
--- Log opened Fri Jul 31 00:00:09 2015
--- Day changed Fri Jul 31 2015
xtalmathI wonder if the bluray head could be mounted on the quadrant piezo disk STM00:00
nmz787_iand you can overcurrent them on startup when they're cold00:00
xtalmathyes they have PD inside00:00
nmz787_ihmm, maybe... you wouldn't get much deflection with such an up close focal point00:01
nmz787_ithere is a reverse technique of something like that for ultraresolution raman microscopy though00:02
nmz787_iwhere they use a piezo crystal with the sample to be viewed mounted on it00:03
nmz787_iand resonate the sample, then pulse a laser at it00:03
nmz787_iand record the feedback on the piezo00:03
xtalmathhave you experimented with the bluray lasers?00:05
nmz787_ionly tried using a buspirate to connect up to the main-lookin chip on one of the drives I bought to mess with00:09
nmz787_iI have a regulated power supply to drive the laser if I had a gantry though00:10
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xtalmathhm lasersurplusparts.com from the article you posted is gone00:19
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BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: my reeducation program could benefit from your assistance00:48
BlueLobsteractually I think all of those positions are quite transhumanist00:49
BlueLobsterbut we can pick whichver of them you'd prefer to debate00:50
BlueLobsteris it bestiality, the age of consent, drugs or islam?00:50
BlueLobsterI'm kind of bored and wouldn't mind some productive conversation00:51
BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: you disagree that ideologies that have core tenets that fundamentally oppose the transhumanist agenda should be opposed by transhumanists?00:56
BlueLobsteris this just a place to talk about happy go lucky bullshit and none of the difficut steps necessary to move forward?00:56
justanotheruserthe only thing in that list that has anything to do with transhumanism is drugs00:57
justanotheruserhere is some drug info http://diyhpl.us/wiki/fda/00:59
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BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: ok so you're clearly fucked01:22
BlueLobsterhow does actively killing those whose core beliefs oppose transhumanism not promote the transhumanist agenda01:22
fluffyponyBlueLobster: what if I don't have an agenda?01:22
BlueLobsterthe rights of children may only matter insofar as children dont matter because only future children matter01:23
BlueLobsterfluffypony: then you are not a transhumanist01:23
BlueLobsteryou're a wannabe transhuman clown01:23
fluffyponyI'm not a transhumanist at all01:23
fluffyponyI never claimed to be01:23
BlueLobsterthat makes the debate easy, we have no real disagreement01:23
BlueLobsterfor some reason I thought this channel actually gave a shit about the future of the species01:24
lsparrishVote for Zoltan!01:24
BlueLobsterrather than some silly self improvement projects01:24
BlueLobstermight as well be scientologist at this pace01:24
fluffyponylsparrish: ZOOOOLTAAAAN!01:24
fluffyponyBlueLobster: I think that FSM is the future, and I await His coming down to save us01:25
fluffyponybut not all are worthy of being touched by His Noodly Appendage01:25
fluffyponyyou must believe to be saved01:25
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BlueLobsterfluffypony: that's ok.  I believe in universal disenfranchisement01:28
BlueLobsterso your opinions won't be an issue01:29
fluffyponyI believe in saving all people that want to be touched01:30
fluffyponyspread the word01:30
justanotheruserBlueLobster: people who fuck animals and deal with age of consent laws don't hurt or help the transhumanist agenda, they are completely unrelated01:31
BlueLobsterwell this seems impractical01:31
BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: disagree01:31
BlueLobsterfucking animals is a bit of a canard01:31
fluffyponylet us pray: http://i.imgur.com/sPDmpmc.jpg01:31
BlueLobsterhowever the rights of children help us move forward more rapidly if well instantiated01:31
BlueLobsteras soon as we can abandon the fantasy of the modern family the better01:31
BlueLobsterwe'll have more empowered, and more importantly emancipated, young scientists01:32
justanotherusermoney could be better spent on research than trying to change age of consent laws to further the transhumanist agenda01:32
BlueLobsterkids matter, drugs matter01:32
BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: disagree01:32
justanotheruserit's not as if kids become smarter and more productive when a 35 year old guy can fuck them01:32
BlueLobsterI think well get more time discounted change01:32
BlueLobsteremancipating smart kids01:32
BlueLobsterthan purely pouring dollars into research01:32
BlueLobsterwe could have that debate01:33
BlueLobsterbut as you can easily see01:33
BlueLobsterthe debate is partof a discussion of transhumanism01:33
justanotheruseremancipation is different from age of consent01:33
BlueLobsteryou do not have definitive proof that you are correct01:33
BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: I'm neoholtian01:33
justanotheruserand emancipation doesn't mean they suddenly become researches01:33
BlueLobsterbut emancipation implies being allowed to suck my cock01:33
BlueLobsterso it relates to the age of consent01:33
BlueLobsterit's a topic one can use01:34
justanotheruserlike the ice cream?01:34
BlueLobsterjohn holt01:34
BlueLobsterread "escape from childhood"01:34
BlueLobsterhe argues, among other things01:34
BlueLobsterthat kids should be able to drive if they can pass the test01:34
BlueLobsterbe able to vote if they can pass the test01:34
BlueLobstershould be able to choose their caretakers01:34
BlueLobsterrather than being slaves to their parents01:34
justanotheruserYour search - neoholtian - did not match any documents.01:34
BlueLobsterchattels of their parents01:34
BlueLobsterI am neo-holtian01:34
BlueLobsterI gave you the search term01:34
justanotheruserthe words you're making up have never been used01:34
BlueLobsterjohn holt01:34
BlueLobster"escape from childhood"01:34
BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: you know what else never existed before it did?01:35
BlueLobsterI forget my 4th item01:35
BlueLobsterbut it was totally transhumanism ready01:35
BlueLobsterthis channel really just feels like self indulgent navel gazing01:35
BlueLobsterrather than any sort of commitment to the furtherance of humanity01:36
BlueLobsterreal progress will not be made in our generations01:36
BlueLobsterbut the groundwork can be established01:36
justanotheruserthis isn't primarily a politics channel, though if you want to accomplish some political goal, one that would be very positive for the movement is passing the National Fab Lab Network Act, which will be far more useful than legalizing dog sex01:37
xtalmathlol "The measured efficiency for the first order efficiency was about 9.5%, which is in accordance to the plot presented byMoharam and Gaylord[19],..."01:38
BlueLobsteryes as I said01:38
BlueLobster"not primarily a politics channel"01:38
BlueLobstermay be better translated as "entirely fucking useless bunch of cunts"01:39
BlueLobsterbecause as far as I can tell people are trying to live the fantasy of transhumanism today01:39
BlueLobsterwhich will neer be a reality in your lifetimes01:39
BlueLobsterrather than actually promoting the cause01:39
justanotheruserthere are ways to accomplish transhumanist goals that are far more efficient than asking someone to make laws that make people act in a way that makes them more likely to further the transhumanist movement01:39
