
--- Log opened Wed Jul 15 00:00:11 2015
-!- BearyMad is now known as Madplatypus00:01
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fennugh i am STILL awake so i guess i will dump my reconaissance report here01:49
fenncounterculture labs looked very early in the startup phase of a hackerspace and i don't think they're really ready to either house the dna synthesizer or make good use of it01:50
fenncurrently the lab has no plumbing, and despite the copious quantities of stuff everywhere, nothing quite seems to work01:51
fennthe majority of their recurring income is from classes and workshops, and they seem worried about getting a sustainable membership base to support the space with dues01:52
fennit seemed like there were not very many members at all, and most of them part of the vegan cheese iGEM project (?) which will end soon ish01:53
fennlab activities mostly confined to fermentations of various sorts, mushroom growing, and construction01:53
fenni don't know if all biohackerspaces are like this or what01:57
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fennalso there was in fact pizza and beer, and there was also a meeting02:28
fenneverybody wins?02:28
kanzureoh right they probably have the same terrible membership model as everyone else03:32
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kanzurewell, maybe i should just ship the whole thing to my mom's shop and tell her to deal with it :P03:39
fennit would be less than useless there03:40
fenni think everyone is seriously underestimating the amount of tweaking and fiddling that will be necessary to get good dna out03:41
kanzureworst case scenario is, i could hire an organic chemist to fix all our mistakes03:42
fennthat would be a best case scenario03:46
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kanzureoh, well then let's go find a chemist04:08
kanzurei've been meaning to see if we could recruit the dude who sold me the abi 391 synthesizer04:23
kanzurealthough he seemed a little hilariously strong on the conservative axis04:23
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kanzurehttp://tronclub.com/ electronic-circuit-kit-per-month thingy.04:27
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kanzurealso, are the reaction conditions for phosphoramidite oligonucleotide synthesis really incompatible with enzymes? enzymes would really make a lot of this better.04:52
kanzurethermostable ligase can probably be mutated to hell and back to be more selective about which strands it combines, which you would add to the cycling ligase reaction depending on which strands you know need to be combined on each cycle, perhaps04:52
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kanzure"Ligation of 5' dna overhangs to 3' dna overhangs using short single-stranded oligonucleotide linkers" (1997) http://www.biotechniques.com/multimedia/archive/00011/97233bm14_11730a.pdf05:39
kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v391/n6664/abs/391288a0.html05:44
yoleauxDNA shuffling of a family of genes from diverse species accelerates directed evolution : Abstract : Nature05:44
kanzure.title http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/19/15/4247.short05:46
yoleauxChemical ligation of DNA: the first non-enzymatic assembly of a biologically active gene05:46
kanzureselenium-mediated autoligation of dna strands http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja994019h?journalCode=jacsat05:48
kanzure"Non-polymerase-cycling-assembly-based chemical gene synthesis: strategies, methods, and progress" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S073497500700116405:49
-!- nottimschmidt [~timschmid@] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:49
kanzure"Synthesis of DNA fragments in yeast by one-step assembly of overlapping oligonucleotides" http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2009/09/10/nar.gkp687.abstract05:49
kanzure"Here it is demonstrated that the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can take up and assemble at least 38 overlapping single-stranded oligonucleotides and a linear double-stranded vector in one transformation event. These oligonucleotides can overlap by as few as 20 bp, and can be as long as 200 nucleotides in length. This straightforward scheme for assembling chemically-synthesized oligonucleotides could be a useful tool for building ...05:49
kanzure... synthetic DNA molecules."05:49
kanzurehuh i wonder where this came from http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/dna-assembly/05:51
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kanzure"Combimatrix, which uses the electrochemical platform developed by Egeland and Southern (17)" Electrochemically directed synthesis of oligonucleotides for DNA microarray fabrication (2005)05:54
kanzurehuh, the inkjet dna synthesis method was apparently pioneered by the hood lab (which built posam). apparently they were the first?05:54
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kanzure"Nonenzymatic plasmid ligation mediated by minor groove-binding molecules" http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bi00192a01706:01
