
--- Log opened Tue Mar 31 00:00:38 2015
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nmz787_i1sheena: they could have done better: http://www.zdnet.com/article/intels-next-big-thing-knights-landing/01:12
nmz787_i1sheena: I mean http://hackaday.com/2015/03/31/fail-of-the-week-easy-cheese-printer-says-no/01:12
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ButaTinelooks interesting: http://sourceforge.net/projects/visage-hci/04:24
chris_99i've used something exactly like that04:26
chris_99or possibly that04:26
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chris_99does anyone recall the openspectrometer website07:04
chris_99of nmz787's07:04
thundaraIt was linked as http://www.openspectrometer.com/ on the github repo ( https://github.com/nmz787/open-spectrometer )07:05
thundaraBut it looks like that's down now07:05
chris_99ah cheers, i just rememebered he wrote some stuff up on HaD.io - http://hackaday.io/project/1342-open-spectrometer07:05
CaptHindsightwas that the prism and webcam version?07:06
chris_99it uses a toshiba linear chip07:06
thundaraDid anyone ever build it?07:06
chris_99i think he did build it07:06
CaptHindsightif built right it will work07:06
chris_99i want to build something similar for doing NIR stuff to measure alcohol07:06
CaptHindsightwhat bandwidth?07:07
chris_99http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jamc/2012/728128/ - i need around 900mm to around 1000n07:07
chris_99so it's still a silicon chip07:07
CaptHindsightwhat's the story on a greed gene?07:09
CaptHindsighthow much is nature vs nurture?07:09
CaptHindsightand can we get a virus to target it?07:09
CaptHindsightchris_99: http://www.hamamatsu.com/us/en/S11510-1106.html07:12
chris_99that would still need a grating right?07:12
chris_99i've seen the sony one those dudes, use for $1307:12
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CaptHindsightyou have to break up the light somehow07:13
chris_99some have in-built gratings07:13
CaptHindsightdepends on the linearity you want07:13
CaptHindsightwill it work, yes, how well is another story07:13
chris_99mm heh07:13
chris_99i'd definitely attempt to calibrate it07:14
kanzure"Brain-wide analysis of electrophysiological diversity yields novel categorization of mammalian neuron types" http://jn.physiology.org/content/jn/early/2015/03/20/jn.00237.2015.full.pdf07:14
kanzure"The goal of the NeuroElectro Project is to extract information about the electrophysiological properties (e.g. resting membrane potentials and membrane time constants) of diverse neuron types from the existing literature and place it into a centralized database."07:14
kanzure.title http://www.neuroelectro.org/neuron/85/07:16
yoleauxNeuroElectro :: Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell07:16
kanzureand then they link to software implementations of each cell type <307:17
CaptHindsightwill they discover the A-Hole neuron?07:18
kanzurethey are all asshole neurons07:19
kanzureevery last one of them07:19
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chris_99blinking heck, diffraction gratings are expensive08:04
archels"Oral session on Omics"08:07
archelsoh goodie, I can't wait08:07
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nmz787_i1chris_99: if you don't want to compare your measurements to other spectrometers... linearity of the grating shouldn't really matter09:02
nmz787_i1and in that case a cheap grating should work fine09:02
chris_99oh, what grating did you use though btw?09:02
chris_99i can't really find any cheap ones09:02
nmz787_i1it makes more difference in the UV since plastics (cheap gratings) absorb UV09:02
chris_99i was just looking at http://www.edmundoptics.co.uk/optics/gratings/near-ir-nir-reflective-gold-gratings/46080/09:03
nmz787_i1I have a chinese concave flat-field-corrected reflectance grating09:03
chris_99oh, where did you get it from?09:03
nmz787_i1any of the cheap $10 grating sheets should do the trick for you I htink09:03
nmz787_i1aliexpress or alibaba09:03
nmz787_i1I think you may have asked about FTIR yesterday, and I have an old FTIR machine that doesn't do much more than boot up and turn it's laser and voice-coil on09:04
chris_99yeah i was looking at the hammatsu ftir mems stuff09:04
chris_99but it seems like i can do it with shorter wave NIR09:05
chris_99from that chinese paper09:05
chris_99also i was wondering , i noticed you used a 16 bit ADC, could i use 24 bit or something, for more precision09:05
chris_99or is that pointless for some reason09:06
nmz787_i1yes, but the design of the board will need a lot more work09:06
nmz787_i1otherwise the extra bits are useless09:06
chris_99mm, i've used a 24 bit adc with a loadcell before, although that was only low sps09:06
nmz787_i1also more data could mean less overall framerate (i had been targeting 60FPS)09:06
chris_99ah framerate doesn't matter much for me09:06
nmz787_i1the ADC needs to be at least 1 or 2MHz09:06
nmz787_i1err, maybe it was 500 kHz09:07
chris_99so did you have to use any lenses between the grating or infront of it btw?09:07
chris_99heh i've seen that09:07
nmz787_i1that's the beauty of the flat-field-corrected grating, is that it is already curved so absorbs the function of lenses/mirrors09:08
nmz787_i1but that's mainly to increase linearity of wavelength to pixel-spacing09:08
chris_99ah ok, is there a gap though between the grating and your sensor09:08
nmz787_i1so if you have some lasers to calibrate with, and don't want to compare to others (only compare now and then of your own measurements) then linearity becomes less important09:09