BlueLobstertoo bad.  Head in the clouds.01:39
BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: prove it01:40
BlueLobsterI"d like to see your list01:40
justanotheruserlist of what?01:40
justanotheruserworking on open source hardware01:40
justanotheruserworking on open source scientific software01:40
justanotheruserworking on research using these tools01:40
BlueLobsterI'm a julia contributor01:40
BlueLobstersometimes we need to multitask01:41
BlueLobsterdon't tell me you fucks aren't supporters of julia01:41
* BlueLobster rolls eyes01:41
BlueLobsterI'm massively disappointed in the transhumanist community in general beacuse as I said mostly self indlugent cunts01:42
BlueLobsterwho think it's going to benefit THEM01:42
BlueLobsterrather than future humans01:42
BlueLobsterbut also because "omg nootripics" and really not a lot of organization whatsoever01:42
BlueLobsterJulia.  Suck it.01:43
xtalmathBlueLobster: I think the best way forward, is to recognize that all communication is worthless unless truth is implied. and true is worthless unless its nonequivalence to false is regarded as desirable.01:44
xtalmathso consistency is the most important thing, and we should formalize all belief systems into MetaMath01:45
xtalmaththereby also gameifying reason, and making education dirt cheap01:45
justanotheruserself indulgence promotes progress01:46
xtalmathif society and schools of thought maintained explicit belief systems, then anyone who can prove true=false should be rewarded, as in such a belief system all statements can be proven both true and false01:46
xtalmathBlueLobster: but I do agree with the concept of family needing to go, and I think I can imagine quite a good compromise, its a bit long to explain the system I envision, so I won't explain unless you really want to hear it...01:47
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xtalmathBlueLobster: but I certainly do not believe sex with adults will enlighten children!01:48
xtalmathwith MetaMath, and a good visual interface, we could start a war on hypocrisy ;-)01:49
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BlueLobsterxtalmath: let's discuss tomorrow01:58
BlueLobsterpractically speaking I do not mind the creche system01:59
xtalmathin how many hours is that?01:59
xtalmathI don't know the creche system01:59
BlueLobsterI can enterin you now, but only for under .8 hours01:59
BlueLobsterit's the idea that we can raise kids better collectively and that parental rights should be earned, if at all  bestowed01:59
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BlueLobsterxtalmath: you disagree?02:35
xtalmathBlueLobster: at what age do most problems occur? the first 8 or after that?02:36
BlueLobsterdefine problem02:37
BlueLobsterare we looking at a simple mortality hazard model?02:37
BlueLobsterit's multimodal02:37
xtalmathany kind of occurence that causes people to consider a different way of organizing childhood throughout society02:37
BlueLobsterI see02:38
BlueLobsterso we're envisioning a candidate society02:38
BlueLobstera sample from many possible societies02:38
BlueLobsterwith this system as opposed to others?02:38
xtalmaththere is always room for improvement, which requires debate. if not we could just scrap the whole concept of democracy02:39
BlueLobsterthe women's right movement has been counterproductive in some ways02:39
BlueLobsteras it underlies the modern concept of a family02:39
BlueLobsterwhich is new02:39
BlueLobsterand more or less a lie02:39
BlueLobsterso I'd ay the risk is more or less immediate02:39
BlueLobsteryou are telling females they are not mommy, they are incubators02:39
BlueLobsterthey are of course welcome to participate02:40
fennwhy don't you work on artificial incubators instead of trying to boss people around02:40
BlueLobsterbecause I care about the people being bossed around02:40
BlueLobsterwhy is it legal to circumcise boys?02:40
BlueLobstercan't cut any other part of a child off legally02:40
BlueLobstersomehow baby boy dick is special02:41
BlueLobsterthey seem to be a neglected class02:41
xtalmathyes, I think the child as property of the parents is indirectly a result of the transition from nomadic to sedentary society. with things like industrial revolution (where parents who "have" more children can earn more by sending them to the factory) exacerbating the problem02:41
BlueLobsteralso because I think we can move forward more quickly02:41
BlueLobsterif we do not respect family structures that are obssessed with their past actions02:41
BlueLobsterxtalmath: it's much more recent than that, as an actionable concept02:41
BlueLobsteras recent as 100 years02:41
xtalmathBlueLobster: I fully agree that circumcision on boys is bad,02:41
BlueLobsterkids used to leave the family home pretty early02:41
BlueLobsterand work at a manor house or anywhere they could be gainfuly empluyed02:42
BlueLobsterthe modern family is very very new02:42
BlueLobsterfor the vast majority of classes of humans02:42
BlueLobsterxtalmath: let's just say it02:42
BlueLobstercircumcision on all genders is bad02:42
xtalmathBlueLobster: but hey, even here where I grew up, I was circumcised against my will, and it was my biggest trauma. and then years later, you read the law and you realize its been illegal all the time02:42
BlueLobsterxtalmath: sorry.02:43
BlueLobsterthere are a LOT of boys out there to protect02:43
xtalmathBlueLobster: what are your thoughts on revenge?02:44
xtalmathwhich is worse, revenge or propagation?02:44
BlueLobsterI only beleieve in prevention02:44
BlueLobsterbut revenge can be useful as a means to prevention02:44
xtalmathrevenge can be a form of prevention02:44
BlueLobsterif every boy cut the dick off the doctor who was paid to circumcise him02:44
BlueLobsteryou wouldn't find a lot of circumcisers02:44
xtalmathI have the impression you are trying to radicalize me ;)02:45
fennxtalmath: BlueLobster is a new member of the channel and his views are not representative of other channel members...02:45
xtalmathfenn: I'm pretty sure my views are not representative of a lot of people either02:45
BlueLobsterfenn: do other channel members beliefe that the body itegrity of children should be up to the whims of their parents?02:45
xtalmathbut to me the circumcision thing is very personal02:45
BlueLobsterwhy is there ONE part of a kid that's legal to cut off?02:46
BlueLobsterfor no medical reason02:46
BlueLobsteronly on boys02:46
BlueLobsterdon't be dumb02:46
fenni'd rather that this channel not turn into a hate spewing incitement to violence against $outgroup02:46
xtalmathBlueLobster: here in Belgium, no operation on children is legal, unless to prevent death02:46
BlueLobsterfenn: outgroup here is only defined as those who mutilate children02:47
BlueLobsteror more genreally those who do not futher the transhumanist agenda02:47
fennyou had a few other things in your list02:47
xtalmathin practice, the law is a piece of paper, a vague guideline, with the most important thing being paying taxes02:47
BlueLobsterfenn: well the muslims have to go02:47
BlueLobsterthey opporess women, they mutilate boys, they call forr the heads of those who do not tolerate them02:47
BlueLobsterthey cry about intolerance when their intolerance is not tolerated02:47
BlueLobsterthese are problems02:47
BlueLobsteras active transhumanists we have to address reality02:48
xtalmathBlueLobster: I don't think muslim's have to go. People can believe what they want, but they should not be allowed to do everything they want.02:48
