
--- Log opened Tue Oct 20 00:00:01 2015
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fennhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOPAZ_nuclear_reactor "first flown in 1987 on the experimental Plazma-A satellites Cosmos 1818 and 1867, which were intended to test both the TOPAZ reactor and the Plasma-2 SPT electric engine. ... July 4, 2008, either Comos 1818 was hit by an object or a coolant tube cracked due to thermal stresses by repeated solar heating. The US Space Surveillance Network04:59
fennreported that about thirty objects were formed."04:59
fennis it just me or is that fucking awesome04:59
fennthere's a leaking nuclear reactor in orbit for the past 7 years and nobody cares05:01
kanzure"but safety!!!"05:01
fenn"Zolotukhin said the Cosmos-1818 is expected to come down in 2045. He insisted the satellite would not cause radioactive contamination on Earth because it was designed to burn on re-entry."05:03
fennwow heh05:03
fennanyway the TOPAZ reactor is pretty cool05:05
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kanzuregreat now we just need all nuclear reactors to launch upon failure05:11
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paskyso it will burn *to what*?05:47
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JayDuggerFairly neat, yes.06:09
cpopell4I'm generally unconcerned about nuclear reactors >_>06:23
kanzurenuclear reactors don't concern the empire06:24
cpopell4kanzure : overton window counterpush06:24
cpopell4people always freaking out about nuclear06:24
cpopell4so I try to be more nonchalant than it deserves >_>06:25
eudoxiai maintain a cavalier 60's attitude to nuclear, because i like to imagine i'm evening-out some hippie06:26
kanzure"Police and the Drug Enforcement Agency use infrared technology to monitor the illegal growth of cannabis. As cannabis leaves have higher reflectivity in infrared wavelengths than other crops, they shine more brightly, even when planted among other vegetation meant to hide the cannabis plants. Police helicopters fitted with IR cameras can fly over fields and national forest areas to detect any illegal cannabis crop growth from the air."06:32
kanzurehmm i think that could be fixed06:32
poppingtonic.title https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window06:33
yoleauxOverton window - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia06:33
kanzure.wik overton window06:34
yoleaux"The Overton window, also known as the window of discourse, is the range of ideas the public will accept. It is used by media pundits. The term derives from its originator, Joseph P." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window06:34
poppingtonic"In 2010, conservative talk-show host and columnist Glenn Beck published a novel titled The Overton Window"06:35
kanzureray kurzweil is a bitcoiner http://www.kurzweilai.net/ask-ray-renowned-economist-and-author-george-gilders-new-information-theory-of-money06:35
kuudesnuclear use would save lives... :-(06:36
kanzureyou frown like that is bad?06:37
kuudesyeah, I would prefer we would use more nuclear so that we would lose less life as we currently do06:38
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kuudeswater power kills more people per watt than nuclear power iirc, and wind power is about equal because there are deaths of builders of windmills etc06:40
kuudescoal power kills much more people than any of those06:40
kanzurethe reason why nobody on their phone is searching is probably because phones suck for search06:43
cpopell4phones suck for a lot of things but we're stuck with the expanding mobile paradigm06:44
kanzureusing a phone for search is like sucking in information through a straw06:45
kanzureeven if you do find something, not like you want to setup copy-paste infrastructure to send it to your actual machine06:45
kanzurewebpages don't load timely, don't render well, and touchscreen is brutal for any sort of precise interaction (doesn't work)06:45
cpopell4you're preaching to the choir, lol06:46
kanzureand then there's the single-task thing.... no i don't want to cache swap just for alt-tabbing to another activity.06:46
kanzuremaybe phone-display-as-augmented-device-for-search would work (in tandem with desktop search), e.g. as second input or display device.06:47
kuudeswell if you had a phone that would be a desktop with usb keyboards and external viewscreen...06:50
kuudesn9 sort of was toward that06:50
kuudesand oqo was that but no phone06:50
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cpopell4kuudes : my cousin was one of the oqo founders iirc07:14
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fennthe motherboard in my netbook is actually small enough to fit in a pocket, and it's the screen that draws most of the power, so i figure any realistic mobile information device will include a head mounted display if only for power usage reasons07:27
fenntiny screens don't scale07:27
