
--- Log opened Sat Jun 20 00:00:46 2015
-!- erasmus [~esb@unaffiliated/erasmus] has quit [Quit: Namaste]00:23
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-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lxmpujbledtllcdq] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:28
fennwow, cryonics expert loses all data because of no backups, such irony01:39
eleitlSome people are not good with computers.02:02
eleitlSome people who are good with computers are just disorganized.02:03
maakuyeah, uh, that would describe me02:11
* maaku looks at disorganized mess, silently shrieks in horror, and goes back to reading reddit02:11
eleitlRight. /me goes to /r/collapse02:13
eleitlHoster kicked out voat.co02:14
eleitlOne of the reasons why I never got into Bitcoin is need for data discipline.02:15
eleitlUnderstanding wallets, keeping systems secure, having enough backup media around. And trust in an open source project in general.02:16
eleitlTrusting exchanges. Etc.02:16
-!- GAit [~lnahum@2-230-161-158.ip202.fastwebnet.it] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]02:30
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fennthe point is you're not supposed to trust an exchange04:01
fennsomehow nobody got the memo04:01
fennparallella is now $9904:19
eleitlyes, but I have got mine.04:30
eleitlnot doing much with it, too limited on time.04:30
kanzurethis whole planet is insufferable and crap; why do i have to be the only one that has backups.04:31
eleitlThe point of trust in exchanges is that when you send money and buy bitcoin, and transfer it to your wallet the probability is sufficiently low that you get shafted.04:31
eleitlkanzure, let's each make an lg mirror, so that we don't need to RAID04:31
eleitlwe'll be each other's redundancy04:32
kanzureway ahead of you04:32
eleitlsee mail04:33
eleitlwill be afk for a couple hours, kid needs to minecraft04:34
fennthose blocks don't mine themselves04:34
eleitlNetwork sync on takes fucking forever04:35
eleitl18 weeks behind, gimme a break04:35
eleitlallright, see you later04:35
* fenn mumbles something about byzantine decentralized minecraft servers04:37
fennall these parallella demos are super unimpressive05:09
kanzurebitcoin-development mailing list is moving to bitcoin-dev at https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev05:15
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]05:16
fenn"The archive will be wiped on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 when the list is switched over"05:16
fennwtf is the point of that05:17
kanzureto get the subscribers first05:17
kanzuresince there's no good way to export from sourceforge05:17
kanzurealso they are overriding the archives with a backup from sourceforge05:17
fennthere's no list of subscribers?05:19
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:25
kanzureso what were the conclusions from yesterday's oligonucleotide romp05:38
-!- zadock [~outsider@] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:39
fennthe machine needs a purpose to aim towards, error correction is hard, and we need a better understanding of the chemical reactions involved05:41
kanzurepurpose should be at minimum primers, and it would be nice to have a few million bp05:46
-!- Beatzebub [~beatzebub@d75-155-236-222.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Quit: Beatzebub]05:53
eleitlfenn, parallella fist gen is a toy/demo machine06:19
eleitlNext gen would have been more useful. And you need more embedded memory in each node.06:19
eleitlHowever, I don't expect they will get the money for second gen.06:20
fennwell it just seems like they aren't even trying... you could do better demos with a single core even06:20
eleitlZero manpower. And the community never kindled.06:20
eleitlSee me, for instance. Thing's been idling.06:21
eleitlClient "only" 11 weeks behind.06:21
fennyou can run a supercomputer.io image and let someone else utilize the spare cycles06:22
eleitlSynched 7 weeks in 3 hours.06:22
eleitlIf I run that image I can't tinker with the system myself. It's exclusive.06:22
fenni think you can just swap out the sd card06:23
eleitlYes, but the system is not a reliable booter.06:24
eleitlIt's rather flaky, actually.06:24
fennoh that's too bad06:24
fennoften these sbc toys need a larger heavy duty power supply to run reliably06:25
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eleitlI have a heavy duty power supply. But even so, just checked, and the board was hanging at the two tuxes stage. I never rebooted it.06:26
eleitlIt's well-ventilated, too.06:27
eleitlNow it is back up. For however long.06:27
ThomasEgieleitl, have you checked the logfiles? maybe it's not the psu but some other weirdo thing. like waiting for networkinterfaces to get configured by dhcp etc.06:28
fenni guess my programming efforts would be better devoted to figuring out the commodity "mali" GPU found in every cheap mobile phone processor06:28
eleitlNo, the board has a static address.06:29
eleitlMaybe there was a power fluctuation in the last months, and it crashed.06:29
eleitlIn any case Parallella is a single source vendor that has started smelling funny.06:32
eleitlBut the stacked memory APU might become interesting, should Zen ever ship.06:32
-!- wrldpc1 [~ben@hccd37dcd12.bai.ne.jp] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:33
eleitlGPGPU always had memory bandwidth and access pattern issues.06:34
fennit would be quite a trick for an open source chip design to start being sold by multiple companies06:34
eleitlParallella isn't an open source design.06:34
fennit's not?06:35
fenni thought that was the whole point06:35
eleitlAt least the chip isn't. Just the board and everything else.06:35
eleitlIf the core was open we would have a chance.06:35
fennbah. well what's the point then06:36
eleitlOlofsson hinted he *might* make it open eventually.06:36
fennwith so many open source cores available, why *wouldnt* you use one of them06:36
eleitlA toy system to prototype code on next-next gen supercomputers.06:36
eleitlBecause it's a SHARCish DSP core.06:37
fennok, well i don't care about "supercomputers"06:37
fennmaybe that was cool in the 90's06:37
eleitlIn general future computers will be all the same way.06:37
fennright, we already are carrying around 8 core phone processors06:38
eleitlSmall systems would be just smaller slices of bigger ones. Less nodes, but the same nodes.06:38
eleitlThese are not cores, these are nodes on a mesh. It's a cluster on a chip.06:38
fenni don't see what the difference is06:38
eleitlYou can also buy a Xeon Phi, if you have the money, and want to burn 300 W.06:38
eleitlVery large difference.06:38
