
--- Log opened Sun Oct 18 00:00:00 2015
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kanzurethe problem with that plan is that the markov generated version of the logs will end up being the only saved copy ever, by osme random accident01:56
kanzurelaw of data is that data reverts to most hilarious instantiation of said data02:03
-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vtrxviewormenoat] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]02:03
kanzurewebgl mechanical clock https://nikital.github.io/clock/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1040616502:04
-!- Guest31168 is now known as altersid02:29
kanzuremicrocosmos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6ftVI3NfxU (recalibration)02:32
kanzureanima mundi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yoynLCwrjE (more recalibration)02:35
justanotheruserfenn: what?02:45
kanzurehow goes cnc stuff?02:46
justanotheruserif you're talking about my hostmask being visible, you now have my hotels IP :D02:47
kanzure"yes hi, i am looking for justan otterooser. do you have him?"02:47
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kanzurehotel's gonna be non-cooperative02:48
-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sdqmxmbotlmbgneq] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:48
kanzurecnc stuff? you went?02:48
justanotheruserI've been watching some of this guys video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMhYuXx35Ik02:48
yoleauxSHOP TIPS #192 Intro. to Gears & Gear Cutting on Bridgeport Mill tubalcain - YouTube02:48
justanotheruserI went?02:48
kanzureit is question02:48
kanzureyou were going to trek to the campus machine shop at some point02:49
kanzure4am is probably not a good time for me attempting communication. i'm probably still dreamng anyway.02:50
justanotheruserah, no. I haven't yet. I'm not sure they would be willing to show me anything unless I was taking a class, which I am unable to. So I'm probably going to take a class after this semester is over02:50
kanzurepizza > class registration02:50
-!- c0rw|zZz is now known as c0rw1n02:54
justanotheruserStrange, it seems your logs don't include my hostmask-free join. I have no idea what fenns comment meant02:58
fenni wasn't being sarcastic or anything, genuinely curious how the anonymity is working out in general02:58
fenni see it as a lifestyle like living on a boat02:59
fennsome people do it for fun or political reasons, some people are being hounded out of their home country and fleeing on a raft03:00
fenni've been watching a lot of those "tubalcain" videos and i'm not too impressed overall03:01
justanotheruseryeah, justanotheruser is just something I came up with because I didn't care about coming up with some super awesome name03:02
fennhe's definitely not an expert in anything and makes a lot of mistakes in the theory of why things are done03:02
justanotheruseroh really?03:02
fennevery video i want to make a whole bunch of corrections, it's frustrating03:02
fennanyway it covers a lot of practical knowledge and you can identify common objects found in the shop and what they are for03:03
fennhe teaches many techniques that are utterly worthless if you have CNC03:04
justanotheruserthat's interesting because he seems to cite books on the subject often. Are the books wrong?03:04
fennno the books are usually correct03:04
fenni have the exact same machinery's handbook edition03:06
fenn"it's a smeller"03:06
fennhe says a lot of things like "this is engineering information and we don't have to think about that at the milling machine"03:08
fennhe never mentions that you only need one hob to cut every gear in a series, instead of a zillion form cutters03:18
fennand the hob will make better more accurate gears03:18
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kanzureyes we should identify some hplusroadmap-sanctioned machining videos06:01
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JayDuggerTry https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0EB93E6E02E5CF1706:38
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vixkztijcrnsguss] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:44
yoleauxindustrial - YouTube07:13
-!- FourFire [FourFire@2a02:270:2015:cafe:c030:aeaf:9a8b:58bc] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:14
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kanzureargh eliezer is the fucking worst; when people ask about transhumanism, people recommend reading HPMOR now instead of stuff like, i dunno, learning lab protocols- https://www.reddit.com/r/Transhuman/comments/3p1gk1/self_study_need_help_developing_curriculum/07:37
mginthose are two totally different categories07:48
mginfiction is extremely important07:49
kanzurefiction doesn't instruct you how to do things07:50
kanzurehis question was how to do things07:50
