
--- Log opened Sat Jun 06 00:00:33 2015
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kanzurethat's a terrible graph though05:52
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ParahSailinwait, why do they give newborns hep b vaccine, isnt that an std?05:56
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kanzureprobably because it's the only time they suspect they can get it to them05:57
kanzureprobably people don't do their 10 year follow-ups or nothing05:57
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archels.tell maaku re experiment specification languages, this might not be exactly what you're looking for but might serve as some inspiration  http://co.mbine.org/specifications/sed-ml.level-1.version-2.pdf08:07
yoleauxarchels: I'll pass your message to maaku.08:07
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kanzureyou guys are so boring08:50
* heath cartwheels for kanzure's entertainment08:51
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maakuarchels: hey thanks. it's good to compare with to make sure there aren't any gaps in the design10:42
yoleaux15:09Z <archels> maaku: re experiment specification languages, this might not be exactly what you're looking for but might serve as some inspiration  http://co.mbine.org/specifications/sed-ml.level-1.version-2.pdf10:42
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eudoxiawow coincidence i just had pizza11:01
delinquentmeuniverse is telling us things!!!11:02
maakui could use some pizza11:02
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kanzuresent an email to aubrey11:19
kanzurebeen a while anyway11:19
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fennParahSailin: hep b is transmitted mother to child11:58
fenni guess it's common enough that the false negative outweighs the harm of the vaccine itself12:00
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kanzurelong-duration cryonics should require a male and female partner12:04
kanzureas a rule12:04
kanzurealso, possibly in duplicate, because having a failure where you end up with only one male or only one female is a good opportunity for the end of the human species12:05
kanzurealso you should ship frozen sperm and oocytes and stuff12:05
eudoxianot necessarily12:05
eudoxiayou should just cryopreserve some women and shitloads of sperm12:05
kanzurei have decided that most practical cryonics setups are going to require basically the same setup as a cryonics spacecraft12:06
kanzurebecause if you wake up a million years in the future you might find that the planet's atmosphere is incompatible with human life12:06
kanzureor that nobody is there to greet you12:06
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fenna stealth spacecraft12:08
kanzurepossibly; but i mean, hide a few of them a kilometer under the ocean or something. because radiation and stuff.12:08
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eudoxiarelated, this is why i can't accept this concept of a 'galactic goldilocks zone'12:09
eudoxiaie: life can't exist near the core because radiation12:10
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kanzureatmosphere helps with radiation12:10
eudoxiaa few hundred kilometers of water ice would stop anything except maybe a GRB right next door12:10
fenndon't even need ice12:11
fennjust interesting geology12:11
fenni think Luna counts as interesting in a cosmic sense12:12
fenni bet it's rare to have such a large moon12:12
eudoxiathat moon can only reliably stop radiation to things living inside of it12:13
fennbut it influences the climate of earth by preventing the poles from drifting constantly12:13
kanzuredamn i knew there was a good reason to not blow up the moon12:14
eudoxiayeah but that's not about radiation12:14
kanzurewell maybe i can get to blow up one of jupiter's moons12:14
eudoxiai have a friend who had a wacky plan of crashing phobos into mars to trigger it to terraform or something12:15
fennwhy do you want to blow up a perfectly good moon12:15
kanzureego trip12:15
eudoxiafenn: first person to blow up a moon12:15
kanzure... i have very specific requirements for feeding my ego.12:15
fennyou think too small, human12:15
maakueudoxia: furthermore, in terms of the fermi paradox, intelligent life is likely to go immediately to where there is matter + energy -- the galactic core12:16
kanzurethat's going to get pretty crowded12:16
eudoxiamaaku: i hadn't thought of that12:16
fennthe core is a big place12:16
fennthe supermassive black hole would be useful as a gravitational lens for astronomy12:18
kanzurealso for computation, according to black hole enthusiasts12:18
fenni dont see how that would work12:18
kanzurewhoops not the first one12:18
kanzurepage 6 section 2.512:19
maakukanzure: long duration spaceflight almost never makes sense, except maybe between galaxies12:19
maakusomeone else leaving later but moving faster will beat you to the destination12:20
kanzureyou have to leave at some point12:20
kanzureeven if you send equipment first12:21