justanotheruserfirst, time She was in my math class Long hair, brown skin with the fat ass Sat beside me, used to laugh, had mad jokes The teacher always got mad so we passed notes02:50
justanotheruserFORREST HILL DRIVES = FIRE02:50
justanotheruser*HILLS DRIVE02:50
fenni don't see how preventing circumcision will lead to immortality, transcendence etc02:51
xtalmathBlueLobster: muslims didnt circumcise me, batshit crazy mother (who only recently I learned used to be a prostitute in the past), asshole stepfather (who laughed at me as I was forced to go to the hospital, all the while funding it, while acknowledging its undesirability), and possibly perverted, but probably just corrupt surgeon did this to me02:51
xtalmathfenn: it won't02:51
BlueLobsterxtalmath: I'm inteerested in your ideas about how to limit the muslims02:52
BlueLobsterbecause the fundament of the current implmentation of their religion02:52
xtalmathpart of me believes, that if my mother had rebelled, and taken real revenge on whomever had wronged her, she would never have propagated this on me.02:52
BlueLobsterdemands compliance02:52
BlueLobsterxtalmath: sorry about your dick.02:53
xtalmathBlueLobster: what do you mean with limit? I believe education is the key02:53
BlueLobsterxtalmath: There are a lot of boys out there you can help.02:53
BlueLobsterxtalmath: how would you "educate" modern syria02:53
BlueLobsterI've been there02:53
BlueLobsterI fucking cry at night02:53
BlueLobsterbecause of what has happened to the country02:53
BlueLobsternot that my feelings matter02:54
BlueLobsterbut I'm not sure you know what you're dealing with02:54
fennwhy were you in syria?02:54
BlueLobsterin terms of the people who must be bombed02:54
BlueLobsterfenn: to visit some of the unesco sites?02:54
xtalmath"who must be bombed" ?02:54
BlueLobsterit was a long time ago02:54
BlueLobsterfifteen years the first time02:54
BlueLobsterdamascus is one of the oldest outposts of civizliation in known creation02:55
xtalmathBlueLobster: what is your background, where did you grow up? were your parents muslim?02:55
BlueLobsterthose thigs are worth seeing02:55
BlueLobsterxtalmath: my parents have phds in different things, I have a phd in another thing02:55
BlueLobsterI went to school mostly in the usa02:55
BlueLobsterI've lived in the usa and in europe and not as much of asia as I'd like02:56
xtalmathBlueLobster: why are you specifically focused on muslims circumcising boys?02:56
BlueLobsterI"m not02:56
BlueLobsterI'm mostly focused on killing all muslims immediately02:56
xtalmathbut why?02:56
BlueLobsterthe cutting of boys is but one of many reasons02:57
BlueLobsterI think I've already mentioned this02:57
BlueLobsterthey do not tolerate those who do not tolerate them02:57
BlueLobsterthey DEMAND tolerance however02:57
xtalmathBlueLobster: I assume by now you are a US citizen, and you have been circumcised as well?02:57
BlueLobsterI do not which to be a dhimmi02:57
BlueLobsternah my cock is ok02:57
BlueLobsterfind me a muslim country that is adminstered properly02:57
BlueLobsterand I'll tell you it's either morocco who still hvae a king02:57
BlueLobsteror iraqi kurdistan which isn't an official country02:58
xtalmathBlueLobster: find me a western country that is administered properly?02:58
BlueLobsterxtalmath: canada02:58
fenntunisia is apparently doing ok02:58
BlueLobstertunisia is litle02:58
xtalmathI'm sure plenty of boys in Canada are circumcised against their will too02:58
BlueLobsterand surrounded by the threat of horror02:58
BlueLobsterbut yeat after ousting their longtime corrupt first family02:58
BlueLobsterand letting the rest of their corrupt higher society take over02:59
BlueLobstertunisia is aces02:59
BlueLobsterxtalmath: the circumcision rate in canada is very low now02:59
BlueLobsteroutside of ontario02:59
xtalmathvery low, but what about those others? the circumcision rate in belgium is supposedly very low too...02:59
fennBlueLobster: why do you think modern muslim countries are so terrible when it was the moors who sustained western civilization through the dark ages and initiated what would become the enlightenment?02:59
BlueLobsterpretty much all nonshitheads the world over have realized there's no reason to cut up boys cocks02:59
BlueLobsterfenn: so your question is why the muslim world backslid so much03:00
fennyou are using circular definitions03:00
BlueLobsterI'm not sure I'd give so much credit to the moors03:00
BlueLobsterbut it is demonstrable that the muslim world massively backslid03:00
fennyes i agree03:00
BlueLobsterfenn: to be honest, I thinbk the muslim world became upset about being used as a tourist paradise03:01
BlueLobstertreated like shit03:01
fenni'm just pointing out that there are examples of muslim societies that aren't terrible03:01
BlueLobsteringoring their "honor"03:01
BlueLobsterby the west as it were03:01
BlueLobsterafter we regained primacy03:01
BlueLobsterif you wante dto have sex with boys, for example, you can still do it in pakistan03:01
BlueLobsterthere's an organized bitterness03:02
xtalmathBlueLobster: I think it is less about tourism, and more about geostrategy and world resources.03:02
BlueLobsterabout our imposd influenced in the region03:02
BlueLobsterpredating world war one03:02
BlueLobsterbut exacerbated by the borders we drew after world war one03:02
BlueLobsterthat's my theory about the problem03:02
BlueLobsterwe basically treated arab boys like whores03:03
BlueLobsteradmittedly they are slutty :p03:03
xtalmath"we" ?03:03
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BlueLobsterxtalmath: those of us with european origins03:03
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xtalmathwhat do you mean with treating like whores?03:03
BlueLobsterI mean let's go to mosul03:04
BlueLobsterand I guarantee I can get boys to bring me tea03:04
xtalmathyou went to mosul and had sex with boys?03:04
fennit certainly wouldn't be a stretch to believe that03:04
BlueLobsteryou may be missing the point03:04
xtalmathi still have my foreskin though03:05
BlueLobsteralthough I prefer the kurds over all other varieties of muslim03:05
BlueLobstermy kurds are not even all muslim03:05
BlueLobsterxtalmath: if that's true I'm happy for you03:05
BlueLobsterdid she have it split up the middle03:05
BlueLobsterdue to phimosis?03:05
BlueLobsterbetter than cutting it off03:05
xtalmath"phimosis" before puberty, is like diagnosing a girl with "too small tits" before puberty03:06
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BlueLobsterxtalmath: maybe you hav met the number two crusdaer for not chopping up boy dick03:07
BlueLobsteron the planet03:07
BlueLobsterif that's true, you'd have to be number one03:07
xtalmathit didn't cause problems yet, and 12/13 years before I was circumcised the first series of papers came out detailing non-surgical methods to treat phimosis (cortico steroids)03:07
BlueLobsterthere are a lot of options03:08
BlueLobsteryou can just make a little snip03:08
xtalmathit is how I eventually treated it03:08
BlueLobsternot cut anything off03:08
xtalmaththe little snip is the same as the partial circumcision03:08
BlueLobsterthe steroids are much more usful  if they are applied when they boy is pretty small03:08
BlueLobsteralso he should just jerk off more03:08
xtalmathbut the lengthwise cut also has its problems (basic geometry)03:09
BlueLobsterif you do the snip on the top you don't really damage the frenulum03:09
xtalmathphimosis should be only possible to diagnose after puberty03:09
BlueLobsterboys should just masurbate more03:09
BlueLobsterthe biggest problem is boys being afraid of playing with their dicks03:09
