
--- Log opened Fri Aug 07 00:00:33 2015
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xtalmathkanzure: so then you know the nano-engineer code base pretty well?01:06
* justanotheruser tunes in01:08
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kanzurextalmath: eh, i suppose03:46
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xtalmathis it complicated? are there manuals/papers on the algorithms used?03:47
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kanzureno manuals and no papers, used to be a wiki but if i have a copy then it's not deployed04:02
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kanzureit's pretty poorly written though04:12
kanzureno separation of gui and non-gui components04:12
kanzurenot enough unit testing04:12
kanzurewhy don't we have any figurehead promoting the "proteins are molecular nanotechnology, you fools!" propaganda line?04:17
kanzuresurely there should be at least one person smearing smalley and drexler's face in that04:18
xtalmathwhen is was at the end of high school around 2004 or so I was dreaming of exactly this nanoengineer software kind of thing, I wish I discovered it then04:23
xtalmathI wanted to design at molecular level, but my chemistry is still bad, and went off to study physics at uni04:24
archelskanzure: because it's rather a different type of beast than what the Drexler crowd is after? Cogs and pistons and assembly lines versus a biological soup.04:27
xtalmathI think both approaches need to be explored04:28
kanzurenanoengineer was started around 2004 hehe04:30
kanzurearchels: you can make those with proteins04:30
xtalmathkanzure: what is its history? I see no wikipedia page etc04:30
kanzurenanorex was a company developing nanoengineer from 2004 to 200804:30
kanzuredumping in about $1M/year in development expenses04:30
kanzurewhen nanorex shutdown, i asked them if they would apply an open-source license and give me everything and they said sure04:31
xtalmathdoes it support 'templates' / features ? like structures of bulk, and plane patterns etc? perhaps functional like OpenSCAD?04:32
xtalmathkanzure: it is good you did that04:32
kanzurei hate openscad with a fiery passion04:32
kanzurebut no at the moment it does not afaik04:32
kanzurefor cad i highly recommend using something like verbnurbs, solvespace, brlcad or otherwise just use solidworks04:33
kanzurei was planning on eventually porting nanoengineer stuff into lolcad (my own nurbs cad kernel library) but that hasn't happened yet04:33
kanzureand opencascade is almost entirely worthless http://diyhpl.us/wiki/cad/opencascade/04:34
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kanzurextalmath: technologiclee made a few tutorials about using nanoengineer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqfXzTrwI3c04:38
xtalmathi was just watching that, but somewhere in the middle only sound goes on04:39
xtalmathmight be my player or smth04:39
-!- EnLilaSko- [~Nattzor@host-85-30-145-65.sydskane.nu] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:41
kanzurethere's audio.04:42
kanzurehere is one without audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_seYUz9tfo04:42
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj6ObJWRuq804:44
yoleauxmechanosynthesis with penta-adamantane - YouTube04:44
kanzureeww he was using blender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhoe_OLaqSY04:44
archelswe don't like Blender?04:46
xtalmathhttp://rosettadesigngroup.org/workshops/RCW2008/presentations/RosettaCon2008-Nanorex.pdf hm04:46
kanzureblender is just not cad04:46
xtalmaththe video without audio was awesome04:46
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archelsmhm. ymmv04:47
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kanzureah that's right you are modeling neurons in blender04:49
kanzureenjoy your bag of triangles04:49
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xtalmaththe wiki is probably findable: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.nanorex.com04:52
archelsbut, but, I like triangles04:53
xtalmathnah nothing04:54
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kanzurextalmath: i probably have a backup of that wiki, but it's not presently available online05:13
xtalmathit is for interface specifically, or the wiki might also contain documented algorithms? how can the algorithms be improved / corrected / optimized if they are not documented?05:14
kanzurenot sure what algorithms you think are involveed05:14
kanzureall of the simulation stuff was just gromacs and nanodynamics and nanohive05:14
xtalmathorbitals or smth?05:14
xtalmathso it is an interface to used with gromacs etc backends?05:15
justanotheruseris nanoengineer even worth maintaining?05:15
justanotheruseror would it be better just to write an alternative from scratch05:15