kanzureyou will still have to be transmitted by light or something eventually12:21
maakuright, but at typical interstellar distances it is pretty pointless to leave until you can get travel times down to say 40 years or so12:21
kanzureactually i think that there's a good chance that you can beat others by picking a destination that they don't know about12:21
fennrobert forward's starwisp looked like a feasible short-term solution to interstellar travel. you couldn't fit anything larger than a thick hair on board, but that's probably enough12:22
kanzuremaaku: ah but we were talking about cryonics12:22
kanzuremaaku: my idea for low-risk practical cryonics happened while i was ranting to you in here12:22
kanzurea few months ago12:22
fennbreed humans for cryonics survivability?12:23
kanzurei'm still doing the math on how much money i want to pursue that12:23
eudoxiai think project valkyrie is pretty sound, at least in general principles. equations are conspicuously absent and the author's a known liar12:23
kanzurefenn: animals first12:23
eudoxia(for interstellar travel)12:23
fennkanzure: and my standard rebuttal is ... some animals already survive freezing12:24
eudoxiaeven more viable of magnetic monopoles exist and have masses that allow us to mass-produce them in circumstellar supercolliders12:24
kanzurefenn: which ones?12:24
fennsome fish or something12:24
kanzurefenn: we have no practical cryonics demonstrations to my knowledge12:24
maakukanzure: ?12:24
kanzurefish survive a frozen-like state, not cryonic storage12:24
kanzurebut yes fish are a good example12:24
kanzuremaaku: you said 40 years.. because human lifespan. but i'm saying we should use cryonics.12:24
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maakui said 40 years because technological & industrial progress timescales. you leave on a 80 year flight path, and the people left behind will spend 20 years making more antimater or whatever and send a crew on a 40 year flight path to get there in 60yr, before you12:26
maakubut i'm curious about your cryonics breakthrough12:26
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kanzurei was literally typing some angry ranty reply to you on irc and it turned out to be a good idea12:27
maakukanzure: have you seen this? lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/m0n/even_better_cryonics_because_who_needs_nanites/12:27
maaku(LW, I know...)12:27
kanzurehadn't seen it, his method looks far more complex than mine12:28
kanzurewhoops it wasn't you, sorry12:29
kanzureit was gwillen12:29
eudoxia>mummified brain or the one preserved in formalin would be enough evidence to restore its original state12:29
eudoxia2090: black and white pictures restored to true color with complete certainty -_-12:30
kanzure20:38 < kanzure> also it would be helpful if selling human organs was doable12:30
kanzure20:38 < kanzure> because you could build up a reserve12:30
kanzure20:38 < gwillen> (sorry, we have "kidneys stored for a year", but those kidneys were not then used in live animals; and we have "kidneys cooled, then used in live animals", but not after long-term storage)12:30
kanzure20:38 < kanzure> ahead of organ demand12:30
kanzure20:38  * gwillen nods12:30
kanzure20:41 < kanzure> i think that even if modern-day cryonics does not work that we should be working on selecting populations of important organisms (humans, pets, whatever) for those members of the population that are capable of freezing, thawing and surviving12:30
kanzureanyway that's where the idea struck me12:30
kanzurei have since put more thought into and have some ideas for a large-scale project to achieve this in 5-20 years12:31
maakui'm not sure i understand --- breeding cryo-safe humans?12:31
kanzurehumans are the risky part, and requires ivf or other techniques12:32
kanzureusing animals is far faster anyway and means we could look at the results sooner12:32
fennmaaku just reading the first comment on that lw post, "As your phase diagram above shows, when the pressure is sufficiently high during cooling the expansiuon of water is prevented, but ice formation is not. What happens is that other allotropes of ice form which do not require expansion....Crystal formation inside cells results in devastating ultrastructural disruption - far worse than would12:32
fennoccur if ice formed outside cells first, grew slowly and dehydrated the cells, and finally resulted in a vitrified cellular interior"12:32
maakufenn: yeah that's Mike Darwin, president of Alcor12:33
kanzureyes we know who fucking mike darwin is -_____-12:33
kanzurethat dog kidneys have survived cryostorage is absolutely amazing for us12:33
fenni thought the point of changing the pressure was to rapidly shift from one point on the phase diagram to another, which doesn't leave enough time for large crystals to form12:34
maakufenn: correct12:34
fennbut he's talking about just keeping it under pressure12:34
