
--- Log opened Wed Aug 19 00:00:45 2015
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:06
maaku*someone bothered to fund a sandwich making machine00:13
maaku"The ethical concerns were non-existent, said Anand" <--- hahahahahaha00:14
maakuWow they are in for a wake-up call.00:15
xrrInspired by https://xkcd.com/149/ ?00:15
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xtalmath"For now, the team say they are focusing on using the brain for military  research, to understand the effect of post traumatic stress disorder and  traumatic brain injuries." yeah right, probably something more like "to understand the cause of free will disorder and disobedience injuries"03:13
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kanzurecan't believe you guys are more concerned about ethics of that. what's wrong with you people.05:38
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JayDuggerJust a quick question, xtalmath--how many people do you know who've been in the military?06:07
JayDuggerNever mind. I apologize for asking a question I know baits flame.06:08
xtalmathquite some, belgium used to have military duty06:08
xtalmathbut decisions are made near the top, so knowing few or many people in the military is not really a proof of authority06:09
xtalmathalso, his definition of consciousness is not at all scientific. by that token sensory deprivation is not torture because the captive is not conscious at all during sensory deprivation...06:15
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kanzurebeep boop07:34
eudoxiahey kanzure, what do you think of the current bitcoin happening07:53
kanzureeudoxia: http://gendal.me/2015/08/17/brief-thoughts-on-the-bitcoin-block-size-debate/07:56
kanzureand https://medium.com/@sdaftuar/how-the-bitcoin-experiment-might-fail-7f6c24f99ecf08:00
eudoxiathank you08:00
kanzurealso this page is usually pleasant reading https://www.reddit.com/user/nullc08:04
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1008570008:11
yoleauxMozilla's Servo Engine Now Capable of Rendering GitHub | Hacker News08:11
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kanzure"S3 is designed to provide 99.999999999% durability of objects over a given year. This durability level corresponds to an average annual expected loss of 0.000000001% of objects. For example, if you store 10,000 objects with Amazon S3, you can on average expect to incur a loss of a single object once every 10,000,000 years."09:39
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juri_FWIW, i completely agree with xtalmath's concerns.09:55
juri_and i was in the military, along with both of my parents, a long slew of aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents..09:56
kanzure"The Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII) is hosting a workshop on September 23rd in Chicago to support its Digital Manufacturing Commons (DMC) project. The DMC is an open-source software system for connecting people, analysis, and data in the manufacturing sector.  The DMDII currently has an open solicitation for up to $2 million for innovative projects that integrate or build “apps” on top of the DMC. The ...09:59
kanzure... purpose of the workshop is to demonstrate the technology, get community input on the technology roadmap, and host a live install party! More at http://www.projectdmc.org/workshop/."09:59
kanzureCaptHindsight: that was an ex-DARPA or currently-DARPA project that was big into open-source hardware. since they are local to you perhaps you'd like an intro..?10:00
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kanzureeudoxia: also http://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-August/010439.html and http://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-August/010447.html11:23
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CaptHindsightkanzure: I had a long chat with them last year at Radtech. So say I do all the work, same as with https://americamakes.us/ what do I get in return?11:51
CaptHindsightvs http://en.njnhz.gov.cn/col/cols1790/index.html The “321” Plan11:53
CaptHindsightI have to pay to play and share with two of them, and one pays me to to the same.11:55
maakukanzure: i'm just saying that they are absolutely ignoring ethics and making no attempt whatsoever to credibly address ethical concerns12:01
maakunot commenting on whether I think it's ok or not12:01
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:02
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kanzureCaptHindsight: you don't have to do all the work, but you can steal whoever they hire12:12
CaptHindsightthis sounds like it was written by an HR manager: http://dmdii.uilabs.org/projects/calls/hardware-software-toolkit-for-real-time-machine-and-process-diagnostics-monitoring-and-self-correction12:14
kanzurefor your amusement you can lookup "darpa vehicleforge" and uh... um.. ah, "darpa ifab".12:15
kanzureuilabs is where this darpa project has been homed for now12:15
CaptHindsight"machine no work right, make machine work more better"12:15
kanzure"make ship go"12:16
CaptHindsightAmerica Makes is even worse12:17
kanzurei don't have any leads on a chemist at the moment12:18
CaptHindsightI pay to join, share my research with large OEM's, not sure what the step #3 is, oh yeah, feel good that a large OEM is using your research12:18
CaptHindsightkanzure: once the Chemistry is worked out, what's the next step?12:20
kanzurei would expect the chemist to help out on the design for gene assembly. i'd probably start pinging you to see when you're available and get back on the contract chain.12:20
kanzure*contract train12:20
CaptHindsightkanzure: sorry, I meant after the printer and chemistry works12:21
kanzureoh, next machines?12:22
CaptHindsightwhats the plan to link the oligos into longer oligos?  light guided? electrostatic? broomsticks and squeegees?12:23
kanzureone of the following methods: dna ligase cycling reaction, gibson assembly, er... a few other methods that i completely forget the name of.. i should write this down huh.12:24