eleitlIt has a signalling mesh with embedded memory, and no MMU.06:39
eleitlParallella is being honest about physics.06:39
fennis it just the size of the cache?06:39
eleitlThere is no cache.06:39
eleitlThat's the point, with embedded memory you don't need a cache.06:39
fennuh, i have no idea what you're talking about06:40
eleitlIt's a big waste eliminated, if you care about maximum crank from a given area of silicon real estate.06:40
fenncache is just on-chip memory06:40
eleitlWhy do you need a cache? Because your main core is so slow.06:40
fennyou need cache because memory accesses take so long, not because the CPU is slow. jeez06:41
eleitlCache is not organized as RAM, it has access penalties, and what is in cache cannot be in RAM.06:41
eleitlCore, as in core memory.06:41
eleitlOlofsson did the right thing.06:42
-!- Madplatypus [uid19957@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fdoiarrahrlfbroc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]06:42
eleitlBut people can't handle the truth.06:42
eleitlYour software development model prevents you from using hardware that is asymptotically approaching an optimal architecture.06:42
eleitlOf course, this means Parallella is dead.06:43
fennwell i agree about that, people are still running windows on x8606:43
eleitlIn another two decades, people will come to that understanding.06:43
eleitlMeanwhile, there's Xeon Phi, or DIY Beowulf.06:43
eleitlInfiniBand is cheap enough.06:44
eleitlBut, you better have free power.06:44
eleitlIf I fire up everything I have laying around I would be burning some kW. That's 2 kEUR/year.06:45
eleitlUh, I don't think so.06:45
fennmost of that power is dissipated in copper "wires" in the chips. easily bypassed by using on-chip optical interconnects06:47
kanzurei think that for the oligonucleotide machine we should just copy existing protocols (posam or abi391) instead of fiddling at first06:47
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kanzurestepwise yield's gotta be high because even 80 bp tolerates almost no error06:47
fenn80 was just an arbitrary number06:48
kanzurewell, i think you want at least 20 bp wings on both ends06:48
kanzure.wa 4^2006:48
yoleaux4²⁰: 1099511627776; Scientific notation: 1.099511627776 × 10¹²; Number name: 1 trillion 99 billion 511 million 627 thousand 776; Number line: http://is.gd/S3hwXq; Number length: 13 decimal digits; Comparisons: ~0.055 × the number of red blood cells in the human body (~2×10¹³); ~3.7 × the number of stars in our galaxy (~3×10¹¹); ~10 × the number of people who have ever lived (~1.1×10¹¹)06:48
eleitlkanzure, I suggest using online server for data exchange06:49
kanzurei thought you said you had zero upload?06:49
eleitlshipping 3.5" will run into customs06:49
kanzurewell i was thinking i'd just send you bitcoin, but whatever06:50
eleitlI have a 3 TByte box on GBit/s, but my home connection is 10+6/100+50.06:50
kanzurearghhh frank foran emails :-(06:50
eleitlCustoms don't like hard drives in the mail, and refuse to believe they're used, and just data carriers06:51
kanzureeleitl: well i have stuff to send (although not everything you seek)06:51
kanzuregimme ssh access and i can send06:51
eleitlOk. Let's compare who has which parts.06:52
kanzureat the moment i can't send any of those parts06:52
kanzurei have other things though06:52
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eleitlAllright. Would a TByte would be enough?06:52
kanzureyes for now06:52
eleitlGreat. Time to save up for these 6 TByte drives.06:53
eleitlThanks. Will set up a guest later today or tomorrow.06:54
eleitlParallella board is still up.06:55
eleitlkanzure, I'm reasonably comfortable on FreeBSD as desktop now.06:56
kanzureand previously?06:56
kanzurewhat were you using?06:56
eleitlWas using Linux mostly, but you know where Linux has been goign in the last 10 years.06:56
kanzurei'm not sure i'm ready for the awesome responsibility of a stable system06:57
kanzurei'll stick with debian for now :-)06:57
eleitlI'm so getting tired of these updates I'll probably move to OpenBSD eventually.06:57
kanzurehave you read libressl source code yet?06:58
eleitlI have an old Thinkpad with OpenBSD set up, but graphics isn't working yet, radeondrm issues.06:58
kanzurei mention libressl only because i have lately been pondering about https://github.com/bitcoin/secp256k1/blob/873a453d26b326cc71b3c5ff509058dfe0ce6884/src/tests.c06:58
eleitlNo. I trust Theo & Co that they know what they're doing.06:59
eleitlAt least more, than the ADHD teenagers do.06:59
eleitlThough *BSD is also somewhat crypto-tarded.06:59
eleitlkanzure, what do you think about running individual servers as ceph nodes across one ISP07:04
kanzureas opposed to what?07:05
kanzureinstead of what, i mean07:05
eleitlInstead of having all nodes on one rented rack on the switch. Saves a lot of money and hassle.07:06
kanzureoh. i see.07:06
kanzurewell, these days the way to run things is something like amazon glacier + some raid storage in jrayhawk's basement + some rack07:07
eleitlNever having to touch hardware. Never again driving a car full of heavy boxes.07:07
eleitlI don't trust my data to cloud vendors.07:08
eleitlRented hardware and own installed OS is ok.07:08
kanzurei agree that only using cloud vendors is a dumb idea07:08
kanzureand i don't mind if people steal this data; i wish they would, so that it would be better replicated.07:08
eleitlAt some point I will rent a rack in the local city, but that's far too expensive.07:08
kanzurejrayhawk would be very happy to host things for you07:09
eleitlHe's a person known to you?07:10
kanzurehe's a user in this channel07:10
kanzureprobably sleeping at the moment07:11
eleitlwhy not onion lg from his place?07:11
kanzurethings are in progress but not stabilized07:12
eleitlhttp://heybryan.org/shots/setups/jrayhawk/ <--??07:13
kanzurehaha yes http://heybryan.org/shots/setups/jrayhawk/IMG_0865.JPG07:13
kanzure(his brother is a singinst minion)07:14
eleitlLooks like a great place to have a fire.07:14
kanzuremy understanding is that his hosting business is located elsewhere07:15
kanzurehuh looks like greece is gonna implode07:19
fennabout time07:20
eleitlTook them their sweet while.07:24
eleitlComing next: capital controls across Europe, and the war on cash.07:25
eleitlBTC: to the mooooon!07:25
kanzureeleitl: did you get a good chuckle out of http://greece.greekreporter.com/2015/04/01/yanis-varoufakis-greece-will-adopt-the-bitcoin-if-eurogroup-doesnt-give-us-a-deal/07:25
eleitlYou might remember the BTC national currency plan some people we know had.07:28
kanzuredooms day https://github.com/gavinandresen/bitcoinxt/commit/821e223ccc4c8ab967399371761718f1015c766b07:29