mginso what? he's new and doesn't know where to start07:50
mginrecommending him to read fiction for inspiration is a great idea07:51
kanzureHPMOR does not instruct you with where to start learning practical skills07:51
mgindid you read what I just said?07:52
kanzurealso, i don't think HPMOR is particularly inspiring07:53
mginfine but the principle is sound07:53
kanzurepretty stupid that i can't make negative comments about lesswrong without pushback07:57
kanzure"Concise total synthesis of glucosepane" http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6258/29407:59
kanzure"An existing drug administered intravenously reduces the chances of dying from major stroke by 60%, according to results of a phase II trial announced October 9 at the annual Neurocritical Care Society meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona." (cirara) http://scitechdaily.com/new-drug-significantly-reduces-mortality-rate-after-stroke/08:00
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streetyIsn't the benefit of these Q&A sites that it's relatively rare that any one person is able to provide a complete and perfect answer. Collectively though, we get closer. Pushing the idea that biology can be studied without a highly equipped lab is important. A little bit of fiction on the side is no bad thing though08:01
kanzurefiction is fine, but not lesswrong08:08
kanzurelet's look at the results of lesswrong... go look at #lesswrong08:08
kanzurethe attempts at politically railroading henry markram have been quite strange http://nautil.us/blog/the-big-problem-with-big-science-ventureslike-the-human-brain-project08:12
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kanzurei guess there's $1B at stake so other researchers probably feel the need to team up to yell at grant bodies to get some money of their own08:12
kanzureeven if they are just babbling nonsense08:12
streetythe glyburide article is interesting. Have to wonder what other conditions it could be useful in08:17
-!- Houshalter [~Houshalte@oh-71-50-56-224.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:18
streetysome evidence that it protects the heart as well in various models08:18
streety"After the administration of the K(ATP) channel blocker glibenclamide,  median norepinephrine requirements decreased from 13 to 4 microg/min  compared with a change from 19 to 7 microg/min after placebo." That is quite a placebo effect. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1648489208:23
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-!- QuadIngi is now known as FourFire08:54
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-!- QuadIngi is now known as FourFire09:19
FourFire"<kanzure> HPMOR does not instruct you with where to start learning practical skills" nope, but it helps spread the idea that there are things worth striving for, and that you'd be more awesome for doing so09:25
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maakuFourFire: be very very careful though. HPMoR is full of wrong examples of how to proceed09:45
maakuIn fact HPMoR is probably an anti-example to learn from09:49
maakuTry to be like HPMOR!Harry and you'll end up on #lesswrong09:49
mginit's practical utility is irrelevant09:49
mginthat's not the point of fiction09:49
FourFiremaaku, sure, but it's akin to mythbusters09:50
FourFirenot a great example of actually doing things right, but a good propagator of the meme that things can be done right, by anyone09:51
FourFireand that doing things right, in of itself can be enjoyable or cool, or whatever09:51
maakuFourFire: ugh, no. it is precisely not akin to mythbusters09:51
FourFirebut yes I'd prefer to see more intro lab procedure, or paywall jailbreaking or something else useful guides09:52
maakuif Mythbusters was like HPMoR, Adam and Jamie would sit around a table and discuss myths until they'd convinced themselves with their own smartness which one was true or not09:52
maakuthis is decartian 'rationalism' and there's a 250 year history of this Not. Working. At. All.09:55
maakuactually longer than that, it's the aristotelian tradition09:56
maakuand in the middle ages you ended up with church doctrine, in the 21st century you get #lesswrong09:56
mginyou're an idiot.09:56
FourFireyeah, now that I think of it, HPMoR is a whole lot of applause lights towards nerd culture/scientifically literate people without actually contributing to it at all09:56
FourFireor only minorly09:56
* mgin has read HPMOR like >5 times and loves it09:57
FourFire!HPEV gets to reap the fruits of doing things correctly, with overpowered buffs due to magic + science success aura, and doesn't actually do much actual research or so on, besides knowing a bunch of stuff he's read from before the story's beginning09:58