xtalmathBlueLobster: you agree that you can view the foreskin as a cylindrical piece of skin simplistically speaking?03:10
BlueLobsterxtalmath: I can utilize the construct to envision what you're talking about03:10
xtalmathBlueLobster: well if you make a lengthwise cut, and then sow one side of the cut onto itself and the same for the other side, think about how much angle there is on each of the 4 points?03:11
BlueLobsterxtalmath: yeah I'm not happy about that03:12
BlueLobsterI'm just sayting if a boy's foreskin is really tight you can make a snip without removing any tissue03:12
xtalmatha normal point in the plane has 360 degrees. the ends of the cut now have 720 degrees, and the 2 seperated points in the middle now only have 180 degrees. so instead of the metric being euclidean, you now have points with hyperbolic and elliptical geometry03:13
BlueLobsterthere's no reason to go cutting off all of the other parts of the dick03:13
xtalmaththat means it wont really roll over itself well, and it grabs condom, which rips faster, which is not fun to explain to girls who think you are somehow doing this on purpouse...03:14
BlueLobsterxtalmath: butit means you keep your frenulum03:14
BlueLobsterand the ridged band03:14
xtalmathBlueLobster: what I am saying is, even without removing tissue, it can become a real trauma. especially before puberty, a child has not had real voluntary sexual relationships. every reference to and act of sex is now associated with this trauma, of surgery,03:16
justanotheruserI guess my trolling didn't derail BlueLobsters trolling :(03:16
BlueLobsterxtalmath: my godson is 9 and is still a little tight03:16
BlueLobsterhis doctor thinks he should jerk off more03:16
xtalmathBlueLobster: thats like saying circumcision is ok, at least the glans is intact, compared to female circumcision...03:16
BlueLobsterxtalmath: I mean if they have a real physical problem03:17
BlueLobsterlike erections are painful03:17
BlueLobstermaybe it's time to do something03:17
BlueLobsterI need to talk to my godson03:17
BlueLobsterhe's not very motile for his age03:17
xtalmathBlueLobster: not if it isn't painful, and even if it is, remember circumcision is by definition painful.03:17
BlueLobsterwhich can lead to problems03:17
BlueLobsterxtalmath: I'm just going to tell him to fucking jerk it more03:17
xtalmathalso, with "just the snip" the child will have to piss alongside the wound for a couple of weeks, which hurts as hell03:18
BlueLobsterxtalmath: pretty muchg planning to avoidthat03:18
BlueLobsterhis mom is freaking out but he has no painful urination or inflammation03:18
BlueLobsterhe's just not as motile as he should be03:19
BlueLobsterhe needs to jerk it more03:19
xtalmathwhy is his mother freaking out? and what do you exactly refer to with motile?03:19
xtalmathhe doesn't need to jerk on command, wtf is up with that?03:19
BlueLobstershe wasn't onboard with him not being cut in the first place03:19
xtalmathnow we are getting at the root of the problem03:19
BlueLobsterwell he isn't03:20
BlueLobsterand intend to save all of his penis03:20
xtalmathwhy does his mother insist he gets circumcised?03:20
BlueLobstershe doesn't yet03:20
BlueLobstershe did originallybecause that's what she as used to03:20
BlueLobsternow it's "becoming a problem"03:20
BlueLobsternine fucking years later03:20
xtalmathslow down, I can't follow what you are saying03:21
xtalmathwhy does the mother see it as a problem?03:21
BlueLobsterwhat I'm saying is that dad was cut like most americans03:21
BlueLobsterand I convinced dad and mom to not do it03:21
BlueLobsterit's a problem because he's 9 and not very much retraction03:21
BlueLobsterof the foreskin03:21
xtalmathBlueLobster: that is entirely normal03:22
BlueLobsterxtalmath: not that normal03:22
BlueLobsterfewer than 10 percent of kids are non-retractile by his age03:22
BlueLobsteryou can trust me03:22
xtalmath10% is a lot03:22
BlueLobsterI'm a statistician03:22
BlueLobsterhe's not going to get his dick chopped off because people are ignorant03:22
BlueLobsterI would have to be killed first03:23
xtalmathhe might because people want to earn money03:23
BlueLobsterI'm in a good position to influence this situation.03:23
xtalmathor because mother secretly harbors a fetish03:23
BlueLobsteroh she hates his foreskin03:23
BlueLobsterbut I think if he just jerks off a bit... anyway there's no reason to have ANY surgery if he's not in pain03:24
BlueLobsteralso we should kill all muslims03:24
xtalmathBlueLobster: just tell her the following analogy: everyone has a small inflammation of the eyelid every now and then (like at the root of an eyelash swelling), thats not a reason to cut off your eyelids. even if it prevents future inflammation of the eyelids03:25
BlueLobsterdude he hasn't even had any issues03:25
BlueLobsterhis doctor just says it doesn't move enough according to his last visit03:25
BlueLobsterthey just want to hack it off03:26
BlueLobsterI know03:26
BlueLobsterI will not allow this.03:26
xtalmathBlueLobster: has the child seen porn?03:26
BlueLobsterxtalmath: he's had some erections03:26
BlueLobsterhe calls them "gross"03:26
xtalmathpersonally I don't think its a good idea check it as a parent03:26
BlueLobsterthis upsetsme and I want to find out why03:26
BlueLobsterwhy is an erection "gross"03:26
BlueLobsterwe're getting to the bottom of this later03:27
fluffyponyas a kid I thought girls had germs and I had to avoid them03:27
BlueLobsteryeah but03:27
BlueLobsterI dunnoas a kid03:27
fluffyponykids think stupid crap03:27
BlueLobsterI was jerking off long before I thought about girls or boys03:27
xtalmathperhaps he doesn't like doctors _trying_ to retract his foreskin, and his protest was interpreted as pain...03:27
BlueLobsterobviously it feels good to him in a way that makes him uncomfortable03:27
BlueLobsterplaying with it I mean03:28
BlueLobsterI've kept him uncut for 9 years03:28
BlueLobsterI intend to keep it that way until I die :p03:28
fennwith god as my witness... yadda yadda03:28
BlueLobsterfenn: fine fine03:28
BlueLobsternoody else is really chatting03:28
BlueLobsteryou want to get back on topic?03:28
fennnot really03:28
BlueLobsterwe didn't mean to turn this into ##boydick03:29
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fennwell your idea of "on topic" is telling everyone how much they suck and that we should be bombing people03:29
xtalmathBlueLobster: I think 9 is quite early for all this03:29
BlueLobsteralthough I think it's important because (maybe I"m wrong) successful transhumanism would probably not result in parents making irrevocable and unnecessary modifications to their kids' genitalia03:29
xtalmathBlueLobster: I think you are entirely right03:30
fennsuccessful transhumanism would mean being trivial to grow it back and also edit your memories so that it never happened03:30
BlueLobsterfenn: we will never realize that03:30
BlueLobsterbut we could do things to make it more likely03:31
BlueLobsterthis is my problem with this channel03:31
BlueLobstereveryone wants to ascend03:31
BlueLobsteryou're going to fucking die, get over it03:31
BlueLobsterbut you can do some good work while you're here03:31
fennfuck you i'm living forever03:31
BlueLobstergoing to fucking die03:31
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BlueLobsterI'm not a troll sir03:31
fennyou are definitely a troll03:31
BlueLobsterI just favor humanity more than humans03:31
fennthat's fine03:32
xtalmathfenn: I think growing a new foreskin is not so trivial03:32
BlueLobsteryou're just a regular humanist or maybe someone delusional who thinkshe can live forever03:32
