
--- Log opened Sun Oct 25 00:00:06 2015
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Viper168the human brian project03:08
Viper168what's so special about him03:08
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fenn"I think some people are upset because of the scale of money being diverted to this one project. Let’s compare with federal grants awarded this year in all disciplines at Berkeley and MIT. This one project will get more than all of those put together.03:56
fennnote the type of bias the wall street journal would be expected to have04:07
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ridsilrqpaolnluj] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:11
mosasaurdam, I was trying turn in into a strawman for people not needing communities04:12
fennthis article is entirely about technology, not science04:13
mosasaurat some point, with science being used to enable inequality for so long, one starts to wonder if it is still a good boy that was just led onto the wrong path04:15
fennwhat are you even talking about04:15
mosasaurthings like this: https://i.reddit.com/r/TrueAskReddit/comments/3prcik/why_do_americans_have_a_negative_attitude_towards/cw9afjr04:16
fennuse your words04:16
mosasaurit's already possibly a reaction to some discussion I participated in on ##philosophy, but OK04:17
mosasaurwhat we see here is people defending math, and physics, when most people have been taught it the wrong way04:18
fenni don't disagree, but that's hardly "science is used to enable inequality"04:19
fennit's just bad education, and bad epistemics in the field educational science, and widespread bad policy by education bureaucrats04:20
mosasaurhow can we discern pure math, which is supposed to be good, from the whole corrupt system it is taught in?04:20
fennyou're asking for too much04:21
mosasaurit goes down to the whole cryptic notation system that is designed to keep people from grasping the meaning04:21
fennif we had such a machine it would know all the answers to all of the problems04:21
mosasaurbut is math notation?04:21
fennmosasaur do you think chinese is designed to keep people from grasping the meaning?04:22
fenni don't like math notation either, but your assertion that it's all part of a vast conspiracy is lame04:25
mosasaursure, it happens with natural languages too04:25
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mosasaurfenn: you're kind of assuming it was on purpose04:27
fennthat's what it means when you say "used"04:27
mosasaurI mean are predators evil? I think not, but we still try to prevent them from killing us04:28
fennif you unpack that metaphor you'll find some problems04:28
mosasaurI think a certain mindset has co evolved with the way math and physics are taught and understood04:29
mosasaurI unpack it in the same way that I don't think billionaires are evil, yet they stifle progress, or abuse the vast amounts of money they have acquired to steer humanity in the wrong direction04:31
fennplease explain then04:32
mosasaurbut this presupposes something also present in math, a kind of abstracting away from reality04:32
mosasaurlike people, once they earned the money, now own it to do whatever they want04:32
mosasaurbut obviously this fails on a global scale04:33
mosasaurthere is also the "grand man" ideology that tries to reduce all progress to the efforts of one man with an idead04:34
fennso is the parallel you're trying to make that "academics, once they earn the academic cred, now do whatever they want"?04:34
mosasaursure, once you have tenure, you are relatively safe04:35
fenn(as long as you don't make any politically inconvenient statements)04:36
mosasaurbut my point is about the ideas behind it, that are taken from math and physics04:36
mosasaurlike everything can be reduced to a single cause04:36
fenni think that is just a human cognitive bias, prevalent in every field04:37
drethelinnotation is used to facilitate understaning not block it04:37
drethelinit's an exocortex04:37
drethelinwhen you write down a novel, the goal is not to make spoken words harder to understand04:37
drethelineven though humans can speak without knowing how to read and write04:37
mosasaurideas that are not attributed to a specific person "owning" that idea, are plagiarism04:37
drethelinit's for the book to act as an external memory store04:37
fennmosasaur without a rigorous system of attribution we end up falling prey to people like bre pettis of makerbot, or quentin tarantino04:39
mosasaurdrethelin: a memory store, as we currently define it, uses a single place for a single thing, but that is not how our brains work04:39
