
--- Log opened Mon Aug 31 00:00:56 2015
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FourFireso, kanzure did you end up meeting "Mac" ?05:04
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kanzure"This means that if Tor is running (and proper authorization is available), bitcoin could automatically create a hidden service to listen on, without user manual configuration. That would positively affect the number of available .onion nodes." https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/658606:38
gradstudentbotI haven't written the abstract.06:40
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kanzure"A merkle tree is a tree in which every non-leaf node is labelled with the hash of the labels of its children nodes. Hash trees are useful because they allow efficient and secure verification of the contents of large data structures. Hash trees are a generalization of hash lists and hash chains."07:16
kanzurealso the description of merkle's puzzles is much simpler than i previously thought... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle%27s_Puzzles07:18
kanzure"Suppose Alice and Bob wish to communicate. Bob can send a message to Alice as follows: first he creates a large number of puzzles, each of a moderate amount of difficulty — it must be possible for Alice to solve the puzzle with a moderate amount of computing effort. The puzzles are in the form of an encrypted message with an unknown key; the key must be short enough to allow a brute force attack. Bob sends all of the puzzles to Alice, ...07:18
kanzure... who chooses one randomly, and solves it. The encrypted solution contains an identifier, as well as a session key, so Alice can communicate back to Bob which puzzle she has solved. Both parties now have a common key; Alice, because she solved a puzzle, and Bob, because he sent the puzzle. Any eavesdropper (Eve, say) has a harder task — she does not know which puzzle was solved by Alice. Her best strategy is to solve all the puzzles, ...07:19
kanzure... but since there are so many, this is more computationally expensive for Eve than it is for Alice."07:19
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gradstudentbotOh yeah, I'll pay you once my stipend posts.07:21
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kanzureexplicit electronic circuit design in python using weirdo api https://github.com/petertodd/tuke/blob/master/examples/LedGrid/ledgrid.py07:39
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archelskanzure: what XML format is that? Anything standard?07:44
kanzurethe library makes the user do a lot of the work which is a little strange07:45
kanzureshould be more like cadquery07:45
kanzure( https://github.com/dcowden/cadquery )07:46
kanzurehm i didn't know about this file https://github.com/nmz787/python-brlcad-tcl/blob/master/examples/motor_28BYJ_48__example.py07:47
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archelsI don't know any XML standards for circuit description, schematic or PCB07:56
FourFirekanzure, is there some way to use merkle trees and loads of computation to essentially compress data beyond conventional limits?08:01
kanzurein what way?08:03
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archelshmm, I remember Eagle being ASCII, but indeed it's even XML. neat08:05
archelsand CC-BY-ND 3.0 licenced08:09
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kanzure"Introduction to merkle trees" http://theopeneffect.com/2015/06/03/introduction-to-merkle-trees/08:47
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kanzureoh for proof-of-treachery your supernode could really be a 1-of-10000 "at least 1 honest node" protocol of some kind. but they could still coerce everyone to change the fraud proof handling stuff because the costs of setting up an alternative set of supernodes is very high. maybe you could steal back their fees/income and give it to the one honest node as a result.11:10
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nshOh, and just so you know, the ideas I’ll be discussing in this blog post have apparently given some people nightmares, and Eliezer apparently still believes that merely reading about them may put you at risk of eternal torture.11:55
nshGot that? Okay.11:55
kanzure"if you reveal ideas that are too powerful, ai is going to timetravel simulate all of your friends and family and torture them forever, so be careful out there"11:56
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nshwell personally, i'm thankful for that warning11:57
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kanzurensh: why?12:12
nshi meant the opposite12:14
nsh'The author suspects zero knowledge cryptography may be the new public-key, a technology that opens up entirely new classes of applications and systems. Public-key cryptography makes asymmetric trust relationships possible. Zero knowledge proofs make anonymous trust relationships possible.'12:14
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jrayhawk"Eliezer apparently still believes that  merely reading about them may put you at risk of eternal torture.12:45
jrayhawkthis is a malicious lie12:46
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jrayhawkeliezer's basic argument that an AI utility function for everlasting human-agent reward is just as or more likely to develop than an AI utility function for everlasting human-agent punishment if for nothing less than because we're unlikely to aim for tha latter is one he has expressed since shortly after the incident12:58
jrayhawkthe basilisk is moreso a cautionary tale about the dangers of fatalist absolutist contrarian communities, poor community management, and tribal signaling dynamics13:00
