
--- Log opened Fri May 08 00:00:05 2015
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danielpbarronfound this channel here -> http://heybryan.org/07:50
danielpbarronI used to be into transhumanism07:57
kanzurewelcome to the resistance.. everyone else sucks.07:58
danielpbarron"everyone else sucks" TM07:58
danielpbarronhow do transhumanists feel about The Bible?08:04
kanzuremost transhumanists have never heard of the bible08:04
danielpbarronthen I highly recommend this site to you all -> http://atruechurch.info/08:05
kanzureyou are reading bitcoin mailing list emails08:07
danielpbarronwell someone pasted a link to them in #bitcoin-assets08:07
kanzureasciilifeform used to be transhumanist but then he had a stroke and became lame08:07
danielpbarronlike.. a real stroke?08:08
kanzurehe is brain damaged08:08
danielpbarronwell who isn't?08:08
danielpbarronpaperbot has no brain08:08
kanzureat least he has a heart08:09
* danielpbarron doesn't know what paperbot is08:09
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paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=1969): Max retries exceeded with url: /web (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)08:09
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kanzureso much for that08:09
danielpbarroni guess he's brain damaged too08:09
kanzurebrains are dumb anyway08:09
kanzuresomeone should fix that08:10
danielpbarronwell I didn't have a stroke, but I too was once a transhumanist sympathizer that is now no longer one08:11
danielpbarronfor me it had more to do with Jesus though08:12
ParahSailinkanzure: what are android ad rates like these days?08:14
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kanzureParahSailin: haven't been looking. my guess: terrible. you get better results with promotional offers and shit.08:30
kanzurewait, i mean the rates are good, but the results are going to suck anyway08:33
* Adlai wants a reflective API for neural metaprogramming08:42
Adlaimost of my daily calories are burned while balancing a bicycle. the balancing is performed by two hands, separately. sometimes one hand does something else, such as holding a dog leash, and the other hand is able to balance just fine08:43
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Adlaidanielpbarron: my feelings about the bible are summarized as "which one?"08:44
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fennoff topic08:47
danielpbarronwtf is "off topic"08:47
fenndiscussion of religion08:47
danielpbarronthat's a stupid way to run a channel08:48
kanzuremost people are fucking awful at discussing religion08:48
danielpbarrontranshumanism isn't a religion?08:49
* Adlai recommends fenn read Breaking the Spell08:49
Adlaiarguably, religion is the first transhumanist phenomenon08:49
fennsingularitarianism may be a religion, but meh08:49
fenntranshumanism is about technology and actually doing stuff08:50
* Adlai doesn't think transhumanism is cohesive enough to be a religion yet08:50
fennthe "wait and see" prognostication commonly seen in mass media is not transhumanism08:50
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+oo kanzure fenn] by ChanServ08:51
@kanzurei'm going to be busy but feel free to mute him or whatever08:51
* fenn shrugs08:51
@fennwas going for a bike ride08:51
@kanzurei said or whatever08:51
@kanzurebike ride counts as whatever08:51
danielpbarronoh how b-a has spoiled me. everyone else sucks.08:52
@fenngo back there then08:52
@kanzuremost of the others in there are better trolls than this08:52
Adlaifenn: make sure to monitor the balancing process08:52
Adlaieach hand can do it independently08:53
Adlaithey can also do it together, better08:53
@fennyou dont need a hand to balance on most bikes08:53
@fennmy bike pulls to the left pretty hard though so i need one hand to balance08:53
@kanzurenobody believes in your unicycle gang08:53
Adlaibody-balancing is quite different from hand-on-handlebars-balancing08:53
danielpbarronfenn> go back there then << grow a spine, coward08:53
danielpbarroni didn't leave; can be in two channels at once08:54
danielpbarrondefend your stupid ideas08:54
danielpbarronor would you rather just slap backs with yes men08:54
@kanzuredanielpbarron: really we have no reason to suspect that you are any better than average at doing transhumanist engineering projects08:54
Adlaiarguably none of us are "in" here, we are just conducting shared telepathy08:54
@kanzuredanielpbarron: so far you've linked to somethig about jesus and complained about religion08:54
danielpbarronis that already covered in your log or something?08:56
danielpbarroni'm rehashing a previously well covered topic?08:56
@kanzureyou're not rehashing at all08:56
danielpbarronright. so what's the problem, beyond your not having enough confidence in your idea to defend it against a skeptic08:57