fennwhere only the popularizers of an idea are remembered, and the factors that go into actual invention or creativity are forgotten04:39
mosasaurpopularization depends on memetic propagation, but that requires things different from the way the knowledge is created04:41
fennyeah so when you fund only science popularizers instead of scientists, what happens?04:42
drethelinneil tyson04:44
mosasaurthings like me only recently finding out why cos2x + sin2x = 104:44
fenner, i think that's unrelated04:45
mosasaurthings like I have been thinking I was bad at math for a long time04:45
fennin your cast, math popularizers would actually be helpful04:46
mosasaurit's very related to the competitive way of hiding how things are done and then claim you're smart, but we find that everywhere in society04:47
fenni don't know any scientists like that04:47
mosasaurso all scientist you know publish their data?04:48
mosasaurprobably a very selective set of scientists04:48
fennit's not everyone's job to teach you everything, and nothing would get done if all the scientsts switched to mainstream education04:48
fennanyway, yes, scientists i know publish their data04:49
fennthe problems are usually things like, they publish in closed journals, or don't know how to use version control, or have bad documentation04:49
mosasaurI know things are touchy when you're talking all or nothing04:50
fenni don't consider pharmaceutical researchers to be scientists04:51
fennlike, drug development search pipeline engineers04:51
fennbut this is just the usual "oh noes, the ambiguity of words" philosophy discussion all over again04:52
mosasaurright, and this is a doing environment04:52
fennit's just not a useful or enlightening conversation to have again, for me04:53
mosasaurI agree, I don't know what to do about it either04:53
fennone strategy is to try to make a good argument in favor of what the other person is trying to say04:54
fennthat way instead of nit-picking at edge cases you're making bold statements about what you actually wanted to talk about04:55
mosasaurI thought that wall street link was up your alley, even though it was motivated thinking, and I know this even without  knowing what this wall street journalist's bias is04:57
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mosasaurbut I liked it still04:58
mosasaurI think we need less competition, more cooperation, but that points to science, and science has been captured and turned into an instrument of inequality04:59
fennyes i have had similar thoughts about a technological superorganism like the gaia hypothesis04:59
fennbut their recommendation "cancel all public science because business is more profitable" is completely missing the point05:00
mosasaurgaia is a meme, memes exist05:00
fennwe don't have a word for what i'm talking about, at least i don't know of any05:01
fennor name05:02
fenni'd rather not dredge up yet another greek myth05:02
fennmosasaur you should talk to scientists05:03
fennyou seem to have this idea about people that doesn't match up with my experience05:04
mosasaurmaybe technium is your word? although I don't know about this blog: http://kk.org/thetechnium/05:04
fennno, that's just talking about the raw propagation of technology05:05
mosasaurgreat, I can't see my idea about people, so tell me05:05
fenni mean the sum of all interactions of thinking humans using technologically mediated communication and technologically enhanced thought to further develop technology in a recursive process05:06
fennholy crap i think i made the predecessor to this steering wheel thingy http://kk.org/thetechnium/files/2015/03/B8xzpVJIgAAdk7L.jpg05:07
fennah nevermind that is an actual F1 wheel05:11
fennsomething like an uncle05:13
fennmosasaur i'm not going to try to put words into your mouth when you can't even bother to explain your own ideas05:14
mosasaurwait, I said nothing?05:14
fennyou made some vague metaphorical assertions about inequality and billionaires and the poor state of math education05:18
fenn"On the chance that desirable futures ARE possible, we need to imagine them." i couldn't agree more with kevin kelly on this point05:19
mosasaurit's because everyone follows the mammon but not me. I'm not extra ethical or something, my path just prevented me05:20
kanzuremathematical notation should be subjected to scientific experimentation to find notations that people can learn the quickest, versus those that seem to be the most useful, etc.05:20
fenni don't think more notation is required at this point05:20
fennjust better interfaces to simulations so that people can anchor their intuitions better05:21
