
--- Log opened Sun Aug 09 00:00:35 2015
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xtalmathis this satire or real comment? http://benjaminmillam.com/cat-geek/monkey-the-cat-hunts-for-dinner/#comment-6403:44
xtalmathits perfectly balanced on the border of credibility and trolling03:44
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1002994307:26
yoleauxWhy you should be reading Liu Cixin, China’s hottest science-fiction writer | Hacker News07:26
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kanzuregrr https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3gcbw5/how_should_bitcoin_be_governed_upcoming_epicenter/ctwuawd08:02
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xtalmathkanzure: do you sincerely believe voting is bad in general, or only for bitcoin?08:22
gradstudentbotIs there free food at that seminar?08:22
kanzurextalmath: yes, voting is extremely broken08:30
xtalmathwhy ditch instead of fix?08:30
kanzurei believe it's theoretically impossible to fix voting08:30
xtalmathkanzure: still not clear if this is about bitcoin or society in general?08:30
kanzurein general08:30
kanzurebut bitcoin especially08:31
kanzurefor example, many people have proposed making bitcoin transactions that contain votes08:31
xtalmathkanzure: is it because people want to vote on outcomes?08:31
kanzurethe problem is that miners can trivially censor those transactions08:31
kanzureand there's also sybil vulnerabilities to voting schemes08:31
kanzureandytoshi: got any others off the top of your head?08:31
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andytoshikanzure: other questions for gavin? or other problems with voting?08:32
andytoshithe other problem is that it creates incentives for double-spending08:34
xtalmathkanzure: if there was formal proof for a protocol that miners can not censor, and sybil free in some way, would you still oppose it?08:34
andytoshiso it might weaken or break the incentives toward forming consensus on a single chain08:34
kanzurextalmath: yes, i have other existential objections to voting08:35
xtalmathandytoshi: could you explain the incentives for double-spending?08:35
xtalmathkanzure: I think it is the more existential objections that interest me08:35
andytoshier, double-spending is not quite what i mean. i mean rewriting history08:35
andytoshixtalmath: if a miner wants to change the outcome of a vote, she can do so by replacing old blocks with new ones (and censoring in the new ones)08:35
xtalmathandytoshi: so that makes changing vote outcomes proportional to time since the original vote08:36
kanzurei think that voting might work in some extremely restricted scenarios, but the restrictions are so numerous that it's practically worthless08:37
kanzureit might work when the vote-options are indistinguishable from noise08:37
kanzureor where the actual decision is irrelevant08:37
andytoshixtalmath: it makes the difficulty in changing vote outcome proportional to its age, yeah08:37
xtalmathandytoshi: also not sure how outcome of a vote is malleable, if a certain quorum is necessary (it is not like the miner can forge signatures)08:37
andytoshixtalmath: right, i wasn't thinking clearly about the inability to forge signatures. but miners can censor08:38
kanzureand also miners can just make their own transactions, who cares08:38
andytoshitho this might be partially solvable with interesting crypto, e.g. aggregating signatures so miners can't separate votes08:38
xtalmathkanzure: so you do not think that democracy (or some form of it) is desirable?08:38
kanzurewhat is your definition of democracy?08:38
xtalmathandytoshi: I think censorship can be remedied with an interactive protocol with the miner08:38
* andytoshi goes on record saying democracy (meaning giving control to humans, in particular control in proportion to the group size of them) is not desirable in itself08:39
xtalmathandytoshi: so that the voter can prove to the next block miner his vote was censored08:39
andytoshixtalmath: interaction usually does not let you prove things about the interaction08:39
xtalmathandytoshi: this way the miners can be rewarded more if they gather previously censored votes08:39
andytoshixtalmath: except to the original participants08:39
andytoshixtalmath: but sure, i expect there's a way to prove censorship..08:40
andytoshi...in that case there is an incentive for miners to collude with voters to "censor" votes08:40
andytoshiand then claim the reward for exposing it08:41
kanzuresounds like an incentive to not actually publish anyhting at all until later08:41
kanzuregame of chicken or something08:41
xtalmathandytoshi: the payment for the first miner is delayed by a couple of blocks, so he loses proportionally08:41