FourFireThat doesn't detract from me having enjoyed reading it of course, just removes it from the list of transhumanist fiction I call "the canon"10:00
maakuOh sure it's decently good fiction. I like portions of it better than the original HP.10:00
mginthat's the only thing that matters10:01
maakuBut turning an aspiring transhumanist to HPMoR or LessWrong is sabotaging.10:01
mginit's enjoyable. it's a pleasure to read, in and of itself.10:02
mginthat's the whole fucking point of fiction.10:02
maakuLike, idk, sending an aspiring scientist to a scientology recruitment center.10:02
FourFiremaaku, you have a very low opinion of LW10:03
FourFirePerhaps I am a cult member...10:03
FourFireperhaps LW community is optimized too much towards improving the lives of the nerdy/weird people who turn up (and spreading the gratuitous identifying memes) rather than furthering transhumanist goals10:04
FourFirebut to compare them to Scientology is a bit far..10:05
FourFireor are you NRx, maaku ?10:05
maakuNo idea what NRx even is10:05
maakuI tihnk it is perfectly appropriate comparison.10:05
maakuLW exhibits strong cultish behavior around dogma that undermines its very stated goals.10:06
* mgin is friendly with reaction philosophy10:06
maakuDespite being founded by people who claim to be looking for others to collaborate on a positive singularity, it actually has only accomplished stealing would-be transhumanists away into a dogma of anti-science and revealed truths10:08
mginthat wasn't why it was founded...10:09
mginbesides, how is LW anti-science? I've never heard that before10:09
maakumgin: should I find quotes from EY on this?10:09
mginyou should.10:09
mginthe center of LW is rationality, not transhumanism or singularitarianism10:10
maakumgin: LW (originally, his posts on overcoming bias) was started by EY to develop 'rationalists' to help on his quest to build friendly AI10:11
maakuis this bit of history lost these days?10:11
mginyes and no10:11
FourFirehe wanted more "alive" people to talk to without having to stoop down from his high IQ and explain everything in detail to10:12
mginthe latter is more of an ultimate motivation, but the primary motivation of lesswrong is to espouse rationality / raise the sanity waterline and whatnot10:12
maakuFourFire: heh10:12
mgini've been following Eliezer for more than 10 years10:13
maakumgin: I'm sorry :(10:13
mgini read "what is the singularity" and "why work toward the singularity" on singinst.org back in like 200310:13
FourFirelook into, say this post: http://lesswrong.com/lw/kh/explainers_shoot_high_aim_low/10:14
mginalso spent some time on the SL4 mailing list ^_^10:14
FourFire"everyone is too dumb to understand what you're saying10:14
maakumgin: I once thought I could fix LW as a contrarian. I later learned that to engage itself was a mistake (http://lesswrong.com/lw/m81/)10:17
mginwhat's your problem anyway?10:17
maakuIf you want to be a "rationalist" then learn what you can about actual, experimental science, and perform it yourself.10:17
maakuActual lab work will do way more than any philosophical mutterings.10:18
-!- QuadIngi [~FourFire@2a02:270:2015:cafe:c030:aeaf:9a8b:58bc] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:18
maaku... and I'll stop clogging up the logs here10:18
-!- FourFire [FourFire@2a02:270:2015:cafe:c030:aeaf:9a8b:58bc] has quit [Disconnected by services]10:19
-!- QuadIngi is now known as FourFire10:19
maakumgin: my problem is the dozen or so truly smart people who I have been trying to get to contribute to actually working on transhumanist projects (as they once used to), but are now totally wrapped up in solving FAI philosophy problems10:20
mgina lot of great stuff has come out of LW and Eliezer especially. it's not secret the crowd of people there are deranged and so on, but that's a separate issue10:20
maakuthat, I think, is ontopic for this channel. how do we get more people to actually work on transhumanist projects.10:20
mginwhat's an FAI philosophy problem?10:20
CaptHindsightand time10:20
mginthose are my AGI problems haha10:21
* mgin needs money and time for AGI R&D10:21
maakumgin: go to intelligence.org and click on click on Research10:21
mgini've seen their stuff10:21
maakumgin: you mentioned earlier you are working on strong AI -- what's your project?10:21
FourFire"<maaku> mgin: my problem is the dozen or so truly smart people who I have been trying to get to contribute to actually working on transhumanist projects (as they once used to), but are now totally wrapped up in solving FAI philosophy problems" that's worse than my problem10:21
CaptHindsightit's like choosing warp drive as a project10:22
FourFireI've found one, one IRL person who is apparently smarter than me, and they don't seem to be doing Anything...10:22
CaptHindsighton a planet full of monkeys10:22
mgini'm still uncomfortable talking about it with others10:22
