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delinquentmeCarl -- You and 4 Friends are Invited to the Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta!02:15
yoleaux26 Mar 2015 05:06Z <kanzure> delinquentme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjRUee5S44w02:15
yoleaux27 Mar 2015 01:57Z <kanzure> delinquentme: nevermind02:15
delinquentmekanzure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxov0BQ2fpE02:15
delinquentmethis is good though02:15
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kanzure00:27 [freenode] DCC aborted receiving file STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0A سمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ from MegaDork06:41
kanzureMegaDork :(06:41
kanzurei was hoping he was a real user06:41
kanzurehad good nick06:41
archels.tr  سمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ from Me06:59
yoleauxarchels: Sorry, that command (.tr) crashed.06:59
kanzure"Also, it turns out senators have a hard time differentiating the APA (American Psychiatric Association, fighting tooth and claw against psychologist prescribers) from the APA (American Psychological Association, fighting tooth and claw for psychologist prescribers) and they end up freaking out and trying to figure out why the same people are lobbying for both sides and whether this is some kind of weird shrink mind game thing."07:17
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kanzure"In regards of a suitable system, I was thinking of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lymnaea_stagnalis which is easy to culture, has big neurons and a well-defined, compact 20 kNeuron central ring ganglia (the scale bar is 1 mm) which is reasonably easy to prep: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/58/Lymnaea_stagnalis_central_ring_ganglia.jpg "10:08
kanzurewhat happened to that dude that was trying to grow a potato in his stomach10:13
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nmz787kanzure: some irish dude?10:42
kanzurei dunno10:43
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chris_99nmz787, i did the calibration thing and now have SG graphs https://www.anfractuosity.com/projects/zymeter-simple/ theres a big bump which can only be due to yeasty foam i believe11:08
delinquentmekanzure:nmz heath11:26
delinquentmewhen you modify an object.... mutate it without redefining a new object11:26
delinquentmethat is referred to as what11:26
delinquentme" in place "11:26
delinquentmemutation ?11:26
kanzureimmutability/mutability is a property of some types in some type systems11:27
delinquentmethis is whats making me ask11:27
delinquentmedataframe.drop('RP1Imp', 1, inplace=True)11:27
delinquentmedataframe = dataframe.drop('RP1Imp', 1)11:28
kanzureanother related term you may be interested in is "idempotency"11:28
delinquentmeyeah i know about that11:28
kanzure"A function with side effects is said to be idempotent under sequential composition (f; f) if, when called with the same argument twice, the second call returns the same value and has no side effects which can distinguish it from the first call."11:28
kanzureinplace=True there is more about mutability in python i suppose11:29
delinquentmeyeap. if function is idempotent, you can call it multiple times and the output object remains static11:29
kanzuresome of the standard library functions in python are immutable, so all of their methods return new instances or whatever11:29
kanzurewhoops i mean some of the standard library types11:29
delinquentmeyeah but you're not answering my question.11:30
delinquentmeredefinition of an object by equation ... vrs mutation in place, without equation/re equating that object11:31
kanzureusually the reasons why i choose in-place modification is related to "well copying this entire object would require way too much memory"11:32
kanzurealthough sometimes i may still return "self" anyway because i like to pretend i am good at method chaining11:32
kanzuremaybe the word you are looking for is side-effect-free11:33
delinquentmesure and human defined object creation / destruction vrs consigning to GC11:34
kanzurethat's quite verbose.11:34
delinquentmeloquacious even11:38
kanzurelet's not get carried away11:39
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delinquentmeOk so #pydata  is being useless ... and #pandas isn't really a channel.  SO! I've got 2 dataframes which id like to merge .  I Need to get them aligned by timestamp.  What is the most efficient way to do this ?12:06
kanzureis there a merge function?12:08
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delinquentmeWHEN HANGOUT12:52
delinquentmeOH WAIT. KINDA R12:52
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yoleauxSearch for an article on Wikipedia13:33
nmz787chris_99: ahh, so maybe you need some agitator to de-bubble it... then let it sit a few minutes, then sample... or maybe you want to sample right after turning off the agitator (if the yeast froth it fast enough to start affecting the gravity)13:36