@kanzuremaybe you just have low expectations :-)08:57
@kanzurewhat exactly are you skeptical about08:57
@kanzureyou should state it explicitly08:57
@kanzurewith words08:57
danielpbarroni'm skeptical about any idea that sounds like it could only happen with government funding08:58
danielpbarronlike sending junk into space08:58
@kanzureare you aware of projects that happen without government funding?08:58
danielpbarroni'm skeptical about ideas that relate to evading death through technology08:58
@kanzuree.g. are you lacking evidence of their existence08:58
danielpbarrontell me about the project that put junk in outer space without government funding08:59
@kanzureif someone gets an artificial heart who had already died at least once, is that evading death or does that not count for some reason?08:59
danielpbarronthat doesn't count because that person didn't die08:59
@kanzureoh so it only counts if they can't be resuscitated with technology?09:00
@kanzurejust trying to understand where you're coming from09:00
danielpbarroni'm coming from the belief that if you die, you go to hell. the fact that someone isn't in hell is evidence that they haven't died09:01
@kanzurewhen you say someone, what do you mean09:01
@kanzuredo you mean their physical body09:01
@kanzureor what09:01
danielpbarronfor the most part09:02
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danielpbarroni'm also skeptical that humans are smart enough to pull this stuff off09:03
@kanzurewhat other signs of death do you disagree with09:03
Adlaiisn't the idea to surpass humanity, and then pull the stuff off?09:04
@kanzureAdlai: too vague09:04
Adlaior are you skeptical that humans can pull off transhumanizing09:04
@kanzurealso vague09:04
danielpbarronyes that09:04
danielpbarronyou cannot "transhumanize"09:05
Adlaiok, what do you think "transhumanizing" means?09:05
danielpbarronit means whatever you just meant it to mean09:05
danielpbarron"achieve a state of being able to do X"09:05
danielpbarroni think humans are just getting stupider, not smarter09:05
@kanzureso what?09:05
@kanzurewhy should you care if they are stupi?09:05
danielpbarronthat means they cannot upload their mind into the cloud or whatever they think is possible09:06
danielpbarronthey means they cannnot cheat death09:06
danielpbarronyou have to believe in your creator, or you go to hell. You can't work your way out of that one09:06
Adlai"nuanced transhumanism includes the matter of exit route"09:06
@kanzurewtf does going to hell have to do with anything09:06
@kanzurewhy wouldn't an upload go to hell?09:07
@kanzurethis shit makes no sense09:07
danielpbarronbecause the upload isn't the person09:08
@kanzurei think you are conflating "whether something is technologically true" and "i am worried about experiencing some future state x that might have implications on whether i should believe others when they say they have built technology"09:08
@kanzurewho cares if they are the person or not? wtf x209:09
danielpbarronthe person dies regardless of any upload09:09
@kanzureoh, i don't care about that09:09
danielpbarronok so the person goes to hell, and your upload is just a script09:09
@kanzurei'll take the script yeah09:09
danielpbarronthe script isn't aware of itself09:09
danielpbarronor anything09:09
chris_99why's that09:09
Adlaiis the person?09:09
@kanzureneither am i09:09
danielpbarronyes you are09:09
Adlailooks like we hit the sweet spot09:09
Adlaiwhat is "aware"?09:09
danielpbarroni am aware of myself, maybe you all are scripts; i suppose that's possible09:10
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Adlaiis your keyboard aware of your fingers?09:10
Adlaiis it aware of which keys they've pressed?09:10
danielpbarronand for that matter, my cat isn't really aware either09:10
@kanzuredanielpbarron: for the record i also don't believe in consciousness, i think there's very little evidence for it09:10
danielpbarronmy cat also cannot go to hell09:10
@kanzureno evidence, even09:10
chris_99how do you know you can/cannot go to 'hell'09:11
danielpbarronbecause God said so09:11
danielpbarronit may surprise you to know that I do not believe in free will09:12
@kanzuresounds like you agree though that a script is possible09:12
@kanzuretranshumanism is entirely about that script, nothing else09:12
danielpbarronyeah, like a markov chain or something09:12
@kanzureyou really think a markov chain is a useful implementation?09:13
@kanzurefor this?09:13
danielpbarrona script that is identical to me? no. not possible, at least not possible for man to come up with09:13
danielpbarronand if God made it, i guess it would be a man and not a script09:13
@kanzurei never said identical09:14
@kanzureyour neurons are not identical even within 100ms intervals09:14