CaptHindsightcross that bridge when you get there12:25
kanzuret12 from cambrian genomics was claiming that there number one problem was that they didn't plan that part out, they spent millions of bucks on that12:25
CaptHindsightI've poked around a bit and this where everyone gets a bit tight lipped about details, not this group, just supposed synthetic DNA peddlers12:26
CaptHindsightI'll have to run the numbers on technique vs chem costs at some point12:29
kanzurewell, they were just pipetting stuff into different thermocyclers12:29
kanzurewhich is not something that scales to 100's of thousands of reactions12:29
kanzureand also, fenn seems to think (perhaps correctly...) that pipetting from individual inkjetted spots is not a practical technique.12:30
CaptHindsightlets chat about it later this week12:31
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CaptHindsightthere are several suppliers of chems for blockers, de-blockers, cappers etc12:32
kanzureazco biotech and glen research seem to be the contenders for this12:35
CaptHindsightI recall several others but I'll look at it again soon12:35
kanzureskysedge: hi12:36
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skysedgekanzure: hey man!12:44
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kanzure"Global computation" http://lucacardelli.name/Papers/GlobalComputation.A4.pdf14:28
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ryankarason@stone-age, interesting read15:00
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ryankarasonwe have also shown that chimpanzees can learn sign language15:01
ryankarasoni don't understand why we spend so much time asking ourselves, 'why don`t these creatures use sophisticated tools' when we could be just spending the time teaching them to use them...15:01
archelsryankarason: that hasn't been shown very conclusively15:01
ryankarasonarchels: which hasn't?15:02
archelssigning chimps15:02
ryankarasonand what of signing gorillas?15:02
ryankarasoni mean.. what constitutes 'conclusive evidence' for you?15:02
archelswell, these discussions quickly devolute into the definition of "language"15:02
ryankarasonand in my opinion, people think much too highly of human language.. as if it is something special..15:03
ryankarasonlanguage is just sharing information.15:03
ryankarasonmimcry is intelligence.15:03
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archels"x is intelligence" goes for a countless number of x15:05
archelsintelligence is just a bag of tricks, as Dennett says15:05
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ryankarasonintelligence is a vastless dimension attribute.15:05
ryankarasonaye.. it is all intelligence.. that i why i think we should quit arguing /what/ it is.. and just increase the potential for things to do stuff.15:06
ryankarasonteach animals to use tools, seems interesting.15:06
ryankarasonteach language to as many creatures as possible.15:06
archelsif it's a bag of tricks, shouldn't we be discussing more what it is, and try to figure out all the components so we can replicate them in software/robots?15:06
ryankarasondetermine what would be the best mthod of langauge for a particular type of creatue, based on its anatomy and environment15:06
archelslots of hippies spent a lot of time trying to teach animals stuff. I think they were mostly disappointed in the end15:07
ryankarasonlife is full of disappointments.. it doesn't mean quit trying.15:07
ryankarasonand imo computers are pretty smart.. what else do they need to do for people to consider them as such?15:07
archelsdo you think a smarter chimp will suddenly come along15:07
archelscomputers are just mechanical calculators, they're not inherently smart15:08
archelsthere's some software which is pretty impressive in narrow domains15:08
ryankarasonhumans are just biomechanical calculators, they're not inherently smart15:09
archelshumans are inherently smart. Just place one before a problem and see what happens.15:09
ryankarasontake a human, grow it in a black box.. let it out of the cave.. and it'll be quite dumb.15:11
archelswhat is your point15:13
archelshumans can be smart at situations that they've never encountered before15:14
archels(likewise for lower animals)15:14
archelscomputers cannot, unless of course they're running the right kind of software15:14
kanzurewhenever i talk to the swhackians about language they are really big into the chomsky genetic language component philosophy stuff15:14
kanzurebut really language evolved by a series of coincidences and "accidents" just like weak foreheads15:15
ryankarasonmy point is, that i believe, if you raise animals in a human-like environment for a long while, and you tailor your teachings to the anatomy and such of the animals they will appear very similiar in intellect to a human.15:15
kanzuresure if you breed them for clever15:15
ryankarasoni think they are clever enough already.15:15
ryankarasonthey just need to right help.15:15
ryankarasonif it wasn't for someone wasting their time teaching me things.. i'd be an idiot (though maybe i am anyway)15:16
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ryankarasonlanguage to me is a way to compress information in the brain. which from the outside makes me seem 'smarter' because i 'know' more.15:16
kanzurei strongly doubt that compression had a stronger effect than group coordination15:17
ryankarasonand it allows me to gain new knowledge in a indirect way through the expression of language and not direct experience.15:17
ryankarasongroup coordination i think we can help work on too15:17
kanzurealright you're just ranting i think15:17
ryankarasonsure fine.15:18
* ryankarason zips his lips15:18
archelsryankarason: I reject your assertion that animals can be made as smart as humans just by sufficient teaching and exposure15:19
archelssome animals are good at doing narrow-domain things15:19