BlueLobsteryou will die, much much sooner than 100 years from now.03:32
BlueLobsterbut not everyone has to03:32
fennwhy do you even care if future generations can live forever03:33
BlueLobsterwe can give a better future to our children's children's children's whatevers03:33
BlueLobsterbecause I have a big heart03:33
xtalmathfenn: and the edit memories even if possible will have its drawbacks. traumas impact your life in many negative ways, but also explain some of your behaviour, if you remove the explanation youll wake up with a past that contains unmotivated actions...03:33
BlueLobsterI care about more than just myself03:33
BlueLobsterI care about my godson03:33
BlueLobsterI care about his kids03:33
fennxtalmath: any memory editing will do that03:33
BlueLobsterI have accepted, being a realsistic person03:34
BlueLobsterthat my death is inevitale03:34
BlueLobsterbut that I can do things to preent it for someone in he future03:34
xtalmathfenn: so memory editing entails problems03:34
fennyeah it's like lying03:34
BlueLobsterthis channel isn't about transhumanism03:34
BlueLobsterit's about living a fantasy03:35
fennwhy are you here03:35
xtalmathi wasn't here for transhumanism at all, just for technology03:35
BlueLobsterfenn: maybe I CAn find someone to help03:35
fenngo troll stormfront03:35
xtalmathim happy I passed by here, someone gave me a great link to using bluray optics for microfabrication!03:35
BlueLobsterxtalmath: do you think that sufficiently many technologies will be achieved in your lifetime?03:36
BlueLobsterpeople here are about prolonging life03:36
BlueLobsterthere is no evidence that you can prolong life as a human through any choices you make03:36
BlueLobsterother than eliminating the very unhealthy ones03:36
BlueLobsterthey're about amximizing their intellectual potential03:36
BlueLobsterthat ship sailed when they were 1203:36
BlueLobsterwhat about doing what we can while we're here?03:36
xtalmathBlueLobster: not sure, but I can imagine scanning frozen brains can someday be run on software03:36
BlueLobsterxtalmath: I've sectioned frozen brains on a microtome before03:37
BlueLobsterdo you have any idea how much damage the freezing process cause?03:37
xtalmathbut I don't think I would like that, since I would have no proof that my instance would be the only copy running03:37
xtalmathBlueLobster: I don't03:38
BlueLobsterEveryone on this channel will die within their life expectancy, plus or minus a few standard deviations03:38
fennthank you nostradamus03:38
fennyou truly are a statistician03:39
xtalmathBlueLobster: I am interested in the kinds of damage03:39
BlueLobsterno I actually am :p03:39
BlueLobsterxtalmath: well your brain, the organ of you I guess03:39
xtalmathwhen did you section frozen brains on a microtome?03:39
BlueLobstervery mch captures you in its shape03:39
BlueLobstermostly in the 90s03:39
BlueLobsterI came up in the neurosciences03:39
xtalmathwhat do you mean with capturing in shape?03:40
fennthe connectome determines your personality03:40
BlueLobsteryou understand your brain is a bunch of little fatty bags03:40
fennit's the set of connections between neurons03:40
xtalmathconnectome being the connectivity graph of the neurons?03:40
BlueLobsterfloating in saltwater03:40
BlueLobsterthere's a lot going on inside the fatty bags03:40
BlueLobsterbut their shapes at LEAST determines how they connect03:41
BlueLobsterwhen you freeze things ice crysyals form03:41
BlueLobsterand destroy fine structure03:41
BlueLobsterthey turn things mushy03:41
xtalmathagain I fail to understand what you mean with shape of the neurons?03:41
BlueLobsteryour mushy brain contins far less information03:41
BlueLobsterthan your present brain03:41
fennif the neurons are not touching they can't connect03:41
fennthe shape determines whether they are touching or not03:41
BlueLobsterxtalmath: imagine if we were all an organ of thought03:42
xtalmathare you saying the axons dissapear when frozen?03:42
BlueLobsteryou, me, fenn03:42
BlueLobsterwe can all tickle each other03:42
BlueLobsterbut only in precise places03:42
BlueLobsterI'm saying the dendrites in fucking particular are going to be obliterated03:42
BlueLobsterthe axons are not my problem03:42
BlueLobster(in most parts of the brain)03:42
BlueLobsteryou can only communicate me by tickling fenn's little toe03:43
BlueLobsterbut fenn's little toe was just amputated beause he got frostbite03:43
fennnothing disappears, it just gets ripped apart and you can't tell which dendrite was connected to which axon03:43
BlueLobsterinformation has disapearead03:44
xtalmathwhat I never understood about the connectome, is where are the neuronal weights in the brain? is that like number of synapses? or the kind of chemicals a synapse emits? or is it like length and diameter of dendrites (almost like a resistor)?03:44
BlueLobsterif you write a note with pen on ink and submerge it in water03:44
BlueLobsterthe ink is still there03:44
BlueLobsterthe paperis still there03:44
BlueLobsterthe information is gone03:44
BlueLobsterif we can fucking reverse a frozen brain to functional form03:44
BlueLobsterthe future is awesome03:44
BlueLobsterand I want my brain frozen03:45
BlueLobsterlike right now03:45
BlueLobsterbecause I don't want to risk it being damaged otherwise03:45
fennxtalmath: mostly it's the concentration of synapses in a particular place on the cell membrane of a dendrite03:45
BlueLobsterxtalmath: a synapse is just a space03:45
BlueLobstera gap between cells03:45
fenner, neurotransmitter receptor proteins03:45
xtalmathdoes this occur with every freezing fluid? or is some kind of "invar" fluid possible?03:45
BlueLobsterxtalmath: your brain is unfortunately full of salty water03:46
BlueLobsterit's going to be hard to freeze your brain without dealing with that03:46
BlueLobsterit's even harder than this03:46
BlueLobsterthe distribution of salts in that water is HOW YOU THINK03:46
fennxtalmath: there's been some progress with vitrification, in which no crystals form03:46
BlueLobsterso a bit of sodium over here and a bit of potassium over here03:47
BlueLobsteris quite literally what makes you you03:47
fennion concentrations are transitory03:47
xtalmathBlueLobster: with salt distribution now you mean the current excitation pattern on the brain?03:48
BlueLobsterthe transition of ion concentrations is literally what you are experiencing03:48
BlueLobsterif e froze you and rebooted you03:48
BlueLobsteryou eouldn'ty even be you03:48
BlueLobsteryou'd be something that thought like you03:48
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BlueLobsteryour stream of conscious experience would be obliterated03:48
fennit's like firing patterns, the electrical activity is transitory but it's generated by other things03:48
BlueLobsteryou'd be something else03:48
xtalmathBlueLobster: in that sense, a person before light concussion is not the same as after,... but good enough for me03:48
BlueLobsterfenn: the STATES of the neurons are what matters is many cases03:49
xtalmathso what if some short term memory is lost...03:49
fennafaik the brain doesn't have any flip flop circuits03:49
BlueLobsterxtalmath: if I obliterated you and made an exact copy out of your bits03:49
BlueLobsterand it really thought it was you03:49
BlueLobsterbut the you you died and never felt anything ever again03:49
BlueLobsterwould that be a satisfactory outcome?03:49
xtalmaththat is exactly what I expected of the neural replication03:50
fennwelcome to identity 101, class is in session03:50
BlueLobsterit's a fun thought problem03:50
fennwhere are the beliefs located in a thermostat03:50