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maakui'm not sure if mike either didn't understand that point, or just didn't address it12:34
maakuultimately I think we need experimental data here12:34
kanzureexperimental data would help12:35
kanzure(in general)12:35
maakukanzure: re: genetic engineering of cryo-safe populations, why bother? isn't cryonics a stop-gap?12:35
kanzurecould you elaborate please12:36
punsievemy understanding of current cryonics stuff is that the person will have died and then gets stored to be healed at a later time - your goal is to design humans who while still living can be frozen with a virtual guarantee of surviving the process.12:37
fennfor some value of "design"12:38
maakui mean, cryonics is a medical intervention of last resort that becomes less necessary as we fix these stupid failing bodies of ours, and the timeline for genetically engineering humans is similar to the timeline of fixing ageing12:38
kanzureyep, starting with small animals though12:38
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kanzureand also, yes about the design word... and also i think technically law requires me to say they are dead... because laws.12:38
kanzuremaaku: well with these insights cryonics is far easier and more imminent than fixing aging12:38
punsieveso, then.. in your plans are you going to try repeatedly freezing the subjects that survive the first time?12:38
kanzureand also, who the hell wants to sit around for 500 million years waiting to get to the next galaxy supercluster?12:38
fenni thought you wanted to be a dyson sphere12:39
fennour relationship has been a lie!12:39
kanzurepunsieve: animals that survive the first time would be given a long and wonderful life. genetically similar counterparts may be tested in repetition, yeah. until one survives multiple journeys.12:39
kanzurefenn: i certainly wouldn't mind a dyson sphere or two12:39
fennBE a dyson sphere12:40
kanzurewell sometimes you have to go where you won't be disturbed for that12:40
kanzurethe point is that it gives you options12:40
kanzuremaaku: aging may be impractical to fix for hundreds of years12:40
kanzurein fact i would expect brain uploading to work before aging can be fixed, heh12:41
fennwell if the bandwidth of a light beam isn't enough you can shoot pellets of DNA and other memory storage devices at some fraction of light speed much more easily than trying to revive a human12:41
kanzureyep, that's certainly true12:41
eudoxiakanzure: same12:42
maakukanzure: meh, if you're talking about an intergalactic future then i don't plan on having a biological body12:42
kanzurethat's also acceptable12:42
maakubut of course it would be a great benefit to find out how to safely cryopreserve humans12:43
kanzurethe hard part is the resuscitation, not the preservation12:43
maakuand who knows, maybe genetic therapy would let you apply it to existing people12:43
kanzurei would estimate that as a low probability, but yeah12:43
fennonce we work the bugs out of gene therapy12:44
kanzure(only low because chaining lots of hard things together means less likely success)12:44
kanzurei think that in the absence of brain uploading and the absence of a fix for aging, the only thing we have left is this cryonics plan12:45
kanzureso i'm a little amused by maaku brushing it off :-)12:45
fennyou could create a master race of frozen undead zombies that takes over the world, and we would have to pray to the lord of light to save us12:45
kanzurei think you mean the space pope12:46
fenn(i'm sure someone got the reference)12:46
maakukanzure: it's not a fix for you or me, and i don't see it being widely deployed before longevity escape velocity is achieved, by my priors, so "meh"12:47
kanzurehad someone been less selfish in the past they would have started this cryonics project immediately12:47
kanzureeven in the 70s that would have been a huge head start, because by now we would hvae working cryonics12:47
kanzurenone of this is technologically complex- with the exception of the genomics and bioinformatics required, which probably would not have been available until the 80s12:47
kanzuremaaku: there is a good chance that *nothing* gets done in our time on this planet. and it's important to do everything possible to prevent that.12:48
kanzure"our time" as in yours and mine12:48
kanzurewith this method there is a good chance that in 100 or 200 years there will never be anyone dead ever again12:49
kanzureunless they want to12:49
kanzureor accidents12:49
fennsuccessful cryonics resuscitation looks potentially more complicated than reversing the aging process in the first place, so i'm betting on fixing aging12:49
kanzurewhat complications do you foresee?12:50
fennuh, like, everything12:50
kanzurebodies mostly take care of themselves-- if the organs were able to fix themselves, then why wouldn't the other body parts?12:50
maakukanzure: don't misunderstand my reaction -- fenn just summarized my opinion. if you can pull it off, AWESOME, but I just value the expected utility of working on it as less than, say, SENS12:50
