
--- Log opened Sun Apr 19 00:00:06 2015
--- Day changed Sun Apr 19 2015
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@99-38-250-235.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:00
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nmz787gene_hacker: have any nanotubes?00:53
gene_hackerwhy do you ask?00:53
gene_hackerboron nitride though00:53
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nmz787was just looking at making field-emission tips with graphite01:08
nmz787for electron guns01:08
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nmz787"dimensional tolerances approaching 1 micron"01:21
gene_hackerwell you can buy the carbon nanotube type raw in small quantities for like $801:23
gene_hackeras 'samples'01:23
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nshwhar is papelsbotte??03:35
nshcan someone access: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2015/04/15/science.aaa7516.full.pdf03:35
nsh.title http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2015/04/15/science.aaa7516.abstract03:35
yoleauxThe protein LEM promotes CD8+ T cell immunity through effects on mitochondrial respiration03:35
nmz787nsh: http://sci-hub.bz/93e243146c8faeab53654ec8776c5c23/10.1126@science.aaa7516.pdf04:27
nmz787nsh: I pasted it to http://sci-hub.org/04:27
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nmz787"Early radiation damage experiments showed that 99% of the 3 A˚ information in catalase crystals is destroyed after an almost ten times lower dose than typically used in single-particle analysis [82]."04:49
nmz787[82] http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Electron_radiation_damage_to_protein_crystals_of_bacteriorhodopsin_at_different_temperatures.pdf04:49
nmz787this was somehow a recommended article to read after that last one: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Cutting_it_close_CRISPR-associated_endoribonuclease_structure_and_function.pdf04:50
kanzurewhen i read "endoribonuclease"i did not see "ribonuclease" i saw "endori bonuclease" and thought "oh come on, fuck biologists"05:17
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-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@2a02:810b:33f:dc18:153:ac29:72f7:90a0] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:08
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=940179906:28
yoleauxWhat doomed MakerBot? The Osborne effect | Hacker News06:28
kanzure"The trouble with MakerBot isn't just that they're a US open source hardware manufacturer in a world where China is better economically suited to making hardware, it's that their business model is based around taking other people's openly-available R&D and designs and turning them into products. Which means that they have nothing to compete on other than patriotism when Chinese companies do the same for less. For example, I believe ...06:29
kanzure... MakerBot changed their extruder design for one that was suspciously similar to something one of the Chinese manufacturers came up with. Then their parent company Stratasys sued that company to stop them selling their printers, claiming the extruder infringed a patent of theirs via some, errm, creative interpretation of the patent claims. Buying MakerBot printers doesn't even help fund the companies that do the original R&D - it helps ...06:30
kanzure... fund someone that's trying to sue them out of business. Their printers are not cheap, not reliable and not even all that original, so why would you buy them?"06:30
kanzure"Makerbot is doomed because not only will nobody in the hobbyist market buy their printers anymore, but when the people who are in the hobbyist market get asked about what printer to buy, the will recommend against makerbot (well, more specifically against Bre Pettis)."06:31
kanzure"This seems like a normal result of post buyout restructuring by Stratasys." "This is what the business press is reporting, and it makes sense. The author of the article obviously has a grudge against MakerBot and decided to go postal against them when he read the layoff headlines without doing due diligence first. (Wait until he finds out they closed their retail stores!)"06:31
kanzure"Either beat China at the manufacturing game, or continually be side-swiped by Chinese manufacturers." er this seems like a false dichotomy to me.06:32
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mtitjmpjptviilre] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]06:33
kanzure"(Author here.) I agree with you, there are several factors at play in what happened to MakerBot. I believe Bre learned the wrong lesson -- going closed might have looked like the obvious solution to their drop in sales. But the one huge advantage MakerBot had over their competitors (and the cloners) was the good will and support from the open source community. With that support gone after going closed, MakerBot had to sink or swim on ...06:34
kanzure... its own. I think they could have found a way to stay open while dealing with concerns of revealing future plans. For one, they could have kept the plans closed during development, but released all the plans on launch, forcing their competitors to play catch-up. As a user, I wouldn't necessarily need access to future designs for future models, but definitely would want designs to the current model that I owned. But anyway, I now buy ...06:34
kanzure... LulzBot 3D printers, which are fully open. The latest version is TAZ 5.0. I can't tell, though, just by looking at the LulzBot online repo [1] if plans for future versions are also posted there ahead of official release. [1] http://download.lulzbot.com/TAZ/ [Edit] LulzBot is more awesome than I thought. They post the source for future versions that they're working on, too: http://devel.lulzbot.com/TAZ/README.html "'Kauri' - EVT ...06:34
kanzure... version of the next printer after TAZ 5.0""06:35
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uuzpyyvwrbdwjekb] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:42
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kanzureneat "Cats have 300 million neurons to dogs' mere 160 million"11:41
kanzureseems unlikely though11:42
kanzurealso sizes11:43
kanzuremouse shows up twice in figure 3 this is the worst http://www.subjectpool.com/ed_teach/y3project/Roth2005_TICS_brain_size_and_intelligence.pdf11:55
kanzureoctopuses should be selected for how long they watch their tentacles. that way you get octopuses out that are fascinated by their tentacles, and they might even be more likely to have realizations about their tentacles.11:59
kanzure(because octopuses who don't look will not be capable of knowing about tentacles. since they don't have feedback of any kind.)12:00
kanzure"Following a slime trail is also part of the hunting behaviour of some carnivorous slugs.[3]"12:14
-!- CharlieNobody [~zeroach@97-85-208-96.static.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:15
kanzure"The nematode worms Agfa flexilis and Angiostoma limacis respectively live in the salivary glands and rectum of Limax maximus.[28]"12:20