archelsbut the fact is that humans are qualitatively smarter than every single known animal on the planet15:19
xtalmatharchels: people used to say the same about african slaves... just saying15:22
kanzureso your claim is that african slaves are not good at doing narrow-domain things?15:24
xtalmathI think the day human education from baby/toddler to reader has been automated in the form of a computer game with rewards, lots of animals will turn out to be more intelligent than we currently think, when we give them time and resources to learn15:25
kanzureare you an uplifter15:26
xtalmathwhat is an uplifter?15:26
kanzure.wik uplift (science fiction)15:26
yoleaux"In science fiction, uplift is a developmental process to transform a certain species of animals into sentient beings by other, already-intelligent beings. This is usually accomplished by evolutional interventions like genetic engineering but any fictional or real process can be used." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uplift_(science_fiction)15:26
kanzurein particular some people believe very strongly that all animals should be uplifted15:27
kanzureeven boring worms should be uploaded into the computational cloud heaven that circles venus or something15:27
kanzureer, both uploaded and uplifted15:27
kanzureit's sort of a radical veganism i guess15:28
xtalmathexpressing what I predict to be the case is not the same as expressing what I want to be the case15:28
xtalmathanyway, I think lots of animals will be uploaded, but only a few individuals, for research purpouses before we try it on humans...15:29
xtalmathlots of people will prefer to hear a description of the subjective experience of uploading from an uplifted animal, in lack of a first human volunteer...15:31
xtalmathuplifting will happen for many reasons, but I predict few of them will be out of compassion15:32
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nmz787_w'during the test and debug of the FPGA, the logic cell fabric was randomly connected and disconnected, because the chips were never brought into a board design, no ethical concerns were raised when the prototypes were discarded'    <---- that seems to be the analogous argument15:49
kanzurethis is like claiming that if you have a big enough number it might represent the state transition of an organism in immense amount of pain, and therefore mathematicians have an ethical obligation to only work with numbers smaller than 1e20015:50
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kanzureproposal for convincing others to write summaries of bitcoin-dev mailing list activity, rather than digest mode http://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-August/010488.html17:27
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abetuskkanzure, why is that so absurd?18:07
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kanzureabetusk: summaries are not absurd19:05
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nmz787.wik coupon pwb20:52
yoleauxnmz787: Sorry, that command (.wik) crashed.20:52
nmz787.wik coupon(pwb)20:52
yoleauxnmz787: Sorry, that command (.wik) crashed.20:52
nmz787.wik coupon20:52
yoleaux"In marketing, a coupon is a ticket or document that can be redeemed for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coupon20:52
nmz787.wik coupon(pwb)20:52
yoleauxnmz787: Sorry, that command (.wik) crashed.20:52
nmz787.wik coupon\(pwb\)20:52
yoleauxnmz787: Sorry, that command (.wik) crashed.20:52
nmz787.wik coupon\\(pwb\\)20:52
yoleauxnmz787: Sorry, that command (.wik) crashed.20:52
nmz787.wik "coupon pwb"20:52
nmz787.wik "coupon (pwb)"20:53
yoleaux"A coupon or test coupon is a printed circuit board (PCB) used to test the quality of the fabrication process used to develop printed wiring boards (PWB). Test coupons are typically fabricated on the same panel as the PWBs, typically at the edges." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coupon_(PWB)20:53
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nmz787I wish I got those kind of coupons in the mail every week20:54
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gradstudentbotMy PI went fishing in 1987 for proteins associated with cancer. He hasn't returned yet.20:54
nmz787gradstudentbot: "coupon (pwb)"20:54
gradstudentbotThis laproscopic camera is so easy to use.20:54
nmz787gradstudentbot: when you developed it, did the EE use a "coupon (pwb)" to test sig-int?20:55
gradstudentbotI'll be at the microscope.20:55
nmz787gradstudentbot: does that have differential interference contrast (DIC)?20:56
gradstudentbotHey, does anyone have an extra undergrad?20:56
nmz787gradstudentbot: I wish!20:56
gradstudentbotApparently my PI got this grant back in 1961. I think ARPA has forgotten about the lab and everything.20:56
nmz787gradstudentbot: haha, nice... guess you're happy then?20:56
gradstudentbotBlah, why won't they just kick me out.20:56
nmz787gradstudentbot: I see then.20:56
gradstudentbotThey're not recording lectures so now I have to go to class every day.20:56
nmz787gradstudentbot: that sounds horrible!20:56
gradstudentbotWhere did all my bands go?20:56
nmz787gradstudentbot: probably to that class...20:57
gradstudentbotWhere did all my bands go?20:57
nmz787gradstudentbot: probably to that class...20:57
gradstudentbotHis lab is so awkward.20:57
nmz787gradstudentbot: ever tried mouse jerky?21:00
gradstudentbotYeah, it should take me about 2 days.21:00
kanzurepoor gradstudentbot21:04
gradstudentbotYeah, I'm familiar with the technique. Sort of.21:04
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nmz787kanzure: thoughts on this??? "Filament raises $5M to bring the blockchain to the Internet of things "22:46
nmz787.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1007972922:46
yoleauxFilament raises $5M to bring the blockchain to the Internet of things | Hacker News22:46
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--- Log closed Thu Aug 20 00:00:46 2015

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