xtalmathin fact not proportionally, one provably censored vote is not payment for the miner08:42
xtalmathhmm yeah I still see problems08:42
xtalmathbut I still think a quest for a provably non-malleable voting scheme is desirable08:43
andytoshii think you'll be forced into adding so much complexity that you can no longer see the incentive problems, but they'll still be there08:43
andytoshibut i think that based on experience08:43
andytoshii'm sure there's some fundamental law or something that breaks these kind of things, but i have no idea yet what it is08:43
xtalmathandytoshi: deep deep down, there is an incentive problem with the transaction crypto ecdsa as well, once you know the solution its probably inexpensive to steal random peoples bitcoins...08:45
andytoshixtalmath: "know the solution"?08:46
andytoshixtalmath: can you elaborate on this?08:46
xtalmathalso, why be satisfied with censorable transactions, but not with censorable votes?08:47
andytoshibecause transactions only affect the participating parties08:47
andytoshiand to be fair, we aren't really happy with censorable transactinos :P08:47
andytoshia lot of the work blockstream is doing with "confidential transactions" etc is to make transactions less distinguishable from each other, to discourage censorship08:50
andytoshierr, a lot of the motivation behind this work08:50
xtalmathis there similar work motivated for "confidential votes" ?08:53
kanzurehaha someone tried to claim that i don't know what BDFL means08:54
kanzure(in the replies)08:55
andytoshixtalmath: a looot of modern crypto research is about confidential voting08:55
andytoshiand almost none of it is remotely related to blockchains, it's just not really a good fit08:55
xtalmathandytoshi: a seemingly trivial way to make votes hidden from the miner, is clients individually encrypt votes, miners gather ciphertext until voting period is over, then clients release private keys to each other directly for a certain period of blocks, and after these 2*N blocks, clients reject miner blocks that miss a private key the client itself has seen.08:56
andytoshixtalmath: no need for encryption, just use hashes and hash preimages08:57
xtalmathandytoshi: sure, then its salts instead of private keys08:58
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xtalmath(without encryption, or salted hashes the miner can see the vote, also, without encryption how do you prevent sybil attacks other than weighing by signing by a transaction related key, i.e. proportional to $)08:59
xtalmathi.e. vote by stake09:00
andytoshixtalmath: encryption with an unknown key is identical to hashing as far as what it reveals about the original input09:00
xtalmathandytoshi: not an unknown key, but one signed with your money09:00
xtalmathso people have to move their money, but that deanonymizes your money fragmentation...09:01
andytoshiwhat property do you want? that voting costs $$?09:01
xtalmathno just move it, and adjust transaction structure to contain a field for voting.09:01
andytoshii'm still confused about why you think using encryption in place of a hash is better09:02
andytoshior why money ought to be moved alongside votes09:03
xtalmathandytoshi: how do you prevent me from voting more than once? or how do I prove it is proportional to stake?09:03
xtalmathi.e. how do you propose to use hashes?09:03
kanzurewhy would stake proportionality matter09:03
andytoshiin a centralized system you have every participant have their key (or hash salt) blindly signed by the voting authority09:03
andytoshiin a decentralized one you could make each salt cost money by requiring it be committed to by an op_return output09:04
xtalmathkanzure: I don't say it does, just curious how sybil attack is prevented in his hashing scheme?09:04
andytoshibut you really really do not want "money buys votes"09:04
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xtalmathman, I should really write up my anti sybil attack protocol09:04
andytoshixtalmath: how is sybil prevented by your encryption scheme? i'm telling you they are identical, except that encryption is more expensive and the security property isn't really related to what you're trying to accomplish09:05
xtalmathandytoshi: I already agreed they are identical, in the sense that salted hashing and then later revealing is a form of encryption09:06
andytoshiok, cool, that's all i was arguing09:06
andytoshisybil resistance has to be done on top of that09:06
xtalmathyes, but I wont elaborate on that :)09:06
andytoshiwell, ultimately you need to decide what "sybil" means. do you want one vote per $, or one vote per computational cycle, or one vote per person? the first two are "solved" by bitcoin and hashcash respectively. the latter seems to be to require a voting authority to hand out tokens09:07