fenneven if someone comes up with a roll-up color e-ink or mirasol type display, it won't be practical because you have to either set up the screen somewhere or hold it or be limited by screen size07:29
fennthe main limitation as far as "processing power" is that mobile stuff is very ram limited, for reasons i can't figure out07:31
kanzurei wrote my comments down here too https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1041909007:31
yoleauxUsing a phone for search is like sucking in information through a straw. Even if... | Hacker News07:31
Stskeepsfenn: personally i'm more a believer in multisensory ux; ie, for many purposes, bone conducted spatial sound will do a lot07:32
StskeepsHMDs are fun but people really like their faces and other people's faces for some reason..07:32
fennStskeeps: we've had 50 years to come up with an audio based operating system and still nothing has materialized...07:32
kanzurefaces are overrated07:33
Stskeepsfenn: because people look like idiots trying to speak commands :)07:33
cpopell4I actually don't know what the limiting lower bound optics wise for HMDs07:33
cpopell4*is for HMDs07:33
fenni'm not even talking about voice recognition07:33
Stskeepsfenn: http://www.ingenic.cn/en/?newton/id/1.html is smaller than your netbook can be, btw07:33
Stskeepsthat's almost pendant size07:34
fennhow many tabs can it keep open?07:34
Stskeeps512mb ram, so i guess 1 with flash enabled :P07:34
fennthere's no shortage of tiny underpowered SoC thingies07:35
fenngumstix has been around forever07:36
Stskeepsstill, it's about how you use that power07:38
fennanyway, i'd like to see a nice audio based file browser and system to access data from databases purely through audio07:38
fennit doesn't seem entirely different from using a command line07:39
Stskeepswhich can be a bit of a pain in the ass at times for that purpose07:39
fennyeah it's surprising how terrible command line database interfaces are07:40
Stskeepswhat i don't like about command line is that it's quite synchronous, while our thoughts really go all over the place and memories return asynchronously..07:40
fenni have no idea what that means07:40
fennusually when typing commands i am thinking about what i am trying to do, but when pointing and clicking i am focusing on hitting the correct area on the screen07:41
fennbrl-cad has a nice essay about learning curves, and how an expert user interface should be more like learning to play violin than a hurdy-gurdy07:42
Stskeepswell, what i'm trying to say that with standard thought of command line you make a command, wait for answer, but in practice you'll often want to 'make a new tab' and do something meanwhile07:42
Stskeepsfenn: got a link to that?07:43
fennit's called screen, or tmux07:43
fennor just learning to use job control the way it was intended07:43
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kanzurei don't think touchscreen benefits us at at all07:47
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fennsorry stskeeps i can't find it07:50
Stskeepsfenn: ok, thanks for looking07:50
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kanzurewonder if textblade is shipping yet07:55
fennbrl-cad was first written in the 1970s and after that graphical point and click interfaces got really popular, so they had to justify why they kept the old interface08:02
fenni'll admit i don't know how to effectively use brl-cad, but i don't know how to use blender either08:03
fennthey're both expert-oriented interfaces08:03
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Stskeepsfenn: sounds a bit like one of the arguments doug engelbart made (metaphor of a bicycle and tricycle. The tricycle is easier to learn, but a bicycle does more)08:06
fennoh, yeah maybe it was engelbart who started the meme08:07
fenn"in order to achieve the best human-computer symbiosis – an objective that is central to his Augmenting Intellect philosophy – users need to be trained to use the most efficient computer artifacts (e.g. pointing devices, keyboards, etc.).  Engelbart did not believe that computers should be easy for novices to use; he believed that people would require lengthy training in order to be truly08:10
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fenneffective. Specifically, he wanted computer interactions to be based on systems that, with considerable training, were the most efficient – not the easiest to use."08:10
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fenni hate when i'm reading a particularly interesting comment on a blog i've never seen before and the comment was written by me :\08:14
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kuudescpopell4, oh, my thanks for your cousin. oqo worked wonderfully to me until its battery went bad08:27
kuudesit still would work, but without battery it is not very mobile. :-/08:27
kuudesbut the tech was really good, I am sad that it went down :-(08:28
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kuudesI have pondered if it would be feasible to have an ui where the output would come by voice but input would be done by keyboard, even if small08:29