-!- Madplatypus [uid19957@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ixwhrnnfahdeqnfw] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:45
-!- gene_hacker [~chatzilla@c-98-232-239-159.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:03
kanzure.title http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120927091926.htm13:06
yoleauxChocolate makes snails smarter -- ScienceDaily13:06
kanzure"I have already mentioned with reference to the attachment which bees have been said to show for one another, that though I have repeatedly seen them lick a bee which had smeared herself in honey, I never observed them show the slightest attention to any of their comrades who had been drowned in water. Far, indeed, from having been able to discover any evidence of affection among them, they appear to be thoroughly callous and utterly ...13:26
kanzure... indifferent to one another. As already mentioned, it was necessary for me occasionally to kill a bee; but I never found that the others took the slightest notice. Thus on the 11th of October I crushed a bee close to one which was feeding—in fact, so close that their wings touched; yet the survivor took no notice whatever of the death of her sister, but went on feeding with every appearance of composure and enjoyment, just as if ...13:27
kanzure... nothing had happened. When the pressure was removed, she remained by the side of the corpse without the slightest appearance of apprehension, sorrow, or recognition. It was, of course, impossible for her to understand my reason for killing her companion; yet neither did she feel the slightest emotion at her sister's death, nor did she show any alarm lest the same fate should befall her also. In a second case exactly the same ...13:27
kanzure... occurred. Again, I have several times, while a bee has been feeding, held a second bee by the leg close to her; the prisoner, of course, struggled to escape, and buzzed as loudly as she could; yet the selfish eater took no notice whatever. So[156] far, therefore, from being at all affectionate, I doubt whether bees are in the least fond of one another."13:27
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kanzure15:17 < Khoth> If this visual programming stuff doesn't integrate well with version control etc, it's just a toy15:20
kanzure15:19 < kanzure> you can do visual diffs by using transparency and animations15:20
kanzure15:19 -!- #lesswrong Cannot send to channel15:20
kanzureoh right.......15:20
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caternsorry kanzure15:54
caterndumb people, yo15:54
caternyou might be interested in adding #lesswrong-pro to your big list of channels you're in15:55
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delinquentmewould someone shoot me a random message on FB really quick :D18:10
delinquentmethanks eveyrone !18:10
kanzure"The big claim for Tensegrity Structures is that space habitat dwellers, when they decide it’s time for expansion, could build a new pressure hull inside of the existing hull.  When finished, they would disassemble/recycle the exterior hull, and then allow the new hull to expand to something like twice the size.  All while the structure is continuously occupied.  Not sure how the landscaping fares while this expansion is happening. ...18:59
kanzure... I’ve noticed that after the heyday of High Frontier, there’s been a lot of focus on incremental expansion with continuous occupancy.  Peter Kokh designed helical structures with this in mind, and I’ve seen a banded tori design with a primary mirror which constantly grows in area as new tori are added.  I had never thought lack of incremental expansion in the 70’s designs was much of a problem.  When things get crowded, you ...18:59
kanzure... build a second habitat, and about half your population immigrates.  Repeat as needed.  But lots of people seem to see a need for continuous expansion of the original structure, and this seems another example.  I’ll have to admit, building a newer, much bigger pressure hull inside the smaller existing one is quite a trick. They claim this technology could support the same land area as a Stanford Torus with only 6% the mass of the ...18:59
kanzure... aluminum hull of that design. Ultimate scale: 16 km diameter torus (there’s a gorgeous piece of artwork illustrating that). They seem to agree with the more-recent assertions that the Summer Study underestimated shielding mass requirements. Water bags are used in the separate (and only very slowly rotating) radiation shield. The light-pathways seems rather complex.  I think this is a consequence of their assertion that the chevron ...18:59
kanzure... shields would be inadequate.  (They cite only 1 inch thickness of aluminum; I thought I remembered there being at least a few feet of shielding thickness in there, but it’s been a while since I read that study.)  But I seem to remember telling somebody that we should not concern ourselves with the arduous travails of the photons, so I guess that’s not a valid objection. Their objection to the mirrors of Island 3 concern the ...18:59
kanzure... energy requirements of moving mirrors under multiple G loads.  But I think maintaining planarity of such large-scale mirrors is the killer here."18:59
kanzure"This design is similar to my preferred design which puts all extraneous shield mass on the outside (not or slowly rotating). However, I have decided since attending the indoor agricultural conference last year that going through the convolutions required to get sunlight into growing space just isn't worth it. It is a mute point in indoor agricultural now. Yes there are still glass greenhouses but they are being supplanted by LEDs inside ...18:59
kanzure... closed highly insulated buildings. More control. Less variance. I did notice that the study seemed to put control of the torus spin in the slow counter rotating outside mass instead of in the hub: Good Idea."18:59
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TaekBuilding a new habitat and moving people over would create a lot of chaos in the community of the space station21:38
TaekIt's a lot more natural to have things that expand as human communities do, that's how cities work.21:39
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kanzurewhat is natural about cities22:19
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kanzure"A technical comparison of open source drone autopilots" http://online.qmags.com/RAM0912?pg=21&mode=2#pg35&mode222:40
kanzureew that is not plaintext22:40
kanzure"A Practical Guide to Tensegrity Design" http://bobwb.tripod.com/tenseg/book/22:42
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delinquentmehttps://www.crowdmed.com/case-selection kanzure fenn you guys have seen this23:22
delinquentmefenn, you werent in oakland today / yesterday were you?23:22
delinquentmewearing a "insert candy here" tshirt?23:22
--- Log closed Mon Apr 20 00:00:23 2015

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