BlueLobsterbut if we freeze your fucking brain03:50
BlueLobsterassuming we can even reboot it03:50
BlueLobsterI would presume that's mor elike being smashed by an oldschool TOS transporter03:51
xtalmathBlueLobster: from a multiverse standpoint, this is happening every second. all points in the universe's phase space are valid, and nearly all transitions are possible. we are always modified copies of the moment before03:51
BlueLobsterthan having your "thought patterns held in quantum whatever the fcuk the rest of this explanation is"03:51
BlueLobsterthis is one of the reasons why I don't give fuck all about extant humans and think we should just focus on future humans03:51
fennso if you beamed down to the planet surface, is that a "future human" in your eyes?03:52
fennjust another guy03:52
BlueLobsterfenn: by TOS rule?  yes03:52
xtalmathTOS rule?03:52
BlueLobsterTNG has some mechanism whjere they maintain "your neural patterns"03:53
BlueLobsterin the "warp matrix" or something03:53
fenni thought all the the star trek transporters worked according to the same principles03:53
BlueLobsterTOs and TNG post are different03:53
BlueLobsterTNG, DS9, Voyager03:53
BlueLobsterso yes, according to TOS mythology03:54
BlueLobsterkirk has been smashed to death and recreated many times03:54
BlueLobsteralso they have replicators03:55
BlueLobsterif I can make oe of you why can't I make two of you?03:55
xtalmathI remember reading about fMRI or similar on frozen cells03:55
BlueLobsterwhich one gets to keep your stream of consciousness?03:55
fennbecause that would introduce terrible ethical problems that nobody wants to think about03:55
xtalmathI had the impression they could see all cell structures like microtubuli and membrane proteins03:55
BlueLobsterfenn: hi, maybe we've never met before03:55
fennthere was a TNG episode about this exact problem, where there was riker and shipwrecked riker from 8 years ago03:55
BlueLobsterearlier I was talking about how we should legislate sex with 0 year olds03:55
xtalmathso what about fMRI & microtome?03:55
BlueLobsterwelcome to complex ethical problems nobody WANTS to talk about03:56
BlueLobsterfmri is a field I trust apporoximately notwhere03:56
BlueLobsterlots of nice data03:56
BlueLobsterdon't mind the technology03:56
xtalmathBlueLobster: I mean fMRI on the frozen brain03:56
fennwell it's illegal to have sex with 0 year olds, and it's probably illegal to replicate people according to the hypothetical federation law code03:56
BlueLobsterbut blood oxygenation is not necessarily comptmporanio03:57
xtalmathnot fMRI on the living person03:57
BlueLobsterfenn: it should not be de facto illegal to fuck newborns03:57
BlueLobsterif the newborns can pass the test for consent03:57
BlueLobsterhell it should not be de jure illegal03:57
BlueLobsterthere should be no age of consent03:57
xtalmathBlueLobster, fMRI can see way more than blood oxygenation, if it doesnt have to be real time and the brain is static (frozen) it can resolve individual atoms I think03:57
BlueLobsterxtalmath: fmri can't see that much03:58
fennlawmakers are not smart enough to come up with "the test"03:58
BlueLobsterit can see structure03:58
BlueLobsternot the position of every goddamned second messenger detached in a cell03:58
BlueLobsterit can't even see individual cells03:58
BlueLobsterfmri isn't going to save you03:58
fennmany adults would fail the test and complain and vote for the other politician next time03:58
BlueLobsterfenn: good nes03:58
BlueLobsterI am in favor of a test for enfranchisement03:58
BlueLobsterthose people will not be voting :)03:59
fenni don't think enfranchisement should be a boolean yes/no03:59
BlueLobsterhow would you handle it?03:59
fennsets of rights and responsibilities based on ability03:59
fenni'm really more of an anarchist though04:00
fenntoo many laws already04:00
BlueLobsterI Thought we were transhumanists04:00
BlueLobsteranarchy is going to make whoever squats the most kick in your door and rape your children04:00
BlueLobsternot the outcome I favour04:00
BlueLobsterunless your children are 17 year old boys and I live next door04:02
xtalmathBlueLobster: ok I think it wasnt MRI then: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/230733347_FIBSEM_tomography_with_TEM-like_resolution_for_3D_imaging_of_high-pressure_frozen_cells04:02
xtalmathBlueLobster: I don't need saving, as I said, I don't think i would like to live in a world where I can't prove myself I am not being run in some sadistic simulation04:03
xtalmathBlueLobster: I am an anarchist, and I think you misunderstand the concept of anarchism, its basically about leaderlessness04:04
BlueLobsterxtalmath: you understand that what makes you you is the precise chemical action of every molecule in hundreds of millions of nerons right?04:04
BlueLobsterand every neuron is iself composed of hundreds of millions of molecules?04:04
BlueLobsterpreserving your state is going to be fucking hard04:04
BlueLobsterI do not believe that leaderlessness is an equilibrium.04:05
fenni'd love to get you in a room with russ nelson04:05
xtalmathBlueLobster: I also understand that a persons exact chemical composition now and an hour later are very different, yet we still call them the same person04:05
BlueLobsterYour little headless estate will be destroyed by my fiefdom.04:05
BlueLobsterThere is an economy of scale for individuals to submit to their rulers.04:06
xtalmathBlueLobster: the concept of democracy is actually very anarchist04:06
BlueLobsterxtalmath: anarchists don't hve bombers04:06
BlueLobsterstates do04:06
xtalmathI am also a democrat, and a liberal04:06
BlueLobsteryou know what happens when you don't have bombers and someone else does?04:06
xtalmathan anarchist state could have bombers, but might only use them for peaceful nuclear explosions04:07
BlueLobsteranarchist state04:07
justanotheruserBlueLobster: are you sponsoring the channel04:07
justanotheruserthe topic seems to imply it04:07
BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: if this channel could be good at something other than pretending it'll live forever04:08
BlueLobsterI might consider it04:08
justanotheruseryou get answers like that when you ask about philosophy and not research04:10
BlueLobsterI"m vastly more intereted in policy04:10
BlueLobsterand action04:10
BlueLobstercorrect my if I'm wrong04:11
justanotheruserthis is more of an action channel than a policy channel from what I've seen04:11
BlueLobsterbut this channel is not overflowing with professors with well endowed labs at prestigious universities04:11
BlueLobsterit seems like we could impact the world more by promoting research than by doing it04:11
BlueLobstertranshumanism is not a table top science04:12
justanotheruserMaybe there should be ##hplusroadmap-research-promotion-division04:12
BlueLobsterwell look04:12
BlueLobsterif there is research to be actually fucking promoted04:12
BlueLobsterlet's have it04:12
BlueLobsterthat k-person is going to make me read things again04:12
justanotheruserI'm more interested in D and reading other peoples R04:12
justanotheruseroh no, not reading things04:13
justanotheruserwe need a youtube video explained by an enthusiastic female voice with an animation of words being drawn for you04:13
fennan enthusiastic 17 year old boy's voice04:13
fennjustanotheruser: at one time we had a #hplusroadmap-dev channel specifically focused on projects we were doing04:15
fennalso there is plenty of tabletop science to be done04:17
BlueLobstercan I be in charge of casting the voice actors04:18
justanotheruserfenn: is dead04:22
