
--- Log opened Wed Jun 10 00:00:37 2015
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archels.g "silicon slurp"02:17
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kanzure18:14 < ajweiss> for example: a paper in nature or science is estimated to be worth just over a million in grant funds06:04
kanzure[off] nsh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_DqV1xdf-Y06:09
nsh[off] .t06:11
kanzurewrong channel06:12
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kanzuresens foundation conference is august 19-21 in san francisco http://sens.org/outreach/rejuvenation-biotechnology-conference-201507:31
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eudoxiaheh just ran into eleitl randomly going into r/hyperboria https://wr.reddit.com/r/hyperboria/comments/33cqfy/looking_for_peers/09:20
kanzureyou should heckle him and tell him to come back to us09:22
archelsalso ask him if the lobsters are sentient yet09:38
archelser, I mean L. stagnalis09:38
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maakuhrm $400 is pricey09:51
kanzurejust show up and walk in09:51
dingohello scientificly minded friends, i'm writing some documentation, thought you might help me with a missing term. I'm discussing relationships of birth, just a graph tree, but i want to describe the "bootstrap" node, the first node from which all subsequent nodes are born -- however i refraim from using term "root node" because once the system is complete, root is no longer part of the mechanism, he is a "bootstrap" node only09:57
dingois there a biological / generation like term that describes this?09:58
dingoit would be like the egg of a chicken... after its birth, the eggshell remains, we call both states an egg, just one is cracked09:58
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ParahSailinwait how did i not notice before that tmux allows sharing10:24
maakuby the way .su is the most awesome domain ever. how do I register root.su?10:24
kanzureyou might have to become commrade maaku10:25
maakuthese are sacrifices i am willing to make10:25
eudoxiahuh i thought they'd closed the domain after the fall of the soviet union10:27
kanzuredingo: embryonic? colonizer?10:29
dingonice, incubator10:29
dingothanks !!10:29
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kanzuredingo: seed?10:33
kanzure"He leads me to another part of the laboratory where, he says, the company’s top researchers work on the highest-priority sins. It dawns on me that I haven’t felt this level of enthusiasm since finally getting my femur removed."10:50
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jrayhawkdingo: 'eve' and 'adam' are common11:16
jrayhawke.g. "mitochondrial eve"11:17
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kanzure"1 mm thick tissue slice taken from human cadavers, stored in liquid nitrogen for months: all showed growth in culture after thawing. Tissues were: ovary, pituitary, thymus, kidney, etc.(6) "13:36
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kanzure.g lexicase selection13:59
kanzureyou could include implants throughout the body to make the body warm up more evenly14:03
kanzurei suppose thermal shaping could also be used but that's crazytalk14:03
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eudoxiahaha, i was reading this thread https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/openmanufacturing/NEDOL4dcEEM/ZPOk0MCbD3cJ14:55
eudoxiaand the mensheds.com.au site turned into some kind of PUA site14:56
eudoxiai guess i shouldn't be surprise14:56
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fenndingo: last universal common ancestor? (LUCA)15:07
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maakuLUCA is descended from Chuck Norris.15:17
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kanzure"On behalf of Cyagen, we are announcing a special price of $25,780 (USD) to develop a conditional knockout mouse. This offer lasts until June 30th."15:42
kanzure"This offer includes an entire conditional gene knockout project from initial strategy design and DNA vector construction to knockout animal delivery. Cyagen's turnaround time is the shortest in the industry and they fully guarantee the generation of animals or your money back."15:43
kanzurewait why is eudoxia reading old openmanufacturing emails15:49
eudoxiai ran into http://heybryan.org/om.html15:49
eudoxiai'm considering writing a blog post summarizing the movement like the useless extropian i am internally15:50
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eudoxiaalso kanz i just had an skdb-related thought15:52
eudoxiaa way to smooth out the virtual/real life barrier15:52
eudoxiagive skdb pluggable interfaces like, a generic controller for a 3d printer, a laser sintering machine, a mechanical arm15:53
eudoxia(something a bit higher level than g-code)15:53
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eudoxiapossibly exposed over HTTP since it's universal15:53
eudoxiaor maybe the interface would be just commands in YAML files15:53