andytoshiand you can do this privately by blind signatures09:07
kanzureyou can't do sybil at the registration process?09:08
xtalmathI know a protocol that is one vote per person who has a specific -but widespread- peripheral.09:08
andytoshikanzure: well you'd have to show a passport or something :P09:08
kanzureyeah i'm pretty sure people spoof those all the time09:09
xtalmathkanzure: then you are simply displacing sybil attack to the registration process, but yes, it is better to put it at registration, so you can vote multiple times09:09
andytoshii haven't seen evidence that it's a significant problem in existing human-based voting schemes .. in places where you see tons of election fraud it's the voting authorities who do it09:10
andytoshiin western countries it seems like it's just not significant enough to affect outcomes09:10
kanzureer isn't that indistinguishable? how would you prove it was the authorities.09:10
kanzureor that it wasn't09:10
andytoshii'm making trust judgements on the authorities here, and looking at motivations for fraud from them and the voters09:11
andytoshii don't have anything solid to say here09:11
kanzureit's interesting how everyone is so obsessed with voting09:11
xtalmathandytoshi: you can never be sure, here in belgium, voting location is almost always in schools, and schools here lack money, and depend on banks for changes in infrastructure09:11
kanzurei have no idea why this is09:11
andytoshiexcept that i think it's really hard (maybe impossible) to say anything solid because this is ultimately a problem of identifying humans09:11
c0rw1nin westernland all the authorities are cheating but they're mostly on a similar level of power to fraud09:12
c0rw1nso it evens out09:12
kanzurewesternland sounds like a terrible amusement park09:12
xtalmathit kind of is?09:12
c0rw1nhey an other belgian! o/09:13
xtalmathwhat city?09:13
c0rw1noh well, just needs a brusselian and we'll be representative :D09:14
xtalmathwhat do you do in life?09:14
kanzurecrush my enemies and see them driven before me. you?09:14
c0rw1nbelgian chocolatier09:15
xtalmathcar manufacture09:15
xtalmathwell physics dropout09:15
c0rw1ntrained dev for industrial embedded machines, but never worked in that09:16
xtalmathnono, I do the 'modern times' part09:16
xtalmathas an interim, I work for 4 months or so, then have free time the rest of the year till im broke, lather, rinse, repeat09:17
xtalmathI need to maximize free time for reading, learning, ...09:17
c0rw1ndon't we all here, don't we all ...09:17
xtalmathtrying to design a direct democracy based on formal verification09:18
c0rw1nnah, don't bother with democracy09:18
xtalmathwell, if I continued my studies, I wouldn't have the time for this09:18
xtalmathc0rw1n: why not?09:18
c0rw1ndemocracy means wasting all the time trying to get people to agree to things. Easier to just go do things09:18
andytoshixtalmath: you should check out david chaum's work on the cryptography around using identifying tokens privately09:19
andytoshii inexplicably don't have a link, one sec, i'll track it down..09:19
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/ it's in there09:19
xtalmathc0rw1n: but then where will "the" law come from?09:19
kanzureoh, it's not.09:19
xtalmathandytoshi: I know it09:20
andytoshixtalmath: oh, excellent. do you have a link you can post?09:20
andytoshii last saw it before i used jotmuch i guess09:20
xtalmathandytoshi: let me look, its here *somewhere*09:20
kanzurei'm up to 3632 bookmarks. i feel so behind.09:20
andytoshii've got only 210 :P09:21
xtalmathandytoshi: I think you mean this one http://math.stanford.edu/~rmbellov/writings/chaum.pdf ?09:22
c0rw1nxtalmath: no need for a single set of laws ... i have a model to go about implementing Archipelago over AR, that would work on cheap identities in a panoptic-but-pseudonymous world09:22
andytoshixtalmath: no, there's a 50+ page one somewhere that is basically a list of a bajillion things you can do with takens09:23
c0rw1n( and i have to write it up cleanly some time )09:23
andytoshixtalmath: oh, shit, i'm thinking of stephen brands, not chaum09:23
xtalmathwhat is archipelago? and AR is augmented reality?09:23
xtalmathandytoshi: oh I would like to have that09:23
andytoshixtalmath: i'll find it, adam3us loves to post it09:24
c0rw1nxtalmath: http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/06/07/archipelago-and-atomic-communitarianism/09:25
c0rw1nand yes, AR as in Augmented Reality09:25
andytoshixtalmath: it's http://cypherspace.org/credlib/brands-technical.pdf09:25