chris_99yeah that could work, i think i'm gonna play with ultrasound now though13:36
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nmz787chris_99: would that be sensing from the bottom of the tank then, to avoid the foam? or would the foam be so much less dense that it wouldn't interfere with the signal? or is this ultrasound to break up the foam/de-bubble?13:47
chris_99yeah at the bottom13:47
chris_99the foam is all on the top13:47
nmz787so that's just a normal robot-type ultrasound distance sensor then?13:48
chris_99it's a 2MHz one, and i'm gonna sample the output with a 100MHz ADC13:48
chris_99and do processing with an FPGA13:49
fenn*cough* overkill *cough*13:52
kanzureoverkill? i knew that guy once.13:53
archelschris_99: saw on your site that you built a cloud chamber---cool stuff.13:54
archelsI want to build one with a friend as well, any tips?13:54
chris_99that didn't work properly for me alas, the peltier didn't seem to get the chamber cool enough13:55
chris_99i bought a 400W one to try, but haven't got round to it yet13:55
chris_99if you try that approach, it turns out server PSUs output ~50A so you can use those for it13:56
chris_99and they're dirt cheap on ebay13:56
chris_99like £1713:56
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nmz787the PSU or the peltier?13:59
nmz787PSU or TEC?13:59
chris_99the PSU13:59
chris_99thats the type of PSU14:02
chris_99i got14:02
archelsyeah, I have a couple of old ATX supplies14:15
archelsI read about stacking Peltiers14:15
archelsapparently you have to get different power grades and arrange them in a certain way to get the largest temperature differential14:16
chris_99they won't give you a high amperage though14:16
chris_99i've used them myself and had issues with them getting far too hot14:16
chris_99(the cables)14:16
chris_99yeah i think my setup was stacked iirc14:16
chris_99it's hard to see but i'm pretty sure there are 2 red wires14:17
archelsoh, I think I have some that'll do 20A, possibly 2 * 20A at 12V14:19
archelsotherwise modern ATX supplies will do 4 * 20A for around €10014:19
archelsthat's about a kilowatt, should get us some place :)14:19
chris_99the thing is, when they say they can do 1KW i think it's actually across all voltages, so i don't think it can really put out 1kW at a single voltage14:21
chris_99whereas these server PSUs can output 50A via one cable14:21
chris_99i'm sure i tried a 400W peltier with an ATX psu and it just turned off14:22
archels400W, that's pretty brutal14:23
chris_99mmm heh14:23
archelsany ballpark figures for how much Peltier power you need to maintain a certain temperature differential?14:23
archelsif you're doing a cloud chamber in 25°C ambient, you need to maintain roughly 60°C difference14:24
chris_99not off the top of my head sorry, you've got to use a really beefy fan too, to chill it too14:24
chris_99semi related - https://www.anfractuosity.com/projects/peltier-fermentation-control/ that has 4 peltiers, but if you look at the graph the peltiers aren't cooling at all really, which i think is due to the fan being crap heh14:25
chris_99maybe a metal container would help also?14:28
chris_99instead of a plastic tub14:28
archelshehe yeah, that fan is pitiful14:34
chris_99i took appart a hairdryer one which i need to use14:35
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archelscame across a bunch of water cooling setups too14:41
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kanzure14:15 <+nsh> i can't wait until my roboplasty14:55
kanzure14:15 <+nsh> i've been a 90 foot call solid gold robot trapped in the body of a boy for 30 years14:55
kanzure14:15 <+nsh> and it's about damn time society did something about it14:55
kanzure14:15 <+nsh> *foot tall14:55
kanzure14:15 <+grr> are your emoglands secreting emotions again?14:55
archelschris_99: just ordered some gear from DealExtreme ^_^14:56
chris_99heh, whatcha order?14:57
archelssome Peltiers, CPU cooler, temp sensor and PWM controllers14:59
archelsordered 360W of Peltiers in total15:00
archelswe'll see how far we get15:00
chris_99neat :)15:01
ParahSailini think theres something called a heat engine that can also do temperature differences15:08
archelsa Stirling engine?15:14
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nmz787chris_99: do you know how to use the Rthja value in the datasheet for that peltier motor-driver chip? it says 35K/W... but I'm not sure how to determine at a given voltage and the max of 43A, how big of a heatsink and how much airflow you'd need on average16:26
chris_99nah i don't sorry, i just bought the module that had a heatsink on16:27
nmz787obv your supply might not emit 43A...  but in general I can't tell how much cooling you'd need on the driver board for e.g. 400W of load (peltier)16:27
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kanzuresecurity stuff https://exploit-exercises.com/22:17
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nmz787this is pretty exciting http://hackaday.com/2015/03/28/arduino-ide-support-for-the-esp8266/22:50
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