
--- Log opened Wed May 20 00:00:16 2015
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wrldpcBoyden on expansion microscopy03:17
archelspretty silly03:22
archelsbut maybe that's just me03:23
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wrldpcThe goal is to identify all the structures in the brain, and then develop photosensitive molecules for each of those structures (I think) … it’s all an outgrowth of optogenetics which, by itself, is an interesting enough field to justify this type of stuff — but you’re right .. it lacks the allure of actually being able to image things at incredibly small resolutions without having to inflate them.05:42
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kanzurearchels: how is it possible that this is the first you have heard about expansion microscopy? i dropped links weeks ago.06:19
kanzure.title http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3251288/06:20
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archelskanzure: I didn't; was just probing for wrldpc's view on things06:41
wrldpcIt took me forever to find out who painted that, ‘zure.06:48
wrldpcI contacted Jason Silva’s “Imaginary Foundation” email and they gave me this really cryptic response ..06:49
wrldpcas opposed to just saying “Oh, it’s Nick Philip”.06:50
kanzurejason silva wrote for hplusmagazine06:50
wrldpcYeah. Well presumably he has a hand in “The Imaginary Foundation” which is presumably some piece of performance art.  Their response to my inquiry, “Hi Ben,  that is ok as long as you credit us for the image, in regard with the artist, he is the founder and visionary force behind the Imaginary Foundation, simply referred to as "The Director”.”06:51
wrldpcWeren’t farmers BH about agrodroids being DRM or something?  That came across my radar recently.06:53
kanzureyes imaginaryfoundation.net resolves to nick philip06:57
wrldpcgood to go.06:57
wrldpcA friend of mine (Linz Craig, formerly of SparkFun) recently came back from Uganda working with a group called Fundibots (chief among them: Solomon King) and one of their projects was agro automation using found materials.06:57
kanzurearchels: any further thoughts on that methylation paper?06:59
kanzure"Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández to Speak In San Francisco, Monday, June 8, Hosted by Lincoln Labs, The Seasteading Institute, and The Independence Institute"07:02
kanzurefenn: you should consider going to that07:03
kanzure6-8pm 2015-06-08 (monday) Galvanize, 44 Tehama St, San Francisco, CA 9410507:04
kanzurewrldpc: http://i.imgur.com/bYuZwpt.jpg07:06
kanzureeh i've seen better07:09
wrldpcI was looking for the better version .. no dice.07:10
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kanzurewat? https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x "Image Super-Resolution for anime/fan-art using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks"07:51
kanzure.wik anechoic chamber07:54
yoleaux"An anechoic chamber ("an-echoic" meaning non-reflective, non-echoing or echo-free) is a room designed to completely absorb reflections of either sound or electromagnetic waves." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anechoic_chamber07:54
kanzure32 GB microsd usb adapter http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00J29CF8K07:55
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wrldpcrandom:  http://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-that-oil-spilling-into-the-oceans-has-an-insulatory-effect-on-the-waters-raising-mean-temperature-increasing-viscosity-and-producing-the-blob-effect-resulting-in-the-drought-currently-faced-by-California09:12
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archelskanzure: tangentially perhaps, on how do we begin to sequence the epigenome11:18
kanzuredavid collins (from biocurious) is gone11:32
archelsantibodies for the methyl-or-whatever groups with some fluoscent protein attached to their back?11:47
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nmz787_iSEM rentals by the day/week/month for supposedly reasonable prices in Hartford, CT: http://www.emitllc.com/services.html11:54
nmz787_i(found via reddit)11:55
chris_99you managed to play with your SEM yet?11:55
nmz787_inah still relatively homeless... living with friends out of a duffel bag12:00
nmz787_ifriggin house we are trying to buy had an underground oil tank and oil contamination was found in the soil... making things take longer to cloes12:00
chris_99ah, bugger12:01
archelsdoes anyone know any organizations that offer to extract and store a person's blood or bone marrow or so long-term?12:08
kanzureblood banks, stem cell banks, bone marrow banks12:21
archelswill they keep *my* blood for *me*? how much should I expect to pay for this?12:23
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kanzureyes i think there's some banks that will12:26
kanzurerelated: "Estimating the costs of blood" http://www.perfusion.com/services/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/COBCON-Study.pdf12:26
archelsprobably only if there's a direct medical reason to do so12:40
kanzure.title http://www.lifeextension.com/Magazine/2006/10/report_blood/Page-0112:42
yoleauxLE Magazine, October 2006 - Report: Lifesaving Benefits of Storing Your Own Blood12:42
kanzure"With so many benefits to autologous blood storage, Dr. Feldschuh thought the concept would be well received. He could not have been more wrong. To his great surprise, the criticism was loud and strong, particularly from established blood banks. Idant Laboratories was attacked for being a for-profit entity, even though the company did not make any money from the venture. Blood groups termed the practice “speculative blood storage” ...12:43
kanzure... and said it was selfish and elitist. They also claimed it would create shortages and thus deprive the public of blood."12:43
kanzure"“We answered all of those points,” Dr. Feldschuh says. “Frankly, if someone can’t be a donor to anyone else, they’d be adding to the supply because by storing their own, they wouldn’t need someone else’s blood. Those who can donate can still donate to others. To me, it’s something that would appear to be common sense. People should have the right to store their own blood, and it’s not very expensive.”"12:43
kanzure"While Idant did not promote its blood-banking service due to opposition from the blood-banking industry, the company received a huge boost in 1987 when Steve Ross, then chairman of Warner Communications, stored his own blood in preparation for prostate surgery and made what his doctors called a surprising post-surgical recovery. He bled less, says Dr. Feldschuh, and recovered quickly. Ross talked publicly about what he did, and went so ...12:43
