanted to help people and change the system but could not10:28
CaptHindsighthttps://www.johntaylorgatto.com/  did a great job subverting from within10:30
andytoshii'm really enjoying this ALA stuff http://www.ala.org/bbooks/challengedmaterials/preparation/censor-motives-and-tactics it's really snarky10:35
andytoshiit uses polite language and says shit like "Although an attempt to stereotype the censor would be unfair, one generalization can be made: regardless of specific motives, all would-be censors share one belief-that they can recognize "evil" and that other people must be protected from it. Censors do not necessarily believe their own morals should be protected, but they do feel compelled to save their10:36
t12i dunno thats a bit persumptive10:37
t12maybe it must be marketed as that they can recognize evil10:37
t12but i think most people in any formal position that involves marketing and lying10:38
t12know they're lying10:38
t12and have some other motive/rationale10:38
andytoshit12: these aren't formally-positioned people, they're mostly "concerned parents"10:38
t12an angry parent isnt a censor10:38
andytoshicertainly paid people know they're lying, otherwise they'd trip up10:38
t12the school admin who bans the book is10:38
andytoshiwell those people don't believe in truth or lies, they only want to retard human progress10:39
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t12also persumptive i think its more about maintaing control10:39
t12modeling these things as control sort of issues makes it a bit more rational10:39
andytoshiso, the school admins who receive notes saying some student has completed all the course material for a high school course and am literally staring at walls for hours on end, surely there is some policy for accelerating him or waiving courses or something10:42
andytoshi...and reply with "no, he must stare at the wall until he loses his mind"10:42
andytoshiwhere is the control?10:42
andytoshithat is just aimless sociopathy10:42
andytoshi"here is an opportunity to increase the suffering in the world. i must take it"10:43
nmz787_i.wik photon upconversion10:43
yoleaux"Photon upconversion (UC) is a process in which the sequential absorption of two or more photons leads to the emission of light at shorter wavelength than the excitation wavelength. It is an anti-Stokes type emission. An example is the conversion of infrared light to visible light." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photon_upconversion10:44
maakuandytoshi: praise whatever ledgislature enacted the high school proficiency exam10:44
nmz787_iI wonder how often two night-time photons hit your eye coincidentally10:44
maakui just wish more people knew about it10:44
maakui used it to skip out of two otherwise wasted years of my life10:45
CaptHindsightheh, I don't think it's 2 photon happening there10:45
andytoshimaaku: hmm, i will check on such a thing in BC10:46
andytoshior maybe you can take the US one and it'd count in canada10:47
maakuandytoshi: well just about anywhere there is exams for adults to get a high school equiv certificate, called the GED in the states10:47
maakuwhat's less advertised is that kids can take it too10:47
maakuin california specifically there's a state-level one which is even easier -- 3 hr exam with embarassingly easy content10:48
andytoshimaaku: in BC i think if you take a GED that is easily checked and employers/universities read that as you being a deadbeat10:48
andytoshimaybe i'm wrong about universities10:48
andytoshiand if you get a degree hs doesn't matter10:48
maakuandytoshi: that's what community college is for. no one cares after you get something else10:48
CaptHindsightnmz787: not sure yet but it might work more like a dye sensitizer10:49
maakue.g. in the bay area, De Anza college (and another of other local junior colledges) have guaranteed admission agreements with Berkeley, which was my original plan10:49
maakuyou show up with your GED or whatever, sign a contract that says if you take and get a passing grade in courses X Y and Z, you get automatic enrollment in berkeley10:49
CaptHindsight"The dye photosensitizer absorbs light, then undergoes energy, charge, and/or electron transfer with the coinitiator,"10:50
andytoshiya on the right http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=AA7ED4837C9A4854B1E868DB829C39ED says a GED is probably not good enough for most things also "the ministry of truth has discontinued the GED program"10:50
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maakuhaving a GED-equivalent didn't stop me getting a job at NASA right out of college :P10:50
andytoshithe adult education program requires you be 18 wtf10:50
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maakuandytoshi: :(10:51
andytoshimaaku: BC has a third-world style education program, there are no AP courses and the standard courses were almost entirely things i knew before i was eight10:51