kanzurewhatever; all of that should be tested instead of assuming that the first notation that phd mathematician candidates happen to use is the one that is ideal for various purposes.05:22
fenneducational science is a shit show05:22
fennworse than nutrition even05:22
mosasaurI'm in favor of automatized proof checkers. What language they're in is the next battle, but then we'd at least be a whole level up.05:23
kanzureshouldn't we have something approximating an "actual evidence of a learning curve for <subject x>" at this point?05:23
fennthey exist, it's called type theory (or so i'm told)05:23
fenncoq is one implementation off the top of my head05:23
kanzuremicrosoft recently released their z3 theorem prover05:23
kanzureopen-sourced i mean05:23
fennbut i'd like to point out that type theory is 9 zillion levels of meta above what actual engineers and scientists use to do science and build things05:24
kanzuremosasaur: i think you have been hanging out with the wrong people and the wrong ideas. you need some serious recalibration :-).05:24
kanzuremosasaur: you sound like a redditor that can't get over dawkin's love of memes. but the utility of knowing about memes is actually quite low....05:25
kanzurenot zero, but low05:25
mosasaurI never fit in anywhere, but sometimes I can bring ideas from one community to another05:27
kanzure"A survey of rollback-recovery protocols in message-passing systems" http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
kanzureshow me a novel idea05:27
mosasaurmaybe I can fix that python bot if it's still broken05:29
kanzureknock yourself out05:31
kanzure04:55 < fenn> that way instead of nit-picking at edge cases you're making bold statements about what you actually wanted to talk about05:34
mosasaurI meant the one reacting to .py commands. Or is that the same?05:34
kanzureyoleaux is dpk's bot, he will fix that eventually, but paperbot is much higher priority for hplusroadmappers :-)05:35
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kanzurefenn: for your amusement http://www.seasteading.org/architectural-design-contest/metabolic-city/07:26
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fenndid i mention i hate architects07:29
kanzurenot lately07:29
fennneeds more gondolas07:30
kanzureso does this just sink when it's storming?07:31
fennyes because while they copied the breakwater ring layout, they didn't include a breakwater07:32
kanzurecan't find breakwater ring link07:33
fennsome example pictures http://www.seasteading.org/forum-list/reply/floating-breakwater-ring-seastead/07:34
kanzurei think i still prefer your plans07:34
fennhmm these are not really what i meant07:34
kanzurequick, write it down before it disappears from this timeline07:36
kanzureer, i mean, quick write it down and hash it, because hashing....07:37
FourFirewtf "wave protection"07:39
FourFireas if drawing some squiggles makes up for bad design.07:39
kanzurewhat's the largest submersible semi-mobile habitat we could put 10 or 20 meters under the waterline?07:39
fennhmm i guess eric has totally embraced PSP's now so none of the new fancy graphics illustrations include a breakwater ring: http://tmp2.wikia.com/wiki/Aquarius07:40
fenni just came across this page http://imulead.com/tolimared/concretesubmarine/picturegallery/07:42
mosasaurif they can make buildings invisible to earthquakes, why not make floating cities invisible to waves?07:44
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqLr0k6g3BA07:44
yoleauxsubmarine yacht, inside - YouTube07:44
kanzurefloating cities just don't seem like a good idea at all07:44
fennit's too early to say07:45
kanzurethat's surface-dweller talk07:45
fenni'm mostly annoyed at clueless "design" people who have no idea what the actual challenges are07:45
kanzure"i prefer to live perpendicular to flat surfaces, shitlord!"07:45
kanzurecan't quite get this right, oops07:46
fennwe prefer the term inclusional orthogonality07:46
kanzurei want submersible aircraft hangars and stuff07:47
fennas far as "biggest" the nuclear subs are pretty damn big already07:49
fennyou'd have to provide really good reasons for wanting bigger07:49
kanzureother submarine manufacture?07:50
fennhow does a GSV make a GSV07:50
fennanother topic eric hunting liked to ramble about07:50
fenngeneral systems vehicle07:50
kanzure"put humans in the loop" PROBLEM SOLVED, MORTAL07:51
fennno it's a topological problem07:51
fennhow do you get a door through a door of the same size07:51
fennthe obvious answer is "don't use a circular door"07:52