kanzurei am quite surprised12:51
kanzureyeah let me just dig up a holy grail and then we can all shit in it12:51
fennit's not a holy grail, it's a stopgap12:51
fenneven if you can freeze and revive people, they'll still die of old age right after that12:51
kanzuretime travel! :waves his arms furiously:12:51
fennbeing in a coma for 1000 years! :waves tentacles madly:12:52
kanzureyes and?12:52
fennisn't that basically what you're proposing?12:52
kanzurewell a coma is where you.. eh you already know the difference.12:52
fennnot really12:52
fennwhat's the difference?12:52
kanzurecryostorage has no body function12:53
fennwho cares?12:53
kanzureyou're not aging12:53
kanzureyou are aging in a coma12:53
kanzureso you'd care if you want to be in the future12:53
fennif you have guaranteed failsafe foolproof anti-aging technology you could do it12:54
kanzurewhy would you need to be in a coma though12:54
fennto skip forward12:54
kanzureoh whatever; sure you could also just upload your brain and pause your software to skip forward.12:54
fennwell i'll just do that then :P12:55
kanzurei'm surprised that you think that's more practical12:55
kanzureit's certainly more desirable sure12:55
kanzurei am trying to make the best out of the technology of this era12:56
fennso they can preserve kidneys through the freezing and thawing process and stitch them into a body without a kidney; why not the other organs?12:57
kanzurealso it's fine to treat this as a worst case backup plan; it's true that it sort of sucks out of all the other options, but it's also the only one that will definitely work if we start it now, and in 100 years that's the last generation that has to die, the rest can just get stored until someone shows up that fixes aging or whatever.12:58
kanzurefenn: i think they didn't try the other organs12:58
kanzurealso i think there are some organs that we haven't figured out how to transplant?12:58
kanzurewikipedia says "Some organs, such as the brain, cannot be transplanted." -_-13:00
fenneh i just think nobody's tried13:00
fenni definitely read something about a head transplant operation in the late stages of planning13:00
kanzure"Organs that can be transplanted are the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, intestine, and thymus"13:00
kanzurereproductive organs are notably absent13:00
kanzureor the stomach13:01
kanzure(i think we can get along without a stomach?)13:01
fennmaybe nobody needs a stomach transplant13:01
kanzurealso no muscles listed13:02
kanzurewait isn't skin an organ. why isn't that listed.13:02
fennso it's probably not necessary to cryopreserve the entire body if you can do a brain transplant, because you could just clone them, wait 20 years and do a brain transplant from the cryo-preserved brain13:02
fennorgans are squishy floppy things13:03
fennusually full of tubes and goo13:03
kanzurefor whatever reason i thought we had trouble with liver transplants13:04
TMAexcept that the body is part of the self awareness -- so unless you want to have a persistent out of body sensation13:04
fennoh pff13:04
kanzureyeah i don't care13:04
fennit doesnt matter if it's the original body or a clone13:04
punsieveLiver transplants are difficult13:05
eudoxiai remember a video where darwin claimed head-only was safer, since whole body means the liver's attached to the body and emitting autolytic enzymes during preservation13:05
kanzuretheoretically small animal work would get you to a liver that does not do that13:06
kanzurefenn: i think that a brain transplant is a more difficult operation than whole body cryoresuscitation13:07
kanzurealthough most of it is probably fine motor skills which can be performed trivially with robotics13:07
kanzureprobably computer vision would be the difficult part there13:08
fennTMA: when splicing together a severed spinal cord the nerves don't line up, so you will have to learn how to walk again, and sensations will be wrong for a while13:08
kanzurealso that might require some research in neuroscience, because i don't think that presently works?13:09
fennit sort of works now13:09
kanzurei mean the spliced nerve healing thing13:09
kanzurethen why do we still have paralyzed peeps13:09
fennpolyethylene glycol cell fusion13:09
fennit's a new thing13:09
kanzurelinkz plz13:09
fenn.title http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4322377/13:12
yoleauxThe “Gemini” spinal cord fusion protocol: Reloaded13:12
kanzurethere was also that liquid metal paper a while back13:12
fenncanavero is definitely pushing some boundaries13:12
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kanzurefor bonus points an interesting project with the selective breeding facility would be the following:13:14
kanzureyou could take an animal that is able to survive cryoresuscitation and then pick the ones that heal afterwards more rapidly13:15
maakukanzure: what pushed me to neuro was how more efficient they can be at cryopreservation of just the brain13:15