eudoxiaanyways, the idea is you add plugins to skdb to control different varieties of machinery15:54
eudoxiapackage.yaml files might require these plugins, download them and install them to skdb, and then have commands (which would basically be yaml objects) to operate them15:54
eudoxialike { command: 3dprinter.pipe, text: "...gcode..." }15:55
eudoxiaand folks could add multiple backends to each plugin, so the "universal lathe interface" works with all kinds of electronically operated lathes16:01
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kanzureto some approximation telling people to run linuxcnc everywhere does that already16:04
kanzurebut yes there needs to be firmware and software that gets inserted into anything programmable16:05
eudoxiathis is the opposite approach, however16:05
eudoxiarather than "pls get this universally usable software into your cnc machine"16:06
eudoxiait's you bring skdb along and it brings its interfaces along16:06
kanzurethose two things sound the same16:06
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eudoxiathey do but they aren't quite the same16:07
eudoxiaconsider this16:07
eudoxiayou rent cnc machine time (does that exist?) in a shop somewhere and it has to be accessed remotely16:07
eudoxiain scenario one you have to ask or hope the machine shop owners have installed linuxcnc into the machine16:08
eudoxiahere, you just let skdb interface with it without modifying the machine16:08
eudoxiaie the difference is where the universal interface is: on the machine or on skdb16:08
eudoxiathe problem with hoping everyone will use a common-denominator cnc machine api on every cnc machine is that they all have different capabilities, and ofc competing standards compete for a reason16:09
eudoxiaby putting the task of building the universal api on the side of skdb you don't have to trust the people who own the machines to keep them open16:09
eudoxiain terms of machine usability/interfaceabilit16:09
kanzuremost of the default software on industrial equipment is incredibly lame and useless16:12
eudoxiamhm i guessed16:13
kanzurethings are not designed to let you just ssh in and pass some bits into the stepper driver16:13
eudoxiahm you're right16:14
eudoxiamaybe remote was a bad analogy16:14
fennthe machine-specific translation step is already done widely with most cam programs, it's called "post processor"16:15
fenni happen to think this is a stupid name, but that's what it's called16:16
fennit's mostly to deal with the unholy number of nearly-identical-but-not-quite g-code dialects16:17
fennanyway, nobody will let you run arbitrary g-code on their cnc machine, it has to be a part design and their guys do the cam step16:18
fennotherwise you could include movements that would damage the machine16:18
redlegioneudoxia a lot of cnc time rental is informal and between associates16:21
eudoxiai see16:21
redlegionNot sure how many people would allow just anyone to smash a spindle into work holding16:21
eudoxiawell, i could imagine something like a g-code simulator that ensures the code won't destroy the machine16:22
eudoxiaof course, imagining is the furthest step from doing things :)16:22
redlegionThat would help immensely so long as touching off tools isn't necessary16:22
kanzureprogram analysis like that is pretty difficult16:22
kanzurealso i strongly regret skdb being a monolithic thing16:23
kanzurehard problems should be solved more separately instead of batched together into even larger problems16:24
maakukanzure: we do things that complex routinely in software code checkers16:24
maakunot easy, but not unheard of16:24
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kanzureyes but solving a hard problem by saying "and here we do an even harder thing" is not okay....16:25
kanzureer.. i mean replacing it with a.. anyway it's not important.16:25
kanzurei see that as a task on the order of "check for malware and also check for anything that is correct operation but might theoretically cause harm to the machine or its environment or operators"16:26
eudoxiawell then i guess people will have to follow the general advice of not running untrusted stuff16:31
kanzurehmm someone should convince me to upload my artificial intelligence notes at some point16:35
eudoxiado it kanz16:36
fennkanzure: upload your artificial intelligence notes16:36
eudoxiaif you haven't the time to build an AGI maybe one of us will16:36
fennit will be of great historical amusement16:37
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kanzurebut if i upload notes then i'm going to feel like i have to censor myself when writing notes in the future16:48
Drethelinwhat are you censoring?16:51
Drethelinare your notes full of f bombs16:51
redlegionDo you draw lude images in the margins?16:51
redlegionLewd, lol, man I'm too tired to exist.16:52
kanzurei would be willing to share the notes privately i guess17:03
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kanzurehuh there's a lot of good stuff in here17:27
fennhah privacy for yourself17:28
kanzurei mean let's see you dorks post 10 years of stream-of-consciousness text17:29
