
--- Log opened Fri Jul 10 00:00:06 2015
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justanotheruserIs there a lot of redundancy in this database?02:32
justanotheruserIt seems bacterias gonna be about 600Gb02:32
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kanzureredundancy but also slight variation04:35
justanotheruseryeah, doesn't look like it would be cost efficient to do my own compression05:03
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kanzure.tell delinquentme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiyxPae4h5A&t=17m30s05:18
yoleauxkanzure: I'll pass your message to delinquentme.05:18
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kanzure.title http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2015/lc/c5lc00297d06:33
yoleauxReagent pencils: a new technique for solvent-free deposition of reagents onto paper-based microfluidic devices - Lab on a Chip (RSC Publishing)06:33
kanzure.tilte http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/20750906:34
kanzure.title http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/20750906:34
yoleauxLong-term culture and high-resolution imaging of C. elegans using an automated microfluidic platform06:34
kanzure"We describe a microfluidic platform for the automated culture, treatment and long-term high-resolution imaging of C. elegans. Our device features: (i) a microfluidic design tailored for the isolation of L4 larvae from a mixed larval population and for their successive culture and treatment; (ii) a worm immobilization method, based on the thermoreversible sol-gel transition of the biocompatible triblock copolymer Pluronic F127 inside the ...06:34
kanzure... microfluidic chip, thereby enabling high-resolution imaging; (iii) an integrated temperature control system, both to ensure viable environmental conditions for C. elegans culture and to steer the worm immobilization/release process. We apply this device to observe mitochondrial dynamics in muscle cells during aging at single worm resolution."06:34
eudoxiasecond trubrain shipment's arrived07:05
eudoxiai took a boost one this time07:05
eudoxiaif i don't push to github in 2 days call an ambulance07:05
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eudoxiawell this is underwhelming08:10
Adlai"underwhelming" is underinformative08:11
eleitlkanzure, do you have a working link for LG source code?08:14
eleitlThe usual one 404s.08:14
kanzuredon't think so08:14
eleitlDo you think the magnets will work for the corpus?08:15
kanzureget it from usenet08:15
eleitlhttp://libgen.education/repository_nzb/ ?08:16
kanzuredoesn't work for me08:17
kanzureso far magnets have not been reliable for me08:17
eleitlmight be geoblocked08:17
eleitlusenet where?08:17
kanzureit's mentioned on their forum somewhere08:19
eleitlYes, found it. Thanks.08:20
kanzureah faster than me, weird08:20
eleitlI had forum open already.08:22
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eleitlnzb health is questionable08:26
eleitlkanzure, how many TB at the moment?08:26
kanzurei delegated this and the person is sleeping at the moment08:27
kanzurewhat a slacker, right? sleeping and such08:28
eleitlWhat next, eating? Breathing, perhaps?08:28
kanzuremike gave me his phone number, says to call whenever08:28
eleitlGreat. Get ready for some phone bills.08:29
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nmz787_ioh man, HackBnB is a great idea (give somone your place to stay while you're out of town, in exchange for hacking progress)09:38
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r167-57-33-209.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has quit [Quit: Leaving]09:38
kanzureer... that implies that the value of hacking is less than or equal to the value of a place to stay? that's weird.09:39
nmz787_iguess you just need to rent to less-experienced hackers?09:42
nmz787_ialso, you don't necessarily need to run the hacker ragged09:42
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CaptHindsightanyone try these yet?  http://www.automationtechnologiesinc.com/products-page/ac-servo-motors/the-ac-servo-driver-ac-servo-motor-400w-set09:50
TMAmaybe the expected depreciation of the place to stay (say 10% chance of the apartement being razed) is factored in09:50
CaptHindsighttjtr33  have you seen these at Keiling yet?09:51
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CaptHindsighthttp://www.cs-lab.eu/en/produkt-31,3-simDriveAC_Servo_400W_325V_Model_M4H040K.html  anyone ever heard of/used them?10:01
nmz787_iCaptHindsight: they look OK for some applications10:03
nmz787_iI have not used or heard of them specifically10:04
CaptHindsightheh, posted to the wrong channel10:04
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CaptHindsightnmz787: looks like a low budget brand of servo drives and motors10:06
nmz787_iyeah, there are certainly lower budget ones too10:10
nmz787_ithose seem pretty high power compared to what you can get on the lower end10:10
CaptHindsightAC servo motor and drives for less than the price of closed loop 0.36 deg steppers and drives10:10