chris_99how about http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/High-diffraction-efficiency-diffraction-grating_60104576100.html09:11
chris_99oh is http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/high-diffraction-efficiency-blazed-concave-grating_60186045792.html the kind you meant09:12
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kanzure09:13 <kanzure> i don't think anyone is stress testing keyboards appropriately09:14
kanzure09:13 <kanzure> on one of my keyboards i estimate that i have put in at least 100 million keystrokes09:14
kanzure09:14 <kanzure> 100 million keystrokes is only like 10k words per day for 5 years09:15
kanzure09:14 <kanzure> keyboards should be stress tested to 5-10 billion keystrokes09:15
kanzureanyway, yet another keyboard is fallig apart on me09:15
nmz787_i1chris_99: yeah... looking for the company i got mine from... can't login to alibaba here though (password store not with me)09:15
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nmz787_i1but searching the email addresses I have, I found this article09:15
nmz787_i1paperbot: http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11801-008-7140-509:16
nmz787_i1the company name was something -vac I think09:16
chris_99did you use a mirror to reflect the diffraction pattern to the sensor, as that's what the folks in this paper seemed to do09:17
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chris_99ooh sweet just found a dude selling 5x sensors for $2509:20
chris_99inc. shipping09:20
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chris_99should anyone want some10:05
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kanzurehttp://pepijndevos.nl/2015/03/30/tcpoke-private-beta.html "TCPoke is my project that connects Game Boys over the internet to battle and trade with first and second generation Pokemon games. Today the last parts for the TCPoke shield arrived, enough parts to make 9 test boards. I plan to give these away to people who can contribute to the project."10:37
kanzure"The gist of it is that a Teensy puts the Game Boy in slave mode and forwards the data over USB HID to a Chrome App that uses WebRTC to transfer the data over the internet."10:38
chris_99have you seen the things that convert the GB/NES output to HDMI10:39
chris_99from the display memory10:39
kanzuredoes it use webrtc? :\10:41
kanzuredea/bitcoin exhibit b http://i.imgur.com/FxxXma3.png10:44
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heathi need a smaller battery http://i.imgur.com/6BXF9oC.jpg11:54
heathneed to open the tile and see what they are using11:54
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nmz787_i1this seems pretty decent for windows (works and no apparent spyware) https://github.com/nixxquality/WebMConverter11:55
heathanother comparison pic http://i.imgur.com/dYAqilC.jpg11:56
nmz787_i1crazy to see spyware/malware infected stuff on sourceforge :( http://sourceforge.net/projects/camstudio/11:56
chris_99what is it heath11:57
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chris_99there is source in that repo interestingly nmz787_i111:59
heathchris_99: it's just a bluetooth low energy board with a gigantic battery on it12:01
chris_99https://store.openqcm.com/ -- im just looking at this, it has a microfluidic cell in it so you could measure liquids extremely accurately12:02
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nmz787_i1chris_99: the mercurial link? I just saw that12:07
chris_99the one you said theres spyware in12:08
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chris_99nmz787_i1, you probably didn't see the aliexpress link i posted before http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-5pcs-TCD1304AP-TCD1304-CDIP22-Best-quality/1887814216.html should you need lots more of those sensors12:15
nmz787_i1:) I checked the logs12:26
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nmz787_i1need to get my spectrometer board soldered up finally.... especially now that I have something to compare directly with12:26
chris_99do you use a mirror btw, with your grating?12:26
nmz787_i1the class I was in from Jan til like 2 weeks ago stole all my time... and now i'm in the process of moving which has all my stuff packed or getting packed12:27
nmz787_i1nah, that's the beauty of the concave flat-field corrected grating12:27
chris_99i'm confused why they use on in that paper12:27
nmz787_i1all the optical elements are combined into one element12:27
chris_99and that is concave12:27
nmz787_i1oh, wait a sec, that isn't digital copy12:28
nmz787_i1fig 2 is what I have12:29
nmz787_i1and what is recommended for raman spectroscopy12:29
nmz787_i1one of the methods recommended for raman at least12:29
nmz787_i1something about the higher orders not interfering as much12:30
chris_99ah just to make sure i understand the light hits the grating gets reflected and then hits the sensor12:30
nmz787_i1looks like this is a printout of that site before they took down the manual contents http://www.cientificosaficionados.com/libros/Diffraction%20Grating%20Handbook.pdf12:30
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nmz787_i1'reflected' but called diffracted12:31
chris_99see i always thought light passed through the diffraction grating12:31
nmz787_i1they're sort of the same thing, but I think using one or the other depends on how complex the surface the light interacts with is12:31
chris_99how come its sort of reflected in this instance12:31
nmz787_i1reflective vs transmissive12:32
nmz787_i1transmissive can filter light12:32
nmz787_i1usually a reflective prism is coated with a metal, so it's got a mirror like finish12:33