mginwhich is annoying10:22
maakuFourFire: you need to change you environment (or your view of people)10:22
mgini'm debating being less secret about it10:22
maakumgin: feel free to PM me10:22
FourFirelike, getting them into LW would be an improvement, because at least then they might do some EA stuff10:22
maakuI promise to be too distracted by bitcoin to steal your idea10:23
FourFiremaaku, yeah I am aware, but where is the right environment (and don't ****ing tell me "The Bay Area" or "Oxford")10:23
mgin"effective altruism", lol. what an oxymoron10:24
FourFirewhat dimension of my view of people stands out to you as openly fallacious (or harmful) ?10:24
maakuFourFire: I don't mean change locations. maybe find a club or meetup?10:24
mginmaaku: i PM'd you10:24
maakuFourFire: or a project to workon (there's a couple ongoing this channel)10:25
FourFireI tried to make a tregular meetup, but my comparative advantage isn't organising social events, and after four months of trying, I gave up10:25
mginmaaku: i share your disgust of the MIRI research program10:25
FourFireyes, I'm working on a couple of projects, a few short-ish term, one long term10:25
mginif there's anyone interested and qualified to try to actually build an AGI/FAI i'd be interested in talking to them10:26
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FourFiremgin, you know Houshalter and I hang in an AI research Slack group10:26
FourFireask Houshalter for an invite10:26
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mginHoushalter: invite to said AI research slack group?10:26
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maakuHoushalter: same here10:37
Houshalteroh hello10:39
Houshalteri need email adresses10:39
Houshalterpm me10:39
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Houshaltermgin, and maaku10:40
Houshaltermaaku, invite sent10:42
FourFiremaaku, please, tell me what you think is wrong with my view of people.10:49
kanzuremaaku: lately i have been formulating my objection to eliezer's mode of thinking as something along the lines of "well, that was never in the threat model to begin with, so no it doesn't make sense to direct all activity towards that sort of impossible-by-definition threat".10:58
kanzureFourFire: i don't think you should be optimizing for intelligence with people you meet. i think you've got a lot out of me, and you don't even know whether i am intelligent.10:59
kanzurecouldn't care less if someone who is highly effective and correct happens to be low intelligence. worse things have happened in the world.11:00
FourFire>  i think you've got a lot out of me,11:00
FourFirenot sure what you mean by that11:00
kanzureutility points11:00
maakukanzure: good way of putting it11:01
FourFireif you mean that i respect you to some extent, then yes, that's a function of my perception of your abnormally high apparent agency, plus apparent perspective on what goals are worth reaching11:01
kanzuretransfer or increase of utility is not necessarily linked to knowing whether your peers are intelligent, or whethey they are intelligent at all.11:01
FourFireThat implies intelligence, to me.11:01
FourFireintelligence is just a multiplier in the formula which outputs "[good] agency"11:01
FourFireif you have high agency then you're likely either highly lucky/well connected and dumb, or intelligent enough to make your own luck and connections.11:03
maakuFourFire: I think you think too much about intelligence, and who has it11:03
FourFiresure, ok11:03
kanzure"LW community is optimized too much towards improving the lives of the nerdy/weird people who turn up" <-- yeah i am not convinced that they are optimized towards this at all.11:03
kanzuremaaku: that's a general affliction of that community in general, though! not FourFire's fault.11:03
FourFireI may have disproportionally discussed intelligence in this channel, and overly correlated my own intelligence with my agency, because I feel like I have way too low agency compared to what I think I should have11:04
kanzurei think intelligence is an okay topic in this channel, just be prepared for me and others to shit all over that concept11:05
FourFiresure, I wouldn't bring up a topic if I knew everyone would just agree with me on it, what's to learn from that?11:05
FourFirekanzure, well I'm not really active on the site, mostly in the channel, for the past four years.11:06
FourFireit's a unrepresentative sample of the LW demographic11:06
kanzurehow unrepresentative11:07
HoushalterI don't really agree with MIRI's approach to FAI. They focus on really philosophical stuff11:08
maakuFourFire: if by "have too little agency" you mean "not doing stuff", you improve that by doing stuff.11:09
FourFireI'm not sure, but I know average opinion on multiple relevant topics, for example in the surveys' is skewed to some extent from the LW surveytaker's average11:09