kanzurejustanotheruser: would be better to do a rewrite + cannabalize05:16
kanzurextalmath: gromacs is only used for the simulation portion. the cad modeling is custom.05:16
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xtalmathgromacs/nanodynamics/nanohive are included, or dependencies?05:17
kanzuregromacs is a separate dependency05:17
kanzurenanohive/nanodynamics are included i think05:17
kanzurewellll not a dependency, more like a plugin that can be ccalled. but not a plugin. just a third-party tool. another library to use.05:19
xtalmathyeah, like choosing a compiler05:29
justanotheruserxtalmath: did you find this channel through reddit?05:32
xtalmathis it possible to generate equation of state from a molecule design?05:34
justanotheruserah. I ask because I found this channel when trying to find out what life nanoengineer had and found out that you were the "maintainer"05:34
justanotheruserlinked on reddit05:34
xtalmathjustanotheruser: no, I found it through HAD05:34
xtalmathjustanotheruser: I am not the maintainer, kanzure is05:34
kanzurejustanotheruser: pretty sure we met through bitcoin05:34
justanotheruserkanzure: I guarantee not05:35
justanotheruserI was in this channel before it was #bitcoin cool05:36
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justanotherusersome time after december 2012 I joined, that's all I know05:39
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kanzurewow someone read the readme wtf05:57
xtalmathah here it is https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.nanoengineer-1.com/content/05:59
justanotheruserkanzure: you have a copy of the wiki still?06:14
justanotheruserSeems like something that would be good to host on the diyhpl.us wiki06:15
gradstudentbotI really like him, but some of his work is really problematic.06:15
kanzureyes i have a copy of the wiki somewhere06:20
eudoxiagradstudentbot has caught up with the times :)06:31
gradstudentbotYeah, it's significant.06:31
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xtalmathI wonder if molecular dynamics software can calculate chemical reaction rates?07:12
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fennwish more hackerspaces were like this: http://www.makeitlabs.com/about/equipment/07:23
kanzureyou mean an inventory07:31
kanzurevery high bar there07:32
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fenn"there should be at least one person smearing smalley and drexler's face in that" <- smalley's dead and drexler is saying "proteins are molecular nanotechnology, you fools!" on his blog07:55
eudoxiayeah drexler's already caved08:00
eudoxiarip diamond mnt 1992-201508:00
fennUpon his death, the US Senate passed a resolution to honor Smalley, crediting him as the “Father of Nanotechnology.”08:00
fennbut we've always been at war with mechanosynthesis08:01
eudoxiaanother reason to nuke congress today08:01
kanzurehmm well i'm glad drexler came around i guess08:01
kanzurebut why don't we have protein legos yet?08:01
kanzuretoo expensive to have that many binding pairs custom synthesized?08:02
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JayDugger"fenn: but we've always been at war with mechanosynthesis" awesome.08:04
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delinquentmehttps://www.flickr.com/photos/59431731@N05/albums Album of really cool peacock spiders08:18
delinquentmeIf anyone wants to start a synthetic bio startup and engineering these little guys I'm totally down for it. ... Also orchids.08:18
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delinquentmePursue truly modular genomics. : how to change displayed colors, petal counts other design-level morphology08:19
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delinquentme"A "True" HEPA Filters's efficiency DOES NOT decrease during it's life, it actually increases and its also known as an ABSOLUTE type filter media for particle capturing."09:13
delinquentmethis cant be right..09:13
delinquentmenever mind. lol09:13
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CaptHindsight"The fact that two different chemical combinations are able to transform skin cells into neurons suggests that this technique can compete with gene insertions for cellular reprogramming" http://news.sciencemag.org/brain-behavior/2015/08/chemical-treatment-transforms-skin-cells-neurons10:42
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kanzureyou can replace queens in a bee hive and everyone's okay with that? alright..11:11
xtalmathCaptHindsight: what does that even mean? something like transcription factors?11:21
kanzurewell it's probably talking about oct8 and such11:28
kanzure"compete with gene insertions" is ambiguous11:29