eleitlHas it gone nuclear yet?07:29
kanzurewent nuclear weeks ago07:29
eleitlNo, I mean is this the actual fork that is being deployed now?07:30
eleitlTalk is cheap, but code isn't.07:30
kanzurehe has threatened to campaign companies to deploy this fork (or he claims they have already agreed to)07:30
fenn1TB blocks in 2035 eh07:30
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kanzure"  ... doubling every two years (so 16MB in 2018)"07:30
kanzurethis guy is insane07:30
eleitlIs there a way to fire him?07:30
fennoh wait it's 1GB in 2035 nm07:30
kanzureeleitl: well he has no position, really07:31
kanzureeleitl: all of his power is because people believe him when he claims he was blessed by satoshi forever07:31
midnightmagicNo. No, it hasn't gone nuclear yet.07:34
kanzurehis threats were the nukes07:34
midnightmagicSomebody's waiting for a good time I guess.07:34
kanzurethis is going nuclear: http://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/mailman/message/34155307/07:35
kanzurethat's the very definition07:35
kanzuresociety is not yet accustomed to a decentralized system, so companies are far more likely to say "yep okay let's go with it" without thinking about whether the changes are likely to cause a catastrophic partial hard-fork07:36
midnightmagicNo it's not. That's just bluster.07:36
kanzurewhen you become more popular, you have to weigh your own popularity against what you say, so that you don't cause anyone to think that trusting you is a substitute for running rule validation or something07:36
kanzureneutrality has to be emphasized above all else, because otherwise you risk accidentally hard-forking the network into oblivion by accidentally convincing people that you have any authority whatsoever07:36
kanzuresee also http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3aeow8/blockstream_has_a_very_serious_conflict_of/csca13a07:37
midnightmagicHe's said a few times now that users don't matter. Like..  you. And you, and whoever reading this. You are users, and you don't matter.07:37
kanzureand http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/37vg8y/is_the_blockstream_company_the_reason_why_4_core/crqnnni07:37
kanzurei don't mind that he thinks that users don't matter, what i care about is whether he's abusing his position to force anything (even if it's a good idea)07:38
fenn"blockstream has a conflict of interest because they want to implement their ideas"07:38
fennyeah that makes sense, sure07:38
eleitlIt seems I'll update my node to the latest sane position, and will wait a long time after that.07:39
kanzurethat thread started because the cia.vc person started throwing back accusations on the mailing list or something07:39
kanzureeleitl: waiting is a wise decision07:39
kanzurefenn: in that thread, i posted a comment where i explained that blockstream is not the origin of engineering constraints, and people went absolutely nuts when i posted that :-)07:41
eleitlIs that a sane version still: /Satoshi:0.10.0/ ?07:41
kanzurethere's a better version out, but that's probably fine07:41
kanzureas far as i know there's no way to get the wrong blockchain at the moment by running the defaults that come with bitcoin-core07:42
fennall this insinuation about "conflicts of interest" and "so-and-so is a government agent" looks pretty childish from the outside07:43
eleitlkanzure, how quickly does the client catch up to the latest transactions?07:43
fennyeah so what, it doesn't matter. only the ideas matter07:43
eleitlI thought that part was supposed to be fixed now, but it's still dead slow.07:43
kanzureeleitl: 0.11 has a faster initial sync, takes maybe 2 hours?07:44
kanzurefenn: yes it's childish; if the nsa wants to suggest good ideas, they are welcome to. but they shouldn't be butthurt when everyone rejects their idea.07:44
eleitlOk, so in FreeBSD is still not quite fresh.07:44
kanzurefenn: part of what's going on is that there was a media campaign- so what you're seeing is a bunch of programmers trying to respond to user concerns and complaints; and they are upset that these technical wackos have different ideas or explanations.07:45
eleitlThis might become a good idea in the coming time, if you have physical gold: http://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2011/10/03/140815154/dissolve-my-nobel-prize-fast-a-true-story07:47
fennmy point is it's not "the NSA" it's just an individual who has a past that is vaguely associated with some intelligence agency, which is not at all surprising for a cryptographer07:48
fennlikewise, it's not at all surprising that some libertarian programmers started a company to advance their ideas07:49
kanzurehe isn't a cryptographer, and so far nobody has been able to identify his motivations for proposing the ideas that he has (usually ideas that break decentralization) and certain other motivations are a better explanation07:53
kanzureadditionally, his argument tactics are the lousy dirty fighting type where he never replies to specific concerns and just makes up accusations to shift the spotlight etc07:54
kanzureeven if those allegations you have made were true, his ideas should still be evaluated on their merits and lack of merits07:55
fennyes i am pretty disappointed with his lack of response to direct questions07:56
kanzureor what about his conflation of forking a git repository and forking the blockchain, heh07:56
kanzurealso he likes to claim that bitcoin-core has no process, even though he is repeatedly linked to https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0001.mediawiki07:57
fennthat's just whiny "there's no decisionmaking because you haven't agreed to my decision!" non-logic07:58
kanzureblah http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3aieuj/gavin_andresens_block_size_increase_code_8mb_cap/08:00
kanzurewat "Doubling every two years is conservative compared to historical bandwidth increases "08:00
fennthat's totally wrong08:00
-!- wrldpc1 [~ben@hccd37dcd12.bai.ne.jp] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:02
midnightmagicIn Canada, ISPs are actually *reducing* bandwidth, and *charging more* for the same bandwidth plans if you want to stay with your original plans.08:02
fennoh hmm maybe it does fit nielsen's law08:03
fenn.c 1.5^2008:03
yoleaux1.5²⁰ = 3325.2567300796508789062508:03
fenn.c 2^1008:04
yoleaux2¹⁰ = 102408:04
midnightmagicthat's not a superscript zero.08:04
midnightmagicmaybe it is. nevermind. sorry.08:04
kanzureeternal vigilance08:04
kanzure.wa deoxyribonucleic acid08:11
yoleauxdeoxyribonucleic acid bases: Members: adenine: guanine: thymine: cytosine; NFPA label: http://is.gd/ChaI4a08:11