kanzureprobably modular construction blocks, followed by internal welding and then removing any jigs or superfluous structural stuff from the initial linking07:52
fennbut things underwater want to be circular because physics07:52
kanzurealso you could deploy temporary surface structures07:53
kanzurebut not sure how that helps with manufacturing anything07:53
fennthat's surface dweller talk, bah!07:53
fennalso, this came up in the context of orbital structures not underwater07:53
kanzurebreakwater rings?07:54
fennno, the how to build an airlock that can transport a bigger airlock through it07:54
kanzureinflatable airlocks, problem solved07:55
kanzuredo you really need the airlock to be finished when it exits the first airlock?07:55
fenni don't know07:55
kanzureis this one of those shitty zen master puzzles that everyone hates07:56
fennhave you really not read any of the iain banks culture novels?07:58
kanzuredoes that really surprise you07:58
kanzuremost scifi is just endless pages of disappointment for me08:00
kanzurewhy should i want to subject myself to that?08:00
fennbecause it's better than reddit or whatever crap you're currently wasting time on08:00
fenniirc the first scene in the first book is a floating city getting destroyed by a giant wave08:02
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kanzureyeah i don' treally know how to use downtime productively08:03
kanzurebut constant disappointment is not fun08:03
mosasaurbanks has this bad guy turned good vaguely threatening angle08:06
fennyer typical antihero08:08
kanzurewsa gonna be doing tornado/zeromq things today08:09
kanzureor verbnurbs mechanism design for mouse handling08:09
fenni have been putting off learning how to effectively use solvespace for several months now08:10
kanzure(or mouse handling cost estimates... but more curious how far i can push the concept of automatic mouse handling)08:10
kanzureverbnurbs seems to have cleaner code, better tests, and also it's no longer javascript-only08:10
fennlast i looked it required webgl which my computer won't ever support08:11
kanzurepython version doesn't require webgl08:11
kanzureand the actual implementation isn't webgl-specific08:11
kanzureguess that means someone should write a visualizer for the non-browser version08:12
fenni'm just not at all interested in the idea of a browser based cad program08:12
fennapparently a lot of people think this is a good idea but i can't figure out why08:12
fenni'm all for a better nurbs based geometry engine though08:13
kanzureverbnurbs isn't browser-based anymore08:13
fennok so that's like the bare minimum geometrical primitives needed to start building a cad program around08:14
fennis anyone building a cad program around it?08:15
kanzureneed some chamfers, fillets, etc.08:15
kanzurewell, he was making a browser interface around it, but it didn't look interesting to me08:15
fennneed constraints, features, labels, 2d import, 3d export etc08:15
kanzurethere's a good api under the hood, i'd rather just use that08:15
kanzureconstraint solving is another open problem though... not even gce seems like good fit :-/.08:15
fennconstraint solving is an open problem?08:16
kanzurelabels, doable... features, don't know implementation details of features. i assume "different geometry with semantics".08:16
kanzureconstraint solving for an open-source cad engine is an open problem, yeah. i don't think brlcad has anything for this.08:16
kanzureopencascade has a few things but... meh. pythonocc has demonstrated the use of that constraint solver but buggy as hell.08:16
fennfeatures is things like holes, extrusions, threads, chamfers08:16
kanzureok, so pre-defined surface manipulation operations08:17
kanzurechamfers and fillets are more difficult than holes and extrusions08:17
kanzurei think 2d import is doable by single programmer-day of effort08:17
kanzure3d export... not sure how to do that. pythonized version of verbnurbs, then ctypes/cffi bindings to stepcode?08:18
kanzureor emscripten version of stepcode (just kidding)08:19
kanzuremost of effort there will be in initial setup of bindings, followed by hooking up types between verbnurbs and stepcode and any necessary differences or mutations :-/08:20
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fennit's kinda embarrassing to read things like this from 1996 http://alum.wpi.edu/~gregm/thesis/node11.html08:21
fennbecause there's still no open source cad program that does that08:22
kanzurei suspect some of the cad lingo is the result of commercial marketing materials from the era08:22
kanzure"history! parametric! features!!"08:22
kanzure"features" is a terrible name08:22