kanzureyashgaroth: also it would be interesting to see if mutant toxoplasma gondii could do anything interesting with whale brain matter (there's a lot of it), or octopus brain matter (not as much but that can be easily fixed with a few generations of octopus egg selection)11:34
kanzureyashgaroth: particularly, the greater brain mass means there could be more cysts or at least more bacteria to find weird places to try to pinch or influence.11:35
kanzures/greater brain mass/greater brain volume11:35
kanzureoctopus would be more useful because what are you going to do with a smart whale anyway11:39
drethelinhire them to do mathematics research11:47
drethelinthe problem with octopi is lifespan11:48
drethelinintelligent whales can be used as deep sea research helpers11:48
drethelinor for military applications11:48
drethelinthey live for a long time and have a good memory so they can also remember codes and possible overhear submarines11:48
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xtalmathgood memory... perhaps mine maidsafe coins12:05
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drethelinoh, if the oceans survive a meteor impact or nuclear war maybe whales can be a repository of cultural infomration12:14
kanzuredrethelin: making a clever nooted-up creature with almost zero communication bandwidth seems like a form of torture12:14
drethelindon't whales have nearly as high bandwidth as us?12:15
drethelinthey sing and talk to each other12:15
kanzurei guess they can scream12:15
kanzureer, sing12:15
drethelinI guess they can't read/write12:15
kanzurebut so far we haven't been able to use talking as a high-bandwidth method of interacting with computers (i mean... except for some proprietary junk)12:16
xtalmaththey can modulate water spouting?12:16
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xtalmathperhaps we can use them to spout water back into the mediterranean?12:17
kanzureoctopus optical skin modulation seems like a sufficiently high-bandwidth communication method to have available12:17
xtalmathi wonder to what extent it can control individual "pixels" or if it really has just a couple of signals under control. (consider a 2d intensity plot of a*sin(x^2+y^2)+b*cos(x^2+y^2). it could look impressive but only have 2 signals as a function of time a(t) and b(t)...12:21
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xtalmathif they could talk we could ask them to draw specific patterns12:23
kanzurethere was a paper about this somewhere.... one sec.12:25
kanzuremaybe http://www.mbl.edu/pspb/files/2014/05/sutherland_opt_soc08a.pdf12:25
kanzurealso, backyardbrains hooked up some chromatophores and skin to an oscilloscope or something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-OVrI9x8Zs12:27
kanzurethis might be less annoying http://news.backyardbrains.com/2012/08/insane-in-the-chromatophores/12:27
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kanzurethere was something published about how chromatophore coloration changes were really just the octopus squeezing or clenching in different ways, it was under motor control12:31
kanzureperhaps http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF0021649812:31
kanzure"Cephalopod chromatophores are made of a central pigment cell surrounded by 10 to 20 radially arranged muscle fibres under direct nervous control. Innervation of these muscle fibres was studied with anterograde cobalt fills of peripheral nerve bundles and light and electron microscopy. Individual axons branch repeatedly to innervate the muscles of chromatophores scattered over several millimeters. Axons contained in several dermal nerves ...12:32
kanzure... converge to innervate the same chromatophores. Among the chromaophores, axons were found running either singly or in small bundles, often accompanied by sheath cells. Single chromatophore muscles were innervated by at least one axon running across or along its length. Since nerves terminating on chromatophore muscles are very rare, neuromuscular contact seems to be made “en passant”. Varicosities of the axons apposed to the ...12:32
kanzure... muscles are thought to be presynaptic sites. However, morphological differentiations of the pre-or post-synaptic membranes were not visible. Two types of innervating processes were found containing either electron-clear or a mixture of electron-clear and dark-core synaptic vesicles."12:32
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CaptHindsightxtalmath: looks like it from the actual paper  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S193459091500305712:39
xtalmathkanzure: that is amazing12:39
xtalmaththat second video says "For our friends in Germany, we uploaded to Vimeo as well https://vimeo.com/48183535" in the description. no youtube in germany?12:43
kanzuredpk: ping12:47