kanzurei really hate visualizations of dna like https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/81/ADN_animation.gif08:12
kanzurethis is far better https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/DNA-ligand-by-Abalone.png08:12
fenni really hate visualizations of dna like http://images.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=dna08:15
fennat least put some molecules in there ffs08:15
kanzureaaaa you just gave me cancer08:15
kanzurewhat's worse is that there does not seem to be any good name for the real deal08:19
kanzure"realistic dna" does not produce the results i want08:19
kanzure"dna electrostatic potential" also does not help08:19
fennspace filling model?08:23
kanzurethat's a good start, although all the coloration looks wrong08:24
kanzurealso i think the individual atoms (i think they are actually the electron orbitals?) should be made translucent08:24
fennsomething something molecular orbitals08:25
fennhonestly i'm surprised i don't find this image08:25
kanzureheh surely someone has done a visualization of dna plus orbitals08:26
fennlike this is only one base pair rendered as orbitals https://chemistry.osu.edu/~herbert/images/DNA_orbs.gif08:26
kanzuredefinitely needs to be transparent. and rotating.08:26
fennthey would look slightly different in a full molecule08:26
fennbecause the base pairs interact with each other etc08:27
kanzure"A portion of a DNA-protein complex 1D66 (Marmorstein, 1992) with the DNA van der Waals surface colored by relative orientation of bases" http://www.stolaf.edu/people/hansonr/jmol/jac/jmol/data/straightness.png08:28
kanzureugh this is what happens when you don't make accurate scientific illustrations https://thinkerbelleblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/dna-telepathy.jpg?w=62008:30
-!- Acty [uid89656@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-esyyegmylmazojfd] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:32
fennactual image of dna for reference http://people.ucalgary.ca/~zleonenk/Image8.gif08:33
fennheraclitus thought all was fire, but now we know better - all is made of string08:35
fennwoah i'm not sure i believe this image is real http://bio.gsi.de/RESEARCH/rastermicro.html08:38
fennhrm. http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/science/1-dna-imaged-with-electron-microscope-for-the-first-time.jpeg08:42
kanzure"This is a view of knotted DNA as viewed through an electron microscope. (From Wasserman, Dungan, and Cozzarelli, 1985)" http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/54/109254-004-A1C93A7D.jpg08:42
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-49-240-111.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:42
fenna zoomed in view of http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/science/dn22545-dna-imaged-with-electron-microscope-for-the-first-time.jpeg08:43
fennthe knotted thing is supertwisted around chromatin i think08:43
kanzurethat is not zoomed >:(08:43
fenni hate how they don't actually give a scale on the scale bar08:44
fennlike what is the point of a scale bar then08:44
fenn"the method only works with "cords" of DNA made up of six molecules wrapped around an seventh acting as a core. That's because the electron energies are high enough to break up a single DNA molecule."08:45
fennfuck you ACS08:45
fenni don't want your stinking cookies08:46
kanzure"Controlling a Single DNA Molecule in an Electric Field by Means of In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy" http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/184694/files/2012_Jeong_J.%20Electrochem.%20Soc.pdf08:46
kanzurearen't we supposed to have single-atom resolution afm stuff08:47
fenn.title http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smll.201400265/full08:48
yoleauxSingle-Molecule Reconstruction of Oligonucleotide Secondary Structure by Atomic Force Microscopy - Pyne - 2014 - Small - Wiley Online Library08:48
fennfigure 3 is not bad08:48
kanzurepdf http://www.researchgate.net/profile/BW_Hoogenboom/publication/261752009_Single-Molecule_Reconstruction_of_Oligonucleotide_Secondary_Structure_by_Atomic_Force_Microscopy/links/547320000cf24bc8ea19b4b7.pdf08:48
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH3B0JTzLHE08:54
yoleauxGetting Started with AFM in Biology -- It's Easier Than You Think - YouTube08:54
kanzurevarious other videos https://www.asylumresearch.com/Webinars/08:54
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eleitlWhew. Just imported my wallet on FreeBSD, and it worked.09:37
kanzureyou may be interested in looking up shamir secret sharding and multisig09:37
eleitlNew features?09:38
kanzuremultisig was released ~2012 (a feature called pay-to-scripthash or p2sh)09:38
kanzureshamir secret sharding is just a cryptographic magic trick for splitting up a secret into multiple parts, such that you can safely give different shards to people and as long as they don't all collude they wont know the full secret09:39
kanzure(so you would keep a shard for yourself or something)09:39
eleitlSo you pay, and publish on the blockchain?09:39
kanzureyour wallet is probably using p2pkh outputs (pay-to-pubkeyhash) and for multisig you would just make a transaction to pay to your multisig/p2sh address(es) instead09:40
kanzureanyway, it depends on your security requirements for your wallet file09:40
eleitlIs LibreSSL standard for Bitcoin Core client, or is that a FreeBSD speciality?09:41
kanzurebitcoin-core only works with openssl09:43
kanzurelibressl has differences that make it incompatible with bitcoin09:43
kanzurebitcoin-core is attempting to transition to libsecp256k1 (actually i don't know the status; the transition may have already been made?)09:43
kanzureunfortunately bitcoin-core originally came with some consensus-critical code that was depending on openssl09:44
kanzureand openssl on different platforms has different behavior for those function calls :-(09:44
kanzurethus why they are trying to move to libsecp256k109:44
eleitlClient version: v0.10.1.0-gd8ac901 using LibreSSL 2.1.609:44
eleitlThat's what the client tells me.09:45
kanzurei believe that 0.11 or maybe the bitcoin-core master branch will produce very loud warnings if you are using libressl09:46
kanzurehowever, if the blockchain is getting synced and you see no problems, then *shrug* no harm i guess09:47
kanzurebut the moment that you want to start making decisions about what's canonical, whether you have been paid, or whether you have paid others, you should make sure you're using consensus-compatible software09:47
kanzureoh there might be some harm i guess, like "you might be more likely to relay wrong data to other nodes on the network"... hmm.09:48