CaptHindsightin equivalent power specs10:11
nmz787_imost stuff I'm interested in needs interferometry, linear-slides, or some sort of optical (visual or computer vision) feedback to close the loop10:12
CaptHindsightyeah for sub micron10:13
CaptHindsighteven for <5um over temp10:13
nmz787_iCaptHindsight: so do you want that synthesizer shipped over to you?10:28
nmz787_ithe almost-posam-minus-the-inkjet-head-and-open-'air'-wells?10:28
nmz787_iwith closed source controls that would need to be hacked on, and the pretty inefficient synthesis method it can perform... it would be a decent undertaking just to get it turned on and running like it used to10:30
-!- Guest25136 is now known as maaku10:35
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r167-57-33-209.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:50
juri_kanzure: as a free software/hardware hacker, i find the price of living in my preferred location is greater than the value placed on my 24/7 hacking activities.11:01
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CaptHindsightnmz787: they used Parker Ballscrew positioners and parker sevro dives, I use those all the time11:24
CaptHindsightthose were expensive 15 years ago11:24
CaptHindsightlooks like they spent ~$18K on drives, motors and positioners11:26
CaptHindsightouch, they even bough Parker cables, thats >$1500 right there11:27
CaptHindsight$23K on the stage and optical table11:27
nmz787_ii'd spend that too if i had it, and wanted things to be turn-key11:27
CaptHindsightthere are equivalent stages for less11:28
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CaptHindsighteven now from parker11:28
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juri_I'm in the process of building a robot on an optical table.11:29
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juri_it's been a long process. tight budget. AKA, what i can beg, borrow, and steal.11:30
CaptHindsightyeah, I've seen your other machines11:31
CaptHindsightnice job with limited budget and tools11:31
CaptHindsightI have a complete cnc shop so it makes it easier11:31
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juri_as long as i stay in the free hardware/software world, limited budgets and tools are a thing.11:40
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CaptHindsightI find lots of bargains on very high end components since they are typically outside the range of hobbyists budget and skill11:47
CaptHindsightlots of people have trouble tuning servos and shy away from them11:47
kanzureyes, the posam people overspent on their actuation equipment11:51
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justanot1erusersooo much Escherichia_coli11:59
justanot1eruserI need a server setup so I can use all their bandwidth12:00
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kanzureCaptHindsight: perhaps we could do a deal with a mail-order dna synthesis company (e.g. they sponsor parts/labor or some other aspect)12:12
kanzurejustanot1eruser: whatcha up to anyway12:14
justanot1erusertrying to download refseq from Virginia Tech since apparently they're more competent than the National Institute of Health (who never replied to my email btw)12:20
justanot1erusergoogles new thing? Forget what it's called12:20
kanzure(from http://googleresearch.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/inceptionism-going-deeper-into-neural.html ) (apparently these algorithms like eyeballs)12:20
kanzurejustanot1eruser: well it's a thursday/friday, you can't expect them to work on a thursday/friday12:21
justanot1eruserright, that probably is against union rules12:25
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CaptHindsightkanzure: the big questions are how easy should a new POSaM be to copy? Budget, skill, resourcefulness etc12:56
CaptHindsightalso how fast and how accurate do you want the drops12:56
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CaptHindsighteasy for since me I find bargains on things like linear servos, air bearings, drivers etc and have a CNC shop12:58
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CaptHindsightthe surface tension of the drops is going to pull them onto the layer below so 20um repeatability is low cost, fast and easy to reproduce without NASA level skills13:00
CaptHindsightthere should be plenty of room to squeeze the printhead control into the Mesa FPGA13:09
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kanzureCaptHindsight: how easy to copy... hmm. well, very.13:23
CaptHindsightkanzure: so no real machining involved13:28
CaptHindsightjust assembly13:28
kanzurehmm. that is a good question.13:28
kanzureit depends on how advantageous the machined part would be13:29
CaptHindsightthat means a pre-drilled surface plate, brackets etc13:29
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kanzurehmmm well those aren't very difficult to machine13:30
CaptHindsightdepends on your tools13:30
CaptHindsightwhat you have available13:31
CaptHindsightdo you have a mill?13:31