chris_99ah so it's almost like theres a grating in front of a mirror12:33
nmz787_i1but then you can combine them to make a grism12:33
nmz787_i1.wik grism12:33
yoleaux"A grism (also called a grating prism) is a combination of a prism and grating arranged so that light at a chosen central wavelength passes straight through. The advantage of this arrangement is that one and the same camera can be used both for imaging (without the grism) and spectroscopy (with the grism) without having to be moved." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grism12:33
chris_99haha weird12:33
nmz787_i1a grating is basically taking advantage of reflection, but then the spacing and texture adds more constructive/destructive wave effects12:34
nmz787_i1while transmission is more like a complex lens12:35
chris_99that makes sense, i'll look through the book you linked too12:35
nmz787_i1still has the grating features, but instead of the light bouncing off at angles... it lenses at different angles12:35
chris_99so that's essentially all you need, a sensor and a concave diffraction grating, no other lens stuff?12:36
nmz787_i1I think for your case you don't need anything but a transmission grating that doesn't absorb NIR, and a sensor (webcam probably would work)12:37
nmz787_i1then just watch your data for the peak/peaks that change with alcohol conc12:37
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chris_99one thing i'm not sure about is the light source though12:38
nmz787_i1the mirrors/lenses are only for linearity correction, and focus. If blurring is a problem then you would need some mirrors/lenses12:38
nmz787_i1but you could always tune the focus so it's good enough at NIR, and blurs outside that range12:38
nmz787_i1since you mainly care about NIR12:38
chris_99ah yeah12:38
chris_99they say 'The design relied on a tungsten lamp enhanced by light emitting diodes'12:38
nmz787_i1yeah I'd think you could just use some LEDs12:39
chris_99yeah i guess i should start simple12:39
nmz787_i1you'd need to take the IR filter off the webcam12:39
nmz787_i1have you seen the PLOTS spectrometers?12:40
nmz787_i1they aren't much from a scientific standpoint, but they get some results... the webcam they ship is almost junk IMO12:40
chris_99isn't the problem with webcams, is they normally haver a bayer array12:40
chris_99not b&w12:41
nmz787_i1yeah, that will just reduce your signal though... unless your signal is really really weak12:42
chris_99are you linking to that led as something to calibrate with?12:42
nmz787_i1calibrate or use for source light12:49
nmz787_i1should give you an idea of common wavelengths12:49
chris_99ah yeah, its a shame it's not a bit lower12:49
nmz787_i1you'll find a lot more NIR LEDs than UV LEDs, and for a LOT LOT cheaper than UV12:50
chris_99i just had a look at some ADCs turns out the 24 bit fairly high SPS aren't too cheap12:50
nmz787_i1yeah and verifying the board works is a challenge... high-quality super-low-noise power supplies are not cheap at all... even with a battery you can see chemistry-related noise on a 24-bit ADC12:52
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chris_99heh, interesting, not heard of noise like that12:54
chris_99i imagine you'd need capacitors across each power line to each chip, and split analog/digital lines12:55
nmz787_i1analog design is a lot to think about12:56
nmz787_i1all simple stuff when it comes down to it12:56
nmz787_i1but lots of simple stuff adds up to lots to keep in mind while designing12:56
chris_99i need to buy art of electronics, as i dont' really have a good electronics book12:57
nmz787_i1they just released a new version, or announced that they're releasing a new one12:57
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chris_99mmm they did indeed12:57
nmz787_i1should be good/better... the older one is like a sleeping pill for me ;)12:57
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nmz787_i1this guy has good advice that seems to sum up most of what I read from other various sources12:58
nmz787_i1i.e. this http://www.hottconsultants.com/techtips/split-gnd-plane.html12:59
nmz787_i1essentially you have to think like an electron... they like going in straight lines, and if you make them do otherwise, they radiate13:00
chris_99cheers they look good pages13:02
chris_99i got the free book from http://www.emcfastpass.com/main/13:03
chris_99which i need to read through too13:03
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FAMASrun folding@home to help humanity in the medical sector13:58
kanzurethat's not what you're doign14:06
kanzurenice try14:06
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yoleauxThe Cathode Ray Tube site, scientific glassware.14:48
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dpkpaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=141223017:27
paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='libgen.info', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /scimag/librarian/form.php (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 110] Connection timed out) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)17:29
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fennhmm some neat  features here http://blendercam.blogspot.de/18:41
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kanzurefenn: since reading the entirety of wikipedia is out of the question, how about just all of the first sentences?21:20
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--- Log closed Wed Apr 01 00:00:39 2015

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