andytoshiit's really funny, i always thought adam3us was way too optimistic about the power of discrete logs, then he posted that one time09:26
andytoshiand like half the things in there i've claimed were impossible to do with discrete logs at some point or another09:26
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andytoshi(i still think he's too optimistic, but i'm less quick to say so ;))09:30
xtalmathc0rw1n: the problem with that is some kid's are then forced to grow up with their non-rationalist parents09:34
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kanzurekids are forced to do many things09:35
c0rw1nthat problem goes under http://lesswrong.com/lw/1e/raising_the_sanity_waterline/09:35
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xtalmathc0rw1n: I am not talking about religion, but more generally belief systems09:38
c0rw1nthat post is not talking about religion only09:38
c0rw1n"religion also serves the function of an asphyxiated canary in a coal mine—religion is a sign, a symptom, of larger problems that don't go away just because someone loses their religion."09:39
xtalmathbut then how do you improve a belief like "newtonian mechanics" to "relativistic mechanics" if it is a taboo to criticize "newtonian mechanics"09:40
xtalmath(to refer to it "directly")09:40
c0rw1ni want to reply "formalizations of Occam's Razor"09:41
xtalmathformalize or fossilize09:41
xtalmathbut then we are trying to unify observations09:42
c0rw1nas well we should09:42
xtalmathand not have seperate worlds next to each other09:42
c0rw1nno, the separate worlds are there because people have differing preferences09:42
xtalmathyou mean compatible choices, like I want Coca cola, you want Pepsi, and that is ok?09:43
c0rw1nbut more than that09:43
xtalmathso you are saying democracy is flawed because it will result in endless " THE drink in the drink dispenser should be: 1) Coca 2) Pepsi" kind of votes?09:44
andytoshixtalmath: the differennces between newtonian and relativistic mechanics are not observable to most people, i don't think it's a failure of rationality to prefer one to the other if you aren't handed direct evidence from somebody who has done experiments09:44
xtalmathI claim this is easy to prevent, since most people will vote that the dispenser should have a representative distribution of brands09:44
xtalmathandytoshi: I never claimed it was a failure of rationality? I claim one can not assume taboo to be an essential element of rationality09:46
gradstudentbotI haven't seen my PI in like a week.09:46
andytoshixtalmath: i think the point was not that taboo is necessary, but that magical thinking is such a glaring failure mode that you should be able to eliminate it even when it's taboo'd09:47
andytoshiit's a "steel manning" device09:48
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kanzuregradstudentbot: are you going to help cluckj finish writing his thesis?09:49
gradstudentbotI am sponsored by the Beijing Genomics Institute.09:49
cluckjI'm almost done09:50
xtalmathandytoshi: I think simple observation shows that the halflife of a taboo maintaining state can be surprisingly long, furthermore taboo to criticize can be interpreted as wide support for the theory09:50
cluckjmy first draft needs to be finished by the first week of september D:09:50
xtalmathandytoshi: one only needs to look at the french revolution, and what the influence of the first real encyclopedia's etc were at the time09:51
xtalmathor the printing press to cheaply print what was taboo09:51
cluckjI actually logged on to see if you (still?) have a list of diy bio blogs?09:51
kanzurecluckj: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/groups/ and http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/news09:52
xtalmathandytoshi: also, how do you justify waiting for spontaneous enlightenment, if the ideology creates victims?09:53
xtalmathI believe in agitation09:54
andytoshixtalmath: it's not about 'waiting for enlightenment', it's about trying to solve a deeper problem09:54
kanzurec0rw1n: ask cluckj for a rant about occam's razor09:55
cluckjI'm writing about blogs today, mostly from Avery's, and I want to use more sources than that09:55
andytoshixtalmath: i'm quite concerned about what would happen if peoples' religious tendencies continued to exist and were forced to latch onto something with more agency than a god defined by dead texts09:56
andytoshie.g. if they latched onto a charismatic leader who wanted to take over the world09:56
xtalmathandytoshi: which problem is deeper, the fact that someone is slow to realize how undesirable an ideology is, or that we hold back pointing it out & acting on it?09:56