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nmz787_w.title http://www.paulvanouse.com/dwpcr.html13:02
yoleauxDeep Woods PCR13:02
nmz787_w"During thermocycling, I attempt to channel Mullis. The fluorescent green raccoon in the adjacent image, played by Rafael Vanouse, repeatedly chants “amplify the source, not the signal.”  The phrase refers to the genius of PCR for DNA analysis.  Prior to PCR, scientists seeking to visually analyze DNA fragments needed to radioactively label target sequences and typically they sought better imaging apparatus or stronger r13:04
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nmz787_w" on the other hand, realizes that DNA regions could be amplified exponentially by successively initiating the DNA transcription process and thus greatly enhance any imaging or analytical process.  In his autobiography, Mullis credits frequent LSD experimentation as central to his own personal and scientific development.  He also describes a subsequent, enigmatic, deep-woods abduction by a flourescent, extra-terestrial racco13:04
nmz787_wI'm not sure that "amplify the source, not the signal" is a very good chant.... the latter noun should be noise, not signal13:04
nmz787_wor something13:05
nmz787_wamplify the signal, not the noise13:05
nmz787_wor... amplify the signal, not the whole13:05
nmz787_w"First, I incubated water from the famed natural hotsprings of the Banff region hoping to discover living Thermus Acquaticus bacteria in its warm, sulfuric waters.  "13:08
nmz787_w"My hunch of the bacteria’s presence proved correct, but incubation proved slow at the campsite as the available incubator couldn’t hold the 70 degree Celsius, ideal temperature for incubation, nor could it agitate the samples to facilitate their respiration and colony formation.  Thus, the Taq enzyme used in the subsequent experiment wasn’t the same as that which I fished out.  (Alas, I think this may be the basis of 13:08
ParahSailin_wow, just get taq from atcc13:08
nmz787_whe was in the canadian rockies13:11
ParahSailin_"An iPod plays music by converting digital music to a small current that it sends to tiny magnets in the earbuds. The magnets are connected to cones that vibrate and produce sound." wait i thought it was piezos13:11
ParahSailin_magnets is for speakers significantly larger than the earhole13:12
nmz787_wi've taken apart earbuds and can verify they are sometimes voice coils13:12
nmz787_wthey have a LOT of wirelength in those tiny things13:12
nmz787_w.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDM0wxuGiEo13:12
yoleauxPaul Vanouse, Deep Woods PCR - YouTube13:12
nmz787_w30 mins13:13
gradstudentbotI was sponsored by George Church. That is, until I fell through the wormhole at the far end of the lab.13:13
ParahSailin_wow ok13:13
dpkxtalmath, kanzure: probably to do with the blocking of videos with copyrighted music in Germany13:15
dpk.wik GEMA Youtube dispute13:15
yoleauxdpk: Sorry, that command (.wik) crashed.13:15
xtalmathParahSailin_: I have never seen earbuds with piezo's inside, except for the old crystal radio sets. normal headphones use coils, i have never seen piezo's in them, although it's been a while since I opened some, so perhaps nowadays they found a way to get bass from piezo?13:20
gradstudentbotThat's not really surprising since they did it ex vivo.13:21
nmz787_wchris_99: you're on hackaday again! http://hackaday.com/2015/08/07/hacker-reads-magnetic-stripe-card-with-flatbed-scanner/13:23
nmz787_wsecond time in what, 3 months???13:23
xtalmathlol, scam alert "Conversely, it can be questioned how much of this lost revenue would  have actually benefitted GEMA members, given that licencing agreements  in other territories are subject to a confidentiality agreement that  prevents even the membership of the collecting societies from knowing  the royalty rates."13:23
chris_99:) nmz787 btw, did you ever get your blue spectrometer to work btw?13:24
xtalmathchris_99: you could probably use that to recover data from HDD after head crashes? with microscope? I think people pay much for data back.13:29
chris_99the iron powder seems far too big, even for a floppy disk i think13:30
xtalmathperhaps theres a nanoparticle version?13:31
chris_99possibly, it was you who mentioned the kerr effect to me i think? i got the book you mentioned13:31
nmz787_wchris_99: not yet, but I /did/ setup my office shelf and unpack a bunch of boxes onto it last weekend... one of which was that spectrometer. As I recall you wanted me to image something... beer maybe?13:32
chris_99cool :) yeah even water compared to whisky13:32
chris_99or something13:32
chris_99would be great13:32
chris_99i regret paying for the kickstarter SCiO thing, i should have just got the blue spectrometer13:33
xtalmathah yes was me13:35