eleitlI guess I have to start building deterministic builds of my own.09:48
kanzureup to you, at the moment i am not doing deterministic builds for myself09:48
eleitlHaven't used KDE in so many years. It still sucks, but in new ways.10:07
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kanzuregah, nothing about how they should be participating in file sharing12:20
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CaptHindsightkanzure: how long are the fragments that you wish to synthesize?13:24
kanzure1 to 100 million (anything in this range would be great)13:27
CaptHindsightyes, the goal is the whole length in seconds13:27
kanzureamount of time doesn't matter to me13:27
kanzurewell it sort of matters13:27
kanzureif it takes a week but it works, i don't care13:27
kanzureif it takes a year.. i care somewhat more.13:28
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ParahSailinhows that cambrian company doing13:28
kanzuremight be closing down13:29
ParahSailinthey didnt even ship the faintly luminescing plant?13:29
kanzureceo is dead13:29
ParahSailinoh wu13:29
ParahSailinim pretty out of all loops13:30
ParahSailinthey really need to make bike lanes13:30
ParahSailinour peeps are dropping like flies13:30
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church13:36
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure] [Wed May 20 12:46:25 2015]13:36
[Users ##hplusroadmap]13:36
[ Acty ] [ catern ] [ erasmus ] [ maaku_ ] [ Qfwfq ] [ ThomasEgi] 13:36
[ Adlai ] [ chris_99 ] [ eudoxia ] [ Madplatypus ] [ Quashie_ ] [ thundara ] 13:36
[ altersid ] [ cluckj ] [ fenn ] [ mf1008 ] [ redlegion ] [ TMA ] 13:36
[ archels_ ] [ crescend1 ] [ gnusha ] [ midnightmagic_ ] [ rkos ] [ Urchin ] 13:36
[ augur ] [ Daeken ] [ gnusha_ ] [ nickjohnson ] [ ryankarason ] [ Viper168 ] 13:36
[ balrog ] [ desayuno ] [ heath ] [ night ] [ saurik ] [ vivi ] 13:36
[ Beatzebub ] [ diginet ] [ hehelleshin ] [ NixCipher ] [ sheena2 ] [ yoleaux ] 13:36
[ berndj ] [ dingo ] [ HEx1 ] [ nmz787 ] [ sivoais ] [ yorick ] 13:36
[ Betawolf ] [ dpk ] [ JayDugger ] [ p4nd4 ] [ strages ] [ Zinglon ] 13:36
[ bkero ] [ drewbot ] [ jrayhawk_ ] [ padz ] [ strangewarp_] 13:36
[ blueskin ] [ dustinm ] [ juri_ ] [ ParahSailin ] [ streety ] 13:36
[ BobaMa_ ] [ eleitl ] [ justanotherusr] [ pasky ] [ superkuh ] 13:36
[ Burninate ] [ EnabrinTain] [ juul ] [ PatrickRobotham] [ Taek ] 13:36
[ CaptHindsight] [ EnLilaSko ] [ kanzure ] [ poohbear ] [ the8thbit ] 13:36
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CaptHindsightlinker = points of attachment13:37
kanzurein biology land this is often called "solid support"13:37
CaptHindsightI didn't realize how crudely this is being done13:37
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CaptHindsightI'm picking up the vernacular  :)13:38
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CaptHindsightwe need a fast single molecule printer13:42
kanzuresingle molecule manipulation is not easy to implement13:43
CaptHindsighteasy and hard is relative13:43
CaptHindsightmy kids used to ask me if something was hard or easy to do....13:44
kanzurei believe we have been able to isolate single proteins with lasers (optical traps)13:44
kanzureso what's your plan then?13:44
CaptHindsightmy answer was generally for me of for you13:44
kanzureyour answer should have been, "you're an idiot and should stop assessing problems like that"13:44
kanzure"instead your assessment method should be x"13:45
CaptHindsightit got the same point across13:45
kanzureCaptHindsight: have you seen https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer13:45
CaptHindsightI recall the animations13:46
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CaptHindsightkanzure: maybe we'll have to build/write the post processor for nano-G-code13:48
CaptHindsightwho is working on this and are they making anything public? (single molecule manipulators and printers)13:49
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kanzurethe enzymaticsynthesis mailing list also spent some time talking about "single-nucleotide guns" to blast nucleotides towards dna molecules (well not dna but various oligo types)13:51
kanzure(i believe nzm787 was the one who came up with the "nucleotide gun" terminology)13:51
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kanzurei have also often wanted some sort of circular rotaring disk with atomically-sharp tips that would be able to rotate the right components into place. however, constructing the correct tips is an extremely hard task.13:51
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CaptHindsightDNA glue gun13:52
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church13:57
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure] [Wed May 20 12:46:25 2015]13:57
[Users ##hplusroadmap]13:57
[ Acty ] [ CaptHindsight] [ EnLilaSko ] [ justanotherusr] [ ParahSailin ] [ streety ] 13:57
[ Adlai ] [ catern ] [ erasmus ] [ juul ] [ pasky ] [ superkuh ] 13:57
[ altersid ] [ chris_99 ] [ eudoxia ] [ kanzure ] [ PatrickRobotham] [ Taek ] 13:57
[ archels ] [ cluckj ] [ fenn ] [ maaku_ ] [ poohbear ] [ the8thbit] 13:57
[ augur ] [ crescend1 ] [ gnusha ] [ Madplatypus ] [ Qfwfq ] [ ThomasEgi] 13:57
[ balrog ] [ Daeken ] [ gnusha_ ] [ mf1008 ] [ Quashie__ ] [ thundara ] 13:57
[ Beatzebub] [ desayuno ] [ Guest51552 ] [ midnightmagic_] [ redlegion ] [ TMA ] 13:57
[ berndj ] [ diginet ] [ heath ] [ nickjohnson ] [ rkos ] [ Urchin ] 13:57
[ Betawolf ] [ dingo ] [ hehelleshin] [ night ] [ ryankarason ] [ yoleaux ] 13:57
[ bkero ] [ dpk ] [ HEx1 ] [ NixCipher ] [ saurik ] [ yorick ] 13:57
[ blueskin ] [ drewbot ] [ JayDugger ] [ nmz787 ] [ sheena2 ] [ Zinglon ] 13:57
[ BobaMa ] [ dustinm ] [ jcluck ] [ nsh ] [ sivoais_ ] 13:57
[ BobaMa_ ] [ eleitl ] [ jrayhawk_ ] [ p4nd4 ] [ strages ] 13:57
[ Burninate] [ EnabrinTain ] [ juri_ ] [ padz ] [ strangewarp_ ] 13:57
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CaptHindsightkanzure: as far as an inkjet printer goes, Epson has some models that hold a cd tray14:00
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CaptHindsightwe could hack the controller for multipass printing14:01
kanzurethere are enzymes that essentially do that already14:01
kanzureat least the gluing part14:01
kanzurereally what we need is an optically or electrically responsive polymerase that chooses nucleotides based on whatever signal it is given14:01
kanzurebut so far nobody knows how to do rational engineering of proteins to that extent, and directed evolution of that sort of enzyme requires a lot of intermediate work a few million times over (so would probably require microfluidic chips etc etc... lots and lots of equipment)14:01