kanzureall of this relational stuff is easy to do once you have the cad kernel done08:23
kanzurei wonder if porting fillets from opencascade would be dramatically easier than porting opencascade's surface-surface intersection code08:24
kanzure"BRepFilletAPI" http://diyhpl.us/wiki/cad/opencascade/08:24
fennfillets are one of the most complex things in opencascade08:24
kanzure"FilletSurf - API giving only geometric information about fillets for Toyota Project UV4. TwoExtremityOnEdge, OneExtremityOnEdge, NoExtremityOnEdge, etc."08:24
kanzure"BRepFilletAPI - MakeFillet, MakeChamfer, MakeFillet2d, see also BRepBuilderAPI."08:25
fenni don't think it needs to be quite so nutty, like nobody really needs variable radius fillets08:25
fennyou can define the changing radii of a fillet with a curve (i think it can do elliptical fillets)08:25
fennbut like, why08:26
kanzuremaybe opencascade fillet complexity is because (1) their programmers don't care about simplicity at all, and (2) underlying api sucked08:26
kanzuregah i hate this so much. where's the actual implementation?08:27
fenni would be happy with just toroidal+cylindrical sections for fillets, and anything more complicated would be done with a nurbs patch modeler or custom python code08:27
fenna thing that minimizes error between a nurbs patch and a mathematical function would be nice08:28
fennoh i guess thread roots aren't toroidal, meh08:30
fenni am so not looking at any of that08:30
kanzureyou just don't like french source code08:31
kanzurewe should submit patches to opencascade with klingon comments just to troll them08:31
fennlojban is more culturally neutral08:32
kanzure"what do you mean not an accepted language? everything else seems to be."08:32
kanzurei was thinking various large chunks of metal to handle small animals08:35
kanzureautomatic cage cleaning and such08:35
kanzuredunno whether to call that mulching08:36
kanzurescheduled socializing, or rfid tagging to pick members out of a group living together08:37
fennmaybe treat it like a microfluidics chip instead of an object that needs manipulating08:37
kanzureuse plungers to push them around?08:37
fennhere is a thing with such and such spatial frequency and corner radii, with valves that blow mulch and rodents around in air jets08:38
kanzurei expect that the operational requirements for managing lots of cages will look strangely similar to managing lots of servers and racks08:38
fennnah much lower power density08:39
kanzure(but cages do sound a little dumb to me; unlikely that cages are optimal structure for automatic handling of anything.)08:39
kanzureno jackson labs / jax tour on youtube :-(08:40
fennmaybe make everything out of pvc plumbing pipes and monitor the rodents with microwave radar imaging08:40
kanzureno cages?08:41
fennlet's not get philosophical about what is a cage08:41
kanzureno i mean, pvc pipes only?08:41
kanzureand then exercise wheels attached to valves and such?08:42
fenndo they need exercise wheels? is that a thing?08:42
fennalso, do they need light?08:43
fennlight is easy to provide though08:43
kanzureyes i think exercise wheels is necessary08:44
kanzureas well as socialization08:44
kanzureand group grooming seems to be required, but haven't looked at studies08:44
fenni'm trying to eliminate any robotics and just make all the manipulation as few moving parts as possible08:45
kanzurerabbit restraints https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSzh9_bmo4Q&t=4m30s08:45
kanzureyeah i can see the appeal of no robotics08:47
kanzuregroup socialization would seem to require robotics though08:48
fenn"the archaic LD50 test" uhhh what do they expect us to use08:49
kanzurestrange how most of the youtube videos are about animal abuse investigations re: animal testing08:49
kanzurei would expect an animal testing facility to throw up videos showing off how awesome their animals are doing08:49
kanzure"socialization! playtime! look they aren't dropping dead from stress."08:50
kanzureand then they can shame everyone else for not paying up for less harmful animal testing08:50
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21H0tufUYUI08:52
yoleauxRat Breeding Facility sneak peek - YouTube08:52
fennmost of the animal facility people are really worried that anything they show will be perceived negatively and used against them somehow08:54
fenni liked that cow carousel video08:54
kanzurewell, you do need to measure animal wellness somehow, and make sure the number doesn't drop below some threshold, and in general try to increase that value...08:55
fenn.title http://youtu.be/pjx0EgXflPM08:55
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7Ym0h-Jbs08:55