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kanzurextalmath: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/05:25
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KfXY2SvlmQ05:25
yoleauxABB Robotics - Introducing YuMi. World's first truly collaborative robot. - YouTube05:25
kanzurelsparrish: http://gnusha.org/skdb/05:26
xtalmathkanzure: you already showed me the YuMi vid05:30
kanzurextalmath: http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/laser_etcher/05:38
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xtalmaththat is for the blu ray laser right?05:39
kanzure"you woulnd't be you" nobody gives a shit, freeze me up scotty05:40
xtalmathI was thinking of using flex hinges, since there wouldn't be any friction stick-slip...05:40
xtalmathits also potentially simpler05:41
kanzure"illegal to have sex with 0 year olds" how about eggs though05:41
xtalmathat sizes of square cm or so, the flex wouldn't have to be very long to have negligible depth variation05:42
kanzureBlueLobster: policy is worthless, if you wont do anything then why do you think you can convince others to do anything? the reason why transhumanism sucks is because hplusmagazine is a stupid idea- making a magazine wont make people magically show up that have skills. you have to brainwash people into learning electronics, programming, molecular biology, how to operate a fucking autoclave, etc.05:44
kanzureBlueLobster: i don't think that killing everyone is a productive plan, but if you want to blow up the planet with me then let's talk.05:45
kanzurextalmath: the reason i linked to microfluidics is because of your apparent interest in micromanipulators and single-cell manipulation. microfluidics makes that a little bit easier than making nano-precision gantries.05:46
xtalmathah yeah, I see. well the scale of the micromanipulators will start out with a mere 1/10 to start, and then try to decrease in steps, like 5 sizes per decade or so05:48
xtalmathand I will try to make a mini workshop at each scale, drill press, etc05:48
kanzurefeynman wrote a wildly famous essay where he said that what you want is impossible05:50
xtalmathif I can fit a hand in 10 cm x 10cm x 10cm I could fit 1000 of them in a cubic metre05:51
xtalmathit is impossible from a certain point on05:51
kanzurejust kidding. he said possible, not impossible.05:51
xtalmathone merely has to look at insect claws etc to know you can go quite small05:51
kanzurewhy not just use insect claws?05:51
xtalmathbecause I dont know how to make them05:52
xtalmathor control them05:52
kanzureyou breed insects, duh?05:52
kanzuremicroelectrode arrays, probably05:52
kanzurei think you can skip a few generations if you use photolithography and chemical etching of planar mems machine tools05:53
xtalmathwell, my suspicion is that lots of microfabrication companies started out with micromanipulators, to build their machines, and it is one of their semisecrets05:53
xtalmathkanzure, and then what, when I have the tiny parts? how do I assemble them? ... and sometimes you need parts in a mesoscale, then what? nah I would rather have the whole dynamic range to as small as I can get myself, than jump to the smallest scale and stay dependent...05:54
kanzuremost of the mems companies are just using previous-generation photolithography shit05:54
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xtalmathhow are tiny wires bonded?05:55
xtalmathwith microfabrication I don't only mean chips, it could also mean tiny wirewound resistors, or inductors, or ...05:55
kanzurelasers with small spot sizes05:55
kanzureand high mW/mm^205:56
* kanzure looks for breakfast05:58
xtalmathstill, I would prefer micromanipulators, it will also make the whole field more accessible to hobbyists, children and artists, like think about PureData or Arduino, merely giving the impression manipulation at the scale is easy (by having tiny hands) will encourage many. think how kids and artists got mindfucked that arduino "sketching" isnt programming.05:59
xtalmaththe reality is many people were disgusted by their science teachers, or their methods05:59
kanzurearduino isn't my fault05:59
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kanzureeudoxia: sup06:13
eudoxiakanzure: studying for a physics exam06:14
kanzurejust remember that everything is spherical cow, even spherical cow06:15
eudoxiain vacuo06:15
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kanzurecluckj: we have replaced your insulin with a placebo, hope you're okay with this06:27
cluckjdude it was supposed to be double-blind06:28
cluckjthe science is ruined now06:28
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cluckjagain lol @ scrollback06:40
cluckjthis is getting to be a nice part of my morning06:40
cluckjI usually avoid the places where the 22 year old redditor does an ethnic cleansing troll06:56
kanzureback in my day that was age 1406:56
xtalmathkanzure: I guess the blu-ray module could be used to optically scan a surface as well, with one of the present beamsplitters06:56
cluckjkanzure, yeah I'm being generous06:57
cluckjtimes have changed06:57
cluckjmaybe that says something about the intellectual complexity of it?06:57
kanzureor how angry i was06:58
kanzurextalmath: even in laserwrite mode you would still have to scan it over the surface, i don't understand06:59
xtalmathyes, still scanning06:59
kanzuresomeone should hook up wolfram alpha to https://console.ng.bluemix.net/solutions/watson07:01
xtalmathI thought it was interesting how the paper said even 100nm resolution could be achieved, because thermal activation  is bigger in the center of the spot07:01
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xtalmathkanzure: you have a link to science direct for "An ultrarapid method of creating 3D channels and microstructures" but I see pdf fulltext is online now: http://jla.sagepub.com/content/10/1/24.full.pdf+html07:15
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kanzurei have a link?07:18
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chris_99nmz787, are you about per chance09:05
nmz787_ichris_99: ^09:58
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chris_99hey, iirc you did some work on shape recognition didn't you? just wondering what alg you used09:58
nmz787_idid some blob recognition, did some panorama stictching type stuff10:01
chris_99ah, so i'm guessing you thresholded, then did the blob detection? it didn't say then, tag blobs as 'rectangle' etc.?10:02
nmz787_iumm, i don't think I tagged them as rectangles... if anything i noted their circumference to extrapolate a Z depth in the image10:07
chris_99aha okey dokey10:07
nmz787_ior maybe i mean diameter10:08
nmz787_ii may have done a locally adaptive thresholding10:09
chris_99just working on decoding data from a magstripe visually, i'm gonna play with hough lines now i think10:15
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juri_nmz787: you have a SEM too?11:29
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delinquentme_our chat room is sponsored by lobsters >_<11:49
delinquentme_longevity bros.11:49
delinquentme_our curstacean chums11:49
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nmz787_ijuri_: ya11:58
nmz787_ichris_99: magstripe? are you scattering iron/magnetic particles on a magnetic-strip and taking a picture of the field lines?11:58
nmz787_ijuri_: so what was that about an undefined var? the one you pointed me to seemed like it was a function parameter11:59
nmz787_ior were you saying there was some bug in your .escad loader/compiler?12:00