kanzurei am far more optimistic about oligonucleotide and phosphoramidite chemistry14:01
kanzurecouldn't we just get one with an sdk instead14:02
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CaptHindsightEpson Stylus Photo 1400  for example14:02
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CaptHindsightthe next step above that is to make a stage with an Epson head similar to the Posam only with Linuxcnc for control14:03
kanzurehead should probably stay put, move stage under14:04
kanzure(but i don't care)14:04
CaptHindsightif someone wants to use a *duino or poopieboard for control they can knock themselves out doing so14:04
kanzureno thanks14:04
kanzurei'd take linuxcnc over poopduino14:04
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CaptHindsightPC with LPT and stepper drivers14:05
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CaptHindsightmy other concern is how the fluid behaves in the printheads, does it settle, how often do they need to be flushed etc14:06
kanzureParahSailin: do people just use micropipettors to get samples out of each well? like on a picotiter plate.14:06
kanzureCaptHindsight: well there's a flush/wash step after each chemical i think14:06
CaptHindsightcan the ACTG ink hold up to thermal inkjet?14:09
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kanzurethese things are quite finikey; i wouldn't want to vary from the protocol that posam used.14:10
kanzureeven slight variations in equipment, temperature, chemistry, or other variables might cause complete catastrophic failure in the whole thing14:11
kanzure(so getting good at debugging is quite helpful, heh)14:11
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kanzurebtw i think we're going to need a micropipettor on a stage as well14:12
kanzureto collect each bead from each well :-/14:12
CaptHindsightit can be on the same stage14:13
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kanzurei think that the church lab had to use some cameras to help guide their micropipettor into each well for some reason? i can't remember why. maybe it was related to detecting whether the bead was collected or not.14:14
CaptHindsightnext to the head or the head can be swapped14:14
kanzureyea should be next to it14:14
CaptHindsightnot a problem14:14
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kanzureif you don't care about contamination between pores, you don't have to switch out pipette tips either14:15
CaptHindsightopenCV for all the imaging14:15
kanzureotherwise you have to replace pipette tips after every step or something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uXtQLaaYsc&t=10s14:15
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CaptHindsightI've even used the 0.5um I.D. orifice pipette tips for deposition14:16
CaptHindsightcheap and consistent14:16
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC-FonGglEM14:17
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* kanzure glares at yoleaux14:18
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midnightmagicand by a simple glare, did the Deep One cause a rending in IRC reality.14:19
CaptHindsightit's easy enough to make an automated pipette tip changer, but manual change is probably enough14:19
kanzure"The Epson™ F057020 print head (available from Agson Electronics, Cherry Hill, NJ) print head is uniquely suited to inkjet microarraying. It contains six fluid channels that can hold the four standard monomers, the catalyst, and still accept a modified monomer, monomer mixture, or preformed linker. It contains 192 total nozzles. The droplet size quoted by the manufacturer is a mere 6 pL. Droplet size varies with viscosity and surface ...14:20
kanzure... tension, and consequently temperature, but based on solvent consumption for the work described here, our droplet sizes are closer to 10 pL. The newer Epson print heads actually have more nozzles that squirt smaller volumes (4 pL). More nozzles can result in faster synthesis. These tiny droplet volumes (4-10 pL) enable high spot densities and make consumption of reagents hard to measure, but that keeps the costs down. "14:20
-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xacmwbxhaoulmhgv] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:20
yoleauxOpentrons : Pick & Place - YouTube14:20
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kanzureCaptHindsight: some use of pipette tips require manual change after each transportation task (e.g., load liquid, move, dispense liquid, get new tip)14:20
CaptHindsightok, then it should be automated14:21
kanzurethermal print head can't be used here according to the documentation14:21
kanzure( http://bioinformatics.org/pogo/POSAM_Man_Ch1_Assembly_v1-2_040601.pdf )14:21
kanzure(page 6)14:21
CaptHindsightwhat is the solvent used for the AGTC vehicles?14:23
CaptHindsighthave a link to the supplier?14:24
CaptHindsightmust be water free14:25
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kanzure_ah there is an update, http://techdev.systemsbiology.net/posam/POSAM_Man_Ch1_Assembly_v1-4_050511.pdf14:32
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kanzure_192 nozzles. hm.14:34
CaptHindsightwow some of the drawing are 15 years old14:34
CaptHindsightjust think how much of this tech would be farther along if more people were working on this14:34
kanzure_hm that group also does microfluidics foundry stuff http://corefacilities.systemsbiology.net/fabrication14:36
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CaptHindsightthe DNA "laser printer" is an intermediate step, the molecular printer is what we really need14:56
CaptHindsightmetals are easy14:56
kanzurecan you describe your implementation idea?14:56
CaptHindsightI'm pondering14:57
CaptHindsightstill looking at what is already out there14:57
CaptHindsightit would cross over into building a replicator or transporter15:00
CaptHindsightso pretty widespread applications15:00
CaptHindsightbut the inkjet is straightforward and simple15:01
CaptHindsightI wonder if anyone made an open Epson head controller yet15:02
CaptHindsightwe could use a Mesa FPGA card for that with some additional analog for driving the head15:03
CaptHindsightor their ethernet FPGA card15:05
CaptHindsightPrice: US$59.0015:06
kanzurei'm not worried about motion control, mesa cards are fine everyone has worked with them before15:07
CaptHindsightthe FPGA would also drive the printhead15:09
CaptHindsightalong with some additional analog circuitry15:10
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kanzureCaptHindsight: yep15:30
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CaptHindsighthttp://www.glenresearch.com/Catalog/ultramild.php#p20  they don't mention the vehicle15:50