yoleauxRat Breeding Room!! - YouTube08:55
kanzureyoutube says pjx0EgXflPM is private08:56
fennman fuck the new internet08:56
fennnothing works anymore08:56
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kanzurethat's a lot of cage cleaning08:56
kanzurei think they just push the food around over the cage and it drops in08:58
kanzurewhen i owned a rabbit farm, i was using large sheets of plywood underneath each cage, and the cage floor was just some form of chickenwire. so cleaning was just apply water and replace plywood.09:01
kanzurebut mulch seems to be requirement here... hrm.09:01
fennyou had a rabbit farm?09:08
kanzurerabbits, frogs, fish, cats, hermit crabs, red-ear slider turtles, gerbils09:09
fenn.title http://youtu.be/JJRy82i8e5Q09:09
yoleauxFair Oaks Farms Adventure Center - America's Heartland - YouTube09:09
fenn(cow carousel)09:09
kanzure((cow vacation resort))09:09
kanzuremulch can work with pvc pipes. and you can put multple mice in a pvc pipe. probably works for socialization.09:13
kanzurebut how do you get a single one alone, and how do you clean without sending the critters to /dev/null?09:13
fennmulch has a different density so it can be separated from mice with air flows like separating wheat from chaff09:16
fenni'm not sure about separating mice from each other but probably something similar like a skydiving column09:17
fennmostly you'd wait until they are in their room alone and then pipe the entire room's contents out09:17
fenneach mouse would have an RFID chip so they could be uniquely identified09:18
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maakufenn: did you just invent an indoor skydiving rig to sort rodents?09:34
maakuthat is why I love this awesome channel09:34
maakuI am now awaiting your 'Transcriptic of mouse studies' startup09:35
kanzurenah, selective breeding startup09:36
kanzureso that fenn can get his giant wasp for human transportation09:36
kanzurewould skydiving column be compatible with young pinks?09:37
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kanzurewould internally-threaded pvc pipes be of any use? perhaps if the pipe was rotating at a slow rate?09:39
maakuthere's only one way to know09:39
kanzurethere ae many ways to know things09:40
maakukanzure: do you mean like as a switch for routing rodents?09:41
kanzurenah i was thinking of waste cleanup.  but waste will just fall down when under rotation. so not helpful.09:41
kanzureyou could feed magnets to the mice and then apply an electromagnet while you flush the pvc pipe09:41
kanzureor constant stream of water to move waste away. power-cleaning for when the tube has been vacated.09:43
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FourFire> fenn> but things underwater want to be circular because physics12:21
FourFireuse oval doors12:21
fenni don't think ovals work12:29
fennclamshell maybe12:29
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chris_99nmz787, about?12:50
kanzureokay so we grow giant clams....12:57
kanzurehmm he has a drug for toxoplasmosis. hm.12:59
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Aurelius_Home2kanzure : apparently Peter Rothman is in some FDA trial related to aging13:52
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FourFire"<fenn> because there's still no open source cad program that does that" what's the best contender?14:44
* FourFire just learned how to use FreeCAD last week14:45
kanzureverbnurbs, solvespace14:45
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kanzureAurelius_Home2: should i know that person?15:39
Aurelius_Home2he runs hplusmagazine15:39
Aurelius_Home2and used to do virtual reality dev?15:39
kanzurei talked on the phone with someone at hplusmagazine who was asking me some questions about how everything worked, this was about 8 or 9 months ago and i was extremely ill and i seem to have no record of this15:40
kanzurei wonder what else i'm doing when i'm extremely ill..15:41
kanzureanyway, that might have been peter rothman i guess15:41
kanzurehuh, i mean more than a year ago, weird.15:42
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Josh|NH4HHey there17:25
maakukanzure: meet Josh|NH4H, the chemistry guy I was telling you about earlier17:26
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maakukanzure fenn et al : Josh|NH4H is a mechanical engineering graduate, but his work I'm familiar with is on terraforming chemistry and closing the loop on the chemical pathways of in-situ space resource usage or industrial processes18:43
maakuhe is also employable at the moment18:44