FourFirehaha I recall reading that book10:51
andytoshiand they are very very insistent that children put their hours in10:51
andytoshiso i'm not surprised they would do something like this10:51
CaptHindsightandytoshi: school systems get funding based on the number of warm blood filled meat sacks that spend 6+ hours withing their walls each day until they reach 1810:52
andytoshihaving said that, there are (a) online courses that you can take shitloads of and are very quick to do if you're motivated, (b) when i was in hs their scheduling system had a bug that let me put multiple courses in the same block10:52
CaptHindsightdown here they actually take attendance several times each day since their funding for next year is directly tied to the current semesters attendance10:53
andytoshilike, there was no physical way i was as many bodies as they were scheduled10:53
andytoshithey did take attendence, but i had a few sympathetic teachers who would always mark me present10:53
andytoshiand many non-sympathetic ones ... my parents got a lot of phone calls10:53
andytoshiliterally every day for 2-3 years they got "your student has missed one or more classes" from an automated system10:54
kanzureeric hunting is in the textbook industry, so for terrible textbook stories i would go to him (tmp2 author)10:55
CaptHindsightmy daughter completed here HS courses by 12 and scored >1300 on the SAT but the public school system didn't care, they just wanted her in their rooms until she wasn't a source of finding for them10:55
andytoshiin bc it was less transparent. idk where money flowed or how it related to me attendence, i just know that i was hounded by govt officials who wanted to imprison me for years on end10:56
andytoshiand whenever i was able to communicate with them they acted like characters in 198410:56
CaptHindsightthey weren't even flexible enough to let her out early to attend her college classes10:56
kanzureyes andytoshi was in the bc math immersion classes, i uess10:56
FourFire"i recall in high school asking questions like "what about XX? why aren't they talking about YY? this is false, this is inconsistent, etc" and my peers were generally surprised" heh, same here :(10:56
kanzurenot sure why CaptHindsight put a daughter through high school10:56
andytoshikanzure: for math specifically i was homeschooled and finished all the math BC had to offer by 14, i did no mathematics in high school10:57
CaptHindsightchoice of that or prison10:57
kanzureunited states?10:57
kanzurethere are some states that are more friendly to not doing high school10:57
kanzurealso you could have claimed she ran away10:57
andytoshiit is a wonder i can think, i spent those years with nothing analytic to do, was required legally to stare at walls for several hours a day, and was going through over a fifth of liquor every week to cope10:58
andytoshibut brains are good at recovering apparently, less than 2 years later i was smart again :P10:58
kanzurei spent time in my high school classes with wireshark trying to get wifi access10:58
CaptHindsightit was like prison to me10:59
andytoshii don't think we had wifi at my scheel10:59
andytoshiCaptHindsight: ditto10:59
CaptHindsightthis was in the 70's10:59
kanzurejrayhawk is the only reasonable one out of all of us here10:59
kanzurereally pathetic10:59
FourFireyeah, it's a shame I didn't escape11:00
andytoshimaybe you can test out of high school in alberta, my brother can drive over and do that..11:00
FourFireI've yet to reach my potential, maybe school permanently damaged me11:00
andytoshinope, 18+11:00
CaptHindsightI left on my 16th birthday11:00
CaptHindsight16 was the age that you could no longer be arrested for not attending11:01
-!- fauxami is now known as fauxami_11:01
kanzurei guess jrayhawk is not the only reasonable one11:02
CaptHindsightany nobody cares about anything farther back than your last degree or last job unless..11:02
CaptHindsightyou want to work for the FBI or similar11:02
CaptHindsightI know someone's HS record from 8 years previous prevented them from getting hired11:03
CaptHindsightthey go back 10 years no matter what, so the everything gets wiped clean at 18 is another BS story11:03
andytoshiontario is 18+ ... saskatchewan is 18+ ... manitoba is 19+ ... nova scotia is 19+ ... new brunswick is 19+ ... newfoundland is 19+ ... pei is 18+ ... quebec i can't find but you almost certainly need to know french to do it11:05
andytoshithat's all the provinces. wtf11:06
CaptHindsightin the US you can look back to the late 50's and early 60's when the anti-intellectual movement got started11:09
CaptHindsightI think my generation is the dumbest since they started keeping records11:10
andytoshiin WA you can take the GED at 16, but you won't get credit unless you are a WA resident11:10
CaptHindsightthere are a few accredited HS in the US that award regular diplomas that you can use online or though the mail11:12