kanzurei don't see that happening, nyeh17:29
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maakukanzure: i'd be interested ;)17:50
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kanzurei only ask that you all realize that these are notes that are unfiltered and that i thought i would never release17:58
kanzureand that i write down questions that sometimes i already know the answer to, because the question itself is interesting17:59
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fennregarding AI, here's a thing i am putting off reading, http://karpathy.github.io/2015/05/21/rnn-effectiveness/  "the unreasonable effectiveness of recurrent neural networks"18:27
fenn.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=958432518:27
yoleauxThe Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks | Hacker News18:27
kanzuremaaku: fenn: did you get the file because i'm deleting it18:28
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kanzureobviously my interest in that topic is not from the machine learning direction at all18:32
ebowden_What is your interest?18:33
kanzuresee this is why i don't give you people these files18:35
ebowden_You don't like answering questions?18:36
kanzurei think you ask poor questions18:36
kanzureand it is difficult to take you seriously; weren't you the person that asked me about "real pokemon"?18:37
ebowden_From what I know about pokemon, I don't think that's even possible for most of them.18:37
kanzurewell anyway, it should be obvious that machine learning is not the goal of human-like cognitive ability18:37
fenni don't see why you're being so shy about this, it's mostly stuff you've mused about in here at some point and bibliographic references/copypasta18:38
kanzurebecause i know one of you assholes is going to latch on to something i wrote down that was unfiltered and i am going to have to defend why someone would write down something he already knew an answer to18:39
kanzureand it will be a big, boring mess18:39
ebowden_You may be experiencing cognitive decline, I've never even talked about pokemon in this channel, and I almost never talk about them elsewhere.18:39
ebowden_I hope LMTX turns out to be effective.18:41
kanzurewell i am also sensitive to questions that seem very broad and overly general, i suppose18:43
kanzureand sometimes this includes leading questions18:43
ebowden_Leading to what? The terrifying reality that your brain is slowly shrivelling?18:43
kanzureebowden_: no, a "leading question".18:44
kanzureah and it was alusion that said it18:45
ebowden_Kanzure, I know. I was being unnecessarily mean.18:45
ebowden_Cognitive decline is often not funny. Sorry.18:45
kanzureyou can't seriously be this stupid18:46
kanzurehow would anyone reading the above messages think that a leading question has anything to do with cognitive decline?18:46
ebowden_I know what a leading question is, and that you were not talking about cognitive decline.18:46
ebowden_I was being facetious.18:47
ebowden_It occurs to me that almost no one who has called me that used the word properly.18:48
ebowden_Kanzure, real life Pokemon: Paint animals and make them fight.18:49
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redlegionIt's funny how people call pokemon cute, but two pitbulls tearing at each other's throats isn't as cute as a squirtle spitting on a charmander.19:06
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Drethelinit's funny how a children's cartoon designed to be cute, but two real animals violently attacking each other isn't as cute as a cartoon squirting water at another cartoon19:10
kanzurewhat's wrong with pitbull fights, again?19:11
fennquick, somebody call an ethicist19:16
* fenn has a moral panic19:16
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fenn"How would an ai safely store bitcoin? virtualization is unsafe because the operators of the cloud infrastructure can simply steal the private keys" this creates a drive toward owning your substrate, which essentially means preventing others' access to the hardware that runs you19:22
fennalso something about defense in depth19:22
fenni'm not sure i believe that homomorphic encryption can actually work19:25
fenna node that detects it is being compromised can self-destruct or randomize its secret key19:26
fennthere are hard drives with compromised firmware that can detect irregular access patterns, i.e. a forensic investigator using dd to try to copy the entire disk, or the power suddenly being turned off (there would still be enough juice left in the capacitors to do a few erasures)19:36
fennspecial firmware19:36
ebowden_Moral panics are the best panics.19:37
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kanzurewell you can shard private key data across multiple instances on different hardware20:35
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maakukanzure: i didn't, but oh well23:40
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--- Log closed Thu Jun 11 00:00:38 2015

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