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kuudesthere have been some attempts to phone uis where the voice speaks options for different numbers, of which one selects from08:29
fenn"press 1 to be put on hold indefinitely"08:30
kuudeswell I have used them for banking some times and they were ok for my purposes08:30
fennnow they have a weird AI that tries to talk to you08:30
fennit even dodges the question of whether it's human08:31
kuudeslike "please input your userid and press #": <input> "please input your pin and press #" <input> "please input otp from A11" <input> "0 saldo 1 transfers 2 messages..." <input> "please input target account number" <input> "please input sum of cents" <input> "the amount x will be trasferred to account y. please input otp b22" <input> "transfer complete. 0 saldo 1 transfers..."08:32
kuudesit didn't have any ai, just number inputs08:32
fennthat's far too straightforward to ever happen in the US08:33
kuudesthat was 80s tech here08:33
kuudesI guess some 2x20 keys could be enough for two thumb keyboards, one to each pocket08:35
kuudesthat would give 26 keys to alphabet, 10 keys to numbers and 4 keys extra08:36
fenni like the design of perky http://homepage2.nifty.com/perky/index.htm08:36
kuudesnice! :D08:37
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fennthere are some good ideas in how stenography maps key inputs to compressed phonemes to word stems and suffixes08:42
fennbut i find it odd how every stenographer reinvents the wheel, each with its own idiosyncrasies08:43
fennand that's the official way to do it08:43
fennheh i'm mirroring/archiving the perky webpage and they have a zillion gifs for mapping key inputs to individual dictionary words08:46
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fennhttp://homepage2.nifty.com/perky/elegance.gif so easy!08:46
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poppingtonicYay for optogenetics: http://news.mit.edu/2015/brain-controls-sleep-101309:21
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poppingtonicwhoa that's a fluffy bag09:32
kanzurefor stenography i think we are going to be basically stuck with the default plover dictionary for a long time09:46
kanzurewarning large file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstenoproject/plover/master/plover/assets/main.json09:47
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5g1xubyuVs10:19
yoleauxGhost in the Shell: The New Movie Trailer - YouTube10:19
kanzuremodafinil lawsuits https://dockets.justia.com/docket/circuit-courts/ca3/15-347510:22
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yoleauxIn Re: Modafinil AntiTrust, et al, et al :: Justia Dockets & Filings10:22
kanzure.title http://pastebin.com/GXFuFXkn10:22
yoleaux[R] early modafinil survey results - Pastebin.com10:22
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maakufenn: "how terrible command line database interfaces are" <-- they have a REPL! that's a step above everything else10:46
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FourFiretrying to figure out Vcarve without knowing what I'm doing12:50
nmz787_iso apparently grbl doesn't necessarily synchronize movements with turning on the laser, from what I've read online yesterday12:51
chris_99nmz787_i, out of interest did you get the '600 l/mm 365 - 1100 nm 3 nm' grating for your spectrometer12:52
nmz787_ichris_99: lemme check12:55
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nmz787_ichris_99: yes I got the 600 l/mm13:01
chris_99cheers, i'm sort of contemplating it, as i cancelled a KS spectrometer13:01
nmz787_ichris_99: "We custom build each of the units, so we don't have them in stock per-se, but I can send you an invoice for one if you like.  The unaligned DIY kits are $300, and the aligned units are $500.  The lead time is approximately 2 weeks."13:02
nmz787_iand "The prices are the same as listed on the website, but you requested a quote for the 600/900 l/mm gratings installed in the spectrometer.  The 1800 l/mm kit is $200.  The others are more expensive because we need to purchase a replacement grating and then install it."13:02
chris_99how much did you pay?13:02
kanzure.title https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/685613:02
yoleauxDo not allow block file pruning during reindex. by morcos · Pull Request #6856 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub13:02
nmz787_ichris_99: $315 with shipping (but within the US)13:03
chris_99ah interesting, thats a bit much for me atm alas13:03
kanzure.title http://journal.siddhesh.in/posts/malloc-per-thread-arenas-in-glibc.html13:03
yoleauxMalloc per-thread arenas in glibc13:03
nmz787_ichris_99: what are your spectral needs?13:04
chris_99for alcohol13:04
nmz787_ichris_99: you interested in finishing up the CCD spectrometer project I have going?13:04
chris_99yeah quite possibly as a i have 5 of those CCDs13:05
chris_99just no ADC yet13:05
nmz787_ilast think I did was get PCBs made, but then realized I used the wrong footprint for the LDO power supply, and also that the LDO I chose went out of production :/13:05