CaptHindsightis costs a few $$ and you need to show the work11:12
nmz787_ii felt pretty dirty after taking the GED test... because I could have done it after 8th grade... and it really made me think about all the other people who get GEDs and struggled to get through it11:12
kanzurethat's why you should intentionally answer incorrectly on a few questions11:12
kanzureyou shouldn't make it look too easy11:13
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CaptHindsighthttp://www.narhs.org/  is one11:13
andytoshinmz787_i: i knew a 40 year old who was abused as a child and was severely developmentally stunted because of it. he got his ged when i was in hs (and bitching constantly about it), i remember being thrilled for him and also feeling really really weird11:13
andytoshigot his ged at 40*11:14
CaptHindsighthttps://iuhighschool.iu.edu/  is another11:14
CaptHindsightmost of the city/county colleges around here will offer you the classes and GED for a few hundred $11:15
CaptHindsightbut you might have to be 19+11:15
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FourFirenmz787_i, don't feel dirty! You've got an advantage, so use it :P11:35
nmz787_iwell that was around 10 years ago11:36
FourFireyeah, I mean, don't stop11:38
nmz787_ijust found out this morning that I passed my last chemistry class to get my B.S. !11:40
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kanzurenmz787_i: your employer might give you a raise. go ask your HR department.13:20
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nmz787_irecommendations on Windows video/screen recording software?14:15
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kanzure"Fast inverse square-root hack with magic constant 0x5f3759df" http://h14s.p5r.org/2012/09/0x5f3759df.html14:29
-!- GregBrimble [6d952d3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:33
GregBrimbleHey, new here, but to those who had anything to do with Cody's EmoKit project, for reverse engineering the Emotiv EEG headset, I have a question if it isn't too much bother.14:34
andytoshican someone help me understand this article? http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-03-27/the-atheism-gap the thesis i think is that atheism is a movement that "needs" a different demographic makeup, is that correct?14:34
andytoshii'm not trying to start shit (and i guess i wouldn't, here, just by bringing up race or religion), i'm actually confused what the politics in america around this are14:35
GregBrimbleI was wondering if the seemingly new EPOC headset sold by Emotiv would still work with the EmoKit, despite its creation with the previous hardware. Can anyone confirm this either way before I purchase? Thanks.14:35
kanzureandytoshi: you would probably get much better insight in #slatestarcodex14:36
kanzure14:36 [freenode] -!- Cannot join to channel #slatestarcodex (You are banned)14:36
kanzureoh well14:37
kanzureGregBrimble: i'm not sure if the new headset still works with emokit, :\14:37
kanzureGregBrimble: you'll probably get better results posting to the emokit issue tracker14:37
andytoshithx kanzure , i'll see what that is14:37
kanzureandytoshi: http://slatestarcodex.com/tag/atheism/14:37
GregBrimblekanzure: Thanks. It was just if someone knew straight off. Appreciate the help.14:38
kanzurei can't really remember everyone that has an emotiv, but i think someone in here recently got one14:38
kanzurenight: was it you14:39
cluckjandytoshi, more like athesis14:39
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andytoshicluckj: heehee14:42
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cluckjandytoshi, I'm not sure that particular article has a thesis14:43
cluckjit's a little bit disjointed right in the middle14:43
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chris_99i'm just wondering if anyone could give me some advice, i'm using a ToF sensor to obtain the displacement of a hydrometer, but i'm wondering how best to convert this distance to SG.  I've got two readings of (SG,distance) for different density liquids, and was thinking of using the line from that, to work out the SG from any distance14:48
chris_99specific gravity14:50
kanzure.wa specific gravity of 1 km displaced14:51
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, no result!14:51
andytoshicluckj: i think i got my answer about where it's coming from in the comments (there is indeed an "atheist movement" that cares about promoting atheism; for many people including pundits this is the only overt example of atheism they see so they use "atheist" to refer to a member of this movement; then you can write an article about a "problem atheism has" which is entirely political and has nothing to15:00
andytoshido with the existence of God at all)15:00
andytoshibut agreed, it's a bit disjointed anyway15:00
kanzurethere is an "atheism movement" but it's basically just a bunch of people on reddit and blogs complaining to each other15:01