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kanzurethen you increase the constraints there so that eventually yvou end up with a mouse that is able to thaw directly after being removed from liquid nitrogen13:15
maakubut now i'm paranoid that they'll end up doing a destructive upload instead, so I'm really hoping not to test it13:15
kanzurewhat's wrong with destructive uploads? if they work13:15
kanzure3scan.com's whole business plan is destructive uploads :-)13:16
maakuthey are incompatible with my view of consciousness (I know, OT for this channel). *I* wouldn't live on13:16
kanzureis that a religious view13:17
fennuh, can't you specify what sort of procedures you're willing to undergo?13:17
maakuno, it's a common sense view, except aparantly not all that common...13:17
maakufenn: in theory I suppose. if you trust them to observe it13:17
-!- Madplatypus is now known as Metaplatypus13:17
fennwell you have to trust them anyway; someone could just throw your head in the trash otherwise13:18
kanzuredo you believe you're the same "consciousness" after anesthesia, after sleep, and after a coma?13:18
fennyou could tattoo "NO DESTRUCTIVE UPLOAD" on your forehead :P13:18
-!- Metaplatypus is now known as MetaMonotreme13:19
maakukanzure: maybe, yes, maybe13:19
-!- MetaMonotreme is now known as MetaMammallianMo13:19
kanzureis it possible for you to be wrong about the middle one?13:19
-!- MetaMammallianMo is now known as PoliticsPlatypus13:19
kanzureor is this one of those no-evidence things13:19
maakukanzure: when you sleep your brain doesn't shut off. you just don't form memories13:20
maakuso that one I'm sure about13:20
punsievebut we sometimes remember our dreams as though they actually happened... Is that not forming new memories?13:22
kanzureyes he's wrong about the memory thing13:22
-!- PoliticsPlatypus is now known as Madplatypus13:23
fenni often forget things that happened a few minutes after waking up, was i conscious?13:23
TMAmaaku: although I have the same self preservation viewpoint (with the exception of 'yes' after anesthesia without brain damage) I have some doubts that in a strict sense my conscousness is the same as the one a minute ago13:23
kanzurethere is zero evidence of the existence of consciousness13:24
maakupunsieve kanzure : it was a broad generalization that is obviously not always true13:24
maakubut if kanzure is seriously suggesting that sleep is equiv to being brain dead, i don't know what to say13:24
kanzureuh dude you said fucking consciousness13:24
kanzurenot brain death13:24
kanzurewho cares if a neuron dies in your brain if you can replace it?13:25
maakukanzure: i'm talking about personal identity, the cogito13:25
kanzureoh, yeah i don't believe in that either13:25
kanzurei think all current evidence suggests that the brain is able to think about that idea, though13:25
maakukanzure: so i'll just create an exact replica of you in my lab. do you expect to experience what it experiences?13:25
kanzureyes, i expect that replica to function13:25
maakuthat wasn't the question i asked and you know it13:26
kanzurei expect that from the time that you make the perfect replica, i will be experiencing that replica's sensory input, i also expect another me running around13:26
kanzurethe fork doesn't matter to me at all13:26
maakuthe one running around will have no clue that the other one in my lab existed at all, right?13:27
kanzurego on?13:27
maakulikewise, that's how i'd feel about my destructive upload13:27
kanzureare you sure? it seems we feel veyr different about it :-)13:27
TMAkanzure: which "I" was the one you were speaking of? kanzure-0 [the model] or kanzure-1 [the replica]?13:28
kanzurewell, i was talking as the replica for a moment, because it was a replica of me from the prior moment13:28
kanzurei figured i would just pick one13:28
kanzurei fully expect a biological kanzure to still exist though- he promised it was non-destructive13:29
kanzurewhoops i mean a non-replica13:29
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kanzurei might have some concerns about the finances of the replica or how it is going to live its life- it seems like it might have difficulty, since i wouldn't share my money with it13:30
kanzure(although i might share money. maybe.)13:30
kanzurei have lived with the idea of copies of copies for at least a decade now, i am quite at peace with this concept13:31
fenndoesn't the copy have an equal claim on "your" money?13:32
kanzurethat's a law question13:32
kanzurerealistically i think teaming up with him would be useful, so we could probably work out an agreement13:32
fenncut to 50 years in the future, a world devastated by war between kanzure's clones13:33
kanzurewait til you see what just two of me can do13:33
fenn1.5 times as much!13:33
kanzureyea something about the square of the number of communication channels... throw in metcalfe's law or something and you'll have a fiesta.13:34
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kanzurealright i'm gonna bite the bullet and try the genetic opera, wish me luck13:37