kanzure"Electrochemically induced DNA cleavage by copper-bipyridyl complex" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S138824810300321706:02
kanzure.title ligation assembly gene06:07
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.06:07
kanzure"It has been observed that concentrated solutions of short DNA oligomers develop liquid crystal ordering as the result of a hierarchically structured supramolecular self-assembly." http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150310/ncomms7424/full/ncomms7424.html?hc_location=ufi06:07
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r167-57-0-31.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:08
kanzurehuh, we don't have a chemical ligation method for dna really.06:13
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CaptHindsightBeer Church was proven to be successful. Hold brewing classes on brewing starting from the atomic level07:15
nmz787_iI think L.A. biohackers is more 'together', from the sound of things I've heard... I also think biocurious is pretty together... but apparently they don't like us (or do they not like kanzure???)?07:21
nmz787_itogether at least in terms of funding for the space and equipment and plumbing and such07:21
nmz787_ihaving someone in those places who is willing to hop on here for reporting or debugging would be good though07:22
nmz787_iI think keoni could be persuaded to get on here07:22
kanzurei thought biocurious is perpetually underfunded and on the verge of closing07:26
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juri_again, i can reach out to BUGS. I have visited their wetlab, and can confirm educated people, plumbing, a working vent hood, and rigorous contamination prevention procedures. they clone any plant there.07:58
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kanzureyes but it's an hour trip for you08:06
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kanzurethat's wrong in all sorts of evil ways08:06
juri_just offering what i can.08:08
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kanzurewell there's always brmlab09:07
paskywhat about brmlab?09:09
kanzurewell we are building an inkjet dna synthesizer09:09
kanzureand we need a home for it09:09
kanzuresomewhere it will be loved and maintained and used09:10
paskyhmm, sounds cool, but tbh i don't think the biolab at brmlab is very active, we never got a critical mass going; the other trouble is that making GMOs is illegal in europe09:10
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kanzurepasky: ok understood. got any other places?09:11
paskykanzure: la paillase or w/ever it's spelled? also a large biohackerspace in london afaik; legal problems may be the same, though09:15
kanzureyeah it seems like most of the bio groups suffer from the exact same problems09:17
kanzureabsolutely no learning is happening09:18
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juri_that happens in hackerspaces, as well.09:24
juri_hense, why i like the freegeek model. too bad i'm running a hackerspace. ;)09:25
nottimschmidthackerspaces are extraordinarily difficult beasts09:26
kanzurethey are broken by design09:26
kanzureneeds better design09:26
nottimschmidtHaving founded one with which I am now disenchanted, I have to agree.09:27
kanzurei think a consulting firm model would work better09:27
kanzurewhere the consulting firm has paying projects (various mechanical things)09:27
kanzurethen the income pays for the toys and for the people to come in and break everything regularly09:27
nottimschmidtan income stream outside the membership's dues and the not-for-profit industrial complex would be helpful09:28
juri_freegeek arkansas ran off of public donations.09:28
kanzureif the members had money then they wouldn't be using a hackerspace anyway09:28
juri_tip jar next to the door.09:29
nottimschmidtwe have some members with money, and some of them are involved in running the hackerspace, and still nothing gets done, for the politics and hurt feels09:29
nottimschmidtleadership with a vision is a necessary component09:30
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nottimschmidtstrong communication is a necessary component09:30
nottimschmidtand the people exercising those things have to feel empowered and supported09:32
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archels_.suggest our aim is *10:07
yoleauxPerhaps our aim is *: ~ to keep this bathroom clean ~, ~ to satisfy red snapper ~, our aim is, ~ to provide ~, ~ true ~, ~ to keep this bathroom clean poster ~, ~ wakefulness ~, ~ to keep this bathroom clean wall decor ~, ~ too high and we miss it ~, ~ not to do away with corporations ~10:07
archels_.suggest our aim is to promote *10:08
yoleauxNo suggestions for our aim is to promote *.10:08
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archels_wait, never mind10:09
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juuli may have talked to them last night11:09
juulunfortunately i had to be part of the mesh weekly meeting and had not slept for 48 hours11:09
juulso i may have been a little short and weird11:09
juulhere's a ukulele duet of hotel california to make up for it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6BYgBnyDQs11:10