kanzureor a certain charismatic lab mouse09:56
andytoshilol kanzure09:57
c0rw1ncluckj: is there a link you can paste that points a version of your rant on Occam's Razor ?09:57
xtalmathandytoshi: I'm not talking about religion, but ideology09:57
andytoshixtalmath: sure, i agree that if a specific ideology is causing problems it should be tackled directly09:57
gradstudentbotNon-binding electrons are completely useless, they should just leave.09:58
cluckjc0rw1n, I dunno, simplistic explanations are usually the worst kind09:58
c0rw1nah ok09:58
andytoshixtalmath: i do not think that religion (outside of extremist groups) are causing problems on net09:58
xtalmathwhat is "net" ?09:58
andytoshixtalmath: in fact i think they cause people to be suspicious of gov't and other human leaders09:58
c0rw1nyeah no, i was meaning in the minimum message length / kolmogorov complexity sense09:58
cluckjme bitching about it is probably in the logs of this channel somewhere09:58
xtalmathandytoshi: I am not talking about religion, but more generally ideology09:59
andytoshimost ideologies are harmless outlets for potentially very harmful brain failure modes09:59
xtalmathandytoshi: I have no problem with people being suspicious or paranoid, it is a healthy state of mind09:59
xtalmathandytoshi: you'd be amazed how simple mundane ideologies create conflicts of interest that create victims?10:00
c0rw1nideologies should ideally be universalizable... basically, any that is not, is evil10:00
cluckjideology killed my dog10:00
xtalmathc0rw1n: what do you mean with universalizable?10:01
cluckjideology wouldn't be ideology if it were universalizable10:02
andytoshixtalmath: sure, but how many victims and to what extent? do you mean like immigrants having a harder time finding work? compare to e.g. communism in the soviet union10:02
xtalmathI still don't know what you mean with universalizable, what I mean with ideology is generally any boolean expression believed to be true10:03
c0rw1nthat they're hmm dunno what that means already but "agent-neutral", that the holder of the ideology could be put in the position of interacting with something that has the same ideology, while they'd be holding an incompatible one, and suffer no disutility10:03
andytoshii think that people are gonna latch onto weird ideologies in the absense of good rationality training; then it's good to think in terms of opportunity costs as far as which ones you attack10:03
c0rw1nall of them, with rationality training, duh10:04
cluckjwhat constitutes "good rationality training" is a fuckin' ideology10:04
c0rw1nwhy whack-the-mole10:04
xtalmathandytoshi: I agree totally with the rationality training, which is why I am programming an educational learning/testing/proctoring "game/graphical interface" for arbitrary belief systems, based on MetaMath, and its database as an initial belief system10:05
xtalmathin this way it is neutral to belief system, and you can verify if conclusions follow from someone else's belief system before even learning/reading it10:06
xtalmathalso, you can inspect their belief system and find a contradiction, as soon as you find one you can prove true=false and every statement in their belief system is useless. you can publish this proof to the rest so that no one will take their belief system serious until the relevant conflicting axioms are dropped10:07
cluckjoh boy10:07
xtalmath(at the expense of having to drop the conclusions that relied on them as well)10:08
xtalmathformalize or fossilize ;)10:08
cluckjthere's literally nothing to do with humans that is internally consistent10:13
xtalmaththere's literally been no serious attempt to unify belief systems10:13
cluckjsuccessful one, anyway10:14
xtalmathin my view, the only serious attempts have been proof checkers, and their currently minimal contents10:15
cluckjyes...in very, very, very, closed sets and limited frames of reference10:15
cluckjbut even then, not really10:16
gradstudentbotDon't phage me, bro.10:16
cluckjthanks gradstudentbot10:16
gradstudentbotThe grant got rejected.10:16
xtalmathnobody wants to do the work of formalization (translation from vague words), so a reward structure would have to be put up for translating texts into machine verifiable theorems, and rewards for people to locate contradictions...10:16
xtalmathoh, have to go out and meet some people10:18
cluckjeven logic isn't internally consistent like that10:19
xtalmathcluckj: ? not sure what you refer to? do you know MetaMath?10:19
xtalmaththe software, not the stream of philosophy10:20
xtalmathit is a proof checker10:20
cluckjI know of it?10:21
cluckjmaybe I'm not sure what you mean10:21
c0rw1ni think he's saying "but, but, Gödel inconsistency thing"10:22
