
--- Log opened Tue Oct 13 00:00:55 2015
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1037816303:59
yoleauxSlouchy – a small Python script that warns you if you're slouching | Hacker News03:59
kanzurethey should rename this nagger104:00
kanzure"complete lidar scan of london is available" https://environmentagency.blog.gov.uk/2015/09/18/laser-surveys-light-up-open-data/04:00
-!- c0rw|zZz is now known as c0rw1n04:02
kanzure.tell cluckj anthropology stuff about bitcoin, tor, debian http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDailyBitcoinShow/~5/DQ0MjIHWTmA/1395.mp3 (from scalingbitcoin)04:15
yoleauxkanzure: I'll pass your message to cluckj.04:15
* nmz787 just finished ordering parts for digikey... how did that just take 4 hours?04:22
@nmz787*from digikey04:23
@nmz787welp, I think I got all the parts I need for a new laser CNC driver board, along with the nice current-controlled-from-PWM laser driver setup04:23
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kanzurenow all you need is a giant hole through your house to flush out all the laser ablated ablationinogens04:40
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kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nn.4135.html05:26
yoleauxFunctional connectome fingerprinting: identifying individuals using patterns of brain connectivity : Nature Neuroscience : Nature Publishing Group05:26
kanzure"Characteristic connectivity patterns were distributed throughout the brain, but the frontoparietal network emerged as most distinctive. Furthermore, we show that connectivity profiles predict levels of fluid intelligence: the same networks that were most discriminating of individuals were also most predictive of cognitive behavior. Results indicate the potential to draw inferences about single subjects on the basis of functional ...05:26
kanzure... connectivity fMRI."05:26
kanzuresome erlang magic https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1037937605:29
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kanzure"The most obvious way to reach immortality is to survive until the creation of Friendly AI"05:31
kanzureoh my god i hate these people so much05:31
kanzure"that case if you are young enough and optimistic enough, you can simply do nothing – or just fund MIRI" how can anyone be this stupid05:31
kanzure(MIRI isn't even working on ai like that. so they're full of complete shit.)05:32
kanzurehis arrow is from 23andme to "tissue collection". i think this is an anti-science zone.05:32
kanzure"Create multichannel EEG system to upload visual images from the brain" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa05:34
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kanzurenote the above claim of shittyness was about the author of the statement, not MIRI (stated reasons would have been different)05:36
archelsto claim digital immortality based on cultural artefacts/traces left by a person is pretty insulting05:50
kanzurenot sure whether it's possible to redirect lesswrongians into more productive efforts05:59
kanzurethey haven't course-corrected on their own06:00
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JayDugger"how can anyone be this stupid", seriously? Resisting wishful thinking turns out easier said than done.06:25
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JayDuggerjrayhawk, do you know if nuvigil has any effect on ADD/ADHD?06:33
kanzurewell, to be fair, i guess MIRI doesn't scream "no, we're not working on ai" at the top of their lungs all the time, so perhaps they are responsible for that error being made06:39
kanzure"The second example comes from a paper titled "Synonymous Genes Explore Different Evolutionary Landscapes." [14] (This article is publically available; see the citation below.) The authors of this paper are broadly interested in the ability of a protein to evolve. They specifically wanted to know how synonymous substitutions affected the evolutionary landscape of a protein. To do this, they used a program called the Evolutionary ...06:39
kanzure... Landscape Printer to design a synonymous version of the antibiotic resistance gene aac(6')-IB. A synonymous protein has the same amino acid sequence but a different nucleotide sequences. Thus, a synonymous protein has the same function and fitness value but a different surrounding evolutionary landscape. Basically, this is a way to jump peaks without actually moving.[14] The landscape of the original protein and the synonymous copy ...06:39
kanzure... were explored computationally with Monte Carlo simulations and error-prone PCR. The PCR products were then inserted into competent E. coli cells and screened for novel antibiotic resistance. They found that the two proteins gave rise to very different novel phenotypes that, theoretically, are unreachable by the other. From their results, the authors concluded that synonymous codons allow for a wider exploration of the local ...06:40
kanzure... evolutionary landscape, and that their method increases the odds of finding an advantageous mutation, which is useful for predicting how a population might change and for designing better organisms for industry.[14]"06:40
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kanzure06:55 < FourFire> so, Anders Sandberg from FLI is coming to talk at my workplace tomorrow06:56
FourFireyeah, anyone who wants a question answered, let me know and I'll see if I can convey it07:00
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poppingtonicWill it be recorded?07:05
poppingtonicFourFire what's your workplace, if it's ok to ask?07:06
FourFireprobably, they were setting up a TV couch when I left07:06
FourFirewell, gtg07:06
poppingtonicwhat'll the talk be about?07:08