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kanzureJosh|NH4H: have you seen things like "genetic engineering of bacteria to get stuff to grow on mars"?19:47
Josh|NH4HKanzure, I've heard of the idea and I've seen some stuff about extremophiles that would be good starting points19:54
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kanzuresomeone was making somewhat-mars-like simulated habitats for bacteria. maybe this was an igem team or john cumbers. i forget.19:57
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maakukanzure has ideas for evolving extremophiles to survive in successively harsher environments19:58
maakuit would be really nice if we had a bug that could live on the surface of mars as a base organism for synthetic bio purposes19:58
kanzureyes; also, we can assume some basic conditions such as if we need to pollute mars with some feedstock everywhere (but has to be feedstock that we can make in orbit or something)19:59
Josh|NH4HSuch as fixed nitrogen?20:02
maakui would like to see a blimp incubator that concentrated what it could pull from the atmosphere to provide an environment for growing these microbes, then spray them out20:03
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maakuload it up with a bunch of 'pellets' of various engineered microbes for various purposes, and a downward facing spectrometer20:03
Josh|NH4HIt might be best to encourage really intense cultivation of one area like the Valles or Hellas and then let the organisms spread according to biology and evolution20:06
maakuor the poles20:07
maakulots of volatiles20:07
maakui wonder what the ideal environment would be20:07
Josh|NH4HWhere's the crater with that liquid water?20:08
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kanzuredunno location20:12
kanzureanother option is that we can just terraform the planet we're currently on20:12
Josh|NH4HI assume it's fairly equatorial20:12
Josh|NH4HWhat would you do to make Earth more habitable?20:12
kanzurecambrian genomics had a goal that went like "replace 40-60% of all plant life on earth with genetically engineered alternatives"20:12
kanzurevarious photosynthesis improvements20:12
kanzurebigger potatoes20:13
kanzurethat sort of thing20:13
Josh|NH4HBetter photosynthesis is good for crops, but might not be for flora in general20:13
kanzuredetails, details, bah20:13
maakukanzure: but ... SPACE!20:13
Josh|NH4HNo reason we can't do both20:14
kanzureJosh|NH4H: one of the things from this channel is a dna synthesis machine (in progress, design phase i guess) http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna/synthesis/notes/20:14
Josh|NH4Hreading now20:16
maakukanzure: might replace "Each layer" with "Each successive scanline" to avoid the misunderstanding I had about building vertically20:17
maakuand yes I know it's a wiki ... i should figure out how to make the change myself20:17
maakuor are you actually targetting the same drops on successive passes? it is unclear to me20:19
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kanzurebut it is built vertically- the droplets are placed vertically on top of each other. they just happen to mix.20:29
kanzuresuccessive pass targeting, yeah20:29
kanzurei think you're supposed to be able to print a page of colored ink, and then reprint the whole page with a different color, very closely covering all of the original dots20:30
maakuright ok so you're doing both -- you're depositing an array of droplets, maybe up to ~100 drops per pixel to build a couple of dozen base pairs in each reaction chamber20:31
maakuand then the 'pixels' merge together and combine their contents. is that correct?20:31
maakuor do you micropipette to get the results of each pixel?20:31
kanzuremerging/micropipetting is undecided yet, it's an open design question20:32
kanzurearray of drops for first layer, then a second layer gets put down with the different reagents per target location, each target location can build different oligonucleotide molecule over time20:33
kanzuresingle-spot resolution delivery of chemical reagents20:33
maakuright ok, I think I understand now20:34
maakuwhat was confusing me was the bit about drop surfaces not merging20:34
maakusuccessive drops to the same pixel merge, correct? just not neighboring drops20:34
kanzureduring the initial synthesis of individual oligos, neighboring drops on the surface are not meant to merge20:35
maakuso you're doing positional chemistry by selectively depositing only one molecule (+ non-reactive fluid) to each drop at a time, with (by design) a single low energy reaction at each step20:36