kanzuremaaku: also, i agree with CaptHindsight's statement about money and time being useful to get people to work on more transhumanist projects. but somewhat of a too general answer.11:09
kanzureFourFire: have you acquired a protein crystallography friend yet?11:10
FourFiremaaku, yes, I am aware, I am lazy, but also my brain seems to not be very well suited for not being lazy, moreso than I experience other people's agency11:10
FourFirekanzure, noop11:10
mginwhy do you keep saying "agency" over and over again11:11
FourFirebut then I don't really hang around the university, or scout out my workplace for stuff, I'm prone to fall into a subsistence living routine :/11:11
kanzurealso, why do people keep using protein ribbon diagrams? how do they decide what gets to be the "real" backbone.11:11
FourFireI bet there's at least one company at my workplace which does that11:12
FourFireI have no idea11:12
FourFiresomething about observed structural stability is my best guess11:12
kanzureoriginally i tried not to look at ribbon diagrams because all of that empty space in the diagram seemed sort of pointless11:13
kanzurei know that most molecules are empty space, but i still need to see the actual force fields11:13
kanzure(much rather prefer electrostatic potential diagrams)11:14
CaptHindsightkanzure: well I was just posting a short comment, not putting on a pageant  :)11:14
kanzureprobably i'll make a lurker survey soon to get some Actual Data on the problem11:16
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maakuFourFire: excuses. laziness is a solveable problem11:49
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maakuHoushalter: any reason for slack instead of here or ##AGI?11:54
Houshalterwell the existing AGI communities on IRC are absolutely awful. a bunch of crazy people and trolls have taken over11:55
maakuso make a new IRC channel11:55
FourFiremaaku, yes, I know ...11:55
chris_99#ai was pretty retarded last time i was in there heh11:55
Houshalterit still is. don't go there11:56
FourFireslack has a higher barrier to entry as someone has to be interested enough to give up a real email address11:56
Houshalteri didn't choose slack though, i'm not the founder. I think Nick B did, and he's gone now11:56
maakuwell as a closed system I'm unlikey to initiate a conversation there11:56
Houshalterbut it has worked out. the quality of discussion is a bit higher than what I expect on IRC. that might just be the members though11:56
Houshalteralso you would be surprised how many people don't know how to use or just won't use IRC11:57
maakuIt's not accessibility concerns over slack11:57
maakuIt's the closed ecosystem11:58
Houshalterthe biggest advantage by far is that it archives the discussion. I don't have to leave a client open 24/7. I can just open it up in the morning and see wht people talked about last night11:58
Houshalteri'm very glad we didn't create an IRC channel for that reason11:58
maakuHoushalter: there's these things called irc bouncers and log bots. you should use them11:59
Houshalteri have no idea how to set that up and i doubt most people know they exist. slack just does it automatically. it's great11:59
maakuHoushalter: are you only on IRC when your computer is online?12:00
maakuI can make you an account on my quassel server if you like12:02
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Houshalteri'm slowly growing to hate my IRC client too12:04
justanotheruser"xchat 2.8.6-2 Windows Vista"12:05
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Houshalterwho are you12:09
Houshalterhow do you know these things12:09
maakuHoushalter: /whois Houshalter12:09
justanotheruserwelcome to irc12:10
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HoushalterI don't see any information about my client12:10
justanotheruserHoushalter: /ctcp justanotheruser version12:12
maakuHoushalter: PM12:13
Houshalter"VERSION Internet Explorer Webchat Plugin 2.0.3 - Microsoft Windows 2000" O_o12:13
chris_99haha, is that fake12:14
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Houshalterthat's justanotheruser's ctcp12:19
justanotheruserHoushalter: the ctcp version response is just whatever your client decides to respond with12:19
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QuadIngijustanotherusr, maaku it is my intention to setup a bouncer, and indeed become more proficient in techical things of that sort, such as writing a personal wiki, and so on, but I never seem to get around to it12:39
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FourFireYou could call this laziness12:39
FourFirebut it's not like I'm idle, I'm active in my daily work routines, and forced social interaction and so on, I just don't seem to take the initiative to make significant progress on anything which isn't continuing the status quo.12:40