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poppingtonickanzure: the scaling bitcoin conference, are there transcripts?07:18
kanzurepoppingtonic: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/scalingbitcoin/07:18
kanzuremuch of that podcast from earlier today was from day two i think07:19
kanzurei think the podcast included this audio, http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/scalingbitcoin/roundgroup-roundup-1/ and http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/scalingbitcoin/roundgroup-roundup-2/07:19
FourFirepoppingtonic, I work in the most happening place in Norway07:22
FourFirethe biggest startup and tech hotspot07:22
FourFire"The Oslo Science park"07:22
* poppingtonic searches the most happening place in norway07:22
FourFireno just google oslo science park07:23
poppingtonicit looks so cool why does it look so cool07:26
kanzureprobably the grass07:31
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kanzureabout molecular nanotechnology things (nanoengineer, etc.) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1038041607:34
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poppingtonicalso, that nanofactory video was faancyyyy07:54
kanzuresets a high bar for eye candy07:55
archelsFourFire: maybe some of the same stuff that kanzure posted for the OpenWorm journal club08:01
poppingtonickanzure: the subtitled sections in your transcript are different talks?08:02
kanzurepoppingtonic: they were 5-minute summaries given by speakers from "roundtable discussion groups" that were occurring in parallel. the summaries were given serially at the end of the "roundtable" sessions.08:03
kanzuresince i could only be at one place at a time, i was only available for these:08:03
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/scalingbitcoin/systematizing-knowledge/ (last one)08:04
kanzureFourFire: archels is talking about https://groups.google.com/d/msg/openworm-discuss/yfTBVpGXuUc/6g_KzuueBgAJ08:05
kanzurekosuri replied on hacker news to my molecular nanotech post offering me a job, so i figured i would mention the inkjet dna synthesizer project by linking to the wiki08:14
kanzurethankfully i remembered that the diagram on http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna/synthesis/notes/ is from his 2014 review paper, hopefully he doesn't call me out on my shit08:14
kanzure"Our lab is working on ways to screen large libraries of designed proteins for engineered orthogonally interacting libraries. The thought would this would be a start of a modular resuasable library for molecular self-assembly. If you are interested, we're definitely hiring!"08:15
JayDuggerPlease tell Anders he needs to stop writing manifestos and get back to writing RPGs.08:23
JayDuggerOr at least papers about RPGs.08:24
kanzuretell him he should hang out in here08:24
kanzureand that he needs to offset the amount of time he is hanging out with existential worry warriors by hanging out with engineers to level him out08:24
JayDuggerYeah, that's an accurate and responsible comment.08:25
JayDuggerOr RPGs about writing papers about hanging out with engineers.08:25
kanzureand of the existential worry warriors that he *does* choose to hang out with, carl shulman is probably an okay choice compared to the others, based on the evidence i've seen of their work output08:28
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kanzureFourFire: there are questions for anders sandberg in the logs, stuff for you talk with him about, etc. http://gnusha.org/logs/2015-10-13.log08:45
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JayDuggerFourFire, you can ignore those RPG comments of mine. I make them as jokes.09:02
FourFirekanzure, worry warriors, or Drama Lamas?09:04
kanzurei'm sure anders appreciates jokes as much as anyone else09:04
kanzurenot sure what llamas have to do with it?09:05
JayDuggerHe probably does, but he's also heard me make these.09:08
JayDuggerLamas, not llamas.09:08
JayDuggerEpopts, not ungulates.09:09
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kanzure"A realistic 3D-printed robotic finger using a shape memory alloy (SMA) and a unique thermal training technique has been developed by Florida Atlantic University assistant professor Erik Engeberg, Ph.D. “We have been able to thermomechanically train our robotic finger to mimic the motions of a human finger, like flexion and extension,” said Engeberg"10:22
kanzurefinally i can have an army of fingers to do my typing for me10:22
kanzure"Researchers at Lund University have developed implantable multichannel electrodes that can capture signals from single neurons in the brain over a long period of time — without causing brain tissue damage, making it possible to better understand brain function in both healthy and diseased individuals. Current flexible electrodes can’t maintain their shape when implanted, which …"10:22
kanzureeww john brockman has published a book about ai :-( straying from his usual edge.org topics i guess10:23
kanzurearchels: do you know whether anyone has done a wireless optical brain implant thingy? instead of using brain window.10:24
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archelsI haven't heard of it yet, no10:26
archelsstimulation, yes10:26
archelsrecording—I think you need a pretty solid camera in terms of sensitivity and refresh10:27
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7apeh4tjsgI10:41
yoleauxA demonstration of “Laundroid,” the world’s first automated laundry-folding robot - YouTube10:41
kanzurenmz787: this nanotube/nanopore person just got his phd and is looking for work http://people.clemson.edu/~bearde2/10:44