chris_99yup - https://www.anfractuosity.com/files/card/IMG_0284.JPG and here is my little thing picking up the stripes now - https://www.anfractuosity.com/files/card/figure_1.png12:00
nmz787_iyour image might benefit from (i think its called contraction then dilation)12:01
nmz787_ito separate the columns from bleeding together like they are12:01
chris_99ah interesting, even when they do bleed, it seems to detect it ok though, if you see the blue blobs they're separate 'stripes'12:03
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juri_nmz787_i: i'm taking the word of the compiler. i'll manually inspect later today.12:42
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erasmusdoes anyone in here have an Alpha-Stim?14:09
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erasmusI'll take that as a no.14:32
erasmusanyone do any transcranial direct-current stimulation?14:32
xtalmathchris_99: you can use polarization to view magnetization of a surface as well14:58
chris_99yeah, using garnite wafers you mean?14:58
chris_99i looked at some prices and they're very expensive, like $2k14:59
xtalmathmagneto optical kerr effect15:04
chris_99yeah you use garnet indictor films15:04
chris_99for it15:04
chris_99oh wait this could be a different effect15:05
xtalmathno you just need polarizing beam splitter15:05
xtalmathsome lenses15:05
xtalmath2 polarizers15:06
xtalmathfield aperture, diafragm15:06
xtalmathits non invasive15:06
chris_99oh neat15:07
chris_99is what i meant15:07
chris_99i'll look into that cheers15:07
xtalmathyou can find what I described in the section "magneto-optic imaging systems" in the book "practical opto-electronics" by protopopov, its a book I recently read15:08
chris_99neat thanks15:08
xtalmathits also supposedly findable on the interwebs15:09
chris_99so it's literally just two polarisers and a laser?15:10
xtalmathsuch system is also used to optically read out HDD platters15:10
chris_99looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magneto-optic_Kerr_effect#/media/File:Setup_Magneto-Optic-Kerr-Effect_A.png15:10
xtalmathchris_99: that would work for large surface magnetized in same direction, but is not an imaging system!15:12
xtalmathfor the imaging system I really recommend you check out protopopov's book15:13
chris_99okey dokey, will do15:13
xtalmathwith PBS, both the illumination, and returned image beam travel parallel to optical axis of objective lens by means of a PBS (polarizing beam splitter)15:14
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xtalmathchris_99: it all depends on what you want to do and how fast15:15
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chris_99mmm, at the moment i don't need very high res, like you'd get with the kerr effect presumably, but it sounds very interesting, and i've got an optical microscope which would be fun to adapt if i could15:17
xtalmathhow many tapes are there to be digitized? once digitized, do the old tapes matter or not? if in a hurry, what will cost more time: making the optical setup? or continuing with powder?15:17
xtalmathoptical is faster in the long run, since you wont have to apply powder, but building the setup will cost you some time15:18
chris_99i was curious if there would be any magnetic traces from zeroed files, with something like a floppy disk too (maybe there isn't)15:19
xtalmathso you are trying to digitize the vertical stripes? i.e. store their widths?15:19
chris_99yeah i'm simply trying to decode the data from them, it's BMC encoded apparently15:20
xtalmathoh this is like a magnetic swipe card?15:24
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ryankarasonOK few15:58
ryankarasonwhoops.. held down alt key whilst typing =P15:59
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nmz787_i1.tell chris_99 sooo, if those images are your card stripe data... do we know your credit card number now? :D16:12
yoleauxnmz787_i1: I'll pass your message to chris_99.16:12
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nmz787_i1xtalmath: got that protopopov book... table of contents looks good16:15
xtalmathhe also has an optical heterodyning book if you got hooked16:15
xtalmathbasically in the intro to the first book he mentions the motivation came from newcomers in the field messing up experiments, or ordering parts with wrong specifications, and he traced it to practical knowledge that is often not in the public domain, or never absorbed in academic course notes...16:17
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nmz787_ixtalmath: this one?16:21
nmz787_iI actually have asked about optical heterodyning previously online (years ago) and didn't get too much help (there was some good feedback, but not enough to get moving with anything practical)16:22
xtalmathyes that one, also heard its similarly available somehow16:29
xtalmathwhat did you want to do with optical heterodyning?16:29
xtalmathalso, how did you acquire a SEM?16:33
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nmz787_iah yeah, I got it via my work's subscription16:36
nmz787_iSEM was off craigslist, from this place right down the street from me... was $200 and mostly working (except for some beam deflection circuits) so I couldn't pass it up16:36
nmz787_iit's a plus that it's the same model as the one ben krasnow has16:37
nmz787_iso i was able to get all the info he had on it16:37
nmz787_ias far as what I wanted to do with heterodyning, it had to do with thinking about shifting DNA and protein specific frequencies into the visible, since UV detectors and light sources are a lot more expensive than visible ones16:38
xtalmathwhat information is contained in the UV spectrum of DNA and proteins?16:49
xtalmathalso $200 ??16:49
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nmz787_ithe 260nm:280nm ratio is indicative of relative DNA to protein concentration16:53
nmz787_iyeah I live in the heart of the silicon forest... so deals can definitely be had16:53
nmz787_ithat heterodyning book uses this term "picopharads"... I haven't seen that spelling of farads16:58
xtalmaththe author is like a russian working in south korea16:58
xtalmathhe also has some other phrases that are wrong, but his message always comes across ;-)16:58
xtalmathUV is a bit annoying for optics16:59
xtalmathmany materials absorb it16:59
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kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/news/the-boom-in-mini-stomachs-brains-breasts-kidneys-and-more-1.1806418:02
yoleauxThe boom in mini stomachs, brains, breasts, kidneys and more : Nature News & Comment18:02
kanzure"The current crop of organoids isn't perfect. Some lack key cell types; others imitate only the earliest stages of organ development or vary from batch to batch. So researchers are toiling to refine their organoids — to make them more complex, more mature and more reproducible. Still, biologists have been amazed at how little encouragement cells need to self-assemble into elaborate structures. “It doesn't require any ...18:02
kanzure... super-sophisticated bioengineering,” says Knoblich. “We just let the cells do what they want to do, and they make a brain.”"18:03
kanzurecool they have a neural tube cell culture working18:03
kanzureand cerebral cortex18:03
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xtalmathwhat if cancers were just accidental organoids?18:22
xtalmathlike an arm trying to develop in a smokers lungs18:23
xtalmathcan cells be made to express SU-8 chemicals?18:28
xtalmathnah dumb question18:28
kanzurethere's a few "bioprinters" that print out polymers when you shoot laser beams at the cells18:38
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