
--- Log opened Sun Jun 07 00:00:34 2015
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streetyThe main experimental designs I was thinking about as protein research were proteomics (mostly there with mass spec), FACS (still entirely reliant on antibodies), immunofluorescence microscopy (perhaps partially there with mass spec). I wasn't thinking of protein structure studies and the like, although admittedly it would fall under the label of protein research.05:15
kanzureParahSailin: ping05:16
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yoleauxInfinadeck, an omnidirectional treamill - YouTube06:18
kanzurebut i wouldn't know which way to walk06:28
archelsthat's only before you put on the VR headset06:34
JayDuggerWalk in the direction of greater fitness, obviously.06:39
JayDuggerUsually involves hill-climbing.06:39
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kanzure"The Parametric Human Project is an academic and industrial research consortium in Digital Human Modeling. We will create an advanced data-driven biomechanical statistical anatomical model as a digital ergonomics and design tool to help users augment or accelerate human abilities."07:10
kanzure"Attempts will be made to validate the DT MRI scans against fiber data sets. Landmarks will be added as feature annotation by experts. Finally, the Parameterization will require the determination of the statistical variation of individual muscles as well as the statistical variation of system of muscles."07:11
kanzure"The Parametric Human Project welcomes the ANThill laboratory, at OCAD University, to help automate and expedite the high-resolution laser scanning of human bone samples through the development of the BoneBot"07:14
kanzure".. the BoneBot aims to facilitate the consistent and standardized capture of data through the design of handling devices and a protective fixture that can hold and protect bones of different sizes and shapes during the scanning process. By leveraging machine learning, the BoneBot will learn the movement paths required for the collection of complete and robust human anatomical data.07:15
kanzureit's weird to think that we might have better scans of bones from paleontological studies07:18
kanzurenot completely awful http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/A_Human%27s_Guide_to_Words07:20
kanzurehmm "People cling to their intuitions, I think, not so much because they believe their cognitive algorithms are perfectly reliable, but because they can't see their intuitions as the way their cognitive algorithms happen to look from the inside."07:21
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ParahSailinkanzure: yo07:28
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kanzureParahSailin: was wondering if you could rant to streety about protein stuff for a few seconds07:32
kanzurehe is concerned that all of the fun protein stuff is still antibody-only07:32
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ParahSailinproteins is kind of a wide topic, is there something in particular?07:33
kanzuremass spectrometer style proteomics, flow cytometry staining stuff, immunofluorescence microscopy, not so much structural studies07:34
kanzurestreety: ping07:34
ParahSailinthose are the main kinds of experiments that are common, sure07:35
kanzurenevermind, not sure what he wanted07:36
streetyafk for a few minutes, back now. I was wondering if there was any technology showing promise of replacing antibodies in FACS, immunofluorescence etc. Seems like at least part of the issue holding back these types of experiments - at least in comparison to DNA/RNA techniques that have advanced substantially in the past few decades07:51
streetyParahSailin: kanzure, for context I should perhaps say that the interest was driven by reading http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2014.12.020 - interesting article but lots of antibodies07:57
kanzure"Variation in the Human Immune System Is Largely Driven by Non-Heritable Influences"08:02
maakukanzure: hey that's awesome, I didn't know about the transcript09:29
kanzurehehe i'll be doing the same if someone can give me a link to the stream09:32
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maakusadly it will be 2-3 weeks delayed10:03
maakuwe filmed him giving the talk already though, and will post that tomorrow10:04
maakui'll ask if that video is already up somewhere10:04
kanzureif that's up then i will do a transcript ahead of time10:04
kanzureand just let you guys release the transcript10:04
maakukanzure: i forwarded your offer on to greg & alex (who is handling the release)10:05
maakui'm not sure if the video is back from the producers yet10:05
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nsh     A semiconductor model of rocks is shown to describe unipolar magnetic pulses, a phenomenon that has been observed prior to earthquakes. These pulses are observable because their extremely long wavelength allows them to pass through the Earth's crust. Interestingly, the source of these pulses may be triangulated to pinpoint locations where stress is building deep within the crust. We couple a semiconductor drift-diffusion model to a magnetic field in o12:32
nshrder to describe the electromagnetic effects associated with electrical currents flowing within rocks. The resulting system of equations is solved numerically and it is seen that a volume of rock may act as a diode that produces transient currents when it switches bias. These unidirectional currents are expected to produce transient unipolar magnetic pulses similar in form, amplitude, and duration to those observed before earthquakes, and this suggests tha12:32
nsht the pulses could be the result of geophysical semiconductor processes.12:32
nsh-- http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.448212:32
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kanzurehmm so tyler lab put up some marketing material for their transcranial ultrasound equipment http://www.thync.com/12:42
kanzure"The Thync System is considered a lifestyle product and has been exempted by the FDA from its medical device regulations and approvals."12:43
fennmy lifestyle is brain modification yo12:44
kanzurealthough it looks like they have switched to tdcs of facial nerves12:45
kanzurei'm so disappointed12:45
kanzure"Neurosignaling builds upon the best features of long-standing tDCS and TENS techniques by using pulsed currents with lower-intensity and higher-frequency outputs delivered through bio-compatible materials for greater safety and comfort."12:45