yoleauxABI DNA Synthesizer | Monomers | Supports | Columns | Glen Research15:52
kanzurei think if we purchase anything it should be from azco biotech15:52
kanzurefirst reason is because azco biotech does lots of dna synthesizer equipment stuff plus reagents15:52
kanzureanother reason is that they have been friendly on the diybio mailing list before- so they are at least okay with talking with people who aren't employed by an academic institution15:52
kanzureand finally, the dude i bought the abi 391 from, apparently had been working with azco biotech to get his phosphoramidites etc15:53
CaptHindsightapparently the printheads last for a few months15:54
CaptHindsight3 month swap for preventative maintenance15:55
CaptHindsightnot sure if they used it 24/715:55
CaptHindsight" When acetonitrile is used as the solvent, 200 ppm water will reduce coupling efficiency 50% (Brown and Brown,15:56
CaptHindsight1991). Enclosing the working area just above the microarray slides with the smallest possible volume would greatly improve the purity during the coupling step. "15:56
kanzurei doubt they used it 24/7--- at minimum they have to do all that pumping before/after use to replace the atmosphere, and can't be used during that15:57
kanzureperhaps there's a way to avoid losing atmosphere when replacing the slides with fresh slides?15:58
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kanzureyou could have a retractable cover that goes over the bottom of the enclosure, then you remove the slides underneath, maximum gas loss is from much smaller volume15:58
jrayhawk_eleitl: if you have a particularly good usecase for a system with multiple xeon phis, let me know. i built one for the local university but there's been near-zero pressure to actually get it deployed.16:04
kanzurehow sad16:05
jrayhawk_they would, in principle, like to run interesting research projects on it16:05
CaptHindsightthe entire printhead needs to be in the chamber since the printhead relies on a slight negative pressure to operate16:08
CaptHindsightor the fluid won't jet or just run out of the nozzles16:09
CaptHindsightthe slides could go through an airlock16:10
kanzureairlock would probably be faster16:11
kanzurewould be interesting to have that automated too (if it's cheap/easy/not a catastrophe)16:11
kanzureprobably a stack of slides that slide off inside16:11
kanzureor a slide pick-n-placer16:11
CaptHindsightjust some valves, actuator and another drive system16:11
CaptHindsightthat to16:11
kanzurewell anyway-- it might speed things up, as long as they can be stored efficiently16:11
CaptHindsightstack of slides for the day/hours16:12
kanzureor not slides, i guess it's the pore things16:12
CaptHindsightsample tray16:12
CaptHindsightbuild tray16:12
kanzurenah just use ambiguous terminology like everyone else, "the workpiece"16:13
CaptHindsightnucleotide collector array16:14
kanzurenah, your trays are fine16:14
CaptHindsightstack of trays or a big rotary table with multiple trays?16:19
kanzurei think that only depends on ohw much room is available, and how the trays get stored16:20
CaptHindsightor belt drive for samples and airlock16:21
kanzureyea but where do they go once out of the airlock16:21
CaptHindsightverification and sorting good/bad16:22
kanzureif it requires human intervention then that's a bottleneck and you might as well not have multiple slides inside plus the airlock; you'll never be able to use the automatic slide placer because slides are going to be still in the airlock.16:23
CaptHindsightnitrogen filled slide cassette16:24
CaptHindsightwhat is the next device that the trays are off to?16:25
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kanzurewell, the beads need to be collected and some of them are placed into the same reaction chamber (some other pore, usually larger) for polymerase chain reaction (pcr) or gibson assembly16:26
CaptHindsightwell you have to plan out the entire production line and see what makes sense16:27
kanzure.wik gibson assembly16:28
yoleaux"Gibson assembly is a DNA assembly method which allows for the joining of multiple DNA fragments in a single, isothermal reaction. It was invented in 2009 by Daniel Gibson while he was at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI)." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibson_assembly16:28
kanzurethis was originally used for >100 kbp molecule synthesis16:29
kanzuremost interesting proteins are 1 kbp to 50 kbp, the extra space is useful for specifying other proteins at the same time16:29
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kanzurei think the median or average protein dna length is ~1.5 kbp16:30
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kanzuregreen fluorescent protein (gfp) is about ~700 bp16:32
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CaptHindsightkanzure: I saw the chart. That machine must have pipettes that transfer oligos from the printer sample tray to the gibson tray16:46
CaptHindsightcnc eyedropper and enzyme dispenser with heater16:47
kanzuremaybe not- perhaps you could flip the tray fast enough to transfer it by gravity.16:47
kanzureor surface tension could keep the beads inside each pore16:47
CaptHindsightfor parallel assembly16:47
CaptHindsightwe were doing similar with 1 liter bags of fragments16:48
CaptHindsighta gantry robot that would place bags of oligos in different temp baths16:49
kanzureoh, what for?16:49
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CaptHindsightbreak down DNA strands...16:51
CaptHindsightor for combining strands16:52
kanzurewas this something we discussed?16:52
CaptHindsightno, I'm under NDA for the exact application16:52
CaptHindsightbut it's not rocket science16:52
CaptHindsighti just built the machines16:52
CaptHindsightthey would also perform manual operations between automated steps16:53
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CaptHindsightthey aren't fully automated yet16:53
CaptHindsightif all the trays have the same oligos then yeah you could just dump the whole tray16:54
CaptHindsightI was thinking that a single tray would have multiple different oligos16:54
CaptHindsightand you might want to combine different oligos at different times16:55
CaptHindsightdon't we have to QC each oligo before assembling?16:56
CaptHindsightonly combine known good oligos and strands?16:56
kanzureah didn't understand that you mean previous work you did16:56
kanzurewhen i said dump i mean if you flip it fast enough i think you could line up the pores (upside down) to where you want gravity to take the payload16:57