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nmz787_ikanzure: idk, this guy seems like he just got back from the future... “Detecting and Identifying Small Molecules in a Nanopore Flux Capacitor”, Samuel Bearden, Ethan McClure, Guigen Zhang, In Prep11:29
nmz787_ikanzure: looks like a good candidate11:30
kanzurenearly drove over a flock of green parrots while i was at lunch today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSSkFNb05DU (wrong city, but basically same thing)11:32
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nmz787_ikanzure: are you getting me my own grad student for Christmas??? :D11:32
nmz787_iI have a shed I can make into a 'dorm'...11:33
nmz787_iI promise I'll feed him, and give him water... and keep all his reagents stocked fresh... and... and...11:34
kanzurenot until you finish your broccoli11:35
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nmz787_ii'll see your brocolli, and raise you romanesco-brocolli11:37
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jrayhawkJayDugger: stimulants are generally capable of improving ADHD symptoms, but there's U-shaped dose-response curve that's easy to wind up on the wrong side of, and lots of individual variation on how that curve looks for different stimulants.12:02
kanzureand then some people get resistance or addiction, so that doesn't help either12:02
drethelinthere's also the whole getting enraged thing12:03
drethelindepending on which you're on12:03
kanzureor people are naturally angry and that's okay12:03
jrayhawkcontinuous performance tests are usually the way to objectively work out what the U-shape looks like.12:03
drethelinkanzure: I mean I've never been on adderall but my gf reports it made her way more angry all the time12:03
drethelincompared both to vyvanse and not being on anything12:04
kanzuredoesn't the existence of stuff like "selective mutism" break performance test stuff?12:04
jrayhawkIn which regard?12:04
nmz787_i/me still pissed the doctor didn't give me desoxyn after showing him plasma half-life curves indicating it was metabolized faster, and thus would affect my sleep less12:05
kanzurejrayhawk: i'm not convinced that performance tests will tell me whether i am presently in state of mind to write good software12:05
nmz787_ikanzure: well if the test was a piece of code...12:06
nmz787_i/me you suck at writing helloworld today!12:06
kanzuremost people aren't writing "hello cruel world" all the time, though12:06
kanzurenmz787_i: that's why "doctor shopping" exists (and no this is not about doctor who fanfiction)12:07
kanzuredrethelin: "always angry" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msRaooooyds12:07
nmz787_iyeah, fuck shopping... ain't nobody got time for that12:13
nmz787_iI want shit with clicks of buttons and telepathy (only that which I authorize)12:13
nmz787_iI can barely handle shopping for new pants or shirts... digikey is about the most grueling shopping I've done since buying a house12:14
drethelindigikey isn't that hard to use12:15
drethelinyou just need to know fairly precisely what you're looking for12:15
nmz787_ii think I know how to use it... it was mostly that I couldn't reset the 'value' of the component I was searching for, without clicking back... and then the sorting by price ascending is also another click-back12:17
nmz787_iwhich translates into needing to click sort again for each value you need to search12:17
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kanzureiirc octopart is the only sane way to use digikey/mouser12:46
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nmz787_iwhat is the parent of a clone called?14:22
nmz787_imother and daugter?14:22
nmz787_iis that politically correct?14:22
nmz787_ithe cloner and clonee?14:22
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kanzuremarblestone thesis http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/12274513/Marblestone_gsas.harvard_0084L_11381.pdf?sequence=114:44
Aurelius2Gonna head out, but 'Kanzure was right and I shouldn't have gone to graduate school and just spent 6 months studying software in 2010'14:45
nmz787_iwhat did you study?14:46
Aurelius2Uh, will get back to that when I'm home.14:46
kanzureyou sound a lot like that guy cpopell14:46
Aurelius2yeah, new nick14:46
Aurelius2nmz787_i https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=jUfMrXUAAAAJ&citation_for_view=jUfMrXUAAAAJ:u5HHmVD_uO8C14:47
Aurelius2anyway, out14:47
nmz787_iah, right14:47
nmz787_ithat is not software dev though14:47
nmz787_iso your skills would not be equivalent today no matter what14:47
kanzurehe means he wished he would have studied software for 6 months in 201014:48
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nmz787_ii reckon if jrayhawk was obi-wan kenobi, he might eat sandpeople15:55
nmz787_ior maybe they are too sentient for his taste15:55
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nmz787_i/me don't forget16:00
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kanzure.title http://www.cell.com/abstract/S0092-8674%2815%2901191-516:08
kanzureoh nevermind16:08
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.16:08
kanzuresomeone said "full model is available" but it's a link to the paper, boo16:08
kanzurenmz787_i: use octopart to pick things from digikey16:08
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nmz787_ikanzure: yeah I'm not sure why I didn't do that17:10
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drethelinfragment of rat brain17:31
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WobblyXhas anyone read Dresden Codak?19:47
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superkuhOh. Left.20:28
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kanzureso little patience20:59
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