cluckjthe "movement" is kind of an aggressive cult15:01
kanzureugh and nuanced history like atheism plus15:02
kanzureugh, stuff.15:03
kanzurestuff is the worst.15:03
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cluckjfuckin' stuff15:04
cluckjandytoshi, that's kind of a thing with pundits more than movements15:15
cluckjthe over-generalizing bit15:15
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nmz787_iandytoshi: I'd tend to think religion statistics aren't reported honestly by non-believers15:22
nmz787_ichris_99: yeah you'd probably need to get a calibration curve15:23
nmz787_iso known SG with known ToF readings (or displacement values)15:23
chris_99so you think 2 points at least would be necessary right?15:23
nmz787_iideally 3 points or more15:24
nmz787_ithen you just interpolate15:24
chris_99ah okey dokey15:24
nmz787_i2 works, but if it's non-linear it won't tell you15:24
chris_99mmm true15:24
nmz787_iI guess you'd just grab some vodka, measure... add water, measure, add water, measure (making sure the volume of each sample was the same)15:25
chris_99i could do it via different densities using diff. ammounts of sugar15:25
nmz787_iyou want to use a least-squares regression... lots of ways to get that with libraries (or excel/openoffice)15:25
chris_99ah ok, i've not used that, so that'd generate the line for me?15:26
nmz787_iwell you don't want to measure sugar though, right?15:26
chris_99yeah beer, is all about sugar15:26
nmz787_iso you're saying the alcohol doesn't affect the SG? it's the decreasing amount of sugar in solution?15:26
chris_99you calculate abv, from (initial sg - final sg) * 13115:26
chris_99but yeah the densitity relates strongly to sugar15:27
nmz787_ijust go grab a 6-pack of various strengths :P15:28
nmz787_ibut the exact readings will likely vary from one batch to another15:28
chris_99https://www.anfractuosity.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/IMG_9342-e1427488936800-683x1024.jpg is what it looks like heh15:28
nmz787_isince the starting point will be diff brews I imagine15:28
nmz787_idiff initial malts levels, et15:28
nmz787_ithe other thing you can probably do is just look at the derivative of your data15:29
nmz787_ito see when the slope starts to decrease15:29
nmz787_iand you know you're getting to the end of the fermentation15:29
chris_99ah yeah that's a good idea15:29
nmz787_i(or know you have to add something to get it going again)15:29
chris_99i'm applying a gaussian filter to smooth some of the readings from the ToF chip atm, which may not be the greatest idea, but it makes the data a lot easier to understand15:30
nmz787_i" relative density compared to water"15:30
nmz787_iso just measure water, then add some known thing like sugar (as you said)15:31
chris_99yeah i measured it in water15:31
nmz787_iand you'll get your curve15:31
chris_99and also in this batch of beer15:31
nmz787_i(as long as the volume measured is the same each time)15:31
chris_99volume doesn't matter15:31
nmz787_ia median filter would probably do it too15:31
nmz787_ihow much does it vary?15:32
chris_99quite a lot, so for s.g. of 1, the distance was 161mm15:32
chris_99for an s.g. of 1.050 the distance was 60mm15:32
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jrayhawki have a friend who dropped out of middle school15:42
jrayhawki wish i had been that smart15:42
kanzurelet's start an organization called "international relief agency for reminding middle schoolers that they will never be this cool"15:43
jrayhawkit upsets me every time it is mentioned because it is a reminder that i wasted those extra years of my life15:43
nmz787_ichris_99: i meant for a given SG, how much does the sensor reading vary.15:44
nmz787_ihoenstly the real problem is that school isn't good enough15:45
nmz787_inot that school is bad in general15:45
kanzureit's pretty bad15:45
chris_99oh sorry, i'll upload a graph nmz787_i15:45
nmz787_igo be dumb on your own then15:45
kanzurethere is nothing humane about forced labor15:45
nmz787_ithat isn't the definition of school15:46
nmz787_iand it's 'human' to force labor15:46
nmz787_iweird how 'average human trait' doesn't convert to 'ideal human trait'15:46
chris_99nmz787_i, scroll down to the very bottom https://www.anfractuosity.com/projects/zymeter-simple/ (2 graphs one with gaussian filter)15:48
jrayhawkthe only way i forsee making school "good enough" is for there to be less of it. that said, the sudbury model seems largely satisfactory.15:48
nmz787_ii disagree with 'less school15:49
kanzure"the only way that i see schools working out is if they relinquish complete system control to me, because i'm probably the only person on the planet that can handle this level of nuancy" </eliezer's ghost>15:49
nmz787_ithat seems like i would just be a lot more stupid15:49
nmz787_ichris_99: oh, I thought you were averaging only over a few immediately subsequent readings15:50