nmz787_ithe ADC I was using was I think like $313:05
nmz787_ithe board should be pretty clean analog-wise13:05
nmz787_iI made sure no digital signals or ground loops would pass over analog related stuff13:06
chris_99did you ever try it out?13:06
nmz787_inah, because the LDO footprint was wrong and I didn't have a lot of time when the PCBs came in... it wasn't as easy as just soldering the components and trying it out... I'd have had to do some minimal rework (or just skip the LDO and use a lab supply)13:07
nmz787_iwhich would have worked fine for proving the rest of the board13:07
nmz787_ichris_99: you're in england right? any idea how much a small padded packet would cost to ship over?13:08
chris_99yeah i am13:08
nmz787_iI got 3 of those boards, so wouldn't mind parting with 1 and a set of BOM13:08
chris_99hmm not sure, shouldn't be too much i guess13:08
nmz787_ieven easier since you have the CCDs13:08
chris_99what ADC did you use?13:09
chris_99oh i can check you HaD13:09
nmz787_iwolfson WM825313:10
nmz787_iya this is better than the github info-wise https://hackaday.io/project/1342-open-spectrometer13:10
chris_99cheers, i'll have a look13:11
nmz787_igithub has the board file with the incorrect LDO13:11
nmz787_iin kicad13:11
nmz787_ibut the schematic screenshot is too low res to see the part names clearly13:11
poppingtonicwhat is utACK?13:13
chris_99oh yeah you used the propeller13:13
poppingtonicI see it in many comments in the bitcoin repo's issuses and PRs13:13
nmz787_ichris_99: yeah, and the CCD stuff is done... just needs the ADC core and then USB/serial/sd-card13:14
nmz787_iso CCD will output data with the firmware as-is13:14
nmz787_iwhich is visible with an o-scope13:14
kanzurepoppingtonic: utACK is "untested ACK", see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/610013:17
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chris_99oh that adc is 16 bit, that's better than i thought nmz787_i13:21
poppingtonichuh.. thanks13:22
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nmz787_ichris_99: yup!13:22
chris_99will 16bit be enough for most things you think13:23
chris_99i've not used a spectrometer before13:23
nmz787_iyeah I think so, any more and you move up about an order of magnitude in design difficulty13:24
nmz787_iI think some of the commercial ones using that sensor are either 12 or 16 bit13:24
chris_99yeah that's a good point, i've used a 24bit ADC, but that was only for a _very_ low sample rate13:24
chris_99ah that's cool if commercial ones use that res13:25
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yoleauxРезка металла водой - YouTube13:45
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poppingtonic.title http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2015/10/theres-a-mystery-machine-that-sculpts-the-human-genome/411199/?single_page=true13:59
yoleauxThere’s a Mystery Machine That Sculpts the Human Genome - The Atlantic13:59
poppingtonic.title http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.151855211214:00
yoleauxError: DOI Not Found14:00
poppingtonic.title https://youtu.be/Tn5qgEqWgW814:01
yoleauxHow does DNA fold? The loop extrusion model - YouTube14:01
poppingtonic"The genome totally behaves as if the extrusion complex was a thing.14:02
poppingtonicRao and Sanborn created a simulation that predicts the structure of14:02
poppingtonicthe genome on the basis that the complex is real and works they way14:02
poppingtonicthey think it does.14:02
poppingtonicThese predictions were so accurate that the team could even re-sculpt14:02
poppingtonicthe genome at will. They started playing around with the CTCF landing14:02
poppingtonicpads, deleting, flipping, and editing these sequences using a powerful14:02
poppingtonicgene-editing technique called CRISPR. In every case, their simulation14:02
poppingtonicpredicted how the changes would alter the 3-D shape of the genome, and14:02
poppingtonichow it would create, move, or remove the existing loops. And in every14:02
poppingtoniccase, it was right."14:02
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kanzure"This is modelled off a reading group where we would meet to discuss once a week in person. I personally find face-to-face meetings motivationally important and look forward to such meetings, but don't expect everyone to want to attend, so we will take down public meeting notes (I plan to rotate note-taking between the kind souls who volunteered to help) and the mailing list is for general discussion and coordination."15:22
kanzure(about a nurbs reading group or something)15:22
kanzureface-to-face is a plague15:22
kanzurewhy would i expect to find motivation in **anyone's** face?15:24
kanzure"truly your grimace is inspiring"15:24
kanzure"well done team"15:24
kanzure"your terrible posture has suddenly relayed to me the importance of learning some linear algebra to solve this surface-surface intersection problem, totes wow"15:28