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punsieve... Repo?13:43
kanzurechanged my mind already, i think lunch is a better idea13:44
punsieveAt best it is linner13:48
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fennwatch the original aeon flux animated shorts instead13:52
fennugh cybercoders, what a bunch of spammers13:54
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maakukanzure: I'm quite ok with the concept of copies. i'm just a sefish bastard that prefers *this* copy over the others14:08
maaku(and fully expect my clone to say the same thing about himself)14:08
kanzurego on? i don't understand how that influences your previous statements.14:09
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paskyi would love to have my copies, i would expect them to likely reach the same conclusion about what stuff is worth working on and it sure could use more people working on it ;)14:23
kanzureyour copies might hate you too, which you need to be okay with14:25
streetyjust how similar are we considering these copies to be?14:26
kanzuresomewhere between exact replicas and children that sort of look like you14:27
streetythat's quite a wide range14:27
kanzureyes that's true14:27
kanzurei mean nobody minds a few misplaced neurons14:27
streetyI think it would depend on which neurons and what they decided to do wherever they found themselves14:29
kanzure"if your child turned into a walking incarnation of godwin's law, would you still .."14:30
kanzuregodwin's strawman14:30
kanzurefenn: a dyson sphere does not seem like an optimal computing superstructure14:35
kanzureoh well i suppose it depends on how far out you're building it14:41
streetyworried about radiation?14:50
kanzureno i mean compared to alternatives; a dyson sphere the size of a solar system takes a long time, and there are other ways to get lots of energy in the mean time14:51
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0TaYhjpOfo14:55
yoleauxA Compilation of Robots Falling Down at the DARPA Robotics Challenge - YouTube14:55
kanzurejrayhawk: ^14:55
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fennwell stars are probably not the most efficient fusion reactors, so if you have to physically surround the fusion reaction in order to extract energy from it, probably you want to build some other structure and suck hydrogen out of the star for processing15:03
fennbut when people talk about dyson spheres they're mostly talking about the order of magnitude of matter and energy involved15:04
genehackerthey can easily burn hydrogen though15:05
abetusksomething maybe some people here have opinions on15:05
fennif efficiency is defined as energy produced per (time*volume)15:06
fenni guess that's power, not efficiency15:06
fennspecific power15:07
kanzurei'm still concerned about the lack of privacy of the first uploads or emulations15:29
kanzurememorizing private keys wont really work15:29
kanzureer, which i was thinking of for some reason because i was wondering what software to run with all that dyson sphere energy15:30
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kanzurefenn: also it's hard to clone humans at the moment with current technology; it's easier if you have a womb available, but those require bodies too. so the head transplant or brain transplant plan doesn't quite work for long-term or long-distance cryonics.15:36
kanzurewell i mean it doesn't work yet15:38
kanzureor is less likely to work because that step is presently missing15:38
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kanzureand also if you are able to ship a working person with a working womb that far, then why would you bother with the head transplant part15:44
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utK-ek2USZw15:51
yoleaux3Scan: Slicing brains with Meteor -- February Devshop SF - YouTube15:51
kanzureare they really using meteor >:(15:52
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5EmFKF8rkU15:53
yoleauxTodd Huffman: The Razor's Edge - YouTube15:53
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzTg7hHyVRU15:53
yoleauxIgnite Phoenix #3 - Slicing Brains Very Quickly - YouTube15:53
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9zvcKP2noU15:53
yoleauxTodd Huffman - Wide and Deep - YouTube15:53
kanzuregah his fly-through video isn't on youtube15:53
kanzureapparently that game is something sebastian seung has made16:02
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kanzurehmm maybe i should send some email to darpa http://100yss.org/16:38
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jrayhawki like how comically huge those people think north america is16:46
jrayhawkoh i see, they took a google earth screenshot from too low an altitude and then copy-pasted that in their moon picture16:48
jrayhawk5000 miles is a perfectly good distance for the moon16:52
jrayhawkmile high tides will make for some good surfing16:53