cluckjc0rw1n, probably10:23
cluckjif he is me10:23
cluckjI've also seen professional logicians try to axiomize ethical (belief) systems10:23
xtalmathso what if our belief system were incomplete? as long as its consistent10:25
cluckjin order to be consistent, it has to be complete10:26
cluckjand to be complete, it has to be very limited10:26
cluckjI mean, this is also getting at why occam's razor is terrible and people should quit using it10:27
xtalmathcluckj: I think you don't really understand godel's theorem10:27
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c0rw1nthere are inconsistencies in the stupider belief systems, that really don't need to go back to something as abstract as the incompleteness theorem to detect and thereby invalidate the whole structure10:28
cluckjc0rw1n, lol10:28
cluckjdo you mean the structure, or the contents of the belief system?10:30
c0rw1noh, invalidate the content10:31
cluckjI'm sad/not sad that he left10:32
cluckjI usually love harassing cryptofascists10:33
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cluckjwhat I mean is that if the system you're using to judge other systems is just as shaky as the ones you're judging with it, it forms a nice tautology10:44
cluckjwhich kinda defeats the purpose of doing it in the first place?10:46
cluckjtl;dr, don't be a dick about other people's belief systems because they're logically inconsistent10:46
cluckjit's much much better to be a dick for pragmatic reasons10:46
cluckje.g., "your belief system includes justification for genocide"10:47
c0rw1noh, that one I resolve with "if you were on the other side of your belief system you'd get killed"10:50
c0rw1n*that's* my universalizability10:51
gradstudentbotI feel like you don't completely comprehend the scope of this work.10:51
cluckjthat's not really about the internal logic though10:51
cluckjthat seems to be about "not getting murdered"10:52
c0rw1nwell since internal logic is unreachable anyway, the "not getting murdered" heuristic sounds like pretty good criterion to me10:55
cluckjI agree10:56
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cluckjbbl, time to write now that I've read like 8 blogs11:21
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* fenn thinks cluckj doesn't know what a fascist is or what godel's theorem implies11:59
kanzurehmm page 47 http://lightning.network/lightning-network-paper.pdf12:02
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kanzureor figure 19 on the next page12:04
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kanzureconverting all of this into an implementation is going to be ugh12:06
__mz_owhat are you trying to implement?12:10
kanzurehaven't started12:11
kanzureit's just lightning network stuff12:11
gradstudentbotIt's a social construct.12:12
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ParahSailin_how did the chinese know that cockroach and mantis are related before dna13:53
ParahSailin_or is that pretty obvious from anatomy?13:54
drethelinlots of historical people have had coincidentally correct ideas on taxonomy13:57
kanzuremany things can kill you14:18
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drethelinnot guns though14:23
kanzuredrethelin: you know about gene guns, right?14:24
drethelinare those covered in gun rights debates?14:25
drethelinnow I really want a bumper sticker14:25
drethelin"You can take my Gene Gun when you pry it from my mutated fingers"14:25
kanzurethey aren't covered in gun debates...... yet.14:25
drethelinthough really you wouldn't use a gene gun ona human14:25
kanzurebut the nra has a generous grant program14:25
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cluckjfenn, do too14:53
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1003172516:56
yoleauxScientists have synthesized a new compound that ‘mimics’ exercise | Hacker News16:56
yashgarothhttp://www.cell.com/chemistry-biology/pdfExtended/S1074-5521(15)00234-3 since wapo is too lazy to link the article17:18
gradstudentbotThere's no way to know for sure.17:21
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kanzure.title http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=146743673&pagenumber=119:07
yoleauxExercise in a Pill (PPARδ and AMPK agonists) supplement simulation - Bodybuilding.com Forums19:07
drethelinthat's been around for a while but I haven't heard anything actually come of it19:11
dretheliniirc I heard of it in echopraxia19:11
kanzurestar wars 7 concept art leak http://imgur.com/a/uRMnN19:12
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kanzurebeep bloop21:51
kanzurefine be that way22:01
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