kanzureoh, probably people11:12
kanzure"The absence of physical dividers between the sites occupied by individual oligonucleotides, a very limited space on the surface of the microarray (one oligonucleotide sequence occupies a square 25×25 μm)[114] and the requirement of high fidelity of oligonucleotide synthesis dictate the use of site-selective 5'-deprotection techniques. In one approach, the removal of the 5'-O-DMT group is effected by electrochemical generation of the ...11:21
kanzure... acid at the required site(s).[115] Another approach uses 5'-O-(α-methyl-6-nitropiperonyloxycarbonyl) (MeNPOC) protecting group, which can be removed by irradiation with UV light of 365 nm wavelength.[114]"11:21
kanzurestrange how all of this seems to be biochemists or molecular biologists, and not any chemistry people?11:21
kanzure(last year) http://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/2014/06/pioneer-in-dna-synthesis-dies-at-age-92.html11:23
kanzureok history page http://www.trilinkbiotech.com/tech/oligo_history.asp11:26
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justanotheruserkanzure: it appears ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/refseq/archaea/Haloferax_elongans/latest_assembly_versions/ was just a symbolic link and it works fine11:48
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kanzurejustanotheruser: tricky12:25
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=989281012:25
yoleauxVim's 400 line function to wait for keyboard input | Hacker News12:25
CaptHindsightkanzure: I've been finding similar with bio not really working together with chemists12:34
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kanzureCaptHindsight: i know almost zero chemists.13:15
kanzurei think the one chemist that i know is..... eleitl.13:15
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paskyI think hackerspaces work fine, e.g. brmlab is; the thing is, about 1/3 of the founding members gradually left (not on bad terms, just lost interest) because it didn't live up to their dreams, but I think it was the dreams that were completely unrealistic; there's limited amount of brainpower you can gather at such a place, and it's fundamentally limited in that it doesn't pay the bills13:21
paskyI don't think a consulting firm model would work better, at least I've never seen a company like that which could find the balance to keep its "employees" at say 50% utilization13:22
-!- Madplatypus [uid19957@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-luojesymynogwvgz] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:23
paskyin the end, citizen science, hackerspaces etc. are just a post-work activity which you do in your limited spare time, much less than you spend working; with that time allocation and budget, there's only one ingredient that could compensate, and that's incredible statistically unlikely luck13:24
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CaptHindsightkanzure: I know several chemists and they look at radcure as some kind of voodoo13:38
CaptHindsightit seems to come down to what area of chemistry they are interested in13:38
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nmz787_iCaptHindsight: radcure?14:25
nmz787_iradical cures?14:26
nmz787_iUV curable resins?14:26
nmz787_iCaptHindsight: so are you a polymer chemist?14:26
nmz787_iCaptHindsight: have you head of .wik atrp ?14:27
nmz787_i.wik atrp14:27
yoleaux"Disambiguation: ATRP" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATRP14:27
nmz787_i.wik Atom-transfer radical-polymerization14:27
yoleaux"Atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) is an example of a reversible-deactivation radical polymerization. Like its counterpart, ATRA or atom transfer radical addition, it is a means of forming a carbon-carbon bond through a transition metal catalyst." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom-transfer_radical-polymerization14:27
kanzurei think it should be possible to make a linker chemistry that ligates two oligos together, which should be able to discriminate from itself. surely this should be a thing that people do...14:31
kanzurefor example: two sets of oligos, first set has A acceptor and B donor linker types on opposite ends, second set has B acceptor and C donor linker types on opposite ends14:32
CaptHindsightthis is more what I work with just about daily14:36
CaptHindsightnmz787_i: I've had to become one since I make all sorts of photopolymers, resins, paints, inks, coatings etc14:37
CaptHindsightI just finished a UV radical cured resin that is reverseable post cure to a liquid14:51
CaptHindsightI skimmed over the ATRP14:52
CaptHindsightI'll have to see how it can work with the bases14:53
CaptHindsightATRP is also used to make many of the oligomers I use14:56
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kanzurenmz787_i: whatever happened to http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/enzymaticSynthesisCycle.png15:56
kanzurecouldn't you use the base protection/deprotection scheme to combine an oligo with another oligo? you would cap the other end so that it does not react with itself. i guess that wouldn't work unless you only had 1 new oligo molecule in the pot. too bad....16:09