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mgin"forced social interaction" lol12:52
kanzuremaaku: i suspect that the reason why slack has caught on at all is the one-click onboarding.. any additional step to get to a chatroom is friction that eliminates users.13:26
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kanzureugh sensorica is spamming the diybio mailing list now14:08
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justanotherusrSENSORICA: an open, decentralized and self-organizing value network, designing, producing, and distributing sensing and sensemaking solutions.14:17
kanzurethey have been spamming the openmanufacturing mailing list for years14:17
chris_99some of the projects look pretty cool though14:17
kanzureat one point i wanted to ban the guy, but then someone said something like "oh this isn't crap" so i haven't looked since 200914:17
kanzurein retrospect my strategy is probably suboptimal14:17
kanzureconsidering that was around the time i applied the same logic to bitcoin14:18
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kanzurereason@fightaging.org commenting about bioviva https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1040984214:42
mginwhy the fuck don't we just crowd fund clinical trials15:01
mginand they just release their products as supplements15:01
mginthe cycle could go from decades to months15:01
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mginwhy the fuck is that not happening15:01
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FourFiremgin, because economic incentive15:05
mginnot sure about this particular case15:06
kanzureclinical trials are too expensive15:06
kanzurecrowdfunding isn't going to raise $100M/week for $potential_cure_x- at that scale you need government intervention or something15:06
mginwhy? manufacture the drugs and give em to people15:07
mginwhy does that cost money15:07
kanzurethe answer to that question is the fda15:07
mginlike what if i wanted to run a trial of nervonic acid15:07
mginnot sure why nobody has tried this yet15:07
mginpay the cost to synthesize the stuff, and recruit some volunteers15:08
kanzurethere's also concerns about self-reporting errors15:08
kanzurelies can be identified using statistics as long as most of your data is non-lie but w/e15:08
mginwell in the case of the nervonic acid trial we would give them objective tests of cognition, so it's controlled15:09
kanzure"we"- the people you are paying to conduct the trial?15:09
kanzureor do you mean the participants?15:09
mginseriously, does anyone know where i could get some? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nervonic_acid15:10
kanzuretoday in #lesswrong they all thought peer review happened before publication and conduction of an experiment >:-(15:11
mginhow hard is it to source some of this stuff, honestly?>15:12
mgini could recruit some volunteers and run a trial myself15:12
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FourFirekanzure, generalizing a bit there15:47
FourFiremaybe three people agreed on that15:47
FourFirein a channel of ~280, of which maybe 50 are regularly active15:48
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delinquentmehi atomical15:59
delinquentme"If the gap is small enough (<1 nm), electrons can cross the gap via quantum tunneling. "15:59
delinquentmehow can we image things of sizes > 1nm if this is the case?15:59
atomicalwhat if there is no gene currently in the body to prevent aging and we have to design our own gene? wouldn't the body repair itself if it could?15:59
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delinquentmeatomical, it kinda does16:12
delinquentmetelomerase being one of these molecules16:12
delinquentmetheres a number of ways the body repairs itself16:13
atomicalbut it doesn't repair the sort of oxidative damage associated with aging16:13
delinquentmeit does16:13
delinquentmeoxidative damage is a pretty wide term though16:13
delinquentme"Cells are known to eliminate three types of damage to their DNA by chemically reversing it."16:15
kanzure"In the last chapter, Camus outlines the legend of Sisyphus who defied the gods and put Death in chains so that no human needed to die. When Death was eventually liberated and it came time for Sisyphus himself to die, he concocted a deceit which let him escape from the underworld. Finally captured, the gods decided on his punishment for all eternity. He would have to push a rock up a mountain; upon reaching the top, the rock would roll ...16:26
kanzure... down again, leaving Sisyphus to start over. Camus sees Sisyphus as the absurd hero who lives life to the full, hates death, and is condemned to a meaningless task, who must be imagined happy."16:26
kanzureatomical: genetics of anti-aging is probably going to involve many different genes and alleles16:27