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nmz787_iwell sometimes ppl are bad at speaking their feelings, so body language plays a big role15:31
nmz787_ialso snacks15:31
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nmz787_i'his cousin, jar.jar, appears frequently in Android.'15:46
kuudesc3po.jar.jar ?15:59
QuadIngikanzure, something to do with the psychological effects of filling your dunnbarian number with (people who signal hard workingness)16:00
QuadIngiI imagine, I don't observe such effects and am not very productive.16:01
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maakunurbs reading group? what's there to read?16:24
maakuyou're talking about the spline equations, right?16:24
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kanzuremaaku: nurbs for surface-surface and curve-curve intersection. cad kernel reasons.16:45
kanzurethere's a bunch of academic research about these algorithms and efficient representation16:45
kanzurebut not as much (clean) code16:45
kanzurecleanest i have seen so far has been https://github.com/pboyer/verb16:45
kanzureawesome he finally has a surface-surface intersection example16:48
kanzurewelp time for the apocalypse to begin16:49
kanzureres = verb.geom.Intersect.surfaces( srf1, srf2, 1e-6 );16:49
kanzurecadquery person should switch to wrapping verbnurbs instead of freecad http://parametricparts.com/parts/featured16:51
kanzure"adjustable right angle stepper mount" http://parametricparts.com/parts/j9kw9j93/16:52
kanzure"A cow bone is stripped of all living material and milled down to the precise size and shape needed for the transplant. Stem cells are added and over weeks gradually grow within their host into a physical and genetic replica of the patient’s own bone. EpiBone has successfully tested its idea in pigs, and human trials are next, with approval from the Food and Drug Administration expected in the next few years."16:53
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kanzuresomething something, claims about price fixing a $10k price limit on eggs but not for sperm17:05
abetuskkanzure, communicating ideas in person or in video chat can be higher bandwidth than a single email17:09
kanzureyes because it's impossible to encode nuance and subtlety in text -_-17:09
kanzureit's low-bandwidth. much lower wpm, way less precise, way slower, and a form of synchronous communication so you generally have to not be doing 10 other things at the same time.17:11
abetuskdifferent people learn in different ways.  I think for the majority of people communicating in person is much more effective at knowledge transfer than written text17:12
kanzurebecause the quality of inferences generated when reading text is lower than the quality of inferences generated when looking at someone's face?17:15
kanzuremaaku: more specifically re: what is there to read, see http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/cad/17:17
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kanzuregenehacker: greetings. what's new in your alternate universe?18:05
genehackerA lot of debugging18:06
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genehackerChemists in our group are gonna try to make a new MOF18:07
kanzureyup lots and lots of debugging, fun times18:10
genehackerOh and I think if this material works we could maybe make respirocytes18:10
genehacker* if a few assumptions are made18:11
ryankarasoni like text.. people mumble.. and i have to translate accents..18:15
genehackerCurrent MOFs can probably store oxygen and co2 at similar densities to diamonoid respirocytes18:15
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kanzuregenehacker: you might find this one fun, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Designing%20scalable%20biological%20interfaces%20-%20Marblestone.pdf18:40
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drethelin15 percent error rate is pretty absurd when your machine is handling stuff that's 400 dollars a ml19:47
kanzurebroke your coffee maker?19:50
kanzure.title http://wechoosethemoon.es/2015/10/08/landsat-ndvi-leaflet/19:54
yoleauxSatellite crop health: open source toolchain19:54
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drethelinkanzure: dispensing fugene hd20:26
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kanzurei think geneh is same geneh as hacker news geneh21:15
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justanotheruserIt's so exciting when the top post on hacker news is one-word that and the URL is one-word.io21:35
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maakukanzure: nurbs are extensively used in the CGI and game industry23:44
maakuI'm very surprised there's not better code out there23:44
maakuI seem to recall there being better curves for those purposes though ... but that was 10 years ago. I can't remember the tradeoffs involved23:45
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maakukanzure: wht's the MOF genehacker is referring to?23:48
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