
--- Log opened Sun Jul 26 00:00:22 2015
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xrr.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6zpEyDvdRA00:49
yoleauxIntro to DNA, DNA synthesis, and microfluidics (Nathan McCorkle) - YouTube00:49
xrrAt 34:38 he talks about an idea to use photoisomerization for DNA synthesis. What do you think? Have there been attempts to do this?00:49
xrrOh cool, it's you, nmz78701:00
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erasmusjustanotheruser  http://ktla.com/2015/07/22/dead-man-with-hundreds-of-weapons-linked-to-disappearance-of-oxnard-mother/01:15
justanotherusererasmus: why are you linking me this01:29
erasmuscause of your love for guns.01:29
erasmus!gun control01:29
erasmusgon control01:29
erasmusgun control01:29
erasmusyou removed it?01:30
erasmusdude had 6 ½ tons of ammo in his condo01:30
justanotheruserhow is this related to a love of guns?01:30
erasmus5 million in guns01:30
justanotheruserwhat did I remove?01:30
erasmusyou had a trigger for gun control01:30
erasmusit said like NO GUN CONTROL01:30
justanotheruserhow is this related to this channel? You don't need to message me in the one channel we share for things not channel related. IRC has private messages and you're not on my ignore list.01:31
justanotheruserIs a trigger for gun control a pun the NRA uses to describe gun control advocates?01:32
erasmusyer getting upset. I can tell.01:35
erasmusit's not important. Just an interesting read since it involves aliens.01:35
justanotheruserNot upset, just incredibly confused01:36
justanotheruserMy statement above may have sounded mad, but I was just pointing out the facts surrounding my confusion.01:36
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nshkanzure, systematisation of science may follow somewhat from the complexity-induced rigor and latent structure of computationalised empirical frameworks04:15
nshthere ought to be some kind of occam flow/drift that repositions concepts as they are translated into an algorithmic ecosystem04:17
nshthe complexity of representation and transformation lead to a kind of locality/proximity/relative-elucidation measure for different notions and models and givens04:18
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kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/news/visionary-leader-of-china-s-genomics-powerhouse-steps-down-1.1805906:39
yoleauxVisionary leader of China’s genomics powerhouse steps down : Nature News & Comment06:39
kanzure.title http://curbed.com/archives/2015/07/23/syd-mead-city-architecture-blade-runner-design-future.php06:40
yoleauxSyd Mead, the Artist Who Illustrates the Future - Estate of the Arts - Curbed National06:40
kanzure( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9950002 )06:42
kanzure"It hadn't occurred to me that Syd Mead might still be alive."06:42
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cluckjI love intersections of my personal and professional life07:27
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chris_99anyone heard of electroactive polymer displays before (i'd love to see a video of the one in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroactive_polymers)07:58
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kanzure.wik electroactive polymers08:20
yoleaux"Electroactive polymers, or EAPs, are polymers that exhibit a change in size or shape when stimulated by an electric field. The most common applications of this type of material are in actuators and sensors. A typical characteristic property of an EAP is that they will undergo a large amount of deformation while sustaining large forces." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroactive_polymers08:20
kanzurensh: i really don't think it's likely that anyone will ever be able to convince all the scientists to write in a format parseable by an "algorithmic ecosystem". that's just very very unlikely.08:23
nshno, but there will be some natural feedback between the folks having to model predictively08:25
nshand the folks wordsing up the models08:25
nshand if the former can actually educate the latter to minimise the friction of translation08:25
nshthen that's a convergence, if dragging and screaming no doubt08:25
nsh*dragged kicking and screaming08:26
PorbHeya people, anyone know of solid alternatives to CRISPR and TALEN?08:27
PorbTrying to do a little write up for Uni08:28
yashgarothporb, pretty much only zinc finger nucleases in that realm08:29
PorbZFNs, looking now - thanks yashgaroth! Know of any good places to find information?08:30
yashgarothum review articles I guess, depends on the level you're writing for08:31
PorbJust an introduction thing for comp sci students08:32
yashgarothehh just parse wikipedia then08:32
PorbYeah, that's the level I'm at right now, thanks anyway though08:33
kanzureyashgaroth: why does stuff cost so much08:33
yashgarothquality control, supporting the massive horde of biology graduates08:34
yashgarothmost stuff is being bought by people who aren't spending their own money08:34
PorbMost of it is being purchased by massive companies or universities, for them it's not that much08:36
PorbBut god it's  expensive, 400$ just to mess with cas908:38
yashgarothstill a lot cheaper than zfn/talens08:39
PorbFrom what i've read08:40
PorbZFN and TALEN both seem inferior to cas908:40
PorbFor almost any application08:40
yashgarothwell yeah you have to modify a protein instead of just RNA; not that RNA's the easiest thing to work with, but it's an improvement08:41