kanzureand is exceedingly unlikely to involve only one gene16:27
kanzurehere is one perspective on anti-aging: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/aging_roadmap.txt16:27
atomicalseems kind of weird that Liz Parrish received the follistatin gene16:28
kanzureshe should have picked gfp or some other simple reporter gene16:28
kanzurei don't think follistatin is an ideal target16:28
kanzureyou need to pick something that is trivial to detect16:28
atomicalso is she going to get ripped now?16:28
kanzurewell, if she used a gfp reporter approach, she would be able to look at her blood (or something) to determine if gfp is being expressed. then she could make some reasonable guesses as to whether follistatin is being expressed.16:29
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kanzure(actually, there might be a blood test for follistatin?)16:29
kanzureanyway, i think she could have picked better targets16:29
yashgarothimmunogenicity of gfp16:30
kanzureimmune system hates gfp?16:30
yashgarothit's not human so yeah16:31
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kanzurecan you think of a better test case than follistatin?16:31
yashgarothsure, but not one that'll be as potentially effective as an anti-aging protein16:33
kanzurewhy would an anti-aging protein be useful here? you wont see effects for a long, long time.16:33
kanzurehow about a certain toxin resistance gene, and then she can try to kill herself with a toxin.16:33
yashgarothwell, it has muscle-growth effects as well16:33
kanzure(although personally i would prefer the simplicity of fluorescence......)16:33
atomicalare bodybuilders already lining up for this?16:34
atomicali wonder if tour de france riders have done this16:34
yashgarothnot while it still costs 6 figures to produce enough AAV16:34
kanzurebodybuilders are open to trying new things but the logistics of selling them the goods are kinda complex (because you'll get shutdown if you have shitty opsec)16:34
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yashgarothsteroids are one thing since they're practically OTC in other countries, and have some legal routes in the US for "low testosterone", but biopharmaceuticals and especially viral vectors don't benefit from either16:35
yashgarothalso you can still quantify circulating follistatin, though most of it's cell-surface bound, depending on the isoform...still, if she had blood work and/or data from beforehand you can check whether her levels have increased16:37
kanzureoperational security-- don't get busted16:37
atomicalfollistatin gene therapy would be the next level up from taking a research chemical16:38
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kanzureyashgaroth: if i was in her shoes i wouldn't be particularly happy with just "well the levels increased". physial evidence, like fluoresence, is much better.16:38
atomicaland research chemicals are popular among the PEDs crowd16:38
yashgarothperformance enhancing drugs I assume16:38
kanzureand AAV wouldn't count as a "research chemical" because...?16:39
kanzurevirus too molecular, not enough chemicalz!!11one16:39
atomicalyeah, performance enhancing drugs16:39
atomicalfor performance enhancing research chemicals i mean sarms, gw501516, sr9009, etc.16:40
kanzure.wik sr900916:40
yoleaux"SR9009 is a research drug that was developed by Professor Thomas Burris of the Scripps Research Institute as an agonist of Rev-ErbA (i.e., increases the constitutive repression of genes regulated by Rev-ErbA) with a half-maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) = 670 nM for Rev-ErbAα and IC50 = 800 nM for Rev-ErbAβ." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SR900916:40
kanzure.wik gw50151616:40
yoleaux"GW501516 (also known as GW-501,516, GW1516, GSK-516 and on the black market as Endurobol) is a PPARδ receptor agonist that was invented in a collaboration between Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline in the 1990s, was entered into clinical development as a drug candidate for metabolic diseases and cardiovascular diseases, and was  …" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GW50151616:40
yashgarothnext step up from research chemicals would be recombinant protein therapy with e.g. follistatin, and then a much larger step from there is gene therapy16:41
atomicalrecombinant protein therapy? so injecting something?16:42
yashgarothyes, grow follistatin or another myostatin inhibitor in cell culture, then purify it, then shoot it into yourself16:42
atomicalhow much would you guess the follistatin therapy cost?16:43
atomicali can't imagine it would cost more than chemical synthesis16:43
atomicalthe article i read quoted a professor as saying his students could do it in two days16:43