CaptHindsighthow about sending me a flow chart of the whole operation16:57
kanzuredoes it have to be visual? i'm really not good at that, i am better with text16:58
CaptHindsightI follow you, we are just looking at the sample tray differently16:58
kanzureflipping/spinning was just a silly idea heh (only because if it works, it would be far faster than pipetting to get it to the gibson tray)16:59
CaptHindsightif the samples are arranged on the tray with a mirror of what they will get dumped into then you could flip the tray16:59
kanzurewell i think the destination has larger pores, but they align correctly or something (you would choose pore assignments based on this)16:59
kanzure(has larger pores because you are combining multiple strands)17:00
kanzurebut yes you're right that dna sequencing (reading) or quality control should be some step in this, in an ideal world17:00
CaptHindsightso to decide on how the printer should operate also depends on what machine the samples go to next17:00
kanzurenmz787 had some method based on shining a light on the sample to determine whether the strand is near the correct mass... i forget the details of his technique.17:00
CaptHindsightso a flow chart is probably the next step17:01
kanzuredo you have an example flow chart you have done work from in the past? possibly one you could share privately with me17:01
CaptHindsightthe sample trays can be designed to make this easy17:02
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CaptHindsightso far we have inkjet printer ---> Gibson assembler17:03
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CaptHindsightbut it looks like all the steps haven't been all thought out17:03
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CaptHindsightprinter ---> QC with light measurement ---> Gibson assembler17:05
kanzureno, i also mentioned pcr (polymerase chain reaction)17:05
kanzurequality control might have to be dna sequencing or mass spec or spectrophotometry17:05
kanzureafter gibson assembly you'd probably want to do polymerase chain reaction again17:06
CaptHindsighttry to standardize the trays to work at each step17:06
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CaptHindsightsounds like we have an assembly line to design17:07
kanzureeventually you need to get an ecoli culture going where you insert the plasmid or gene into the cells, then visually identify whether gfp has been expressed17:07
kanzurewell, it depends on which parts you want to automate17:07
kanzuredna synthesis is the most important17:07
kanzurei think the posam people were only using their machine for dna hybridization reasons.. so they didn't have much for downstream processing..17:08
CaptHindsightlooks like you can build the whole assembly line for <$10k17:09
CaptHindsightthey spent $20k on motion components17:11
CaptHindsightbut it was off the shelf and plug and play17:12
CaptHindsightparker positioners, servos and drives17:13
CaptHindsightnice but pricey new17:13
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CaptHindsightI find them on ebay for 1/4 the price in great condition17:14
kanzurethat makes repeatability really hard- how are others going to make the same equipment in the future? just hope and pray that someone puts up similar equipment on ebay?17:14
kanzurebesides, i can afford $20k if necessary17:15
CaptHindsightwe can design our own17:15
kanzuremotion controllers? good point17:15
CaptHindsightthe electronics are all off the shelf, Mesa FPGA, a PC etc LPT port card, stepper drivers17:16
CaptHindsightthe analog to the printheads needs to be built17:16
kanzuresome of the valve switches looked pricey. haven't thought about making those.17:16
CaptHindsightthe stages can be timing belts, steppers and linear bearings17:17
CaptHindsightthose might have been chosen based on what catalog their procurement manager had17:18
CaptHindsightbut we can shop around17:18
kanzurehave you seen transcriptic's molecular biology assembly line?17:18
kanzureit's just a long linear assembly line basically17:19
kanzureand the actuation slides along the length of the enclosure17:19
CaptHindsight<-- watching video17:21
CaptHindsightyeah line and you can put loops in it17:22
CaptHindsightfor recursive operations17:22
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CaptHindsightheh systemd malware issue, back17:33
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kanzurei have uploaded that video to youtube for safekeeping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49X7nDBgaPc17:41
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delinquentme+1 kanzure17:50
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kanzureCaptHindsight: if you can send me an example flowchart, that would help. ideally one that you have actually found useful in the past.17:53
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maaku_wow they've come quite a way17:59
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kanzuregreetings maaku18:01
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kanzureCaptHindsight: hmm so if you are synthesizing 10,000 different variations of a 10 kbp gene (say for some protein), you may not want to introduce all strands simultaneously into cells in the same petri dish. so if cell culture automation is included in the design scope (which i think is a mistake- scope should be kept small), then it should be decided upfront whether the projects should be restricted to only those that are suitable for ...19:10
kanzure... inserting all dna variations into the same petri dish (same batch of cells).19:10
kanzureotherwise if you need 10k different cell cultures then your only practical option is bubble-based containment of cells in a microfluidic device. unless you have lots and lots of lab/facility space.19:12
kanzureand if you are making microfluidic devices then you might as well instead do some variation of http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/synthesis/Synthesis%20-%20Microfluidic%20PicoArray%20synthesis%20of%20oligodeoxynucleotides%20and%20simultaneous%20assembling%20of%20multiple%20DNA%20sequences%20(10%20kb).pdf19:13
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kanzureactually that's not true. large-scale petri dish management may not be so bad.....19:15
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CaptHindsightkanzure: you just make a modular system20:19
CaptHindsightsimilar to whats in the video20:19
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CaptHindsightand try to standardize the size of whatever makes sense20:20
CaptHindsightsample trays, dishes, whatever travels from station to station20:20
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