kanzurenah not at the moment13:31
CaptHindsightwell will others?13:31
kanzurewell.... let's pick a target audience. there's a bunch of options.13:31
kanzureif we want something that a stereotypical "biohacker" can throw together, then no machining- most biohackers don't have cnc equipment13:32
CaptHindsightI can design with all off the shelf or full custom and anywhere in between13:32
kanzureare any of the off-the-shelf particularly tricky to machne on your own if someone wants to?13:32
CaptHindsightfor me I see it all as legos13:32
CaptHindsightwell I could machine custom brackets and make them available13:33
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CaptHindsightthe printhead and the valves need a custom bracket no matter what13:34
kanzureah interesting point13:34
CaptHindsightalso the CNC control and printing software allow for flexibility13:35
CaptHindsightit's easy to have a 20 x 30cm XY or 30 x 35cm XY but just changing positioners available to you13:35
CaptHindsightthen you just need different mounting locations for the surface plate13:36
kanzureyep, agreed13:36
CaptHindsightdo we make one standard design that it is easy enough to modify based on what you can scrounge?13:37
kanzurefurther note: if we expect "biohackers" to machine their own parts, then we should anticipate them to have approximately zero cnc experience and should not expect them to be bevel masters or something13:37
CaptHindsightI see CNC hobbyists even screw up simple things like how to mount something square13:38
CaptHindsightor choosing something rigid enough13:38
CaptHindsightmost people like the comfort of plans that they can follow13:39
kanzureas long as cad files and schematics are available, it doesn't matter if someone has to buy the parts from you or some other vendor13:39
CaptHindsightlike Ikea only if you have a wood shop you can further customize13:39
kanzureanother detail you should consider is if you want to be shipping out plates, brackets and doohickeys to biohackers for a while :-)13:39
CaptHindsightwith CAD files they can even hire a local shop to fab something13:40
CaptHindsightbut people often get lost with things like how to mount a positioner square and level13:40
CaptHindsightso maybe a standard design that people can follow to the letter and if they have the skills and tools they can easily make changes13:41
CaptHindsightit's just becomes a support nightmare if you want to help them with something custom13:41
CaptHindsightwe see it with CNC machines all the time13:42
CaptHindsightand this is a bit more precise than a reprap that you have to massage to get working just right temporarily13:42
CaptHindsightthis is an order of magnitude more precise13:43
CaptHindsightthe custom PCB will have schematics and PCB files (gerbers)13:45
CaptHindsightand a BOM, I doubt that they will change that13:45
CaptHindsightthe stage has to be aligned square and level13:46
CaptHindsightpremade parts will bolt together and have pins for alignment13:46
CaptHindsight^^mechanical parts13:46
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kanzureCaptHindsight: https://azcobiotech.com/reagents-for-oligonucleotide-synthesis/liquid-reagents/13:56
kanzureCaptHindsight: https://azcobiotech.com/reagents-for-oligonucleotide-synthesis/phosphoramidites/13:57
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CaptHindsightkanzure: it would be nice to have those in a proper bottle and connector14:10
kanzurei don't know the names of the necessary connectors14:12
CaptHindsightthey look like they might have a septum or membrane on the 1g bottle14:13
CaptHindsight4g bottle14:13
CaptHindsightthe 1g looks like a screw cap14:13
CaptHindsight The tubing connects to the needle inlets with 1.6 mm I.D. PharMed® tubing and to the vials with 20 gauge non-coring stainless steel needles, 5 cm in length.14:18
CaptHindsighthttp://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v1/715061888/r290_print_head_Epson_Stylus_Photo_P50.jpg  the tubing slips over those posts on the printhead14:20
CaptHindsighthttp://imagebin.ca/v/28BvcTBHB1Fz  and needles on the other end as shown here14:23
CaptHindsightbetter shown here  http://imagebin.ca/v/28BwOYErioQv14:25
kanzureexposing the contents of those bottles to normla atmosphere is very very bad14:44
CaptHindsightyes, why it would be nice to have a sealed system14:44
CaptHindsightno needles14:44
kanzurebrb lunch14:44
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CaptHindsightkanzure: I didn't notice that the POSaM printhead parking it self between prints15:06
CaptHindsightso an inert atmosphere is assumed when printing15:07
CaptHindsighthaving to purge everything is kind of a pain as well15:08
kanzureyup, it's argon15:09
kanzureor er... the abi 391 uses argon. dunno what posam used.15:09
CaptHindsightsomeone mentioned it's the water that really needs to be kept out15:09
kanzureoxygen also tends to be reactive15:10
CaptHindsightI'd think15:10
kanzure"okay so now for the REAL plan, let's ignite the oxygen atmosphere inside of the enclosure and just burn all the gas out" er....15:12