jrayhawkschooling ostensibly teaches the wisdom of "how to get things done", and everyone argues about it at this level because they miss the bigger picture of what has been lost. Specifically, the wisdom of "what things are worth doing".15:50
kanzurenmz787_i: so why is compulsory education okay, but compulsory employment isn't?15:51
nmz787_ischool != compulsory15:51
nmz787_iat least not in most of the population worldwide15:51
nmz787_imost kids are too poor for school15:51
chris_99yeah each sample is an average of 100 readings, in the noisey one15:51
kanzurewhether kids are too poor has no standing in an argument as ot whether school is compulsory in the united states15:52
nmz787_ii'd be really pissed if i was forced to go to school /and/ forced to work15:52
nmz787_iwho mentioned the U.S. before now?15:52
* nmz787_i just got my new spectrometer!15:53
chris_99oh is it good?15:53
nmz787_iidk, should be15:53
chris_99i found the mass spec i was looking at a while ago is now £200 heh15:53
jrayhawkthere is no room for value system formation/validation/integration in a pedagogical environment unless that environment is non-compulsory15:53
kanzurealso it's just a big fat lie to kids15:54
jrayhawkInstead we get generation after generation of society largely incapable of operating outside of systems of consensus and authority to dictate their values.15:54
nmz787_ijrayhawk: sudbury is new to me... seems interesting15:54
nmz787_ijrayhawk: if it was my kid, I'd obviously offer gentle encouragement15:55
kanzuremost kids are not going to be confident enough to realize that if they run away from home and school that they will most likely survive and thrive15:55
kanzurethe entire system is stacked against this idea their entire life15:55
nmz787_iin addition to letting them steer a bit15:55
kanzuretelling them that they'll just end up rotting on the street or something15:55
kanzurewhen the reality is that many people have lived and thrived long before school existed15:55
nmz787_ikanzure: yep15:55
kanzureokay... so how is that good?15:55
nmz787_ii never said to run away from home or school15:56
kanzurei never claimed you did15:56
nmz787_ijust agreeing that they tell you bad things will happen15:56
kanzureyes... and they are lying.15:56
nmz787_ilying is never really good15:56
jrayhawkto be honest, if state-friendly actors get ahold of them, the result is foster care, which does not have a good track record, and if state-unfriendly actors get ahold of them, the results aren't typically all that pretty, either.15:57
nmz787_iso that seems like a different issue entirely15:57
kanzurejrayhawk: i would say it probably depends on what they are doing with their time instead15:57
kanzurenmz787_i: i am ust trying to convince you that it has nothing to do with whether they are dumb or stupid15:57
nmz787_ii'm pretty sure people would be a lot less learned if school just evaporated today15:58
kanzurethat doesn't make them dumb or stupid -_-15:58
nmz787_iisn't learning like the cure for being dumb/stupid?15:59
mosasaura small subset of people monopolizes what the next generation thinks and which values they have, they also enforce age stratification which has consequences for how people interact socially later on16:04
nmz787_iso are we talking about two different ideas, school vs (semi-directed) education?16:05
jrayhawkhttp://mhkeehn.tripod.com/ughoae.pdf also this is an okay book16:06
jrayhawkhttps://archive.org/details/TheUndergroundHistoryOfAmericanEducation_758 oh hey, more formats16:07
cluckjstudents are generally not stupid, or passive agents in their own education16:18
kanzureeven if they are stupid, i think that's a separate topic16:18
kanzurethere are other social support systems for the profoundly challenged16:18
cluckjthe education system treats them like they are16:18
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eudoxia.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=927775316:19
yoleauxIkea's flat-pack refugee shelter is entering production | Hacker News16:19
cluckjand the political system treats adults as if they are stupid, too16:19
cluckjmaybe I'm just in a smash the system mood today :\16:20
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kanzure"Physics in 100 years" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.07735v1.pdf16:34
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kanzurei'm not sure how to feel about http://xkcd.com/1502/ (typing stuff)17:05
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JayDugger1Good morning.22:31
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delinquentme_"ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church22:46
delinquentme_hahaha i lurve my friends22:47
kanzurehe really said that22:54
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JayDugger1What context does Mr. Church's optimism have?23:33
delinquentme_JayDugger1:he hangs out here.23:35
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