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kanzurewell at least i might have to decrement the fda counter in the /title12:47
fennwhat is the point of tdcs for facial nerves?12:49
kanzurei can't think of any12:50
kanzurethey have some marketing claims but i'm skeptical12:50
fennoh i mean transcranial ultrasound (is that what it is?)12:51
fennwhat does this have to do with tyler lab?12:51
kanzurethis thing on their face is not transcranial ultrasound12:51
kanzurewell this is tyler's company12:51
kanzureoriginally this company was commercializing transcranial ultrasound brain stimulation equipment12:51
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kanzuretranscranial stimulation allows for deep brain stimulation of many types and waveforms, and also tumor ablation for otherwise inoperable problems12:52
fennsuch science http://www.thync.com/science-and-technology12:52
kanzure"We have developed a technology that can consistently, and in a statistically reliable manner, beat the placebo effect."12:53
kanzure"Suppression of human psychophysiological and biochemical stress responses using high-frequency pulse-modulated transdermal electrical neurosignaling" http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/453177/file-2476312708-pdf/documents/Scientific_Publications/Stress_reduction_by_TEN.pdf12:53
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fenni don't get why the electrode is so big12:58
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kanzureand who wants a locked down plastic drm-enforcing system for brain stimulation anyway13:00
streetyultrasound through the skull with enough power to ablate tumors?13:04
maakuthat sounds incredibly safe13:04
maakuwhat could possibly go wrong13:05
fennyeah the bluetooth seems totally unnecessary13:05
fenntwo shitty little buttons would be a sufficient interface13:06
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fennit's not ultrasound, it's transdermal electrical nerve stimulation13:06
kanzureright, i was just upset about how they have pivoted and lied to me13:07
kanzureelectrical stimulation of muscles during coma for mars trips might work13:08
kanzureer, because maaku mentioned something about hibernating13:08
maakufor Mars you're talking about only 6mo of transport time, with 1/3 g at the end of it13:10
maakuwake them up two weeks prior and provide exercise equipment13:10
kanzurethat's not how comas work13:10
maakubut for outer solar system travel, stimulation may be required13:10
kanzurestimulation is probably required in all cases, at least in recovery and then during for the coma hibernation thing13:11
maakukanzure: for what, to prevent atrophy?13:11
kanzurethere is significant atrophy13:11
fennthese thync user testimonials are pretty funny13:11
kanzure"coma muscle wasting"13:12
fennyou have to move and stretch to keep the lymphatic system flowing13:12
fennand preventing bed sores13:12
kanzurecan we pump the lymph system13:12
kanzureis that a thing we do?13:12
maakufenn: microgravity13:12
fenni mean, it is possible to pump it by external manipulation13:13
fennoh, right13:13
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fenni don't think there has ever been anyone in a coma in microgravity13:14
fennwtf are they doing up on that space station, curious minds need to know these things!13:14
kanzure"It’s similar to the relaxing sensation of a massage or the invigoration of splashing cold water on your face - only more focused."13:14
kanzurewhy not a squirt gun13:14
fennthis anthem video needs more tuvan throat singing13:17
fenn.title http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v12/n10/full/nmat3755.html13:26
yoleauxUltrathin conformal devices for precise and continuous thermal characterization of human skin : Nature Materials : Nature Publishing Group13:26
fenn"8×8 Si nanomembrane diode sensor array mounted on the skin"13:27
fennit would be nice to combine GSR and temperature sensors13:28
fenni wonder if similar materials could be used to emit and detect NIR emissions on the scalp13:35
fennfor low res brain activity imaging13:35
kanzurewasn't there an ed boyden paper about near-infrared brain imaging things13:35
fennbut i doubt it was based on ultrathin membranes13:36
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fennthis is kinda weird, remember paul eremenko? from "adaptive vehicle make" http://fortune.com/2014/08/14/google-goes-darpa/  the ATAP group is doing Project Tango now which is a localization and mapping API for augmented reality stuffs15:36
fenni'm wondering what sort of data can be extracted from their area description format https://developers.google.com/project-tango/overview/area-learning15:37
fennthere really should be a sort of open street view where people contribute their daily commute or alley or whatever15:37
kanzuregoogle streetview has some excellent camel trails from saudi arabia15:38
fennsort of tired of all the cool stuff being tangled up in google's infrastructure15:38
fenni don't want your fucking "play services" just to get wifi fingerprinting15:39
fennsort of dreading going to this bitcoin thing15:41
fenn"what code frameworks do you use?"15:43
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kanzurefenn: that's tomorrow by the way, sorry if i lied15:57
kanzurei told brownies it was today, but i corrected myself this morning15:58
fennoh, thanks for the correction, i would've ended up making the trip if you hadn't said anything15:58
fenni thought sunday night was an odd meeting time15:59
kanzurewell time is dumb anyway16:00
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caternyou guys are in the same area? what area is that20:04
caternremember kids: google before you speak20:05
kanzurenope there is presently not much of a geophysical locus20:06
kanzureyou'll have to nuke way more than just austin to get rid of us20:07
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fennsan francisco, portland, and austin are somewhat overrepresented20:28
kanzureearth is overrepresented20:33
fennthere are more in washington DC than i expected20:34
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-!- Viper168_ is now known as Viper16823:24
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-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uyotabqrbomkbgej] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:49
--- Log closed Mon Jun 08 00:00:35 2015

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