kanzurei am reminded of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpatdRd2LGk16:53
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yoleauxAirplane Sounds ~ Pull Up (Boeing 747-249F) - YouTube17:08
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fenndelinquentme you like this kinda stuff www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjNssEVlB6M&t=1m17:28
delinquentmefenn, i didnt know i did until just now17:29
delinquentmemucho gusto17:29
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fennthis music video brough to you by kim stanley robinson17:30
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fenn"despite the stunning degree of radiprotection inhaled hydxrogen gas proivides, as well as evidnce that it is pluripotent protect against ischemia-reperfusion injury, cancer and a variety of other free radical mediated pathologies (http://www.molecularhydrogeninstitute.com/studies/), no one I know has shown the slighest interest in it."17:47
kanzurehahahaha holy shit i love my friends17:52
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delinquentmekanzure, ?18:08
delinquentmefenn thats a rather complex statement18:08
delinquentmeand the usage of pluripotent is a bit distracting to me .. .but should it be?18:09
jrayhawkthis is an interesting site18:10
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fennyes the wording is odd but the point is that molecular hydrogen confers huge amounts of antioxidant activity and radiation protection18:10
fennthis is also highly relevant to cryonics resuscitation18:11
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fennhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Yakushima/AerovatorMT   The Aerovator is a transorbital megastructure for launching payloads into Earth orbit and beyond.[1] It consists of a long ribbon rotating around a central hub on the Earth's surface. Aerodynamic lift elevates the ribbon above the atmosphere, allowing the outer parts to attain orbital velocity in near vacuum.18:34
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fenn"As opposed to other space transportation infrastructure projects, the Aerovator can be deployed entirely from the Earth's surface. The ribbon is played out from the rotating hub and lifts itself up aerodynamically as it is extended. The hub will need to rotate much faster initially than in the fully extended state, and the propulsion point will move outwards during extension."18:41
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fennwell this is kinda vague http://autodeskresearch.com/projects/cyborg19:25
fenn.title http://www.vimeo.com/4550476719:31
yoleauxBio-Computation on Vimeo19:31
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fennso the general idea is to do simulation at nano-scale with synthetic biology and bacterial materials and couple that to macro-scale simulation of the material in a traditional cad system, then go back and fiddle synbio parameters automatically in order to optimize macro scale performance19:43
fennthis is what audodesk "project cyborg" is about, i guess19:43
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streetyis anyone aware of any technologies showing promise of advancing protein research to the extent we've seen with nucleic acids in recent years? Our reliance on antibodies seems like a major impediment20:38
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kanzuredepends on what you mean by "protein research"21:23
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kanzurehere is some elon musk propaganda http://images.bwbx.io/cms/2012-09-13/features_elonmusk38__01__405inline.jpg21:51
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=967217122:03
yoleauxShow HN: Fleetzen – “Uber for moving large items” | Hacker News22:03
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kanzure"So I work for a startup in Hong Kong doing something like this. We're called GoGoVan, and doing really well in the region http://gogovan.com.hk/en What's perhaps different is that with GoGoVan you can ride with your stuff."22:04
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kanzurefenn: you should go to the "SF bitcoin devs" event tomorrow22:40
kanzureer, "san francisco bitcoin devs seminar" event22:41
fenni hate bitcoin22:47
fenndoes uber do trucks/cargo vans?22:49
kanzurethe reason you should go is not because of bitcoin22:49
kanzureit's because gmaxwell and maaku22:49
kanzurethe telepath and commander spontaneous solution22:50
fenni imagine literally everyone else there will be trying to talk to gmaxwell22:51
kanzurethen pick on maaku22:51
maakuyeah i'll be there for once23:04
maakui usually don't get up to the city for these things23:04
maakubut i make an exception this time ;)23:04
maakufenn: http://www.meetup.com/SF-Bitcoin-Devs/events/222975224/23:06
kanzurei told him to read http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/gmaxwell-bitcoin-selection-cryptography/23:07
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