danielpbarronso then how could you ever upload yourself?09:14
@kanzurewell, first, i don't care about selfhood, i'm willing to settle for far less09:15
@kanzuresecond, there are very direct methods of scanning brain matter with microscopes for example09:15
danielpbarronhow very humble of you :D09:15
danielpbarrona scan of brain matter will not let you replicate the person09:15
@kanzure24 MB photo http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/nematodeuploadproject/PAG759L.png09:15
@kanzurei don't care about people, i care about brain matter09:15
@kanzureshitty image. hm.09:17
@kanzurehere is a fun presentation (video is okay too) http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/markram-2006/09:18
danielpbarroni care about people, not brain matter09:18
@kanzureyeah i mean ultimately the substrate wont matter, but right now brain matter is all we gots09:19
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danielpbarronto what end? eventually the sun burns out and the galaxy burns out and so it goes09:21
danielpbarronwhat happens to me when my ideas are merged with everyone elses? It's the same as me dying09:22
@kanzuredunno why merging but w/e09:22
@kanzureas for the star burning out, there are others09:22
@kanzuregalaxies also die and get recreated09:23
danielpbarronothers that are the same age and will burn out at same tme09:23
@kanzurestar matter turns into different star matter09:23
@kanzurethere are a bunch of options09:23
@kanzurealso this is why you see some galaxies eating other galaxies09:24
danielpbarroni should say, i don't necessarily believe that last bit / playing devil's advocate09:25
@kanzureyou mean.... astronomy?09:25
danielpbarroni have no evidence to suggest that stars die, or that the galaxy is even a thing09:25
namespaceQuit wasting Kanzures time.09:25
danielpbarroni have no evidence that the other stars are like the earth's sun09:25
@kanzurestar death has a specific meaning09:25
@kanzure<3 namespace09:25
@kanzuredanielpbarron: well we definitely receive photons from other star systems09:26
danielpbarronno we do not09:26
@kanzurewhat generates them?09:26
danielpbarronthere are photons, sure09:26
danielpbarronGod generated them09:26
@kanzurebut not through stars?09:26
danielpbarronHe said that the stars are lights09:26
danielpbarronand on that much we can agree09:27
@kanzurethat does not answer my question09:27
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danielpbarronHe didn't say if there are balls of gas doing nuclear reactions to create that light09:27
@kanzuredo you believe our spectrometers are wrong?09:27
danielpbarronwhat do they say?09:27
@kanzure(factually inoperative)09:28
@kanzurewavelength measurements09:28
danielpbarronyour interpretation of those measurments may be wrong09:28
@kanzurewell, actually, i'll say some of this is fair because of the difficulty of looking inside of stars09:28
@kanzurebut we'll get to that soon09:28
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@kanzureanyway, as a professional strawman i've always known it was my purpose in life to burn alive09:32
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danielpbarronthat is a very real possibility09:34
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@kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.3361.html10:46
yoleauxHigh-resolution whole-brain staining for electron microscopic circuit reconstruction : Nature Methods : Nature Publishing Group10:46
@kanzure"Currently only electron microscopy provides the resolution necessary to reconstruct neuronal circuits completely and with single-synapse resolution. Because almost all behaviors rely on neural computations widely distributed throughout the brain, a reconstruction of brain-wide circuits—and, ultimately, the entire brain—is highly desirable. However, these reconstructions require the undivided brain to be prepared for electron ...10:46
@kanzure... microscopic observation. Here we describe a preparation, BROPA (brain-wide reduced-osmium staining with pyrogallol-mediated amplification), that results in the preservation and staining of ultrastructural details throughout the brain at a resolution necessary for tracing neuronal processes and identifying synaptic contacts between them. Using serial block-face electron microscopy (SBEM), we tested human annotator ability to follow ...10:46
@kanzure... neural ‘wires’ reliably and over long distances as well as the ability to detect synaptic contacts. Our results suggest that the BROPA method can produce a preparation suitable for the reconstruction of neural circuits spanning an entire mouse brain."10:46
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@kanzure.title http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.012228313:07