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nmz787_i.gc 4^616:42
yoleaux25,270,000,000 (site), 2,700,000,000 (api)16:42
nmz787_i.wa 4^616:43
yoleaux4⁶: 4096; Number name: 4 thousand 96; Number line: http://is.gd/GBpXLT16:43
kanzurenucleic acid chemistry research group https://www.mpibpc.mpg.de/hoebartner16:43
nmz787_ikanzure: it might have been something about the efficiency of hybridization or the ligase sitting down on such a short sequence... or maybe the whole handling even 4096 items16:44
kanzurewhy were we okay with a 4096 library? did we have a working ligation protocol.16:45
kanzure"Synthesis and properties of DNA oligonucleotides with a zwitterionic backbone structure" http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2014/CC/C4CC06371F16:46
kanzure"The nucleosyl amino acid (NAA)-modification of oligonucleotides is introduced, which enables the preparation of oligonucleotides with zwitterionic backbone structures. It is demonstrated that partially zwitterionic NAA-modified DNA oligonucleotides are capable of duplex formation with native polyanionic counterstrands and show retained sensitivity towards base-pairing mismatches."16:46
kanzure""The NAA-modification represents a novel artificial internucleotide linkage which enables the site-specific introduction of positive charges into the otherwise polyanionic backbone of DNA oligonucleotides.""16:47
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nmz787_ikanzure: I had some paper about minimally-viable PCR primers, and I think they showed some action down to 6bp17:11
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nmz787_ikanzure: can you grep the logs for my name and the word nucleotide... there is some modified nucleotide that I've mentioned before, but I can't remember the prefix/suffix17:13
kanzurenmz787_i: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/nmz787-nucleotide.log.txt17:14
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddtkszic4II17:20
yoleauxAndy James - Progressive Marathon - YouTube17:20
ParahSailina nucleotide that idt will do?17:23
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nmz787_ii think it was a succinate17:31
ParahSailinwhat does it do17:32
nmz787_iI think it was something about increasing efficiency in liquid-phase synthesis17:34
nmz787_i"To introduce dA, dC, and dG into the 3-terminal site, their 3 derivatives or other equivalents are required. Because succinic anhydride reacts with the nucleobases (Kume et al., 1984), the amino functions of these deoxyribonucleosides should be protected to avoid such side reactions."17:35
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nmz787_ihow can I easily upload a file using python?17:41
nmz787_ihmm, someone says this works for <1.5MB r = requests.post('http://httpbin.org/post', files={'report.xls': open('report.xls', 'rb')})17:42
ParahSailinyeah def use requests17:44
kanzurelesswrong says this might be acceptable scifi "the fall of doc future" http://docfuture.tumblr.com/post/82363551272/fall-of-doc-future-contents17:45
kanzure17:47 < feep> kanzure: it's like if alan moore wrote watchmen while an extrapolation of a bonobo CEV looked over his shoulder every few seconds and was like "you know, I bet your characters would have way fewer issues if they made out more"17:49
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kanzure"Optogenetic vision restoration using rhodopsin for enhanced sensitivity" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2613785221:15
kanzure"Optogenetic gene therapies are in development, but, to date, have suffered from the low light sensitivity of microbial opsins, such as channelrhodopsin and halorhodopsin, and azobenzene-based photoswitches. Several groups have shown that photoreceptive G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) can be expressed heterologously, and photoactivate endogenous Gi/o signaling. We hypothesized such a GPCR could increase sensitivity due to endogenous ...21:15
kanzure... signal amplification. .... Importantly, both the light responses of the retinal explants and the visually-guided behavior occurred reliably at light levels that were 2-3 orders of magnitude dimmer than required for channelrhodopsin."21:15
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ParahSailinbay area real estate in bubble?21:35
ParahSailinconsidering whether to buy21:35
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justanotheruserParahSailin: if a silicon valley bubble exists, then probably21:50
justanotherusernot a VC expert or anything, but I think "Yo" getting $10M in funding indicates a bubble21:50
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rigeljustanotheruser: yo bought zynga, so now they own AOL22:47
rigelafter zynga bought AOL last year22:47
nightthe plot thickens22:48
rigeloh, steve case. oh how the mighty have fallen.22:49
nightis this reddit stuff?22:49
nightOh, that's another Steve22:52
nighttoo many goddamn steves in silicon valley22:53
nightI read a line about "how the mighty have fallen" in reference to reddit steve yesterday22:53
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