chris_99in that book theres a diagram of a laser pointer polariser and PIN photodiode13:35
chris_99might try that13:35
chris_99(for the kerr effect)13:35
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delinquentmeapparently the use jet fuel to keep these things cold13:36
delinquentmeI'm wondering if this is because of thermal load + thermal stability13:37
delinquentmepossibly also geographic availability13:37
gradstudentbotAm I going to be first author?13:37
delinquentmebut I find it really curious that there aren't more alternatives13:37
gradstudentbotFriends don't let friends go to super school.13:38
erasmusor Walmart.13:42
xtalmath"A common way of viewing blocked videos in Germany is to use browser add-ons that fake a foreign IP address," uh what? how does a browser fake an IP?13:43
chris_99heh, i guess it just means proxy13:43
xtalmathno because next sentence is "Another way is to go through a foreign proxy or VPN server, such as Hotspot Shield, CyberGhost, or Spotflux. "13:43
chris_99oh weird13:43
kanzurewikipedia wrong? tell me it isn't so.13:44
xtalmathit is, but I am too lazy to fix it. unless it isn't and I need to relearn computer networks a bit13:45
kanzureplus your change will be reverted anyway, because there's more journalists that have printed the wrong thing than the right thing13:46
chris_99i wonder if the wikpedia xml dumps have all the versions, so you can see how many times things have been reverted13:47
xtalmathif money is protected by copyright, then how is counterfeit illegal in countries that do not recognize copyright?13:47
xtalmathchris_99: I think you can choose which kind of dump13:48
* xtalmath has an old copy lying around somewhere in case internet is broken13:48
chris_99heh good plan13:50
xtalmathit's just download once kind of effort, without having to turn into some kind of prepper13:51
chris_99you were right about iron nanoparticles - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanoscale_iron_particles they dont actually look that hard to make from the formulae13:52
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chris_99hmm you can get  35-45 nm for £50 for 5g13:54
xtalmathwhat is the current Gbpsi of HDD?13:57
chris_99'In 2014 Seagate introduced a hard drive at a density of 848 Gbit/in²'13:58
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xtalmathuh, is that like squares of 25.4 nm side ?14:02
xtalmaththat seems way beyond diffraction limit14:02
chris_99you mean squares of 25.4nm for each bit?14:06
xtalmath(I used 1000 Gbps for easier calc)14:06
chris_99i'll try and find out14:07
xtalmathat HDD rpm, the head is detecting the modulation ... how?14:07
xtalmathI must have made mistake somewhere14:07
xtalmathI seem to remember something about heating to expand the area before reading, but I think that was optical media14:08
chris_99that was with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shingled_magnetic_recording i'm not sure what that means yet though14:08
xtalmathah yeah, its just that reading heads can already read thinner than write heads14:10
xtalmathso with a wide brush you can still make thin lines14:11
xtalmathbut then it would need to record multiple tracks before writing14:11
xtalmathand rewrite the damaged tracks14:12
xtalmathshingles are like part of the roof14:13
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chris_99theres also a mageto-optical version i think14:14
chris_99is that what zip was14:15
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xtalmathapparently not, its some kind of "superfloppy"14:24
xtalmathsomething between floppy and HDD, it had voice coil, but flaccid platter14:24
xtalmathreally strange, and the heads would fly over the disk, but without Bernoulli effect14:25
xtalmathright it was MiniDisk14:26
chris_99i thought minidisk was a CD14:26
chris_99i mean purely optical14:26
chris_99oh apparently not14:26
xtalmathheh seems the needed Kerr effect setup is present in minidisk14:33
chris_99that's a good point...14:36
chris_99they're going cheap on fleabay too14:38
xtalmathalso, when using this to read platters, be careful to read at low power settings, perhaps the platter must spin, as a focused spot may demagnetize the bit unintentionally14:39
chris_99mmm yeah14:39
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nmz787_wheh, I might still have a minidisk player in a box somewhere14:40
xtalmathyou doing this for fun or keeping potential income in mind?14:40
nmz787_wand some minidisks with what I imagine is full of teenage angst14:40
xtalmathalso not sure how good it would work on different kerr effect materials14:40
chris_99just for fun14:40
xtalmathperhaps try and cross the optics with blu ray laser and lenses, to see if you can read smaller spot size then14:42
chris_99one thing i was wondering, could you read multiple bits at a time?14:42