CaptHindsightany idea how long the reagents can sit in the heads?15:12
CaptHindsightwelding gas is cheap and easy to get15:12
kanzureno clue, i think we're going to have to test that sort of thing15:12
CaptHindsightis there a fluid we can use as a flush that can stay in the heads?15:13
kanzurequite likely15:13
CaptHindsightthere is a little bit of mixing that goes on inside the area behind the nozzles15:13
CaptHindsightthe volume is ~25uL15:14
CaptHindsightit would be nice to not lose any reagent, or at least minimize loss and and contact with 02 and water15:14
CaptHindsight- 1 and15:15
kanzuremaybe you could pull some plastic wrap over the inkjet head, for when you want to expose the rest of the enclosure to normal atmosphere15:15
CaptHindsightwith inkjet fluids you just waste purge15:15
kanzure(the posam enclosure had human-sized gloves to work with the contents inside)15:15
CaptHindsightwe can make a condom for the printhead15:16
kanzureactually a condom might work fine :P15:16
CaptHindsightand actual inkjet industry term15:17
CaptHindsightsome fluids have high vapor pressures so you don't want them drying in the nozzles15:18
CaptHindsightso you park and cap the nozzles15:18
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CaptHindsightmost desktop inkjet printers do this over a waste tank or sponge to be sure enough ink gets wasted daily15:44
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVFscjOsPRA15:53
yoleauxCarbon Based Lifeforms - Interloper [2010] . HQ - YouTube15:53
CaptHindsightkanzure: if we make the print area smaller it will also become more affordable15:53
CaptHindsightthe vacuum check for the slides in the POSaM is ~12" x 12"15:55
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CaptHindsightwhat's our slide/tray size?15:56
kanzurelarger means more spots, so it's a tradeoff15:57
CaptHindsightplus they have an oversized work volume15:57
CaptHindsight20" x 24" x 4" for only a 12" x 12" slide area15:58
CaptHindsightwe can downsize to 14" x 14" travel15:59
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juri_CaptHindsight: why the mesa FPGA? I've got a spartan 6 here...16:14
CaptHindsightjuri_: Mesa is the board maker16:15
CaptHindsightit uses a Xilinx16:15
juri_is it a spartan 6 lx9 or lx45?16:16
CaptHindsightdepends on the board we choose16:16
juri_those are the only two FPGAs i'll support, here. ;)16:16
CaptHindsightand if we also squeeze the printhead controller into it along with motion control16:16
juri_(supported by FPGATOOLS)16:17
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CaptHindsightThe 6I24 use a Xilinx Spartan6 X16 or X25 FPGA in a 256 ball BGA package: XC6SLX16FTG256 or XC6SLX25FTG256 depending on 6I24 model.16:19
CaptHindsightI'll be using the Xilinx tools but you are free to use whatever you wish16:20
juri_sounds like a plan.16:22
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CaptHindsightkanzure: http://imagebin.ca/v/28D3LRO00bQ8  DNA inkjet block diagram18:14
kanzureCaptHindsight: needs moar sensors, like humidity, temperature, vibration (just kidding), maybe something else18:16
CaptHindsightheh, all part of the IO we decide18:16
kanzurewhat about the actuation for replacing the atmosphere in the enclosure?18:17
CaptHindsightsolenoid valves18:18
CaptHindsightkanzure: rev 0.1 specs sent18:24
kanzureCaptHindsight: could you be more specific about the things you are hoping i will edit? sorry about being clueless here.18:27
CaptHindsightkanzure: I'll fill in much more18:29
kanzureit would be very helpful if you have a set of docs for another older project (i could even sign an nda) for a sample of what sort of things you'd like me to help work with you towards18:29
CaptHindsightdon't worry18:30
CaptHindsightwe can finish the spec over the weekend18:32
nmz787_iget some of these for temp and humidity... good to saturation and will keep working, and all compensated and digital-out https://learn.adafruit.com/dht18:35
nmz787_ithe sht series are the cheaper chinese ripoffs18:35
nmz787_iand these for CO2, if you were to need that (I don't think so) http://www.co2meter.com/products/k-30-co2-sensor-module18:36
nmz787_i(in general though, that last one is a NIR monochromatic spectrometer18:37
CaptHindsightwell those would nice to have to know that you are at ZERO O218:37
CaptHindsightin case there's something wrong18:37
nmz787_ior, well, since it's a monochromatic system, maybe it would be called a chromameter?18:37
CaptHindsightwe'll focus on all the long lead time parts first18:38
CaptHindsightprinthead controller, linear positioners18:38
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kanzureyou might need -80 or -20 celsius freezers18:53
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kanzurenature.com seems to be down20:26
kanzure"Recording action potentials from the surface of the brain" http://www.buzsakilab.org/content/PDFs/Khodagholy2014.pdf20:29
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.22:34
FourFiregood morning22:48
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