delinquentmeI a little sad im not living w one of your crazies and doing biotech late at night13:02
delinquentmekanzure, mostly you i think13:02
delinquentmebecause i found shipping container to house lab in13:02
delinquentmeand listening to metal13:02
delinquentmeTLDR: voltronsaurus13:03
kanzureput fenn in the shipping container he wont leave13:04
jrayhawkeliezer went too object-level ("thinking about acausal blackmail has negative utility even if you believe it is a meaningful risk")13:06
jrayhawkwhich leads to the result "it is in these people's best interests not to think about this"13:08
jrayhawkwhich, if enforced in a contrarian community, is the worst thing to do13:08
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delinquentmefenn, you want to transfect things for me?13:12
delinquentmeI have shipping container access in american steel studios :D13:12
kanzurehe probably does not want to transfect things for you13:14
delinquentmei have burritos13:15
delinquentmeand ill buy you a slurpee machine13:15
delinquentmeand the chipping container will be playing prog metal 24/713:15
delinquentmeand all the lab assistants will be sexy13:15
kanzureyou are not good at tempting fenn13:16
kanzuretell him you have a giant mecha13:16
delinquentmeslurpee love is ubiquitous13:16
delinquentmeOh . yeah theres one of those too in that warehouse :D13:16
juri_"when the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers."13:29
juri_that's my proof for an AI utility function for everlasting human punishment. humans are irrational.13:30
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jrayhawki don't find either particularly plausible; i am more in the paperclip camp13:38
kanzureis that pro-paperclip or anti-paperclip?13:49
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jrayhawki am a flip-flopper14:29
kanzureugh magikarps14:30
tallakahathMR FISH14:30
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kanzure"Neural models of conspiracy theories" http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.0456115:16
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erasmusI don't believe you15:44
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kanzure.wik rapid serial visual presentation17:23
yoleaux"Rapid serial visual presentation is an experimental model frequently used to examine the temporal characteristics of attention. The RSVP paradigm entails participants to look at a continuous presentation of visual items which is around 10 items per second." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapid_serial_visual_presentation17:23
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kanzurealiexpress is only showing me the site in russian >:(18:53
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JayDuggerGoogle translate no help with aliexpress?19:51
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kanzure"A famous story is the one from Fortran that caused a satellite to crash (Mariner Venus) due to '-' for '~' error... This story is in C++ and about a missing '&', and like the satellite story it also begins with a crash." https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=76509.021:10
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delinquentmekanzure, nmz78723:12
delinquentmebe alive.23:12
kanzure"How do you “inspect” the thousands and thousands of zebrafish embryos that you’re going to need. This paper details an automated system that seems to do a pretty good job (but I’m mindful that people have been working on automated imaging tools for such things for many years now – it’s not easy, and you run a significant risk of generating, at significant cost, a terabyte of so of noise). These authors, actually, had ...23:25
kanzure... previously tried a less-automated pancreatic growth assay in zebrafish, and seem to have been spending some time trying to avoid doing it that way again. The result is what they’re calling “the first truly high-throughput whole-organism drug screen in a vertebrate model”, and they may well be right about that, although there are a lot of press releases over the years that would appear to disagree."23:25
kanzure"So, how many compound are we talking about here? Probably not as many as you’re thinking. Their collection was 3348 (mostly approved) drugs, but you need 16 zebrafish embryos per concentration (six levels) across the dose-response, which added up, in the whole screen, to over 500,000 fish embryos."23:25
kanzure"Dexterous robotic manipulation of alert adult Drosophila for high-content experimentation"23:26
kanzureand images of same http://nerdist.com/robots-can-now-perform-brain-surgery-on-fruit-flies/23:26
kanzure"Perhaps most impressively, the robot can hold and transfer flies with suction devices while performing experiments like the effect different odors have on movement (GIF above) and conducting brain surgery (image above). The robot is dexterous and delicate enough to insert tiny fiber optics into fruit fly brains for neuron imaging after removing a drill with a bit smaller than a human skin cell (a,b,c above)."23:27
drethelinthat's pretty great23:30
kanzureright? i can sleep well tonight.23:30
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delinquentmeI cant parse that right now as to why its significant23:43
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drethelinhigh throughput biology research and experimentation23:56
drethelinFAR cheaper and far faster than current methods23:56
drethelinwhich rely on meat robots23:56
--- Log closed Tue Sep 01 00:00:57 2015

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