chris_99if you used an image sensor14:42
xtalmathchris_99: yes, in that book there is images of that14:43
chris_99cool, i haven't read the kerr section completely14:43
xtalmathits also used in mineralogy or metallurgy to inspect materials, in microscopes14:43
xtalmathso dont necessarily need image sensor14:43
chris_99i've got a metallurgical microscope, maybe i can hack it14:43
xtalmathI know little about metallurgical microscopes, so I don't know what kinds there are14:44
xtalmathif it has a kerr effect mode, then you could try and keep a whole minidisk above it Curie point, and try wave a magnet to see realtime influence of the magnet!14:46
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xtalmathalso, how does a modern HDD write head work? can't imagine it is a coil14:47
chris_99good question14:48
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xtalmathI don't believe they can control magnetic fields at this scale, so I assume they use something similar to the minidisk, heating a thin section, such that the wide field only influences that section above the Curie point14:52
xtalmath"Seagate introduced TMR heads featuring integrated microscopic heater coils to control the shape of the transducer  region of the head during operation. The heater can be activated prior  to the start of a write operation to ensure proximity of the write pole  to the disk/medium."14:52
xtalmathhmm, I think heat (in the form of colliding molecules, not radiative heat) is easier to focus than light14:54
xtalmathhow how close is the write head to the platter? is that like molecular flow regime?14:54
xtalmathperhaps it heats incoming air stream, then forces it into a thin jet? while draw cool air on the sides?14:55
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drewbugpaperbot is totally dead, right?16:06
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justanotheruserhe's at least been in a coma for a few months16:31
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phillyjis paperbot no longer active?17:48
kanzurepaperbot will return one day, once some bugs are fixed by someone17:48
phillyjhey, anyone worked with the oxford tech nanopore miniION?17:49
kanzurei don't have one17:49
phillyjMega wants to seq a genome17:51
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phillyjI was thinking we could make this a group effort17:54
phillyja first of its kind?17:54
kanzureafaik it wouldn't be a first17:55
kanzureanyway, genome sequencing is like <$1k why does this need to be a group thing17:56
phillyja first for DIYbio, i mean17:57
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kanzurephillyj: i think a good project would be something about graverobbing18:12
kanzurecheck if you have any interesting people in graves nearby18:12
kanzurei might be interested in paying for sequencing of their genomic material18:13
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kanzurethere's lots of interesting dead people with interesting genomes18:14
kanzureapparently they were foolish enough to bury leibniz18:21
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ryankarasoni'll support the project :)18:31
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kanzureyashgaroth: since i hadn't showed you the nootropics thing, i must ask whether i have shown you the cryonics thing?19:02
kanzure*shown you19:02
yashgarothnot that I can recall, no19:03
kanzureare you familiar with cryonics19:03
kanzureinstead of iterating on cryopreservation methods, we should also be (selectively) iterating on the organisms that we are attempting to preserve and resuscitate19:04
yashgarothahhh yes I remember this19:04
kanzureprobably the two methods could be combined (just not for nootropics)19:05
yashgarothyou mean toxo and cryopreservation?19:08
kanzurewell, not necessarily toxo- it's not just brain matter that need shelp19:09
yashgarothbrains are the tough part for cryo though19:09
kanzuremike darwin claims that brains can tolerate up to 60% frozen-as-in-ice and recover19:10
yashgarothdepends how that 60% is distributed, if it's not freeze-lysing the actual neurons and just the interstitial space then sure19:11
yashgarothalso "tolerate" and "recover" are rather vague terms, esp. when speaking about brains19:11
kanzureyes i should get a reference out of him about this anyway19:12
yashgarothwhat ever happened with alcor and ted williams' frozen head anyway19:13
kanzurei forget19:14
yashgarothalso per your earlier comments, cuttlefish I believe have very large brains, at least relative to other octopodes, also they can change colors and are apparently delicious19:16
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delinquentmeTIL we can synthesize glucose from fat22:56
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