kanzure... far as to offer autologous blood storage to employees as a benefit, with the company paying part of the costs. This touched off another round of criticism."12:43
kanzure"Even worse, public records show that government regulators were none too thrilled with the Idant autologous blood bank. Dr. Feldschuh refuses to discuss this difficult period, but published sources and insiders indicate that what followed was a series of inspections, claimed violations, and license suspensions that inactivated the company’s blood and semen banks for several years. At one point, a city health inspector was discovered ...12:44
kanzure... on the blood bank’s premises after hours, trying to drill holes into the blood storage freezers to ruin the contents. Idant was reimbursed for the costs and the inspector was permitted to resign from his job."12:44
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ12:45
-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church12:45
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure12:46
kanzurearchels: http://www.idant.com/BloodBank/12:47
kanzure"DANT can now safely store your own blood for later use, making it available to hospitals and medical technicians as you need it. You come in by appointment to make incremental deposits, and leave the rest to us. IDANT cryogenically freezes your blood to keep it fresh for your future needs."12:47
kanzureer.. IDANT, not DANT.12:47
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archelskanzure: awesome13:05
archelsso it takes about $4500 USD for a 10 year storage plan13:12
archelsthat seems reasonable13:12
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nmz787_iso $37.50 a month, not too bad13:28
ParahSailini didnt even know apostrophes were legal in email addresses13:50
danielpbarron.title http://trilema.com/2015/more-factored-rsa-keys-and-assorted-other-considerations/13:51
yoleauxMore factored RSA keys, and assorted other considerations on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.13:51
ParahSailinis it worth saving cord blood?13:52
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archelsParahSailin: very much yes13:59
archelsI read about it a few years ago when my prof was having a kid13:59
archelsit is a rich source of undifferentiated stem cells13:59
ParahSailinactually, it seems to require premature clamping of umbilical cord14:00
ParahSailinand its really just stealing blood from the baby14:01
archelsyes, some blood is necessarily drawn away from the child, and I would have a strong preference to have that be as little as possible14:10
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nmz787_ihmm, the midwife I know wouldn't like that14:19
nmz787_inot sure what she's done for her kids, but I imagine she was squeezing the cord like a tube of toothpaste to get it all into the baby14:20
ParahSailin60ml is a significant fraction of neonate blood volume14:20
ParahSailinmedian is like 80ml/kg14:20
ParahSailinhow exactly does a placenta work, is the blood pressure in there just from the fetus heart?14:22
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wrldpcexactly what I was looking for.16:47
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nmz787_i1wrldpc: where are the MP3s?16:51
wrldpcMy MP3s or its?  I think it’s only doing text at this point.  This guy did exactly what I’ve been looking for someone to do for ages.16:52
nmz787_i1the 'deepbeats' program's MP3s/audio output16:52
nmz787_i1ah, ok, got it16:52
kanzurethis is re: https://weakdh.org/16:53
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kanzureweird comments here https://mathematicswithoutapologies.wordpress.com/2015/05/13/univalent-foundations-no-comment/17:20
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kanzure.title http://250bpm.com/blog:417:24
yoleauxWhy should I have written ZeroMQ in C, not C++ (part I) - 250bpm17:24
kanzuremore math things http://people.brandeis.edu/~cwe/pdfs/primes_and_riemann.pdf17:24
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nshITC: kanzure eerily echoes nsh's google searching :)17:52
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kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v521/n7552/full/nature14464.html17:57
yoleaux3.3-million-year-old stone tools from Lomekwi 3, West Turkana, Kenya : Nature : Nature Publishing Group17:57
kanzure"Human evolutionary scholars have long supposed that the earliest stone tools were made by the genus Homo and that this technological development was directly linked to climate change and the spread of savannah grasslands. New fieldwork in West Turkana, Kenya, has identified evidence of much earlier hominin technological behaviour. We report the discovery of Lomekwi 3, a 3.3-million-year-old archaeological site where in situ stone ...17:57
kanzure... artefacts occur in spatiotemporal association with Pliocene hominin fossils in a wooded palaeoenvironment. The Lomekwi 3 knappers, with a developing understanding of stone’s fracture properties, combined core reduction with battering activities. Given the implications of the Lomekwi 3 assemblage for models aiming to converge environmental change, hominin evolution and technological origins, we propose for it the name ...17:57
kanzure... ‘Lomekwian’, which predates the Oldowan by 700,000 years and marks a new beginning to the known archaeological record."17:57
kanzuresupplemental http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v521/n7552/extref/nature14464-s1.pdf18:02
kanzure"3D laser scans of all of the lithic artefacts pictured in the Article and accompanying Extended Data can be freely viewed on http://africanfossils.org/search "18:10
kanzureafrican-tools-exported.obj https://myhub.autodesk360.com/ue29c929f/shares/public/SHabee1QT1a327cf2b7a92c4785da328efa918:16
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kanzurethis would make for a cool paperweight http://africanfossils.org/hominids/knmwk-16999?o=118:18
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nmz787_huh, well there's this http://africanfossils.org/sites/default/files/assets/384/3dprint/hires/KNMWK%2016999.stl22:07
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nmz787_hmm, the texture all seems to be here though... which might be hard to tranlate to a 3D printer https://d35krx4ujqgbcr.cloudfront.net/urls/78f8fbc6005f456b97e08b37925676bb/textures/cecd6a26b3954f5f92a77a22f4689201/a35fdc86779042f3a6d8bec5617ae790.png22:12
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