yashgarothwell, it depends on swole you wanna get brah; and it's much more expensive than chemical synthesis16:43
yashgarothgrowing cells isn't easy, purifying a protein from those cells isn't easy16:44
atomicalwomen my age aren't into swole brah16:44
atomicalthey into babies and six figures16:44
atomicalthere's no way to revert what Liz Parrish did, right?16:45
atomicalshe's essentially stuck with whatever changes she made for the rest of her life?16:45
kanzureer, most people aren't into women their own age16:46
yashgarothexpression should fade over time, though that's not reliable or quick16:46
atomicalif the telomerase gene therapy worked would she start to look younger?16:47
yashgarothI have professional disagreements with her science team about the usefulness of telomerase, but probably no16:48
kanzureyou'll have to ask all the mice that telomerase extension was tested on- did their mates look younger? y/n16:49
yashgarothdepends on which serotype of AAV she used, i.e. what tissues it targets, and whether the increase in youthfulness is offset by supercancer16:50
kanzureand then there's makeup, plastic surgery, photoshop, etc. which can be used to look more youthful anyway16:50
atomicalthat's the worry, right?16:50
atomicalbut she might get cancer in spite of the treatment16:50
kanzurethere's no cure for cancer16:50
atomicalno one would ever know because she's the only patient16:50
kanzureeven kiddos get cancer16:51
atomicali hear death is pretty good at killing cancer16:51
kanzurethat's why you have child leukemia wards16:51
kanzureyes, that's what chemotherapy is16:51
atomicalkanzure is your phonetic spelling for cancer?16:53
atomicalhow is Liz Parrish going to convince people that telomerase therapy actually did something?16:55
atomicallive until 140 and say I told you so?16:55
kanzurethat wasn't her goal16:56
atomicalher company is for profit, right?16:56
kanzureher goal was to show that gene therapy is safe and not going to insta kill you16:56
atomicalthere are worse things than insta death16:56
yashgarothalso if she sees an increase in lean muscle mass, presumably from the follistatin; but mostly yeah it's to show that a massive dose of AAV won't fuck you up16:59
atomicalwhy even bother17:01
atomicali care about efficacy17:01
atomicalif you're selling snake oil efficacy doesn't matter17:02
yashgarothpeople can review the current research literature on their own, and determine whether the approach has merit...or we can wait a hundred years for human life extension trials to wrap up17:04
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atomicalwell, i'd go for it17:30
atomicaljust because i'm bored17:30
fennlol superkanzure offsets youthfulness17:34
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atomicali don't know, couldn't all that sympathy from cancer give you some anti-aging benefit as well?17:52
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kanzuregoogle scholar doesn't have a paper that was published 3 days ago :-/19:36
kanzure"Global Brain Dynamics Embed the Motor Command Sequence of Caenorhabditis elegans" http://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(15)01196-419:36
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kanzureupdates to list of biology hackerspaces https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DMN7Fgj7t9-KN7pANrySD3en0CAvvHmGx1kh48qjE5E/edit#gid=139229994020:29
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fennreversible long-term male contraception project: http://www.parsemusfoundation.org/projects/vasalgel/21:16
kanzurewhy not just sperm banking and vasectomies for everyone?21:25
kanzureor stem cell banking21:25
fennexpensive and unreliable21:25
fennthis was developed in india btw21:26
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kanzureperhaps some sort of abortion ray gun21:30
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maakukanzure: this is a reversible vsectomy21:42
maakuit's actually pretty cool, albeit primitive tech21:42
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fenn20 minutes in and i can already tell the movie version of "the martian" is going to be better than the book23:16
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maakuit was a surprisingly good movie23:19
maakui didn't read the book though23:19
Stskeepsbook's better (IMHO), more oh fuck moments23:20
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nmz787I just cried to this: http://video.pbs.org/video/1484202325/23:35
yoleauxVideo: The Spirit of Tek | Watch Oregon Experience Online | PBS Video23:35
nmz787"In 1945 four young entrepreneurs decided to start an electronics company in Portland, Oregon. The company was Tektronix. This program explores the people and philosophy that established Tektronix as Oregon's first high-tech industry leader."23:36
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