kanzurehowever, each droplet, at the end of the reaction cycles etc., has a 100 bp oligonucleotide molecule (well, probably less than 100 bp; yield/error rate is driving concern here), and the goal is to combine the oligos into superlong oligo.20:36
kanzurenot one molecule, many molecules- it's just typical in-liquid-phase chemistry.20:36
kanzureyes i should clarify that each drop houses many millions of individual growing molecules20:37
maakuah ok well that's a big difference20:37
yoleauxthe Hammer Project - IoT Intro: SMS me when I leave my garage door open20:38
justanotheruserTIL you can do open your garage door over the internet without using a blockchain in the middle20:38
kanzurein most designs, these molecules are attached to a microparticle or microsphere ("solid support"), or to the surface below the drop. this way, when you wash the junk out (which is necessary after each additive reaction step), you don't lose your progress.20:38
maakuah interesting20:39
kanzureheh my head is full of tornado/zermq/sockets at the moment, not dna synthesis details :-)20:40
maakuheh well I'm thinking about planning engines and cpu microarchitectures20:41
maakubut cool i think i have a much better understanding20:41
kanzuredoes nasa have any fancy geometric constraint solvers?20:42
kanzurenot gce20:42
Josh|NH4HSeems like a cool design20:42
kanzureJosh|NH4H: we're going to build it once design gets better finalized and once we find someone to debug the machine once constructed (there's no way it will be operational on day one)20:43
kanzurewe can pay for stuff, but need to be prudent20:43
kanzurethis sort of technology can enable lots of genetic engineering stuff: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna/projects/#igem-201420:44
Josh|NH4HWhat does debugging involve?20:45
kanzuretypical chemistry debugging20:46
kanzure"why does this reaction not work? wtf"20:46
kanzure"gosh looks like i need to tweak 10-15 different variables to get the yield above 0%"20:46
kanzure"why is the solvent eating through the surface? this seems bad."20:47
Josh|NH4HVery interesting stuff, for sure20:47
kanzureJawmare: general discussion stuff above^20:48
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codoanyone here ??21:02
maakuthere's about 86 people here21:04
Josh|NH4HHey codo21:05
codoWanted to thank the person who wrote this transcripts and was wondering if he hangs around here. http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/mit-bitcoin-expo-2015/arvind-narayanan/21:09
codoI'm a cyborg with a cochlear implant. And I rely on transcripts like this to get information from videos/interviews etc.21:09
codoI wish people find ways to contribute more to transcripts of technology/sciency stuff like this one.21:10
Josh|NH4HOff to bed for me21:19
maakucodo: he has been known to hang out here21:19
maakuJosh|NH4H: good night21:19
Josh|NH4HGnight cishumans21:19
Josh|NH4HNight maaku21:19
Josh|NH4HNight codo21:20
codoif there are other transcripts like that please feel free to put online somewhere.21:20
codothey help a lot21:20
maakucodo: walk back the URL : http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/21:22
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codoyea, I did :)21:25
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kanzurecodo: show me sufficiently good videos and more might be typed... video is often dumb idea, plaintext way better.22:40
codokanzure: ah you are here. I was about to email you to say thanks!22:41
codokanzure: are you comfortable with Computer Science related videos hmm ?22:41
kanzurei am uncomfortable with all videos22:41
codokanzure: haha22:41
codokanzure: I was hoping that some of these videos paperswelove.org get transcribed.22:41
kanzureoh gross, why are those videos wtf22:42
codoUntill machine learning improves automatic transcription to human level accuracy, manual transcription is the way forward still I guess.22:43
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDLM-dXP-KE23:15
yoleauxStar Wars: The Blackened Mantle (The Prequels Rewritten / Recut) - YouTube23:15
kanzurejapanese yoda is hilarious23:15
kanzure"Investigators should be aware that housing 5 mice per cage can be noncompliant with regulations. Mice heavier than 25 grams must have at least 15 square inches of floor space per mouse. Standard mouse shoeboxes used at the ARC provide 68 square inches of floor space. According to current PHS and AAALAC regulations this can accommodate 5 mice <25 grams, or 4 mice >25 grams."23:27
kanzurerandall munroe must be reading hplusroadmap logs http://xkcd.com/1594/23:34
poppingtonicthat is a good one23:37
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