yoleauxPLOS ONE: Rational Design of Antibiotic Treatment Plans: A Treatment Strategy for Managing Evolution and Reversing Resistance13:07
@kanzure" By using growth rates as a measure of fitness, we computed the probability of each amino acid substitution in each β-lactam treatment using two different models named the Correlated Probability Model (CPM) and the Equal Probability Model (EPM). We then performed an exhaustive search through the 15 treatments for substitution paths leading from each of the 16 genotypes back to the wild type TEM-1. We identified optimized treatment ...13:08
@kanzure... paths that returned the highest probabilities of selecting for reversions of amino acid substitutions and returning TEM to the wild type state. For the CPM model, the optimized probabilities ranged between 0.6 and 1.0. For the EPM model, the optimized probabilities ranged between 0.38 and 1.0. For cyclical CPM treatment plans in which the starting and ending genotype was the wild type, the probabilities were between 0.62 and 0.7. ...13:08
@kanzure... Overall this study shows that there is promise for reversing the evolution of resistance through antibiotic treatment plans."13:08
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kanzuremaaku: welcome back14:07
maakucomputer snafus14:08
maakufigured i needed to be back on irc for all the btc block size bullshit though14:08
kanzuredid you see gavinandresen posting "i will not read any arguments or contrary opinions unless they are in the form of a pull request" statement?14:09
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maakukanzure: yes, and I purposefully did not mention that I have some working code for the proposal i just made14:16
maakuhe is free to make himself irrelevant. he's doing a great job of it so far14:17
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@fenngalantamine looks like a good substitute for the nootropic effects of nicotine without most of the negative side effects of nicotine14:41
@fennit's pretty expensive now but i don't see any reason why it should be... it's just the extract of daffodil bulbs14:42
@fennanother source, lycoris radiata looks pretty cool too, and has nice mythology to go with it14:42
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@fennwho wouldn't want to eat the extract of red spider lily that grows in hell14:45
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n_benthapaperbot http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089684111400005518:42
n_benthapaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089684111400005518:42
n_bentha!seen paperbot18:42
n_bentha.seen paperbot18:42
yoleauxI saw paperbot 8 May 2015 15:09Z in ##hplusroadmap: <paperbot> ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=1969): Max retries exceeded with url: /web (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)18:42
n_benthapaperbot, come back18:43
n_benthakanzure...where's paperbot?18:44
kanzurefix the bug and i'll redeploy18:49
n_benthai can't fix the bug. i'm a med student T_T18:50
n_benthawhere r the software engineers?18:50
kanzuremedicine doesn't involve software yet?18:50
kanzurethis isn't the 1960s18:50
n_benthait involves a bunch of clicking on yes / no buttons following prompts18:58
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n_benthamy vpn isn't working on my laptop19:07
n_benthamy vpn works on my desktop it drives me NUTZ19:07
n_benthaanyway, i'll look it up at home on my desktop19:07
n_benthathx kanzure. hope paperbot gets fixed sometime soon19:07
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namespacekanzure: Well as it stands programming is too finicky and annoyingly implemented for 'normal people' to learn it.19:25
namespaceIt's a huge time sink.19:25
namespaceWhat this means is you have biology labs where almost nobody knows programming.19:26
namespaceAnd stuff like that.19:26
dingoi always encourage young people who enjoy computers to major in something like biochemistry or mechanical engineering or something *non*-computery, and they can excel in their field with just the most basic programming skills19:56
dingosets them apart from their colleuges19:56
* namespace would need to major in anything before he could do that ;)19:57
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maakudingo: that's good advice22:09
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dingothanks. It's hard to excel in IT, hell I've programmed over 20 languages in the past 15 years, written my fair share of good code, but i'm still around the "above-average" teir.22:22
dingoIf i worked in some other career, and used my computer skills, however, I could be the most invaluable person in any team22:22
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--- Log closed Sat May 09 00:00:06 2015

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