yashgarothI will say the pop-sci masturbation over crispr is a little too enthusiastic, like yeah it's cheaper but paying for TALENs was never the limiting factor in any experiment08:42
PorbIt's so hard to find related information on this stuff without getting into the whole "sciencealert" type of stuff08:44
kanzureuse scholar.google.com08:45
PorbOh shit, of course08:45
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cluckjthat's why we're here09:01
FourFirekanzure, finally running MD simulations now...09:18
FourFirenow, when the next one is done, I'm going to recompile gromacs to use GPU and latest AVX09:19
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kanzure /win 1710:29
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FourFireInteresting, but is it useful? http://mattg.co.uk/words/noaa_sdr/12:12
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kanzure" For the next three hundred years in Europe, grave robbing would be a persistent problem without any real solution.  So-called “Resurrectionists,” criminals who dug up corpses to sell to medical institutions, became rampant."13:12
kanzure"In Augusta, the Medical College of Georgia went so far as to acquire a slave for their body snatching needs. Grandison Harris had been purchased jointly by all seven members of the college in 1852, taught to read and write, and instructed to monitor newspapers for news of slave burials, and then to exhume the bodies of the recently deceased and return them to the school for dissection. "13:13
drethelinwhat happened after that13:13
drethelindid enough people start donating their bodies to science?13:13
kanzurefrom http://www.primerstories.com/2/grave-robbing13:14
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chris_99http://www.bioinspired.net/products-1.html - memristors in DIP - $19915:13
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shkanzure: Not sure why they call it a 'problem'.15:31
shSounds more like a solution to me.15:31
kanzurejust got this notification from sourceforge http://pastebin.com/yHxEB2Lu15:37
juri_ah, the cloud.15:39
kanzuresuperkuh: http://www.rtl-sdr.com/rtl-sdr-direct-sampling-mode/15:39
kanzurejuri_: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/3do9k0/sourceforge_is_down_due_to_storage_problems_no_eta/ct77o49 and https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=990869415:40
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superkuhYep, I am aware. I saw that rtlsdr hit the top of hackernews again this morning.16:37
superkuhThat rtl-sdr.com page is basically just a re-write of my own page.16:37
superkuhAnd by basically I mean almost a 1-to-1 copy.16:38
juri_I hate when that happens.16:38
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kanzure.wik shewanella oneidensis18:35
yoleaux"Shewanella oneidensis is a bacterium which can reduce poisonous heavy metal ions and can live in both environments with or without oxygen. This proteobacterium was first isolated from Lake Oneida, NY in 1988, which is where the name is derived from." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shewanella_oneidensis18:35
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erasmus.insult kanzure19:00
yoleauxyou slutty rectum-socket19:00
JayDugger.insult JayDugger19:02
yoleauxyou tone deaf dick-hammer19:02
JayDugger.insult JayDugger19:03
yoleauxyou tone deaf turd-blossom19:03
JayDugger.insult JayDugger19:03
yoleauxyou elitist slut-knob19:03
JayDugger.insult JayDugger19:03
yoleauxyou elitist boner-pirate19:03
JayDugger.insult JayDugger19:03
yoleauxyou racist ass-waffle19:03
JayDuggerAnd to think I'd learn such insults here!19:03
eudoxia"racist ass-waffle" 10/1019:20
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JayDuggerI favor "elitist boner-pirate."19:22
eudoxiai read elitist as eleitl19:24
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kanzurealexanra elbakyan is listed as the defendant20:01
kanzurei wonder if they figured it out because of http://gnusha.org/logs/2013-07-05.log20:02
kanzureoh it's not in there, good job team20:03
kanzurewe're definitely not the cause of her impending doom20:04
eudoxiawe did it guys20:07
cluckjwho in here is a john doe20:10
yashgarothI'm number 37!20:10
cluckjI think I met her once20:12
kanzureYOU get an indictment! and YOU get an indictment! everyone gets indictment.20:12
kanzureyes, we met her in 201020:12
kanzureat harvard20:12
eudoxia.wik demonym of kazakhstan20:14
yoleaux"The following is a list of adjectival forms of countries and nations in English and their demonymic equivalents. A country adjective describes something as being from that country, for example, "Italian cuisine" is "cuisine of Italy"." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_adjectival_and_demonymic_forms_for_countries_and_nations20:14
cluckjI'll have to write a bit into my paperbot stuff about its death :<20:14
fennpaperbot worked better before sci-hub anyway20:15
kanzureyeah but what if she also runs libgen20:17
kanzureas elsevier allegesw20:17
fennthat's almost entirely unimportant with respect to actual outcomes for her and for libgen20:18
ParahSailin_the armenian mafia will protect her20:26
kanzurewell it's not like she's done anything wrong20:27
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ParahSailin_well, the armenian mafia might not look too kindly on you outing her to the feds20:34
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